Fat Busting Brits!!

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  • Morning all

    Mum is a lot better…..

    I am hoping to have a fast day tomorrow to try to stem the weight gain….

    Keep in touch your posts are the only thing keeping me in touch with the 52 wol at the moment, I seem to have mislaid my mojo….

    Too many treats and meals etc have put me onto a very slippy slope,


    Good morning friends hope all is well with you and yours.x

    A bit of a grey day here to start… mild though. Hope any rain holds of till after the walk.

    Hi Newbs .. bet although joyful it is also tiring having a young one in the house. You are doing so well as its not always easy just to concentrate on the 5-2 when others are around to distract. Have a lovely day with family. Xx

    Hi Audrey .. so glad your Mum is feeling and looking better. That in its self is a tonic to you I am sure. Like my Mum think they are happiest with “Their Girl” around. It always amazes me how well they seem to keep bouncing back.

    Don’t worry too much about the fasts. I know after all your hard work you don’t want to put back too much. You do have to be kind to yourself though as you were not good with your back .. then the stress of your mum following closely on. Why don’t you just do what you can .. no worry .. Try to just eat plenty of clean food.
    Honestly Audrey as Kristy says I do go on .. BUT .. above everything and you will know Health is most important.

    Have a lovely time with your Mum … tell her she is getting all our healing vibes. Xx

    Hi Bev .. how are you today .. ready to get up at it. lol Just another clean for our bodies … I slept so well last night … best for ages. Either Lack of wine or the effect of sensible eating. Xx

    Well another FD is upon us… how are we all doing .. Ginette … Milena .. Karen..Celtic.. Blaise. and all . Please pop in and see us…. tell us how you are doing Xx

    Come on everyone lets do this together … Brit lovelies…

    The greatest barrier between you and success is YOURSELF. Xx

    Hi all

    Hope we can all focus. I am. I am giving this my best shot as the plateau was disturbing. Friday will tell.

    I agree Hemmy and Newbs, feast is not a good word. Christmas day I shall do traditional dinner and feast on it. That’s it.

    Last night trout stuffed with almonds and baby broad beans. Baked pot for Neil. I am knocking pots on the head for now for me anyway.

    FD today and have new salad in stock. I do like a good munch.

    Bev x

    Hi Fasting Buddies

    Morning Hemmy and Audrey. So glad to hear your Mum is feeling better – that will help you to relax a little more.

    All set to go again today – up very early with a baby who is full of cold, so ready for my morning nap now!!

    Going to concentrate on drinking water today as have been a little lax with that recently and think it is important. Will also make my list ‘to do’ in a minute, just to keep me on track today.

    It is so great to be part of this little band of encouragement !

    Have a good day


    Hi Bev

    Sounds like you mean business – have a good day today! Good idea with the pots- think I am going off them as could only set 2 little pots last evening!

    Newbs x

    Hi all

    I am joining you, had a good chat with mum, fast day for me today……yeah!


    Hi friends…

    Bev You sound all set to roll ..and I don’t mean egg and bacon. ( funny they don’t hold attraction now as they once did). Hope your hubby is well. Xx

    Newbs …What a good idea. Lets give the spuds a good rest they have had a good innings for a while in this house. Yay. Yes lets get lists done … 30 mins a throw at things… my Xmas pressie to myself has arrived this morning.. A Vax Steam Combi. YES.Lol Have to now look up You Tube to find out what todo. Lol Xx

    Audrey .. Whey hey.. so glad you are joining in… you will keep us on the straight and narrow although I think we are all ready to do the deed. Lets look and feel the very best we can. If nothing else its the best we can do for ourselves.

    Bet you and your lovely Mum are having a good natter. x

    Is Ginette okay do you know? Thinking of her. Xx

    GI. and I can’t find the book! Pots and other root vegs should be in moderation.

    I hope I haven’t sounded too serious but I had a shock on Sunday. Son, his wife and 2 granddaughters came to see daughter and us. So noisy but so lovely. Son wanted to look through old photos. I could have cried. All those years spent eating sensibly and I did this to myself. If I posted before and after it would be the wrong way round.

