Fat Busting Brits!!

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  • Morning All…

    Bright but a drizzle….

    Hair colour this morning..a pain as usual…a radio and a new wall diary wanted….maybe later if we can be bothered…

    FD for us today…joining, DF, Hedgehog and Minols…

    Hope you get the painting started with the house to yourself….mini cruise sounds more fancy than it is…lol…a ferry crossing but it’s a lovely large ship, a bit of a show usually and a piano bar which we like…good buffet to choose from….it will be strange we always go onwards not turn round and come back, a day in Amsterdam a change…they do these cheap deals at this time of year to keep the ship going…they are good value.

    Getting the bathroom sorted…all will be lovely when finished…

    Good luck on suite buying…we bought one last year, it’s wearing well..have a good day out and with the little one too…you will be busy…

    Families can be a nightmare…I think we all have them….it’s upsetting especially when it’s a sad time…hope you get things sorted…

    Take it steady, sorry you are still feeling off…Monday morning work day hope you are busy if you are up to it…

    You sound as if you are better and very busy as usual….you too take it steady…hope you get on top of the office things…

    Have a good FD everybody back later….

    Jean x

    Morning all

    Hope you are all well? Sorry I haven’t been around at the weekend!

    Hedgehogs – I made your sweet potato chilli – it was amazing! The whole family loved it so there was none left for freezing! Thank you so much for the recipe!

    I went for a meal on Friday night and I was very good as I had only a small amount of rice and the rest was vegetables. I did have a glass of wine though :(.

    So apart from my lovely health sweet potato chilli which I made on Saturday, I had quite a bad food day yesterday. I am struggling with it to be honest and I am trying to get back to my motivation. I haven’t lost much weight but I do know why. How do I manage to get back on track? I am struggling a lot with the fast days, I’m always hungry and hence I start to cheat.

    I find it easier when I am at work, its just when I am home that I have the problems. I can achieve my fasts at work, but when I get home, I go off track again. I think I still have the mindset of my SW and council run weight loss programme so I am somewhere in between the 3 diets which is not helping!

    Paula 🙁

    Hope everyone’s doing okay and fasters are staying strong 🙂

    Paula, I’m not around at weekends either .. don’t really get chance to get online! If you can do a few fasts by the book, I’m sure you will soon get into the habit of the fast days. When I get hungry, and I often do, I tell myself that its just one day, and I can eat more tomorrow 🙂 Also fill up with water, or herbal tea makes me feel full. I have to make sure I always go for a walk mid-day too, so I’m not sat thinking that its lunchtime!! I don’t eat at all during the day and plan what I have in the evening. Just have to make yourself stick to it, feel strong!! We’re here for you!

    Jean, hope your mornings gone okay. I dread having to colour my hair, its a real chore, but am always glad when I’ve done it 😛

    Minols, how’s it going, you sound busy which is always a good distraction 🙂

    Hedgehogs, thinking of you!!

    Glad to say the rain held off while I went for my usual walk, thank goodness, its been pouring down all morning, no doubt will cause traffic chaos going home .. sigh!!

    Have a good afternoon, fasters stay strong, we’ve got this!!


    Thanks Dragonfly!

    I really can’t go all day without eating, I wouldn’t be able to function! Maybe my body would get use to it but that’s what I’m having problems with! Its lunch time and I have already had 400 calories and I am still starving! I drink so much water and herbal teas but I am still hungry! I was planning on having a salad for dinner but I know it won’t be enough for me!

    I’m so angry with myself for not being able to do this! I have lost weight before on other diets using MFP so I can be disciplined, I’m just having trouble with the fast days!

    You guys are all great, thank you for the support.

    Paula x

    Joining the fasters today. 1 meal later on. Just drinks til then.

    Come on everyone, we are well into January, time to dig in deep and make these last couple of weeks count, so we end the month much lighter than we started!

    Jean, the dreaded hair colour time again! How often do you do it? Im always worried of doing it too often.
    The mini cruise sounds good, nice way of having a break.

