Hello Southern Hemispherites!!

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  • Please take good care of yourself dear Cinque. Of course your family are aware of your limitations but I know from friends with grandies that it’s easy to allow yourself to be taken advantage of at times. It’s marvellous that you’re close enough to help out but your health is so important. And besides, we need you here too!

    So Intesha, how many Chinese custard tarts and veggie spring rolls did you really have on the train ride home? Te he! Just kidding, it’s great that you’ve broken through the barrier. Funny that you mentioned the word ‘sabotage’ because that’s exactly what I was thinking when I read Lael’s post before going to bed last night. Not because Lael sabotaged her new low, but that’s what I would tend to do. I dropped from 61kg yesterday to 60kg this morning. Today I have to remind myself that that’s the weight I want to be so it’s not a ticket to stuff my face. It’s incredible that just two weeks of 5:2 has put me right back where I need to be.

    Lael, it sounds like you had a wonderful Sunday. It’s great to feel the freedom to indulge a little when we’ve achieved a new PB. Enjoy your FD today. I like the plates. They remind me of the plates that children make in kindy and maybe that’s what we should be teaching them to paint on theirs.

    Merry, are you home now? Have a wonderful fast day all the Monday people. I’m off to enjoy my second frothy coffee with freshly ground beans.

    Hi all
    Good on you Intesha, I hate those plateaus! Thinatlast, I hope I’m where you are after 2 weeks 🙂
    After 2 days of 20:4 my weight today is 62.8. My OH did say to wait til Monday before weighing myself as my legs were very swollen after a long flight. Mondays are my official weigh in days although I do weigh every day.
    Today is a fast day for me and OH is starting his diet too -so great to have support from him!
    Good luck to fellow fasters for today xx

    That’s really good Judy! You were 64.4 just a little while ago! The 20:4 is really working well!

    Cinque, I hope you are able to rest. I always find without exception that I’m so much hungrier when I haven’t had the best sleep. I think I read it is because leptin and grehlin go out of balance if we don’t get quality sleep.

    Intesha, great that you’ve moved through the plateau! I too find plateau weeks the hardest, so good for keeping with it.

    We might all know people like this… I have a friend who gave up 5:2 because she said ‘it didn’t work’, she only lost a bit of weight in beginning and then none at all for 3 weeks (plateaued) so concluded ‘it doesn’t work’. She even went so far as to say that she had the wool pulled over her eyes because it doesn’t really put the body in a state of ketosis after all. I explained that it wasn’t ketosis that we’re necessarily looking for, but a calorie deficit. At that point she didn’t want to hear any more about it and acted as if she’d been tricked!

    Yesterday’s snackathon… I actually loved my little sojourn into protein bars from the health food shop yesterday! I had two! They are sweetened with sucralose so I consider them junk (but they sure taste good). The other indulgence was indulging in these BFree gluten free sweet potato wraps my partner and I found in the bread aisle at Woolies last week! I was in two minds about buying them since I’m better off with no bread of any kind gluten free or not (if I haven’t eaten any in a month, my craving for it evaporates). However as I stood there eyeing them. I noticed the soft texture, truly worthy of making burritos! Also wafts of the sweet potato content came through the wrapper and I just couldn’t resist! Last night I opened them to make burritos (something I haven’t had in about 7 years since going gluten free). Oh wow, were they good! My indulgence is that I couldn’t stop at eating one! I had to go back and make myself a second burrito! Did I feel full after that! Thankfully, it’s now 3 pm on my fasting day and all I’ve had so far is a teaspoon of L-Carnitine which completely wiped away a gnawing hunger I felt this morning! Also, I couldn’t help myself after all and ended up stepping on the scales and was happy that I’m still in the 57 kg range at 57.7 kg. I’ve set 57.5 kg as my upper limit trigger weight for the time being so hoping today FD will take me back down under!

    Forgive me Thin for I have sinned. I did actually have 2 spring rolls, but there were 2 custard tarts and 125g chocolate sultanas not eaten on the same day 😱

    I was only thinking this morning about that sabotage effect and I do it very well. I really do have trouble accepting this new person that looks back at me from the mirror, the new smaller clothes and the overall healthy feeling. I am still holding on to some size 16 clothes and just can’t bring myself to get rid of them. Maybe it has something to do with not believing that I’ve actually done it. Is that paranoia, is that why we have days of mindless eating because we have trouble accepting our new selves?