    Not any more for me, overeating and drinking. It’s never been what I ate but the quantity. I don’t see any excuse to overeat.

    Hope we all have a really good day. Audrey, so good you are back on track.

    Bev x

    Hi Brits,

    Just joining in…enjoyed looking at all your posts I need some encouragement.

    I am from a small village Rawcliffe near Selby in Yorkshire, today cold but lovely blue skies.

    My husband and myself have been on the 5.2 before 2 1/2 years ago, we both lost 30 lbs over 5 months and felt great. Then husband had double knee replacements, so the two swimming sessions a week stopped and the weight slowed down. Over a year a stone went back on, we tried to get on board again but with holidays and no motivation this last year we are back to the start again. So we have the 30lbs to loose again! We have just gone back to the old ways of big meals, chocolate, cakes and wine just greed!

    So week 1, and second fast tomorrow weigh in for us is Friday. We have done it once so can do again but we will have to get motivated to maintain 6.1 in 5 months!!!!!!!

    We will join everyone on the 4lb challenge for Xmas Eve….but for us it will be 7 lb as this week we should loose 2/3 lb as a starter week.


    Thanks hemmy and Beverley for your motivational comments. Mum has a bit of an upset tummy so a fast day us in order today for us both I think…

    Welcome to our group symba I am sure you will soon feel right at home with us..good luck for your journey and keep in touch.


    Welcome Symba

    We are with you on your new start – you can go forward in confidence as you have proved this way of life works. My problem was also more about portion size than what I was eating! I cannot believe how good it feels to be in control of my eating.

    Hope you both have a good day.


    Hi all

    Here for my lunchtime fix! Motivation time.

    Big welcome to Symba. Great to meet someone who found it worked well for them. Bet you’ll get back on track in no time.

    Audrey is the longest standing member on here currently, but then we are missing some. Hemmy has done so well too and Newbs is going great guns.

    What a team!!

    I am looking right across the kitchen at a wedge of mature stilton I bought like and idiot. I will not have a taste until the weekend, I swear. This can be a test of my resolve and if I can resist it then you can all resist whatever may tickle your fancy. lol

    I can feel a dance coming on. Abba again? Bee Gees?

    Bev x

    Beverley, definitely dancing queen but don’t overdo it again….. we are not as young as we like to think we are??…

    Milena and ginette have both been on slightly longer than me….. but I think we all started in January this year….

    Not heard from ginette since last week but presumably she is ok.

    Milena how did the weekend go? Hope you sold lots and made oodles of money…

    My big brother is here now so have to go before he upsets mum again. …

    Talk again soon


    Hi Friends x

    Oh a very warm welcome symba 7 Wow how good were you and hubby losing 30lbs. Good on you for coming back and getting going again.
    Don’t worry about going back a step … we are not perfect we are all human… things mess up best laid intentions.
    We are all helping each other along this very exciting journey. Xx

    Beverrrrley … Don’t look back how ever tempting. Just think how good you look now ..and will do even better. (Not in those baggy jeggings though)lolol

    You will look brilliant next spring/summer in photos with your grandchildren. Keep that stilton at bay… ( lovely with a drop of port) Just reminded me. used to make a sort of pate type thing … Stilton (soft very Mature)blended in a basin with some double cream and port. It was gorgeous on crackers or crusty bread. HELP what am I saying Lol Xx

    Audrey .. glad your able to join in. Its not the same without you. x Hope you kept your brother in line..and Mums tummy Is soon better. Bless her.

    How long are you staying this time or hasn’t it been decided yet. Quite a journey back and forth for you.

    Just finished A milky coffee and my boiled egg and cucumber slices. So glad that seems to be working okay with me. Not felt queasy at all. So will call that 200cals. I just don’t enjoy going a long stint especially after that long walk… you and Milena are great at sticking it out. No excuses allowed but I do have a fairly low blood pressure always have. Lol Xx

    Newbs.. Yes portions do seem to be the root of the evil where eating is concerned .. in my case of course the wine has played a big part. Never drank really till I was first widowed at 39. Started drinking sherry at night to sleep as I didn’t want to go down the sleep pill road…Then having a wine or two in the evenings..later years it just became so socially acceptable.. especially with my women friends. Then of course losing Andrew .. started me down that road again… of course that has added to the weight. Still all in the past now with a few hiccups and I suppose there will A few more along the way..

