Fat Busting Brits!!

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  • Well I’ve done it…no food….do I blow it and have supper?? Let me check on my fellow fasters….

    Jean, Steve and Minols have saved me from eating!

    DF how did you do?

    Hedgehog, did you keep it low?

    Pseu, did you fast until going out?

    Morning all – another rough night and up to work!

    So glad to have made it through yesterday. Haven’t succumbed to toast yet, and having seen that Hedgehog is doing a back to back, wondering if I should too? The next 3 days are a little tough, as I have lunches booked for every day. Should be able to make that my only meal, but it’s a tough day if you eat too early, I sometimes feel. My head says this should be a FD…but I so love toast and honey in the morning! Oh the dilemma!

    Not going to break my heart over it – it’s a first world trauma, after all.

    I’ll let you know later what happens when it’s breakfast time for the rest of the household!


    Well, I’m not going to keep you in suspense…I’m off to make toast!

    I’ll just have to be very disciplined later in the week.


    Minols, you can do one more morning without the toast and honey….its not as though you won’t be having it ever again πŸ˜‰

    Rough nights sleep for me. In fact I’ve been more awake than asleep. So much on my mind and can’t shut it down! I also wonder if fasting had an effect. It doesn’t usually and I didn’t actually feel hungry but I know others say that it sometimes affects them.

    We have planned to go out for a few hours to Sidmouth for a walk but we’ll see!

    I’m going to fast again today, but a normal one, so I’ll have 1 meal which will be tonight. That will give my body an extended fast so plenty of healing time. Might even tempt some weight movement!

    Kay x

    Morning everyone

    Internet problems and lots of sorting out yesterday, but managed to keep up with all the posts.

    Had a NFD yesterday as Bec’s birthday tomorrow so swopped the FD around. Just as well as had a bad night up with Phil on Sunday night so really tired and not sure I could have managed a FD. Had a 3lb weekend so a Minols line is being drawn _________. Goods in transit definitely part of the problem, prunes added to shopping list.

    Kay, going to try and take the liquids only baton over from you today. Chinese and cake planned for tomorrow so need to try and keep today as low as possible.

    Jean, I’ll have a go at most things DIY related, but never been brave enough to tackle radiators.

    Well done everyone on your mass fast yesterday, tougher today but at least I seem to have Kay for company.

    Coffee calls, back later.

    Lynne x

    Morning all,

    Kay, well done on yesterday πŸ™‚ Sorry you didn’t sleep well though, it could have been the fasting or just a coincidence. Another FD today too πŸ™‚ Your doing great x

    Lynne, good luck today, you can do it πŸ™‚ Great thing about this is that we can swap our days around x

    I managed okay, had about 400 cals in all, so really pleased with myself πŸ™‚ Having a low day today, but not a complete FD. Next one will be Thursday.

    Have a great day, stay strong everyone x

    Sorry, Kay, I’d already caved! Toast eaten and enjoyed…but I am going to have a controlled day. I’ve already packed up some soup from the freezer (no idea what it is, but it will be something made with leftover juices and vegetables (no potatoes, cos we don’t eat those often), so should be satisfying but low. And I have a tub of skyr with frozen fruit that will gradually thaw through the morning and make it gorgeous by lunch time!

    A miserable day up here – and looks set to be that way for the next few days, so as I need to look reasonably respectable for visits i’m wimping out and taking the car!

    Good luck to all those fasting…and especially to those on their second fast!


    A wave from having my cuppa in bed.. we are fasting today too..

    Speak later
    Jean x

    Morning All…

    Up and had breakfast next cuppa on the go….another miserable day here…take care Minols there’s snow about your area maybe it’s tomorrow ❄️ on the low roads….😬

    Fast day went well yesterday, I came in at 515 calories so OK…thanks for the lovely support from each other it does really help…

    We are with, Lynne and hedgehog today just a small bunch…lol

    Well done on your liquid fast yesterday and a good slow start today till you eat…don’t know whether I could do it…these sleepless nights are a pain on fasting nights…I was sleeping but very restless but having awful dreams of people dying …I would rather be making my trays of sweets! Not very nice..

    Enjoy your walk today…

    Have a nice day wandering about visiting your flock…car definitely snow is on its way for you 😬

    Let’s make it a good one…you will be busy getting things together for Bec tomorrow …hope it all goes well..hoping Phil has settled now….