    Lael I can’t imagine someone who weighs 57 wanting to lose more.

    Ha ha, Intesha & Lael, I’ll see your spring rolls and raise you a homemade brownie at my neighbour’s the other day. Scoffed it before I’d even thought about it, just like in the old days.

    Body image is a complicated thing, isn’t it? My GP believes that no-one has a truly accurate body image. Since reaching maintenance weight, I have occasionally seen someone coming towards me in a store window or reflection at an airport that I just did not recognise. We truly are slim people now and we must learn to accept it. Please get rid of the size 16 clothes Intesha. It’s symbolic and so satisfying. You’ll still have the 12s and 14s to fall back on, not that you’ll ever need them but from a psychological standpoint until you’re ready.

    Judy, I think our bodies can absorb the occasional excesses from holiday exploits and blowout dinners. I’m sure within a few weeks, you’ll be back to where you left off. Intesha always manages to get straight back into it after a holiday. You’re motivated, OH is with you and we’re all here cheering you on.

    Hello everyone!!! A great weekend. Have held my weight and still enjoyed myself food wise. Although I’m learning to be content with smaller portions. Went on a bicycle ride with hubby yesterday and Bushwalking today.
    Am planning on fasting Tuesday and Thursday this week. Friday I’m going out with friends

    Yes get rid of the size 16 clothes intesha!!!
    I’ve even got rid of some size 14 pants that are now too big – such a great feeling!!

    And yes I agree on someone whose 57 kilos wanting to loose more weight!!

    My goal is to get under 70 and I’ll
    Be happy as I know Maintaining it will
    Be hard!!

    Happy fasting this week ladies!!!

    Decided to put my Mon FD off till tomorrow because of public holiday today. Little miss 5 knocked at the bedroom door this morning with paper and pencil in hand taking orders for her breakfast restaurant. How could I resist that. I ordered a boiled egg and weak black Earl Grey tea. Would you like a pancake too? No thank you, just the egg. She helped make the pancake batter and set the table, served the breakfast and was very cute. But did relent later and have 1 pancake. The rest of the day went in a similar way, and I’m really looking forward to my FD reset tomorrow.

    Re the 57kgs and going lower – that entirely depends on height and body type. 57 would be my absolute limit but I’m 5’6″ and a medium bone structure.

    Re those bits of belly and wider waists left over after getting to normal/goal weight. I discussed this with my exercise physiologist re those of us females now entering or in our senior yrs with this challenge. He says that this is the last place weight comes off, and what is needed is not necessarily more weight loss but exercises to strengthen and tighten the muscles around that area. It’s no wonder really, after the rigorous challenges this area of our anatomy has gone through having babies.

    We talked about body image earlier in the year. I’m finding that now I’m starting to not be surprised when I catch sight of myself in shop windows etc.

    Why do we eat on blowout days? I think that it’s simply that we love food! It’s yummy. The phenomena of ‘hoover’ days though which is a different thing. I get about 3-4 a year where I want to Hoover up everything in sight. I believe this 1 has a physiological basis, but I haven’t worked it out yet. For me, I try to steer myself to foods I don’t react badly too, give myself permission and just go with it. Then the next day hit it fast and hard with a FD, and an extra careful week and the 2 FDs seems to reset things. I believe if we get a blowout and hit it hard straight after it comes off as quickly as it goes on. That’s not to give myself permission to do it frequently though. I don’t think the fast off bit would work if blowouts were frequent.

    Hope everyone had a good day and Cinque, that you’re getting more rest. Such an exciting lovely time, but tiring. Take care X

    Onwards and downwards,

    Intestate, I’d encourage you to send the size 16 to some one who needs it, or sell it to someone who needs it, unless it is a very special piece of clothing, hideously expensive with fabulous fabric. Then I’d probably make something out of some of the fabric as a memento.

    Intestate! Is that her new name, Merry? I like that, it might stick. But how did you know? And what a good idea to make two outfits from the size 16s! I sold my very best o/s clothes on gumtree and went straight out to buy new clothes in the right size; gave some others away (it’s always a bit awkward asking friends if they’d like your now too large clothes) and took some to Vinnies. Caution: don’t buy too many clothes in a transition weight; I barely got to wear some of my new size 14s.

    I don’t think Lael wants to lose more than 57kgs. That was her PB and she decided to stop there, switching to 6:1 and making 57.5kgs her trigger weight. But she had a bit of a fun weekend food wise which put her over that and today she just hopes to get back below that trigger weight. Just sayin’.

