Fat Busting Brits!!

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  • Hello

    Finished work and looking forward to tea. A few hungry moments but got through with coffee and water.

    Well done jean and Dave getting through the fast day too.

    Sad that your friend isn’t happy about the move, hopefully with FaceTime etc she will be able to keep in touch easily Hedgehogs?

    How has your day been Typhoo?

    I think I’ll take Woofy out before eating and then whatever I have will keep me going until bed time.

    Stay strong this evening and if you feel like nibbling then find something else to take your mind off it. That’s probably true for NFD and FD too


    Cakey- if I get too hungry after dinner on a FD then I clean my teeth ready for bed- stops me eating stuff (usually!)

    Snap I do that too….😀

    Cakey Wakey..well done keep strong this evening…



    My stomachs been rumbling pretty much all day which is unusual but if I get too hungry I normally get a handful of raisins that seems to work for me.

    Hopefully the snow will disappear tomorrow and I can get some better supplies and leave the biscuits alone.

    Evening everyone

    Busy day sorting out bits and bobs, so kept my mind off food, but really hungry now.

    Typh00 hope the snow clears soon and you can get to the shops.

    Everyone seems to be doing really well today, the temperature has warmed up here and just the lanes a bit tough going, think it probably caused a few problems in rush hour.

    Managed so far with just coffee, may have to have some soup, Bec’s eating pizza so that’s not really helping.

    Lynne x

    Sounds we’ve all had the hungry grumbles today. I’ve had soup and half a tuna sandwich. That’s my go to meal in a FD just now. I like the soup boiling hot so takes ages to eat. I just have one slice of bread made into a sandwich with small tin of tuna as that fills me up and I’ll be fine through to breakfast.

    Well done everyone. Wednesday is my next FD.

    Lazy night planned, work is so busy I’m trying to slow the pace down outside of work and just relax a bit more. Tomorrow night I’m going to visit my mum and dad as they’ve been getting a new car. Youngest daughter and boyfriend coming home on Friday for the weekend so looking forward to that.


    Sounds like you’re all staying strong… I’m fasting tomorrow, so guessing I might be on my own? Hoping I’ll be able to get some of my favourite soup, It’s been out of stock recently…
    Hubby enjoyed his jury service- he says he’s got a case that will last about 2 weeks.
    Cakey- will you be able to get back to yoga now the snow’s gone?

    Hedgehogs – should get back to yoga next week. Classes are Tuesday and Friday but I just get as and when I’m not working away.

    I’m determined to get better at doing it at home in betweeen, by following an online class. Especially as my husband works late quite a lot, that would be an ideal time but I need to be more disciplined. I have a lovely study that is next on my list to decorate and will have the space to get my mat down too.

    Meanwhile nearly time for Masterchef. Husband watching University Challenge which he seems to do a lot although can answer no more than a couple of questions at most.


    I cleaned my teeth too,it does work 😁,may need to do them again in a minute,It reminds me I have to make an appointment for a checkup, got an email last week telling me to book an appointment, but left it until I know what’s happening with Denise and the hospital.

    Awake at 4.30am for some reason! It’s going to be a long day… 🙁 Have been fighting off a cold for a few days now- it’s gone more to my sinuses, I can’t taste anything, so at least that should be a deterrent!
    Hope everyone who was fasting yesterday enjoys their breakfast!

    Morning All..
    A drizzle start but better than the last week….

    Enjoyed my breakfast ..a change cheese on a slice of wholemeal toast..and white pepper ummm.

    Going out looking for navy shoes and need coloured A4 paper…

    Hedgehog, that’s an early start, hope you are not getting a cold and you feel better soon…Steve was up at 5.30 you are very early birds both of you…

    Kay, getting close to moving hope you are all organised..

    Have a good day anyone fasting..

    Jean x

    Hi everyone, hope your all still doing well  I decided to take a break for February, and try eating below my TDEE and exercising, basically counting calories. It has worked, and I lost 4lb that month, I’ve decided to carry on for March in the same way. I’m sure I’ll hit a plateau any time soon, and definitely would like to get back to 5.2 eventually, if only for the health benefits. For now, I’m just glad my weight is going down again (albeit slowly) rather than 2lb up 2lb down which was where I was at the beginning of the year!! I’ll keep popping by, I have actually been sneakily lurking to see how your all doing lol. Stay focused everyone .. soon be summer and warmer weather .. I cant wait .. campervan time!! xx

    Afternoon everyone

    DF, lovely to hear from you. Well done on the 4lb, not far to go now. Keep popping by, we miss you.

