Fat Busting Brits!!

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  • Hemmy, Denise took me to Burford for my 50th birthday we stayed at The Gateway to the Cotswolds.A lovely hotel and I’ve noticed in the supermarket they sell Burford eggs which are really a deep yellow yolk .It snowed when we were coming home and got quiet deep in no time at all. The only time I’ve actually skidded in a car but remembered what to do. Blue sky here today and the sun is out so I’ll take Chloe for a nice walk. Hope the wind as dropped.

    Had 4 games of bowls today so aching now. Played in the rain for a while but was well covered, difficult to bowl though with a coat on.A miserable day here and I think it will be like this every year now.

    Hi F B Brits hope all is well with you Xxxx

    A lovely day .. walked early .. had rained during the night but dry so far today.. Noticeably colder though.. and outlook for this week not good here.

    A lovely few hours in Moreton in the Marsh .. so pretty with its little shops and old world feel hopefully it will be able to survive as lots of small towns are really suffering from these out of town big shopping outlets that seem to spring up over night. A lovely lunch of Brie bacon and cranberry panni and salad.

    Dave that sounds like you had a lovely time in Burford on your 50th Denise found a wonderful place to celebrate.

    Yes its cold now for bowling .. there is talk of snow.. hopefully none here looks like rain though this week.

    Hope everyone is having a good Monday “Eating in the bathtub is clean eating. Can’t argue with facts.” Lolol xxxxx

    Hi all!
    Nana- well done on your loss, you’re so steady & consistent 👍
    Dave- sorry, I got confused with the weight loss plans, you’ve done really well, hope the new one is good too!
    Jean- very hard for Phil & Jacqui…shame about the cows on your walks, we went for a lovely walk by the river last week, no cows in the field luckily…
    Hemmy- glad you had a nice day out, the Cotswolds are so lovely! Were you okay with the memories?
    Had a busy weekend, we were out to Bury St Edmunds on Friday, lots of cleaning done on Saturday & saw Mum, then yesterday I saw my sis, my nephew & his little boy, & Paddy the large pup (he’s bigger than Xena now!). Then youngest son rang to ask if he could come for dinner in the evening, it was lovely to see him. Made Easter tiffin for him & the fire station, they deserve a treat, they went to a big thatched cottage fire Saturday night & didn’t finish until 7.30am. Had to ring my HomeStart family today, been shopping & have done some more cleaning, it feels never ending here & that’s just the surface stuff, nothing deep! No fasting…a few worries with eldest son, the police are awful to work for, he’s been messed about alot & not happy, they make big speeches about being supportive to staff but aren’t at all 😡
    Off away tomorrow, no WiFi there so won’t be about until Easter.

    Evening All…
    A lovely dry day no over-trousers on today. Good hours walking..
    I did 30 mins on my mindfulness, nearly fell asleep three times.. it does make you feel relaxed.

    Three patches of grass seed done possibly a bit early but the sun keeps coming out and obviously enough rain not to water!

    Lovely the old towns they seem to keep their charm longer… usually very bustling. We don’t want snow!!

    Enjoy your trip away…Easter Tiffin sounds good, the fire station will enjoy your baking.
    Shame on your eldest son, the police are not what they were, hope it settles down.

    Jean x

    Hi F B Brits hope all is well with you Xxxx

    It was a beautiful.. warm… sunny.. blue sky day till around 4pm then rained and now chilly .

    After walking I popped to Bicester to pay some bills at the Post Office .. my new bank

    No Banks anywhere now .. just a few in the big towns. Nearest for me is Banbury

    I have some Chilli this evening on a jacket potato and a bit of brocoli.

    I have a small beef joint in the freezer so fancy a roast on Sunday and Monday. I don’t usually bother just for me but think I should.

    H H .. have a lovely time away on your break..