    Merry, the little grandie sounds so sweet. And how could you say no? Yes, I believe it’s evolutionary that women pack fat around our middles to protect our reproductive organs. Still, it doesn’t really explain why we’re still doing that at age 60.

    Good job Stephy, you’re well on track.

    Bloody intuitive text!! Interstate to you thin but Intesha is about 40mins away from me!
    Night night all xx

    If she’s intestate, she could be a bit further than 40 minutes away! Poor Intesha. 😆

    Hi All,

    Well i absolutely failed at my FD yesterday. I did fantastic at work then I got home & went to my Auntie’s & instead of just eating the salad she had made me I indulged in the lasagna, I am absolutely guttered & so angry with myself. So have done a reset & fasting again today.

    Weighed in this morning & I am another 2.5kgs down.

    Hope you all have a lovely day!


    Ha Michaela, what lesson to learn when you gorge on lasagna and still lose 2.5kg? Maybe you need to make fast days on days you don’t visit your Auntie!

    What a lovely read all the posts are! So glad Intesha isn’t Intestate!

    I am groggy this morning and need to meet with the Health Dept guy at the kiosk in an hour and a half, so another short post. Feeling pleased though, Had an excellent non fast day yesterday.

    Re getting under 57kg, I can be 49kg and still in the healthy range. Yes I am a shorty! btw I walked past scales sitting in the corridor of the hospital when I visited my daughter. So I jumped on them and I was 52.4kg I was fully clothed with boots on. Any idea how much my clothes and boots would weigh? (trousers, skivvy and light jumper)(and underwear 😉 )

    Merry, what a darling Miss 5.

    Hi All,

    Yes, I’m happy at remaining in the 57 kg range though still not happy about the size 12 Rodney Clark slacks still fitting too snuggly. I’ve started the inulin to help reduce my extra pad of visceral fat and am happy that the inulin actually tastes good! I even added some to yesterday’s fasting protein shake. I’m starting by taking only a teaspoon and working up slowly as recommended by Dr. Mercola.

    I had some ideas why I actually don’t look at all skinny at 57 kg. For one, my bone structure is quite fine. My wrist is only 4.5 cm. circumference which is considered extra small! Then there’s the matter of my top half! Before those 100% stretch knit ‘Ahh Bra’ styles came along, I wasn’t even able to fit into one because I was never able to find a cup size small enough! So last night after reading the posts questioning fasting while in the 57 kg range, I reflected on the uneven distribution of my own weight (so small on top and still quite a bit bigger on the lower half). I realized that were my weight more evenly distributed and I better endowed, I would have been more than happy at a higher weight! In light of this, I decided to find out exactly how much a breast actually weighs and found out that the average woman carries a kilogram and half to two or more than I do!

    Lol! If anyone wants to read that informative article I found on breast weight, here’s the link! It even explains instructions on to weigh your own!


    Lael, you and I must be the only people to have lived in California and not had breast surgery! I had the opposite problem, although I came by mine naturally, I find they’re a lot more manageable than they used to be! BTW, I don’t feel you needed to justify yourself. Just do what feels right for you.

    Just read that article on how to weigh your own breasts, Lael. Laughing so hard.

    Awww, thanks Thin! …I did think others would get as much of a laugh reading the breast weight article as I did! I’m glad you enjoyed reading it too!

    A reasonable FD yesterday. Although the scales are playing silly buggers – they tell me I’m a kilo heavier – I know I know I said I would stay off them-ARGH!!!!!
    I’m staying away till my usual weigh day of Saturday-!!!
    Having a light eating day today and another FD tomorrow. Should be okay as I’m at work the next two days!!

    I’m not giving up- just going to persevere!!
    Oh yes and I have done measurements and they’ve changed so am happy with that!!

    Happy fasting everyone!!

    Well I’m back to haunt you from the other side. So funny Merry but I am very much alive and kicking.

    Lael I didn’t mean to criticise about your weight, sorry if I upset you. I’m envious that you are at that weight.

    FD yesterday, 67.5 this morning. Still trying to aim for 65 by the end of the month. Only three days into counting my calorie intake but so far so good.

    Stephy, perseverance is our mantra, good on you.