    Hedgehogs, early start for you, hope the cold is not too bad. Good luck with the FD today.

    Typh00, with any luck you ventured to the shops and not replenished the biscuits.

    Jean, any luck with the shoes?

    Dave, hope you manage to get the check-up booked, there’s a waiting time for nearly a month here for an appointment.

    Minols, hope you’re alright.

    Kay, not long to go now, when do you move?

    CW, the home yoga sounds like a plan.

    Nipped to the shops and bought a few bits, but in one of those indecisive moods. Been snacking on a few nuts, not really like me. Blood tests booked for next week for liver function and thyroid. Feeling a bit tired, skin dry and starting to get harder to drop a lb. Hopefully just thyroid playing up, if it doesn’t normalise will have to see if meds need changing and prepare for my battle with the GP. Thankfully I usually win or at least get a draw.

    Lynne x

    Good afternoon everyone,not booked dental appointment yet going to wait and see if Denise goes in hospital,it will probably take a month here too but not that long since my last check up.i didn’t get up until 10.30 this morning, I was up until 3-30 am this morning watching ice hockey.Just done the shopping at Sainsbury’s for my neighbor as well. Denise and my son have gone round to my neighbor to clear some stuff for him.

    Afternoon All..
    I have found my navy shoes not a lot to choose from…quite OK maybe need to bed them in a bit ..a low heel 2” court shoe and also found A4 buff paper for the printer…

    Lovely to hear from you and glad things are moving along..4 lbs is good in the month, I would be pleased with that…we are getting ready to look forward to the caravan season, we did get away for a three nights inbetween the bad weather so we were lucky…keep popping by…as we miss you…

    Hope everything goes well on the blood test, Audrey had the same problem it’s balancing the tablets to get them right…her doctor didn’t help her a lot..

    Ice hockey till 3.30 what are you men like….lol

    Jean x

    Laptop playing up, message says Windows can’t communicate with the device or resource (primary DNS server) so I will have to play around with it, fingers crossed 🤣🤞

    Hoping you can get it sorted…our printer was playing up then started working??

    How are you doing?…is the cold and sinus’s any better….


    Hi all! Busy day today- kept my mind off hunger & tiredness! Been shopping, made Victoria Sponges for son’s a boss as a thank you, for my friend who’s moving (helping again tomorrow), & for my lot. Got craft stuff to make mother’s day cards with my H-S family tomorrow, ironing, & doing dinner in 3 shifts again tonight! Cold & sinuses seem to be okay thankfully- caught the cold from my Home-Start family, I think!
    A question- how can my jeans get progressively tighter through the day when I’ve not eaten?! A bit like you sudden 7lb weight gain, Cakey, or whatever it was- has that sorted itself out?
    DF- lovely to hear from you again- I miss you, you were always on here early like me! Really glad that you’ve managed to shift 4lbs- you didn’t have much more to go though, did you?
    Lynne- hope you can get an increase in the thyroid medication if you think you need it, regardless of what the blood tests show! I tried Thyroid supplement tablets last year, as I’m always so cold & have dry skin etc.- my nails were so much better, but can’t get hold of the same one, the other brands seem ridiculously expensive!
    Jean- glad that the shopping trip was successful!
    Dave- I’m surprised you’ve got the patience to faff around with computers having been up half the night watching sport!!
    Cakey, Minols, Typhoo- hope you’re all okay!

    aaargh- it is so hard fasting in this house! As well as the cakes I’ve made, (which were eaten by family at 3pm, 4pm & 5.50pm when they came home) I’ve cooked: fajitas at 4.30pm for youngest son before he went to work, fajitas for husband at 6pm & my soup, then fajitas for eldest when he came back from kickboxing at 8.30pm, & finally beans on toast for youngest when he came home from work at 9.15pm… Don’t mind cooking for the boys as they do both work hard, but it is constant temptation for me on FDs… roll on breakfast tomorrow!

