Fat Busting Brits!!

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  • Hemmy..
    The crockpots working wonders sounds so easy..
    A lazy day here nothing much done..

    Charlie walk alarm clocks gone off told him it’s another hours wait…

    Going to Tenerife, Grand Canaria and Lanzarote and across to Madeira in February with my daughter Jacqui and son in law.. it’s school holidays and I got the invite so I thought why not..

    I am afraid I still like egg and chips 😂


    I’m a happy bunny now after beating United 3-0.Dosent do my heart act good, Denise says it’s just a game, but it’s much more to me. I’ve been to lots of derby matches and it’s easier when your there. Roast lamb for tea😋😋😋 so no fasting today. I will try and do another water fast tomorrow, wish me luck.

    Hemmy- shame about your egg, chips & beans, haven’t had it in a while but I’m sure I would still like it! Hope your crock pot dinner was better today! I’ve had mountain warehouse boots before & the last pair split after 3 months!
    Jean- hard for dogs when we change the clocks! I wore my wellies today & then realised they were still damp, they’d seemed okay, after a week in the airing cupboard! Your cruise sounds lovely…
    Dave- good luck with your fast tomorrow! The lamb should keep you going!
    Nana- have a lovely break! Hope the weather is okay ..
    Bronwyn – enjoy the grandchildren this week!
    Had a nonFD today, a muddy walk with Xena, then a lazy afternoon. FD tomorrow…

    Morning FBBs
    A miserable misty morning here in my part of W Yorks. We were spoilt yesterday.

    Weigh in this morning and I have stuck. I was expecting a gain as we were invited out for Sunday lunch at my son and DIL’s yesterday. The lunch was lovely with an apple dessert and custard to follow. My son had been busy baking and we tried a couple of things, plus wine. I was weak willed after a good week. Anyway, another week and onwards.

    Dave, I am a Leeds supporter for my sins ☹️ and I am not a ManU fan. I follow Man City’s progress since watching the film ‘Blue Moon Rising’ quite a few years ago now. The group of chaps who were life-long supporters travelling to every game in their converted van was great viewing and deserved their team to do well after so long.

    Shopping this morning on an empty stomach – never easy – but I will concentrate on what I shall have for lunch. Still sticking with 16/8 and trying to be mindful.

    Happy Monday everyone.
    Regards Bronwyn

    Good afternoon everyone. I’m doing another water fast, this time I’m having herbal tea is only 2 calories, so far I’ve had 1 cup so only 2 calories in 20 hours. Still a long way to go until tomorrow but doing ok so far.

    Hi F B Friends hope you are having a lovely day. Xxxx

    What a beautiful day .. Lovely to feel the sun on your back when walking., especially when we are knocking at Novembers door lol.

    Todays been enjoyable .. earlier walk this morning then out with my friend and old neighbour Pam for lunch and charity shop in Banbury.

    Light lunch .. cheese scones and lovely coffee..

    We found soo many things Banbury and Leamington Spa are our favourite places. Went at noon and never got back till 5pm.

    Straight out to play in the garden with Pip. .. The only time I could do with putting up my feet with a cup of tea . Pip comes first though.

    Dave… well done with your fast today…. not easy I expect after that roast lamb meal yesterday..

    Bronwyn .. How did the shopping go was it hard on a F D Day..

    H H .. Yes annoying about the boots .. re the name you would imagine them tough.. I said to Kristy I think all these boots are not made with peeps walking every day in them in all weathers. .. Had these mucker boots a about 2 months a bit heavy though but good rubber soles and tops and come up high will see how they go. About £40.

    Sym.. Oh lovely cruise and wonderful going with your family… I love the canneries and Madeira I think I have said it is my all time favourite place. Lovely people too.

    Nana .. hope you are enjoying your away days with not a thought of 5-2 lol .

    Just a small bowl of chicken veg crockpot for me this evening.

    Enjoy your evening everyone .. Be kind to yourself. Treat yourself with the same compassion and understanding that you would treat a friend. Xxxx

    Dave- well done with your fast, you’ve inspired me to go back to doing a liquid fast!
    Hemmy- sound Inns like a lovely trip out, must’ve been tiring & then to give Pip a game…good you had dinner all ready!
    Bronwyn – you’ve got to enjoy life, nice to be cooked for! Well done not gaining!
    Jean- hope you’ve had a good FD & the weather’s improved…
    Nana- hope you’re having a nice break, at least the weather was good today!
    Had a busy day- walked both dogs, went shopping, ironing to do…not looking forward to later in the week with storm Ciaran coming. It’s our wedding anniversary & we had hoped to go away but won’t looking at the weather forecast!
    Have a good evening everyone!