    Brads and Lynne, both busy with the house. Satisfying when you see things changing.

    Minols, hope you are feeling better and got on top of the paperwork.

    DF, still poorly. Hope it passes quickly.

    Hedgehogs, it must be frustrating for your husband. Things are hard enough at times like this without added pressure of family tensions.

    Lacewing, welcome! Busy day planned it seems..enjoy.

    PJ, you need to just draw a line under the previous days and start again today. It is hard at first, to get over the psychological side of wanting to eat when we feel hungry – or think we feel hungry. And often its habit too. The best thing is to keep well away from any temptations. Its not that we need to eat when we are hungry, (we all have plenty of reserves lol) its just we are used to responding to it. If you ignore it, or just have a drink, it passes.
    5:2 will only work if you can move away from the approaches of other diets, and it doesnt work for everyone. It does require some discipline. This way of life is all the fasting, not just the reduction of calories. If there is no fasting, it becomes like other diets.
    Try breaking your day down into chunks and just focus on getting through a couple of hours at a time. Lots of distractions, plenty of interesting drinks and plan what you are going to eat for the day, so you can look forward to it and there is less temptation of just grabbing something as you dont know what to have. Maybe look at quick and easy ready meals, just for your first couple of FDs. And keep telling yourself, its only today, I eat normally tomorrow, so yes I can manage a few hours.

    Read over the benefits of fasting on here too. It helps the body repair itself and rejuvenate. Its gives the body a break from producing so much insulin and it encourages the body to learn how to use our fat reserves for energy.

    Hope some of this helps 🙂

    Off to register with estate agents now….

    The workmen are doing the bathroom now, supervised by my German Shepherd 😁Fast day today, forgot to defrost the meal l bought for today so will have to improvise.Cool but dry here, so not too bad for walking the dog.

    Hi All – Kay…what a brilliant post!

    I can’t believe how hungry I was this morning, but I’m not too bad now. Definitely worth just working it through and distracting myself.

    So for, the chief distraction has been working at the general office computer because I can’t get mine to work! Tried everything. it’s a case of ‘the lights are on, but no-one’s home’!

    So I’ve got a couple of things still to work on as long as the temperature doesn’t drop too much in here – I’m not going to be a martyr. Monday’s are great as the boy goes to after school club (he’s been beggin for ages, and I’ve finally given in), so I can work right through, if I want to. In reality, I should head home before it gets dark and work the old dog. The trouble is, the writing things could always be made better, so I really must decide at some point to just draw a line and say ‘good enough’ and move on…after all, it’s not like my office doesn’t look like a bomb has hit it, having moved everything out of the computer corner to try and get a look at all the wires to check nothing ahs disconnected!

    Hate the thought that I probably will have to walk away from my office until such time as a nice volunteer comes in and figures out what is wrong!

    Right, enough mumphing on. time for another coffee and some decisiveness!


    Minols- love your ‘mumphing on’! Hope that you get the computer fixed soon.
    Kay- I was being tempted by the box of biscuits we got for Christmas that the boys opened last night- glad that I read your post first, so am feeling stronger now!!
    Paula- I try to not eat during the stay, ‘cos once I start…! But if I do really need to have something then I’ll have a bowl of soup- Heinz tomato is only about 120 cals. If you are at home & have time to do some exercise, that helps distract me- a walk like DF suggests, or I do a quick session on the mini trampoline.

    Afternoon All…

    Just got back in…like to get out and about on a FD..it’s not been very productive..chasing about for a radio but not much about…dived in to Argos, bought a dab one pleased..got home it crackles more than his old one it will be going back…umm

    We are going on a Nordic walking taster tomorrow..we thought it may help Steve’s knees as it also gives an all over body workout…it will be chilly…..just for 45 mins see how we go…we can go onto three, one hour sessions, over a month…umm

    It is quite hard at the beginning and a lot of people give up but really after a couple of weeks it does get easier…it’s strange as you welcome the hunger at times especially at Christmas and over eating…ignore the other diets as it gets confusing, it’s getting off the sugar, lowering the carbs but eating fats, and generally healthy eating…keep going..keep strong..