    Well enough of my rambles things todo and sort. Take care my friends Xx

    Hi hemmy

    I am here till Sunday evening. ..then hopefully not back until xmas..waiting for nurse to bring a cover for mums leg so she can shower….if she can manage ok I can go home for good so fingers crossed. ..

    Visit with brother went ok, he was very careful in his words. …he is going to new York on Sunday and just wanted to check that if I was needed I could come back!

    Good news

    We are going to Turin for my birthday early February. I am excited and scared in equal measures. I have to fight back against this agoraphobia also why not dive in with both feet

    No baggy jeggings for me.

    Bev x

    Oh Beverley

    Now you have something to aim for…..just think how slim you can be for then. ….a whole new wardrobe beckons HeheHe


    Hi Brits,

    Thanks for the welcome…feeling very positive. I think all these groups help a lot, pushing each other along on good days and bad. Making friends and giving good thoughts and ideas.

    Good luck to everybody

    Hi All

    Welcome to you symba. You will find this a good supportive and informative forum.

    I am so pleased that a lot of you are up for tge challenge. For me the milestone will also mark going into the next BMI category down but that will will be two lower than I started at. I see for many others it is a milestone as well of some sort.

    Oh do I feel bad for those of you that have snow and the cold weather is cold enough here in the South. If I lived up north I would definitely have to have central heating. I am toying with the thought of putting the fire on low, I know I shall have to give in as it is 16.9 indoors, I have a cat on my lap and will need to get up soon and disturb him.

    I had a bit of bad news about a friend of the family I was very close to. I cared for her husband as she went back to Spain to be with her sister and her niece as he was so unwell he couldn’t care for her. This was about 10 years ago. The niece didn’t like her to have contact with me so I haven’t spoken to her in some while. Another niece contacted me to tell me that she had passed away on the 11th November. She also told me that she had been badly treated by her sister who abused, shouted at her and mistreated her badly not allowing her to have contact with the rest of the family. This left me extremely angry and sad that this should have happened.

    I know think she is in a better place with her husband and can’t be harmed any more. What terrible and wicked people there are in this world. I do believe in Karma and that we are ultimately answerable for what we do.

    Audrey I am so pleased that your Mum is better, your biscuits would make me feel better as well! I have just bought another bag of rhubarb and thought of you. I forgot tge stew pack for tge soup though…very annoying.


    I do Monday, Weds and Friday so we can keep each other company. I always feel that it is good to have a target, also a target that is achievable.


    I would hibernate inside in that cold. Well done for going out, how is the diet going. Can you have warming soups on it?


    A nice holiday to look forward to is good, the months after Christmas always seem dull.

    Here is a link for you. Paul Mackenna has an MP3 download for agoraphobia. This might help and hopefully you can set yourself small targets along the way.


    I believe it was you that decided that 4lbs was a good target. Remember if you lose more then it will be a bonus but if you lose less you may be dissappointed. Better to be happy than dissappointed…..

    My second aim is that by the end of the first week of January I am still at the target I set myself to arrive at by Christmas, this will mean either fasting as I am now or maybe for only two days a week or/and not going too mad and getting back on the downward spiral……this is how we all ended up here in the beginning, isn’t it??


    Yes I too have been lax at drinking water, this causes constipation to worsen I am told. I am doing less tea and eating kess vegatables as well. I will have to change this and make a nice vegetable soup!! …..when I get the stew pack.

    Hi Celtic how are you doing? Karen are you OK?

    My dinner tonight is a very small plain chicken breast cooked with a tomato, pepper, onion, mushroom and garlic and Rosemary sauce with vegetables so enough vegetables there!!

    Nearly had a bacon sandwich earlierm then I remembered what day it was, bacon sandwich tomorrow then, that is what I like about this was way of life, nothing is denied just postponed.

    Well sadly I need to disturb the cat as it must be time for a cup of tea, then I can also turn the fire on…

    Will someone let me know that warmer weather is on the way please………


    Ginette lovely to hear from you…

    Milena and Karen are you both o.k.?