    Hi Everyone,

    I’m down under in NZ and first fast day is tomorrow. I’ve been doing reading for a couple of weeks now and am feeling pretty prepared. Am worried how to cope with the pantry raid when I get home from work and the grazing I do while cooking dinner??? I have a little person that needs feeding so I cant really avoid the kitchen.

    Everything crossed for a successful first day!

    welcome Newbethin!!

    and good luck for your first FD tomorrow
    just take it an hour at a time
    and maybe leave the calories till later in the day when you know you’ll be wanting to raid the pantry. why not cut up some veggie sticks to graze on ??? not many calories in them??

    Hi NewBethin.

    What part of NZ are you? I’m in Dunedin.

    Good luck with the FD! Try a large salad for dinner – it is really surprising how much it fills you & you can graze on it while preparing the others meals as you won’t feel guilty.
    I was really happy with mine. Only had 370 calories for the whole day it felt great & down 2.5kgs on the scales.
    FD again tomorrow for me.

    Keep in touch.


    Thanks StephyMorry, I think I’ll do that with some chopped carrots!

    I’m in Napier helpmetohelpme! How long have you been doing 5:2?

    Hiya Newbethin, I have been doing the 5:2 on & off for over a year now – coming up 2 years.

    Hi everyone, welcome newbethin🙂 You come from a lovely part of the world!

    LOL Intesha , I didn’t even read it right. Read it as interstate, duh. Good to see you back from the other side!

    Check in: after fast day (FD) : 64.8kgs. Now into the 3rd week away from home, using my trusty travel scales. I say trusty because they’re consistently 0.3kgs above my home scales. My daughter’s scales read a full kg higher than mine so I like mine better. However…. I luuuv my little travel scales as they keep me on track so well. Stephen, if you haven’t already, you’ll work out over time the best scales/measuring regime for you. It seems to be quite individual. I find it indispensable to weigh daily, straight after loo break on waking and naked of course. But I only record and graph my weight on Mondays.

    Newbethin: I think you’ve had good advice re the pantry raid in the evening. Keep the fluids up too, as we lose the water we would normally get in foods when we fast so need to keep well hydrated. I’m a 2yr 5:2er, 2-3 kgs from final goal weight now, and I live on the east coast of NSW.

    Stephy – perseverance is the key – if you fall off the horse just get back on. 5:2 is very forgiving. It took years to put this weight on, we all love food here, so we need time to relearn better food and drink habits and how to sustain our normal weight long term.

    Onwards and downwards,

    Spell check. aaaaarrrggghhhh! Sorry Stephy who became Stephen.

    Stephy, you have a lot of willpower not to peek at the scales until Saturday. Sometimes I found that I lost weight the day after the day after FD. It’s good that your tape measure is co-operating better though.

    How did your meeting go Cinque? And how are you getting on with sourcing all the equipment?

    Intesha, has your calorie counting on NFDs opened your eyes to what you were consuming? I’d be afraid to go down that path.

    Well done with your loss helpme, it seems to be going very well for you.

    Welcome newbethin. When I started 5:2, I found that planning the FDs ahead helped me. I planned mine for 4 weeks so 8 FDs. I like to know what to expect. Then, if it wasn’t on the list for that day, it didn’t pass my lips. You’ll be amazed how quickly you learn not to lick spoons, sample or graze on a FD. It’s great discipline to be preparing food on a FD and feels so good to be in control of food rather than the other way round. So, if you know that when you get home from work is likely to be a challenge, make sure you have part of your day’s intake planned and ready to eat for that time of day. You won’t want to blow a FD that late in the day with spontaneous eating. Good luck!

    Gosh Merry, how lovely to have such a harmonious family that you can stay for weeks together. Enjoy the rest of your time.

    Lael, that cauliflower rice I pulsed has lasted in the fridge for ages. I finished it last night mixed with some mushrooms, chicken & broccolini and it was just like couscous. I made the others a fettucine dish. Pasta just isn’t really a part of my diet any more. Did you make it back below your trigger weight?

    FD for me today. I’m back at the weight I want to be but just doing it for drill as it helps me with portion control on the other days. Tonight I’m having Chinese Vegetable Chow Mein but with Slendier noodles.

