Fat Busting Brits!!

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  • Hello

    Sympathies re emptying out caravan Jean, especially with all the extras leading up to Christmas.

    Minols – I love Indian food, when I was really into fasting I just used to have a chicken tikka starter so no carbs and in the end preferred it to something with a sauce. Funny how tastes can change.

    Hello Kay, welcome, I’m new too. Well sort of new – again following a couple years absence.

    Lynne – special thoughts and wishes to you and yours

    Everyone else – hope your day is going well.

    I think I did ok last night. I had eaten nothing since breakfast and I left half of my main course of chicken fajitas when I’d felt I’d had enough. Unfortunately even though I declined dessert; one was ordered for me anyway. Grrr. I ate about half too. Scales were none to happy this morning but hopefully it’s temporary and Thursday is the only weigh day I count.

    Fasting tomorrow with most I think


    Cakey Wakey..

    Well done how you have managed to eat….

    We have emptied the caravan…only 4 boxes left which we will put in the car tomorrow….we will be going about 10 tomorrow to take it..the days not too bad…not icy…

    Your blog has come through on e mail, told me on the side of our thread…but it hasnโ€™t landed on here to read??…is it just me?

    Letโ€™s all make it a good week if we can….

    Jean x

    How strange, I can’t see my post either. I must have clicked on something odd.

    I have to confess to being in the bath out of the way. OH contemplating ginger sponge and custard. I really don’t want any but need to practice those words ‘no thank you’. He’s not a saboteur – despite the fact there isn’t an ounce of fat on him, he fasts strictly twice a week, as he thinks it’s good for him. He started it about a year after me, but he is so much more disciplined. The other days he eats whatever he likes and never counts calories.he is very fit and active and never snacks. I could learn so much from him!

    Quiet in here today, hope everyone had a good weekend.


    Cakey Wakey…
    Ginger sponge and custard…cruel…lol

    We are fasting tomorrow…are you?

    It seems to go really quiet over every weekend…people more busy than me…lol

    Jean x

    Thanks for the warm welcome. Today was a non fast day but it could have been worse! Back on the fast now until
    Thursday. Will weigh in Thursday morning and then keep my fingers crossed that things donโ€™t get too messy at the staff party!

    Morning all!
    2lbs on over the weekend- standard for me after a weekend ‘off’! So feel ready for a good fast today… Shopping & then seeing my friend who’s had her baby, a little girl called Sarah- think she’s finding the lack of sleep hard, I remember it well!
    Hope everyone’s had a good weekend, & stay strong today!

    Morning all,

    Hope everyone had a good weekend.

    FD for me today ๐Ÿ™‚


    Morning All..

    A cold bright day…

    Off to take the caravan soon, calling at cemetery and then sisters ( thatโ€™s a challenge! ๐Ÿ˜ฌ)

    Joining you fasting today with DF, Key and hedgehog …anyone else?

    Have a good day back later pm..

    Jean x


    Really feeling the Monday blues today, I don’t know why. Weekends are never long enough. FD for me too.

    FD today for me hungry like the wolf . Weight still stuck at 103.3 kgs. Picked up a stinker of a cold so might skip the gym. Exchanging contracts on our new house today is moving before Xmas too ambitious?. Answers on a postcard please

    Pseu, I feel exactly the same, really Monday-ish ๐Ÿ™

    Michelin, you never know, you may be in for Xmas, once contracts are exchanged ๐Ÿ™‚ Fingers crossed for you!

    Jean, hope it went okay at your sister’s.

    Hedgehogs, how’s it going?

    Key, welcome .. I’ve just seen your post from over the weekend! Hope your FD going well, lets stay strong ๐Ÿ™‚


    Yup – I’m with the Monday blues…well, the ravenous, wolf-like, why do I weigh the same again as a couple of weeks ago – blues!

    Oh well, it is a FD and we know we can do this. We might be hungry like wolves, but I don’t think they get to eat every day either!

    Mstar – all major moves/renovations happened at Christmas when I was a child…it was almost a family tradition. You can do it…and you can probably survive it, too!


    Mstar- there’s nothing like moving straight in & putting up the Christmas deccies at the same time! Happy childhood memories for me too, Minols!
    I’m cold as usual… Managing okay other than that!
    Hope the visit goes okay, Jean!
    Stay strong everyone!

    Hello all
    FD today and so far all going well.

