First week weigh in..very pleased

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First week weigh in..very pleased

This topic contains 462 replies, has 68 voices, and was last updated by  MakingTimeForMe 1 year, 2 months ago.

Viewing 50 posts - 401 through 450 (of 478 total)

  • Week 144…after 227 fasts..

    We have still been ill this week but improving…managed to do our 2 fasts…being quite thoughtful as we know we will be upping the food over Christmas…
    We are going away to visit our daughter on the 28th Dec, to Louisiana, a big surprise as she and the grandchildren don’t know we are coming..son in law is keeping it a secret hoping it will hold till we get there..

    We have changed a bit around foodwise these last few weeks and I have been in charge of breakfasts, hubby has joined me in having fruit, fresh, tinned or frozen, a mixed bowl…it definitely has given him a kick start..unless it’s being ill too!!

    I have lost 1 lb…loosing to date 26 lbs

    Hubby lost 4 lbs….loosing to date 16 lbs

    Our body is so very strange…I will never understand it….we will continue as we are so pleased of this way of life..

    The conclusion on our third year…
    This time last year, I am 1 lb up….hubby is 3 lb down…a positive result.

    We both wish everyone a Happy Christmas and a Happy New Year…our first weigh in will be 25th January after holidays…

    Wow, what an achievement Symba! Congratulations!Have you guys ever been tempted to fast more than 2 days a week? I’m on holidays at the moment , which can make easier and more difficult. Easier in that I can have as much water etc without having to worry about frequent bathroom visits when working. More difficult in that were tend to go out and socialise more. When I am working, I fast 5 days a week as I am so busy , I get distracted and don’t think about hunger, food etc. on the weekends, we have a very active social life, so I basically party all weekend (within reason , don’t eat fried chips etc). This has resulted in me losing a maximum of 1.7 kg in a week and a minimum of 200g. I have monthly weigh ins and blood pressure checks with my dr. My blood pressure has gone way down to a healthy level and I have gone down 2 dress sizes. My BMI is 24.6 and I would like it to go down to 22.5 ish. 8 kg to go !

    Rosey Posey..
    Thank you … we do two or three fasts a week, as it’s a way of life for us and we feel that is enough.

    It’s the feasting and fasting which is Michael Mosleys way of doing 5.2 but we all tweet it to suit ourselves..

    You have done very well yourself good luck to your goal.

    Thanks Symba so do you have much further to go to reach your goal ? It is certainly easier when your partner is travelling the same road ! X

    Rosy Posy..
    I am at goal but would like another 7 lbs off of it happens, hubby too would like another 7 lbs off.. just going away on holiday for three weeks so by the time we are back it will be a lot more but that’s life… too many holidays get in the way…

    Back on the 19th.. fasting and more focussed I think ..

    Agreed but you also need to enjoy life by having holidays . You can always get back on the horse !


    Week 145…after 230 fasts..

    First week fasting of the year..with three fasts completed.

    We have had two weeks Christmas and then a three week holiday in America visiting family, so five weeks off fasting. It really shows when the finger is off the button.
    We were away with friends at Christmas holidays and then with the family so had to fall in with very different meals than we usually eat…catching up with my daughter over far too many wines which went down like a dream..counted the bottles over three weeks 16 bottles of red wine between us definitely an ouch!…good it’s only once a year visit…the beer was awful to drink so hubby was saved.

    We are trying to fit three fasts in each week from now till the end of February …see how we go…off the alcohol too..

    I have put on 6 lbs…loosing to date 20 lbs

    Hubby put on 1 lb…loosing to date…15 lbs

    Hubby needs a gold star at putting 1 lb on over a 5 week period…he has put me to shame.

    I need a very good push to get the holiday weight lost…still holidays is a must for us, and visiting family are very special times…hope my holiday weight is gone by the end of February.

    Week 146…after 233 fasts..

    We are getting rid of the jet lag now and getting back in the swing of fasting…we managed 3 fasts this week and hoping to continue to the end of the month..
    This week has been very cold and possibly had a bit more food than usual just couldnt face salads…I have made a batch of vegetable soup and I have portioned it up for the freezer, now looking towards making some mushroom soup and maybe tomato. Very good on the calories.

