Fat Busting Brits!!

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  • Cmum..

    A suggestion for your dress,

    Get some ..wonder-web….its invisible mend.

    Iron on the wrong side and close the hole or the cut up..no stitching

    If there is a hole try and take some material from inside, maybe a seam, fill the hole then iron the wonder-web from the inside carefully.

    Hope it works

    Jean x

    Hi CMum

    In case this helps here is a link to wonder web on eBay.


    Only £1.

    I hope it helps.

    Hi Everyone

    Sorry to have been AWOL but literally haven’t had a minute to myself. Guests finally gone, but I’m absolutely shattered and it seems that I’ve put on a couple of pounds! Doing a FD tomorrow but doubt if that will really affect the weigh in on Tuesday. 🙁

    Horrible day here today – hailstones, thunder and lightening!

    I’m definitely in for the FCD Ginette, in fact I may do another FBD in July/Aug as well. I feel as though I’m letting myself down at the moment and I’m away for a weeks holiday with a friend on 28th of this month on FULL BOARD! Maybe I should try for a hypnosis session before I go – anyone know a good hypnotist?? LOL

    Sorry to hear about the poor heath of various people, hope everyone feels better really quickly.

    Well done to all who’ve lost weight and managing to fit into clothes that didn’t fit before. That’s a real boost for morale.

    I’m going to try and sort my wardrobe out this week, It’s full to bursting and there’s loads in there that I haven’t worn for ages and some with the tags still on! If I can motivate myself I’ll try and gee myself up to get some onto Ebay (along with a whole load of other things that need to be gone!)

    Take care, speak soon Xx

    Hi Coffee

    Nice to see you here. I would try to find a cd of Paul McKenna this may help and relatively cheap as well. You will also find it relaxing. I use his stress one, I also have his sleep one but I haven’t yet tried that.

    Don’t worry about the weight gained, now just get back to losing again. I have been told by my health trainer that he wants me to try and lose 4lbs a month, I would rather lose a bit less than this, but I will gave to be mindful and not go to mad either. That is a good idea about the clothes. Have you ever sold anything on eBay? If so how do you work out the postage?

    Glad you are back.

    Hi Ginette

    I actually have the Paul McKenna multiple set for losing weight that I bought years ago and never used! Thanks for reminding me 🙂

    Not too worried about the weight gain, hopefully it will soon come off again as long as I can stay positive. The week away is going to be the hardest.

    They reckon that 1lb a week weight loss is the best for you. Not enough to make the skin sag etc but a good healthy loss. It’s just under 4 stone in a year and I’d be over the moon with that! LOL

    I’ve been promising myself I was going to sort out the wardrobes for about 2 years now! I really have to try and find some ‘get up and go’ instead of saying all the time that it’s ‘got up and gone’ LOL I have sold on Ebay before, a few years ago now, and always weighed the articles plus wrapping and checked Royal Mail for what the price would be.. never had a problem doing it that way. It’s getting stuff out and photographing it, measuring, writing the listing etc that’s putting me off. Just don’t have any energy for anything. Think I need a good kick up the backside but I’d probably just fall over and go to sleep! LOL

    Hope you manage to get a decent sleep. Take care.X

    Morning all. FD went well yesterday (although very perceptive of you Symba – guest doesn’t really approve of fasting…but I’m committed to regaining control, to recognising that I don’t ‘need’ all I have consumed in the past, to doing this in the company of a supportive bunch…that’s you guys, and to having fasting as part of my WOL) I now know about stevia, and a bit more about how to use it in cooking. And I’m getting back some of my confidence in the kitchen. When I first married, and again when my son was born, I was far more committed to cooking from scratch. Now once again, I need to get away from pre-prepared, processed foods. Convenience foods have so much in them that we don’t need, and that will put us off track. This probably sounds really obvious to you all, but it’s something I need to get consciously back on board…I reckon even cakes are not as bad for you if you’ve them from scratch! Of course, my one exception to the shop-bought is…my favourite fishcakes!
    Hope the new week is a wonderful one for everyone.

