Getting Old! :) ! (Feet's not wot they used to be)

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Getting Old! :) ! (Feet's not wot they used to be)

This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Nama 10 years ago.

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  • I haven’t been around these parts for a while. Notes on how happy I am with the fact that even after a year of not being on “the diet”: my climbing of hills remains a joy, i feel the 5 months in the second half of 2013 being on the diet helped get rid of the yellow fat surrounding my internal organs, galloping death: gasping for breath walking up hills, doesn’t occur any more! However I have encountered a condition (Due to age?) where the fatty pads on the base of my feet have disintegrated and feel my bones are trying to ‘poke through’. This could be genetic and also aided and abetted by my work as a nurse? So just when I thought I could enjoy more bush walks (I live in Tasmania) I am having to get orthotics and just brazen it out. Certainly when I get home from a busy shift my feet feel like they belong to some one else! Any one else got this problem? I have just recommenced the Mon/Thurs 500 cal days again and it is clearing my head as it did the first time!

    Hi Natty,
    Just noticed your post and felt I should reply as my feet also gave up on me after 40 yrs nursing! Apparently I had developed subluxations which was a shock as always thought I had great arches! Went into orthotics which was a real drag as needed new shoes to fit them in, but I did get significant relief and could walk a lot further without pain. Then after about a year, I was told about a guy who, although a podiatrist, practices ‘Foot mobilisation’ a sort of cross between Chiro/podiatry/physio for feet. A guy from SA learnt it all in the US and brought it back to Aus. I am in Melb and there are only 2 dedicated practitioners in this city. The treatment involves 3pw foot manipulations plus twice daily exercises at home. 4 months later my feet are so much better and I can walk all day without orthotics. This may not interest you but I thought you might like to hear about it. Not sure if any practitioners in Tas. Even if it doesn’t interest you, I think proper shoes are also an essential part of caring for our feet. I think I neglected mine by doing 10 hour night shifts on hard floors in shoes that were really not up to it! Could have saved myself pain and cash in the long run!

    I agree with you re 5:2, I love it. Have lost 10.5 kg in 3 months without really feeling it and feel great. Fasting has become easier and easier.

    Good luck with your journey. Anne.

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