    Sorry for temptation Hedgehogs, hard enough cooking one meal, never mind 3-4 times in one evening. Sounds like you stayed strong.

    It was NFD for me and we had Chinese takeaway at mum and dads. It’s the only thing I’ve eaten all day. Not sure how to count the calories as there were 3 dishes between 4 of us and I had a little bit of each. FD tomorrow

    Hello dragonfly, nice to hear from you and glad you’ve been lurking, although don’t need to lurk, keen to hear about weight successes, through fasting or other ways.

    My shocking 7lb gain wooshed off within a couple of days Hedgehogs. I started in January at 12 & 1/2 st and been hovering between 11 6 & 11 10 for last month. So I suppose I’m sort of maintaining but I don’t want to, want to get back under 10.

    Glad you found your navy shoes Jean – are they for a particular occasion or to go with a specific outfit. I could probably set up shop with the different varieties of navy shoes although I do have a thing for pink shoes and at one point counted about 7 pairs.

    Hope you got computer sorted Dave!

    Hope you don’t have to battle with GP Lynne and hope gets sorted before you’re due back to work. Take care of yourself. No more house redecorating!

    How’s the biscuit situation Typhoo?

    Hello Minols too


    Laptop sorted,did a speedtest and got 210Mbps download speed,I had to wipe everything and start from scratch.Could be another late night, watching cricket on TV and got hockey on laptop.

    Poor Denise, Dave! Does she ever see you? But then absence makes the heart grow fonder… Glad you got the computer sorted!
    Awake early again, hoped being very busy yesterday would sort it! Out most of the day today, which is good as youngest has a day’s study leave for his mock exams, & he’s not going to do much revision, so I would only nag him if I was here. He is really hating school now, I think he’ll give up on his A levels after the half way exams in the summer- so silly as he’s doing fine without having to put a lot of work into it! Just get one son sorted, & then worries with the other!
    Cakey- I was pretty good, but did pick a little at the grated cheese, & did my usual scraping the bowl out of cake mix! I’m maintaining at the moment too- a couple of pounds up & down all the time, but then I’ve not been good on non FDs. I hope to get properly back on track next week- after the Mothers day treats!!
    Non FD for me- hope that anyone fasting stays strong!

    Morning All…
    The weathers improving it makes you feel so much better…wow 10 degrees for us..😀

    Going through a few more clothes today, trying to work at a few areas at a time…see what fits and what’s going to charity..need to check handbags, I have a box full some need to go…

    We are walking around the village..apparently later …so I have been told….lol

    What a busy baking and all your staggered meals sort of day, that sounds like me when my family were about…very hard going when trying to cut back and be good….I lift my hat to everyone who are fasting on their own and with family about, it’s much harder than when we are doing it together.

    I am going to daughters for Mother’s Day..I am not sure what’s planned..a meal or one year she did high afternoon tea with all the dinky sandwiches and lots of dinky cakes, that was a different surprise..whatever it is Calories are shouting…NFD .

    Cakey Wakey..
    I bought some navy trousers with no shoes to match…I have sandals which would go well, too cold yet. I hate buying shoes as I have painful feet and they have to be just right and the right size heel ( much better now the weights gone down and more thoughtful buying of shoes) only time will tell on my new shoes…

    Glad the whoosh effect moved the water weight for both of you..

    Glad the computer is working….I am not going down the sport route….lol

    Measuring Steve’s stomach this morning looks like another inch gone, although the end of month is official measure…that’s 4 1/2 from the start of the year.. his belly is his problem area, slim everywhere else. I am very pleased as I am noticing it myself. It’s giving him a boost..😀

    Have a good day everyone..a low day for us and fasting tomorrow..

    Jean x

    Morning everyone

    Hedgehogs, another early start today. I don’t think I could cook all those individual meals without wanting to eat some of them.

    Jean, hope the weather stays fine for your walk. Nice sunny day here but due to rain the rest of the week.

    Dave, burning the midnight oil again. Glad the laptop is sorted, a pain when they start to play up.

    CW, I think you’re joining me on FD today. Thinking of restarting decorating next week when the plumber is here installing the bathroom.

