Fat Busting Brits!!

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  • by accident, today became a fast day
    late breakfast of berries/nuts/yog and then dinner – so no lunch
    certainly over 500, but less than normal

    done one week without binge foods – ending with sugar withdrawal headache
    weigh tomorrow

    Well done KT

    Let us know how the weigh in goes… fingers are crossed for you

    Going bed now just done my first under 500 fast for months..
    Aud x

    KT that it brilliant. Xx

    Just ease in gently does it. Hopefully good news on the scales tomorrow. Xx

    Wonderful day… well done Fasters… Tomorrow you can eat what you fancy.

    Just enjoyed a couple of Ciders icy cold. Wonderful.

    Glad you arrived safely Sym… Relax and enjoy yourselves.

    Tammy … fingers crossed for the kitchen estimate. Hope it comes in good for you Xx

    Aud … hope you are feeling better. Xx

    Sleep well all our little corner. Xx

    thank you Audrey and Hemmy

    sadly – I cannot ‘enjoy what I like’
    it is not safe for me as I cannot regulate most of the time
    especially during the first 2 weeks without it

    over 5lb lost!!
    although of course most of that is water
    but has taken me just into the stone below

    really hoping I can stick with it

    Whoo whoo KT

    Audrey is up and doing her weight loss dance just for you 5lb is fantastic news…, keep trying KT…..It is working

    I am on non fast day but really trying to reign in my calories on non fast days… chicken salad for tea not sure what is for lunch yet..

    Have a good day all Fast or non fast together we are stronger

    Audrey xx

    Well done KT!!!

    Im fasting today….

    Just found out my great niece was at the concert last night…

    She is ok thank God. My thoughts go out to those who have lost someone..

    Hope you don’t mind me sharing

    Aud x

    Morning All..
    This is the life a lovely like abroad morning… makes a change had a lot of rain this year up to now…

    Out and about this morning back pm and sit out, BBQ out this evening..a make do and mend.. yesterday’s ham, egg and I will do wedges on BBQ.

    Our BP much better today.. lots of water yesterday??… mine has been terribly low of late and measuring it in case I have to go to Doctors.

    Well done on the 5 lbs off..it’s always hard until you get in the swing again…

    We did well yesterday something nice today for us .. the yesterday fasters..

    Another two hour walk today? so lovely in this lovely weather..

    Hope the gas leak is sorted a bit of a nightmare… it will all be worth it when finished.. it took our kitchen 3 months when Steve and I did it… the ‘I’ bit..I did start to finish.. only the work surfaces were done by a outside person and gas and electric. Planning, cupboards, tiling and wooden floor and utility to match..I love my kitchen ❤️

    Hoping all your plans get sorted and you will have your kitchen.

    Minols.. Carol.. where are you?..away ..hope you both ok.

    Hope my memory has put the right things to people.. sorry if wrong..

    Good luck to any fasting today.

    Jean x

    Hi everyone!

    Hope you all had lovely weekends. Sorry I’ve been a bit absent. I’ve had four days more or less total free-for-all… oops. My stomach has been so sore as a result, so it’s good motivation at least to get back in with a fast today. I’m on the way back to uni now on the train, with my coffee and my revision. It was the best weekend though, the weather was beautiful and I had such a lovely time with my parents. My mum took me on a shopping trip yesterday as a treat! Although the scales have stayed the same all month, I got a pair of jeans which I could’ve sworn I tried a month ago in the shop and which were way too tight. So I’m delighted! I’m not too worried about those final 6 lbs as much… hoping they’ll go, but not too stressed if it takes a few more months.

    Happy Tuesday and good luck fasters x

    Hi all

    Survived the fast and for the first time wasn’t hungry at all, might be because I didn’t have my normal lunchtime soup so didn’t awake my hunger! Shopping for the week came in at £27 so really pleased with that – I know I’ll be out most of the weekend and boy is with his Dad so not a true week.

    Really busy at work today, everyone stressed!

    I’ll try and read up on everyone later, good luck all fasters. Clare x


    We have had a run around ended up at Downham Market.. a walk round and coffee.. back for a sit and relax…

    Terrible what’s happened good your niece was fine.. my daughter is going to a concert in a couple of weeks in Manchester.. it’s not good.. and grandson to one in Leeds in August..what do you do it could happen to anyone…

    Glad you had a lovely weekend.. it lifts the spirit.. smaller jeans bought really nice.. push on with exams…😀

    A good cheap shopping bought.. don’t get on the stress waggon..