    Well I’ve gone over 26 hours without food, just herbal tea. It’s been very hard from 5pm onwards after I cooked my wife’s tea. But hanging on. Think I will have to be very careful what I eat tomorrow.

    38 hours on my fast and still going. Was very hungry after I cooked Denise’s tea but got past it. Been on 2 different herbal teas which each contain 2 calories.The Yorkshire tea that I normally drink dosent have many more, I have skimmed milk in it.I hope it’s dry where you all are.

    Morning All…
    What a wet morning both drenched!… the riverbank over flowing, floods across the fields, Charlie confused he has lost his running area.. my road still flooded about 6” deep at the bottom, it usually goes down with the tide but this is the second day it’s not moving possibly a bit worse.

    I am safe we have flood planes to take it…

    Car insurance gone up £150, seems a lot but can’t get anything cheaper..

    My wellies taken over 10 days to dry, they don’t seem to be leaking 🤞🏻… one thing which I don’t have to replace..
    Good luck on the liquid fast… I can’t do that!

    Your Sunday lunch sounded lovely.. it’s nice to have a day off… enjoy your grandchildren this week…

    It’s lovely to loose weight but take it steady.. don’t get under the weather by doing it!!

    Your weather seems better than ours… a bit shopping and lunch sounds a good day out…
    Made leek and potato soup yesterday 6 portions, doing veg soup today for the freezer….

    I was going to a shopping outlet but weathers too bad it can wait…

    Catch up with some jobs and soup making….

    Jean x

    Finally had some food I managed almost 43 hours without food. Not sure I’ll do it again, I feel sick now I’ve eaten. The sun as come out now so a better day, got soaked taking Chloe out this morning.

    Afternoon FBBs

    Dave, well done! I don’t know how you managed it and cooking Denise’s tea as well. Are you planning on continuing doing them?

    Jean, our car insurance has gone up by about the same as yours. DH searched online but couldn’t find anything cheaper. Cost of living I suppose.

    Hemmy, I always make a list when I go shopping and try to shop as fast as I can. I avoid the naughty aisles as much as possible. I never buy biscuits or baked goods as I can’t just stop at one. I used to love baking but don’t any more.

    The scales tell me I have lost another 1lb this morning. I can never fathom why the scales go up and down as much as they do. I would be better weighing just once a week.

    Very miserable weather here again today. Rained all day. One son and family are on the Yorkshire east coast for half term, poor them 🙁

    Bought some small bags of Haribo for any Halloweeners tonight. Didn’t get any last year and with this weather I don’t expect many tonight but need to be prepared. My GC have all been busy with pumpkins.

    Wishing you all a quiet night.
    Regards Bronwyn

    Don’t think I’ll keep on doing it, very difficult to do. My car insurance is due in February so I better get saving up. Had a cooked breakfast for my tea. Bought some wagon wheels so they are 150 calories. The weather’s still mixed here and bowling tomorrow,we have a friendly match tomorrow.

    Don’t think I’ll keep on doing it, very difficult to do. My car insurance is due in February so I better get saving up. Had a cooked breakfast for my tea. Bought some wagon wheels so they are 150 calories. The weather’s still mixed here and bowling tomorrow,we have a friendly match tomorrow.

    No idea why it came on twice

    Dave- well done with your fast…hope the scales are kind again this week!
    Jean- I was lucky & managed to find a cheaper insurance online, my original one matched it in the end & I stayed with them…hope the floods go down near you!
    Bronwyn – well done losing another pound! Hope you haven’t got too many sweets left to tempt you…your poor son & family, they’ll be having awful weather!
    Hemmy- is it this coming weekend you’re seeing Kristy?
    Kept up the liquid fast until yesterday lunchtime, had just under 700cals. Hubby wants a takeaway tonight as he’s got some taste back again, so won’t eat until then, & hopefully another FD tomorrow. Got quite a few jobs done yesterday as well as both dogs walked, my friend was poorly so no walk with her today, a dry walk with Xena but wet with Enoch. Won’t be walking him tomorrow looking at the forecast! We’ve moved pots about in the garden, & helped hubby put a rope round our arbour ready for the wind- it nearly blew over once before. Putting my feet up for a bit now!