    Weight up a bit to this time last week, and being plagued by some sort of allergic rash which may be affecting it. Had it for a couple of weeks, both forearms and across my shoulders and will try to get to GP if I can get an appointment. Rang 26 times yesterday morning and when I got through all appointments gone for the morning. A bad night’s sleep with it despite antihistamines and hydrocortisone.

    So FD for me today and going to try to drink more water. I’m always really bad and never drink as much as I should, but want to see if I can flush out whatever it is that’s bothering me. At least I’ll keep active with the increased toilet visits.

    Lynne x

    Lynne- your rash sounds nasty, hope you can get an appt. today! It’s no wonder people go to A&E with things at times if you can’t get in to see a GP!
    Jean- well done to Steve & his stomach!
    My H-S family cancelled today, so I’ve been here to nag son! I shouldn’t have watched GBBO last night- at a loose end so thought I’d try making some red velvet cupcakes! (I broke my hand mixer yesterday, so have dragged out & cleaned up the Kenwood Chef & wanted to try that out too! Sadly it’s died on me as well so I’ll have to have a look around for something new…)

    My eyes were getting heavy so i went to bed at 1am,Denise goes to bed and reads so if i go to bed to early it would disrupt her reading.Making an appointment at the doctors can take ages,I do it online these days much better and order my repeat prescription online also.April is worst for late nights The Stanley Cup starts. Just doing some maths,I am 1359 calories below my TDEE for my three non fast days.

    Hi all – still here, somewhere in the background, but haven’t managed any fasts. Some started, none completed. The snow flummoxed any attempt at normality, and with an absence of bread in the shops I made cake – very Marie Antoinette!

    Need to give some thought as to what I’m doing with 5:2 as I’m really only paying lip service to it just now. Need to empty some stuff out of the house, get back to planning the weekly food and get serious…or – well, I don’t know what my ‘or’ is because walking away always involves even more weight gain. Hmmm. Feeling thoughtful.

    In the meantime, I’d better go and set up for tonight’s meeting.


    Hi All..
    I have had a very productive morning…tried everything on I have…I forgot I altered some trousers last year so everything coming out to play…😀…new shoes look fine…I am trying to come out of jeans they are so easy to wear so I wear nothing else….I have 5 dresses which I never wear too and they look quite nice ( 3 are new ones but fit better now)

    All now re sorted into better order..sat here in short sleeve tee shirt and new walking trousers so feel very summery …lol

    Steve went out for a ride on his motorbike to test bits and pieces on the bike…so he was gone an hour or so then cleaned it when back…

    Your rash sounds nasty it’s so difficult to get doctors appointments now..we can book on line but usually for three weeks ahead…good luck on your FD.

    I would miss my mixers although I use the hand one more…would you believe I bought it for my bottom drawer 51 years ago still going well 🤞..I don’t use the stand mixer much, I seem to have to have a lot of mixture for it to work properly…I love my processor didn’t think I wanted one but use it loads. Good luck to find something you like…red velvet cupcakes sound interesting…

    Looks like the weight will be on the move again….staying well under….we have just had a 2” square of tiffin, rather nice …other than that a really low day, soup for tonight and a slice of bread in crispy croutons.

    Finishing our tea and off for a walk and post a birthday card…..

    Jean x

    Lovely soup with croutons for dinner…definitely a low day…now started fasting through tomorrow…

    I think Kay is feeling like you, me too sometimes…I think after doing 5.2 for a good few years, getting close to goal then holidays it puts you back up a bit…I am about 6 lbs up to what I should be and I am finding it really hard to get it off…

    As Steve says ‘ what size and weight would we be if not fasting’…I do think he has a point …it’s keeping going and maintaining if that’s the best we can do until making a big effort to move the weight again….

    Summer and better weather coming..salads and different eating will help…

    Audrey has put 5 lbs on and trying to get it off again…so what ever the way you do it…it still needs focus..

    Keep strong and try and get your head around and in the mode…get the support on here, you know someone is always about..get your pantry sorted and planned out….

