Fat Busting Brits!!

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  • Hi all

    I had a jam butty for my lunch and a milky coffee…it is now tea time and I am not really hungry..

    Do you think i should not eat and call this my fast day even though I have had bread? I am under 500 kcals?

    Any replies appreciated


    If you are under 500 call it a FD …if you can manage…..I would!

    Although I try and not have carbs, a lot do and I do sometimes..I think you loose more without carbs.

    Ginette often has carbs on her FD, I think.

    You’ll be fine


    Hey Audrey,

    I thought it didn’t really matter what you do on your FD, as long as you keep under 500. the no carb thing is just a recommandation, I would count it, definitely


    Thanks Vi and Jean

    I have just struggled so much lately with my fast days I thought if I am not hungry why eat?

    I have got 15,000 steps in today and I know I have burnt a lot of calories off… hopefully a good fast day which was not planned…

    Jean I will probably not be joining you tomorrow for Monday fast after all.. who knows perhaps jam sandwiches are the way for me to go!!!

    Thanks again

    Your fast friend


    I like jam sandwiches…ummm


    Me too… I had just been so busy and suddenly realised it was lunch time….

    I just fancied a milky coffee and a jam sandwich and as it wasn’t a fast day…. although now it appears it is. ..Hehe LOL

    I have been given some apples from the owner of the site windfall apparently.. anyway they are very crisp so if I get peckish later I will snack on them…

    Have a good evening. We are not doing very well with the tennis.. 😠…

    Come on Dan Evans You can do this just hit the blooming ball…

    Better go now


    Ah what a lovely late summers day. Refused to do any housework till the sun went down. Had the most lovely walk by the river and a picnic. The sunlight is so soft this time of year and wanted to make the most of it.

    Came home and made chicken pie – NFD as you might have guessed. Fast day tomorrow.

    Audrey -milky coffee and jam sandwich sounds just great, sometimes on a FD I’m quite happy with a bit of comfort food. It fills me up and I don’t go looking for anything else but a fast day meal of healthy food often leaves me looking for more. And well done on 15000 steps 🙂

    Hi Cakey

    We have had rain here from 4 onwards it hasn’t stopped!

    I haven’t eaten since lunchtime so am feeling smug I can’t wait to weigh tomorrow although I must remember these scales weigh me heavier than the ones at home do. .

    Perhaps I should make all my fast days jam sandwich days in future lol 😆.

    Off to bed shortly the really nice part of today is, I DON’T HAVE TO FAST TOMORROW. …

    Night all


    Thank you all for your replies, will update sons progress (if) when he starts 😏

    Hi all

    I am new to these forums and pretty new to 5/2. I am at the start of my 3rd week tomorrow and lost 3lbs over the first two weeks. I know the average is about 1lb a week but had thought I might lose a bit more. I am really going to have to take care on my NFDs. I am just doing the standard diet two days a week at 500 cals and trying to eat healthily and not too much on the other days. So far so good and I feel a bit more of a change than 3lbs. I am 57 and fast on Tuesday and Thursday and I have to lose another 44lbs to go to get my bmi to 24 from 30 at 160lbs. I may revise that target but remember being that weight a decade or so ago and feeling very slim. I guess we are all different but the lower weight on a healthy bmi for my height of 5ft 9 seems incredibly low. Anyway I don’t really have to be concerned about that yet!

    I know that many of the posters on this thread have already had brilliant weight loss which is really inspiring. I know this has to be for the long haul. I have actually never tried to maintain a set weight. All my adult life I have been going up or down. Chucking out the scales several years ago was not a good idea as my hefty start weight of 207lbs indicates. I am hoping that the mutual support systems I can see on the forums will help.


    Just a quick post so cant speak to you all in person, but yes Im fasting tomorrow….maybe a jam butty is the way forward!!!

    Sorry Carol, but the cat and the cake made me smile 😉

    Welcome Sarah.

    Catch everyone tomorrow.