    Morning all

    Minols I don’t know if you are near one but aldi have their fishcakes on offer at the moment…. I am glad you survived your weekend. If I had a pound for every time someone over this past year had told me fasting isn’t good for me and now I get them saying ” you don’t need to lose any more weight ” … I am still in the overweight BMI so obviously I do aargh!

    It is easier to make your own ready meals I tend to cook for 6 then freeze 4 meals!… my freezers are permanently full, yes I said freezers I have 3 of them! Today we are on hairy bikers sausage caserole and slow cooked baked potato I have not tried to slow bake potatoes before but they sound good will let you know later…

    I have had a quick look at the scales I am up 2 lb! 😠 this is obviously the result of feeding my cold haha 😈😈!

    I am however a little better again today so may be able to manage a workout later.

    Have a good day everyone keep in touch and remember that together we are stronger!


    Morning All

    Bright blue skies here today looks lovely.

    FD for us today, hoping swimming for me at lunchtime and getting hubby to a back clicker as soon as we can. He has a tablet review this morning with the doctor so he will talk about his back but she won’t do anything! Wrong doctor!

    I am now panicking, my guests arrive a week Tuesday for 5 weeks, although staying at a holiday house for a month they will be back and forth, all going out altogether, wine and food in plenty 😬😁

    The last thing I want is putting much back on, although I think she was saying a bit of a rota for visitors, I might try and get out of Monday and Thursday my FDs.

    Glad Ginette has found the link to wonder web, in bed last night I am thinking is it pressing on the right side and not wrong side, it’s awhile since I used it. Good luck it’s good stuff.

    Everybody seems to knock fasting, they think you are starving yourself but choosing well it’s not the case. OK a bit hungry at times, I think it’s a feeling which shows you are working well with your body and you are in control.

    Cooking from scratch you know what’s exactly in the food, try and wean yourself off buying processed food, when you are busy easier said than done I know.

    Like you I only have two freezers also two fridges! My freezers are usually full! Maybe it’s the caravaners in us..lol..lol

    The scales go up and down, I wouldn’t worry once you are better it will come off.

    I would keep going as you are, I think you could manage the 4 lbs but if it’s less that’s fine. You are now focused after the Xmas and doing really well. The one pound a week like we both are..it’s all going down even if we miss a week now and again.

    Hope you managed the planting over the weekend, are you fasting today. Joint of gammon cooked again last night for us today.

    Hope we all have some movement tomorrow with the weight. I am hoping for 1 but may squeeze 2. Lol..lol

    Hubbys has 4 pm appointment at his back clicker ,I have just been told, hope it works.

    Have a good thoughtful food day everyone.

    Jean x

    Thank you for all your tips to repair my dress, will try wonder web.

    Weight in today and I’m 5 pounds down this week. Still carrying some holiday weight but its going in the right direction, phew. I’ll feel much better when I hit my pre holiday weight. I feel I’ve had a 3 week set back but surprisingly I’m not as down about it as I would have been previously. I do believe its because of all you ladies and your support that’s made such a difference to how I look and feel at trying to lose weight now.


    Wow 5 lbs that’s big numbers, really well done. That’s a big downward fall. 😀😀😀

    Jean x

    Hi Mino

    Just take the information you would like to use from your friend. My health trainer doesn’t believe in fasting either but I have told him it is the only thing that has worked for me. As I have lost a lot of weight fasting I have to say it has proven itself. There are also the health benefits from fasting. Also I think it reeducates us into eating what is good for us.

    I think the support here is invaluable, the hints, tips and recipes are good. It is also free and we don’t have to spend a lot of time on the forum, we can choose how much time to spend here. Win, win, win……

    Hi Audrey

    I keep meaning to but sausages for a sausage casserole is this a hairy bikers one? Take the exercise really slowly as you don’t want to put yourself back. Maybe just start with some walking.