    Sym… I should try this mindfulness.. I cant get myself back into my usual mode.. I felt really uptight and worried today as I had to find a new garage for diesel. as the one I had used for years in Bicester has closed for development. I am really awful with change. Xx

    Enjoy your evening every one. Time you enjoy wasting is not wasted time. Xxxx

    Good afternoon everyone, been bowling every day this week and going tomorrow as well. The season starts next Wednesday, we now play in the top division so it will be difficult games every week, hope I can win a game or two.

    Good morning everyone a nice sunny day for a change. I’m not sleeping very well at the moment. Think I am thinking about Denise all the time.I had baked beans on crumpets yesterday,quiet filling and tasty, will definitely have again. One to add for a fast day.Bowling meeting today at 12 then we’re having a practice after on a different green from normal.

    Morning All…
    A bright day here very early walk out before 7am… sat waiting for car service 2 to 3 hours a big service.
    Starbucks across the road might venture over, to break the time.
    I am not sure on fasting it’s an early day.. weight is up definitely to do with bread this week, a couple of big meals too.
    I will get this weekend over and I must definitely get my mind set for Monday.

    You are doing very well holding your weight. The cruise has upset my rhythm, the body grabs and holds on to it.
    Hope you can sort a garage out I am a bit like you, I like to know where I am going and plan, possibly an age thing for me.
    I might get my beef joint out to use for a couple of days. It’s only small but with a big price tag! I was buying at half price and forgot to do my Tesco card.. really cross. Its life!
    It’s ok this mindfulness but I keep falling asleep 😂 4 times the last time his voice and bells bring me back! It makes you feel nice.

    You are doing a lot of bowling you will ache… lovely that you are in the top league some good players to pick up tips from. Are you playing your new way?
    I am not sure if I am playing … a couple of bitchy people I don’t do bitching! My mindfulness says get rid of negativity.

    I am going to have a walk to Starbucks could be tempted 🤣


    Jean x

    It’s Easter at the weekend so lots of chocolate involved. And I am looking forward to munching it all. Not got any at the moment but will stock up tomorrow. Can start dieting next week.

    Hi F B friends hope all is well with you Xxxx

    Ohh awful weather here .. yesterday and again today.. hopefully not all weekend.

    We got soaked yesterday and again today. Only good thing is Pips coat feels like silk with the rainwater.

    After walking and drying us off .. I went to Brackley to Tesco todo a shop. I was pleasantly surprised as at 1pm it was absolutely quiet .. often busy as Mercedes guya are usually about as their site that is massive is just across the road.

    I bought my self lots of treats ..chocolate .. iced little cakes .. some wine. I will cook the beef and have two dinners plus sandwiches. I decided I am having a naughty spoiling Carol Easter lolol.

    Kristy coming the following Friday

    Dave.. We have to enjoy holidays or it would become boring.. You are busy now with Bowls .. lovely to be in the top team.

    Sym… Yes I expect it is age with me.. everything just seems to be constantly changing and not more efficient either in most cases.
    I cant seem to get into my reading .. I am still reading the same Joanna Trollope book .. Girl from the South that I got last month from the Garden Centre book exchange. My friend has read 4. lolol

    How is your SIL feeling any better.. we need a lovely spring.

    I was wondering about Kay hope all is well Xx

    I hope everyone is having a good day. Take care ..Eat all the treats and enjoy all the traditions this holiday we deserve it. .Xxxx

    I’m drooling thinking about the chocolate,I will munch on it till it comes out of my ears. I’ll change my weigh-in day to Saturday next week. Do we get 4 days of scoffing chocolate at Easter? 😈😈😈😈. Got a nice ribeye for tea on Saturday, not sure if I will do it in a pan or airfrier oven.It was a lovely sunny day this morning but rain this afternoon,too much rain lately.

    Dave… lolol yes we can eat chocolate for 4 days … then back to the norm.

    I do think its a good idea to just go with the flow now and again take the brakes completely off.