    Hi Everyone!
    I am Soooooooooooooooo tired, I think I am about 50 IQ points down, so sorry if I don’t make much sense. But good meetings! The Health Dept guy is so cool and really supports us (he will even give us a food thermometer!). My neighbour wants to paint the signs, we look like we have a coffee machine at a good price, someone has donated a freezer (although I am not sure we need it yet), and the donated food display case is a GORGEOUS cold storage display (we’ll have all our yoghurt cups and salads in jars looking gorgeous there!). I had been told it was for hot storage, and we didn’t need one for hot things.
    Can’t stop clapping my hands with glee!
    Hopefully I will have a good sleep and manage to get all the planning down tomorrow.

    Although I just ate too much for dinner (yep, too tired) I am feeling fairly ‘right weight’ at the moment so I might not fast tomorrow. I will decide in the morning. Definitely fasting on Sunday though!

    So sorry not to respond to your posts. I read them all and can’t remember then! No doubt i will write a big email tomorrow when I should be doing planning!

    Best wishes to you all in the meantime!

    Thin I knew what I was eating was way over what I should. I just needed that structure back in my life and stop making excuses for not having the time to take care of moi. I now cook two meals without feeling anger and frustration for how my life has changed. Taking back control of what I eat, writing it all down and preparing it gives me a sense of purpose.

    FD tomorrow.

    Hello everyone, trying to keep up with reading posts! Too late in the day to respond meaningfully, so just popped in to say hi.

    Good FD Monday after weekend on the road where I succumbed to OH buying ice cream, chips (crisps) and chocolate for good measure. Today FD – blew it after lunch 🙁 Another one on Friday.

    10 days till we go away so am pretty sure I won’t get to my holiday goal of 75kg but still pleased with the 4+ kg so far in 5+ weeks.

    Well done to everyone having successful FD’s this week and welcome newbies!

    I’m off to sleep now zzzzzzzzzz

    Can I ask a question about body fat percentages for those that have scales that measure it.
    Even though I haven’t liked the numbers my scales have told me this week. Yesterday was up today it’s down a little -but what I have noticed is my body fat % has gone down from 35 to 33.2%this week. Having done a quick google search – 33% isn’t too bad

    Do others have any thoughts/comments on this topic??

    ( and apologies I’m off to work now so won’t be able to respond or read until later tonight)

    Thx in advance!!

    Thanks for all the positive comments! Well its 1pm and I’m still feeling good 🙂 long may it last. I’ve decided to do my weight and measurements on Tuesdays and record them in my black book. My main reason for doing 5:2 is the health benefits with a bonus of helping me kick a few stubborn kilos since the birth of my daughter.

    Is there anyone who has reached their desired weight and then continued?

    Hi Stephy, I have scales that measure body fat, hydration, muscle mass and bone and I use them to track trends and find that this works really well.

    That’s great that your fat percentage has recently dropped 2.3%

    As I said, I mainly use to track trends since I did read of one person on one of the threads who tracked body fat on their scales only to find that there was considerable discrepancy between the fat percentage reported on those scales and what was reported via a ‘Bodpod’ which are considered very accurate. Her scales reported a much lower fat percentage than the Bodpod.

    The Bodpod has been featured on a number of BBC health documentaries. It is this machine that is shaped like an egg that one sits in and it measures body composition. I’ve thought of seeking one out to measure and compare fat percentage of my scales with Bodpod results. There is even a Bodpod at a gym on the Gold Coast, though it is only available as part of joining benefits for those who take up a gym membership, so wasn’t able to access it!

    So, like I said, I think my scales are great for tracking trend though I’ll await to at some point compare with Bodpod results before accepting that my fat percentage is truly the 26.1% as my scales most recently reported. My sense is that in my case my body actually carries a higher percentage of fat as evidenced by my own pinch test!

    Hi newbethin,

    Lots of people have reached their goal and continued fasting. Lots of posters in the maintenance section. I reached my goal weight back in March and switched to 6:1 water fasts. I no longer need to lose weight but continue doing it for all the other health reasons. My blood results have never been better.

    Hi and welcome newbethin! I’m glad to read things are going well for you!

    I started 5:2 in June and just reached ‘maintenance’ stage last week and I’m just learning about this! Thinatlast reached her goal and has been in maintenance for months! There’s also a thread on this forum called ‘Maintenance Chatbox’ full of a group who are in maintenance. I personally feel that the success of my maintenance is dependent on continuing on with this forum and this thread/group has been great! I’m a binger from way back and though I’ve healed a lot of the underlying causes that prompted me to binge eat, I can still be triggered and this forum has offered the most wonderful tips, encouragement and has helped me through difficult times. I’m grateful and credit the others in this group in particular for much of my 5:2 success. Though I’ve reached my goal, I still regard myself as a work in progress!