    I have lost 1 lb…loosing to date 21 lbs

    Hubby stayed the same….loosing to date 15 lbs

    The doctor has told hubby he needs to do some excerise and loose more weight…so hopefully that will give us the push to be more focused..

    Week 147..after 236 fasts…

    We had a bit of a bad weekend, bottle of red wine, two lots of puddings with our main meals..we really must watch what we are eating at a weekend, we do slip a bit…we had a friend visiting in the week who had to cancel twice due to the weather, leaving us extra food, cakes and biscuits to eat…still we pushed on with three good fasts, very thoughtful week on the food on NFDs.

    I have stayed the same….maintaining at 21 lbs off

    Hubby stayed the same….maintaining at 15 lbs off

    I feel we have had a good week, pulled back on the excesses of the weekend…I am happy we have maintained.

    We have wedding anniversary and a special birthday for hubby who is 70 this week…. We have a lunch and evening meal out today…then going away for two days in a hotel for his birthday….all food again…..hoping to maintain again next week

    The line will then be drawn for a couple of months, thoughtful on food we are eating….before my special birthday at the end of April.

    149 weeks… after 242 fasts…

    I didn’t log last week…as we were away for a weekend break…

    We are doing 5 days, 2 x 500 and 3 x 800 if we can with a normal weekend….we are managing it ok up to now…we have been doing 5.2 over three years and I think we need a shake up and more thoughtful eating…see how we go…

    All exciting for us we have bought a three year old Dalmatian called Charlie he definitely is getting my steps up to 14,000 a day…..hoping over time it will help with weight or at least toning…..Charlie will join us on 5.2 ( maybe not quite 5.2 but lower calories 😂) he has about 11 lbs to loose, maybe a two week weigh in for him…he will join the list next week.

    I have maintained…loosing to date 21 lbs

    Hubby has lost 2 lbs…loosing to date….17 lbs to date

    Keeping on our shorter calorie week…

    Hi Symba7
    Great to still read your posts. Like you both we continue to fast regularly. We still aim for twice a week. Last year we fasted 90+ times this year aiming for 100. What is great about it is firstly it stabilisés weight gain. Plus it gives one a wonderful feeling of control over oneself. Well done and keep it up.
    I’m finishing off my book then sending it to a friend to proofread. I’ll let you know what happens after that.

    Lovely to hear from you…I am glad you are both pushing on with this lovely way of life…we have possibly let go a bit and not so focussed but maintaining well. ..a couple of holidays have got in the way a bit and of course Christmas. We are trying to really think what we are eating and cutting back on the naughties..

    We have now got Charlie the dalmation and he is keeping us on our toes…more walking especially for me…we have had him a week and he definitely has changed our life in a good way.

    Good safe flying to you both and pop by again and let me know about your book..

    Jean x

    150 weeks…after 244 fasts..

    A busy week walking the dog and getting to know him, such a lovely nature and he has settled in very well…good week with the fasting for Hubby and me….Eating at the weekend but keeping to 800 cals on week days except our 500 days.
    Charlie and myself have walked 43 miles this week…a well done to both of us.

    I have stayed the same….loosing 21 lbs to date

    Hubby has stayed the same…loosing 17 lbs to date

    Charlie the dog has lost 2 lbs…loosing to date 2 lbs

    Talking to the Vet, Charlie has between 11lbs and 13 lbs to loose..he will weigh every two weeks….I am very impressed with his results this week.

    151 weeks…after 246 fasts..

    A couple of meals out over the weekend then had to pull back through the week…in the week it all went well doing 2 x 500 fasts plus 2 x 800 days..

    I have lost 1lb…loosing to date 22 lbs

    Hubby has stayed the same…loosing to date 17 lbs

    Charlie the weigh in this week….loosing to date 2 lbs

    We are going away in the caravan Friday until Monday…hoping for lots of walking in the Nottingham Forest, having a treat or two and some wine..must pull our belts in when back….