    Hope all today’s fastest are doing well… Hemmy, and a few others..

    Jean x

    Good afternoon FB Brits hope all is well with you and yours. Xx

    Very warm here but no sunshine yet. Did another 2 hour walk with my neighbour . Lovely as we had lived next door for nearly 10 years but only really chatted at the gate. Really enjoying her company.

    KT .. Fab-u-lous news 5lbs wow wow wow. Good for you girly. Xx

    Kay .. good luck with your Fast. Xx

    Aud .. glad your niece is ok. Very sad news today from Manchester . Xx

    Ende…You deserved a brake from Fasting, glad you got some slimmer jeans. Makes you feel sooo good. Enjoy the time with family. Xx

    Clare..That was a good shop… Nice week-end to look forward too. Try to keep calm wile all around you stress. Xx

    Sym…Sounds like you are well settled in with the good weather. This water lark does seem to be important. Everywhere I look there seems to be an article on the benefits of it. Body… skin. Stands too reason really. Xx

    Hope everyone else in the Brit corner are doing ok.

    Brit Lovelies…Don’t miss the sunshine because you’re thinking of the rain. Stay positive, focused and present! Xx

    Afternoon, not too bad here today, huge thunder and lightning storm last night.

    KT fantastic 5lbs off, well done.

    Audrey so glad your niece is ok, was up last night when it started, can’t believe it am quite emotional about it all.

    Jean enjoy your BBQ, sounds good.

    Endellion nice to have a stint at home.

    Clare good shopping skills, I would never manage it.

    Hemmy another good walk, hope your coffee was good.

    Good luck the fasters Kay, Endellion not sure who else.

    Nfd for me, no idea what is for tea.

    Tammy xxx

    I have had a busy day, walked the dogs then off to town and visit to the hair dresser. Am on 15,000 steps on fitbit! Am really trying this week to lose a good amount of weight…

    My back is holding up OK but think I have done enough for today.

    Chicken salad for tea, good luck Tuesday fasters

    Audrey x

    Hey. Just got back. Second assembly of the week. Felt much more confident. One girl came to my room later and said she thought it was a really good assembly – I nearly cried!!
    FD today – been ok. Salmon and veg for tea. OH just taken dog out then I will hear all about it. Came back to half a kitchen – the old one that is. He is tearing things out. Apparently there’ve been problems today with water but I’m sure ill hear all about it in a bit!
    Audrey hope the girl is OK – I just feel so desperate regarding this sort of attack. I fear for myself, my family but then I just feel so awful for the people who have ben affected even though I don’t know them. Just don’t understand why people need to do this.
    Anyway – beautiful weather. Hope you’re all ok xx

    Evening everyone

    Jean, you certainly seem to have picked a good time to go away. I hope the weather holds for you.

    Rowena, a new kitchen is very stressful, but worth it in the end. Gas, water…hope the dramas are over now.

    Ellie, you sound more upbeat following your visit home. I’m sure the extra calories were worth it.

    Kay, hope your FD went well today.

    Hemmy, I became friendly with a women who lives opposite me a couple of years ago when her husband died. She’s been my neighbour for over 20 years, but we’d only smiled and said hello in passing. It’s so nice to have a doorstep friendship.

    Clare, well done with the shopping. It can be tough on a tight budget, but it can be done and feels very rewarding. Hope you managed to dodge the stress.

    KT, that 5lb off is so motivating, keep at it.

    Tammy, so jealous of the thunderstorm, we haven’t had a proper one for years and we all love watching them – from the safety of the lounge.

    Aud, such great relief that your relative was safe last night. Our youngest went to a concert in Cardiff with friends last year and I kept thinking of that when I heard the dreadful news about Manchester.

    Just over 3 weeks now until Hannah (18yr old daughter) goes travelling for 7 weeks. It’s beginning to feel very real now, and with her last exam tomorrow she’ll be moving back home soon and then will be in full on travel planning mode. At least I know she’s planned everything thoroughly and she’s already started making a list of emergency numbers such as hospitals and embassies. Thank goodness she’s sensible beyond her years.

