Fat Busting Brits!!

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  • Good morning everyone, Annabelle how did it go? I might start off making scotch pies today, never done it before but they taste great if I can get them done right. Not been a good week this week. Had to much toast plus natural yoghurt and walnuts šŸ¤Ŗ.

    Afternoon everyone!
    Dave- I love nuts, seeds & yoghurt, don’t have it often though as too many cals, healthy though! Are you doing the pies today?
    Jean- enjoy your cruise, it sounds lovely! Hope Phil feels better…
    Nana- glad you had a good trip away, it’s good you’ve found a plan that works for steady weight loss for you.
    Hemmy- you’ve done so well maintaining too, sounds like you’ve cracked it!
    Annabelle – have you done your 1st FD?
    FD for me today- we were out for coffee & cake yesterday, then our M&S meal in the evening, so I need one today!
    No answer from E
    Enoch’s mum again, she’s been worse recently šŸ˜”
    Youngest has been round, it’s good he’s fine after the break-up, & although I really liked his gf, it is lovely to be seeing more of him! Have got some tidying done, trying to make my kitchen more organised & less cluttered!
    Hoping I can keep strong, I feel quite hungry, made son a bacon sarnies & have got a rice dish ready for dinner tonight- son took one back & have made one for mum as well.
    Keep strong if anyone else is fasting!

    Afternoon Allā€¦
    Still having a great time.. sailing at 4pm today, back to Tenerife ā€¦ goodness the food and drink I have had..
    Fasting definitely Monday maybe Sunday too.. weigh in next Friday ..
    Phil had a good day yesterday but going a bit off again..things are not right.

    Welcome a great way of life just put your mind to it.. two or three weeks hard but it gets betterā€¦

    Catch everyone else when home ā€¦
    WiFi going off shortlyā€¦
    Jean x

    Hi Everyone

    First fast day last Tuesday, I optes for one evening meal, as I felt I would find it easier not to have to think about anything other than that. Surprisingly i wasnt as hungry as i though i would have been and probably felt hungrier the day after ince i’d eaten breakfast – anyone else esxperience the same?

    You all seem like a lovely bunch, I am pkease I posted. I feel better for the fastibg day and looking forward to tomorrow. I choose to fast on Tuesdays and Fridays as Mondays can get a bit stressful at work!

    @brads27 I have 4 dogs and 2 cats šŸ˜€

    Have a good evening everyone x

    Enjoy the rest of your day all

    Hi FB Brits hope you are having a good day

    Ohhh a bad day yesterday .. I ate nearly a whole box of chocolates lol I couldnt stop. That’s why I try to avoid sweet stuff when I can ..

    Soo a different day today .. I have only now at 4pm eaten a few crackers for lunch.

    So will just try to go easy and have an omelette later I was a pound up this morning so must nip it in the bud.

    Nana .. well done with your eating plan it is definitely working for you.

    Dave… I would imagine the yogurt and walnuts are ok.. its that toast.

    H H … I bet you are spoiling your son and rightly so lol X Its such a shame Enoch relies on his owners moods to get a walk bless him.. I bet he loves you.

    Sym… Oh the cruise sounds wonderful you will have a lovely tan..It always looks so healthy in winter.

    Annabelle.. Well done on your fast.. I think you can soon work out what works best for you. I think that is the case the longer you go with out food your body doesnt seem to need it somehow.

    Enjoy your afternoon everyone.. just off out in the garden to get my washing in and play with Pip. Xxx
    ā€œHealth is not about the weight you lose, but the life you gain.ā€ Xxxx

    Annabelle I only have one meal a day on fast days and once I’ve had it in hungry.If you can do a liquid fast it’s easier in the sense that your not hungry like after a meal. I’ve half done the scotch pies, will bake them tomorrow and have them for tea. I made 3 so one each I’ve had a few dogs and cats. My first dog a Manchester terrier was when I lived at home that was 19 when it passed away. Next I had a collie that was 15 then I got a German Shepherd that also lived until 15. Now I have a greyhound who is 6, an ex racer but you wouldn’t know it, she’s asleep most of the timešŸ˜‚. When I lived at home we had a dog and a cat and they both went out together for a walk.