    The fact that you are showing that you have put on 2lbs may be temporary. I am also showing that and o have been good!! Granted I did have dessert at Pam’s yesterday, I also had sone semolina in the week but the rest of the time I was good all the way. No other chololate, cake, sweet things in general apart from fruit. Only about 4 slices of bread. It is very disheartening.

    Hopefully it may go down tomorrow. Just to stay the same will be better that showing a gain.

    I reckon that even if I ate 1000 calories on fast dats which I obviously don’t, this would be -3000 on fast days (800 day included here). Then the fact that I must be eating 500 less than it would take to carry on functioning on the three other days (I gave taken Sunday’s out here) that is 4500. It takes -3500 to lose a pound so where is this pound??

    So frustrating…….

    Anyway I will carry on as I know scales go up and down at this time of the year.

    Hi Jean

    I really hope that I do carry on losing. As you know 2lbs a month is what I would like to lose as a minimum. I think 3lbs a month would be a good compromise as he wants 4.

    As you can see from above I am not looking good on the scales. Who knows what tomorrow will bring though.

    Yes I would try for two days off when guests come, this will be a difficult time for you food wise. Let us hope the fact that we have been doing this just before makes us mindful.

    I hope you see the 2lbs loss tomorrow. Do you feel as if you have lost?

    I hope hubbys appointment helps get him back on track.


    I read the reviews on a Paul McKenna weight loss cd last night, they sell these on Amazon and EBay. I went for the Easy weight loss one, one of the others has 6 CDs too many for me I thought and I think someone even gave me a copy of these CDs once. I didn’t listen as there were too many.

    The easy weight loss has 1 I think. It us in two parts, the first is An introduction and the second part is the hypnosis which lasts 15 minutes. I have read the reviews on Amazon to find this out.

    It is sold on Amazon and EBay. There is currently one on eBay fairly inexpensive under £3 I think.

    I shall put the links to both below.


    £2.71 free P and P

    I also bought one from Amazon at 1.50 as a reviewer also said it makes you want to exercise, now this is what I need. (Sorry I had the cheapest one)


    I think I am looking good for a pound as its stayed off all week with no ups, strangely for me……. after today’s fast hoping it may move a little down as I am only 3 oz off the changeover pound!

    Hope you get your pound off, our bodies are so strange as I have said many times before, you are good and stay the same or put on, then a naughty week and loose! I think it all catches up with itself eventually we are just impatient.

    Good luck


    Good morning friends hope all is well with you and yours.

    Another beautiful day … never came in from the garden till late last night … wonderful .. hoping the same today. All planted out. Lol

    A good week-end with 5 2… trouble is never weighed before breakfast as my friend was on the phone very early. Wanted to talk… but its all getting a bit tiring now.. There is only so much you dare say even if you can see it plainly. Late with Mr Pips this morning and feel stressed.

    Looking forward to tomorrow to the lovely surroundings and tea but don’t relish this ongoing saga … Which has happened numerous times before and will again. A spoilt nasty man.

    Kristy has tonsillitis … hard going as she is so busy. Always gets it when tired.

    Well done CMum that’s fab 5lbs … brilliant. What encouragement you are. Hope your dress works out ok.

    Everyone else have a good day… catch up later.

    Brit Lovelies… We are recognizing the challenges and doing something about it. Xx

    C mum 5lbs well done to you… stick with us we will all get there eventually.

    Hemmy I do hope you manage to enjoy your special day and your friend doesn’t monopolize things for you…

    Jean hope hubby improves soon.

    Gibette 2lb is definitely on I am afraid but I will lose it again soon… don’t worry I am just going to start exercising very gradually… yes the casserole is the hairy bikers one I made earlier like blue Peter hehe. ..

    Love to all



    Have a lovely lovely day tomorrow, and have happy memories it will be hard and good. Hope you sorted a new straw bag out to go with your outfit, you will look super. Hope your friend doesn’t spoilt it with negative thoughts, I know she will be on a one track at the moment..