    MStar – you’ll be so busy over the next few weeks that fast days will be a breeze. And how very lovely to start the NewYear in a new home.

    Sorry to hear some others have the blues. Mondays are like that, especially after a couple of NFD over the weekend, there isn’t that adrenaline from feeling slim and in control.

    I’ve started back drinking water today as I’d let that slide too. Exceptionally busy work week ahead but feeling on top of things, hope I feel the same way by Friday. Has anyone tried Bullet Journalling? It’s keeping me sane with all my to dos and lists at this time of year. I’m not very creative but I do like to be organised.

    Having said that not sure when I’ll be putting the Christmas decorations up. Not for another week at least. I like to take my time and enjoy it with Christmas music or maybe a film, usually with something delicious baking in the over like ginger cake. I don’t want to rush it on an evening after work.

    Thinking of all you other fasters today


    Aarrghhh! Just been in the kitchen at the office and there are trays of mini fairy cakes from the home-baking angels! Heeelllllpppp!


    Run away!

    Be strong Minols!!!!

    Thanks, everyone. The tea setting up have now left everything in the hall, with the lights off, ready for this evening’s ‘do’ and it would feel like theft, sneaking in there now!

    Cakey – i’m with you on making the decoration putting up a bit special. Usually special wee meal involved, traditional tale-telling around each decoration (they pre-date marriage, and many come from a ‘help me decorate my tree’ party I held when I first got my own place, so I tell stories of old friendships) accompanied by ‘not that bit of old tat’ from the OH, and raised eyebrows from the boy. And then the nativity goes up on the fireplace – a cheesey old knitted thing (knitted by an old lady I knew…another story), and then OH’s ‘statue’ of a BAR Honda F1 engineer that has to be specially incorporated in to the scene as a 4th wise man, the sheep carefully all positioned (knowing full well that each morning one of them will be found somewhere less appropriate (balanced on a king’s head, hiding in the manger, peeping out from under Mary’s skirt…the OH has no sense of decorum!

    I think we’ll do it next Sunday evening as I’ve got an extra thing on in the afternoon, and it will be a nice way to wind-down, and get me ready for the school nativities which all start next week.

    Right, I only need to stay locked in my office and away from temptation for another hour or so…I can resist fairy cakes for an hour (I dread to think what other temptations are under the other covers…crispy cake, millionaire shortbread – oh, I’m killing myself!

    Hope everyone else is facing less temptation?


    Minols, your putting up of the Christmas decorations sounds so lovely ๐Ÿ™‚ Really special. LOL at the sheep moving to different positions ๐Ÿ˜›

    Not long now till home time, its one day ๐Ÿ™‚ I’m getting hungry now, but will push though ๐Ÿ™‚


    Go for it, DF…you can do it.

    Afternoon All…

    Jobs all done..over 100 miles covered…still away from the kitchen!…we did have a coffee out…

    Hoping you feel better now…nearly end of work day….

    My sister exchanged contracts last Thursday she is moving this Thursday!…1 week!….so you may be in before Xmas….there was only three houses in the chain, everybody was pushing to go….good luck..

    Sister…a difficult situation…I just dropped presents off and said we had an appointment…we had that big row Xmas eve last year…everybody are tied to there own circle these days…I have to draw the line and move on….

    A few of you really hungry today…keep going…

    Cakey Wakey…
    Ginger cake sounds good..I picked a good recipe for that on Pinterest for later in the year…my recipes keep me going itโ€™s OK as long as I donโ€™t do them…lol…the list is growing…

    The Fairy Angels are testing you….Will You Hold Out…๐Ÿ˜‚…boss will be watching…..

    A heavy three days thatโ€™s a hard one…keep strong..๐Ÿ˜€

    We are both alright, not too hungry…creeping on to food time another 90 mins to go…

    Jean x

    I HATE WINTER ๐Ÿ™ I am so cold ๐Ÿ™ ๐Ÿ™
    & hungry- there was temptation, Minols, but I resisted- took the last of the millionaires shortbread round to my friend’s when we went to see the baby. Had lovely cuddles, no cake. Sarah is beautiful!! She slept for ages on me- my boys never did that!
    Not sure when we’ll do our decorations, like the nativity scene with a F1 engineer Minols! We are boring with ours, our sheep are well behaved!
    Jean- well done surviving the family visit!
    I will be baking most of tomorrow, but at least it’s not a FD!

    Busy day then, Jean!