    Hair all done and yes you feel much better..glad you got your walk in…it keeps going really dark and rainy then it brightens up…nearly at my 10,000 steps, good on our walking today 😀

    I only do my roots, part off like the hairdressers, mirror at the front and one balancing on my iroining board at the back…lol…every 3 weeks or definitely before 4 weeks…at the end of processing 35 mins, I put a bit of water in my mixture to dilute it, what’s left pour it over and mix all over my hair leave 5 mins before washing off….it’s a blxxdy pain!!

    Good luck at the estate agents, do you go on line as you are going to north Devon hopefully or is it a change of plan..

    You are going so well…any tips for Paula…..you have just got your head around it all…I laughed I can see your German Shepard staying close to the bathroom…

    Hoping you are keeping warm and the printer is working….everything is fine until it stops …lol….my theory turn it off and turn it back on…Steve sorts the printer out that can be a pain, usually a full re load and a couple of hours…good luck…

    Well I better sort dinner out….just thinking butterfly chilli chicken with black pepper, with salad…a bit on the spicy side….getting a bit peckish but not too bad…Steve faffing moving a water tap from in the garage to outside possibly finish it another day it’s getting dark…

    Hope your days going well and you are getting on with the painting…

    Jean x

    Weel, that’s me had my chorizo soup and a few shaves of strong cheese. Not really hungry but of course now i’Ve started eating I could happily eat all night!

    Sadly, the most obvious distraction is the ironing….has to be done before I go away, and at least it keeps my hands busy and achieves something!

    Hope everyone else’s day has been good.


    I am using will power like when I gave up smoking.One thing that worked for me was when I wanted a cigarette I used to brush my teeth, and I used to treat myself, I bought a watch after stopping for 2 months,I am going to have a giant bar of chocolate when I have lost a stone, something to work for.No birthday this week so hopefully I will lose again, it’s my birthday on my weigh in day the week after. I have just had my one meal for the day and feel very hungry so time to take doggie out.

    We are all finished here…my chilli chicken was er very very hot..it slows the eating down…really nice, a hour later and I feel as if I am still eating….lol

    Brad…good your birthday falls on weigh in day….weigh in then have a lovely day off….you will be back to normal that week….

    Ironing lovely….enjoy your evening…☹️

    Jean x

    Just been looking at tickets for cycling at the velodrome,wife was looking at my birthday date,not gone to watch cycling since the 60s, that was on a concrete track in Fallow field.Always liked it though.I watched football for over 50 years but it just got to expensive, over £800 for my season ticket, so I go to watch Speedway,ice hockey, occasionally rugby.

    Hi all thanks for all the tips today, all chocks have have been eaten, cheeses and biscuits no prob there now,room looks like a war zone, the energy of an eight month old! Hope mine increases soon. Love the idea of hedgehogs dog supervising, Our German cross used to let you go first if it was too dark and then take over when it was lighter on our walks x All ok so far
    Shall think small steps ie split day into 4 teas and work towards each one, food/soup extra, she says X

    Early start and cold morning but at least the snow isnt too bad.

    Hope everyone’s flu bugs are going (gone) and all home improvements going well. There seem to be a few of us with projects (Brad, Lynne). We are hoping to move back in at the weekend although will be a few weeks before I get my kitchen back.

    Hope your computer sorts itself Minols, so frustrating. I sometimes need to phone my youngest at Uni so she can talk me through how to switch the TV on, never mind trying to fix something.

    Nordic walking sounds fun Jean, let us know what you think of it.

    Hedgehogs we haven’t started on the Christmasbiscuits yet, I might find somewhere to donate them, they are lovely M and S boxes, I think I have 3 of them.