    Hi everyone
    I took the decision yesterday to not have a FD at about 12. it was really nice having the power for very particular reasons to change my day – something had come up at work pastorally that meant that I needed to have a cake a child brought for me. And then as a family, we needed to do something together, so I had a bacon roll as part of that. And then we had our usual meal. As you know, I feel very strongly that I will not make a big deal out of dieting or not dieting in front of my 7 year old, so I ate…but I ate in moderation – yes, really, I actually had quite a small food day of very particular choices rather than my usual ‘anything goes’ NFD!
    SO now I’m trying to decide if I want to fast today. As I’m planning to fast Wednesday into Thursday this week, I don’t feel it’s hugely important to fast today, I just feel like I might quite like to.
    Anyone else fasting today?
    BTW – Audrey…love your ‘accidental’ FD!

    Hi Kay – just noticed your last post…thinking I’ll join you today.

    Hey Guys

    It’s my FD, too. Let’s do this together. Strawberries and blueberries now, soup tonight. Will be a 400 day, tops
    Sorry not much to say


    Oh Minols, I think it’s a good idea not to stress the diet thing too much in front of your kid

    Hey Sarah,
    Welcome! I’m newer too, if you need any advice, the people here are really friendly


    Hi Vi
    That sounds a lovely healthy breakfast. I’m doing black coffee! An old friend has been up from the south, so I’m catching another coffee with her later on her way back down. And then it’ll need to start switching to lemon tea or water, I think.
    have a good day.

    Morning All,

    A very wet morning..drizzle today.

    FD for both of us so joining…. Kay, Vi, Minols, Cakey…lets go for it…😀

    Steve’s ordered a Kindle for his holiday, so we will pick that up later…it saves all the bulky books in the case, he would easily read 8 in the two weeks.

    Your day sounded lovely even with the cake…sometimes you just have too.

    What a lovely idea to walk by the river and have a picnic…there won’t be many of these days left…it gets a bit too hot for me now and I used to love the heat.

    Audrey and Ginette..
    Let’s have you back onboard…getting your heads around everything and some weight moving…stop nibbling 😅

    Welcome to our corner…we are all here long time, so pop by and join in and get to know us all. Any help you need just ask. It’s slow the weight loss it’s a pound a week for the women and a bit more for the men, so your 3 lbs off is a good start. As we say it’s a change of life not a diet.

    We are both about the same, my bmi was 29, 189 lbs now just in bmi 24.9..5′.8″ tall..I agree the weight I should be is far far too low..I am a pound off my first goal, 27lbs off, hoping for 28lbs off on Friday!! I have just decided on 150lb maintaining weight, allowing 4lb for up and down movement…. (so 12lbs more to go) unless I go to scrawny looking!

    Enjoy your busy day and a good FD.

    Hope your party went well and you are now busy packing. I am nearly packed….3/4 s maybe.

    It’s not like you with nothing to say…😀…hope you are feeling well.

    All for now
    Jean x

    Morning all

    I am not fasting today as i did mine yesterday 😇😇…lol

    I have already planned my meals for today and am hopefully having a easier day today with no water drama I hope…

    Have a good fast day everybody love to all


    HOw’s it all going, everyone…got past the lunchtime temptations? I’m chewing gum like crazy so I don’t crave the taste of anything else, and then I’ll press on with distraction technique (other people call it ‘work’!) until it’s time for the boy to get out of school.

    Jean, Cakey, Vi, Kay…hope you’re having a good one!

    Hey guys
    So far it’s going well. Had a cup of broth too, for the grand grand total of 10 cals. Feeling strong

    haha Minols– distraction other peole might call work. I’m not lucky enough to have any such distractions. Watching ANTM season 19 =P

    How it all going for you guys?



    We are both doing OK…just thinking of dinner a ham and mushroom omelette for us with some salad….not very exciting but needs must!…another hour and a bit to wait……

    Roll on tomorrow..lol


    Hi all
    So far all is good….only had herb teas and black coffee. Heading into danger time of the day, so keeping strong…good luck to fellow Fasters!!


    Hi all

    Good luck to all the fasters today, you can do this tomorrow you can eat it’s only today. ..

    Ian back tomorrow so will be pretty quiet, out for lunch with friends on Thursday so Wednesday fast for me…

    Be back soon keep going!

    Together we are stronger


    Hi all.

