Hello Southern Hemispherites!!

This topic contains 27,917 replies, has 832 voices, and was last updated by  thinatlast 2 days, 4 hours ago.

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  • Good afternoon SHs,

    It’s only 28C here today but without cloud cover working outside got a bit hot. So I’ve come in to start wiping down the shelves in the built-in robes and cupboards and neatly folding and stacking things back into them. Boring but necessary for the storage areas that stay with house.

    Thin, I hope that house has good storage. With 3 truckloads they are going to need it! I’m glad you have some long term tenants, hopefully they’ll fit right in to your neighbourhood.

    Nancy, all the legume stews currently residing in my freezer were Cinque’s recipes. They are all here: https://thefastdiet.co.uk/forums/topic/beans-and-lentils-recipes-tips-and-information/page/2/ I had the mung bean spinach stew last night and for today’s FD I have taken out a serve of the Nigerian bean stew and a container of chicken stock – I’ll put them together with some extra veg and turn it into a pot of soup that should be enough for both tonight’s dinner and my next FD as well.
    By the way, if you’ve already lost 3kg then our earlier discussion about monitoring NFDs may be completely unnecessary.

    Cinque, Yes you can get gorgeous flavoured waters from T2 blends. In summer I make very weak iced tea using the T2 fruit tisanes (these contain no “tea”, just freeze-dried fruit and flowers). By weak, I mean 1 heaped teaspoon of the blend to make about 1.5 litres of iced tea – it is basically water with a hint of flavour. (I brew it in a large teapot for about 15 minutes, then put it into a huge jug and dilute with cold water – it keeps well in the fridge for a few days. Ive tried quite a few of their fruit tisanes brewed this way and prefer the berry based blends to those with freeze dried citrus or stone fruit. This is the full list: https://www.t2tea.com/en/au/tea/fruit-tisane/
    My picks are: Twinkle Berry, Very Berry, Pumping Pomegranate.

    Teapot welcome. We have a few others from WA here, but I think they are all in metro Perth. If you have questions just ask, we’ll help if we can.

    Sybs, that stewed apple does sound good. I hadn’t thought of adding seeds – good idea.

    Arel, I’m so glad you got rain at the right time and in the right amount – for once.

    Well that’s enough delaying tactics, it’s back to cleaning out the storage for me!

    LJ, speaking of T2 teas, on my last order I had a tin of the French Earl Grey which they ran out of. I ended up switching the tea in the tin to Creme Brûlée instead of the cube of the same. I hope that’s a good one since I’ll have a lot of it! I believe you did mention that one once. They honored the 20% off and free shipping even though the total came a little under. They are very nice people to deal with. And their teas are some of the best I’ve had. That’s probably because, with your advice I knew which ones to pick. We seem to have similar tastes.

    Teapot, welcome to the 5:2 forums. This is a good way to lose weight because it’s quite flexible and because you chose the food you like. No food groups are eliminated. I hope you find it as easy to stay with as most of us here have.

    Thin, so glad to hear that you have more permanent neighbors in the house nextdoor. 3 truckloads is a lot of furniture. The neighborhood isn’t zoned for furniture stores, is it? 😁😆😁

    yeah right Calif, maybe they are going to use the house as a Ustore facility – sorry Thin – of course I hope you’ll have really nice neighbours and no more drama!

    Does anyone know a good free calorie counter app for iphone? Or how does everyone keep track of their calories on FD day? will start tomorrow with my first FD and just want to be prepared.

    Teapot, I use MyFitnessPal for counting calories on FD and am happy with it. It’s convenient and quick. I use the free version.

    First of all, welcome Teapot,
    I just love having someone here whose username is Teapot!

    I’m really hoping the 5:2 suits you and that we are good companions for you on the journey!

    I’m no help with a calorie counting app though, I’m afraid. I figured out what I would eat on my first fast day and then laboriously googled it. But someone will have a good suggestion!

    Nancy, here are the links to the two favourite legume recipes incase it is hard to find them (since I have worked out the permalink function)
    Mung bean Stew: https://thefastdiet.co.uk/forums/topic/beans-and-lentils-recipes-tips-and-information/page/2/#post-212678
    Nigerian Red Kidney Bean Stew: https://thefastdiet.co.uk/forums/topic/beans-and-lentils-recipes-tips-and-information/page/2/#post-234675
    People keep changing them, substituting which lentil or bean etc is used, and they still seem to work.
    There are still lots of recipes in that thread that I long to try.

    LJoyce, thanks for the T2 fruit tisanes info, I have taken notes.

    Sybs, Wow! Wave Hill in 1967! You must have been so young, and there you were at ground zero of one of Australia’s iconic episodes. You must have some amazing stories to tell!

    Cali, happy birthday to your Other Husband! Haha 🙂 . Hope he had a lovely day.
    Edit: Yay! You knew a good app!

    Cheers all!

    Cinque, I loved your Nigerian bean stew. Tonight I have diluted it with stock to make a low cal but filling FD soup and confirm that it does make an excellent soup. Thankyou, having something in the freezer that can be quickly converted into a FD meal is really helpful. Excellent recipe.

    Hi everyone
    Warm welcome Teapot – I also use My Fitness Pal free version to count calories, they have a wide variety of food items within their diary, and it’s easy to use.
    Also, there are very knowledgeable, supportive 5:2’s with lots of personal experience in this way of eating/life, who are more than happy to share it all with us newer 5:2’s. I quietly thank each one of them every day for their encouragement in my personal health goals. Enjoy this forum and all it has to offer!

    Here’s wishing you all a wonderful weekend, be you fasting, not fasting or just plodding along. Enjoy each day, and bye for now!

    Good morning SHs, welcome to the weekend. I suspect you are all out enjoying it as nobody has posted yet!