    Re radiator, Steve was a plumber when young so not a problem…he just can’t get up and down so I have to work with him and help, his apprentice, fetching and carrying..and doing more sometimes under instruction..

    Well done to you too…it’s just nice to have support…we will be fasting Thursday…..lunch time walk today?

    What’s planned today? Any home visits?

    Jean x

    Morning everyone.

    I chickened out of salsa, I’m really annoyed with myself. I keep doing that, seeing things I want to do or want to go to, and then deciding I don’t have the energy and not doing it. It’s not even a confidence thing, I’m just so tired when I get home from work the last thing I want to do is go out somewhere. Letting my life pass me by. I’m not usually one for new years resolutions but this year I think it’s definitely going to be ‘stop chickening out, just DO it!’

    On the plus side it means yesterday stayed as an FD. Not sure about today yet, think I’ll not eat through the day and have a low cal soup for dinner. My party top arrived, and though it fits fine, loose if anything, I still want to feel as confident as I can at my Christmas do.

    I also got a new coat in a size 10, though I think it’s more the case it’s a generous cut rather than I’m actually a 10.

    Is the seaweed low cal? I’ve never tried it, but crispy and salty sounds good.

    I’ve not had too many disturbed nights, no more than usual really, so I’m glad I don’t have that side effect.

    Hope everyone has a good day, best of luck to those fasting.

    Glad the party top fits and loose always a scrabble for things when it gets nearer to Xmas…Size 10 coat brilliant that must make you feel good…you must be getting near to goal…πŸ˜€

    Cant we get you to your salsa class without backing out?….maybe a new year thing..

    A low day for you…you are very focussed…

    Well ….We….. I have filled the wall and holes, Steve has had to adjust the skirting, unfortunately a bit of patching..but I am happy with it, we know but no-one will notice as in a absure corner…he did the sawing, I did the rest…he does so struggle…a bit of painting later or another day, I am all clean now…off shopping soon.

    Fast day going OK……easy when busy…hedgehog, Lynne are you both going well….
    Kay still on a low day…Pseu you too…Minols a low day…

    Jean x

    Hi everyone,

    Wow, all those b2b fasts! Hopefully will see wonderful results πŸ™‚

    Just been for my walk, had to force myself today lol. Windy, but not too cold. Glad I did it now!!

    Low day continuing for me.

    Stay strong fasters x

    We are only doing b2b as out to lunch tomorrow with friends….hope it’s not a big meal…they are not heavy eaters as only small people..

    Hoping for a pound off Friday…would be pleased at that..

    I always used to enjoy a walk lunch time just getting away from the office..otherwise they have you working…it’s mild here at the moment but very gray day..


    I’m doing okay, thanks Jean! Had a meeting for another voluntary job I do, yummy biscuits provided, and bypassed by me!! Just toast for lunch, and then soup for dinner. Pseu- I’m wimping out of doing an exercise class before eating- it’ll be hard enough as it is! (Sorry you couldn’t face the salsa class, hopefully another time!) Getting a new coast and party top sounds good though! Did you do the cocktail class in the end?
    Jean- very impressed with your DIY/ apprentice skills. It is easier to fast if you keep busy…
    Kay- well done, hope that you sleep better tonight!
    Minols- stay warm & stay safe on the road!
    DF- sounds like you’re doing really well! Is the weight shifting still?
    Lynn- hope that Bec enjoys her birthday, Chinese and cake sounds like my family’s celebrations!
    Rowena- you’re very quiet- hope everything’s okay?

    No, I ducked out of the cocktail class too. πŸ™
    I can definitely understand the decision not to do the class on an empty stomach – the idea of doing it tonight is making me wary, I’m hoping a late afternoon cuppasoup will be enough to keep me going!

    I think today might be classed as a FD for me since my soup will only come in at 300 or so. Even if I decide to have a bread roll should only come to 500ish.

    A walk sounds good, bet that blew some cobwebs away!

    Hi all – so impressed with everyone’s self control today…wishing I hadn’t taken the easy route this morning, then I’d be feeling as good as you all do! (Mental note to self…do the tough thing next time!

    It really is cold up here, today, so I’ll make sausage casserole tonight to warm everyone up…and I’ll only have a small bowl, I promise.

    BTW seaweed very low cal – 11cals per packet, so even if I stuff my face with it, it’s still not damaging!


    What brand is it? I had a look on Amazon but there are loads of different ones.