    Keep in touch my fellow brits together we are stronger


    Hi all, good to hear of everyones news. Audrey glad to hear Mum is on the mend. Stu is full of cold so didnt go to Tai Chi today… at nearly 62 hes prob one of the youngsters in the group so thought we best not risk passing it on. FD again for us tomorrow? We have got a couple of days away coming up to coincide with Stuarts birthday. Just a couple of nights in Lincoln … we wanted somewhere that wasnt a long drive and somewhere where we could take the dogs with us. We have found a plac;e apartments in a converted barn on a working farm for £45 a night. We decided two nights was enouh.. both tend to get home sick really easily. Have also booked a table at pizza express. ..although may swap from the Sunday to the Monday. Looking forward to the castle, cathedral and lots of tea shops. This the first time we have been away in about 17 or 18 years.

    Mouse got through the spay really well and we got a call yesterday to say that the tests on the mammary lump have come back benign. She was a bit anxious in the car on the way to vets for the post op check yesterday so we stayed a bit longer and got everyone to give her extra cuddles and lots of treats. Hopefully when we we go again next week she will bounce in again as she usually does.

    Celtic, great news on the weekend break will give you a much needed break away. ….

    Glad little mouse is ok too I am sure she will soon get over her bad experience at the vets. we find taking treats for the vets to give our dogs works wonders. ….


    Hi All

    How lovely to read all the posts before going off to bed for an early night. Am fasting again tomorrow – will be first b2b fast so hope I can manage it!

    Celtic, I hope you have a lovely break, I would love to see Lincoln Cathedral! Enjoy every minute. Glad to hear that your little dog is ok. We have been to the vet today as our mini labradoodle has d and V – treatment seems to be working and she didn’t seem to mind chicken and rice for tea!

    Audrey, how did you get on today? Hopefully your mum got her leg cover.

    Ginette, I am so sorry about your friend – sometimes we find ourselves powerless in situations beyond our control. In a past life, I was part of the adult safeguarding team in Devon and the total wickedness of some people never failed to shock me! With the purse strings being tightened and resources dwindling, it would seem that more people are getting away with it now, which is very sad and disgusting! We can however, only do our little bit in our little corner!

    Bev, how lovely to have something so nice to look forward to in the new year! Will be wonderful being able to it enjoy it as the new slim you in your tweeny jeggings!

    Hemmy, keep up the good work- I hope I don’t put weight back on when away at the weekend – the food at the hotel is out of this world but my OH needs feeding up 🙂 I will be missing out lunch each day to try and limit the damage!


    Hi Celtic

    How nice to have a break away for you and Stu. A working farm sounds lovely.


    Ginettte, good to hear from you. The place we are staying is incredible good value its £45 a night and can sleep 4 (double bed and double sofa bed) with no extra charge for the dogs. Odd day here today… spent most of it asleep. Looking forward to FD tomorrow. Got heating engineer coming to look at up stairs landing radiator thats never worked and then GP appointment for Stu. Think we are both more relaxed with new GP. Neuro specialista week on Friday. Managed to get Stu some sugar free cough medicine yesterday…. both always been puzzled why its so hard to find.

    Hi Celtic

    Having a good GP is really important when you have serious problems. I have a new GP my last one was brilliant…..the jury’s out on this one.

    How did you find the place where you will be staying?


    Ginette, found it on Hotels.com after searching all sorts of sites. Can email you the details if you want . Glebe Farm Apartments Market Rasen.

    Just Testing

    Did 2 long posts last night and they both disappeared. Xx

    Hi friends hope all is well with you and yours.