    A good FD yesterday, though not quite as low this morning as I was on Saturday, but hope to be back there after next FD.

    Another FD for me tomorrow. Anyone joining me?

    Lynne x

    Hi Lynne

    I am fasting again tomorrow so will join you if that’s ok…

    I have had a really healthy day today and exercised.. . It’s back to basic for me and I have ‘re set my weight loss tracker so I can start over…

    Back tomorrow

    Night all

    Audrey x

    Aud, always glad of company on a FD.

    Night everyone

    Lynne x

    Well I didnt manage my FD! Head wast in the right place! But I have kept it quite low, which I will repeat tomorrow and then a FD on Thursday.

    Audrey, how do you manage to clock up so many steps on your FB?! Im ok if we go out on a planned walk but otherwise only manage a token effort!!

    Weather seems to have changed already 🙁
    And weekend is now down as thick cloud rather than sun 🙁

    Good morning FB Brits hope all is well with you and yours. Xx

    A sunny start again.. hopefully lasting all day.

    FD today .. lots and lots of water .. and just try to stick to the 500 as only FD this week.

    Weight seems to be maintaining now on non FDs so pleased with that.

    Having the good weather does get us out and about more with exercise. Plus .. salads and fruit have more appeal..

    Have a good day all whatever you are doing. Xx

    Brit lovelies ..If you accept the expectations of others, especially negative ones, then you never will change the outcome. Xx

    Morning everyone!

    Audrey – it’s just such terrible news… I’m so glad your niece is okay, but she must be feeling so shaken up.
    Good luck fasting today.

    Rowena – you sound such a thoughtful teacher! Assemblies, the presents for your year 13s… teachers like that really stick with you years and years later.

    Lynne – ooh your daughter must be getting so excited now! Seven weeks is a long time and will be such a great adventure.. and it must be reassuring to know she’s going into it all so well prepared too.

    Kay, having a low day is in itself still a good achievement, so well done for that. You can do this!

    Hemmy – that’s great you’re maintaining now! Have a good fast today. I’m so grateful for the more spring-like weather – I went out and stocked up on fresh fruit and veg because I crave it so much this time of year.

    Jean – yep, so excited about those jeans! I got some little tops too. I’m feeling very positive. I took more old things down to the charity shop yesterday, so that combined with new clothes is the perfect motivation to not lose my progress so far. Although it’s going to be more of a challenge after tomorrow and my final exam (AT LAST!!!) From there on, it’s parties every single night for about two weeks, bbqs, picnics, meals out… followed by a week’s holiday.. I don’t want to miss out on a thing but will hopefully manage to have a few quieter ones here and there with some nights off drinking. To be fair I’m not sure I’ll actually survive if I don’t take some alcohol free days somewhere in there haha.

    NFD for me today. Heading off to the library for the last time ever and I can’t quite believe it. The bottle of prosecco is already chilling in the fridge…


    Morning All…

    Still lovely here 😎.. cloudy and sunny..

    Feeling like France those lovely mornings, doors open lots of windows open.. the sun makes people more friendly… a few people here going onto our big rally on Friday..

    Excited today off to the coast to Cromer and get my lovely crab for dinner tonight.. little things lol… it’s my yearly pilgrimage 😂

    I am so pleased for you… I can taste that prosecco and your excitement … have a lovely two weeks off but come back to us and keep your weight off…

    You are having some lovely chatty walks..good luck on your fd.. yes lots of water needs to be drunk especially on these hot days..

    I only make about 7,000 on my fb… I find it hard to make 10,000..

    Good luck today and fd tomorrow.. we are fasting with you..

    So exciting for Hannah.. lots to organise, 7 weeks is a long time.

    Have lots of mum time before she goes..

    Hoping the kitchen is going well.. disappearing before your eyes… 2 days to finish school..

    Thunderstorms.. lovely to watch…..hoping you get some good weather up in Scotland..

    Breakfast calling my lovely homemade granola, chia jam and kiwi…

    Enjoy the weather while we can..

    Jean x

    Ende… Awww Just enjoy this last time at the library. Xx One day though in the future you will yearning for these days again.