    Newbethin – you give perfect reasons for practicing 5:2. Weight loss is just the icing on the cake. Oh dear, poor analogy. I’ve been maintaining between 59-61kgs for 14 months after shedding 24 kgs. Just about everything I know, I learned on this thread. But if you haven’t already done so, I recommend you read Dr M.’s book before doing anything. It’s the best $11 I ever spent. I also received a lot of support and encouragement here and that’s one reason I stick around to help others. The other is that, like Lael, I’m a work in progress and continue to learn and gain support here. I have decades of bad habits to undo and 5:2 has helped me gain control over food rather than food controlling me. Stick around, this is a light-hearted, fun group of like-minded people all at various stages. Ask us anything!

    Beth, good for you for dropping 4kgs. What we can do to help you get through a FD? What’s happening there? Are you fasting at work or at home?

    I read over in another thread that Bigbooty uses a body fat calculator used by the US army and that he finds it quite accurate. Here is a link to that calculator if anyone wants to input their data to see their results. It still relied on abdominal measurement and in this case the point of minimum circumference. I don’t think my abdomen has a spot like that!


    P.S. I actually found another of the same and this one is even better because it includes metric numbers and it includes very helpful photos which instructs one on exactly where to take these measurements! Good news is that the result pretty much matches what my body fat measurement scales reported to me on my most recent visit there!

    Here’s the link: http://www.free-online-calculator-use.com/military-body-fat-calculator.html

    Just thought I would pop in to say the Eat Fast and Live Longer documentary is on SBS tonight at 7:30

    Hey 🙂 im Queensland bundaberg 🙂 and starting my first fasting day tomoro 🙂 cannot wait to see results . Chat to you all soon

    Welcome Braia!

    Lol! Cinque, I just saw Michael going through the fast food drive through gorging on the hamburger, fries and dessert on his NFD and hearing Krista saying that her evidence at that point indicated that it didn’t matter what participants ate on their NFDs, they still got results! Makes me feel a bit better about what I’ve been eating over the past couple or few days, even though I’m not doing ADF! …Michael looked like he really enjoyed that burger!

    Welcome newbies!

    Hi Thin, some FD’s at work, some at home. I’m not sure what is is. I’m having no problem doing 16:8 most days but the FD’s, some days it just feels like I just have more willpower or resolve, or do hormones play a part? This week and next trying ADF. Also have trouble keeping low carb on nfd’s. just treat every failure as a learning experience.
    Onwards & :downwards as Merry would say !

    Welcome newbies!!
    Weigh in a day early for me this week – having lunch with friends today and don’t fancy a weigh in tomorrow
    This weeks loss only 200 grams BUT – I saw a new number on the scales 73.9- so that’s exciting. I think my FD this week weren’t too successful. Going to Reread the book over the next two days before a FD Monday – think I’ve been snacking too much during the day instead of having a long fast then a meal.

    Thanks Lael and Clinique about the info on body fat. I did input my measurements on the second site and it was similiar to mine at home.

    Having a much needed catchup with girlfriends today- work yesterday rather stressful!!

    Happy fasting to those doing it today especially Braia fasting for the first time.

    I’ll keep persevering. Hopefully next week will be better!!

    Happy Friday everyone. Another FD done and dusted. 67.6 this morning, last week was 68.3.

    It is slow going now but yesterday I tried on some of my size 12 dresses and the one size 10 and put them all on without undoing the zippers. I did the first two without realising they had zippers so was quite surprised when I found them.

    Stephy/Beth and any other newbies that are struggling just keep plugged in and listen to our stories. Thin/Cinque and Merry who post regularly and a few others intermittently know the struggles and pain you are going through. It’s all about belief, which I sadly lack at times, but even though what is being said can be like a kick up the …… Is all well meaning and said by someone who has walked the walk. As they say no gain without pain and for us that is mental pain.

    Tomorrow I am going to a lecture by Dr Zahi Hawass the famed Egyptologist, one of my most loved countries. He has just been to Perth Thin and I believe there is an exhibition on until early next year. His subject is Tutankhamen, Cleopatra and new discoveries. I have been in Tuts tomb and the whole thing just fascinates me. But what I was getting at is that I will be meeting a friend and there will be wine and eating involved so life goes on around 5:2. I will probably do an FD on Sunday to compensate if nothing else crops up.

