Fat Busting Brits!!

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  • Morning! Have been up a while (as usual!) but lots to do today so have been busy… cooking & cleaning, lovely! Might get a walk in later with Mum if she’s up to it; they’re all coldy, but it’s not from me!
    Jean- it’s lovely & sunny here too! Itching to get out in the garden when it’s like this- our lawn needs lots of work as there’s quite a few bare patches from Josie, it’s north facing too so gets quite a bit of moss. Want to dig manure in to the veg beds at some point as well… Unfortunate with the scales- mine are up a bit too, need to get back on track next week!
    Typhoo- are you fasting today, I know you usually do on Fridays? Hope it goes well!
    Cakey- glad you caught up with your friend again, it’s easy to let things slip!

    HI all – no know here last night, Typhoo, but some in the forecast for the weekend. Take note, Cakey, if you’re coming to Edinburgh. Tomorrow looks miserable – sorry!

    No paranormal stories here, either. Not big on ghosts, but do get memories so strong it could almost be a presence. But then I’m pretty big on us all having eternal souls, on there being non-physical truth about our world. Every funeral I take, I talk about God holding all souls in life, and every at every communion I speak of how eternity breaks in to time and reminds us that we are united with all from whenever and wherever who worship in faith…so I guess you could argue I have a very particular set of biases/beliefs on the issue!!

    Right, well that’s got me in the right frame of mind to write the Easter service – wonderfully complicated, as it involves a couple of baptisms and half a dozen people becoming members. Thank goodness someone else is preparing the brunch!


    I think I have more those thoughts when you have loved some body or animal..whatever it is it’s nice to have them still close even in memories….who knows these things….

    Good luck on all the planning for Easter..

    It’s glorious here, although on my walk I had my fleece on it was undone and nearly could of done without…looks like a garage day some painting is going on…no wonder no plans were made…men..lol

    Just made a frittata, not quite ready broken into a few bits just saved it and it’s gone back in the oven…I won’t make Masterchef for presentation 😂

    Enjoy your walk out with Mum if you can…

    Jean x

    Meant to read – no ‘snow’ here last night – don’t know what my fingers are on this morning!

    My frittata really lovely…a bit left for tomorrow’s lunch…presentation 😂…better bit for tomorrow…don’t really make theses..


    Afternoon everyone

    Jean, I make mini frittats in muffin trays and as I’m the only one who eats them presentation isn’t an issue.

    Hedgehogs, hope you’ve managed to get out for a walk, dull drizzle here.

    CW, enjoy your family weekend. Nice to have your daughter home.

    Minols, do things settle a bit after Easter? Hope your service plans are coming together.

    Dave, you remind me of my brother, he’ll watch any sport, when we were teenagers I remember him watching the Eskimo Olympics.

    Typh00, you fasting with me today?

    Trying to keep busy to take my mind of eating. I’ve carried the new vanity unit upstairs, over 30kg with all the drawers and shelves out, and dismantled Phil’s riser/recliner chair. Sitting down for a bit with a cuppa now as think I’ve earned a rest.

    Car is packed for a trip to the tip but expecting a delivery sometime today so can’t go far. A job for tomorrow, or at least before I go shopping.

    Managed to drink over 2L of water yesterday and already on 1.2L today. Really bad at drinking enough so making a concerted effort. A bit light-headed recently and heart rate and blood pressure both low so want to rule out dehydration as a cause.

    Looking forward to Hannah coming home this evening and interrogating her about placement, but not so keen with the washing she’ll bring with her.

    Lynne x

    Hope there’s not too much washing, Lynne! Be careful lifting stuff, won’t you- those chairs are really heavy even when dismantled… Is your rash any better?
    Minols, do you do a service for Mother’s Day? I’m guessing you won’t get the chance to have a lazy day yourself!
    Jean- I love frittata, should do it more often, something that hubby & me can actually both eat!
    Lots of jobs done, & walk with Mum- it was so warm we didn’t really need coats either. Picking youngest up now…

    I hope the weather in Scotland is ok on Sunday, my son is going to watch ice hockey at Braehead,could have picked a better day,its the old firm game i think.I had a good fast day yesterday in a 24 hour period i had around 500 calories.Lynn i do like watching a lot of sport,but i prefer to actually go to the sport rather than watch it on the telly, occasionally i go and watch Sale Sharks and i have been to watch Salford rugby,i went to watch Manchester City for over 50 years but it became to expensive,i go to Ice Hockey for which i have a season ticket and have a season ticket for speedway which starts in less than a fortnight.I also have gone to a good few non league football matches to watch Droylsden,i keep saying i will start watching cycling again,i used to go with my dad when i was very young.