    Best wishes Paula and Lacewing – having previously lost 3 stone I’m really finding it hard just now. I keep checking in and hope I can find my resolve again soon. Youre right about mid Jan Kay – need to keep those new year resolutions going. Good luck re estate agents.

    DF – what herbal tea do you enjoy. If I’m really in the mood then I like peppermint but can’t get away with any of the others but I always love the sound of the different flavours.

    Hope everyone else has a good day


    hello guys,
    i am back again, tomorrow is my fasting day,will keep things simple tomorrow

    Morning everyone 🙂

    Cakey, there are some wonderful herbal teas, so many that I like! I do love peppermint, fennel, ginger, all of the wonderful green tea mixes there are now like cherry bakewell, or coconut, then the fruit ones! I think green tea is one of those “either love it or hate it” teas though, can be quite bitter if brewed too long. At the moment I have cranberry green tea with me at work 🙂

    Crush, welcome back! Good luck with your FD tomorrow, you can do it!!

    Hope your all doing okay, got through the day yesterday, was so glad when it was time to eat though lol. NFD today, but can you believe there are boxes upon boxes of cupcakes in the kitchen at work, someone is leaving! I absolutely LOVE cupcakes! I want to resist … going to be hard though! Just had a look and one single cake is something like 323 cals 🙁


    Morning All..

    Chilly morning…

    What a day for a Nordic Walking taster session!…hoping it works for us….

    Hope you can get the tickets you are after for your birthday…

    That’s right take it steady…breaking the day sounds good…

    Cakey Wakey..
    Won’t be long for your new kitchen…I got my new one three years ago…love it to bits…we put it in together from designing to fitting and wood floor..ours!!..lol..

    Welcome back…

    Cup cakes…ummm…I am not good at temptation…have a good day….

    Well must dash we are away for 9.45…need to find my warm trousers….

    Jean x

    Morning everyone

    Jean, hope the Nordic Walking is a success. It’s meant to burn more calories than just ‘walking’ and hopefully will be kinder on Steve’s knees.

    Crush, welcome back, will be good to get to know you.

    Brad, hope the bathroom is going well. That’s next on my list, plumber came yesterday so now just need to choose a suite.

    Lacewing, sometimes at the start it takes a bit of trial and error to find what suits you, but you’ll get into the swing.

    Cakey Wakey, the kitchen will be fab once it’s completed, just a pain in the process.

    DF, cupcakes are just cruel, but bit totally off limits if you really want one, just need to decide if it’s worth it.

    Kay, great post, good luck with the house hunting.

    Hedgehogs, hope the lurgy is beginning to pass, it does tend to hang around.

    Mstar, hope you’ve finished all the unpacking now and are settled in your new home.

    Paula, it can be tough at the beginning, but it does get easier and is totally worth it. Don’t focus on where things went wrong, plan for your next FD. Work out what you’re going to eat and when. I know you’re finding it difficult to not eat during the day, so for now plan 2 meals on a FD. Can you have soup for lunch as Hedgehog suggested? Have a low calorie meal, keeping away from bread, pasta and potatoes will give you more food for your calorie allowance. I know people who lose on 800 cal FD, so try that, but NFD are also important, so ‘feast’ but don’t go crazy. Good luck and keep posting.

    Well snacked too much at the weekend and the salt from the peanuts is still affecting water retention (wedding ring is feeling snug), but a good FD and just trying to decide what the have for supper tonight.

    Taking a break for a coffee whilst the first coat dries on the ceilings. Tomorrow planning to tackle the walls. Thursday having the room measured for vinyl planks, quite expensive, but very long lasting and durable. Can’t do any glossing then until the flooring is laid next week so I’ll have time to go out shopping for a bathroom. Keeps me busy.

    Hope everyone is having a good day.

    Lynne x

    Hi everyone

    I am truly having problems with the fast days! I would really find it so hard not to eat during the day and only eat in the evening. I am still getting dizzy if I go long periods without food. I have been having soup or salad for lunch on FD but they are just not filling me up but I won’t give up!

