Fat Busting Brits!!

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  • Hey Sarah

    My FD went well. Had my couscous salad at 17.00 (I’m weak) I find that what really works on FD’s is to eat food you really like, so you can look forward to the little amount you eat.

    Seems like you’ve got a handle on it
    Tomorrow unfortunately is yet another FD, I’m kidding. It’s not so bad.

    Enjoy your Mac and Cheese, I’m planning on enjoying it too, vicariously

    Don’t despair, I’m in it for the long haul, too. We’ll get there, one FD at a time

    x Vi

    Hi Vi

    Clearly you are not weak! Managing two back to back FDs! Hardcore strength. I will be in bed by 10 at the latest to keep me from temptation. Good luck tomorrow. S x

    Vi and Sarah…

    Well done on your FD hope you have managed to the end.

    Jean X

    Thank you Symba. i did. Starving but in bed so safe…looking forward to breakfast. Hope your day was good!

    Hey Guys

    My last FD at least until Saturday or Sunday, it’s my mom’s birthday tomorrow and Marco and I have a snack date that was in the planning since -literally- June, so I might need an extra one. What do you guys think?

    It’s always super stressful for me to go home ( to my parents ) they still treat me like I’m 10. All my decision making power goes right out the window the moment I get there. It’s not their fault – I have a serious speech impedement, which only gets worse under pressure, and circumstances forced me to move out when I was 12, we never got to develop as a family, but I’m seriously not looking forward to going _ I know that’s a bad thing to say –

    Hey Sarah

    You got through it!

    Are we still in this today?

    It’s a nice sunny day here, and at least I will be back here Friday. Not going until 20.00 so today I will be able to check in regularly

    Have a good day everyone

    Morning all

    I have Got Ian ourside cutting the lawn so time for a quick post.

    I am indeed fasting today. Cottage pie for evening meal only liquid until then… my tummy has been a little upset of late IBS has been playing up so a rest day should help.

    Have a good day everybody together we are stronger


    Well done to yesterday’s fasters! Anyone else on a FD today? I’m sitting at my desk with a pile of writing to get done, and a drawer full of chewing gum. The coffee pot is on the heater to keep it warm so I can keep drinking for the next hour, and I have a couple of visits that I want to make to people who I know will be lovely and distracting if I feel myself starting to weaken! I am doing everything possible to help my tiny little bit of will-power succeed today! Anyone else like working to a plan?!

    Vi – I really hope you have a good time for your Mum’s birthday. I know parents can be stressful – there are no perfect family relationships no matter what it looks like from outside. I’ve been trying to remember that my mother-in-law has played some part in creating the man I married, and at some point has felt about him the way I feel about the boy…and that helps me cut her some slack! You – with your abilities to think outside of your situation and see the point of view of others – are partly who you are thanks to your parents (both the plusses and the minuses!), and if nothing else helps, feel free to borrow my mantra – ‘I can survive all things (even Chinese water torture) for x amount of time’. Obviously, you have to fill in the ‘x’, and it loses something of the mantra-like feel if it’s too long a time! And equally, I must at some time having been reading about water torture at the time I adopted the mantra some 30 years ago!! And final equally, I’m a complete woose and could never survive water torture without telling everything I know about where the Queen keeps the crown jewels…but you get the point?!

    Anyway = take care.


    Morning All,

    A dull day here but not raining.

    We seem to be very on the ball here at the moment, both of us. We are having another mindful day. Scales looking good for Steve.

    Homemade vegetable soup for lunch with a bread cake to share. Tonight slow cooked pulled pork with apple and onion gravy with rice…really delicious it hits the spot.

    I hope you enjoy your trip to your parents and isn’t so stressful. Our children are always our children, I have two daughters, 45 and 43 the maternal instinct is always there. Then goes over to grandchildren.

    As for the fasting to do 4 a week you could easily miss one…but it is up to you.

    Glad the day went well and you made it. We sometimes have a small glass of milk ( a whisky glass) about 9pm it takes the hunger pangs away, MM tells you to do it, it can help you sleep. I must admit I don’t count it! It doesn’t seem to alter anything.

    Audrey and Ginette..
    Are you both joining Vi today fasting…lets get you both back on track…or with us tomorrow with Sarah.

    Kay, Minols…
    Hope your plans still working thoughtful eating a few of us are joining you. Good idea..😀

    Speak later

    Jean x

    Thanks Minols,

    I think I will adopt your mantra. I think it’s wrong to talk about your parents in such a way, it all comes from a loving place — but, that get’s a little hard to remember when my dad won’t put on the shirt I want to wear (again something innocous). And you make a good point in some ways they made me who I am. Though, my perspective and patience comes from my situation in life. My mom is a very contentious person… oh well- we all have our foibles.
    Here I would also like to admit that I have no ide what water toture is. Is that when someone basically tries to drown you by holding your head under water, to make you spill your guts?