    Good day,

    Fast day is going well so far about 20 hours in no real hunger pains to report.

    The snow hasn’t arrived here so hopefully we are going to miss it this time, it’s only a fortnight til the clocks go forward and we are into spring.

    Good luck to everyone joining me in a fast day and enjoy the extra time you have to do something else.

    Good luck to the fasters everybody seems OK…we are going to have FD or a low day tomorrow as going to daughters for mother’s Day …

    Steve’s been in and out of the garage spray painting and getting some biking stuff ready for eBay…photos and washing things…

    Heavy stuff to be lifting, haven’t you got anyone to help you carry things…hope Hannah’s enjoyed her week, love to know what they get up too, I quiz the grandson when we see him, he chats to Steve about engineering as Steve has covered lots what he’s done, his dad is uninterested 😬

    It was really tasty some left for tomorrow…I suppose they different each time…

    Liquid only fast maybe something I should think about….well done

    Lots of sport you watch…Steve’s into F1 starting shortly…

    Enjoy Mother’s Day everyone….have a lovely weekend…

    Jean x

    I like F1 too, I used to work in engineering but got made redundant twice, the second time i was on the dole for two years, so didn’t go back to it.Keke Rosberg and Nigel Mansell were my favourites in F1.I hope the scales are kind tomorrow,i must put another hole in my belt my jeans were almost around my ankles when i took Heidi for a walk.

    Hope the scales are kind to you tomorrow….another hole in your belt…are you looking like a sack of spuds yet…lol

    Steve did …he had a frill around the top of his belt..

    Jean x


    It would be rude not to eat a warm cheese scone with butter, fresh out of the oven, just to be sure they are cooked.


    Of course, Cakey! How could you not… Have a lovely weekend!
    Dave- well done on the reducing waist!
    Jean- it would be a FD for me with ADF, but I’m going to be surrounded by food today (& as Cakey says, some things need to be tried to make sure they’re cooked!), so it’s not going to be a FD! We have family coming tomorrow (12 probably) for a buffet for Mum for Mother’s Day, I love it! Quite a bit to do today, lots tomorrow…
    Kay- hope that your move goes well & that you soon settle in!
    Typhoo- well done yesterday!
    I do admire all of you who do liquid only fasts, I’m not sure that I could, I only seem to be able to keep going knowing that I’m having something later! Although often it is just a bowl of soup…

    Morning All…
    A rainy day for us today…

    Off out to buy Easter Eggs, then we can drop them off when we see everyone…a bit of retail therapy and a sandwich or something out…

    Cakey Wakey…
    How could you not have one or two scones…that reminds me I need some for the freezer, mine come in at 50 cals a scone and the butter, so I count as 100 cals…I use the defrost gently just to warm about 45 sec just right…lol

    Have a good day getting everything ready for tomorrow..it will be hard weekend for us all food wise…you have a lot of family coming sounds like it will be lovely…everybody is scattered at my end and never get everyone together.

    Steve and his daughter have had a major row, so a week now of not talking…at 46 she should have more thought on others instead of thinking of her self all the time…a few home truths were told but as always it’s a waste of time…she takes all the time and never gives…..she calls herself a selfish cow, and that’s it in a nutshell. Moan over….she is the trying one of the family..oh and my sister…lol

    Good luck with move just a few days to go now..hope the job offer comes off when you get settled but don’t bring any home…lol..then let’s get you back on board..🤞

    Have a good weekend everyone ….line drawn at midnight Sunday..😂

    Jean x

    Morning everyone

    Hedgehogs, the buffet tomorrow sounds lovely, hope everyone enjoys it.

    Jean, enjoy your trip out. I must pick up some Easter Eggs, just a couple as the girls usually have a present/money instead.

    CW, basic cooking rules to test what you’ve made. You can’t give someone a scone if they haven’t been QC first.