    Week 152….after 246 fasts

    First trip away of the season in the caravan a few old ways have crept back in..chocolate biscuits and wine…..must knock that back for next trip…must say we both felt awful, we deserved that!!..we did lots of forests walks with Charlie.

    A good fast week we pulled back and managed well..

    Have stayed the same… loosing to date 22 lbs

    Hubby stayed the same….loosing to date 17 lbs

    Charlie the dog lost 1/2 lb……loosing to date 2 1/2 lbs

    Nothing planned this week so hope for some movement in weight next Friday…we’ll done to Charlie I am pleased.

    Week 155… after 252 fasts

    We had a week at home then a week away visiting family..managing to fast while away but unfortunately a few meals out, biscuits and cakes while family was around us…I seem to have not logged into the thread for two weeks I don’t know how that happened..just being away I think.

    Charlie dog has been ill with an upset his weight has gone down, I will log it but next weigh in will show his proper weight..

    I have gained 1 lb…..loosing to date 21 lbs

    Hubby stayed the same…loosing to date 17 lbs

    Charlie the dog 1 kg….loosing to date 6 lbs

    Really must put some effort in to loose some weight, we have a few weeks before we go away again.

    I think Charlie is looking very good maybe another pound to loose..Vet needs more off but I don’t want him too scraggy looking…

    Week 156…after 254 fasts..

    We have done the usual two fasts this week..trying to be more thoughtful food wise …a good week after our week away. Staying positive this next week nothing planned so should be a good week before Easter sets in…we have both got three Easter Eggs each which are upstairs and out of view..

    I have lost 1lb…loosing to date 22 lbs

    Hubby has lost 2 lbs…loosing to date 19 lbs

    Charlie the weigh in…..loosing to date 6 lbs

    Very pleased with hubby a good loss for him…..A positive week a head.

    Week 157…after 256 fasts..

    Pushing on this week not doing much..I went out for lunch mid week…

    I have stayed the same…loosing to date 22 lbs

    Hubby lost 1 lb…loosing to date 20 lbs

    Hubby has started doing one dog walk with me and I think it’s helping loosing the weight…he has a high heart rate and he soon starts burning as mine is so slow, I never get in the burning mode..I am very pleased with him…it’s hard for him walking as he has many health problems ..

    Week 158…after 258 fasts..

    I have had a quick week away to Houston to visit my daughter as a birthday surprise for me. My hubby was left at home looking after Charlie the dog. So a week without fasting for both of us. We have managed to get straight back on board this last week.

    I have put 1 lb on…loosing to date 21lbs

    Hubby has put 2 lbs on…loosing to date 18 lbs

    I am quite pleased with the results this week, as I expected more weight gain…hubby let off the leash doing his own thing not too bad too..

    We are going away for a holiday in the caravan for three weeks, the next weigh in day will be the first Friday in June..we will continue to fast as usual but we are on holiday so maintaining would be nice.

    Week 159…after 260 fasts

    We have been away for three weeks in the caravan so no fasting for us…we had the most wonderful weather just one day of rain. We had quite a bit of naughty eating and red wine and beer. Still holidays are holidays.
    We were both up a bit in weight when back but had a very good fast week getting straight back on.

    I have lost 2 lbs….loosing to date 23 lbs

    Hubby has put 2 lbs on…loosing to date 16 lbs

    Charlie the dog….loosing to date 2 kilos

    I am feeling more positive than hubby, hoping for a good week.
    Hubby having lots of different hospital appointments, so they are taking priority at the moment but he is still fasting, with a few naughties on the side 😬…I am taking a blind eye the moment.

    Week 160…after 262 fasts

    We have had a funny week, friend staying over, two meals out, wine and chocolate..not forgetting three large vanilla slices..quite a bit naughty really. I was hoping we were going to maintain.
    Can’t really understand the scales!!

    I have lost 2 lbs… loosing to date 25 lbs

    Hubby lost 3 lbs….loosing to date 19 lbs

    I am not complaining maybe a naughty week works sometimes….I am still staying off bread and potatoes, this is the second week and I have had good weight losses each week….for me 😂

    Week 161…after 264 fasts..