    I slept little last night – worrying about the move and finding a new house and maybe having to rent etc. I had an early start as I had an 8:30am appointment with the dietitian. She wasn’t surprised that I’d lost weight while renovating. She said that the best “exercise” for losing or maintaining weight is incidental activity from either a busy day or a manual job. Sitting down all day and then going to the gym for an hour does not compete with a day of tasks that require movement and standing. Which leaves me with the question of how I keep my activity levels higher than they were once I’m in a low maintenance house with a small garden – something to worry about later.

    On the theme of weight, I decided to weigh myself this morning. As I’ve just finished the hardest reno tasks and am moving onto cleaning & gardening now I thought it might be useful to know just how much weight a 12 week reno period can achieve, in combination with 5:2. The answer is 5.1kg. At the beginning of January I was 78.2kg and this morning 73.1kg. The last time I was in the 73s I was 27 – more than half a lifetime ago. I’m still a bit shocked actually – I definitely didn’t think I’d lost any more weight in the last fortnight. The only downside is that I’ve now dropped a full clothing size and none of my jeans stay up properly and they are awfully baggy. I’ll have to find time soon to go hunting for some that fit. Not looking forward to that as there are very few jeans that suit my shape and the size of my thighs – it always seems to turn into a very frustrating experience.

    I walked to my dietitian appointment and did a little grocery shopping while in the town. I bought a packet of my favourite easter buns from the Lobethal Bakery – my first and last buns for this easter. I have eaten and thoroughly enjoyed one and the rest have been divided into singles and frozen. It reminded me that I still haven’t bought the easter eggs that I need to – I’ll have to find time for that next week.

    I had some bales of pea straw delivered yesterday so I might spend a bit of time mulching garden beds today – although the warm humid weather will probably get to me before I get very far.

    Hope you all have nice plans for your weekend.

    Good Afternoon

    a bit gloomy in Cairns today – went for my walk earlier than usual, a bit wet, but it’s only rain :-))

    I made up a recipe this morning for pancake made with 200g mashed butternut (no added butter), pinch of salt, pinch of turmeric, 1 egg, 1/2 tbsp sunflower seeds and 1/2 tbsp desiccated coconut. Fried in 1 tsp of canola oil. Made 2 pancakes – rather yummy – even if I say so myself.

    Hi everyone,

    Thanks Calif and Arelkade for the tip with the fitness pal, I downloaded it and it is really easy to use. Thanks everyone for making me feel so welcome on this forum just love the support and stories to read. Sybs the recipe sound delicious and I sure will give that one a go.

    I am on my first FD today and it is going good so far, chose today to start as I am working today and hubby gets fed at golf so no dinner cooking worries for me after work. Cinque regarding my user name Teapot it is actually my nickname and considering that I already drank nearly 1 litre of herbal tea today I guess I live up to it. Hope everyone enjoys their weekend.

    Sybs, glad you got your walk in despite the weather. As I was reading your pumpkin pancake recipe I was imagining it as dinner with a cup of chilli con carne or curry over the top. I often have things like this with a pumpkin or sweet potato mash, so I think turning that mash into a pancake sounds rather good.

    Teapot, you aren’t the only addict here. I also cannot get through the day without my pots of tea – although I’m a traditionalist and drink the real thing rather than herbal brews. It’s pots of freshly brewed leaf tea that get me through a FD without eating until my low cal dinner. I find it much easier to skip a meal if I still have the tea tray to keep me happy.
    Regarding my fitness pal – I believe it adds calories to your allowance for the day when you input exercise, so it will try to increase the 500 that you’ve input. On FDs you don’t get extra calories for exercise, I’m afraid it’s 5:2 rules not fitness pal rules.

    Hey Teapot2018 Welcome

    I am a warm the pot & leave to brew girl, everyone laughs at me, but the Tea just tastes so much better than any bag dunking. :))

    Sybscairns – coconut – Interesting – obviously goes well with the mash?


    LJoyce thanks for the links – YUM. I actually lost my 3kg before starting the 5:2 I was doing a daily fast from 8pm – 12midday, and watching what I ate via the NOOM Calorie Counting. But I really liked the strength of the fasting. Anyway I am sure a bit of counting on NFD will see me right. :))

    Which brings me to Teapot and your question re Calorie counting – I joined and paid for one month membership with the Noom App. Great calorie counter. I am finishing with them soon, which I think leaves me the tracking devices with NOOM but leaves me out of all the group stuff. You can trial NOOM free for two weeks I think. Also MM’s book Fast Diet – has a good calorie counter in the back. :))

    LJoyce, 5.1 kg since the beginning of January is huge! Congratulations!!👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 And you still have gardening work and a few other things that will continue the exercise. You should make this your new low. You’ll find ways to exercise, even after you move to the new place. This should definitely result in a shopping trip for new skinny jeans. Maybe have a look at the op shop? I just went to the op shop near here today, looking for another jacket and instead found 2 more pairs of jeans that fit perfectly and look almost new. I have several nice pairs of jeans from there but couldn’t resist 2 more. I also bought 2 tops but didn’t find a jacket. The total bill with tax was under $13. One of those pairs of jeans would have been double that at a store, so I’m very happy.

    Teapot, good luck with your first fast day today. I hope it was an easy one for you. Tea is a great way to stay hydrated and keep from feeling hungry. I’ve been drinking more tea since hearing LJ and others talking about it here. I had a 2 cup teapot that was glass but the tea would get cool before I finished it. So I just got a pretty quilted tea cozy that fits over the pot and keeps my tea hot. I much prefer making a pot instead of a single cup. My T2 teas should be here Tuesday or Wednesday. I’m looking forward to trying the different flavors.