    I have always wanted to do afternoon high tea but I have never got around to it.

    Glad you got all your flowers planted it was a good day yesterday, we did sit out with coffee at about 4pm.

    Must share our mornings thought here..
    Hubbys jeans keep falling down he has his belt so tight they are frilling over the top…he thought they were his ‘large’ size 42″ waist but he said with delight as looked this morning they are only his 40″….and still falling down…a very happy bunny 😀😀

    Jean x

    Hi Jean

    I have fingers crossed for you. Yes true it’s a strange thing weight loss. It happens when you least expect it.

    I haven’t really lost heart, just felt like a grumble. I shall carry on going as I know it will come off eventually. I know exercise will help though. I forgot to say that swimming is great for all over toning up.

    Hi Hemmy

    I’m glad you are enjoying your planting out. The weather was good here yesterday and looks good today. I tried to start the Karen mower yesterday but my son had tried previously and I think it had flooded. I shall try again tomorrow if the weather holds out.

    Remember that here problems aren’t yours, don’t take them to heart. You can only help so far. Mr Pips will help. Sorry to here about Kristy. I suffered badly from this as a child. It always sent me into a bad fit and I ended up in hospital as a child. I then had them taken out and things improved dramatically. I hope she gets better soon.


    Here is the link to Amazon for you. This is just what I typed in the search click on the first one and it will take you there. I use an app and I can’t copy the link from there.

    easy weight loss cd paul mckenna

    Hi Jean. Yes 5 lbs is a big weight loss but I think after the holiday and the alcohol I drank, my body is just getting back to normal now. I’m realistic, I know that is a lot to have lost but its really fluid I think as my ankles have been swollen.

    Anyway its all good. Fast day going well.

    Weight loss is weight loss, 5 lb even after holiday is very good. You must feel a lot better.

    Fast day going well here. Cold gammon for dinner with salad as usual.

    I did 28 lengths swimming across lunchtime. Really quiet in the pool so that was good. Hoping it gets those pounds moving..lol

    Hubby has been to the back clicker again. He said his back is quite bad, clicked one back straight away then after a massage he got another big click. He has to go again Thursday. Hope he’s a bit better in the morning after everything settles down.

    Good luck to the morning weigh ins 😀😀


    Hi cmom
    That’s a great loss of 5lb I know when I came back from my hols lost 6lb well pleased with that keep at it, it will soon drop off.

    FD for me hope the scales are kind to me in the morning…….hubby home on Thursday lots of washing to turn around in 2 days as he’s off aging till 18 June. Grandkids coming for the the weekend look forward to that.

    Hope everyone has had a good day.


    Hi CMum

    I know that water retention problem. Glad it’s gone for the moment. Do you feel as if you have lost ?

    Hi Jean

    That back seems to be costing a lot of money, ok if it works but it is true we really must look after our health. I hope it really eases the back.

    Hi Lynda

    I hope I haven’t put on. I had a good fast day, smoked haddock and vegetables tonight. Fruit and 3 ryvita earlier.

    Good luck to everybody for tomorrow.

    Morning all
    Doing a little Audrey dance……3b off this week so chuffed with myself👏

    Well were into our final week so let’s give it one last push to reach the goal of 12lb or as near as you can come on girls we can do this.
    Off to work soon but will be checking on your progress.

    Lynda xx


    2lb on for me….. I have fed my cold too much….

    Final push this week

    Good luck fellow brits


    Good morning friends hope all is well with you and yours.

    Thankfully looks a lovely day again. Yes, Sym did find the bag.. Lol

    Well Done Lynda 3lbs is brilliant Yay Yay Yay.Xxxx

    Just weighed in and pleased to say I lost 2lbs. Now 5lbs from original goal.

    Lots todo … little time. Lol Hope everyone else is ok.