    Enjoy everything there is on offer now… you have worked hard and deserve it. An added extra being your weight loss.

    Prosecco will be awaiting you enjoy. Xx

    Kay.. if you cant get your FD head on .. try some 800 days they have really helped me along the way. Xx

    Aud… have a good FD. Xx

    Lynne… Yes .. it It is lovely to find another close friend. Both of us are busy .. so not in and out .. which I would hate. Lol

    All so very exciting now for your daughter … so good you have the piece of mind she is sensible. Although I am sure you will still worry.

    I worry even more now with the latest sad news about Kristy working at all the venues… there was 15 this month .. Glastonbury etc .. I will be on edge.

    Have a good day Lynne. Xx

    Shera and Tammy have a good day. Xx

    Sym… what are you two upto today. … Off walking again for a couple of hours here. Then have some old bricks… outside my backdoor area … they are “old blues” been putting it off as like original stuff … but they need a coat of something …DIY calls.

    Have a lovely relaxing day both .. with the sun shining on you. Xx

    thanks for all those positive comments

    so nice to have encouragement from others

    just need to stick at it for about a year!!!!!! 51 weeks to go lol.

    KT… That’s the stuff… just keep going at your own pace… don’t get despondent on a bad day… tomorrow is always a fresh slate. It will come off given time. Stay with us. Xx

    Morning all

    I have been on a 3 mile walk this Morning! Set off to go add a to pick up some mug shots I love the macaroni cheese one and they are on offer at the min anyhow when I came out I set my fitbit app on my phone off and set off walking. It took me 15 mins to get to town and 67 mins to get home 7623 steps 3.2 miles…

    I have reset my fitbit weight loss from when I came home to motivate me.. it seems to be working..

    With the walk in the field with the dogs first thing I am now up to 12000 steps. I am going to do a short boxing workout on my Wii then that’s me worn out for the day…

    Jean I was wondering about doing a few 800 days but just eating what I want as long as I stay under 800 do u think this would Work? Yesterday I had a mug shot for lunch then salad and fruit for tea came in under 800.. what do you Think? Enjoy Cromer I love it my ex MIL came from norfolk..

    Hope everyone is ok. Have a good day fast or non fast together we are stronger

    Audrey x

    Morning all, beautiful day here

    Lynn totally understand your worry with your daughter and the venues, she will have a great time travelling.

    Shera , hope hubby is doing ok with the kitchen, my hubby us useless, can’t take the rubbish out let alone a kitchen.!!!

    End, prosecco sounds yum, sorry I can’t figure out if your going on holiday, retiring or both?. Lol enjoy which ever it is.

    Jean, crab dinner yummy.

    Audrey you are good walking and boxing.

    I have my plans and quote for kitchen, think I am going for it😆 and have just found out my old work didn’t send my p45 to the tax office, so I am being double taxed, so refund coming my way, happy days.

    Nfd today but fasting tomorrow, good luck all the fasters.

    Jean – it’s lovely isn’t it. You can feel how much happier and relaxed everyone is when the weather is like this. I am determined not to ruin all my hard work and still squeeze in my workouts. With the fridge full of fruit and veg, this should help keep a little bit of balance.

    Hemmy – I’m sure I’ll be longing for the student life again in just a few days’ time haha! It’s definitely nice having such a clear goal to work towards with degrees and exams ahead of you. But those being over just means I’ll have to come up with some new things I want to achieve instead.

    KT – don’t think too much about how far there is to go.. just focus on the present, making sensible decisions, keeping the balance in your life, and enjoying the process. Before you realise it, the time will have passed. You’re doing a great job so far.

    Audrey – such an active day so far! I’m impressed.


    Morning all

    Another lovely day here, let’s hope the nice weather is here to stay! NFD for me & having some of my homegrown salad for lunch, just leaves & radishes so far but it’s a start 🙂

    Hemmy – you are maintaining so well, hope to be looking to you for some tips soon!

    Ellie – you have done so well, just the final hurdle then so much to look forward to, enjoy it!

    Jean – enjoy Cromer & your crab, you are so close to me in Norwich today!

    Kay – sounds like a good plan for the next couple of days, just keeping it low. I am rubbish with my fitbit, only at weekends do I ever get over 10k steps and that’s because of golf – sitting all day in an office does nothing to help

    KT – you are doing great, stick with it and remember we are her to help you through the tough days.