    Good afternoon everyone, just been shopping went to Morrisons for a change. I think the only supermarkets not around here are Waitrose and the co-op. All the others are with a mile or so, some much closer. I will do the pies tonight, Denise was worried because the meat inside the pies is raw not cooked. But that’s the way they make them. I showed her the video and she seems happy now.

    Hi FB Brits.. Happy Friday Xxxx]]

    Its been a lovely day again for walking.. we did 2 hours this morning. ..

    Its been a bit of a naughty week and showed this morning weigh in lol.. I am a pound up. So onwards and downs wards

    Brads … have you made those pies yet. Lol

    Enjoy your weekend everyone. Xxxx

    Yes Hemmy I’ve just scoffed one of them. A bit spicy but they looked good. Think I’ll leave the Mace out next time. Or maybe use beef instead of lamb and add no spices. I’m cooking again tomorrow doing a winter stew.After watching Michael Mosley I’m trying to cook food from scratch, no additives,Annabelle watch some Michael Mosley and Jason Fung videos on YouTube. They explain how it all works.

    Evening All..
    Homeward bound tomorrow.. jumped on some case scales OMGā€¦ looks like a stone on šŸ˜± not happy ..
    Breakfast in the morning then it will be fastingā€¦
    Back to my lovely gangā€¦

    Phil is going back to hospital on Monday.. he has been very unwellā€¦

    Jean x

    Good morning F B Brits .. xx

    Its a grey morning here and doesnt look much different all day Very mild though.

    Today is croc pot end of week veg with beef mince ….. I think I will make it into a chilli. Lovely on Jacket potatoes.

    Dave.. Its a good idea to cook from scratch.. I am finding bought in ready stuff lacks real taste.. god knows what is in half of it. The labels are frightening to read.

    My neighbour cooks a wholesome meal everyday ..it always smells lovely. I think along the years of easy ready stuff we have lost the importance of good wholesome food and knowing exactly what is on the plate.

    Sym… Safe travels home I hope you have had a lovely holiday we have missed you.Xx

    Have a good weekend every one…. Be your real self. Only real things are valuable.Xx

    Good morning, I’m happy to have lost a pound last week. Aiming to lose more this week. I’m in the cooking mood so doing a beef stew tonight to warm the cockles. Can’t believe I lost last week having toast almost every night but did only have one meal on a number of days.Chicken on Sunday then will have to think about the food for next week. Denise is not complaining about me cooking so I will keep it up. I don’t mind doing it. My dad could just about boil an egg but I think I could do most things.

    Hello all!
    Annabelle – well done on your first FD! I do find I’m really hungry when I eat again, have to be careful not to over eat! What sort of dogs have you got? We’re all dog lovers here! (& cats too’)
    Jean/ Symba- safe journey home, I’m sure you haven’t put that much on although from what my parents have said the food is fantastic on a cruise!
    Hemmy- the odd treat won’t hurt, great if you can get rid of that pound quickly!
    Nana- have a good weekend!
    Yesterday we went out to the coast for a walk, it was a lovely day …just had a coffee out & no treats but then we did have chocolate in the evening! Have done a 700cal FD today, but it’s been hard, I’ve been really hungry & it’s been a difficult day. I’ve decided I can’t keep walking Enoch, Linda has only answered the phone once this week … because he doesn’t walked regularly he then pulls loads when I do get to walk him, I’m finding I’m getting too wound up about whether she’ll answer the phone or not. I’m going to drop her a letter explaining & maybe she’ll think about the poor dog…
    Apart from that I’ve done lots of cleaning, and saw mum this afternoon.
    Have a good weekend everyone!

    Good evening it’s been pouring down most of the day, we even have a flood warning in Manchester. I’ll start building an arc.Chloe loves being rubbed down with her towel. The stew was lovely really enjoyed it.

    Denise is cooking today,roast chicken. Not sure what to have with it. If we have mash I don’t have gravy, if it’s roast potatoes then I do have gravy.No Yorkshires though.I like lamb best then beef, chicken cubes third but chicken butties are the best. It’s warm here so I’ve had all my hair chopped off.In the summer I will shave it all off.I bought an electric razor with 6 heads especially to do it, not used it yet.