    Brit lovelies ..

    PS Aud just read your post… Its most important to get yourself well. Xxxx

    We can do this we are proving it. Xx

    Morning All,

    Bright cheery morning here in the N/E.

    I made the 2 lb off today, very pleased. Nearing my changeover stone, it will sound better on paper 😀.

    Well done Lynda 3 lbs is very good….up and running very early for to work this morning.

    Audrey although disappointing, It’s hard to keep on track when you are under the weather. Hubby was up a few pounds when his back first went then last week lost 3 lbs, so it comes off quick..it’s not got too comfy 😀

    Hemmy well done on the 2 lbs off. Glad you found your bag, already for tomorrow’s treat. Have a lovely afternoon.

    Pushing for the final week, I have lunch out, booked Saturday and Sunday this week…when you want so much to have a good week…a lot of mindful thought of what I will be eating.

    It will be interesting Sunday, meeting up with someone I haven’t seen for awhile, she has been trying to diet for the last year, she looses one and puts two pounds on…she said she couldn’t fast! Will she notice I have lost weight?

    My glasses need adjusting so about a bit later this morning, maybe bacon butty and a cuppa out as a treat. Hubbys back still sore but I think he looks better, we will see after a wander about.

    Good luck to rest of the weigh ins this morning.

    Jean X

    Well done Lynda, Hemmy and Symba, great news with the losses. 🙂

    Audrey you’re not on your own as I’ve also increased by 2lb. I reckon we just have to tell ourselves that we had a good excuse (!) LOL Tomorrow is another day so we’ll just have to be positive and start again. 🙂

    Hope everyone else does well. Rushing a bit so speak later. Xx

    Hi Lynda

    Well done, what a great loss. This seems to be working for you. Yes you took the words about really putting an effort into the final week out of my mouth.

    Hi Audrey

    A shame you have gained, let’s hope it goes and a bit more next week.

    Hi Hemmy

    Well done 2lbs another good loss. They are really racking up here.

    Hi Jean

    Well done to you, that swimming must be paying off. 2lb as well you must be relieved.

    Glad hubbys on the mend. You really deserve that bacon sandwich. I am also going out to lunch on Thursday, it has be planned a long time, I am definitely going to have an ice cream as well. I have been looking forward to that.

    Well I have manged to lose a 1lb thankfully (actually a pound and a half but I’ll save the half until next week). So thankfully going down.

    Well done everybody. Audrey, that will go next week, being ill causes the body to retain fluid, I have even had d&s before and still gained!!

    Sun is shining here, I hope it is where you all are.

    Hi Coffee

    Posts crossed, yes have a good last week on it and you will lose that weight. As you say you have had a bit of a difficult week so be positive into next week.

    Coffee..no worries the weight will move..looks like this coming week I will be joining you with two meals out, sometimes things get difficult….but push on we all have to live..lol

    Ginette..well done on your pound off…and a bit more as well. Yes the swimming is helping, I will go Thursday then the children are off school so I don’t go then too busy. I will try to fit some in while my daughters here if I can.

    Our morning plans didn’t work out…we got to the town, hubby walked 25 yards and I had to take him back to the car! He just couldn’t walk. Frozen peas on back and resting, he’s ok about the house but not right outside.

    I got him a paper while he sat and I sorted my glasses out.

    I have a dress on which didn’t fit last year…so things are looking up…so pleased.


    Now I know I said that I really needed a sort out and I’m still doing this……I’m glad to say although my problems were similar my sorting problem was nowhere near as bad as this. What a lucky woman to have two people helping her. I hope it was her who agreed to have her photos put in the paper though. I would be really embarrassed.