    Audrey – wow you have been busy, I feel exhausted just reading about your day so far! Time to relax now.

    Have a great day all, Clare x

    Hi Girls… Thought this interesting.Xx

    Sarah Smith, the subject of a Daily Mail experiment last year which has been republished on Natural Cures, is causing a stir in the beauty-sphere. Why? Because by drinking 3 litres of water a day for a month she managed to totally transform her looks.
    Starting off with dark shadows, dull skin and line formations the 42-year-old mother of two documented her physical changes week by week changing nothing in her daily routine bar upping her water intake.
    After week 1 of drinking just over 5 pints a day Sarah reported experiencing livelier bowels and improved flexibility yet an outbreak of spots, presumably from the toxin flush.
    After week 2, having dropped a pound, she said her lines looked less crepey and her complexion was clearer. Her usual headaches disappeared and her stomach was flatter while her hubby claimed her cellulite “vanished”. Woah.
    After week 3, another pound lighter, Sarah’s dark circles practically disappeared and her eye bags became less dry but more elastic, while her concentration improved and appetite for snacks decreased.
    At week 4, after losing yet another pound in weight her skin looked dewy, uniformly bright and wrinkle-free. She felt “fitter, leaner and healthier” inside and out. What’s not to love?
    Provided by National magazine company ltd (Hearst UK) While the pictures speak for themselves, skin doctor Joshua Zeichner, M.D. told our sister site Cosmo US that “there is no convincing data that eight [or more] glasses per day of water truly improves skin texture and tone”. Could her makeover really be down to good lighting and makeup? “The before seems to be lit from above, accentuating wrinkles, while the after seems to be lit from in front, allowing light to fill in wrinkles and reflect off the skin” he said. 
    Still, dehydration can make your skin look drier and more lined. “It will look flat and show tiny, triangular fine lines” Dr Joe Cincotta, who works for anti-ageing authorities Time Bomb, told us, adding “with age, skin’s ability to hold water decreases and dehydration is common”. Wrinkles can be improved with proper hydration, plus moisture-retaining skincare products.
    While we’ll remain realistic, we’re all for more water. After all, 3 litres (and not much more – be sensible!) is an easy addition to swallow whether you see big benefits or small. Xx

    Hi girls

    I am not going to be around for a few days, my daughter katie is coming home as her best friend (one of her bridesmaids) little sister has died as a result of the bombing in Manchester…

    We knew she was missing but was hoping she would be found safe and well… I have gone from relief my niece is OK to heartbreak for this family who have lost their 14 year old daughter.

    Will be back when I can, Katie is on her way home to be with her friends.

    Aud x

    Oh Audrey such terrible news, nothing I can say to help but we are thinking of you all x

    I am so so sorry, what awful news.. what can we say… we will be thinking about you all..

    You know where I am if you want a chat..


    Afternoon All…

    Lovely article about water… I think we better take heed… get another pound off..

    Hope you enjoyed your morning walk..

    You are a star getting all those steps in.., really shame me..

    Take care my friend 💕💕💕💕

    Lovely about you kitchen .. all very exciting..

    You will be finished now… enjoy your next few weeks you deserve it after all your hard work ..

    A lovely day along the coast ended up at Sherringam.. a crab bought for tonight and a pot of prawns eaten… clouding over now but still lovely..

    Take care my lovelies

    Jean x

    Audrey,how lovely of your daughter coming home to be with her friend. It hits home even more when its touches people you know 🙁

    Thanks friends

    Katie is about 30 mins away traffic allowing…

    She has known Nell since she was a toddler, she was 14 years old on a night out with schoolfriends… such a waste.

    Off now thanks again for your kind words

    Audrey x

    Thinking of you Audrey – such as sad and awful thing.

    I have had a good day. The sun is out for one which always makes me feel good. OH in London overnight so I’ll try not to worry about that! There’s more trouble with the kitchen as the company who was delivering the materials tomorrow for the builders to start now cant deliver which means the builders wont be able to build. Oh dear.
    Its a NFD today. Normally on a FD my stomach goes down and doesn’t feel big or bloated at all. Well yesterday I felt bloated and today I fee huge. Just don’t feel I’m losing any weight. Really want to lose 10lb by summer and it was achievable a few week ago but time is passing and things are going in the wrong direction.