    Minols I like the sound of your Christmas decorating routine. It sounds cosy, festive and lovely.

    I’m still morose, though as I’m morose I’m also not tempted to eat. Might have soup later if I’m feeling more cheerful back at home.

    It’s warmer here today, so it’s a relief not to have been shivering all day, and I had some graphics work to do earlier which I always enjoy – it’s what I’m actually trained in but I only get to do a certain amount. I’m working on trying to illustrate things to sell, but time and energy are not on my side.

    There’s a low helicopter currently circling the office… maybe they are coming to take me away.

    I feel chilly today itโ€™s supposed to be warmer…

    Lovely your friends baby arrived… I like a good cuddle…I am getting hungry now…waiting for a call from Katie in Louisiana ..sheโ€™s out shopping at the moment….

    Surviving the visit is stretching it a bit…I never went in…she asked me to visit the new house but as I said she hasnโ€™t been to me for 18 months!..maybe when she has time…we have visited must be at least a dozen times…she only lives 30 mins away…anyway itโ€™s families…awkward now as she is moving in with her son and girl friend…I can see why but I think there will be trouble a head…

    If the helicopter collects you…we are free to join you…somewhere warm please….

    Well done on the candles sound really nice..you sound as if you are winning….hope you have kept off the fairy cakes

    Jean x

    Well done, Hedgehog…always good to give temptation away!

    Just off home via the post box and looking forward to putting a ham in the oven. i’ll have it with peas and carrots, and there should be plenty left to make pea and ham soup with for later in the week.

    Jean – first of the plaited advent candles went up (first x 3 – one for each noticeboard). Will be swapping it for green ones tomorrow, and I’ve made smaller purple ones to put up as if around a wreath of cards…hope it will work! Just need to make 3x smaller flames now, but I think I’ll just cut those out of felt and draw a wick on them.


    Hope everyone is managing….we have now finished eating…really really hungry before dinner…

    Whatโ€™s matter with us all today?

    NFD tomorrow

    Jean x

    Good evening

    I think it’s so cold Jean, I feel like I’ve been chilled to the bone all day. It’s my own fault really as I thought it was a bit milder so didn’t put the heating on.

    I was doing so well until making a cup of coffee at 4 ish and a tunnock teacake jumped into my hand. Strangely though it didn’t wake the hunger monster and was just what I needed. So instead of sabotaging the day I’ve only had 300 calories all day.

    Travelling tonight – 3 hours on a train. For some reason I always think I’m going to starve and load up with snacks but tonight I managed to dodge the Costa and WHSmith and boarded the train with my water bottle, although I did treat myself to a magazine instead.

    Tomorrow’s is an NFD.

    Hope you all have a lovely evening


    Cakey Wakey…
    Enjoy your trip and keep warm…trains can be cold…


    Hi everyone,

    Glad we survived the FD yesterday, its so much harder when its cold. I was SO hungry and I’m sure its because of that!!

    NFD today, but will try and keep it low.

    Have a good day everyone x

    Morning all!
    Had my breakfast already- not like me, I’ve skipped it quite often on NFDs recently, but extra hungry this morning!
    Hoping to get a mushroom & cashew loaf made to freeze for my Christmas dinner, sausage rolls & mince pies all baked today. Jean- I shall try your pastry recipe!

    NFD for me. No gym, worst cold I’ve had for ages. 102.5 kg so finally some movement I was strict yesterday!. Departmental Xmas dinner tonight so will probably skip lunch. Mushroom and Cashew sounds great. Good to see you’re getting prepared early Hedgehogs…..Have a great day everyone.

    Morning All…
    A very dark morning my light is on!

    Good FD yesterday, made a batch of coconut tarts over the weekend and we have had a few…still the same weight this morning thought I may have been up…

    Re think for dinner today…as out tomorrow night to a childrenโ€™s singing concert at the City Hall, with my daughters school participating so tissues will be needed for both of us and eating out…Friday out for the full day visiting Steveโ€™s family, passing presents, eating out lunch, then out with a friend for a meal on the evening..then we will settle for Xmas…next week ..just one daughter visiting over night if she arrives possibly a meal out unless I cook.