    Hope everyone is having a good day. I need to get to sleep. 😌

    I forgot to mention that I made mashed potatoes tonight to go with sauerkraut and bratwurst but substituted half of the potatoes for cauliflower and mashed them together with salt and a little butter. The potato flavor took over so we could hardly taste the cauliflower. Made for a less starchy side dish with all the benefits of the cauliflower. I think I could easily have used 2 parts cauliflower to 1 part potatoes without giving up the predominant potato flavor.

    Cali, thanks for the applause. It still feels weird to lose weight when I’m not trying to, especially when I have a history of fighting for every gram I lose.
    I agree about the mash, I make all sorts of combinations and have found that any combination of the following makes a good mash: potato, pumpkin, sweet potato, celeriac, cauliflower broccoli. You can also add tunip, swede (rutabaga?), kolrabi and beetroot in very small quantities as they tend to dominate.
    I especially like shepherds, cottage or lentil pies with a mixed veg mash on top. If I have a little potato and a lot of other veg then I feel no guilt about having a very thick mash layer.
    I find veg like broccoli and cauli contain a lot of water, so after steaming/boiling, I allow them to cool until I can handle them and then squeeze the excess water out – it makes a firmer mash.

    Hi everyone

    It has been quieter today with posts – hopefully, you have all been enjoying the start of the weekend.

    So happy for you LJoyce with your unexpected weight loss of 5.1kg since start of January – a lovely surprise for you and a good result for all your hard work: congratulations!!!!!. Have fun buying your new clothes. Hopefully you’ll get a good night’s sleep tonight – the unknown of what is going to happen can cause inner turmoil in our heart and minds, it’s all part of a healthy process. In 6 months time when you’re all settled in your new home, and been there for x amount of time, you may look back and wander what all the fuss was about ie sleepless nights, etc! Your garden will be looking nice real soon. Won’t be long and the For Sale sign will be up and attracting that new home owner!

    Those pancakes sounds very interesting, Sybscairns, and also LJoyce’s idea of having them with a main meal, instead of bread!

    You’ll find Teapot, that My Fitness Pal is very good at recording a full days food diary, but when you only put in a limited calorie count ie 500 calories in total on fast days, it warns you that you haven’t met your requirements and then doesn’t let you see a summary for the day, like it does on ‘normal’ food days. I never add exercise to the MFP diary, as I don’t wish the extra calories to be deducted from what I’ve actually eaten! It’s still a good site for overall calorie counting though! I still write into my food diary on most days as it helps keep me on track and accountable. Hope your first fast day went well.

    Calif: Your op shop venture and clothes purchases were a bargain – I’ll have to source some near here! Enjoy your new teas when they arrive. I’ve also been drinking more tea after this forums recent discussions – sometimes it just tastes better than a coffee! I also like LJoyce’s idea for making iced tea – I’d never considered doing that but it sounds like a great idea to me. I like what you did with potatoes and cauliflower – it’s always good to hear what others are doing to get variety on our plate!

    Hi, everyone else – miss you all!

    Well, must go! Enjoy whatever you are all getting up to and bye for now!

    Edit: Just saw your last post LJoyce – so many more ideas for food choices, thank you!

    Good morning all. Well today is the day, fly out tonight for 6 weeks to UK/Malta/Sicily/Dublin/Dubai. Feel like I have been waiting forever.

    I badly need this break. It has been three years since I’ve had a real holiday, the last time I went overseas Dad had only been with me six months, now nearly four years later and I am feeling like I’ll have a mental breakdown if I don’t escape soon. Sounds melodramatic but I feel trapped and my life is not my own.

    I have done as much as I could to try to make things easy for him but once I get on that plane as harsh as it sounds, it’s no longer my problem.

    My weight this morning was 68.4. I am not going to stress about fasting or putting on weight. This holiday is all about me having some fun and enjoying every minute. My social life has been practically non-existant since having to care for Dad so I’m going to let my hair down.

    I’ll check in while I am away as I will have access to the Internet at my daughter’s. Hoping for a little snow next week. Its forecast for Wednesday and Friday. Would be nice to have a white Easter.

    All your posts keep me focused and I will try to practice some form of fasting, even if it’s 16-8. You are all so supportive and encouraging.

    Take care and I’ll speak to you soon from the other side of the world 😉😉

    Intesha, Woot! Yes! This is your time! Enjoy every minute! You deserve a great holiday!
    Sending best wishes to your dad too, may he manage brilliantly.
    I’m hoping you will be so happy that you will come back even skinnier than you left!

    LJoyce, I hope you had a much better night last night. It is hard not to worry at a time like this.
    Big congratulations on your surprise weight loss. What fun it will be looking until you find the perfect jeans. And what an interesting puzzle you have to work out how to get the same sort of activity in your life after you have set yourself up to with low maintenance everything!

    Cheers re that bean soup. And good luck mulching.

    Teapot, it will be the morning after your first fast day. I am sending good wishes and hope that you are like me, and find the morning after fast day feels wonderful. All light and empty and knowing that you can have breakfast!

    I am a teapot person too! A great companion on a Fast Day!

    Sybs, your pumpkin pancake sounds so yummy.
    And Cali that cauliflower addition is brilliant. I was wondering how cauliflower rice would work in meatballs.

    Excellent op shopping success! My latest is a lovely short-sleeved cotton dress with cotton lining (I avoid any polyester at all, and it cuts down my options greatly!) It has Autumn colours, and I hope I will get to wear it this Autumn, before it gets too cold.

    Arelkade, I love your warm chatty posts, best wishes for a lovely weekend.

    I have my Sunday fast day today, and it is feeling lovely so far. Cheers to all my fellow Sunday fasters, and everyone else who is hopefully having a lovely normal day, and special cheers to Intesha as she flies away!

