Fitter in time for 40…..

This topic contains 15 replies, has 8 voices, and was last updated by  EVEY_BLACK 9 years, 12 months ago.

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  • Well today was the first fasting day of the 5:2 diet and I must admit I’m about to go to bed feeling a little hungry! Still I am determined to make a proper go of this.
    It seems as though since I turned 35, the weight has been gradually creeping up and up and despite trying to be “careful” in my eating habits, a combination of loving cheese, pasta and probably more glasses of wine than is good for me over the last few years has meant that instead of getting back into my favourite jeans, I have been having to go out and buy larger and larger pairs. This year I will be 40…. and, I am determined that by the time I am 40 I will have lost the large roll around my middle and feel better, fitter.
    I am hoping that the combination of 2 fast days per week with 5 days of being able to eat completely normally will mean that this diet does not seem such a chore…and that I won’t fall off the wagon at the first whiff of lasagne.
    So, good luck to everyone. If anyone has any helpful advice I’d love to hear it! Hopefully by this time next week we will be a couple of pounds lighter 🙂
    Evey Black

    Hi Evey Black, I also had plans to be lighter and fitter before I turned 40 but with having kids around the same time it didn’t happen. Then I was meant to be fitter and lighter before my second daughter turned 1. As she is 11 months now I don’t hold too much hope to be where I want to be but I will be lighter than I am now.

    Maybe we can encourage each other to not eat the lasagne and to get back into our favourite jeans? 🙂

    That sounds like a brilliant plan meeeee! I always start out with the best of intentions but it never lasts long so being able to encourage each other to keep going will definitely help 🙂
    I am planning my fast days to be Tuesday and Thursday but noticed a lot of people have them on consecutive days – do you think this makes a difference?

    Go Evey! My day 1 too and im also off too bed feeling a little peckish! I’m a little over the 40 mark and made the same promises to myself as you have. Whoops, I’m a bit slow to start but better late than never. I’m looking forward to a week from now to see how this works out. Good luck.

    I am approaching 40 as well & agree that after 35 things changed!

    I’ve been doing 5:2 since October. I didn’t have much weight to lose (10-15 lbs.), but I lost 10 lbs. (that I haven’t been able to budge in years) in two months. I’ve lost an additional 2-3 now. I feel so much better! I am not bloated and am wearing clothes that I haven’t looked at in years.

    I do not count calories and I didn’t exercise during the first few weeks of 5:2, and I think this was an important start for me.

    I also eat the exact same things every fast day – a protein bar for lunch (180 cal) and a frozen meal for dinner (around 300 cal). It’s very boring, but it works. I also plan my drinks – morning coffee, afternoon green tea, evening tea and a can of sparking water before bed. I think the routine helps me get through the day. Remember you can have whatever you are craving tomorrow! Good luck!!

    Hi newbies (not Emily)and welcome:

    Evy – if your ‘completely normally’ eating has been causing you to gain weight, you might consider eating a little less on your non diet days. It makes no difference if you do two consecutive diet days or space them out. However, for a beginner, two in a row is pretty hard so I suggest you space them out if your calendar allows that to happen.

    Here are some tips for beginners that also answer most of your questions:

    Good Luck!

    Thanks for all the encouragement and helpful advice!!
    I agree with simcoeluv that I definitely need to watch what I am eating a bit even on the normal days as that is what got me a bit plump in the first place! ….that and becoming a bit of a couch potato!
    Well I have survived my first Jazzercise class and the first fast day and I have to say that yesterday I enjoyed my food even more than normal because of having to go without the day before.
    Today is weigh in day and I’m happy to report that 2kg have been lost since last week so at least I am back to my pre-Christmas blowout weight. I guess this is were the hard work really starts as for the past 12 months I’ve not managed to shift anything from the weight I am now for more than a week or so before it goes back on again.
    Emilyashen – congrats to you! Its sounds as though you have done brilliantly! Hopefully myself, KitKat and Meeeee can follow your example – how’s it going with you guys? Everything ok?
    Keep going!! 🙂

    Oooops fish and chips last night…..not a fast day but still feel a bit guilty! I am definitely worse at weekends with my eating – too many temptations!! 🙂

    Hi hope you don’t mind me posting on your thread but I am also new here (started Monday) and will be 40 this year. My youngest is 8 so I can’t use the baby weight excuse any longer! Initially I’d like to lose about 12lbs and then see what happens. I had my fast days Monday and Thursday and I thought I’d find them a doddle as I rarely eat before lunch time but the fact I knew I wasn’t going to eat till lunch time made me obsessed with food!