    I have found over the years by doing that now and again.. its put me off whatever I had craved for. Xx

    I have found though if you love Chocolate .. a cup of hot milk with a spoonful of drinking Chocolate helps. Xxxx

    Yes Hemmy I have an options hot chocolate before bed if I can leave the toast. I used to say the chocolate diet and I did lose weight sometimes 😁.I stayed the same this week but didn’t try very hard. Going to Sainsbury’s soon. It will be like supermarket sweep with the chocolate. The eggs are more expensive and smaller this year so might stick to bars of dairy milk.Will get one egg though I like the chocolate better as an egg, don’t know why.

    Morning everyone, hope you’re all keeping well. Lost a pound this week making my total loss for March four pounds.
    Will have my next fd on Tuesday instead of Monday as we’ve treated ourselves to a large chocolate bar each to have and I’ll spread mine over Sunday and Monday.
    We enjoyed our usual Wednesday lunch meet up with friends, but sadly the pub we use is closing Monday due to the fact that a new landlord can be found to take it over so we’re going to try out another one next Wednesday.
    A cold visit to Ely yesterday and sadly no Auntie to visit as she’s been in Addenbrookes hospital since Tuesday with breathing
    Not doing anything over Easter as its just
    another weekend for us retired people.
    Enjoy your Easter weekend everyone whatever you’re doing
    Nana xxx

    2nd post should be a new landlord cannot be found

    Morning All..
    Very chilly again bright blue skies sun out thought I would get the bedding washed.. then the rain arrived. So no outside jobs today, going to pop to the shops.

    Finished my Easter egg off to clear the decks.. three days of easy eating I got a joint of beef out but back to fasting on Monday.

    I am on a reading spurt at the moment possibly one book a week depending.. tv not very good.. a good charity shop near me 50p each or 3 for a £1.. I think I brought 15 home last time I went. The beefs out of the freezer thinking of you thought it’s a good idea… so a dinner today with Yorkshire pud.
    Kay has lost her mum so she isn’t too good at the moment.

    Hoping auntie improves so hard on your own.
    Hope you find a new pub to go to.

    I always like egg chocolate I think because it’s thin chocolate.. I have eaten 2 this year all gone now, I can’t have them hanging about. Strange I am not so good with chocolate now it makes me feel ill.. I still have it. I need to stop it..

    Have a good Easter weekend everyone..

    Jean x

    I had an egg of the chocolate variety last night, must admit I felt a little sick after eating it. Maybe after Easter I’ll leave the chocolate alone all together. A ribeye for tea tonight think I’ll do it in a pan. And make homemade chips in the airfrier. Tomatoes and onion as well with it and maybe peas. Sunny day here today, was lucky yesterday the speedway finished and the rain came down just as the last race was over. It’s a war of the roses match on Monday Aces v Tigers. Should be good. Martin Lewis said everyone should take a photo of their power meters unless they have smart meters that are working. The cost comes down in April so you don’t want to be overcharged.

    Hi FBB Friends hope you are having a good day.Xxxx

    It s a glorious day today.. Beautiful walk in the sunshine such a lovely change after the nonstop days of rain.

    Came back and did a line full of washing which is nearly dry.
    Beef out of the freezer for tomorrow.

    I have thought about the croc pot but I just fancy that crispy outside you get when oven roasting.

    Nana .. Well done on your pound loss. you have done brilliantly

    Dave.. Enjoy your treats .. last time i had a sweet binge just after Xmas.. I couldnt face anything sweet again till now….Just had a small apple pie .. not had my egg yet. Enjoy your steak.. Ribeye is my favourite

    Sym.. Enjoy your beef .. how are you cooking it… Oh I feel for Kay bless her always hard when its your Mum. ..
    Tomorrow I am going to finish my book.. give the laptop a rest.
    What are you doing this weekend Xx

    Enjoy your day everyone. Attitude is a little thing that makes a big difference.” Xxxx

    Morning All..
    A lovely bright day again. Walking the riverbank this morning. I am investigating going a bit further apparently there’s another gate. Access from a field gate to the new gate about about a 30 metre dash when the cows are about.. might be another route..
    Line of washing dried yesterday so ironing to be done, a few jobs outside to do, jet washing, moss cleaner to put down, sand to be swept into some block pavers. Grass to cut.