    How embarrassing but so sad


    Hi Ginette K. My ankles certainly feel better now. I also think my stomach is a little flatter. I suppose feeling the difference when I gain a little weight back on is a good thing as it certainly makes you want to get rid of it pretty quickly. I’m trying to eat better on non fast days as well. My husband has gained so much weight he looks odd. His belly is very big which isn’t healthy with his high blood pressure. I’ve tried to encourage him to join me on the 5-2 but he wont. Not eating what he wants and in particular, not drinking alcohol even for 2 days is not acceptable to him. His drinking is an issue for me and I’m failing to get him to see that he drinks way to much. He is a very angry man who doesn’t like me becoming more independent.

    Had a lovely sunny day here today. Feeling pretty good.

    Hi CMum

    You carry on gaining that independence. I am right behind you. If he chooses not to join you then it is not for everybody. He should be encouraging you. It’s a good job you have the forum to encourage you.

    I have been unexpectedly moving a piano I am pleased to say. I used to love it when I was teaching and working at the computer next to my son who was playing with headphones on. It is an electric piano that he hasn’t used for a long time. It has an electrical fault that needs to be fixed so it is on its way. It was right in front of my window and although low and didn’t block the window it made changing the curtains and opening and closing the windows difficult.

    I am just having a cup of tea and a well deserved rest before hoovering where it stood and putting the room back in order. Then I am off to Pams. A nice busy week ahead will help shift those final couple of pounds I hope.

    My son is picking up the paint tomorrow as well. Let’s hope the energy lasts out.

    Continue as you are loose weight and gain your independence. I think after having children many women lack confidence, and it goes on for years. I think some husbands also like this and they never change.

    I had a very controlling husband also a heavy drinker up to 10 pints a day, used me as his taxi driver/housekeeper/ painter/gardener you name it I did it. He also never liked me on a diet.

    He still controls our children and they are 43 and 45, still the eldest now stands her ground, which is good.

    As we get older we get stronger and get our independence back and it’s one day at a time.

    I have a new very happy marriage of 14 years. Hope things improve for you.

    You sound as busy as ever, you seem to have got a lot done..those new nets will be going up soon, after the painting.

    Have a nice evening with Pam.

    We have had a bit of a feast tonight, I made rhubarb crumble with custard, hubbys favourite..just a one off treat. 😇

    Back on track tomorrow

    Jean Xx

    It sounds like your previous relationship was much like mine is now. I also did every thing expected of me even down to him having me labouring for a builder who was building a garage for us. I remember once when I was sick in bed throwing up in a bowl. He stood at the side of the bed and asked me to get up to drive him to the pub. I did it, I was a fool but no longer hence my problems now. I’m stronger and wiser and he hates it. Well its my life and Ill do as I please.

    Maybe when I have better self esteem Ill do something about it.

    I wish you well, I understand totally and it’s very hard.

    I think something just clicks into place. You feel much stronger and you get a direction when the time is right for you.

    There is always support on here in all different ways not just diet. Even getting things off your chest you will feel better. Nobody judges anybody as we are all different.

    Jean x

    Evening all

    Well done jean,hemmy,Ginette coffee on your weight loss brilliant!
    Audrey you weren’t yourself and you know what you done I’m sure you can get back on track give me a shout if you need any encouragement.
    Got the grandkids coming to stay for the weekend……I will have to buy some goodies for them hope I can be strong and don’t dip my fingers in the goodie bag.


    Ooh…Lynda I love children’s sweets…I am afraid my fingers would be in..😀😀

    My nightmare next week..sneaky ones when they are asleep…

    Hi Dear friends. Xx

    Well done Sym and Gine another lot of lbs bite the dust. Xx

    Coffee we all have weeks when is harder. You are doing well and it will soon come off again. Xx

    Sym sorry hubbys back is painful again. It must be an awful worry for you. Xx

    CMum … its not easy for you… I know my friend has been going through similar and decided to stay put once again.
    It is hard and as I said to her today .. no one walks in her shoes. Continue to lose the weight … power to you… we are here for you always. Xx

    Well girls had a decadent day out today. Had a very early small lunch in a pretty pub … then shopping .. treated myself to a new pair of smart jeans and a top .. size 12.. really nice fit… then on to Fawsley Hall for our Champaign Birthday tea for my friend. Beautiful sunshine while we did a tour around first.