    I have lost 1kg since 3rd January so I guess I must be doing something right even though I am not achieving full fasting days! I haven’t lost anything in the last few days according to the scales but I haven’t put anything on, so that’s a good thing!

    Thank you for your support everyone, I really appreciate it!

    Have a lovely day everyone!

    Paula x

    Jean- hope the Nordic walking goes well & you find it’s something you can both do with feet & knee problems!
    Lynne- you sound really busy, must be burning off quite a few cals there!
    Cakey & Brad- hope your building work is going okay?
    Brad- how old is your GSD? If ever I could persuade hubby to have another dog after we loose our lab, I think it would be a german shepherd!
    DF- one cupcake would be okay on a nonFD if you factor it in to your calories!
    Paula- glad the scales are going downwards!
    Still feeling a bit off colour, so have just pottered a bit, not done well avoiding the temptations though- sister brought round meringues as well! We have booked ourselves a couple of nights away at the beginning of March when youngest is away on a school trip, to North Norfolk, so something to look forward to!

    Afternoon All…

    We enjoyed our Nordic Walking this morning…absolutely freezing…a good instructor and there were 4 of us…the other two have booked on the next three week sessions…we couldn’t as in Amsterdam 😬…but we think it’s a thing what would suit us…so may ring tomorrow and sort the class out….we are starting to ache..lol

    You are gertting sorted…not heard of the vinyl planks…so many new things about now…take it steady you have lots to do…

    How much have you to loose?…I think you said not much…..if you are not far from a goal weight..are you going for vanity pounds?….it’s just a thought.

    Have you thought of upping your fibre, that keeps you fuller longer and put your gut in a good condition…we are making changes to our diet now to get Steve in tip top condition …

    You are still not feeling good…take it steady……meringues are not a bad choice if you have to have something sweet. I love Norfolk a lovely break to look forward too….the weather always seems better some how.

    Step daughters German Shepard is not well gone for a MRI scan today..a problem with her back near her tail…she is really lovely dog…🤞…Labs are lovely too…my daughter had a Dalmatian I had a very soft spot for him, I took him loads of walks in Dubai and he knew it, he would come on my bed at 6am and never leave me until I took him on his first walk at 7 am…before the pavements got hot and burnt his feet so always very early or evening.

    Cuppa time..oohhh I am starting to ache…an all round tiredness…must of worked something….

    Jean x

    Hi Jean

    Yes I don’t have a huge amount to lose but I want my BMI to be within “normal limits”. I want to feel comfortable in my clothes again as I am wearing baggy stuff at the moment just to feel comfortable because of my weight gain.

    I did get back to my recommended BMI before when I did my weight loss programme, so I can do it again! I just need to get my willpower back again!

    I will keep going! 🙂

    Paula x

    My German shepherd (Heidi) is 11 years old,we went out and the hail started hitting us,don`t think she was impressed.Very cold today and the wind cuts right through you.My wife received a letter from the hospital saying she will have her operation for a knee replacement on the 22nd of February,also got an email telling me our new kitchen will be fitted on the 5th of February,so if all goes well it will be finished before she goes into hospital.That will be a challenge when the kitchen fitter does the kitchen,will be fast food for a week or more.It was a struggle yesterday on my fast day,went a little over so only time will tell,i was ok until i had my meal at 6pm,then i was hungry the rest of the night.

    Hi all.
    Been caught up with funeral today. NFD for me, but keeping it controlled as i’ll be at a hotel for the rest of the week. Think I might try not to eat tomorrow until the evening meal at least.

    Jean…glad you liked the nordic walking…you’Ve got the weather for it now! The boy spent 2 hrs after school with the neighbour’s kids in the snow, and the old dog is very excited! Have to stop him jarring his back, though, as he mustn’t have another disc go.

    Catch you all later.


