Hello 5:2 World!

This topic contains 2 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Leslie62 9 years, 12 months ago.

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  • Started today, gave up sugar three weeks ago, lost nothing so far, but feel great, so thought 5:2 might kick start some weight loss. Here goes…….

    Hi Leslie,
    I started yesterday as well! I’ve read the book & website & got myself really fired up to hopefully be successful. I just hope I can stay motivated!
    Good luck to you

    Hi Helen,
    Thanks for your support, you too! Got on the scales Friday and low and behold a few pounds had gone, really pleased and looking forward to Monday. It wasn’t as hard as I had anticipated but did have hunger pangs, walking the dog helped 🙂 Stay strong for this week.

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