Happy with new weight ….

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Happy with new weight ….

This topic contains 2 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  MountainMyst 11 years, 2 months ago.

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  • I am very happy with the weight loss that I have achieved with this way of living. My BMI is down from 27 till 22,7 in 11 weeks. But as happy as I am with my new weight of around 61 kgs, I don’t want to loose more weight. I think this posture and weight are great for who and what I am. Do you have tips in how to maintaine this weight, also living a healthy fasting life and not loosing any more weight?
    Today I used 600 kcal instaid of my normal 500.

    hi P@t well done on reaching your goal, Michaels advice would be to try 6 1, and see if weight stays the same, it may be you might have to add a 5 2 week in every now and then depending on how you eat each week, let us know how it goes for you as many of us will be joining you at some point. x

    Hi P@t, good for you!! I think the 6:1 plan is the way to go. let us know how you do.

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