    Good morning SHs,

    It’s been a wet night and a drizzly morning. It should get me out of garden watering for a couple of days.

    Cinque, I am unexpectedly joining you in a Sunday fast today. My original plans were to go out to lunch (belated birthday lunch) with my best friend and then do some furniture shopping at Ikea. We have now decided just to do Ikea and have the lunch when we don’t have to rush. So I decided there was now nothing stopping me fasting. Probably a good thing too as I ate several slices of white bread yesterday. (Not something I normally buy, but my niece is coming up to help this week and I want to be able to make sandwiches for lunch – she’s a white bread only eater.)
    PS I have already looked in a few op shops for jeans and had no luck so far. I’ve come away with 3 skirts (all size 12s) but no jeans despite trying lots on. My shape seems to have become even more difficult to fit when it comes to jeans, as anything that fits my thighs is miles too big on my waist and hips and vice versa. I may even have to resort to going into a jeans store and paying retail prices! With most garments I have no trouble remaking things and cutting them down to fit, but jeans are just too difficult because of the french seams and double stitching.

    Intesha, I hope you have an enjoyable and safe trip that’s full of wonderful new experiences. We hope for travel reports that make us green with envy – some of us are still living vicariously through the travel of others. Everyone else’s travels give me ideas for where I’d like to go once I’ve moved and settled in and I’m not spending everything I save on renovations.
    I think 16:8 is a good idea when traveling – I hope it gives you enough control to avoid a lot of weight gain.

    Arel, one of the reason I’m always trying to squeeze a broader range of veg into meals is really because I’m lazy. I live alone and I resent having a whole pile of pots on the stove cooking various veggies just to achieve a balanced meal. If I was cooking for a family it would feel worth the effort, but for one person it doesn’t. So I change recipes to include a lot more veg so that they become a one-pot-meal. Then I don’t have to cook all the side veg – in the end it makes my life easier.

    Well I’d better go and put my furniture shopping list together – a bed for the spare room and some outdoor furniture are on the agenda today.

    LJoyce, if you’re going to downsize, won’t you have excess furniture if you buy more now? Or are you considering selling the house furnished or partly furnished?

    Intesha, have a wonderful holiday! Such exciting destinations! You’ve done all that you can to keep your dad comfortable while you’re gone. You now deserve to concentrate on your trip and on relaxing and having a good time. It will be good for you and good for him. You need this. And I wouldn’t worry too much about dieting. You’ll likely be doing a lot of walking around and be busy doing things other than eating. You can be mindful and still eat whatever you desire. 16:8 sounds like a good way t keep eating under control. Hope we’ll see some pictures along the way.

    Cinque, I always feel great the morning after a fast too. I can often go until lunch, even if I felt hungry the night before. Any hunger seems to go away during the night. And it’s probably not real hunger anyway.

    Arel, I love reading your posts. It’s good to see you so settled into the 5:2 way of life.

    Hi all,
    I’m just back from a frustrating trip to Ikea. I found the bed and bought it, but the slat base (which is what the mattress sits on) is out of stock and won’t be in until mid-week (I’ll have to go back for that). Most of the outdoor furniture I wanted was also out of stock and won’t be in until sometime in April. I think I’ll have to resort to borrowing outdoor furniture.

    Cali, I’m not moving to a smaller house, just smaller land. Basically I currently have a small house on a large block and I want a similar size house on a small block. My current house is 3BR, 1bath, 1 lounge, 1 kitchen-dine. Most of the houses I’m looking at are also 3BR but have 2 bathrooms and also have the kitchen-dine-lounge in one huge area – they sometimes also have an extra lounge. So the next house might even be bigger. The big difference is block size. My land is 1300m2 (1/3 acre) and I’m looking to downsize to a 300-500m2 (1/12 – 1/8 acre) block.
    I had to replace the bed in the spare bedroom anyway as I gave away the old bedroom furniture when a relative was desperate for bedroom furniture. I hadn’t bought anything to replace it yet. I also have virtually no outdoor furniture as my old set deteriorated to the point that I threw it out and I hadn’t replaced it. I found something that Ikea normally stock that I liked enough to have long term. Unfortunately all I was able to buy from that range was a garden bench, no outdoor dining table and chairs.
    On the plus side I spent about a third of what I’d originally planned to – that’s always a bonus.

    I’ve just finished a pot of French Earl Grey tea which was really most welcome. I have a large bowl of soup waiting for my FD dinner, made from the Nigerian bean stew with extra stock – left over from Fiday’s FD dinner.

    I hope you’ve all had a nice weekend and the Sunday fasters have had an easy time.

    Good morning,
    Day after Fast Day 🙂

    Sympathy LJoyce, a frustrating trip to Ikea is no fun.
    Hope you have a lovely morning this morning.

    Thinking of Intesha on the plane!

    It’s cold here and nothing on the news but cricket shame and horror. But I am just about to put on some music and do some cleaning in the kitchen (she says optimistically).

    Sending good wishes to everyone.

    Hi everyone

    FD for me today. Wt 76.1kg today, was 75.6kg last Friday and lowest in about 25 years. March target is 76kg – fingers crossed! I really enjoy the flexibility of 5:2 – no longer concerned with the ups and downs due to carb intake and fluid balance. The whole process is a much easier style for getting healthier, and losing weight.

    OH and I went to the coast yesterday – beautiful, sunny day at Seal Rocks NSW. What once was a sleepy fishing village with a basic caravan/camping site, and extensive gravel road travel to get there, has now been found by the ‘outside world’ and progress and tourism has gone ahead. The road is now bitumen. The main accommodation site is now very modern with upmarket cabins and prices to match! The area is still absolutely gorgeous. The best part was the 1.3 kilometer return walk to the lighthouse, on a walking road through the bush – where once I would have struggled and been out of breath, I enjoyed it immensely – thank you 5:2, I’m now a lot fitter than when I started this WOL. My yoga helps as well.