    Just made a sausage casserole…I’ll be having a child-sized portion! Then i’m out to talk a couple through their wedding day next month…a lovely distraction. And i’ll come home to a few raspberries with the chocolate sauce my OH makes. Should be just about the right amount of cals…if I can count all the cycling I’ve done today against the honey in the chocolate sauce!

    Not long, everyone…we can do it!


    Minols, Jean

    Your dinner sounds lovely, especially the honey chocolate sauce. Hope it’s good

    Honey chocolate sauce on raspberries….sounds very delicious …my omelette eaten ..it was OK….roll on breakfast!!

    Enjoy your soup…

    Ive got this far on fluids only so Im going to dig in and eat nothing….well done to Jean, Minols and Vi….almost there.
    Cakey how was your day?

    Audrey, glad that you are having an event free day today 😉

    Thanks Kay well done on your liquid only day very impressive. .

    Glad you have all made it through Monday fast day.

    I have had a lovely quiet day catching up on tv now sat glass of wine in hand lovely. ..

    Talk tomorrow


    Well done, Kay…don’t give in. Once you get passed a recognised food time it will be a piece of cake(!) to get through the rest of the day.


    Kay ..
    Well done on your liquid fast…. Nearly there… Looks like we all have had a good one..

    Enjoy your wine


    Looks like we all did well
    Anybody up for joining me tomorrow?

    Don’t dream too much about those rolls, Jean
    Have a nice relaxing night, Audrey

    I really don’t envy your liquid fasts, Kay, well done

    Hi all

    Thanks for the welcomes.

    Symba you must be delighted with your weight loss to date. Always really interesting to compare with someone of a similar height. I will be delighted with myself once I reach 27lbs off! Really interested in your view on bmi and far down the scale is good. I don’t think I am kidding myself when I say I have a largish frame. I remember being 160 lbs ages ago and being slim and slight, not like the hulk I am today. God knows why I let it happen, I am actually quite vain!!! 150 at an inch smaller than me sounds good.

    Not a great day yesterday. It involved eating a large cookie after making them with a three year old who was so keen I couldn’t resist. Unfortunately it went on with bad behaviour in the form of at least a dozen jelly babies (don’t ask). My planned evening meal of lots of veg and quinoa plus a chicken breast and no alcohol (unusual for a Sunday) was fine but unfortunately by then I was so tanked on sugar I succumbed to a remaining cookie half, which had ostensibly been saved for OH. It could have been worse but the remainder had gone home with the three year old. There can be few things nicer in the world than three year olds but they do play havoc with the diet a bit. It was a good reminder of how superficial that great feeling of really being on top of things is and of how many times I have got down to a sensible weight, got lazy or distracted with life or just plain guzzly and gone back up again.

    I am back on track today with porridge, yogurt and veg chilli tonight and feel ready for 500 cals tomorrow amd planned up for it. I fast on Tuesday and Thursday and would prefer a Monday really as a full stop after the weekend, but it doesn’t work for a variety of reasons. I am just hoping that when I weigh on Friday I don’t pay the price of a not very good weekend (lots of wine on Saturday) all round and a pretty catastrophic Sunday. A month ago though all that would have gone down without a moment’s thought.

    Kay, very admiring of a water fast. OMG! Not ready for that one yet!

    Good luck everyone.

    Ive let the side down. I started off ok but succumbed to choc digestives and went downhill from there. I think I probably stayed within TDEE so hopefully no damage done but definitely not a fast.

    I agree with the … Get past a meal time and psychologically you get a lift. If I can make it through till 4 pm on a fast day then I know I won’t give in.

    Will find it tricky tomorrow for various reasons so will try to eat mindfully rather than actual fast. Or maybe just follow Audrey’s jam butty and milky coffee plan 🙂

    Night night

    Morning all

    Just getting ready for Ian coming back to the caravan he should be well on his way by now…

    I am pleased you all did well yesterday. Cakey if you stick to your TDEE It’s not too bad just regroup and try again.

    Will be back on later but turning my WiFi off so not to upset Ian too much with notifications Hehe LOL

    Have a great day

    Sarah good luck with your fast today. I am doing a fast tomorrow.


    Morning all.

    Off on hol today. Will try and post depending on internet access. No FD for 10 days, a few pounds up unfortunately. Stress level very high with looming flight.