    So strange last night did 2 long posts to everyone which never registered just couldn’t post. Lol

    Hi Ginette x so fab.. u.. lous to have you back again. Sorry to hear that sad news about your friend .. as you say peaceful now with her husband.
    So glad you suggested the 4lb Xmas loss.. it got us all fired up again. Xx

    Lovely to hear such positive news from everyone. Audrey Hope all goes well for your return home .. fingers crossed everything goes well for Mum now. Xx

    Bev absolutely wonderful news about the holiday … You can kick this weight thing ..hopefully then your other fears may subside. Keep at it girl. Xx

    Newbs .. you are going great guns. Good luck with the BtoB today. Think how brilliant you will feel tomorrow when you set of for your week-end treat to glorious Devon. Xx

    Celtic .. So glad mouse was ok always a worry a visit to the vets however good they are. Your break sounds wonderful .. just ideal for you. stu and the doggies. Glad the new GP is giving you more confidence.. very important. Xx

    Sig… Enjoy a Feast Day .. Thanks Giving. Come and tell us about the Turkey.. Sweet potato .. Pumpkin pie and all. lol Xx

    Karen .. hope all is well with you and your family Xx

    Milena.. hope you are having a good week… lots of sales and keeping those boys in order. Xx

    Symba 7 Hope you are settling back in again to the routine. You will soon be losing those pounds again .. we will all be there with you along the journey. Xx

    Blaise .. how are you doing.Xx Hope everyone else looking in is doing okay drop in and chat we are a happy bunch. Xx

    Off shopping with Mum.. A good week re fasting so far.

    Brit lovelies…
    Today.. if you TRY to lose weight .. you have already achieved something wonderful even before you begin. Xx

    Morning all

    The fast day went ok I came in under 500 kcals. Mum decided to “join” me, she had 2 home made melting moment biscuits at lunch and a cream horn after her evening meal HeheHe lol…

    May try for a good day again today but it’s corned beef hash for meal tonight….

    Celtic hope all goes ok for Stu at the Dr today.

    Hemmy post again, I love to read your posts. …can’t survive without the phrase for today…..just seen we posted together, thanks hemmy… Have a good day today….

    Ginette hope you are back for good now…

    Newby good luck on your 1st B2B. If it gets hard give us a shout, keep telling yourself it’s just a normal fast day ….

    Beverley, thanks for all your support, mum is much better thanks…have you set a target to lose for your holiday?

    Slg enjoy your holiday, don’t eat too much while you are celebrating thanksgiving, at least I don’t have to dodge that particular bullet, hehe

    Symba how is it going? Good luck for your fast today, keep in touch, we won’t let the pennies divide us! I am in lancs…

    Milena, are you o.k. how is new regime going?

    To anyone I have missed apologies, blame the hormones. ..


    Audrey.. Thank you. Xx

    How lucky are we to be spending the day with our beautiful Mums. Enjoy. xx

    Hi All,

    What long posts Hemmy and Audreyg, catching everybody it will take me a time to remember you all.

    Audreyg…..Hubby is from Lancs I got him a passport to come over…funny we are are doing our family tree his past family came from Yorkshire and some of mine from Preston! So he could of come free!!

    Hemmy…..We have had a good first week all will tell at tomorrow’s weigh in. We have been swimming this morning and shopping pm keeping busy and out the house.

    Bev….A holiday to look forward too I like Lincoln.

    Looks like Xmas is coming down from the loft this weekend, getting organised and we can sit back and enjoy…I hate crowds pushing and shoving about, closing in on you. Cards posted next week!

    Take Care

    Hi everyone, and sorry I’ve been so quiet. And welcome FF – I’m another non-drinker – six years now.

    I had a week off last week and was away from home, dealing with my elderly father who had minor surgery (although you’d think it was a heart transplant from his reaction!!). Of course, when I got back to my desk on Monday the work had piled up – I’m still trying to get on top of it now.

    I tend not to have fast days when I’m on leave (good job I only ever take a week at a time!) but I then eat way more than I should. So, I’ve not yet weighed myself; today is my second fast day this week and I shall assess the damage tomorrow morning!

    Gosh, you are all so good on keeping up with what everyone is doing! Is that because you post regularly, or do you read everyone’s updates with a pen and notebook to hand so that you can then refer to them in your reply? (Of course, you might all just have better memory-power than me, which wouldn’t be difficult!)

    Anyway, welcome to Symba (hope I’ve got the spelling right) and, Ginette, how are you feeling these days? I’m waiting for results of blood tests as I have a sneaking suspicion I might be anaemic….

    Sorry….got mixed up!

