Good morning friends
SO glad you are home safe and well Lindsay. Don’t worry about 2 kilos, holidays are for enjoying and you will knock them off in no time. I too am sad about the impact this must be having on the children
Quacka I am so sorry you are so unwell and a double whammy that you can’t go and see your parents. Get better soon
Neil I would send those scales back and say they are faulty. How can you possibly have a biological age of 52 when you are so incredibly fit? Ridiculous
How is your Mum going? It must be so hard for you to not see her
Sorry you had a horror shopping trip Cinque. Was it the crowds or the empty shelves that made it so terrible? Our Coles have closed half of the auto check outs to enable people to be a good distance apart so the queues are quite incredible. I am ok for everything except paper towels and dratted Maxx has now chewed two brand new roles! My fault for leaving them within grabbing distance but honestly….couldn’t he chew something less precious like some cash or my good jewellery? Ha ha. He is loving having me home but coming up with new and interesting ways to get my attention rather than tapping away on the computer. Sigh.
I am supposed to go into the City next week but I’m getting mixed messages. On our daily call yesterday my boss (who is the big boss) seemed clear that if you are on the black team (which I am) you go in next week. But then today I was on a different call and one of the senior PM’s said that 80% of the yellow team who were supposed to be in the city this week were WFH. Another bloke said ‘you must not come in as you are not essential services’. They are also recommending that we drive in or get dropped off and picked up but this not practical at all. Anyway hopefully I can get some clarity at our 5.00pm call today. I do NOT want to go into the city and especially do not want to get on a train. I hate driving so there is no way I would drive all that way and I can’t ask Steve to do four trips every day. My dear friend who has CF posted me some surgical masks so at least I have them.
Our remote access software is not coping with the number of people who are WFH so I guess that is why they need as many of us as possible to go into the City.
Cali, there are some really terrible figures and stories coming out of the USA. And the president wants to reopen everything as early as Easter. He is terminally crazy surely? I hope you – and everyone – are doing ok.
Really happy for your current success Betsy. I am maintaining – just – and as the weekend draws near I can feel myself pining for some really rubbishy food. I will resist though. And I’m loving being able to go on the long morning walks with the boys. We even do some jogging around the rugby field (or more like waddling for me!). I have been slowly building up Maxx’s recall with the gundog whistle and finally took the brave step of trying it out in the park with distractions. So far so good; he spins and runs to me every time. If he even ignores it once it can be ruined so phew – so far. We want to make this our emergency “GET BACK HERE NOW I MEAN IT” weapon against him ever running off to chase another dog and running towards the road or children.
What on earth did we do with our spare time before we got him?
How are you going LJ? I hope your transfusion went ok and I’m sorry your precious travel plans are now in chaos. Thank goodness you have only put down a small deposit
Lovely to hear from you Crazy and what an achievement! Size 26 to 18 (or less) in just one year. I think your success comes from never breaking a FD. I must keep this in mind
Ok, back to work. Please keep your fingers crossed that I can avoid going into the CBD next week
2:14 am
27 Mar 20