    Jean x

    Did quite a bit of packing & cleaning for my friend, & had some lovely cuddles with her baby, she’s such a cutie! We packed her cutlery, as they’re having fish & chips tonight, then later realised that there’s none left to eat breakfast with tomorrow! I’m a wally, & supposed to be helpful…
    Red velvet cupcakes very popular with my eldest & me (unfortunately), not so much with hubby & youngest. Eldest can take some in to work tomorrow; the Victoria sponge went down very well apparently!
    Apologies to those fasting, talking about food- my turn tomorrow!
    Minols- sorry that you’re finding it hard to get back into the FDs… but hopefully you’re maintaining rather than going upwards? Like Jean says, summer & salads will be easier.
    I think I’m going to have another go with the low carb later next week- I did find it hard, but it did work… not at all easy with any social things though, so could only do it with a clear run of a couple of weeks!

    Evening everyone

    Managed a few more glasses of water than usual, but annoyed that I have to really focus to remember to drink.

    Dave, I always order repeat prescriptions on line, but there are never any appointments available, they get booked up within minutes of being released. Too many patients/too few doctors?

    Hedgehogs, had to wait in for bathroom flooring to be delivered so no GP today. Maybe tomorrow or next weeks after blood tests and kill 2 birds.

    Jean, you’re right. There is no way to lose weight which doesn’t require focus, but with 5:2 you can have the odd indulgence without feeling you’ve wrecked your ‘diet’.

    Minols, you’ve had a busy time with holiday and now the snow. You’ll get back into it soon.

    Usually try to do liquid fasts, but had a salad today instead. 240 cals and took me longer to eat it than it took Bec to eat her pizza. Think I’ll try to keep tomorrow controlled.

    Last cuppa just finished, maybe one more glass of water… I’ll be up all night.

    Lynne x

    Hello everyone

    Fast day – supposedly. A little nibble of cheese, then a bit more and a bit more. Then a slice of ginger cake or two, then a slice of toast.

    Feels like ive eaten loads but now that I look at that list it could be worse, not a fast day, not healthy choices but not as big a disaster as I thought.

    Mondays are great but can’t seem to manage 2 fasts.

    Well done Lynne, esp when not feeling great

    Hedgehogs, id like to blame you for the ginger cake but it was all my own doing

    Food mixers – I’m on my second kenwod that has also given up so using an ancient old hand held. It must d as old as me.

    Keep chatting Minols, it spurs me on to keep trying and even if I get to lunchtime before caving in, I’ve at least saved the calories from a bacon sandwich or the like and hopefully stay the same until I can face a fast again.

    Lovely busy family weekend coming up but offto Edinburgh on Friday first.


    Think I will be in bed before the witching hour,fast day tomorrow not sure what I will be having though,good luck to those fasting tomorrow.

    Apologies Cakey!! When I first did 5:2, once the first couple of weeks were over, I did find doing 2 fasts a week hard- I’d slip & then think ‘never mind, I’ll do it tomorrow’, & found it hard to commit to it… now I’m doing ADF, although it’s hard as well, I feel like it’s easier to stick to usually as there’s no option of which days to fast in the week, if that makes sense? It is harder to fit round social things though!
    Dave- I’m with you today.
    Lynne- is you plumber coming next week? It’ll be nice when that’s all done, but you’ve got a whole list of decoration planned still, haven’t you?

    Morning All..

    A raining start to the day…

    We are fasting today…going out for salad bits later some ham left..I think not a good choice as salt and water retention but we have to eat it up…it will balance out, maybe up the water, I will try….

    The sewing machine out not me this time…for Steve altering 3 or 4 pairs of his trousers seeing how we go…first pair looking good and he’s happy with them, just a press, do the hem and a proper try on..

    I am with you on 5.2 it is the best for us, I have tried them all…it’s the longest I have kept the weight off even if maintaining swings in from time to time..I am trying no calorie counting at the moment as I want it to be a normal way of life as possible…I have counted calories all my life, as most of us have…I should be a dietitian..lol

    How is your rash is it any better? Have you a doctors appointment?

    Cakey Wakey..
    A ginger cake..I have a new recipe but no black treacle …still when can I do it when there’s only the two of us..

    Just a bad day yesterday..a new start today it happens…😀

    The AFDs is slipping this month, first the power cut and Mother’s day…might try and get Steve to change to Saturday..but is encroaching into the weekend..😬..see how we go.