    Bev …..Enjoy your trip to Turin in February, something to look forward to..I love my holidays anywhere!

    Celtic …..your trip to Linclon, a really lovely City, you will love it.


    Oh dear Jean (Symba) I think you and I are so similar. I read back absorb, love all the posts but then fail to respond in the manner which my brain should do. It’s all up there going round and round. What a great group of people. Love them all.

    That holiday. I cannot find travel insurance that will cover Neil. Cancer, heart issues and other that I shall not bore you with. Damn! Also he sees the Oncologist in April and we can ask for advice on travel then.

    Should we risk a long weekend with no insurance? Chancey. However, we could go in UK. Some place we have never been. York? Don’t know.

    Anyway, daughter rang. Her new flat for herself is a disaster. She showed me the photos on Sunday and it looked lovely built into the eaves of an old house. Cheap too. The reason being it is tiny and she can’t stand up in the bathroom! lol lol Luckily she only booked it for 2 weeks. I told her to do a viewing next time as it’s amazing what came be done with a wide angled lens!!

    As for me. Yesterday did belly dancing to Now Arabia. What fun but am not as nimble as I used to be. Good job we are not overlooked!

    Food is well under control. Loads of love to all.

    Bev x

    Hi All,

    Welcome Symba 7.
    I love reading all the posts!
    Bev_ I agree with symaba 7. Hope you can overcome the agro and enjoy Turin. That is a place I have not been,

    Celtic – The w/e away should be nice. It is nice to get away for a few days.
    Kudos to all of you caring for their relatives or husband. Remember to take care of your selves as well ( but not with food). That is my job as nurse to teach the carer to care for themselves as well.

    Sorry not to mention everyone by name. I need to go for a quick walk in the cold( ok not cold by Lancashire standards – no biting wind). Then off to the ocean- will def need the full wet suit today. Brr makes me cold just thinking about it. I have to earn the Thanksgiving feast. Yes, it will be a feast with my friends cooking.

    Take care all. I will be reading, even if I can’t post. I will be back to fasting next week (unless I can squeeze one in on Saturday).


    Look at Staysure, it covers a lot I don’t know if they do cancer, my hubby has to look around as he has lots going on. After 64 not a lot of insurances will cover you but this one will to 75.

    You will also want the (old E11) EHIC card which covers you (free) to go along side the insurance, that may cover cancer and other things as you are going to Europe as long as it is the local hospital you use and not private. It would be worth looking into that.

    Good Luck

    Hi Dear friends x

    Its been a good week so far … really hoping for a nice change on those scales Tuesday. Lol

    Things do get so much easier when you have done a couple of FDs with a serious heart.
    Today, what a change in the mind frame. I never realised I hadn’t had breakfast this morning till lunch time. So cals saved or banked as Milena would say.
    Always have snack style lunch at the bakery café .. which Mum enjoys as its been there 50yrs. Lol. Months ago I would have the snack and be thinking of evening meal … now I am stuffed and thinking maybe some toast and marmite very much later this evening. What a change. YIPPEE.

    Lovely to see all the posts … keeping each other upto date. It feels like a happy little family here.

    We are all human and have our ups and downs in life .. so nice to come and share though with supportive people.

    Must share this … Lolol … I am sort of a bit excited as today is the first time while out shopping I never even looked at the wine. YAY way to go.

    Carry on doing what you are doing Brit Lovelies. Xx

    Well next instalment on mum….we got a plastic bag thing to put her leg into so she could have a shower. It’s got a rubber seal that you have to stretch over your bandage…

    Mum got a bit upset saying she wasn’t ready and was scared of falling again, however after a while of sitting and talking she gave it a go and Big drum roll please …..success she has had a long hot shower and us now feeling much much better…

    I think I may be able to go home till xmas this weekend!

    Hope you have all had a good day, reading your posts you seem to have done.

    Bev hope you get insurance sorted out, a break would do you good..