    My old lady lab loves the snow too, Minols! Hope your son had a good time!
    Brads- you’ll have to get some low cal microwave meals to do while your kitchen’s being done. Hope your wife’s knee op doesn’t get cancelled with the NHS as it is! Your dog is getting on a bit too- is she okay still?
    Jean- I’m always amazed at how well you & Steve do in the evenings after you’ve had your FD meal- I’m with Brad, I still get hungry & sometimes it’s a challenge!
    FD for me tomorrow- anyone else?

    You will get there…keep going you know you can do it…it would be nice to get into the healthy bmi range…

    Hoping you get the kitchen sorted before the wife’s operation…a tight window should be about doable…Steve had two partial knees done together, lots of physio done after…

    The snow arrived this afternoon but didn’t lay much…so cold this morning…enjoy the hotel for the next few days…

    We don’t really snack at all now…just a glass of milk about 9.30….it used to be always with about half a bar of chocolate…lol…only maybe a couple of pieces on a Friday night 2” by 3”…I really miss my baking, I try and not bake so much but we still have it at the weekend…it’s in the freezer…keeps Steve off it….my scones are 50 cals and 50 cals the butter…so not bad…😂..sometimes a cake at a cafe but depends where we are on food in the week and what we have had. It’s a way of life now, I would rather be slow to loose and incorporate some treats and wine.

    Have a good evening…diet programmes on yet again…lol

    Jean x

    Morning all!
    Minols- hope you get to your conference- sounds like travel chaos in Scotland?!
    FD for me, busy day, so that will help!

    Morning All…

    Looks very cold a smattering of snow…looks bad in places take care if in the middle of it….

    We are not doing much today, Steve has a job or two in the garage, he says it’s warm with the door down ??…I could start cleaning upstairs while he’s gone…a bit of a better clean..lol…but don’t tell him..

    Keep busy today hope things go well…thinking what we said on last post…you do so much better than us weight loss wise so keep going it’s at a better pace…have a good FD…is anyone else with you?

    Safe travels looks bad where you are…hope all goes well…

    Slept like a log last night, I was tired must of been the excerise and fresh air…lol

    Have a good day everyone keep safe and warm….

    Jean x

    Morning, late post from me. Couldn’t logon at work first thing!!

    Did anyone see the documentary on Channel 5 last night. Featured 5.2 .. but not as we know it (I thought) it was more like the blood sugar diet .. the whole programme irritated me a bit to be honest.

    NFD today, I did end up having a cup-cake yesterday (they are my favourite thing) but I did go for a longer than usual walk at lunch (even though I know exercise doesn’t really factor in lol) It was GOOD 😛

    Keeping it to my plan today .. no more temptation, its all gone thank goodness!

    Have a good day everyone, keep warm and stay safe in the snow. Quite bad where I was this morning, struggled getting car out!


    We felt the same slagging as fad diets…the diet was the MM new diet having 800 on FD but very restricted on NFD’s …no treats, sugar or alcohol…I find that unsustainable maybe that’s why they thought ‘fad’..I thought it was more like the sugar diet re invented….

    Steve was passing comment that we are not on a diet it’s a way of life…

    One cup cake doesn’t matter, treats have to come in sometimes…offices can be a nightmare as there’s always something happening and cakes involved…a problem and er cakes..Friday er cakes…keep strong not every time..I would say FD No…a NFD yes…😀…a plan….

    Hope the weather gets better where you are…ours has now gone but really cold…I think our next lot of snow at midnight so not so bad…

    I am in bad books Steve wants to turn the water off for 5 mins…I have put the washer on..😬😬😬..didn’t think…another hour to wait….

    Jean x

    Thanks Jean, I’m glad it wasn’t just me feeling like I did about the programme. This is very much a way of life 🙂

    The cup-cake was delicious, and it was a NFD like you say 🙂 Treats keep us going, as long as we don’t over do it 🙂

    Oh dear lol .. it will be the longest hour!!!