    LJoyce, I hope you can sort the furniture situation out real soon – how frustrating for you

    Cinque, enjoy your music whilst you clean the kitchen – take care to rest as needed.

    Intesha, have a fun and relaxing holiday with minimal restrictions – you deserve this!

    Calif, I’m having fun with this WOL – I often wonder how different life could be, for everyone, if they could all follow the 5:2 plan. Many people would save lots of hard earned money by not subscribing to weight loss plans and buying ‘special dietary foods’. The diet industry would collapse!!!

    Hi to all those reading but not writing, fasting or not fasting, maintaining or just plodding along – we are all in this together! Thank you all for being here.

    Enjoy whatever you are getting up to and bye for now!

    FD yesterday, after almost 2 months on 5:2 this is the first time that I had a bit of a hard time with it, but today is NFD so all is good again. I know I am losing “mass” as my t-shirts, tank tops, shorts and pants are getting longer! I can also button up some blouses again, with room to spare. I really, really enjoy 5:2, especially since at the start date, 01 February, I also started walking again – sorry, no miracle – just getting my runners on again – oh, and now I can do up the shoe laces by just bending down, no longer necessary to put my foot up on a chair! Gosh I feel good about myself :-))

    wishing everyone a great day

    LJoyce, mid-week isn’t so bad of a wait on the bed. That’s only a couple days away. It seems when I find something out of stock it’s usually weeks. By the end of the week you’ll have everything in place, at least in the bedroom. And better to borrow outdoor furniture if you can anyway, and wait to buy things until you know the actual space and layout of your new home’s outdoor area.

    IKEA is a fun store to walk through. I like their website too because it is so well laid out and gives so many details on each product. They used to have a tool where you could download an app to figure out furniture placement in a room. (And buy their products, of course.) When we were redoing our library/computer room years ago, or actually moving from one larger bedroom to a smaller one, I used this to make a template of the room and then figure out where to put 3 desks, shelving, file cabinets and chairs. I found furniture in the IKEA catalog that was the same size or very close to the same size as our existing furniture. I was then able to “move” that furniture around to find the best placement, including some wall which ran at an angle and a closet. I ended up putting 2 of the shelves and 2 low file cabinets in the closets and purchasing some additional storage from IKEA that sat on top of the low cabinets. The other existing shelves were fit into the room with the help of this template, and we had some additional shelves built in on either side of the window, with spaces built in above that held additional IKEA storage containers. A small window seat was raised to the bottom of the window and cabinets built in beneath it. I ended up buying a table for the center of the room that had a glass top that didn’t take up too much visual space, but had just enough room for our office chairs to maneuver around it.

    I was able to look at this room and closet from all different angles, even from above, looking down. That was incredibly helpful, because there really wasn’t a centimeter to spare with all of the existing and new furniture that needed to be in that room. It turned out to be the perfect placement, evidenced by how well that room has worked for us over the years.

    Good morning everyone,

    My FD on Saturday went super well, I felt so empowered and proud of myself the next day and it was easier than I thought. Cinque you so right I felt wonderful on Sunday morning. Intesha I hope you will enjoy your holiday, sometimes we so busy to look after everyone else and kind of forget about ourselves. Use the time while travelling and celebrate yourself, enjoy and cherish, you deserve it.
    I have a question, when am I supposed to weigh myself ? I thought when I finish my first week maybe?
    LJoyce I know how you feel regarding IKEA. I went up to Perth (7 h trip) to shop there before we moved into our new house last year, I was so disappointed because I looked everything up first online and it said it is in stock which then when I went there it was not. I ended up buying my furniture somewhere else after that.

    I wish everyone a lovely day. It is raining and a bit miserable in the bush in WA but somehow I am still a happy little vegemite

    Good morning losers and maintainers, I’m well behind on posts but did pop in to read some of them over the weekend.

    Funny CalifD, Sybs and LJ, your comments about the furniture store being set up next door! The new tenants had a bit of a party on Saturday night but we decided it could be a one-off house-warming and so we went out to dinner to get away for a while (a new Malaysian restaurant). Have since met them at our garage sale and they did show some concern about the night before explaining that it had been a birthday party – so here’s hoping they’ll be considerate. It does make it so much easier to take when you know the people. They confirmed that the house is way too small for all their stuff and I was pleased the hear that the separate entry bedroom will be used for storage which means less foot traffic.

    We got rid of masses of bulk at our weekend-long garage sale, it was a lot of fun with two other families and lots of neighbours dropping by. You meet some entertaining characters at a garage sale.

    Arel, sounds a lovely day out. I often want to scream ‘5:2’ at overweight people. My garage sale buddies couldn’t believe the ease with which I fasted yesterday. One said she’d never be able to wait until 2pm to eat. The other was stuffing in pizza from the night before and revealed she’d be having fish’n’chips for dinner. It’s sad how much weight she keeps piling on. For me, it’s just another day and doesn’t matter what i’m doing, I fit it in regardless. Still, happily below 60kgs.

    Good progress Sybs. Safe and happy travels Intesha.

    Welcome Teapot. I have just seen your post which appeared while I was writing – 7 hours up to Perth – I’m thinking Esperance? Sorry if you’ve already said, I’m behind with my reading. I’m in Perth. Please don’t mention vegemite. 😆

    Hello Cinque, Nancy, Lindsay and everyone else. Stay, are you still out there?

    I’m off to my final bridge lesson this morning. I hope I can keep up. Time for a second frothy coffee. Have a great day everyone.