    Hi Audrey
    So pleased for your Mum. Bet the shower was a bit frightening at first for her. After her fall she will probably still be a bit nervous for a while… understandably. Bless her.x
    Pleased for you too Audrey as its not been easy. Leaving your home and lots to do at this time of year… As my 88 soon to be 89 Mum would say ” Your not old but your not a spring chicken anymore”. Lolol I always reply “No at times I feel more like an old boiler” Lol. Hope everything continues to go well. ( reckon this improvement is due to your biscuits ). Xx

    Hi Bev .. have you tried Money Supermarket on line. You can get quotes for pre existing illness. Some companies will underwrite…taking each case separately. Worth a try.

    Would be nice to go abroad .. but if its not viable … some beautiful places in this Country… without the airport hassle.
    Keep that date for a holiday though ..it will do you both good.Xx

    Hi Fasting buddies

    Lovely to read your posts!

    Unfortunately I didn’t make it with my back to back fast day as nearly keeled over in the shower this morning when having a dizzy spell. Think the only way I can manage 3 days is to do every other day. However have done the two fast days so hoping scales should be ok tomorrow.?

    Nice to see everyone popping in to keep in touch.


    Hi Newbs. x

    Well done this week on the 2 good fasts. I couldn’t do b to b .. think I would also get dizzy.

    You have done so well from the start.. and can enjoy your week-end break knowing you are in control now. Have a wonderful time Newbs … we will all miss you. xx

    After this week having a kick start with the 3.. I will be doing 5 2 again. More emphasis on my Normal Days .. because I am convinced that is the key. Too get those days right.. think we are all worrying about the amount of Fasts which are no point if the following days we overeat. I know some think that makes it a bit like a diet but not really .. its just normal eating which we didn’t do.. obviously why we are here. Although so very glad I came. All just my opinion of course. Lolol Xx

    Hi All

    I am glad your Mum got on ok with the shower. You can always get get one of those chairs that you can use in a shower.

    How do you make your corned beef hash? Someone in tge family made it is a big pot which was really nice, better I think than the mashed potato way. Not sure how to make it this way though.

    Yes Audrey I am back and also feel in the land of the living. Always helpful!! I found out that a friend had these bad dizzy spells, nausea and felt really bad. Her doctor said it may be a virus going around and it lasted about a week badly and then eased off. She had a really high pulse rate which I also had. So maybe as I see her about every 10 days I picked this up.

    Well I am pleased to report that my blood pressure is in the normal range……yes so unusual for me, not known this for years. Ok near the top of that range true but a welcome change from the highest this week 205/110. That was dangerously high. Just wanted to share in case it is a dreadful virus and you get it.

    I feel about 90 percent today which is a vast improvement.

    Celtic I had a look on that site they have some interesting places, not that I am planning to go anywhere but it is nice to look.


    Did you try and go over a page while posting or did your screen refresh, this would cause the messages to disappear. At least you have posted now.

    It’s nice to see long term food habits are getting easier.

    Hi Symba

    Good luck with your weigh in. Have you heard about my fitness pal. You can log meals on there and also log weight loss, it is really nice to look back at. I think it gives a more realistic calorie count for the non fast days. You can set your goal and how much you want to lose a week, mine is 1lb a week (my choice). This I thought was realistic it has given me a calorie allowance of just over 1500 calories. That sounded about right for me.

    Mine is a very long term target and I expect to achieve it within two years. I worked out that even at half a pound a week that would mean a 26lb loss so nearly 2 stone – for next year that will be my aim. My first year is up on the second week of January, about the same time as Audrey and Milena.

    Hi Beverley

    That site that Celtic put up earlier is quite good. Also family inexpensive. I’m not sure where you live as I was looking in Dorset which is about an hour and a half away from me.

    Hi Newby

    Yes I have a day inbetween. I do Monday, Wednesday and Friday. This suits me fine and means I can eat what I like the other days and still lose. It also keeps me in check.

    Hi Sig

    Are you living in England?

    Hi Blaise

    I’m sure your father was concerned about his surgery, you read such horror stories in the paper. Obviously all went well and I hope he finds it an improvrnent and it gives him confidence. The NHS do a brilliant job but they rarely report the success stories as they don’t sell papers.

    Good luck with weigh in.