    NFD But will have a fast meal of meat and veg tonight…

    Hope you like the pastry and it turns out well….roll it thin as it will expand a bit….joining you with cooking but a batch bake of Yorkshire pudds for the freezer.. let me know how it goes..you can try one..๐Ÿ˜€..for testing…lol

    A funny day yesterday..must be the cold weather…we all seemed to be struggling…

    Hope you feel better soon….glad thereโ€™s some weight movement…then dose yourself up and try and enjoy your Xmas do…

    I am a great believer in hot toddy….before bed, 3 โ€œ of whiskey in a tumbler or mug, ( I have my heat resistant glass for the occasion)…, an inch of lemonade both together in a pan till boiling….have a couple of mugs or one big one and go to bed……have it in the day if off work..after about 3 days you will feel much better and sleep well too…

    Are you feeling any better and Ellie how is she?…..letโ€™s get some holiday weight moved!

    Delivering my cards within the village so a walk out later…Steve in the garage trying to put on new spot lights on his motorbike…..the door will be chocked up with wood….my shoulder hurts with lifting itโ€™s so heavy…..man coming tomorrow to measure for the new one….

    Have a good day everyone…keep warm…๐Ÿ˜€

    Jean x

    Morning everyone!

    Mushroom and cashew loaf sounds very intriguing, I’m always on the look out for new veggie ideas. Is it easy?

    HI all – late to my desk…been sorting the school library and pinning up t out of three ‘candles’.

    Are you feeling better, Pseu? I love the word ‘morose’ but not the experience, so hope that has lifted a bit at least today.

    No weight shifting – beginning to wonder if I’m hitting the menopause – won’t go into details as would classify as TMI! So I’ll stick with the FDs because at least that way I shouldn’t gain anything, and it’s good for my health, and for my self-discipline!

    In fact, I’ll probably be on a basic FD dinner tonight like Jean…could the OH signed up to cook his quick fish dish so I can grab something to eat between brining the boy back from swimming and getting out to a meeting.

    Right – one more candle, and then I may crack open the pea and ham soup!


    Are you pleased how the candles turned out?…does the loose plaiting work?

    Menopose usually lasts 10 years…40 to 53 ish depending to each person…..I would think the fasting would help even staying the same…weigh gain can be quite big and water retention… I would definitely recommend HRT if it gets really bad…..enough said…

    Counted my calories for the day looks like about 900….so quite pleased….

    Enjoy your soup…

    Jean x

    Jean- you have star baker award today- I used your pastry recipe and it’s fab, thank you very much!! Made lots of mince pies with a frangipane topping- they look a little untidy but taste great! Sausage rolls made as well- rest of my lot don’t eat mince pies so prefer savoury, and the nut loaf done, dinner ready to go in the oven for hubby & youngest son- he’s working at 5pm tonight so needs dinner at 4.15pm!
    Pseudo- the nut loaf is a fantastic recipe- it is a bit of a faff to make, but freezes really well, so I always make at least one whole loaf, sometimes two & cut into portions for the freezer, so it lasts a while. Do you want the recipe?
    All sounds like you’re being better behaved on your NFD than me- had to try the mince pies, and some frangipane left over so I made little buns with that, which I’ve been nibbling on! I feel like The Very Hungry Caterpillar on Saturday, if anyone knows that book?!! Minols- you probably do?
    Hopefully kickboxing tonight without sicky son- he’s away in Lincoln again…

    Hi Hedgehog – should get your son to look in on my Mum…may not even get to see her at New Year as I’d hoped. He just needs to wave and shout ‘Hi M’s Mum’ as he goes past Birchwood…she’ll know!

    Definitely know the Very Hungry Caterpillar – although never got the pre-occupation with fruit and veg…only when it got to cake did I start paying attention. I also know a wee thing called ‘Cyril was a caterpillar’…my party piece in days gone by, the product of too many Guide campfires…if you don’t know it, I will say no more. If you do…then you know way too much about my performance abilities!

    Going to finish early this afternoon as I’ll be back this evening. I need to re-arrange the living room to create space to drag in a couple of chairs from the study. we have guests arriving the end of next week, and being such a small family, we currently squish on to one sofa – and it’s a two-seater (although given the boy is getting quite wriggley, this may have to be reviewed next year)!

    Catch you all later.


    Hedgehogs, yes please to the recipe! ๐Ÿ™‚

    Aw, I love The Very Hungry Caterpillar. If only we could eat that much and come out looking lovely at the end.

    Pleased they all turned out lovely…hope they have jumped in the freezer…you liked the pastry? Was it very different to yours?…..the mincemeat with frangipan topping sounds absolutely delicious ….