    On another thread someone was saying…it was a couple, long term three years plus on 5.2 if I remember, they never move their two FD’s, friends understand now and have been on maintenance for a while. Even on holidays they continue because it’s as it is…

    How’s it going?

    Keep with us and get back on track…always hard after holidays…

    Did you get to sleep or was watching TV…

    Hoping you are already for the move…is it this weekend?…keep with us when you get sorted …don’t put on what you have lost…

    Just making a note we are loosing a few people, a bit quiet…..anyone else coming to join us and get the support to move the weight?

    Jean x

    Morning everyone

    Called in the shop on the way back from the school run and stocked up on fruit and salad veg. Really enjoyed the salad yesterday so may have again today even though a NFD. Bit of a goods in transit problem, so hoping this will sort it out.

    Jean, good luck with the FD today, I like salads, they make me feel I get a lot of food for my calories. I’m trying to up the water as well.

    Hedgehogs, good thing I’ve given up sugar for lent or your post would have me rushing to buy cake.

    Dave, early night for you, but did it happen? Good luck fasting today.

    CW, I try and avoid eating as long as I can on a FD, once I start there seems to be no end.

    Typh00, you about? Hope you managed to replenish provisions.

    Kay, think the move is planned soon. Good luck, hope it’s uneventful.

    Quiet day today, may sand some of the filler later but planning to get back to the decorating next week whilst the plumber’s here. Bathroom emptied of all but essentials and tiles, which are staying, all scrubbed.

    Lynne x

    Thanks all – you’re just brilliant!

    I’m going to use the rest of the week to get back to being sensible and then I’ll sit down and write a plan like I used to, in consultation with my diary, and shop accordingly. In the meantime, I’ve bought the kindle edition of the second FD cookbook so I can have recipes on my phone and if I get stuck, pick up ingredients on the way home for something for everyone. When I sit down and plan, I’ll also designate my FDs for the week.

    Good luck, you brave fasting types.


    The sun is out and the snow is going
    I must fast tomorrow as my weight is growing
    It’s not fair it’s not good
    I must stop eating all the food
    No more biscuits and no more crap
    That’s the end of my little rap.

    At least I can get out and get some proper food in I’ll just put it down as a bad two weeks and get back to eating normally again.

    We have been out and topped up shopping trying to cut back on spending so eating out of freezer so just essentials, fruit and veg…no cafe today so now sat having a coffee at home…

    The trousers were a success he’s been out in first pair…and they feel fine….what have I done now there’s more to do….😂…

    Keep going everyone who’s fasting not sure who’s with us…Dave I think…

    A plan of action….you like your plans and diary….time to fit something in….just for you….

    A bit of decorating on the go again…hoping the bathroom goes well…I think Bec is the one who likes and wanted a bath…will she be first in…😂

    Just caught you…glad you are back with us…and I like the ditti…line drawn after this awful weather..

    Jean x

    I see we in Scotland are expecting another storm later tonight and into tomorrow it’s been named the pest from the west who comes up with these names.

    I’ve been out and bought some vital supplies such as coffee and milk but kept away from the biscuit and cake aisles 😮.

    Well done Typhoo- liked the rap! Anyone had snow- from the reports on the radio it seemed quite bad ‘up North’?
    Jean- sewing on a FD would not be allowed here- I hate it! Too many stressful things on a FD would mess me up! I am fasting with you today, not too bad so far, despite having to food shop (lots of family round on Sunday).
    Minols- having the kindle book recipes sounds like a brilliant idea!
    Lynne- good for you getting started on salads- too cold for me- I’m having soup again tonight!
    Dave/ Cakey & Kay hope you’re all having a good day too.

    The women’s football came on the TV at midnight,i watched 10 minutes and recorded the rest and went to bed. Going ok on my fast so far today only a cup of tea and a cup of coffee.I don’t know if any of you believe in ghosts but my daughter who is very sensible told me her old dog has come back from the grave so to speak,he was called Harvey and when he was 14 his legs started to go a bit,she got a puppy,a dog de Bordeaux which she called Homer,Harvey got a new lease of life and they got on great,then the young dog got cancer and died a week later she had to have Harvey put down,my grandson was absolutely gutted so she got two new dogs another dog de Bordeaux and a golden retriever,She told me that when she goes to bed Harvey is there and sometimes jumps on the bed,she didn’t tell her husband but a few weeks later her husband said to her exactly the same thing ,so i always ask her now if he has been back to see her.I hope Heidi comes back to see me,not sure i believe in ghosts,but keep an open mind.