    A funny week for us, hubby had surgery Monday came home and had a nose bleed for 8 hours. We went to A & E they wanted to admit him but no beds then tried to transfer him to another hospital but no he was discharged so I was up and down the motorway, we got to bed at 5 am..

    Although fasting during the week hubby tried his best, lots of problems going on at the moment..

    I put on 1 lb…….loosing to date 24 lbs

    Hubby put on 1 lb…….loosing to date 18 lbs

    We both actually put on 4 oz each putting into the next pound so really quite pleased more or less maintaining this week..

    Week 163…after 268 weeks of fasting..

    I seem to have missed a week logging…we have been fasting as usual all going well..we have also had 4 nights away in the caravan both being very good and also took the scales with us.

    I have lost 1 lb…loosing to date 25 lbs

    Hubby lost 1 lb…loosing to date 19 lbs

    My hubby is having a rough time just being diagnosed with lung cancer, he is going for a biopsy this week then an operation…he is suspending his fasting until after his operation and his recuperation…he may continue his weighing in but we will see.. all keeping strong and positive.

    Week 164…after 270 weeks of fasting..

    I am still trying to cut down on bread and potatoes not totally but the best I can….we are going to the hospital a lot with my hubby lots of tests, scans and blood tests…a trying time for both of us..I am still fasting but my hubby is in a fashion..

    I have stayed the same….loosing to date 25 lbs

    Hubby stayed the same..loosing to date 19 lbs

    We are pushing forward with 4 nights away as holiday plans have all changed…see how we go with fasting this coming week…

    Week 165…after 271 weeks of fasting..

    We have been away in the caravan for 4 nights before hubby goes into hospital for his operation…we are coming to terms with things but it’s stressful….I have managed to fast this week …hoping to get to goal next week….I will then have to go a few more pounds for wriggle room.

    I have loss 1 lb..loosing to date 27 lbs

    Hubby suspended from fasting due to illness

    Hubby is fasting with me in a fashion, lots of stress at the moment, not quite there at times. He is still supporting me.

    Week 166…after 273 fasts..

    Back to hum drum at home..fasting is still going really well…lots of stress with hubby not well, he will be going in hospital on Monday for 7 to 10 days so lots of hospital visiting…maybe no time for eating food !
    We had a lovely meal out on Friday for our anniversary, as we always have Friday’s off….but back to a low day today.

    I have stayed the same…loosing to date 27 lbs

    Hubby..suspended fasting due to operation and recuperating

    I have to keep strong as we move forward..

    Hello Symba7

    I have been doing 5:2 for 2 years and have enjoyed reading your forum posts, your determination to keep fasting no matter what has helped to keep me on track when times have been tough. Thank you.

    I hope your husband’s operation goes well and that he makes a good and speedy recovery. I know how exhausting worrying about a loved one and daily hospital visiting can be, take care of yourself.


    Thank you for your wishes much appreciated…he has had a very rough week he’s been very poorly, maybe turning the corner now..

    Week 167…after 275 fasts…

    A very busy walking , hospital, dog walking..lots of travelling…6 1/2 hours on the road visiting including travelling…
    Hubby has had a very rough week..two three hour operations on conservative days, blood transfusion he has been very poorly..hoping he may get out of hospital Monday if things settle down…although two fast days not really had time to eat properly..

    I have lost 2lbs…loosing to date 29 lbs

    Hubby suspended from fasting..

    I have reached Goal weight minus 1 lb…hoping to loose 3 more pounds for wriggle room..I am really pleased.

    Hi Symba7
    I’m still fasting and still reading your blogs. Wishing you and your husband well and hope he has a speedy recovery. Well done on getting to your goal.

    Thanks for your wishes..taken me a year to push for goal maybe too many holidays…the next step the hardest, to keep maintaining..
    Best wishes to you and yours hope you are both ok and still flying with plenty of bbq’s and wine in the go..