    Hope all goes well for everyone. Post soon.

    X Carol

    Carol have a wonderful time..


    Morning All,

    Another winters morning rather dull…dare I say it heating has been on for two days but not all day!! We are naughty..😀

    Have a lovely holiday and keep those stress levels down, enjoy your river cruise. Pop by if you can it’s sometimes hard with the wifi. Don’t let the B get you down keep strong…❤️

    Your day sounded lovely cooking with little ones, these days can’t be brought back just enjoy them. Good luck on your FD today hope it goes well.

    Having the boy back today, you will be looking forward to some company. Keep the nibbles at bay…lol

    Our scales still looking kind today at mid week weigh in, Steve looking good…he has just stated a very low thoughtful week to Friday!

    Take care and thinking about you ❤️

    Chocolate digestive biscuits…oh no…possibly not as bad as you think…draw the line and off you go again….we all do it ask Minols and her custard creams…lol

    Good luck on another FD, I can only do 2 a week.

    Strangely I am not hungry after my FD, so I will eat a little bit later.

    You always do well with your liquid only days…maybe one day for me,

    Hope you enjoyed your meal yesterday it sounded really lovely. Choc sauce and rasps ummm.

    Off shopping later a few last minute things

    Jean x

    Hi all

    Chocolate digestives are a killer, Cakey – they got me late last night, too. Oh well. We get up to a new day.

    And mine is a day of choosing each thing to eat because I love it – toast and honey for breakfast, a Caesar salad wrap for lunch and so on. I want every flavour to give me a buzz today, and to be very deliberate about it. Tomorrow I plan to fluid fast, and in the light of last week’s experiment, if I manage the fluid fast tomorrow, I’m going to extend it into Thursday, and finish with the boy’s requested macaroni cheese (I’ll have the child-sized portion and he can have the adult one!). So that’s the plan for the next 72 hours…watch this space!

    Safe travels, Carol.



    You seem to have hatched a three day plan…savouring every morsel of food to pass your lips, eating slowly, being mindful…..good luck


    Hey guys,

    it’s another FD for me. I caved yesterday and had a piece of salmon with my soup so I came rather close to my 500 threshold =( I’m having couscous ‘meal salad’today and tomorrow, so that’s a nice prospect.

    Hey Carol
    Have a nice time on holiday. Just take a melatonine tablet if you’re really nervous, it will take the edge off in a natural way.

    Hey Sarah
    We’re fasting together today. And if you ask me your Sunday wasn’t so bad… a cookie and some wine? =) Let us know how it’s going for you

    Hey Jean,
    You sound as if you enjoyed your omelette about as much as I did my soup. Luckily you can eat today. How’s Steve doing?
    I’m still not feeling well, but I don’t want to mention it a lot

    Hey Audrey,
    We can fast together tomorrow. Going the sandwich route again? Have a good day with Ian

    If you’re having a bad time, we won’t judge, just pop by. Hope you are well

    A couple of cookies won’t matter much, certainly not with all the walking you did. Keep your head up

    Have a nice day everyone

    x Vi

    Steve is doing well..the scales for his mid week weigh in are down a pound for him..( hope it stays off)…it’s made him feel positive for this week …low calorie thoughtful food choices for 3 days…he says, all good.

    Hope you soon start to feel better.

    Jean x

    Hi all

    Ian is here and now fast asleep in bed bless…

    We are on spaghetti Bolognese for tea tonight and tomorrow’s fast day is cottage pie made the slimming world way with lots of veggies. .. sorry all not jam sandwich.. hehehe LOL😀😀

    Have a good day all its a beautiful sunny day here….


    Well I made it, although there were a couple of times in the evening when I considered having just something of 100 cals or so. Thing is it would have been either a choc biscuit or cheese and it may not have stopped there!
    We have a house inspection by the landlord at 11 and Ive not yet eaten yet, so Im going to hold out as long as I can.
    Im going to do something similar to Minols and try to choose tasty things to enjoy slowly. The day after my FD is normally one where I have licence to eat everything in sight, and there is no need, so I am going to work on getting these days under control.

    Minols…..you and your biscuits!!! Ban them from the house! Good plan for the next few days though.

