
This topic contains 4 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  L1nda 10 years, 11 months ago.

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  • Hi All, I’m a newbie and this has been my first fast day. I have to say it has been less difficult than I thought it would be. I’ve decided to have my fast days on Mondays and Fridays which also happen to be 2 of the 3 days I go to the gym on my way to work.I’ve managed to hold off my breakfast until lunchtime and we’ve eaten at about 6 o’clock this evening (which is quite early for us) which, with bit of determination, will get me through to morning although I have to say I could manage a cuppa and a biscuit or 2!
    Hopefully, this change of eating habit will be more successful than others I’ve tried. The idea of having 5 days of eating sensibly and fasting for two, as opposed to depriving myself every day, appeals to me.
    🙂 Linda

    Hi Linda and welcome to 5.2 and this forum!

    Well done on completing your first fast, i fasted today as well, my days are usually tuesdays and fridays.. But thats the beauty of this way of life, its so flexible!

    I know what you mean about fancying a cuppa right now lol, i tell myself tomorrow evening i will be doing just that.. A lovely hot cup of hot choc for me 🙂

    Good luck on your journey, and let us know how you get on!!

    Angie x

    Hi all

    Almost completed second fast day. It’s not been too difficult really and am getting a lot of support at work. It seems we’re all on various diets so trying to help one another.

    I didn’t eat until 2pm (which wasn’t as difficult as it sounds) and then I had my porridge (which would have been my breakfast!)and just had veggie sausages and some low salt/sugar beans for my evening meal. I’ve drank plenty of fluids during the day and I really think that helps.

    I’m also feeling quite pleased with myself as I did 45 minutes in the gym on my way into work. That said I think I’ll have an early night and put myself out of temptations way!


    Hello, I’m a newbie too. The last time I did this I found doing 500 on my non gym days easier.

    Hmmm. My feeling is that I’ll really struggle with the gym if I’ve fasted the day before. It also gets me out of the house straight away and doesn’t give me the time to miss my breakfast. I’m in there for about half seven. Normally I’d have me breakfast when I get to work soit feels like I’m just delaying it a bit 😉

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