    Week 168…after 277 fasts

    A very busy week, hubby came home after 9 days in hospital..he has been very poorly, a very big major operation our doctor has told him to rest up and do nothing..13 days now and improving very slowly.
    Keeping me on my toes I am finding it very tiring, my age I think is catching up with me..taking Charlie dog out for his two one hour walks and getting everything else done.
    I have had two fast days..

    I have stayed the same…maintaining …I have lost to date 29 lbs

    Hubby suspended from fasting..

    This is the hardest time maintaining I would like another 3 lbs off for wriggle room.

    Week 169…after 279 fasts ..

    A very busy week, hubby came home from hospital then I took him to A&E as his breathing was so bad and he was admitted again to hospital…he has picked a hospital infection/ pneumonia after 5 days they have allowed home again but we are going three times a day to hospital for antibiotics injections, he is classed as an in patient with a bed but is staying at home, we can go back in any time if needed.

    I have managed to fast while visiting, it’s very hard going and feeling shattered.

    I have stayed the same……maintaining…I have lost to date 29 lbs

    Hubby suspended from fasting..

    We have 5 more days on the injections finishing Friday hoping he can get discharged then.

    Week 170…after 281 fasts..

    A very good week trying very hard and being positive…getting back to normal life after hospital visiting..

    I have stayed the same…maintaining….loosing to date 29 lbs

    Hubby suspended from fasting

    All is good at the moment.

    Week 171..after 283 fasts..

    A couple of meals out this week, hubby home and tempting me into eating things😬..continuing to fast two days..

    I have put 1 lb on….loosing to date 28 lbs…still at goal

    Hubby suspended from fasting

    A busy two weeks ahead on a few meals out with visitors staying over with will be a hard two weeks!

    Week 172…after 285 fasts..

    A busy week for us, daughter sleeping over so we had a meal out, we had a meal out with friends too. I was not happy as I had to change my fast day, I really don’t like doing weigh in this morning is a day late..

    We have someone else sleeping over tonight and more visitors on Tuesday..that’s it then I will get back on track…everybody visiting husband as he is recuperating….

    I have stayed the same….maintaining goal weight..loosing to date 28 lbs

    Hubby suspended from fasting…

    I really must try and work around the visitors this week and move some weight..I will try….

    Week 173…after 287 fasts..

    These weeks do pass, can’t believe fasting is such our way of life now…I know there are hiccups sometimes but it is straight back on track with no thought what so ever..
    We have had another guest sleep over at the weekend and a meal out..enjoyable but it fitted in nicely with no food over load…then a buffet in the week more of a problem but missed evening meal that day.

    I have stayed the same…maintaining goal weight…loosing to date 28 lbs

    Hubby suspended from fasting….

    Still trying to loose a bit more for wriggle room, day off today as usual but will put my mind to try and move some weight for next week….

    Week 174…after 289 fasts..

    Getting back in the throws of things all visitors gone…good news on hubby this week all his cancer in his lungs has been cut away and all has gone..he is going to three month check ups but no further treatment….we are so very pleased….he is continuing not to fast as he is still in the repairing mode but he is watching his weight…surgeon says keep off fasting a bit longer…
    A good fast week for me…

    I have lost 1lb…loosing to date 29lbs

    Hubby suspended from fasting

    I am minus 1lb on my goal weight so all is well…it’s hard to keep maintaining ..hope it continues..

    Week 175/176….after 293 fasts..

    We have had a quick few days away in the caravan. I have managed to fast while away and when we got back this week…we have had a few meals out and too many cafe stops and cakes. Tried to pull back by having a couple of low days as well as 2 fasting days this week.

    I have maintained….loosing to date 29lbs

    Hubby suspended from fasting.

    Charlie the dog maintaining…loosing 6 lbs to date

    I was surprised I maintained but good news on the scales….I am still dog walking a lot..17,000/18,000 a week ..I think it must be helping….

    Week 177…after 295 fasts

    I have got hubby back on board, he has been fasting this week…we have a good week with lots dog walking…I am very much maintaining and finding it hard to move down in weight it seems at 2 oz a week!..I think it’s about 6 weeks maintaining for me.