    Carol….try and enjoy your holiday as much as you can. Be selfish and look after yourself.

    Audrey….glad that Ian is back. Hope you have some distractions so there is no nibbling.

    Vi….you still had a FD so well done. Enjoy your couscous…I do like couscous but dont have it very often. Hope you feel better soon. And yes Im a pescetarian.

    Jean….well done on yesterday too. Lets hope Steves positivity is a good sign and it rubs off on you too.

    Sarah….doesnt sound like you are doing too bad and good luck with today.

    Cakey…..dont worry about it.It sounds like you had a good day and didnt overeat anyway. Thats the beauty of this, its a way of life, so if you dont do a FD on one day, you just choose another one to focus on. Join Minols and me today in having a mindful day of eating and choosing food carefully then really enjoying it.

    Ginette and Lynda….hope you are both ok.

    We are definitely going camping this weekend, the last of this year. We are only going to the coast an hour away but have planned walks for the 3 days so it should be nice. We do have the excellent camping heater for the evenings 😉
    So thats Friday til Monday so my next FD will be on Thursday (a 400 cal day) ahead of my weigh in on Friday morning.

    Have a good day all.

    Laters, Kay.


    Lovely you are having your plan in place too….looks like we are all doing well. Good FD’s rub off onto our positive mood!

    We too are all rearing to go with no naughties…been to Lidl this morning and passed on the warm vanilla pastries..😇

    Have a lovely camping weekend with all your walking…enjoy.

    Jean x

    Have a lovely relaxing time with Ian.

    You too all planned ahead…what’s matter with us all this week…😇…

    Good results I hope..

    Jean x

    Last post before holiday.

    Thanks for your holiday wishes. Cant keep the stress levels down, not until I’m strapped into my plane seat, if it fastens. I’m a few pounds up with no FD recently.

    Will keep in touch if I can.

    Keep up the good work. Bye for now.

    X Carol

    I should explain about the chocolate sauce…OH is not really supposed to have sugar (among a whole load of other complicated things for complicated reasons), but he loves chocolate. So years ago he started buying really really dark choc with very little sugar in it, melting it and adding a little honey. Sometimes it would re-set, sometimes in wouldn’t and so the sauce was born!

    I don’t keep biscuits in the house (my problem is the tin in the cupboard at work!), but in the evening we often feel like a wee something. We get into really bad habits, but at the moment, we’re being quite good and just having a few fresh berries and…the yummy honey sauce!

    Right, my wrap awaits.


    Still sounds yummie, Minols. Kind of like fondue
    Oh my.. the new episode of the Voice (US) just came online, I’m streaming, though I will say that if they offered it in my country as paid content, I would happily pay

    I love Adam Levine, lol


    You do realise that honey is about 55% fructose, 30% glucose and smaller amounts of sucrose (glucose + fructose), maltose (2 glucose joined together) and a small amount of water. Fructose must be processed by the liver and stored as fat. It can not be directly used as an energy source like glucose. It tastes a lot sweeter than glucose hence it is favoured as a sweetener in most processed foods. There are some benefits in eating it if you suffer from allergies and hayfever but only if you buy locally sourced honey in your region. The “medicinal” benefits of honey have been largely over spruiked by food companies.

    Hi all

    As far as I can tell it is Vi and Audrey fasting today. I hope it is going well for both of you. I am completely ravenous but determined. Not yet had dinner but going to bulk it out with piles of cabbage. Oh yum (sigh). I am telling myself that I am going to eat what I like tomorrow. I am going to follow Minols’ lead and eat well tomorrow and enjoy every mouthful and mac cheese sounds wonderful at any time and especially right now. This is my 5th fast and the hardest by far. Tbh the first few were quite easy. I think I went to bed last night a bit hungry and it has continued like that. I hope both of you are finding it not so hard today.

    Vi I have been reading a few back posts on this thread – really sorry you are not feeling well and on top of your accommodation worries too. I hope you feel a bit better soon.

    Symba the three year old in question was my grandson. Hope you’ve had a good day.

    Hope everyone has had a good day with all thoughts of chocolate digestives banned from their thoughts.

    I will get thinner, I will, I will….

    Off to shred cabbage!


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