    Sewing now done and put away…I got away lightly just two pairs…his third pair he decided are fine…I suppose it’s better than baking 😂

    We are fine here…Steve has not commented yet so I suppose he’s ok too….I never ask…

    I am not sure on ghosts but I am sure we see or feel Symba our old cat sometimes…Steve saw her last week, walking past us when having our breakfast going out to the garden..he sees her a lot….I catch her out of side eye line sometimes..strange but we don’t mind…

    Jean x

    All eaten and finished for the day…

    Hoping everyone else is OK


    Getting hungry now- don’t want to eat too early or I’ll want to keep eating…
    Dave- a house we lived in when I was younger was haunted- very scary! Things would fly about, my Dad had some quite hairy moments when he first started doing the house up- nearly got hit on the head by a flying plank of wood, the servants bell would ring even though it was disconnected (it wasn’t that posh a house, but hadn’t been decorated or anything for years.)… went on for a couple of years then stopped.
    Did you watch the football later?

    Still not watched the Lionesses yet, watching Arsenal at the moment.Not had food for 22 hours so feeling a little peckish now.My mother reckoned a figure appeared at the bottom of her bed,her father died young in a hit and run so she always said it was him.


    What a busy little thread today. NFD today and was reasonably constrained although not healthy eating. I won’t shsre what I ate as lots of good fasters today.

    I don’t have a single paranormal story to share, I’m neither a sceptic not a believer really, open minded maybe.

    No snow here today, maybe I’m too far east for today’s little weather front.

    I love to bake and decorate cakes but I couldn’t sew a button on, in awe of your sewing machine and trouser adjustments jean. I’m always filled with dread whenever I have to buy curtains. I’ve never figured out what widths to buy and the lengths are never ever right. I bought lovely Laura Ashley curtains and it took me a year to get them shortened and hung in the dining room and another year to do the lounge.

    I had a lovely email today off a friend that I thought I’d lost touch with. We haven’t spoken in about 4 years, nothing untoward just one of those things you think I must get in touch and don’t get round to. Anyway I went and looked up her email yesterday and sent her a little note, not even sure it would get to her or if she still used the same email address or if it would go into spam. Anyway she emailed back almost straight away. She’d lost her phone with my contact details in so hadn’t been able to get in touch. It makes me so happy. I suspect another few months and I might never have found her again (she lives in Hong Kong). Not sure why I’m sharing other than to say if you have friends or family you’ve lost touch with then give it a go, it’s really cheered me up.

    Also made an appointment for haircut and colour. Long long overdue. I’ve been trying to ring the hairdresser for a couple of weeks and never got through, wondering if they’ve closed down but I didn’t think so (usually go to saks). Anyway on the spur of the moment, tried a more local one instead and booked in for next Friday. Wish me luck.

    Off to Edinburgh tomorrow, having to leave at 5 am. Might not get a chance to message for a few days as youngest and her boyfriend home for the weekend.


    Cakey Wakey…
    Both at the hairdresser same day, just a cut and blow for me….

    Enjoy Edinburgh tomorrow and weekend with son and girlfriend…lovely getting into touch with your friend too..

    I have always enjoyed sewing not so much now just altering things…we all have our own strengths …and weaknesses….

    Jean x

    Cakey- I’m always happy to hear what others have been eating even if I’m on a FD, so feel free to share! (I can always mop the dribble off the laptop…) Have a lovely weekend! Hope you get spoilt on Mother’s Day!

    Morning All..
    A lovely day here hoping to get the grass cut over the weekend…getting a bit long still very wet..it’s OK feeding the birds but they have made a big mess of the grass pecking for worms..loads need reseeding..😬

    Weigh in this morning…Steve the same…me 1lb up….I think we are in the Minols, Kay and DF club!!…body really likes being were it is..☹️…not happy..

    No idea what’s planned today we have not discussed it see how we go…( is it a garage day?..lol)

    Jean x

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