    Mum would turn in her grave doing anything like that on a Sunday never mind on an Easter Sunday… I was never allowed skipping or playing ball on a Sunday only quiet things..

    I cooked my beef Friday in the oven with all the other things. I was working around my fast days.
    I went to have lunch with Jacqui yesterday she made a lovely Easter cake with eggs on the top. That was instead of today which suits me I might fast. I have put a few pounds on, bread is one culprit I don’t usually eat bread.
    Phil is still not good sitting very quiet..
    Enjoy your beef, I would do it in the oven then all can be done together.

    I do like a good ribeye.. enjoy with all the extra bits. I have nowhere to put a meter reading on my app.. I suppose mine is up and running. Have a good sport day.

    Happy Easter Day everyone and enjoy your eggs..

    Jean x

    Happy Easter FB Brit friends. xxxx

    Ohh a different day to yesterday here.. no sun at all grey and chilly.

    A good walk .. then came back and decided to do the job I really hate.. Cleaned my brass. I have put away some of it but the old cottage doesnt look right without it completely.

    I am having my roast at 6pm..with some nice Malbec wine.

    Just chilling our now .. I have my book at the ready and intend to finish it today.

    Sym.. you are always soo very busy I wish I had your mojo lol ..

    Are you fasting today.. What about chocolate lol I started my egg last night .. ate so much I felt quite sick lol ..

    Wishing you all sunshine and a basketful of chocolate on this Easter day Xxxx

    I had to much chocolate yesterday and felt sick. Today I got two more eggs given to me and a big bar of chocolate. 😫. Will struggle with all that choccy.My power meters may be working will wait and see. It’s a job and a half taking meter readings manually. So I will be glad if they do work properly.Roast beef and all the trimmings for tea. Will put it on at half time in the football.

    Evening All…
    A bit of a book read.. shower and head wash lazy evening..

    I finished at 550 cals, it’s been a busy day but kept me not thinking of food.

    I met up with another walker on the riverbank so didn’t get as far as I wanted too… but she told me it’s quite easy to miss the cows. I walked back with her.

    I have had two Easter eggs, early so out the way.. making me feel unwell and sickly.. I can’t stop eating it but I know I shouldn’t..
    Hope your beef was nice and the wine too.. I like wine when having a lovely meal.
    I had cold beef and salad I really enjoyed it.. again enough for tomorrow.. I am fasting again.

    Like you chocolate is upsetting me…we are all having beef.. enjoy yours too.

    Heading to bed now might pick up some news…

    Jean x

    Good afternoon everyone. Went to speedway and we won but don’t think we got enough points to win on aggregate, second leg is in Sheffield Thursday.Oxford have returned to the top division this season, is it far from you Hemmy? I’ve been there to Sandy lane once or twice. I don’t go around much these days usually bowling.Jean how do you make your Yorkshire puddings,soft or crispy.I do both ways.

    Yorkshire Puds..I make them crispy and well done or they flop but soft in the middle…

    FD finished at 550 cals same as yesterday as same food eaten….
    Day off Tuesday…


    Good evening FB Brit friends How is the day going for you. Xxxx

    A much better day today with no rain and lots of sunshine. Very wet over the fields though as it rained in the night.

    Very quiet here all weekend .. even the road going through the village very quiet.

    This evening I have the other roast to look forward to with no effort today only warming through.

    Weight staying good .. I am just not very hungry these days….stomach must have shrunk.

    Dave… Oxford is 30 minutes away from me.. They didn’t do well in the boat race.lol

    Sym… You have done soo well doing a Fast on a Bank holiday… Well done you. The beef is lovely melts in your mouth how I like it.. rare is not for me. lol
    Kristy is here Fri – Sun so will need to do a big shop this week.