    I agree about the programme- not like the 5:2 we’re all doing… & whatshername Essex had trouble sticking to 800 cals FDs?!
    I agree as well Jean that occasional treats on non-FDs isn’t a bad thing, otherwise it wouldn’t be sustainable… The good thing about the 5:2 is that you can work it around social events etc.
    My Home-Start family cancelled as they’re ill- not glad they’re ill, but a bit glad I’m not going & can have another day to get over my cough! Lots of housework instead though!

    It will be difficult to have microwave meals,we are having an oven and microwave oven fitted,it will be part of the new kitchen.I had 2170 calories yesterday,my TDEE is 3770 Unless i go out for a meal i wont have more than yesterday.My dogs front lag is going a bit wonky other than that she is ok,she usually starts throwing her ball around at 10-30pm then chases after it.Not sure what to eat today,not had anything yet,think i will be having lamb steaks tonight but as for lunch i have no idea.When i got up all the snow had gone,which i am pleased about.I like snow when its just fell but when it turns to slush and freezes its a nightmare.

    Thanks Hedgehogs 🙂 I think they focused on the wrong “diet” anyway, it being a programme about crash dieting! That whatshername Essex lol .. made me chuckle that 🙂

    Paula, how are you doing today? Hope things get easier, I know this doesn’t work for everyone, but I hope you persevere a bit longer. Always here to support you!!

    Just been for a walk, so cold and windy. Had to force myself today, seriously. Having a nice cup of tea to get warm again now.

    Soon be home-time!!


    Hope your housework’s going better than me…I have dusted one bedroom…lol…must get started again…getting way laid with other jobs on the way….

    It’s going to be difficult with food and without the kitchen…can you not use the old microwave in the lounge? or borrow one….only an idea…

    You managed a walk, that was good…Steve finished his tap and back in it must be cold….

    We are starting our Nordic Walking course on 13th Feb…a bit delayed as away next week, it’s every three weeks…I can’t get into the site to book waiting for their I.T to ring me back….umm

    Just made a lovely lunch….pizza made out of a brown pitta bread, tomato paste, garlic/garlic paste, onion, sliced tomato, 2 table spoon cheese, 220 calories…it felt like a good lunch…

    Jean x

    I took My dog out for a walk and got soaked in the process,I am sure the weather waits for me to go out,cant complain though,not got lots of snow like Scotland have at the the moment.I have just had a bowl of porridge,the spoon stood up in it.Feel very full now so having a cup of tea and a tablet.I hope anyone on a fast day is doing ok,stay strong.

    Oh Brad…
    You like your porridge like Steve so thick….I am pulling my face…I like mine just right….no one makes it for me I always do my own….very particular..

    Jean x

    Love porridge that you can stand a spoon up in! 😛 Might have to get some actually, not had any in ages!

    Jean, the pizza sounds really nice 🙂

    I am giving my microwave to my daughter,its a microwave,grill and oven,plus its rather large,so we need the space.I will just have to plod along until its all finished.

    Its Irish porridge,i read somewhere the bigger the oats the better,these are very big.My wife pulled her face at my porridge,she said get some milk in it.I have not had porridge for a long time but it fills you up.

    I love porridge too, not had it in a while… my dad used to make it when we were kids, with butter cream & sugar, can you imagine how many calories that would be?! We did have a very long walk to school though, so probably burnt it off! & this reminds me how hungry I am!! Just grilled sausages for the boys sandwiches tomorrow- even though I’m veggie they’re still making my mouth water, lol!

    Afternoon everyone

    Late posting today as wanted to get the painting done, then Hannah called in, not to help with the decorating but, for me to test her on illness pathologies for her exam next week.

    Jean, glad the Nordic walking was good, looks like a good all-round exercise.

    Hedgehog, nice to have an unexpected day at home when you’re still not feeling 100%.

    Minols, hope you managed to get to the hotel and not stick in the snow.