    Every day is a new beginning.

    Good morning everyone,
    I am a little less tired, but I will mind Miss 2 overnight tonight and need to write a business plan by Monday. So this might be the last you see of me for a few days!

    But it is early in the morning, and I have a big cup of tea, so I am ready for a catch up before I face the day.

    Hello and Welcome Braia! It is good to have you here.

    Newbethin, it sounds like you had a good day? I am just wobbling around at NEARLY maintenance.

    Stephy skipping snacks is a good trick! I’m working on that myself!

    Intesha what a lovely experience with those dresses! Isn’t it a lovely feeling! The lecture sounds great too! I love archeology, and Egyptology is so interesting.

    I took another big bundle of clothes to the op shop yesterday. Included a wonderful Fletcher Jones woollen jacket. Oh it was hard to let that go. But it was too big now. And it is nice to have the wardrobe full of things that fit the slenderer me!

    It was really good to watch Eat Fast and Live Longer again from the point of view of someone who has been doing 5:2 for over a year. I felt exactly like you Lael, seeing him tuck into junkfood. But I do remember that when my daughters family was staying here, I put weight on even though I was having two good fast days a week (and no junk food!).

    The main thing I took from the documentary was the reminder of how it is focussed on long term health, not short term weight loss.

    I didn’t have my usual Thursday fast yesterday, so I am already looking forward to my Sunday fast.

    Best wishes to you all.

    Hi all
    Cinque, sounds like your cafe is going well. I like the sound of your food! How good is it to drop those ‘too big’ clothes off at the op shop!
    Beth62, wow 4kg in 5 weeks is excellent!
    Welcome braia, you’ll find this group very helpful and supportive!
    Enjoy your catchup with the girls StephMorry.
    Yay, for getting dresses on without doing the zipper, Intesha- it’s a lovely feeling when you have those little surprises.
    I haven’t been to well the last couple of days and have been ‘fasting’ without really intending to. I’m feeling better today so not doing my usual fast. My OH has been doing really well too and making big effort to prepare snacks and meals 🙂
    Have a great day everyone xx

    Lael, huge congrats on reaching your goal weight! What a great achievement! Hoping maintenance goes well for you.

    I caved again today. Had a boiled egg and raw veggies at 1pm, then when I got home a little early around 4.45pm, just started grazing 😣 nuts, cake I’d brought home from work to give my husband, chocolate, slice of cheese, then thought stuff it, might as well go and have Thai food…
    Disappointed in myself for not being stronger. Consoling myself with the fact that I did manage 16:8 but that’s it. My inclination when I break a fast day is to make myself do it again the next day. I will get it right tomorrow!
    So my worst time is late afternoon. The key for me is to start preparing dinner the moment I walk in the door at 5.30’ish and this seems to prevent snacking. It’s a Learning process to know the triggers…
    Well done to all having successful FD’s this week.
    Beth 🙃

    Thanks for the advice Intesha. The stories of all who’ve gone before are very helpful – thank you all xx

    Just dropping in to say hello this evening,
    It was supposed to be my Thursday FD postponed to today. This morning I woke up not feeling well, a bit dizzy and wonky. I’m largely over the bug I caught from my grandchildren, but the remnants are hanging around. Anyway, daughter and OH have gone away for a few days and we are solo caring for our littlies now. I really felt today was not a day I should be attempting a FD. Now it’s night I think I made the right decision. The kids have been good, but we have worked all day to keep things going well. OH does really well helping so I don’t get overtired. So only 1 this week. No worries. I weighed in at 64.9 kgs this morning. My goal when I’m away from home is to get home at the same weight. I left 3 weeks ago at 64.5kg so I’m happy with that. Home again in a few days.

    Must get to bed now,
    Onwards and downwards,

    Good morning and wow day after FD and new PB 67kg. Now 100g under my 20kg loss. Take heart for those who are struggling. Just keep taking one day at a time. I am still finding it hard to believe but the proof is before my eyes.

    Shame I am going out today, it’s funny but I actually feel guilty but life is for living and I’m not going to deny myself little pleasures. Tomorrow I will start again.

    Merry you have done so well to maintain while living with other people as its hard when you have to consider others.

    Beth we have all been there done that and continue to, so don’t give up you’ll find your rhythm soon.

    PS my lowest of 67.3 was back in July. PERSERVERANCE is the key word.

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