    Having a sit….decided to have an oxo for a change….brings me back to when I was about 6 years old with a sore throat and off school…lol…although I had bread pieces in it, not this time…

    Steve having ride on his bike with a camera on the front he is testing…it was only Β£25 picture not too great it may go back and invest in one which is more expensive with a better lense…men and gadgets !!

    Hoping everyone OK…All is well here…

    Jean x

    It’s 3pm and on way home after a walk of just under 4 miles.

    Starting to crave my usual snack of cheese and crackers but will resist hopefully and just have my dinner at 6ish. Maybe I’ll have some milk in my coffee to keep me going.

    Sounds like everyone else doing ok too.


    I’m starting to lag, getting those burning eyes that come along with exhaustion, could easily have a nap. Not hungry, but the thought of going to the gym class is making me cringe.

    Pseudo- I know how you feel! I’ve been feeling great recently, loads of energy, but this afternoon (as I’ve booked the class!) I feel drained! I’m sure when I get there I’ll be fine, probably good that I did book a place, as I’d definitely have cried off! Looking forward to soup at 6pm.
    Minols- if I lived in bonnie Scotland with your winters I’d be eating toast & honey or porridge every day too!
    Keep strong, Kay- just think of how you’d feel if you give in to temptation- good for a few minutes, but then you’d wish you hadn’t! Hope your walk was good, at least with not working you’re getting plenty of walks in!
    Jean- my hubby bought a cheap dashcam, but it was useless, I think you do get what you pay for sometimes!

    Eek, I gave in but only had some cheese and hot chilli jam, no crackers!

    Only a light dinner planned so will still be within allowance.

    Pseu and hedgehogs, you’ll be fine when you start your class. You body will find something to convert to energy πŸ™‚

    I don’t think I’m going, I really can’t face it. Won’t be regretting missing a gym class since that’s not something I would expect to particularly enjoy. These dark nights, it feels like 10pm by the time I leave work!

    Hopefully the wobbly bits, Kay! I have plenty of those to spare…

    Hi All…

    We have finished now all fine here…Steve did have an extra bread, he never asks he felt the need so left him to it..so 100 calories more for him…

    Out for our meal tomorrow hope it’s not to heavy…looking forward to catch up with our friends…really bad rain tomorrow so that’s not good for walking around York and Xmas market..big brolly I think…

    Keep strong everyone not long to go…

    Jean x

    Morning all.

    Up way too early again. I made myself stay in bed until 6 and forced myself to relax – hah! Didn’t work…now I have a headache! Not going to eat until lunch when a few of us are going round to a colleague’s to ‘christen’ her new kitchen. When you don’t get to live in your own place it’s always lovely when the congregation decide to renew something major like that! So i’m hoping to keep it low or non-existent apart from what I eat at hers…but i’m not going to be a party pooper if she’s gone to a lot of trouble to make nice things!!

    Hope everyone else is on for a good day.


    Sounds like a good plan, Minols! I hope you enjoy your lunch!
    Jean- hope you had a lovely day out yesterday & enjoyed the market! York is beautiful!
    I survived the kickboxing class! It was very tough though, I just about kept up, had to modify a few of the exercises which they don’t mind. The kickboxing came back slowly, & looking around at some of the others actually my technique was definitely no worse than theirs- really glad I went! It’s more about getting fit so no going for belts/ gradings so that’s good. I was so hungry when I got home though- treated myself to an apple! But then eldest cam home with a KFC- the chips smelt so good… resisted them though, not even one! I’m not too stiff today either!
    Hope you all have a good day!

    Morning all,

    Jean, enjoy your meal and the Xmas markets πŸ™‚ I miss working in the city when the markets were on, always had a lovely feel to the place.

    Minols, enjoy your lunch!

    NFD for me, but again a low one. Home-made burger and salad last night, I’m so lucky my OH loves cooking lol!

    Its still so dark when I get to work in the mornings now, and then dark when I get home. Roll on summer! I like winter when I’m inside, cosy and warm but working and being out and about, not good! Took me 2 hours to drive home in it last night πŸ™

    Stay strong anyone fasting today πŸ™‚

    Morning All…

    Miserable day here and very windy…

    We have to get moving early this morning ( for us lol ) away for 9.30…we have been to York the last few years but nearer Xmas …hoping the earlier start may give us a Xmas boost / feel….York is very flat for Xmas, they seem to want you and your money and not give anything to the crowds. Xmas music would be nice jingling about..