    Hi everyone, hope you are all doing well. Its a FD for me today. I usually do a Monday and Wednesday but next week that will change as it is Easter long weekend. I will do a Wednesday, Thursday I think as I will be back at work for those two days. Today is going quite well. Just had a cup of green tea and caught up on all the posts.

    Welcome Teapot. Hope you enjoy doing the 5:2 as much as I do 🙂

    I started my blood pressure medication last week. It takes about two weeks for this medication to work, however the next day my blood pressure was lower than a “normal” blood pressure. I have checked it once a day since I bought the sphygo thingy and it is still a little bit high on the bottom reading. It has not once been anywhere near as high as the doctors surgery reading!

    Last Friday (my day off) I made some Agedashi tofu. It is usually deep fried and then served with a light broth made from bonito flakes, mirin and soy sauce. I pressed the tofu to remove some of the water and then coated the pieces in corn flour and dry fried them with just a spray of oil on the tofu itself. It was amazing! I have had it twice before at a Japanese restaurant near me and I am happy to say that mine was just as good, if not better!! Knowing that the tofu wasn’t deep fried also was great. It was a very low calorie lunch and I am surprised at how filling tofu is. Then I looked up the sodium in the soy sauce and I almost fell off my chair. If I consumed all the broth it would have been way over my total sodium allowance for the day. Luckily I checked while I was eating it and ended up leaving the broth and just eating the tofu. So next time I will make the broth with the mirin and bonito flakes and just add a tiny splash of the soy sauce for the flavour. This broth had 1.5 tablespoons in it and it was only a very small bowl!

    Really looking forward to having the time to check out some of these legume recipes. They also sound really yummy and I know how healthy legumes are. Maybe I will get to do that on the long weekend.

    All the best to you all and enjoy your day 🙂

    Hi everyone
    I haven’t been doing 5:2 very well lately and I guess I don’t feel like I should comment much then. I’m doing the fast days but my NFDs I eat everything in sight. So, after reading comments here- I do get the emails- I’ve decided to go back to using MFP.
    My weight is still ( just) under 60kgs so I’ve deciding to get back on track before the Easter challenges of excess chocolate and HCB- although my my kids who live at home will be away so that’s a bit helpful.
    Hello to everyone who has joined over the last month or so. Everyone seems to be doing well and are all so encouraging. Hopefully I’ll be better at posting more often
    Have a great day/night everyone xx

    I know I just started 5:2 on Saturday, but I think I tried every diet under the sun all these years before.
    StayinThin what always used to help me was to put every not so healthy food in the very back of the pantry, so if I wanted to get something healthy options are at the front.
    I wish you all the best to get back on track.

    Just a quick question. I just bought some Crunchy Combo from the supermarket. It is mung beans and peas that have been sprouted. I’m trying to work out what the calories for them would be. I’ve looked on the net but its very confusing. One site says 31 calories for a cup and another site says 154 calories for a cup. I’m more inclined to believe the 154 calories but I just don’t know. Anyone have any ideas?

    Hi Quacka – I guess there isn’t a nutrition information panel somewhere on the packaging?

    Hi Quacka

    The My Fitness Pal app says:
    Crunchy Combo smart sprouts
    25gm = 35cals

    Hope this helps and enjoy!

    Hi Sybs and Arel.
    Surprisingly there isn’t a nutritional panel on these particular sprouts. Thanks Arel 🙂
    They are so yummy but I wanted to account for them correctly as it is a FD today.

    Hi all again
    I purchased some a couple of weeks ago – very nice, and certainly add crunch and taste to a Thai salad (and any other salad I imagine). Enjoy!

    I was going to write a long post, responding to all the things that have been happening since I’ve been away…..but I’ve just finished my final consultation, it’s a FD, and time to get on my bike (not literally) and head on home.
    Stay, great to see you back on line. I haven’t done as well as I could (should) have over the last month, so we can get back on the horse together.
    Thin great news about the new neighbours. The first night party must have caused some panic….I know after a particularly bad bunch of noisy boys next door, I shuddered if I ever heard as much as a teacup drop. But now you’ve had contact, fingers crossed for a quiet neighbourhood again.
    Cinque, so much talk about Nigerian Bean Stew that I’m going to make a batch tomorrow (it’s your recipe isn’t it?) I need some fresh ideas, and hip hip hoorah, my husband had some soup and beans while we were away, and really liked it. I have a brother who turned vegan to deal with some health issues a couple of years ago and it was his food my OH had. But my brother is a terrific cook who could make cardboard tasty. I’m not, so I’m hoping my foray into beans doesn’t disappoint).
    Quacka good work on the BP front – I know you wrestled with the medication, but great you are dealing with it.
    OK hello to all – Calif, Arel, Julie, Stay and all I’ve missed. It’s nice to be back.

    Hi SHs,
    Busy day for me so I’m late with my first post.

    I had a skip bin delivered this morning and it’s full and awaiting collection tomorrow morning. I’ve also arranged for a storage POD to be delivered Thursday so that all of the boxes that I’ve packed, plastic tubs and a couple of items of furniture can all go into it and go into storage while the house is on the market. By the time that’s all in storage my house will look remarkably uncluttered.

    My niece was here all day helping me load the skip, clean windows, scrub floors, move furniture… It was lovely to have some help. She’s coming back Wednesday and bringing a pressure cleaner with her so that we can smarten up all of the outdoor paving and concrete.