    Typh00, hope the fast went well yesterday, mine lasted until 7 then major deterioration.

    Kay, give us an update on the move when you get chance.

    Minols, hope things are getting back on track.

    Dave, how was the weigh in this morning?

    Well my fast went well until 7pm yesterday, then Bec wanted chips and I ended up with fish and chips. A little down on the day, but 2lb up from last week. Having a ‘sensible’ weekend, but roast dinner tomorrow.

    Blood tests next Wednesday to check my thyroid is behaving and my liver has settled down. Problem though is because the issue is an autoimmune disease, the thyroid levels can vary day to day so a blood test isn’t always a true reflection of what is ‘generally’ happening. GPs used to prescribe on symptoms, but now base everything on one test result.

    BP still a bit iffy, and heart rate in my boots, so at least there’s a reason why I feel I want to hibernate. Miserable weather is not helping.

    Think I’ll take it easy for the weekend and join the ‘Mass Fast’ on Monday.

    Lynne x

    Stop talking about Easter Eggs,i love them,i could eat them all day,I said to Denise i want putting inside a giant Easter egg so i can eat my way out.The scales were kind again,i lost 2 lbs so happy with that.

    I had a look at the fatlossmacrocounter,too much fiddling around MYfitnesspal is much simpler to use,but you may like it so have a look and decide yourself.

    Back from retail therapy …bought another pair of grey walking trousers good for the caravan, very smart and tidy…wash and dry in three hours…

    Lunch out..thought I would join everyone with an off plan weekend…😂..snack this evening…

    We have bought the 9 Easter Eggs…first time ever not for us…lol…Steve said we have enough crap from Christmas to eat…well done Steve..😀..

    Louisiana family will have to have flat packs of buttons and Maltesa’s for carrying in the case, and custard creams, and jammy dodgers, and bisto, and Yorkshire tea, Branston sauce, and , and , and, all their favourite things what they can’t buy 😂..we don’t pack clothes!!…maybe July?

    Jean x

    Fetch the flat packs round here,i like all apart from custard creams,its pouring down here good job i took Heidi out while it was dry,going to ice hockey tonight,taking a friend who has never been before,we play Fife Flyers i think so it will be a late meal tonight.

    It’s just so hard for them not to get their favourites things…sometimes they can but a small bisto is £5..hard to justify…Maltesa’s my grandsons absolute favourite, and granddaughter and daughter has to be Branston Pickle …forgot chocolate orange again £5…😬

    All the things we can’t have….lol..and would like….

    Enjoy ice tonight…

    Jean x

    Dave- I’d love to watch ice hockey- no rinks around here, nearest is at Chelmsford & it’s a banned subject in this house! (Took boys ice skating 5 years ago, 1st time for youngest, he fell awkwardly & cut his thumb on his own skate, thought it was a myth how sharp they are, but he cut an artery & a tendon, had to have surgery, a splint & 12 weeks physio!)
    Jean- not sure what would be my most missed British food if I was abroad- probably any chocolate, US chocolate is so different!
    Not so many Easter eggs in this house any more, the boys used to end up with about 7 each when they were little! We had a much bigger garden where we used to live, so always did an Easter egg hunt for the boys, my niece & nephews, happy memories! I think they’re pretty over-priced for the weight of chocolate, I’d rather have a big bar… (greedy me!!)
    Got everything done I need to today, so can have a sit down this afternoon, but then I did start at 7am!!
    Have a nice evening everyone!

    Denise said no Easter egg this year 😃😓😓😓😓🤤🤤🤤🤤

    Think we should re-name this thread ‘fast busting brits’ with all our foodie chats, I feel like the naughty one leading you all astray!

    Here here Hedgehog ..I agree you are leading us astray….Cakey Wakey with ginger cake too…

    I was fasting today or nearly..that’s gone to the wind…and Cakey I have bought my treacle..😬

    Meal out and a glass of wine tonight…and loads of prepared food tomorrow at daughters, trifle for Steve and a favourite almond and cherry cake for me and other things…line drawn about 5 pm tomorrow to start fasting…

    Have a wonderful weekend….

    Jean x

    Glad you agree with the necessary QA of the cheese scones. Between supper and breakfast the rest were enjoyed, but I resisted any more.