    Lots of rain here too, roads flooded, Xena & I waded round our walk! At least my wellies held šŸ˜‚
    Have made the Crunchie tiffin again today for the firemen, we’re going to son’s tomorrow so can take them then! He’s not got a hoover so will take mine, he has a flat inspection this week so needs a tidy, although he keeps it nice anyway…
    Doing sausages, roasties, Yorkshire puddings & lots of roast veg tonight.
    Much needed FD tomorrow!

    Evening Allā€¦
    I have had a wonderful holiday a lot better than expected. 10/10
    Back safe and sound, a lazy day. Unpacked and case away a few bits to sort tomorrow. Then washing couldnā€™t be bothered today.
    Charlie has got a face on but heā€™s fine.

    I have put 7 lbs on but it was well worth itā€¦ hoping thereā€™s some off by Fridayā€™s weigh inā€¦

    I went out and bought all salad stuff for the meals this week so all sorted.

    Nothing like home cooking you know what you are eating.. glad I was missed ..

    Well done on the pound off.. all this wonderful cooking you do sounds lovely. Do you always shave your head? SIL does.

    The food and drink was very good, very friendly ship.. booked again for next year.
    A lovely coast walk ..is the weather on the change?.. crunchie tiffin, it does sound niceā€¦

    Anabelle ..
    Glad your fasting went wellā€¦ welcome to the group.. I am chasing my 7 lbs of cruise weight off this week..
    Back to basics for me.

    Have a lovely evening
    Jean x

    I normally only cut my hair very short when I go on holiday so I can put sun cream on my head. But I have bought an electric razor with 6 heads especially for shaving the head. I will do it when it gets warmer. I will have to look at what I can cook from scratch this week. I quiet like cooking, at least when I cook the the portions are smalleršŸ˜‚ not Cow Pie size like Denise does. Her mother was always trying to fill me up.Going bowling at 12:30 do will take Chloe out now.

    Morning Allā€¦
    A village walk this morning.. Charlie was unwell in the night, I sat awake with him for a hour, he looked as if he was going to have a seizure, but he didnā€™t , I donā€™t know if stress causes it..unsettled after being awayā€¦ he seems ok now.
    I thought I would stay local incase I needed anyone.

    A couple of washing lines full, pegs keep blowing out, brought a few things in to finish off insideā€¦
    Car tax on line done and house insuranceā€¦ just boiler to service then all done till the autumnā€¦pricy month.

    1lb gone from my holiday 7lbs onā€¦right direction!
    Fasting todayā€¦

    Enjoy the bowls very windy here. Steve could cook until I retired then he said I did it better and quicker.. although he helpedā€¦

    Sitting having a cuppa nowā€¦

    Jean x

    Had 3 hours bowling, worn out now. Last week I climbed the stairs on all foursšŸ¤ŖšŸ˜‚ probably the same tonight. Had egg and bacon for tea. I went to the butchers for sausage, not been to a butchers for years. Bought 6 fast sausages more expensive at the butchers overĀ£5. Might do toad in the hole tomorrow. Will see if I can do the cooking all week.

    Hi F B Brits hope you are having a good day . xxxx

    A dry walking day but still very muddy .. we are just sticking to a couple of nearby fields and leaving the bridle path . Doing more throwing.

    Just going to cook my favourite egg homemade chips and baked beans.

    H H .. oh those sausages roasties and Yorkshires sounded divine lol

    Dave.. Hope you did well at bowls. Well done cooking from scratch.

    Sym… So glad you had a lovely time and good to have you back. Hopefully your son inlaw will soon be on the mend..

    I think the dogs are very sensitive to any change in routine.. I know Pip is.. I think especially when its just the two of you there they know the routine lol

    You will soon shift those few pounds.. we have to live and have a spurge sometimes. Xx Just cut back on treats a bit it will soon go once back walking.

    Nana .. hope your day is going well.

    Annabelle .. How is it going for you .