    Hope I report back it’s better this year..

    Well my two fasts this week is showing the same on the scales ☹️, hoping for better on Friday official weigh in…it makes you think what your weight would really be if we had continued to eat like we did before….it’s quite frightening thought.

    You are an early bird…is your head whizzing thinking what you have to do…enjoy your kitchen do and hope the temptations are not too great…choose carefully…

    Glad you could keep up with the kick boxing and more…sometimes it puts you off if you feel you could let yourself or the class down…well done on resisting the chips, I think I would have pinched one….or two…lol

    Lovely to have your meals cooked…is the OH very good on your FD or do you have to cook yours……Steve used to cook when I was at work, he says I cook better and quicker, so I never have anything cooked now. Still he is good with the clean up and if I shout for help….he is the chef with chips, he cooks them in the garage too smelly for inside…rarely may I say…πŸ˜‚

    Hoping to be thoughtful today with food if I can..probably fall at the first fence…maybe nothing to eat this evening, again fall at the second fence…..

    Have a good day everyone speak later PM…

    Jean x


    Hedgehogs – kickboxing must have given you superpowers to resist those chips…the wee boy is obsessed with power rangers just now, and tries to kick box his way through the dog walk!

    Jean – really hope you have a good day in York…my second favourite English city. But if you find it flat, why not try the Christmas market in Lincoln? On the top of our only hill, so definitely not flat. I was a wee girl when it first started up to celebrate the twinning with Neustadt, and it was great then – I can only imagine it’s fabulous now – it’s in the precinct around the cathedral and spills into the castle – or at least it did a few years ago when I last made it home at Christmas…maybe I’ll have a quick google and investigate, for old times sake!


    Just checked, Lincoln is 7-10 December…so just a wee window of jollity. Wouldn’t want to spoil the town’s folk! Guess I’m used to the extravagance of Edinburgh, now which goes on for a month, I think!

    Morning everyone.

    Jean – I’ve always fancied York but never been, apart from a work trip to the outskirts where I didn’t get to see anything. πŸ™ Swansea is looking quite festive, the Winter Wonderland opened on Friday, and the Christmas lights were turned on on Sunday. Hopefully York has a bit more spirit this time around!

    Dragonfly – Two hours to get home! Nightmare. I’m sick of the dark too, not to mention the rain. It’s stopped here at the moment but is meant to pick up again later. I definitely agree – it being dark outside makes it cosy when you’re at home, but not when you’re slogging through the rush hour. πŸ™

    Hedgehogs – Good on you for going to your class! I always find it fascinating in my combat class to watch other people and try to guess who’s done martial arts before, you can normally tell. The person windmilling next to me… no. The person doing a textbook perfect roundhouse? Yup. I struggle fitting in the moves sometimes, especially with blocks, because I automatically do it how it’s meant to be done rather than the rough approximation that actually fits in the choreography!

    I weighed this morning, and in two weeks I’ve lost 0.8lb. Not happy with that. I’ve been out a couple of times, but nothing major, not been gorging on gateau or anything, and yet barely any movement. Can’t even blame it on food in transit, since I was really good all weekend, Monday was an FD and yesterday was probably 600 or 700. So annoying! I feel smaller, but apparently it’s just psychological. 11lb to go until I’m at my target, and it looks like I’m going to have to battle for every single one. πŸ™ I know I should just be happy it’s not a gain and there’s some movement, but it’s so disheartening.

    Hi all, just about to go out and get stuff sorted ready for tomorrow, feel like I have lots to do yet…but not really….colour my hair later to hide the grey again, pack, cook nice tea for later (neils birthday celebrations will start when he gets home from work just after 6).

    Weighed myself this morning and back down to 10.5 so Ive lost the weekend pounds + 2 so lower than I was before going away for my week. Still higher than where I was earlier in the year and 5lbs off christmas target. Mind you Im expecting to put on whilst Im away from tomorrow..lol…what are we like!!

    Jean, I love York so hope it has a nice feel to it, although I suspect, with it being earlier, it may still be a bit lacking. I went for christmas markets several years ago with my mum and it was really nice as they had ice sculptures everywhere.

    Minols, you made me chuckle! I think Jean meant flat as being lacking atmosphere!! Im not sure they would go out of their way to look for hills!