    Quacka, I have some nutrition info on sprouts that came off the tub of mixed sprouts that I normally buy. The only really low cal sprouts are alfalfa and the long mung bean sprouts (as used in chinese cooking). Mung bean sprouts with the really short tail actually have a much higher calorie count. The difference is the number of days from first sprouting that you eat the bean sprouts, I think the short tail is a one day sprout. The figures I have are are in kilojoules so you’ll have to convert for calories (divide by 4.2)- these kjs are all for 100 grams:
    Chinese bean sprouts 84kj
    Alfalfa sprouts 91kj
    One day mung bean sprouts OR brown lentil sprouts 446kj
    If I understand the process, the legume actually uses some of the energy contained in the pea/bean in the sprouting process – the longer you leave the sprout to grow the more energy it uses – hence the fewer calories left in the veg.
    Just in case I’ve totally confused you, the Chinese mung bean sprouts look lie this: https://www.motherearthnews.com/organic-gardening/gardening-techniques/how-to-sprout-mung-beans-zbwz1601zsto and the one day mung bean sprouts look like: http://vegetarian.lovetoknow.com/Sprouting_Mung_Beans
    I don’t have a calorie count for sprouted peas and have never seen them available in shops here.

    It appears I’m not the only one who had a frustrating trip to Ikea. At least you know you’ll get a nice long walk while you’re there.

    I’d better go and sort out some dinner.

    Hi all,
    Lindsay, we haven’t eaten a lot of legumes in the past but my family loved the Nigerian Stew. We have a packet of mung beans that must have been left over from my DDs wedding that I will make into Cinques soup as soon as I’ve used up the food that’s in our fridge- we may have forgotten to check our zucchinis this week and now we have a couple the size of a baby!! I made ratatouille tonight as we’re still picking tomatoes and now the eggplants are ready. Tomorrow I’m making a chicken meatball dish with tomatoes and zucchinis in it too.
    LJoyce I hope you will show us photos of all your hard work. Do you have some ‘before’ photos? I’ve made initial calls about having our kitchen renovated. Now I just have to organise times for the consultant to come out when OH is also home. We are not doing DIY as OH still hasn’t finished our front fence and now we need a retaining wall to be redone- he just doesn’t have the time.
    Have a good one everyone xx

    Good to see you back here, Stay. It sounds like you’re having a good crop of zucchini and tomatoes. Ratatouille is a great way to use them and if you make a big batch it can last for a couple of days. It’s even better the second day.

    LJoyce, it sounds like you’re getting to the end of your reno work and the house is just about ready to be listed. Have you had a chance to look at any more houses to buy? I hope you can find something you like right away. I need to get some mung beans and try that soup/stew recipe that everyone here seems to like.

    Thin, so good to hear from that you met the new neighbors and that they seem to be nice. Thanks to all of your hard work, the airbnb thing is out of there! I hope your other neighbors appreciate all of your hard work.

    After a very indulgent weekend I’m back to my Monday FD which is definitely needed. I was over 60 this morning so need to be more careful this week. Having sweets in the house seems to cause way too many problems!

    Good morning,
    Yay, I did clean the kitchen yesterday. Well, a better clean than I can usually manage anyway.

    Sybs, a pity it was such a hard Fast Day for you, but hooray, it is only one day. Hope the next one is back in your usual pattern. So nice to hear of the rewards you are getting. It is no small thing to be able to put your shoes on easily.

    Cali, I think you might be the world’s best shopper, and excellent room planning too! Hope you have had a lovely fasty fast day.

    Teapot, I avoid weighing myself at all, and some people find they need to weigh each day, but the consensus among health professionals etc seems to be that once a week works best. It avoids a lot of the daily ups and downs that can undermine people, and gives a regular update on how you are going. They recommend weighing on the same day each week, at around the same time. You get to decide!
    So glad you have that lovely ‘Day after Fast Day’ experience, it makes it all so much nicer.
    That Southern WA bush is always beautiful! (Memories from decades ago).

    Thin, that was clever to organise a Garage Sale to meet your new neighbours, showing your psychic abilities again! And to get rid of stuff at the same time. Lovely. Hope the coffee helped with the bridge. Do you keep on playing once your lessons are finished?

    Quakka, good luck with all the BP stuff, it is so complex! But you are organised. Oh yum that agedashi tofu! Hope you can get the soy sauce levels sorted.

    Stay, good luck with the calorie counting. These NFDs are a trick aren’t they. So frustrating when we lose all sense of normal, but hooray there are some tools to help us be on track. Especially over Easter! Hopefully after a spell you can forget the counting again.

    Hi Lindsay, Welcome back! It will be easier to get into good routines now, I’m sure. Good luck with the Nigerien Stew, eventually someone will make it and not like it, but I hope it isn’t you.

    LJoyce, how nice it must feel to be at the emptying out stage. Hooray for your lovely niece! I used to be amazed at what minimalist houses people had, before I realised they just set them up like that to sell them. 😀 😀

    Yum Stay, so nice to be enjoying the summers harvest, although I have to admit that I enjoy zucchinis most when they are only about 10cm long. Good luck organising those renovations, that is a big job in itself.

    Well I have visitors coming that I knew when I first left home when I was 19. We’ve been out of touch for over thirty years so I have been remembering the past and wondering how it will be. I am looking forward to seeing them (a friend and her daughter that I was so honoured to see born, 40 years ago!) but I am a bit nervous too. It is a special day.
    At least I have a fairly clean kitchen ;).

    Best wishes everyone for your special day too.

    Hi Sybscairns – Really feeling your joy – YOU GO GIRL.

    Hi Thinatlast – Still here :)) Been a bit flat. Feel better today though – FD. I think the weekends get tint the way of my stride.

    Reading all your posts :)) Have a great day all. MY FD today looking forward to my Salmon & Brocolli later.

    Hi Cinque – enjoy your visitors – don’t worry that it’s been over 30 years! I had a visit from one of my Canadian nieces late last year, and we had not seen each other for almost 30 years – all good.