    Enjoy your evening everyone.. If your bodyā€™s not right, the rest of your day will go all wrong. Take care of yourself. Xxxx

    Jean- hope Charlie is okay, a worry…you’ll soon shift the weight I’m sure! Worth it I bet!
    Dave- nice if you enjoy cooking, I wish my hubby would! It’s nice to buy food from local shops rather than supermarkets but so expensive!
    Hemmy- very muddy here as well…egg, chips & beans, that’s made my mouth water!
    Nana- hope your weekend was good!
    Annabelle – have a good FD tomorrow…
    Busy day, gave Xena a longer walk as I haven’t got to walk Enoch as well šŸ˜•
    Got son’s ironing done & we went to drop it off- I hoovered all through his flat although it didn’t really need it, did all the edges, only took 10 minutes, a bit quicker than here! Saw Mum this afternoon, then did dinner for the others, none for me, a liquid FD here.

    Your superwoman HH, just a blue as your Wiz through the house. Time to take Chloe to the park then shopping later. Not fasting as such not only had one meal, didn’t count calories.I might do it all week see how I feel.

    Dave, are you not doing the counting cals NHS diet this week?
    Trying not to over eat today, hard after a FD! Not feeling as strong as I was before Christmas šŸ˜• Amazing how much more I get done in the morning if I don’t walk Enoch…going to see my friend & her girls this afternoon, they have a kitten so should be fun!
    Have a good day everyone x

    Morning All..
    A lovely dayā€¦ a walk across the fields and river bank.
    Lost another pound.. thatā€™s 2lb off 7lbs

    Charlie seems fine now just getting him back to our routine. Phil went to the hospital then sent to another to have testsā€¦ all clear.. they have put it down to trauma stress a lot going on, having the op, taking time off work and James in Oz, everything is fighting each otherā€¦ another two weeks off work.
    Very muddy here too.. more rain on the wayā€¦.

    Hope the flat passes the test. James has started his new job today and moved into a studio apartment. WiFi was bad but heā€™s shattered!!
    Enjoy your meet up laterā€¦

    Different carry on lighter mealsā€¦šŸ¤žšŸ»

    Hope your fasting goes well todayā€¦

    Jean x

    Afternoon everyone,had problems with my phone but hopefully it’s all sorted out now.
    A quiet weekend for us , we were supposed to be going around some friends for a meal on Saturday night but they had to cancel.
    I did however get treated to an early birthday/mothers day treat of a manicure in a salon followed by a haircut at her home by my daughter who’s a trained hairdresser but doesn’t do hairdressing anymore.
    Jean well done on losing two pounds holiday gain already. Hope Phil and Charlie are feeling better now. Hope James is able to makes a go of his job in Australia.
    Dave my OH took over all of cooking when he retired and also likes to cook from scratch.
    Hemmy still very muddy around here which limits our walking choices.
    Hedgehogs I get worn out just reading all that you do. Enjoy your visit to your friends.
    Annabelle do pop in and let us know how your getting on.
    Usual Wednesday lunch tomorrow šŸ˜‹.
    Enjoy the rest of your day everyone.
    Nana x

    Good morning it’s pouring down here, supposed to be bowling today but it might be rain stop play.I can do my pork pies if I don’t go out.I mixed the meat last night and also made the pastry. So just got to make 2 cases and fill them with pork then bake it.I don’t think I’ll be testing them though don’t really like pork pies.But not putting any jelly in them so eco knows. Jelly is the thing that puts me off pork pies.HH I have more or less found the NHS plan, just not been counting the calories. Only been having one meal each day but did sucombe to toast last nightšŸ¤ŖšŸ˜±.

    Rain did stop play so I can get on with pies.Pastry needs to warm up a bit first. Not stopped raining all dayā˜”ā˜”ā˜”.

    Afternoon Allā€¦
    A lovely rainy wet through walk sort of a day.. heating on to dry everything.. so muddy everywhere.

    Thank you Phil is holding his own and Charlie seems to be fineā€¦ no weight off today I had a cooked meal yesterday trying fasting and feastingā€¦low day today.

    Shame on your cancelled meet up. A bit of pampering .. lovely.

    Interested about the pork pies.. they seem easy..

    Jean x

    Jean that ate cooking in the oven as we speak. I’m sitting with them because I’m doing it in the airfrier oven and things seem much quicker done in it and I don’t want to burn the pies.I had quiet a bit over so have froze it. Pastry was just enough for 2 pies.