    Hope the storm is ok tomorrow, I’m at the dentist.I have a loose back tooth so will ask them to take it out. Got to be careful with taking aspirin.I had to fill a form in on my phone ready for when I go tomorrow. Been bowling today, we arranged a friendly game against a local team, we all get on and know most of their team.

    Hi F B Brits .I hope you are having a good day. Xxxx

    Just come back from Banbury Tesco .. I wasn’t sure what to get lolol as Kristy with this new eating pattern not eating this and that lol. I am so glad she is eating healthy but gone a bit to the other extreme. lol

    Anyway got salmon steaks for tomorrow I cant go wrong with those .. salad or veg ..

    Its Very dark here after a lovely morning ..at least a dry walk.

    Bronwyn.. .. well done on the pound loss that’s brilliant. Xx

    Dave.. Yes you have to be careful with tablets re the dentist.. I am allergic to penicillin .. Hope all goes well with the bowling.

    HH Yes Kristy comes tomorrow evening after work.. Hopefully weather wont be too bad.. she can get her from Surrey in just over 2 hours if all is good on the road or it can be 3.
    Enjoy your take away tonight

    Sym.. did you make soup yesterday…what do you make. How is the water situ on the roads today.

    Just going to pack away my shopping enjoy your evening everyone.

    Don’t compare yourself to others. Compare yourself to the person from yesterday. Xxxx

    Hemmy I’m allergic to penicillin as well, never used to be but I am now. I got cellulitis on my leg a few years ago and they said in hospital if I had penicillin it would soon clear but it dragged on.I was due to go to Cyprus 14 days after I got it so I had to go into hospital for the first batch of antibiotics, they said because I was going on holiday that they would come to my house and give me the rest I had to have a drip set up to have it but one nurse must have been in a rush and gave it to me with an injection. This caused an allergic reaction so I had to go back to hospital to have the last dose. I made it to Cyprus though. We went to a pub in Banbury called the Reindeer,lovely hook Norton beer, never had it before it since more’s the pity.I won at bowls think we may be playing all winter possibly.

    Evening everyone, it’s been a miserable cold day here with heavy rain at times.
    A very enjoyable time away at Lowestoft and managed to walk nine miles on the Monday.
    No usual Wednesday lunch today as the others are all poorly with heavy colds so we stayed at home and saved some calories.
    Dave well done with the water fasts something I don’t think I could manage.
    Hemmy enjoy your time with Kristy.
    Well done those of you who’ve posted a weight loss on here. My turn to weigh Friday morning.
    Enjoy the rest of your evening everyone.
    Nana x

    Dave… The reaction to penicillin is awful if you are allergic.. I had glandular fever in the very hot summer we had when I was in my thirties.Then Drs came out to your home after surgery . ( Unimaginable now it s a job to see one in the medical centre) Anyway My husband sent for the Dr .. a Dr came that was on house visit duties gave me penicillin .. I was like a dead thing really ill ..Mum thought I was dying.. My usual Dr came out took one look at me and said I was allergic to penicillin. Gave me something else and I quickly recovered. That’s how I found out . lol

    Yes The Old Reindeer is lovely a very old pub lovely food too. The Hook Norton brewery is 15 miles away from me. .. A pretty village too. I love Banbury and Oxford. .

    Evening All..
    We have had a dry day the wind is fine too.. I got a lot of washing dry including 4 of Charlie’s blankets. A bit of cleaning.. my daughter and grandson called for a quick visit.

    Still lots of standing water across the fields..

    I shall take my insurance it seems ok, lots a lot more money.. it’s a pain chasing around.
    Well done on another pound off..

    Waggon wheels are nice so much smaller these days. Hope dentist goes well tomorrow not very nice..

    Hope the weathers kind to you…and you pots are safe…

    Road all clear now.. soup was potato and leek.. the other just a thick veg.. all tasty and in the freezer.
    Enjoy Kirsty and your food is a good choice..

    A good break away.. shame on your lunch hope they soon improve…

    Well night from us
    Jean x

    Back from dentist she said do I want her to take it out my lose tooth,I said yes, I need a filling as well so got to go back on Thursday next week to have them both done. It’s very gloomy here now and raining. We had a dry walk before not sure the next one will be.

    Afternoon All..
    Weather been pretty good here, a dry walk this morning…

    Waiting in for BT man to sort a router out 1pm to 6pm still waiting .. going to be a long wait for pm walk.. boy not happy or me….