    Hedgehog, well done with kickboxing. I used to like that. And well done with resisting the chips.

    DF 2 hours travel is rubbish. Im already looking forward to shortest day so days start getting longer!

    Must dash…back later x

    Afternoon everyone

    Miserable day here, about to tip down any minute.

    Only had a couple of prunes so far today, to try and get things moving, and managed liquids only yesterday. Really pleased this morning as the scales were kind and the 3lb I put on over the weekend has gone. I had some very salty food so a lot of water retention. This loss is only temporary though, Chinese and cake tonight will soon get the scales moving the wrong way.

    Hedgehogs, well done with the kick boxing, far too energetic for me.

    DF, at this time of year my favourite saying was ‘we may as well be working down the pit, we come in and go home in the dark’.

    Jean, hope York doesn’t disappoint. I’ve only been once and the only thing I can remember is the smell in the Jorvik Centre.

    Pseudo, keep at it. Have you tried weighing more often to see if you can see a pattern?

    Minols, Cardiff Christmas Market is the opposite of Lincoln’s open from 9th November to 23 December, and the Winter Wonderland is open even longer. Can’t believe how early you’re up, but a busy time for you.

    Kay, hope you have a great time away and Neil has a wonderful birthday.

    Trying to hold off eating until tonight but tired as up a lot last night. Phil has another infection. He’s getting really good at them, unfortunately.

    Not sure yet if fasting tomorrow or Friday, but sure I’ll have company either way.

    Lynne x

    Hi everybody, back from another trip away in Italy where I ate more and drank every day. Came back on Saturday night and decided to do alternate fasting until weigh-in day (Friday). So far it’s going well, but the scales will tell the truth in a couple of days!

    @pseudonym – about your salsa classes, don’t beat yourself up about it. It’s very hard to go out again after work. I do yoga at home for that reason, I have a subscription to Gaia (a kind of new age Netflix that has tons of yoga classes) and a mat. Leaving the house at 7 or 8 PM is really not an option for me.

    Happy Hump Day everyone!

    My first post so hello everyone and hope you’re all succeeding. I decided to try this 5:2 after watching an old BBC Iplayer episode of Horizon which really struck a chord. Weighed in at 106.6kg on Monday (my first FD) which was a further prompt to get going. Surprising how often one has to go to the loo first day but settled down now. Got a spinning class tomorrow which will be my second FD so wondering what that will feel like. Will report back Friday if I survive! ….. good luck everyone.

    Hi Michelinstar! (Do you have one?!) Hopefully you’ll find this is a supportive thread!
    Gommine- welcome back & hope the ADF goes well this week.
    Lynne- hope that Phil gets over the infection soon,& that you have a good celebration with your daughter!
    Kay- hope that you have a wonderful trip & that Neil enjoys it too!
    Pseudo- keep strong, it’s probably just a blip- I’m feeling the same, I’ve been very good but only 1/2 pound at a time seems to go off… it’s hard to stay motivated, but as Jean says, think where we’d be if we were eating normally…
    Jean- hope it’s a good day!
    Minols- I’ll pass on the info about the Christmas market to my son- he’ll be doing another trip up there to see his girlfriend soon.

    Hi everyone πŸ™‚

    Jean, how was lunch and the markets in York? I know my mum and sister go Xmas shopping in York every year! On my FD’s I usually sort my own meals out, its easier that way. I don’t think my OH knows what a calorie is πŸ˜›

    Kay, enjoy your evening and celebrations πŸ™‚

    Lynne, exactly! Its dark every time I’m in the car at the moment lol, I miss summer!

    Pseu, I know how disheartening it can be with the scale, are you losing inches though, with you saying you feel smaller? Keep at it, the numbers will come down πŸ™‚

    Minols, how was your lunch today?

    Gommine, welcome back, I bet Italy was wonderful .. somewhere I’ve always wanted to go!

    Michelinstar, welcome to our group! Hope you keep posting here πŸ™‚

    Again, the rain held off while I went for a walk at lunch, it was so windy though. I always feel great when I make myself walk, sometimes I have to push myself though lol.

    Enjoy the rest of the day and have a great evening later!

    Ill be back tomorrow for second FD of the week πŸ™‚


    HI all – ate a little too much, but all good stuff! Soup was the ‘best’ thing, but had a piece of bread with it, and then cheese and biscuits (irresistible) and cake and coffee. Could have been so much worse, but that should be me, apart from keeping the boy company, so I can chalk today up as a low day.