    Hi F B Brits.. hope all is well with you Xxxx

    Ohh soo sick of all the rain and wet muddy walks. Roll on spring… lots of plants and shrubs are in bud.

    I had only intended an hour walk in the rain but over the fields met up with a lovely village lady and her black and golden retrievers .. very frisky as only 2 and 4 yrs.
    She has recently retired from work .. what a small world we both had lived in Bicester when young .. she remembered my clothes shop .. her relatives were people I knew.. small world.. So stayed out in the rain for 2hrs ..we were nattering and dogs playing and happy. lol

    H H .. hope you had an enjoyable time at your friends. I do love kittens so pretty.

    Nana ..Lovely Mothers day treats very thoughtful.

    Dave.. An ideal pie making day..

    Sym.. I bet its hard this week with the rain and getting back to routine after the lovely cruise.

    Jacket potato with croc pot casserole this evening .. feeling cold today.after getting wet.

    Enjoy your day every one..Rain makes room for a fresh start. Xxxx

    Pies are just out of the oven, and are looking good. I’ll let them cool then see what Denise wants to do with them. I checked the internal heat of the pies,it as to be over 70 so when I checked them they were 90 so definitely cooked. The sun as finally come out so had a dry walk.

    Dave- well done with your cooking, I was wondering how you’d work out the timing using an air fryer, good you have a thermometer! It always worries me cooking things for other people if I’m not eating it, I don’t want to give them food poisoning!
    Jean- well done losing 2lbs already! Hope grandson’s job goes well, it’s been such a worry for Phil & Jacqui…
    Hemmy- very wet & muddy here too, not so bad if you have company, what a small world! Hope you warmed up šŸ¤—
    Nana- that was a nice present, what colour nails have you gone for? Nice that hubby does lots of cooking…
    Xena enjoyed her walk, we saw lots of squirrels, deer about as well, she’s so good & won’t chase them if I tell her no, but I don’t mind the squirrels, they’re so quick! We did our shopping, probably not a good idea as I was getting hungry! Bagel with veggie bacon & avocado for lunch…not sure where the afternoon went, have got a good book on the go, ‘When the dust settles’ by Lucy Easthope, it’s about major incident planning. My friend mentioned she was reading it with her book group, I’m trying to broaden my reading horizons! (she did invite me to her group but some of the others sound quite snooty šŸ˜‚)

    Glad the pies came out wellā€¦ could be tempted to have a goā€¦ need a new battery for my thermometer ..

    What a small world nice to walk out for a couple of hours.. so muddy and cold.. different from last week. On the cruise some lovely saladsā€¦ I have grated carrot in a box, another chopped beetroot, eggs boiled so all easy to add to other salad things.. working out well.

    Jean x

    I like salads but I feel hungry an hour after having one. They’re is fine nice food on YouTube, especially the Scottish lady and the Yorkshire man I follow.

    Morning Allā€¦
    Puddles galore this morning we must have had a lot of heavy rain overnightā€¦ stayed within the village too muddy across the fields.

    A fast day for me I would like another pound off tomorrow..

    I put a lot of different things on my salad itā€™s very tasty..

    Jean x

    Yes salads are tasty but not filling.Always hungry after having one. Dry here for a change, it did rain this morning but ok at the moment.Still waiting for Denise to try my pie otherwise Chloe will be having it. Will have to see what I can make next. I like the look of stovies.

    I do love a salad, but like a bit of dressing on it…
    A very rainy day here, jobs done this morning then out for a toastie with my sister, we chatted for a couple of hours, so nice now she’s not working. Her knee’s only getting better slowly, will be a while before she can walk Paddy…
    Maybe a day out for us tomorrow, if the weather improves!

    Good evening F B Brits xxxx

    Ohh the wet days get worse rain non stop here all day today..

    We were like drown rats after our walk. Then popped to Tesco to do a shop. .

    A good few days week this week so hopefully tomorrow my pound will have shifted. Cut out all wine again like before Xmas.. Day 5 today and soo much easier.

    The village main road going out .. has been heavily flooded for a few days So very scary today going through it.

    I am not a fan of salad in winter at all ..to me its got no flavour at all and tastes forced or foreign. I prefer Veg or stir fry.