    Lovely day with the family. Went into Newcastle which is something I rarely do now. Lovely Italian for dinner.

    Jean, feel like I’m leading you astray re treacle and what delicacies you might make with it.

    Hedgehogs – have a wonderful day with family tomorrow. Are you in charge of buffet if you’ve been busy all day? When my girls are both home I just want to feeeze the moment when I know they are both safe under our roof.

    Not sure of our family rules about Easter eggs this year. I think I missed the memo about not buying them anymore. I shall still buy for my two youngest nephews (18 and 16) but not sure about the others who are now all in their 20s & 30s when I stop and think about it.

    I bought the Murder on the Orient Express new dvd to watch tonight but a bit too late for start now that I’ve finally sat down. Will save it for another day.

    Night night


    Cakes Wakey..

    Ginger cake or flapjack ummmmm

    Night night x

    Flapjack, no contest!
    Cakey- I am definitely in charge, I like to be busy in the kitchen! It was my choice to have everyone round, & with 2 boys they don’t think about spoiling Mum in the same way as girls do (IMO anyway!)
    I know what you mean about ‘freezing the moment’ when they’re all home- mine haven’t left yet, but I am so much more settled when they’re both around, they’re out so much! Enjoy your family time today!
    Jean- hope that you have a lovely time at your daughter’s!
    Minols- hope that you can get spoilt a bit but I’m guessing a busy day for you…
    Dave- hope that you & your friend enjoyed the ice hockey, & well done on the 2lbs down!
    Kay- hope that the house move is okay, & that Ellie doesn’t find it too stressful.
    Everyone else, hope you have a lazy Sunday!

    Morning All…

    Happy Mother’s Day to everyone….

    Having a lazy morning half ready hair wet….away from here at 12 noon…a lovely text from Louisiana as no card as I celebrate America’s Mother’s Day as well in June ( I think) ..

    Hedgehog always up early and organised have a lovely family day..shame when they leave home and get scattered…

    Have a dabble with treacle in flap jack instead of syrup, a yummy change, my friend does half and half ..he was surprised I noticed, can’t miss the flavour.when allowed of course…

    Dave another 2 lbs off moving down lovely…how much have you lost so far?…you must be over a stone….how much would you like to loose have you a goal in mind?

    Minols have a lovely Mothering Sunday Service then enjoy the afternoon with the boys…

    Kay hope everything runs smoothly for the move and you settle into your new area…

    Lynne, Cakey Wakey, Typhoo and DF all have a lovely day..have I missed anyone..sorry..

    Jean x

    Jean since I started the 5-2 I have lost 17 lbs,my first target is to get under 300 lbs,only half a stone to go for that, ultimately I would be over the moon if I could get down to 17 stone,I am 22 at the moment.I have lost 2 stone since January 1st 2017.My friend enjoyed the hockey,I was up until 3 am this morning watching hockey😎My son has just texted me he is going to Glasgow to watch hockey and all trains have been suspended due to people on the line,so I don’t know what will happen,he has booked a room in Glasgow for tonight.

    I’m looking forward to my next fast day tomorrow but for some reason I’m craving garlic bread but I’m not giving in to it.

    Big fan of both flapjacks and ginger cake I would like to make another suggestion ginger cake and custard you really have to try it.

    Haven’t done much today apart from binge watching on Netflix what else are Sundays for. ☺

    What a lovely day so Spring like…..

    We have had a lovely eating day at daughters 😬 but it was very nice, sent me home with almond cake and coconut type healthy flapjack ( I have my doubts on that) it’s too nice to be healthy…honey instead of the white stuff, I told her to be careful on that…😂…a lovely mixed spread too much to eat as usual….

    You must be so proud of yourself that’s really good going loosing 17 lbs ….no wonder the trousers are falling down….shame for your son in Glasgow and his travel arrangements.

    In half a mile when we left daughters, we have seen three separate accidents bumps on cars and lorries, the the traffic was horrendous. Someone was also jumping off the Humber Bridge when we arrived earlier, stopped all traffic across bridge, again horrendous …quite sad that one….

    You have had a quiet day…ginger cake and custard definitely one for Steve….keep strong on the garlic bread…at least you haven’t been eating….