    Good morning SHs,

    Because easter chocolate and some extra social meals/afternoon teas are looming over the weekend, I’ve decided to fast today and also Friday. (As I fasted Sunday that will be 3 FDs this week.) I’d rather be safe than sorry on this one. I can try hiding the easter chocolates but I know from experience that a few will not make it into the hiding spot, and then there’s the easter buns…

    Stay, I don’t have before photos of the house, but I’m hoping the real estate agent will send me a copy of the photos that they take and I can post some of them using imgur.
    Enjoy the home grown produce. Last year was my final foray into growing my own veg. From now on it’s probably just going to be herbs in pots.

    Cinque, enjoy your time catching up with an old friend. I forsee lots of chatter if you have 30 years to catch up on.

    Cali, I really hope I find something quickly too. Although, I have accepted that I may need to rent for a while.

    Lindsay, the combination of ingredients in the Nigerian stew is unusual – especially the use of peanut butter as a thickener, but it really works. I will admit to being heavy handed with the peanut butter as I love it. I also added some chopped roasted peanuts as a garnish.

    Teapot, I agree, I find hiding “occasional” foods helps too. I try to have the healthy snacks at the front of the fridge too. There must be a strong link between visual stimulation and appetite – at least there is for me.

    Well, I need to get back to the cleaning and tidying. Have a good day all.

    Cinque, I hope your day with your old friend is fun. Were you thin when you last saw her? So much to catch up on!

    Sybs, every once in a while I have a FD that’s really difficult. It’s almost always the second one of the week. Drinking a pot of tea is the only thing that seems to help a little. It’s funny, before being on this thread in the forum, I didn’t drink much tea at all. Coffee was my only hot drink. But all of the talk about tea made me think about it more often. I especially like the flavored teas from T2. I drink a few flavored teas from other vendors, but I have to say that my favorites are the ones from T2. I did buy some lemon balm tea from a Traditional Medicinals because I read that it’s good for stress and for helping with sleep? Has anyone else here tried that? Or lemon balm supplements? I’ll try a cup later tonight.

    Nancy, I often have salmon on FDs too. And broccoli is my favorite vegetable. It always seems fillling.

    Quacka, I’m glad to hear that you’re getting the BP medication sorted. The ones I took seemed to work right away. Mine gets a bit on the low side sometimes with the medication, but not so low that I feel lightheaded anymore.

    Lindsay, hope you like the Nigerian Bean Stew. I sometimes add a small amount of coconut milk. And like LJ, I’m sometimes a little generous with the peanut butter. I usually make enough for several days worth. It tastes even better after it sits in the frig for a day.

    Teapot, I’m one of the everyday weighers. I just have to know. I do realize how much water weight can change things from day to day, and keep that in mind.

    LJ, will the actual day you put your house on the market be April 1?

    Hi everyone 🙂

    Just had my big salad for lunch with chicken, avocado, crunchy combo, tomato and cucumber. I also chopped up a few snow peas and added them in and a little bit of capsicum. I dressed this with some left over thai salad dressing I made on Friday. It was delicious and very filling. Thanks for the info on the calories LJoyce.

    Tomorrow is a FD for me and like LJoyce I think I might also do a 3rd FD on Thursday as well. I have five days off for the long weekend and I don’t want to undo my weight loss in just a few days. Chocolate and Easter buns won’t be a problem as we have no kids around and we just don’t buy them. Extra food and alcohol will be around though!

    Last weekend I did a 12.5km walk while my partner surfed for a couple of hours. I felt so good after the exercise and I didn’t put on any weight for the weekend. Ihaven’t been doing much exercise as my motivation seems to have gone down the drain. My dog is not well and age is catching up with her, so she just can’t make it on the walk we used to do. It has given me a perfect excuse not to go out walking at all, even though I love it. Oh, the mind games I play with myself!!!

    Thanks everyone for your support regarding the BP issue. Its good to see some of the MIA people back again too. Don’t forget that we are all here and it doesn’t matter if you are having a wobbly. We can still be here to support you. Without this group I would probably have never got over my wobbly and got back on track.

    Have a great day everyone xx

    Hi all,

    Just back from yet another trip to Ikea. This time I went to buy the bed slats that were out of stock on the weekend and I also found a suitable mattress.

    Cali, No this isn’t an extended April fool joke. I was aiming for the first or second weekend in April as the first open inspection for the house although it appears that might not be necessary. I already knew that the nephew of a neighbour might be interested, but I just decided to tell the architect whose offices are directly in front of me that I’m selling. He said he’s be seriously interested in buying my house. I might not have to list it at all at this rate. I just have to know how much I want for it, and for that I do need to speak to a real estate agent.

    Quacka, I hope the extra FD doesn’t encourage extra eating – I’m afraid it sometimes does for me. However as I’ve been avoiding easter buns and chocolate I suspect that when I relax my guard around these things there is likely to be a flurry of excess.
    It does sound like the daily BP monitoring is giving you a better idea of what normal is for you when relaxed. It should help your GP get medication levels right too. As I mentioned before, my treatment nurse takes my BP several times over 2 hours every 4 weeks and if my BP is up when I see my GP he asks what it was when the nurse last took it. If the nurse’s BP readings were ok then he’s happy just to monitor rather than act on one high reading in the surgery.

    I had Chicken Basque (a bit like paella, although I made it with freekah rather than rice) for dinner last night and left a very small portion for tonight’s FD dinner which I’ll have with lots of steamed veg.
    I find that over recent weeks I really have fallen into the habit of eating nothing except dinner on FDs. I rarely feel like the mid-afternoon snack that used to seem so essential.

    Hi everyone
    Haven’t managed to read every post yet!
    LJoyce: great news that you may not have to list your home – saves paying real estate commission. Though it’s still ok for the real estate, or 2, or 3, to give you an appraisal – just don’t sign any contract with them. Happy for you!

    Hope you all enjoy whatever you are getting up to and bye for now!

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