    [post removed]

    Sorry to hear you are having problems with the kitchen.. don’t worry it will sort its self out..

    Your bloating could be water retention due the weather or the time of month… it will settle down… will it be the whoosh effect? 🤞🏻

    We have been quite naughty today given up counting calories but it was nice… we are now fasting into tomorrow and have to be good.

    Anyone else fasting tomorrow.. Kay?

    Jean x

    Dear cyber friends

    I though I would nevr post here again. I thought in a sense that my life as I had known it would be over. I was in such a dark place. My worst fears were that my newly diagnosed autoimmune condition was covering somthing much much worse. I spent today at Moorfields and my worst fears were not realised. I have felt at some stages since last posting (a couple of weeks ago) that I was losing my mind. Ok I do have a condition and need more tests to see how active it it and what medication is best but it is not life threatening. I have been so terribly sad about my grandchildren being so young. That is probably far too much information. Today I feel I have a second chance, that I actually will have a life.

    I have absolutely zero idea of what I weigh. I have been eating and no idea how much. I have eaten heathily and fearfully with ever mouthful seeming like sawdust. I might weight tomorrow to see what is happening and in an attempt to get back to reality. I will start fasting again soon for health benefits and for the benefits to autoimmune. Weight seems a bit immaterial at the moment. Maybe next week. I have been far too out of it to even think about it.

    Tributes to those of you managing chronic and/or serious health conditions on a regular basis. You have more atrength than you know. I went badly downhill when my husband was very seriously and was misdiagnosed in 2004 and have been on the verge of catastrophe over the last couple of weeks over my health.

    I hope everyone is doing well and special thanks to facebook friends, seeing you and feeling your support has made such a difference xxxxx


    Welcome back… don’t worry about the gain I too have been off piste… 1 stone up since Xmas… we can do this together.

    Sorry got to dash off

    Aud x

    Really lovely to have you back.. your worry is so very understanding.. glad things are not as bad as you first thought. I read up about it and it seems to have many different paths.

    If you are ready to start fasting again, I would start again and give yourself a couple of weeks before weighing. Get yourself feeling better about things and get yourself in a better place.

    Take care of yourself and you know we are all here for you… start looking forward to your retirement. Eat well and try and be as healthy as you can and listen to what the doctors suggest.

    Jean x

    Thanks Jean. We would have been going to Spain tomorrow but had to cancel it. Even though the news was good today I am so pleased not to be going away. Just need to chill down and get my head around things without constantly imagining a catastrphic future. I think the idea of a couple of weeks fasting and then weighing is a really good idea.

    Audrey so very sorry to hear about your daughter’s friend’s sister. What a dreadful tragedy and puts own trouble in perspective when you life like that is lost.

    Sarah, Im so pleased you are back with us and Im even more pleased that things are not quite as you initially thought, although of course it is a worry and I really hope you get some answers soon.
    Forget the weight, you know you can do it when you are ready. Just do some some healthy/aware days to get back in the groove x

    Ive lost the plot a bit too…..last night I had a bad nights sleep as Ellie was really breathing heavy and gasped a couple of times….it panicked me….although vet checked her heart and lungs and lymph nodes as said all was fine….so probably just warm.

    I feel guilty as in the scheme of things and whats happening to others, this seems less significant but Ellie is my baby and I feel bad that I cant make things better for her and give her more time with us.

    Rowena, the kitchen sounds a bit of a nightmare at the mo, hope that soon gets resolved. You dont need that at the moment. And I know what you mean about feeling bloated and large in spite of things…

    Right now to try and get some sleep….up for work again in the morning and yes I will try and fast! Its just one day right?


    Sarah it’s lovely to see you and I’m glad your worst fears weren’t realised.
    2 days to go for me. Feel like I’m on my last legs. Penultimate assembly. Still feel huge and had very broken sleep as was hot in the night. Just about to do my headspace meditation which I do each day. FD for me. Lots of water is in order I think. Xxx

    Morning all

    Quick post sorry from me, Kate got here safely.