    Good morning friends hope all is well with you and yours. x

    Hi Ginette so pleased you are feeling well again. Sounds an awful virus to have experienced.
    Wow good news about the blood pressure.. that must be a relief.
    Until we are not 100% we don’t realise how very important our health is for us just to function and also enjoy life. Everything else we worry about is just a blip really. (I Must remember that). lol I will be Fasting too today Ginette .. see you there. Xx

    How is everyone doing this week … anyone weighing today … or is it a fasting day for most.

    Karen … Hope all is well with you and your family and the trip to your Mum went well. Xx

    Well the last FD today for the week. Looking forward to Tues weigh … well so far I am. Lol All could change watch this space. Noooo determined cap on .. not wasting these 3 fasts on a bit of mindless eating.. says she.

    Lots todo list today .. keeping occupied with my 30 min stints. Have to work my new Steam Cleaner out. My Xmas pressie to myself. Lol

    Audrey… Hope today finds Mum feeling even better and happy. Xx

    Have a brilliant day Brits Lovelies… Don’t overvalue what you are not and undervalue what you are. Xx

    Morning all

    Mum is now fully recovered from the shower ordeal. We need to practice putting the cover on and off the leg so she feels confident on her own. … I think she is getting a little forgetful so need to ask siblings if they can keep an eye on it too…. such a worry….

    Ginette mum has a wet room with a built in seat and rail etc so it’s all mum friendly… we make the hash buy cutting up potatoes onion and corned beef and cooking in oxo and water…slow in the oven was lovely I made it last week and froze some so we had that yesterday.
    Hemmy glad you had a good day with your mum.

    Thanks for all your support over that last couple of weeks ladies it has been very much appreciated. I wouldn’t have got through it without all your support and I think we have all got to know each other a little better through it…I.e. rotten siblings come back to mind…

    I am on another fast day today there us still a cream horn in the fridge for mum so she won’t starve!

    Keep in touch everybody

    I am on mobile so apologies for dodgy spelling


    Hi all,
    Newbs I dont think I could cope b2b either.

    Ginette great to have you back. Virus sounded awful. How have you manged to get your BP down ? Well done.

    Beverely how are you and Neil?

    I hope Milina is ok shes been rather quiet.

    FD went ok for us… finished off the beetroot, horseradish and chickpea soup from the freezer. Last night I asked Stuart what he wanted to do today and his answer was eat at least a couple of mince pies! I need to get my self back on track with the husks and apple cider vinegar.

    We went to the local hospital yesterday for Stu to have bloods done for PSA (prostate) test. As we were leaving there was another lovely sunset , Stu took a photo and the posted it on Facebook. .. Iwas in shot and I can see I look thinner. GPs are odd, the locum talked Stu out of having the PSA test but our new permanent GP was lovely yesterday and persuaded Stu to have the test. Hes a sod because he will alays when asked by medics how he is reply with “oh not bad considering or oh fine” he now takes me with him so I managed to say thst BP is still high and about the prostate/bathroom symptoms.

    Audrey, its good mum already has the wet room in place. Hopefully with practice she with get the hang of the bag and gain confidence in the shower. I think a proper shower/ feeling clean works wonders for lifting the spirits.
    Stu seems to be over the worst of the cold so should be good for Tai Chi next week. They have asked me to go along with him just to keep an eye in case of seizures.

    Hemmy I forgot to say I will weigh in today or tomorrow. As long as no gain I will be happy.

    Im on a couple of Facebook 5:2 groups and people have posted some great before and after photos as they make their journey on this WOL. I always find the photos a huge moral boost. Its been especially nice to see photos from some of the chaps. I always think its a very personal generous thing to do…I dont know if I be that brave !

    Im really grateful to have found this group and find you all hugely supportive and motivating. Thanks all.

    Hi All

    Feeling a little fed up this morning as despite my fast days, I have gained a pound! Doh!

    Will get back to tracking every day next week just to check it all out. I am determined not to let it beat me!

    This post is a bit me me me! Sorry!

    Hope you all have a good weekend.



    Without the support of this group I know I would have failed miserably you carry on going you will see dramatic changes too I am sure. I hope stu is better soon…..

    Newbs. …its just a blip you will lose next week I am sure. Just be mindful on your non fast days… have a good moan it will do you good hehe


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