    Gommine – welcome home. I think you were sorting out your parents house? Sorry, memory dodgy. How was it?

    Hi MStar – welcome to the gang. Sounds like you’re getting off to a good start.


    HI all – ate a little too much, but all good stuff! Soup was the ‘best’ thing, but had a piece of bread with it, and then cheese and biscuits (irresistible) and cake and coffee. Could have been so much worse, but that should be me, apart from keeping the boy company, so I can chalk today up as a low day.

    Gommine – welcome home. I think you were sorting out your parents house? Sorry, memory dodgy. How was it?

    Hi MStar – welcome to the gang. Sounds like you’re getting off to a good start.


    I’ve been stuck at the same weight for about 2 months now, I must be doing something wrong but I don’t know what. :S

    Pseudo- you’re losing inches though, aren’t you- you’ve had belt trouble & bought new things in smaller sizes, if I remember right, so something’s happening! Like I keep telling myself, muscle weighs more than fat, with all the exercise you do, your muscle tone must be improving πŸ™‚ I really wish I’d measured myself at the start, so I could see the difference that way. MStar- there’s a tip for you, measure everywhere so you see improvements!!

    I don’t know, I never measured. And I’m not doing much exercise at the moment, I’m too busy (and tired!). :S

    I wish I’d measured last year when I first decided to do something about my weight, I think now I’ve just reached a plateau but I don’t know how to get past it.

    Afternoon All..

    We enjoyed York, Xmas market double the size from last year, a few songs about…they really should put more music on….Haddock and chips in restaurant..a good walk around stopped and had a pint beer and half of Guinness …feet hurting a bit now…

    I have only been to Lincoln Xmas market once it is really good …don’t know whether Steve would make it round and you have to park and ride…Lincoln is a nightmare for parking and costly now at the best of times..

    Your kitchen do sounded good with lots of bits and pieces eaten…

    These plateaus are a nightmare, you can only continue and you will start loosing…sometimes a naughty blow out kick starts you..fish and chips for us…we are coming to our two year birthday at the end of the month…see if we have stayed the same for a year!…I think slightly up but we will see…

    Enjoy your trip away and I hope Neil enjoys it all…well done on the weight loss it does so get hard, I think you are doing better than me…I am really struggling to get the holiday weight off…it will eventually..lol

    Well done to have moved the 3 lbs that’s really good…Phil is really in the wars at the moment hope he soon picks up…enjoy the Chinese and cake this evening…that’s the way it is…

    Lovely to have you back….hope everything went as well as it can…weigh in for us to on Friday..😬

    Hope you join us..plenty of support and moans with us…the journey is never smooth..

    These dark days are terrible..I hate them…I carried my brolly all around and it never rained…very windy at times…we really enjoyed it this year…

    We are fasting tomorrow..hope a few will be joining us..

    Jean x

    Will be joining you tomorrow, Jean. Staying in to cook Christmas puds, so it might be a boring day… (I made enough for what I thought would be one large pud, but looking at the bowls of ingredients prepped ready, there looks to be enough for 3!!)


    After two months you are experiencing a real plateau. This might help: https://thefastdiet.co.uk/forums/topic/on-plateaus/

    Good Luck!

    Hedgehog….you are having a Jean fasting baking day..πŸ˜‚

    Thank you for the link Simcoeluv, great reading and very helpful. πŸ˜€

    Out of curiosity, do you guys use the TDEE calculator on this site as your aim for NFDs or do you get the figure elsewhere? The link mentioned it often comes out differently depending what calculator you use. I find the TDEE a bit daunting, it always seems so low to religiously stick to – and it seems that might be where I’m going wrong, estimating my calories on NFDs rather than writing them down. I always mean to work it out… and then don’t. :S

    Today has turned out to be an FD, just because I was feeling too tired and depressed to eat anything. Was debating doing three FDs this week, will see how tomorrow goes.

    Hi Pseudonum:

    Any calculator just gives an estimate from which to start. You then adjust from there.

    But your question is really about how many calories you are eating – and you don’t really know. As most people underestimate their calorie consumption by around 50% – they eat 50% more than they think they are eating – those that ‘guess’ usually are overeating.

    One hard lesson 5:2 teaches is that the human body needs very few calories to operate compared to what it is used to being fed!

    Good Luck!

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