    Fasting is going well… soup for this evening..

    Good luck on Thursday…not nice….

    Jean x

    Hemmy- have a lovely weekend with Kristy & enjoy the salmon…
    Dave- poor you with a tooth needing out & a filling, that’ll be expensive! I’m allergic to penicillin too, but just get a rash.
    Nana- glad you had a good time away & well done with the walking!
    Jean- well done with your FD, so annoying having to wait for BT! I guess Charlie had a walk in the dark?
    Bronwyn – hope you’re okay…
    Weather has been horrible here today, all the places which were flooded the other week flooded again. A very wet walk with Xena, didn’t walk Enoch, he seemed a bit stressed yesterday in the rain & wind when we walked…Had a very long chat with my HS family, & saw mum this afternoon as her club was cancelled. She got very teary when I mentioned her birthday, I don’t know how someone can cry as much as she does, I know it’s a hard time for her, & with her dementia she forgets that she did enjoy her day last year…she plied me with cake which I couldn’t resist, it was going to be a liquid FD again, didn’t have anything else, so probably about 300cals.
    Not a FD tomorrow as it’s our wedding anniversary & we’re going out 🥰

    Morning All..
    Beautiful day we had a long walk… going through to Beverley see if they can do anything with my zip…
    After a full month of fasting I have lost 2 lbs…. That was hard…

    I feel for your mum it’s so hard with them, crying is better than arguing with you which I have had on my last three visits, it’s very upsetting…they have so many mixed emotions.

    Well I am dashing off I need petrol before I go…

    Jean x

    Morning All..
    Beautiful day we had a long walk… going through to Beverley see if they can do anything with my zip…
    After a full month of fasting I have lost 2 lbs…. That was hard…

    I feel for your mum it’s so hard with them, crying is better than arguing with you which I have had on my last three visits, it’s very upsetting…they have so many mixed emotions.

    Well I am dashing off I need petrol before I go…

    Jean x

    Good afternoon,I lost 2lbs this week so almost a stone in 2 weeks. I may try a water fast again on Monday but with proper tea this time. I’ve lost each time I’ve done it.

    Evening everyone, well done Dave and Jean on your weight loss this week, I was pleased to see a pound lost when I weighed myself this morning considering I’d been away for a couple of days.
    No lunch out on Wednesday as the group of friends we meet up with were all poorly with really nasty colds and no Friday night meet up as the friends we meet up with are still poorly so no takeaway this evening. OH made a really lovely low calorie chicken curry for us.
    A quiet weekend is planned.
    Enjoy the rest of your evening everyone and hope you have a good weekend and I’ll be back Monday.
    Nana x

    Good evening everyone, still plenty of rain about but managed 2 dry walks today. Still one more to go so fingers crossed it will stay dry. Had plenty of calories today so definitely not a FD.I think two water fasts back to back would be good but almost impossible.

    Morning all!
    Well done Jean, Dave & Mary losing! I lost 2.5lbs last week, very pleased with that!
    Had a nice day yesterday for our anniversary, although didn’t book the pub we’d planned to go to for lunch & they were full, luckily the one near the river we like too wasn’t very full so had a lovely meal there as well! We had hoped to go away to the barns with Xena but the weather is still grotty- got soaked again today. Having a FD, very cold & neck is painful again, just had fruit & yoghurt so I could take ibuprofen… seeing mum this afternoon.

    Good afternoon everybody it’s dry here for a change, but don’t think it will last. Next FD is Monday, I’ll try a liquid fast but with proper tea.Will do another liquid fast on Thursday after having a tooth out and a filling.Not had a filling for over 20 years.Its getting colder every day so I ordered Chloe some PJ’s.Greyhounds really feel feel the cold.

    Afternoon All…
    Walk across the fields with Penny and Fudge it was like a mud bath Charlie was so dirty, the warm soapy water came out, it’s a while since we have done that… he was not amused at all…..

    We called the RSPCA.. some horses locked up in a garden shed they were trying to get out, no water or food.. I think they might have escaped by now, Penny was going to take another look pm…we fed them some hay it did quieten down so cruel. The owner is very nasty…
    We have been reporting them for two years no one seems to be bothered just our community.. gypsies we think.
    RSPCA can only come out if escaped or bleeding.