    Enjoy your evening every one .. Life is short, so why not do what makes your heart happy xxxx

    Rare meat goes in the dog, any pink meat and Chloe gets it, I like it well done. I watched the boat race,I support Cambridge because they are light blue my favourite colour. Jean do you use sparkling water then to make your puds crispy?Chloe enjoyed her roast beef dinner and likes my puds, she’s not fussy if they are crispy or not. When we went to Oxford for the speedway we got there a few hours early and went road the city. We also on another day went to Cambridge and had a walk done the river,Wensum I think but could be wrong maybe the Cam. Then went to speedway at night.

    Afternoon All..
    Our rainy day turned out very nice, walked in my fleece..1 1/2 hours this morning …had a sleep pm 😂.. shattered!

    Cleaned upstairs as I didn’t finished it yesterday.
    Having a normal food day.

    My beef ..I like it done long and slow definitely not rare.
    Mines finished now one dinner and two beef salads.
    Nothing much going on here really, it didn’t feel like any holiday time. My garden chairs are out, nice to see the area filled I need to get the table out too.

    Only full fat milk goes into the puds.. I lie 3 tablespoons of tap water when rested before the oven. If your oven is very hot they should crisp up..a tip of the chefs.. when your puds are rising high and starting to brown, open the door slightly about an inch for 5 secs and close gently.. it takes the moisture out the oven.

    Hoping to do 2 more fds Wed and Thurs..

    Jean x

    I’ll try that next time Jean, I’ve been putting half milk half sparkling water and they go very crispy.Very tasty as well. I normally rest the batter overnight. Played the first game of the season tonight. I won 21-10 so a good start. Play again tomorrow afternoon in the top league.

    Good morning everyone,a dull day but dry at the moment. Still got 2 eggs left so no fasting while I have them.I start the weight loss plan on the 17th,no idea what that involves but I have to go for a face to face meeting every week for 12 weeks then every month for 9 months.

    Hi all!
    Read posts…lots of chocolate eaten by you lot over Easter! No eggs here, made a mini egg cheesecake though…we had a lovely break away, then had family round for dinner on Sunday, had a lazy day Monday, back to fasting yesterday. Son cooked a big pasta dish for our lunch, so didn’t need dinner, but I’m not good eating lunch time so couldn’t get motivated to do too much- made a carrot cake for him to take to work, he’s on restricted duties for a bit, has a hip problem so having physio & can’t run, been office based & they’ve been lovely to him… hopefully a FD tomorrow!

    Morning All…
    We have been to West Park today our local town, he was so excited. Lots of space, trees and dog smells. Its ages since we have been.
    I have had a couple of low days just sorting some of Steves things out in the garage, trying to sell them. Just hit me a bit.

    Trying for a fast today… I didn’t do yesterday…

    You have been very busy. The carrot cake sounds lovely, I think I have made it once but the cream wasn’t quite right.. it’s a special one for carrot cake.
    Hope your son soon improves, it’s always a slow process.

    Hope the new plan works.. sometimes nice to have a change about. Enjoy your chocolate eggs.

    Jean x

    Good afternoon the sun was out but disappeared now. One egg left then I can get back to losing weight, not getting on the scales until the 16th april.The day before I start the new plan. Don’t known what it will involve so watch this space.

    Hi FB Brit friends hope you are having a good day. Xxxx

    Its strange weather here warm but cloudy and we had lots of rain during the night so fields were very muddy again. I am really looking forward to a break from it while Kristy does the walking.

    Just been to Tesco ..I seem to do the same meals .lol tomorrow as never sure about the timing for dinner I always do salmon and chicken on Sunday .. we usually eat out while shopping Saturday.

    H H .. Welcome back we have missed you.. .. hopefully your son will feel better soon. The carrott cake sounded wonderful.