    I have maintained…loosing to date 29 lbs..

    Hubby has lost 1 lb…loosing to date 21 lbs..

    I am pleased with hubby he has done well getting straight back into the fasting…we are having 4 days away in the caravan on Monday…fasting twice but will be eating out and having some snacks too..

    Week 178…after 297 fasts..

    We have been away for a short break for 4 nights, fitted in two fasts over the week but we did eat out and have some treats..
    We put a lot of walking in.

    I have put 1lb on….loosing to date 28 lbs

    Hubby has put on 3 lbs…loosing to date 18 lbs

    Belt pulled in this next week and thinking what we are eating..I am still at goal….thinking ahead to Xmas now.

    Week 179…after 299 fasts..

    A strict week and two fasts done…terrible weather not a lot walking gear found to keep us dry..

    I have lost 3 lbs…loosing to date 31 lbs

    Hubby has lost 4 lbs…loosing to date 22 lbs

    No idea what has happened this week but very pleased with both of us..

    Week 180……after 301 fasts

    Weather continuing to be awful….two fasts this week, trying to be strict Christmas is on the horizon….Christmas chocolate stash is growing in the back bedroom must keep off it….no more to be bought….

    I have put 1 lb on…loosing to date 30 lbs

    Hubby stayed the same…..loosing to date 22 lbs

    I am well in my wriggle room and continue to maintain..

    Week 181…after 302 fasts…

    Continuing on…. 2 fasts completed this cold soups are on the go ..looking forward to the Spring and better weather. Nothing exciting done just shopping..

    I have stayed the same…loosing to date 30 lbs

    Hubby 1 lb on……loosing to date 21 lbs

    I am continuing to maintain well under goal.

    Week 182…after 304 fasts..

    A busy time for us all and hard keeping to plan…lots of treats in the bedroom for Christmas but keeping well away…

    I have lost 1 lb…loosing to date 31 lbs

    Hubby 1 lbs on…..loosing to date 20 lbs

    Meals out, for Christmas is looming hoping to continue fasting a bit longer this month…

    Week 183…after 306 fasts..

    Continuing to fast between going out and Christmas meals ..a difficult month December….we are declaring Christmas today, we are possibly going to fast Monday and have a thoughtful food week.

    It’s our last weigh in of the year..

    I have lost 2 lbs this week…loosing to date 33 lbs…I am now maintaining and at goal.

    Hubby stayed the same…loosing to date 20 lbs

    A lovely finish to the year for me at goal…I now have to stay here!

    We shall be back in the New Year our fasting will start on the Thursday 2nd January 2020.

    Update for both of us at the end of 2019…

    We started fasting in 2013 we both lost 33 lbs over a year and got to was a Hooray we have got there..fasting stopped, coming on here logging also stopped.

    Hubby’s 2 new knees, no exercise and back to normal eating over the next year we piled all the weight back on, every single pound!

    A second start to fasting 2015 to 2019 much harder this time and maybe too many holidays, although feeling very positive we wanted a slow weight loss and a definite new way of life. Hubby seems much slower this time but he has had two years of bad health, he maybe has another 7 lbs to loose.

    This morning sees me back to 33 lbs off and over my goal. This is a lovely end to the year. The hardest time is now to stay within 2 lbs of wriggle room…we shall still stay with you all. We have too!

    All our journeys continue in the New Year, good luck to everyone.

    First weigh in for 2020..

    Week 184 ..after 308 fasts..

    It’s been a hard week to restart after Christmas but managed two fasts….we have had a good Christmas weight wise, hubby 2 lbs on and myself 3lbs on so quite pleased with that…so here comes the next year..after the fasts we are at..

    I have put 3 lbs on…loosing to date 30 lbs

    Hubby has put on 1lbs…loosing to date 19lbs

    I am still under goal and in the maintaining zone another 3 lbs off for wriggle room max. hubby chasing to loose 9 lbs.

    I am sooo impressed by your consistency symba7! Great work.

    Thanks …we find it a great way of life and keeping our weight consistent…

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