    Jean x

    Lovely busy day

    Breakfast with my mum and dad,then a country walk and lunch with daughter and her boyfriend, then visit to MiL on way home. Feeling a little tired now – maybe a little nap.

    Akways feel a bit sad when daughters go, at least I have my puppy to look after.

    Well done Dave re the loss and downward trend.

    Typhoo – what do you watch on Netflix? There’s always so much choice I never know where to start so always looking for recommendations. I’ve watched homeland, goodwife, suits and Gilmore girls so far.

    Hope you’ve had lovely day everyone



    I’m currently watching vampire diaries from the start but have also watched Luke Cage, The Punisher and Daredevil.

    Will soon be the start of another Fast day and a much needed one after the snow days of eating rubbish but its been a nice spring day here and we missed the forecast of bad weather from Thursday.

    My son never made it to Glasgow, protesters took over Manchester Piccadilly railway station,it will cost him over £100 so he is not a happy bunny, and he has wasted a days holiday for tomorrow.I feel so sorry for him because he can’t afford to lose that much.


    Have you seen these on Netflix?

    Steve has watched back to back about 6 series x 10 episodes….”Breaking Bad”..blood thirsty and violent, too much for me…best thing he’s ever watched..

    Follow on from above.. ..”Better Call Saul”….. really good, seen first series, he’s waiting for next series.

    Cakey Wakey..
    Glad you had a lovely day, it all sounds it went well….I enjoyed The Crown but you have possibly seen it…

    Jean x

    That’s a lot of money to loose…it was Manchester..😬..a wasted holiday day too..



    I haven’t seen any of those series on Netflix but will give them a try and see what I think.

    Breaking bad first…let me know what you think…he thoroughly enjoyed it…watched it every afternoon..

    Dave- really well done so far, & sensible to set goals as you go. Your poor son- saw it on the news, protests are one thing but they don’t care about the disruption they cause. Hope maybe he can get some money back, for his train ticket at least?
    Jean- glad that you had a nice day with your daughter- hope it gave her a boost to do the cooking for you, she sounds like she enjoys it?
    Cakey- sounds like you had a nice day too, with all your family. And nice to have your puppy to cuddle up with later. My Josie was always my baby girl & a mummy’s girl, next dog (hopefully, working on husband!) he will be more involved with I think!
    Typhoo- hope the garlic bread cravings have gone… & that you’re okay with the fast today!
    Minols, Kay, DF (if you’re lurking!) hope you’re all okay & are going to get back on track soon!
    I’m definitely NOT fasting today; far too much food left over! I always do too much, I hate the idea that people might not have had enough, & also like to have leftovers for the next day so I don’t have to cook! The boys like having it all about as well, husband was muttering about it last night, but that’s tough on him!
    I tried a new recipe which went down surprisingly well- a spinach, cranberry & pecan salad! Had it at a wedding, & googled it- apparently it’s quite common in the US (don’t know if your daughter has ever made it, Jean?), but that was yum, & without too much dressing is healthy!!
    I won’t share anything else that’s left over to eat as you’re all fasting!
    Not sure what I’ll do today- was going to clean the oven, but found I didn’t have any cleaner left, shame, I can’t do that! Need a long walk, although we had a storm & torrential rain, so it’ll be muddy everywhere…

    Lynne- I’m so sorry, not sure how I missed you off the list! Hope that your girls spoilt you yesterday, & hope Hannah’s getting on okay with her placement? Are you on the mass fast today?

    Morning All..

    Rainy day dark and dismal…

    It’s lovely to have food out, cooked for you and fuss around you, it nice but 3 lbs on 😬…I really really didn’t eat 3 lbs worth of food…another bad week looming..

    Fasting today and soup for tonight! We are finishing our walking course tomorrow and a good day weather wise but could be muddy…lol…will be muddy….

    Too much food about yesterday how could you say we will only have a bit, there was some left too…your recipe sounded different…in America the food is large and awful, sweet corn with most things, no green or colours at all…very much big meat eaters wouldn’t suit you at all. I struggle every time we go, and that’s buying from supermarkets and cooking my self and very expensive too..they mess with all their food, injecting with sugar, water, honey or salt..ugh

    Daughters back at work and thrown in big time..they said she could ease in and could ask for extra time off but she wanted to get on with it…she had three meetings off site last week..she seems to be ok but tired, but she will be..