    Its a lovely venue if you get a chance… set in lovely countryside with lambs walking across the lane. Surrounding lake really beautiful. Interior all very old just as I like it. England at its very best.

    Back down to earth tomorrow with an FD. Lol Oh well the last push. Xx

    Hi Jean

    Yes you are right Jean, those Nets will soon be going up. I have a quiet couple of weeks. So it’s about time I got busy. My son even got two big bass of my things out of the garage. So I have just finished sorting those out. I got off lightly at Pams today, I did the dinner so we had salad, gammon and a few (I mean a few not one of Pams portions) oven chips. I decided to push the boat out and have a treat. 2 rich tea fingers…all of 46 calories. 🙂

    Hi Lynda

    Thanks. I had to hide Pams chocolate biscuits from my son (he asked me to as he cant resist). I forgot to tell Pam though. Oops….


    Your day sounded lovely, what a treat. Well my two rich tea make me feel angelic. I am out for a meal at the Toby Thursday so I am looking forward to that. Followed by a free ice cream. I am also going with my neighbour the following week as the offer ends soon.

    Size 12, wow….a real skinny minny!

    Yes I too had a controlling husband. I didn’t want that life for my son though.

    See you all tomorrow.

    Coffee are you around tonight?

    Morning all

    I am feeling much better today. I have a blood test tomorrow to check the thyroid and on Friday am off to see my back Dr at the hospital…

    I had a really good day yesterday food wise and had a wander round town followed by cleaning and sealing the front path… the bulk of this was done by Ian with me supervising… it was only put down 2 years ago but was looking a right old mess!
    We got up this morning opened the front door and wow it looks new again…well worth the effort…

    I popped in the scales am 1 lb down from yesterday thank goodness so back on track… also have a rhubarb whip sitting in the fridge ready to eat later today…off to do the cleaning up now talk later.

    Have a good day today


    Morning all

    While looking for the lowest cal fish cakes in Tesco yesterday came across prawn cakes with lemon and spring onion at 89 cals each cake 2 in box had one last night thought they were very nice for a low cal and low fat fishy cake. Going to have the over one for tea tonight with salad FD for me little bit naughty yesterday day so need to be extra good this week.

    Have a lovely day all

    Lynda x

    Morning All,

    A rainy day set in for us today..

    Oh hubby really bad again not really having spasms but can’t walk it’s as if all his pressure goes on his spine when he stands, it isn’t strong enough to hold him. Both his knees and one hip has degeneration, the back man said 1st and 2nd bones in his spine are the problem at the bottom….I hope it’s not creeping up..it’s a worry….A MRI scan would prove it but for the NHS it’s too expensive! £ 300 private!

    That’s a job we want to do, on the to do list lol…lol. We have cleaned it all the other month ready to seal and the rain came…so still waiting. You make it sound so good we must get it done…when the backs better!

    It’s sounds as if your day out was spot on, I am really happy you had a lovely day…size 12!!! Wonderful. 😀

    You must be coming to an end with your sorting, all that cupboard space. It gives you a great feeling. I like having a sort but I don’t think I have much to throw now. Hubby could start in the garage but as he says he uses the lot! Don’t touch! 😁

    Have a lovely weekend with the grandkids, keep you busy 😀 I am picking mine up Manchester airport Tuesday and daughter, I am getting excited..a mother hen springs to mind!

    I might get on the computer today, I have researched my family tree and social history back to 1680. I am writing a book and have some proof reading to do, just the last two chapters then it will go to print. I have got a bit lazy of late. As hubby says too much time on the forum! He’s joking..