    Enjoy your evening everyone You cannot change what you are, only what you do.” Xxxx

    I prefer a stir-fry but lots more calories in that. The trouble with salads I eat too much bread with them. Going to the chippy tonight then I will have to knuckle down next week.I bought some protein drinks in Sainsbury’s so will give them a try. Got to leave the toast out at night that’s my downfall.

    I’m so hungry at the moment it’s really hard keeping low on nonFDs…Not having breakfast to keep the eating window shorter. We’ve been out to Newmarket today, never been before, a strange mixture of people there, lots of jockeys rushing about & a huge queue out of Greggs & down the road! We bought pasties from a little bakery…
    Might try a FD tomorrow, have a good weekend everyone šŸ„°

    Just booked an appointment to have a smart meter put in next month. My energy bill as gone up Ā£80 a month so thought it would be a good idea. I’ll cut down next week. Need to lose some weight. Annabelle how you doing?

    Evening All
    A day off fasting, a busy day cleaning, dusting, inside windows, bedding changed and washed while itā€™s dryā€¦
    Hoping for grass to be cut tomorrow ..

    Low day tomorrowā€¦

    Bed for us.
    Jean x

    Bah, just lost a postšŸ¤¬. I’m having sausage bacon and egg for tea. Just had a toastie for dinner. Will cook the bacon and sausages in the airfrier and poach the egg so no oil used at all. I’ve got to sort out all the cables behind the telly, it’s like spaghetti junction at the moment but needs to be organised before I have the smart meters fitted next month.

    Dave- good luck sorting your cables out! Enjoy your bacon & egg …
    Had a FD here, 790cals so higher than I’d like, but have been very cold & hungry! Had a 2hr walk round the fields, very muddy but she met some of her friends so that was nice. Cleaning done, then saw mum for a game this afternoon.
    Have a good evening everyone šŸ˜ƒ

    Good evening FB Brits Xxxx

    Its been a beautiful day after all the heavy rain this week.

    A good walk .. then coffee with my neighbour friend.. She is painting a wonderful portrait of an Alsatian dog .. her writing and painting is lovely so very talented.

    Dave your tea sounded tasty .. hope it was enjoyable.

    H H.. Well done on your Fast day .. not easy at the weekend.

    Sym.. Did you do your mowing..

    Egg beans and chips tonight tasty quick and easy.

    A moment on the lips a lifetime on the hips. Xxxx

    I’ve been watching videos of how to cook roast potatoes in the airfrier.They look delicious, very crunchy on the outside and fluffy inside. Having lamb tomorrow so I have mash with that, Denise is making hot chocolate now with milk so looking forward to that a my telly and other things are all working after tidying up my cables so that’s a plus. Having a smart meter fitted next month so hopefully it will safe me money. My energy bill as gone up Ā£80 per month hence the reason for getting the smart meter.

    Morning All..
    A beautiful day again Spring is nearly here.. a long walk so lovely on our river bankā€¦

    Last bush/tree to prune today, it will be hard, a saw needed.. birds will be nesting shortly so it must be done now give it a bit of growing room.

    Well done on the fast dayā€¦

    Poached eggs interesting in the air fryer.. must give it a goā€¦

    Daveā€™s daughter does wonderful drawings she is very talented..
    Mowing done I only have a small garden, one large bush/tree and three small bushes pruned yesterday.. 1 more today.

    Cuppa time waiting for it to get a bit warmer as the sun wakes up.

    James in Oz.. new shoes and working at the hotel, big blisters on heels now looking like 3rd degree burns.. sent home to rest up they seem to be improving putting some drying powder on.. not good on a new job he is never off work..

    Heā€™s not really improving.. Jacqui thinks itā€™s going into depressionā€¦ he is never off work too..
    Poor Jacqui she doesnā€™t know if sheā€™s coming or goingā€¦

    Have a good day.

    Sunny for a while then cloudy and cold but it’s not raining so can’t complain. I’ve decided to get weighed every day but not looking at the results, only on Friday.Every time I get weighed it records it on my phone so I will look on Friday only.

    Gardening all finished and all took to tip.. I was a couple of hours more of a job then I thought.

    Cuppa time againā€¦

    Is your mind on it this week? Hope so NHS or fasting?

    Jean x

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