    Dave.. Enjoy your last egg .. you will soon move the weight once you get going again.

    Sym… I feel for you re Steves things.. It is sensible to clear them.. I still have a big shed full of Andrews things.. Old tools that were his fathers etc.. Its not good to keep them .. I must face it this year its 12 yrs ago now.

    Late lunch of Tesco ham sandwich and yogurt .. weight is staying good .. not hungry… Just going to sort my shopping out.. Enjoy the rest of the afternoon everyone … Happiness is a place between too much and too little. Xxxx

    Just had chilli and chips all done in the airfrier. I think the chips needed a higher heat and cook a little longer. But know next time. Denise is tearful today, her mum passed away 3 years ago today. She never cried at the time, It’s raining now and supposed to be heavy around 10pm when I take Chloe out for the last walk of the day.

    Good morning everyone A league match bowling this afternoon and a 40% chance of rain. Played in the rain Tuesday night and Wednesday afternoon so getting used to it. Can see some blue sky in the distance. All the chocolate gone now so can get back to normal.

    Afternoon All..
    A rainy start but then cleared.. we managed a dry walk just!
    Met with Natalie I haven’t walked with her for nearly three weeks I do miss her.

    I lost 1 lb this week .. I expected bit more as I fasted three times.

    It’s the last few bits to sort I thought I was in a good place but it hits you again.. I have his tools but I do use them so need them sometimes… strange there’s his fleece and 4 caps hanging there I just leave them the garage was his place.
    Have a lovely time with Kirsty nice to have a break from walking..

    Chocolate all gone !!!… hugs to Denise it does hit you..

    Have a nice weekend..

    Jean x

    Hi all…
    Hugs to you Jean & Denise..& to you Hemmy, hard to sort through things…🤗
    I lost 2lbs today but it’s definitely gone from my brain & not elsewhere, I left some shopping bits out to give mum & forgot,had to throw them away…a muddy field walk for us as well, made another carrot cake for son’s birthday tomorrow, he’s gone to stay with his gf so taken it there! He & gf are going to look at a potential house to rent next week 😢 It did turn lovely this afternoon so have sowed runner bean, dwarf bean & courgette seeds. Made a lovely dinner tonight- a sort of chilli, cheese & nachos bake.
    Have a good weekend everyone x

    Afternoon everyone, a quick check in.
    Hope you’ve all enjoyed a happy Easter. Ours was very quiet but I did indulge in a couple of bars of chocolate which showed in no weight loss this week despite having two fds.
    A nice sunny day here but very windy. We’re currently looking after our neighbours dog whose really sweet.
    Enjoy your weekend everyone.
    Nana x

    Very windy here today, hope this is the last storm of the year. Had some rain but the sun as come out now. Road tax to renew and passport as well. I’ll never be rich. It will be nice to be chocolate free, had to much last week.

    Still very windy here had to keep hold of my hat. The sun is out and it’s 15°C so without the wind it would be warm. Just took Chloe out and there was a few branches in the floor that had come down in the roast chicken for tea tonight so Chloe will be in red alert all day.

    Hope everyone is having a good weekend 😊
    Had shorter walks with Xena, she’s hobbling a bit, think she overdid the running when she played with one of her friends. Lots of cleaning done yesterday, & saw mum. Had a pretty controlled day food-wise yesterday but have eaten more today, always seems to on a Sunday, maybe because we’re quieter? Have a really good book on the go today …
    Haven’t decided if I’m doing a FD tomorrow or Tuesday, Tuesday worked quite well last week.
    Enjoy your roast Dave!

    Had a lovely tea, roast potatoes are superb.I did the Yorkshire puddings like Jean said. I use sparkling water normally instead of tap water. They go a bit more crispy with sparkling but tap water was just as good. Ran out of duck fat now so will get some more. The wind is dying down a little now just to Chloe out but got soaked.

    Morning All…
    A fasting day.. well needed.