    Speak later… have a good day

    Jean x

    Jean the stuff we got is brilliant. … it has left a soft sheen on the stones. … if you want to I can give you the name of it we bought it off amazon. ..quite easy to do, we just used the garden sprayer to put it on and then ian brushed over it with a paint brush to spread… gave it 3 quick coats waiting for the rain now to see if it beads! Lol 😆😆

    give your hubby my best I know the pain he is in, let’s hope it settles down soon, I also know like me there is no cure! Could he not have the treatment I have for the pain it does help a lot?

    Hemmy forgot to say I am pleased you had a good day out yesterday it sounds fabulous. …

    Love to all



    Yes could you give us the name off the brick sealer that would be good, thanks as we have not bought that yet. I would be interested if it beads when it rains I will await your report. I am hoping the moss, grass etc stops it growing and keeps it tidier. Looks like a job for me and him supervising!

    We have the paint to do the drive also as a few neighbours have done that, just to improve the look before it needs replacing it totally!

    Our lady Doctor on Monday told him to go back if it doesn’t improve, she said the chiropractor was a good idea to try. Our good skeleton doctor at the surgery, he has an appointment with him next week for blood test results but he can do also do injections which the others can’t do, into muscles etc.

    Back clicker again this Thursday.

    Hope all goes well with your two appointments at the hospital…it’s lovely to be getting old..lol

    Glad the pounds moved..


    Hi Audrey

    I’m so glad that 1lb has gone already. I even jumped on the scales again this morning to see if I had gone up as in previous weeks. No, I am really pleased to say I haven’t. We work hard to lose these these 1lbs so it is really disheartening for them to show on the scales. I hope hospital app goes well.

    Will that sealer be any good for paving, Pam has crazy paving which is desperately in need of something. Cleaning it with a power hose only lasts a few months and she didn’t do it last year as we had a water meter installed. She still washes clothes nearly every day, goodness knows why?! There are just some habits that you can’t break.

    Pams drive is shingle but around the house is paving stones.


    Those fish cakes sound nice. I’m not found of prawns though and I don’t have a Tesco too near me withought going into town and paying for parking. I may visit a fried this week and she has one near here where I won’t pay.

    Hi Jean

    Although expensive if the MRI will get to the root of the problem and they will do something it may be worth it. If this is a cortisone injection I had one with a frozen shoulder and me son had one with his wrist but they advise you not to have too many as it makes the muscle thin. Ask the advice of the clicker.

    An overcast day where I am as well, nice for being busy though. I even turned out the light at 3 that was really good for me. Must have been all that activity.

    No I am nowhere near sorting most drawers and cupboards are done in my bedroom but I still have paperwork and bookshelves to go. Getting there in my room though. I have another two rooms to tackle then my sons if I really want to although that is more difficult. I don’t want to throw out anything he may want to keep, also the airing cupboard which had been used as storage. I sorted out someone’s house and didn’t want go throw too much out as he wife was alive and didn’t know whether she wanted it. She had hits died and I will now have to decide what to do with it. Not really anything that the family will want.

    But I am trying to concentrate on a room a time but the decorating will be a nice distraction and kitchen cupboards are stored in my bedroom so that will still free up space and let me get to those drawers.

    Off to get my second cup of tea.

    I forgot here is a link to some money off deals.

    The Waitrose ones are good but there is also Tesco, Asda, Sainsburys and Premier which is a convenience store.


    Hi all


    Look at Amazon jarder spray and leave it’s fantastic stuff. We no longer power wash anything just spray on and walk away it cleans up most outside surfaces. I use it at mums on the greenhouse, paths benches and storage boxes. …just spray 3 times a year, easy as that…

    Jean, we now have a waterproofed path…. we also sprayed the above mentioned stuff on after treating so hopefully a clean path for the next few months for us….


    Thanks Audrey

    Will that waterproof it as well or is that something else?

    I have just tried my steamer out on my kitchen doors. It seemed to work ok but a same there isn’t a flat plate with it. This would seem ideal for windows. It is a wolf so I may take a look at attachments whilst on Amazon.

    Very quiet on here today. X

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