    Going near Birchwood on Friday…I will wave to your Mum..๐Ÿ˜€…Lawton, Leigh, Bolton, we roam around a bit.

    Have a good shift around hope you can sort your chairs out…..

    Jean x

    Jean- yes, the pastry was lovely, light& soft- not like my usual hard old stuff! They went straight in the freezer, except for the one which had to be tried ๐Ÿ™‚ Sausage rolls went straight in too before husband could get his hands on them, need to find room for the nut loaf now- completely jammed packed!
    We ‘did’ the very hungry caterpillar one week when the boys were little, to try & get them trying more fruit, had whatever fruit was that day, & had tasters of everything in the book on the Saturday!
    Minols, I remember some guides songs but not that one… hope all your meetings etc. all go well. I’m sorry- I keep forgetting to ask how your dog is getting on?
    Pseudo: Mushroom & Cashew Loaf:
    Fry 1 chopped onion & 2 cloves garlic in 1 tbsp. oil,
    Peel & chop 3 medium parsnips, boil until soft then mash with a little butter.
    Grind 225g cashew nuts, & mix with 110g fresh breadcrumbs. Stir in rosemary & thyme- half to 1 tsp of each.
    Peel & chop 225g mushrooms, fry in 25g butter.
    Mix 1 tsp marmite with 150mls hot water, or use 150 mls stock.
    Beat one egg.
    Mix together the nuts & breadcrumbs with the mashed parsnips & onion mixture, stir in the stock & beaten egg. Grease & line a 900g loaf tin, then put half the nut mix in. Spread the mushrooms across in a layer, then top with the other half of the nut mix. Cover with foil & bake for one hour at 180*c. Leave to stand for 10 mins before turning it out the tin. It’s very nice hot or cold, & freezes well. (Sarah Brown, Vegetarian Kitchen)

    Thanks Hedgehogs, sounds very tasty! I’ll have to get the ingredients on my next food shop and give it a go.

    Hello hello,
    This viral thing has dragged on but I think its finally gone ๐Ÿ™

    Ellie still has a huge lump over her eye which Im concerned about but still hoping it disappears like a previous one.

    5:2 nope, not yet but I know I should be!

    Hope everyone is ok x

    Glad you are feeling a lot better.. hoping Ellie can get rid of her lump..๐Ÿคž๐Ÿป
    You looked as if you had a good break…
    You have been missed..

    Jean x

    Morning all,

    Another cold day!

    I’m doing a B2B fast, today and tomorrow. Not sure if anyone else is fasting today, it will be a challenge, but I’m giving it a go ๐Ÿ™‚

    Kay, nice to have you back and feeling better ๐Ÿ™‚

    Back later xx

    Kay- I hope that Ellie gest better & that you shake off the after-effects or your lurgy.
    FD for me- anyone else joining me?
    Survived kickboxing last night- just! It was quiet, so there was nowhere to hide!! I know my limits though & don’t do all the exercises, my pride would like me to have a go, but the last thing I want to do is get an injury & have to stop…

    Morning All..

    A dull day….

    Out and about this morning a top up of food needed…

    NFD for us…..being thoughtful but a meal out tonight and maybe lunch time..a difficult one..we managed about 1000 calories the end of yesterday so not a bad slow day…๐Ÿ˜€

    Hope you are back with us….glad you are feeling better and Ellie is holding up….this time last year you were so worried and the old gal has managed another year…bless…

    DL and Hedgehog….
    Both have a good FD hope itโ€™s all under control….I know it will be…๐Ÿ˜€

    FD for us tomorrow….

    Jean x

    Morning all.

    FD for me today too.

    NFD. So mince pies are ok. Probably moving next week so my better half has the worlds biggest Xmas present. Nervous as hell I can tell you . I hate packing even for holidays so moving house does not fill me with glee. Gotta sort out a cooker for the turkey and a fridge to keep the leftovers in. Have a great mid week.

    How are the fasters going, Hedgehogs, Pseu?? I’ve just been for a walk, its so cold .. I’m sure its going to snow soon!! Half way through for me, just have to keep strong this afternoon now!!

    I’m doing fine, ta! ๐Ÿ˜€

    You must be getting our share of the chill – It’s quite mild here, I had to take off some layers!

    Just had to go and blow up my car tyres on my own, feeling very ‘independent lady’ lol. One might have a puncture though because it was VERY low. ๐Ÿ™

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