    So far this week I have done 3 days under 800 so I am going to try for a whole week… I haven’t had any refined sugar although have had my sweetener in my 2 cups of coffee and have eaten a lot of fruit…

    Best wishes to all, will post more when I can

    Stay strong, together we are stronger

    Audrey xx

    Morning All..
    This weather gets you up early it’s so lovely..

    We are out and about this morning something for the BBQ, maybe lamb chops depending on the price..

    We are fasting today.. a bit too much food yesterday but it was my special crab day.. we won’t mention half a battenburg each as well ouch.. lovely lol lol.

    Steve didn’t sleep well we aren’t used to filling our face now 😂

    One day right!! I agree and with you..

    Hope Ellie is ok and it’s just the weather.. I understand totally how you feel.. we were just the same with Symba really beside ourselves she was our baby.. no one could understand how we felt.. maybe the vet.

    Let’s hope the kitchen soon gets sorted maybe better news today..

    Have a good day..

    We are thinking about you and your family..x

    Really glad to have you back…

    Are you shopping with mum.. have a lovely day and lunch out..

    Have a good fasting day gang let’s make it a good one..

    Jean x

    Morning everyone

    Sarah, so pleased to hear from you and that the prognosis was not what you feared. I don’t do FB, but had considered joining as I wanted to be able to keep in touch with all my friends here. I have an autoimmune thyroid disease and have gone gluten free (apart from the odd lapse) as it’s recommended for a lot of autoimmune conditions. It may be worth taking a look at. It’s also helped me with my weight loss, though for the record, I’m sure there is no gluten in cupcake tops!

    Aud, such a difficult time for many people. Thinking of you, your daughter and her friend’s family – so tragic.

    Rowena, remember the whoosh effect! The positive effects of a FD can take a few days to show, keep strong.

    Jean, you seem to have struck a good balance between feast and fast an if you can keep this whilst on holiday then you’ve got this WOL nailed.

    Kay, don’t apologise for how you feel about Ellie, it’s obvious how much you care for her and understandable that you should be concerned for her.

    Had another fair FD yesterday, and today showing another low. Still very overweight, but now only 2lb from being in the 10’s and 1 stone to be within the healthy BMI range. Bought new jeans, size 14 and a size 12 top this week though not going mad until I lose a bit more. This is a great improvement from the size 18/20 I was in December 2015 why I was diagnosed with hypothyroidism.

    Good luck anyone fasting today, off soon to break my fast with some porridge.

    Lynne x

    Audrey – such sad, sad news. You must all be devastated. Thoughts are with you.

    Sarah – what a relief and it’s so nice to have you back. I’m hopeful for you that things will improve and the medical support will help you find the best way to manage it. Still, a massive shock to the system and something that’ll take a while to come to terms with. Take care of yourself, and we are here whenever you want support.

    Tammy – no retirement, I’m actually just sitting my last uni final today! Very excited and also a little apprehensive about what is to come.

    Rowena – the bloat will pass, don’t worry. And keep gunning for that 10lbs! Remember, even if it takes longer than you’d hoped, the time is going to pass anyway, so you might as well use it to keep aiming for what you want. Slow loss is still loss and you’ll get there before you know it. My loss is so so slow at the moment, and while it’s a little demotivating, overall it’s still downwards, and I like to think I’ll be in a far better way to maintain the loss when I get there if it’s been gradual instead of drastic.

    Kay – poor you.. I really hope things improve, and I’m sure it was just due to the warmer weather.

    Paul – how awful that you were so close.. it’s really such terrible news.

    Lynne – hooray on smaller jeans! It’s one of the best motivators because if you get rid of the old ones, it tells your brain to stop entertaining the possibility of you ever being back that size, and that you are smaller and staying that way!

    Jean – such beautiful weather for the BBQ, enjoy. Reminds me I’ve been meaning to clean ours out. We’ve had one sat in the garden of our student house all year that’s not been used, so it needs a proper clean because we can entertain the thought of having people over for a BBQ. No excuses after today though!

    It’s such a gorgeous morning here. I can smell freedom…! I’m off to do a little more pre-exam revision, then get my workout done and a good shower, before heading off and sitting my final uni exam EVER! It feels ever so surreal at the moment but I’m so so so so excited.


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