    Sorted my freezers out thrown a few bits and resorted them out… piece of ham cooking now, Charlie’s veg ready to go on I need the big pan when the hams finished …

    Have a good weekend ..
    Jean x

    Good afternoon everyone.Dry here for a change, hope it stays that way. I suppose it will be fireworks again tonight, had lots of them last night.Chloe isn’t afraid of them, not like Heidi was. I took her out at 9pm last night and there was fireworks going off all over but she didn’t bat an eye.Too busy sniffing grass and lampposts 😀. Going to try and do 2 liquid fasts this week.

    Afternoon All…
    A lovely dry sunny blue sky day, chilly around the ears..

    Just been to Morrisons, lots of people Christmas shopping.. I won’t be doing much but will get it in the next few weeks, just leave the fresh stuff till the end..

    Lazy now reading snuggled with the boy…

    Charlie’s not bothered with fireworks did look up at the extra loud ones.. as you say more tonight…

    Fasting tomorrow..

    Jean x

    Afternoon everyone,
    A beautiful day here with sunshine all day. Clouded over now. Bathed the dogs ready for the groomer to clip them tomorrow. Caught up with a few jobs.

    We have had fireworks around here all week … even in the pouring rain!! It will be the same again tonight. One dog couldn’t care less the other is very nervous. I shall be glad when they are all over. At least at New Year it’s just for an hour or so.

    I have been reading Dr Jason Fung’s podcasts on YouTube. He champions fasting but is against calorie counting and warns against too many carbs. Going to carry on listening to them and try to be more mindful of my food choices.

    Enjoy the rest of the weekend.
    Regards Bronwyn

    Jean- any news on the horses & the RSPCA? Have made a start with Christmas shopping, if anyone has ideas for bits I can get the boys gfs it would be appreciated! Candles, socks & chocolate got so far, going to make a little box up for each of them…
    Dave- nice that Chloe doesn’t mind the fireworks, good job she didn’t take off at a sprint thinking it was the starting gun 😂 Do they use that for greyhound racing?
    Xena’s not impressed with fireworks but just barks…yesterday was an 800cal FD, & hopefully the same today. A very muddy walk for us, Church, & then spent quite a while on the site I moderate, it’s so busy now. We had a new Russian member who was causing lots of trouble so we’ve had to kick him off!
    Enjoy the rest of your weekend everyone!

    No starting gun for greyhounds the hare or rabbit is just a bit of cloth really goes past them in their traps then the door opens and away they go. We have had fireworks all week in the rain as well. Dosent put them off.I used to love bonfire night when I was a kid, there was always lots of bonfires.Some the flames were as the house. None now these days, they always seemed to be a sofa and chairs for the fire. So they were the last to go on the fire. The mum’s used to make treacle toffee and baked potatoes.

    Good morning, it’s my 3rd Monday of liquid fasting, going bowling later so that will take my
    mind off it.Fireworks should be over until new year.I took Chloe out at 9pm last night and there were fireworks going off all over. She just kept walking towards them and never flinched. The sun is trying to come out so that’s good for bowls.

    Morning All…
    Chilly start to the day, bright and a bit of rain on our walk but dry now…

    I am fasting today, head focused for the next 4 days hoping to loose a bit more…or will I stick for another month!!!

    I might try and get Dr Fung on the TV watch it big….get me in the fasting mode again….and why I am doing it..

    Horses are still in the garden shed…they didn’t kick their way out.. RSPCA will only help if they get out or are hurt.. they will get out as they always do… very sad for them.
    GF pressies, lipsticks, nice nail file, nail varnish ( sparkly), face packs, hair masks, choc covered almonds in Lidl tasty!

    Have the PJs arrived yet? thinking of putting Charlie’s old jumper coat on him, he was chilly last night.
    Good she was ok with fireworks ..

    Jean x

    Jean, no they have not arrived yet. Take longer from Etsy.I covered her with a blanket last night when she went to bed. I was up about 4 times during the night for a pee and Chloe was moaning in between, don’t know what was wrong with her. I got up to see what she wanted and she came back upstairs. Been bowling today but the rain stopped us in the end. Got a friendly game on Wednesday weather permitting.

    Hi FB Brits hope you are well. Xxxx

    Its a beautiful day .. had my first walk today since Thursday.. it s a lovely break for a few days when Kristy is here. Only problem is my legs felt stiff this morning. lol

    Weighed this morning and I had stayed the same .. Kristy is her slimiest for years and looks really good .. Basically .. just chicken. cheese . veg.. salad and fruit. keeping very strictly to it. No alcohol at all. ..loads of water and a cup of tea.