    Just got my granola cooking in the oven before my morning cuppa…unusual that one…😂

    Anyone else fasting today?

    Jean x

    Good morning,

    Very happy with the scales today as the four pounds i gained last week have now been lost and this time I hope for good.

    Fasting today and feel good no real cravings or hunger pains so far

    Morning everyone

    Hedgehogs, glad the buffet was a success yesterday. I always find it difficult to judge portions and like you always err on the side of providing too much.

    Jean, hopefully the 3lb is just a short-term blip, maybe a bit of water retention.

    Dave, hope you son manages to a refund of at least the train fare. You must be delighted with the 17lb off.

    Typh00 well done on resisting the garlic bread and on the 4lb loss this morning.

    CW, it’s horrible when the Hannah goes back after a weekend home, I try to relish every minute she’s here. The house seems very quiet.

    Minols, Kay, hope everything is good.

    Good weekend, but quite controlled and managed to drop 1.5lb, so already nearly cleared last week’s gain. Hoping for a good FD today.

    Plumber is here and has found a few problems caused by the disability adaptations. Really annoying when the problems are caused by something which is meant to make life easier.

    Decided on a new shower so I can get rid of some cables in the spare room. Also looking at wet room panels for the bath/shower area as can’t match the tiles. Hoping everything arrives tomorrow so the plumber can get on.

    Hannah’s enjoying her placement, working people recently discharged from hospital and trying to prevent admissions. Quite slow paced as only make 3 visits a day and her ‘trainer’ seems nice, very ‘mumsy’ but seems pleased with how Hannah’s doing. Travelling however is not quite so appealing.

    Lynne x

    Well done on your 4 lb lost that’s very nice….have a good FD with us too… all going well here..

    1 1/2 lbs loss for you too, that good.

    Hope your things turn up on time for your plumber to get with on with the bathroom tomorrow.

    It’s nice to have someone looking after you when away from home, Hannah would take it from her more than you…we found that with Will when he started his apprentice working away…

    Jean x

    Honestly – only a bit busy for the weekend and I come back and there’s a million posts…mostly food related!

    Dave – well done on all the weight lost this year, but sorry your son had a rubbish experience re Glasgow. We like to make the most of every single day of holiday time and to have it ‘wasted’ is really rubbish!

    So C-W seems to have got the food thread going with talk of cheese scones (best ever at a café in NZ – just closed down apparently – but many a working day enhanced by a quick trip there)…I have to reveal that on Saturday I think I discovered the best cake ever…or at least the best I’ve ever eaten! At our local library café – rhubarb and elderflower sponge cake…oh my, I’ve never tasted anything like it!

    Anyway, tloday all such thoughts are behind me. I am with the mass fasters, and I am determined. Tonight I will make the Hungarian ghoulash recipe from my new FD kindle book. Also, I have decided to re-brand myself in my diary/plan/notebook, so across the top of this week’s page I have written ‘I am a woman who does not eat biscuits’ – I used to be that woman, and I’m going ot be that woman again! Eventually, I may soften and be allowed occasional ginger snaps again, but for the foreseeable future, the biscuit tin is a closed tin. I can’t trust myself!

    I can do this, because we do this together, and I’ve seen from you all over the years that WE can do this.


    …and half an hour later – I’m hungry!

    Can anyone remind me how we do this again?

    Off to make a hot drink, and NOT open the biscuit tin!


    Talking about ginger snaps when I’m fasting is just so wrong but I’m being strong and will not be that biscuit person until I lose a few more pounds at least.

    I would say custard creams and chocolate digestives would be my down fall if anything they have to take a good dunking in my coffee first.

    So far so good on my fast day,just one cup of tea and nothing else,my son said it will cost him over£140,the hotel said he had to cancel before 12noon to get his money back, and the train will be the same outcome,I don’t think he will get his money back from the ice rink either,I told him to try his insurance from Nat West so will have to wait and see. Going to IKEA soon to look at table and chairs for kitchen.Stay strong fasters.

    Hot drink has helped.

    Going to do another 30 mins at my desk, and then off to see someone. I’ll drop by Asda as I go past and get the peppers and carrots I need for the recipe – veg is just by the door, so I won’t go in any further!


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