Happy so Far!

This topic contains 2 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Avalanche 9 years, 6 months ago.

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  • So, I have just completed my 10th day of dieting, and my third fast day. On the other days, I am still trying to stick to about 1400 calories.
    I started at 158.6 lbs. I have a wonky scale and an uneven floor, so I take 3 readings in different spots and go with the highest one.
    This morning, my high reading was 154.6! The low was 153.8! I know that one can’t be right, but the main thing is, I am getting lighter!

    This is the only diet for me.

    Hi Avalanche
    Excellent news! The scales are moving in the right direction.

    I only weigh in once a week and I was convinced that my scales were broken when they hardly moved after 2 weeks. I rely on measuring myself once a week as well.I found that my measurements were going down so I was less concerned with my weight.

    I am at 6 weeks now, and I can tell you it gets easier.It has become a way of life. I forget what I used to eat before.

    Thanks, Mumma
    I like to get on the scales every day- if it is down, I am inspired; if it is up, I am grimly determined. I don’t worry about a little up and down, as long as it’s going down eventually. The 2 days of being strict is so much easier than trying to do it every day, and always weakening in the evening!

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