    This evening .. I am having.. cold chicken and a jacket potato..broccoli

    Enjoy your day everyone. We are what we eat. Xxxx

    Dave- keep strong today! I like Etsy, have bought some presents from there…
    Hemmy- well done staying the same over the weekend, sounds like Kristy is doing well!
    Jean- thanks for the ideas, one gf does nails part time so she probably has plenty of that stuff 😂 Will look for face masks…Awful with the horses, why do people keep them?! Have a good FD…
    Mary- hope you’ve had a good weekend…
    Bronwyn – a shame for your dog being so scared…
    Walked Enoch today- he was so subdued & even trembling on our walk, he’s been terrified of the fireworks 😢 It was the first dry day today so got lots done in the garden, nipped out to buy pansies & have got some nice colourful pots now. Have done a liquid FD as well, so it’s helped being busy!

    Evening All..
    A lazy afternoon…I have had a good fast day not hungry at all..
    Charlie has got his old outside jumper on to sleep in, he was restless last night I think he was cold.. it’s big and baggy.. see how he goes…

    The horses are apparently out and a new electric fence to keep them in.. much better than in the shed.. hoping they can shelter in if it’s cold.
    A nightmare buying stuff for people you don’t know well.
    It’s nice you have got your pots done, Steve’s trough something has eaten all his flowers !

    Chloe is maybe cold, chilly last night.

    Glad you had a good few days with Kirsty, she has done really well loosing her weight, you too staying the same.

    I am back watching Jason Fung, it must have been 5 years since I watched them. Lots of new ones and more up to date information. Strange he looks a lot older with longer hair, as I do..😂.. lots of things you forget…

    Jean x

    I’ve started watching Mr Fung. Just having a coffee with cream. It is getting nippy at night so I put Chloe’s coat on now. Once her PJ’s come she can water then. She did have her hat on last night, looks a picture in it🤣🤣🤣. Approaching 42 hours fasting do going well.

    Evening All…
    A better a day a few showers but have missed them.

    I have not done much today just walk with Natalie and Oreo this morning….

    My replacement coat arrived today.. my walking coat had a faulty zip…

    I am glad you are watching Dr Fung on Utube he is very good on fasting. I don’t know how you have managed 42 hours a really well done hope the scales are good again for you.

    Jean x

    Well done with your fast Dave, mine was the same…hope Chloe likes her PJs when they come! We’ve had quite a few things ordered, parcels which were posted with Royal Mail & haven’t come!
    Jean- hope your new coat lasts longer…
    A lovely bright day here, Enoch was slightly better today but still not himself. Been out in the garden again, harvested all our potatoes now & did weeding, I ache tonight! Been shopping – cards & presents, not food- & had my mammogram. Hubby wants a takeaway tomorrow so won’t eat in the day until then.

    Hi FB Brit friends hope you are having a good day. xxxx

    Its been a beautiful day again.. so pleased .. no frosts yet.

    Well after my good days at the weekend today I ate far too much .. finishing things up. I always do that. lolol Never mind as I enjoy bits and pieces lol.

    I have also been listening to Dr Fung for the first time. .. very interesting.. makes a lot of sense.

    Dave … well done with the fasting… interesting to see how much you lose. Do you weigh straight after you break the fast.

    H H .. Are you doing a water fast too…

    Sym … How is your grandson. xx

    Take care all .. Every step is progress, no matter how small.♥️ Xxxx

    Morning All..
    The wet day is back dark and dreary.. walking on our own today… hoping for a slow start.. laid in bed with my cuppa..

    The coat feels a bit smaller with longer sleeves.. it’s fine I size up for layering .. it feels different maybe I bedded the other in.. have you finished your Xmas shopping ?
    Hope your mammogram was ok..

    Grandson still seeing councillor, he’s calmed down a bit.. he goes to Sydney on the 25th November so he’s getting sorted.. selling his car got a viewer today…
    It’s nice finishing off food eating bits and bobs.. Fung is very good it makes you see why we fast.. a lot of new videos I thought I had seen them all.. but not.

    Jean x

    Hemmy I only get weighed once a week on a Friday morning.I don’t think it helps getting in the scales every day.Chloe had me up at 5am this morning in need of the toilet so I had to take her out in very heavy rain 😣 that’s 2 days running hope she’s ok in the morning. Just done a 18 hour fast but the gap before I start the next fast will be longer this time. Going for another liquid fast tomorrow.

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