    I think I’ve lost a kilo this week but not sure if that’s because of the ‘diet’ or that I’m having a dry January. Probably a combination of the two. Congrats on your weight loss and hello all 🙂

    Hello! Congratulations on a successful start Loopybell! I am also looking to lose about 12lbs – 1 stone so fingers crossed we will both achieve this. I have just finished my first week – the first fast day (Tuesday) wasn’t too bad but my second day (Thursday) was really tough and I just seemed to be permanently hungry! I have another weigh in tomorrow so I’ll see if my fish and chips on Friday has done any damage 🙂
    What kinds of foods are you having on fast days Loopybell?
    Also a colleague at work recommended herbal colon cleanse tablets as a detox to kick start a diet but I’ve read mixed reports about these online – does anyone have any experience of using these at all??
    Evey Black

    Hi Evey I had a much better fast day yesterday. Intended to eat my whole days calories at lunch time but left food at home (duh!) so my friend got me a fruit salad at lunch time which was around 150 cals. Had to eat something as had the dentist in the afternoon and wasn’t sure how no food and an injection would mix. Had a very small chicken breast with salad in the evening. Had beet root and balsamic vinegar with it to make it interesting. And that was it. I am still drinking coffee/tea which I know I need to cut out but it’s hard at work.

    Not had any experience of the detox supplement you mention. I’ve not done much planning re the diet at all apart from buy some salad at the weekend!

    Regards Loopy

    Hey Evey & Loopy!

    I had planned on fasting yesterday, but early on I knew it wasn’t my day, so I threw in the towel. Today, I feel more in control, so I am going to use it to my advantage!

    Evey, Th. is always a harder day overall for me too. It just never feels as solid as the first fast day of the week…

    I am so close to my goal weight, but I still think I will need to continue 5:2 to maintain. I am not careful on my non-fast days yet!!

    I don’t know anything about the detox you mentioned. All I know is I can’t stand the thought of a traditional diet anymore. I like to fast and get it over with ;). I’ve been doing 5:2 or sometimes 6:1 since Oct., stick with it, it’s so worth it!!

    Keep up the good work and thanks for the updates :).

    Hi Emilyashen. You did not “Throw in the Towel” on your planned fast day.
    You paused, re-assessed your needs and targets to fast on that day. You then re-adjusted said needs and targets. Recognised that fasting on another day would be more beneficial psychologically and health wise. You then acted in a positive manner, shifted and adjusted your focus to a fasting day that has resulted in a more positive impact on your desires to become slimmer, healthier and to live longer.
    Well done on your positive re-adjustment.
    P.S. Any comments or complaints re this post to be forwarded to “The Plain English Society”.

    I am starting a bit later than you all, but hoping to learn from your experiences. Done my first fast today, did 24 hours with just water and fruit/herbal teas, had fish tonight and a satsuma feeling full and positive. I was worried as I had a PT session at the gym this pm and wondered how my fast would affect it, but it was fine. Felt cold when I had finished, but not sure this is fast related. I am a bit older too, 60 on Saturday, I can’t believe it, hope to feel 40 soon lol. Felling positive I can do this x

    Hello everyone. Found my fasting day more difficult yesterday. Had a great lunch, egg and potato salad and blueberries. But by the evening I was fed up and miserable. Had a bag of crisps so went over my 500 cals by about 150 cals. Still fed up and nearly had a bowl of cereal, but ‘luckily’ didn’t have enough milk. Also the scales seem to be up and down and all over the place which just gets me down, though I know I must stop weighing myself every five minutes!!
    I’m still off alcohol so at least that’s a positive! Hope you all had a good few days 🙂

    Hi All,
    Well after a really positive start, I’ve completely fallen off the wagon this week and not managed 1 proper fast day. Really disappointed with myself 🙁 Where is my willpower??? At what point did food become such an important part of my day???
    Needless to say I haven’t lost any weight or any inches this week.
    Determined to get back with it though. I think I just need to be a bit more prepared so I have the right things in my fridge ready to tackle the fast days….otherwise I just end up snacking on naughty foods….like crisps….and peanuts….
    Keep going everyone & have a lovely weekend!
    Evey Black

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