    DF, no snow here. Love it, but not when I’ve got to go out in it.

    Dave, had out kitchen done a few years ago and had to live a couple of weeks with a fridge, freezer and microwave in the lounge. It’s worth it in the end.

    Paula, stick with us, you’ll get there.

    Kay, did you miss the snow like us? Hope you’re all alright.

    Well today is my 1st Fasting anniversary, and in that I year I’ve lost over 2 stone. Not really quickly and still half a stone to go to get to a healthy BMI, but not been too difficult either with all your help. So thank you.

    Not sure if the bedroom needs another coat of paint, will check in the morning in better light. Only the radiator and gloss to do then, but can’t gloss until the flooring is laid at the end of next week, so will be able to put my feel up for a few days.

    FD going well so far, just water and a couple of cups of coffee and not sure whether to do a liquid only fast today. We’ll see what the next couple of hours bring.

    Lynne x

    Lynn I am giving my microwave to my daughter and she is also having my freezer as a second freezer,The fridge will be thrown in a skip,so i wont be able to use any of them.When the kitchen is finished I will be starting on the living room,painting mostly,then a new carpet and new suite.After that the staircase needs doing and a new carpet fitting,then the bedrooms need painting,so a busy time ahead.

    Happy 5.2 anniversary …2 stone good going not too fast..I was about the same…slowly into your second year..I went for my next 7 lbs, nearly made it then Xmas….but keeping it off us hard going….they say keep it off for a year and it will stay off…we are hoping to move more this year more forward thinking…need to get Steve tip top health and weight off…

    We will move forward with you….🤝

    Glad you are getting moving with the bedroom she will be so pleased…good luck on the exam for Hannah…was you in nursing too?

    How is it going…. All well I hope….glad the sausages were meaty…lol

    Very busy for you the next year…it will all look good in the end….then we will share you around for decorating…lol

    Jean x

    Just a laugh…

    Daughter in Louisiana….yesterday in the morning there was a light frost…today she woke up to a white frost covering her garden quite cold as it gets…she is sat outside having a cigarette ( naughty)..

    They all drive 4 by 4 huge trucks not a lot drive cars at all …

    All schools and Charlottes nursery have been closed for the 2 days and also her hubbys office closed…today his office said get in if it is only safe do so, he went in, no one was there so he came home…

    I can’t believe …what a load of whimps…

    Jean x

    My wife and I usually do some wallpapering, but she won’t be able to this time. Got to strip the wallpaper of the kitchen walls before they fit the new kitchen, so may have to get someone in to decorate the kitchen.I try to get her to come on forums and Facebook but not a chance, she won’t have a mobile phone, took me years to get her to go on my tablet, she’s now got email but apart from looking at holidays or shopping that’s as far as she goes.

    Jean- they are total wimps- my sister went to Florida once & they had a frost there, everyone was amazed!
    Lynne- congratulations on the 1 year anniversary, & 2 stone, hope your daughter’s exam goes well. My eldest wanted the walls in his room changed from blue to white last time we decorated it- took 5 coats, & you can still see a little blue through in places in certain lights!
    Dave- sounds like the kitchen will be a challenge then. We kept our stuff in the lounge like Lynne says…. salads from supermarkets/ Subway then?!
    Dinner eaten now, will try to not think about food for the rest of the evening- just hope youngest doesn’t buy anything when he comes out from work later- often gets reduced priced donuts & stuff, cookie dough the other day!

    I could get salads from supermarket but to me they are a waste of time,i could eat one and be hungry straight away.Will have to face facts,i will gain weight during the process.Hopefully not to much weight.Fast day tomorrow so nothing to eat until 6pm at the earliest.

    Feel positive you don’t have to go overboard with food choose carefully…you can still think on the calories while out and go for the best option….even fish and chips at about 1000 cals will keep you going, one meal and a breakfast. Chinese or half a pizza…a small carvery…..

    We are with you tomorrow fasting…

    Jean x

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