    Miserable day drizzle and damp…

    I have been let down with Charlie’s holiday boarding for February.. I am trying to look at luxury kennels. I don’t like him going to different people, I like to stay the same.. a lot of home boarders seem to be money making and not putting any effort in. I am not sure yet.

    It’s nice when you can look after a dog and give back… much like grandchildren!

    Hope Xena’s leg improves she’s been too busy. It will be quiet again when your son moves on again…

    Glad the puds were good.. we all make them different..

    Hope you are having a good time with Kirsty..

    Jean x

    Speedway tonight if the rain stops. We ride against Leicester lions. Not had any food yet today and not got much in so might be beans on toast. Denise kept at me too empty the freezer.

    Hi FB Brits hope all is well in your world. Xxxx

    Its been so warm here although a wind and no rain for a few days now.

    I had a lovely break with Kristy .. nice to have company and lovely to have some meals cooked for me. lol I can see it must be harder dieting with a family.

    Out in the garden today most of the afternoon mowing and weeding.. My favourite place.

    Nana .. You did so well staying the same weight Easter week.. Lovely for your neighbours you are dog sitting.

    Dave… Its a good idea clearing the freezer and starting afresh… Enjoy the Speedway.

    H H … Hopefully Xena is ok today .. Pip often looks like he had injured himself then after resting is fine.
    Have you fasted today.

    Sym… I hope you can find some good reliable holiday boarding for Charlie..Maybe the vets have recommendations.

    Enjoy your evening everyone.

    Don’t focus on what you eat Focus on how much you eat. Xxxx

    Jean- shame about your dog lady, at least a little while to sort something else. My worry with kennels would be how much exercise they get, the ones near where we stayed for our last break barely walked the dogs for 10mins & they were cooped up the rest of the time 😢
    Hemmy- glad you had a nice weekend & that the weather’s been good!
    Dave- hope you got to watch speedway! I like soggy Yorkshire puds, don’t like crispy ones! Does your freezer need defrosting?
    Nana- hope you have had a good day 😊
    Xena’s not been hobbling today thankfully, gave her shorter walks again & hopefully she’ll be fine for a walk in the woods tomorrow…rang my HomeStart family, cleaned some windows, cut hubby & son’s hair…not up to a liquid FD as I felt a bit shaky, just over 500 cals instead.

    Evening All…
    I have had a good fast day a bit high at 700 calories but it’s fine…
    Two dry walks so all was good. On a river warning it’s very high, just finished now.

    No food in the cupboard and freezer Hemmy and I keep working for that but not getting there😂

    Lovely to eat with someone but you always eat more.. you will soon get back to normal.. good to have time off. Good you have had Kirsty home.
    I am looking at some kennels tomorrow.

    You have to get someone really good as a home boarder you can really trust.
    Charlie didn’t get his walks.. Elaine his first one he had three good walks out of 17 days, most days 30 mins for the whole day. That’s not good.
    Fay took them to a dog field once a day, very occasionally you see her out with the dogs again for 30 mins, although they play in her house.
    A very money making area… she was much better when she first started always saw her out.
    Jacqui only told me tonight her neighbours dog got out at a home board and was killed on the road, she knew I did it and didn’t tell me.
    Sam had one to let Twigs out paid for 30 mins but only in house 10 mins…( she got a new doorbell!!)
    Its pros and cons I am very up in the air about it all.
    Hoping Xena soon improves..

    Jean x

    Horrible weather this week very wet. Chloe loves being rubbed with her towel, Heidi used to like it as well. She’s on the sofa with me at the moment but she takes up more room than I do. I was sat on her bum but she wouldn’t shift. I’ve never known a dog stretch so much, she does it every time she moves.

    Just managed to get a dry walk in at last. First of the day after two soakings.The weather says a 90% chance of rain while I’m playing tomorrow. Better take my full waterproofs. Just watched the football, my heart rate climbs every time Madrid got beat out goal🤯.

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