    It’s a fast day for me too, so I had strawberries and blueberries for breakfast and will have the other half of my coucous salad later.
    I thought you were just doing mindful eating til Thursday, or did I mess up?
    Anyway good luck today

    Hey Jean
    Yeah, I understand about the momma-bear syndrome, so I get where they are coming from… have to say that it still doesn’t make things any less annoying. The last time I was there was at Christmas… so
    I was actually talking about doing an extra FD on Saturday, to make up for the snacking and unhealthy eating of the day(s) before.


    Sorry, double post

    Hi Vi – don’t really know what Chinese water torture is either…can’t even think where the reference would have come from all those years ago!

    Yesterday, I was enjoying and savouring every morsel of anything as long as it was REALLY tasty, so that today I would fast and hopefully keep fasting until THursday tea-time. I find it really hard to keep an exact memory of everyone’s plans, and I certainly don’t type so that everyone else will know mine…it’s more that it’s really useful to have declared an intention and know that there is both some shared accountability and if necessary (!) forgiveness.

    So I think it’s you, me, Audrey and Ginette keeping each other honest today?


    Hey Minols.

    I’m here for support. In Holland tea-time is around 10.00, but I think it’s 16.00 over there, right? You can do it

    Hi All

    Well I’m back, I’m sorry that I haven’t been on the forum.

    I have a bad couple of days, I heard that someone I used to teach passed away, he was with me for about 4 years. He was 34 and had a massive seizure. Funeral is at the end of this week. September is a bad time of me anyway, this will be the 4th or 5th funeral this year.

    I went to my health trainer yesterday, I have put on 10lbs, I shall weigh myself at home tomorrow as I always weigh after fast day.

    I knew I had put on, I feel uncomfortable. We planned a strategy for getting back in control with me. Cut the junk by 3/4.

    I had a nice exeperience yesterday, an unexpected kindness from someone.

    I’m sorry if I haven’t read back posts but just wanted to get back on. Xx

    Glad you are back Ginette you have been missed… hopefully we will have Lynda back soon also…

    Fast day going well but someone has just cooked some bacon and the smell was wafting across the caravan site… I was drooling for a while hehe LOL 😆..

    Off now going clothes shopping will buy small to motivate me.

    Back later


    Hey Ginette

    Nice to have you back
    Sorry about your loss

    Hey Audrey

    Bacon always does that to me too. Good job on resisting! Hope you find something nice at the mall


    Bacon is definitely one of the smells of heaven, along with fresh bread and coffee!

    We’re hitting the dodgy middle meal time of day…I’m back on the gum!

    Look after yourself, Ginette.


    Hi all

    Back from shopping not bought any clothes isn’t it funny how some times you find loads and the next time zero…

    We have been for a lovely drive around the island and stopped at a little farm shop that makes the most amazing cakes and of course it would have been rude not to buy one but don’t worry I haven’t had any it is locked away in the fridge until tomorrow… although at the moment I have got Ian crunching away on a great big oat n raisin cookie…grr 😈😈…

    I will resist and do this fast day I promise no caving in… together we are stronger..


    We had a phone call from my sister, she was very snappy and depressed. So we went to visit her and stayed four hours…ham sandwich for lunch.

    She has issues with sons new partner who is quite unwell at the moment…she takes lots of painkiller drugs and alcohol …although she is supposed to be off them now….looks like he’s taken more on than he thought. Then there are two young children with them also.

    I think she seemed better when we left her as she had talked it through.

    Things are up and down with us all…never settled.

    Poor Symba seems unwell, not eating hope she settles before our holiday.

    Ginette nice to have you back on board, we are here to help.x

    Bacon smells so lovely hits the spot…lol

    Jean x


    Well done on the cakes very proud of you.

    Enjoy tomorrow.

    Jean x

    PS….There seems a delay on my posts coming through, I write and people are jumping above me???

    Keep strong, Audrey…think how good the cake will taste – tomorrow!
    How are we all doing with today’s fast? Just cooking ribs for the male members of the household who like that sort of thing, and I’ll have a miso soup before heading out for the evening’s work. Not feeling too bad…just need to not eat for the sake of it! I know that if I can get to bed-time, that sleep takes care of things until tomorrow, and then I don’t expect to feel hungry first thing so hope to make it to teatime…I know I’ve said all this before…just keeping it at the front of my mind!

    I have had my cottage pie. I am avoiding the fridge and telling myself its full of healthy things nothing too tasty in it at all..

    Ian sat munching sweeties now I take it he is not supporting me on my fast today..

    Meal out for lunch tomorrow keep strong my fellow fasters we can do this one fast day at a time


    Still going strong. Cous Cous salad was excellent Keep strong everybody. We can do it

    Hi all


    Ginette, we haven’t really met but sorry to hear about your sad news. Weight palls into insignificance when faced with a tragedy but that aside you might be feeling not great physically because of the 10lbs, but looking at your profile you have done so well and made such good inroads. My sister has a larger amount than you to lose and I know how she feels when she falls of the wagon. She is doing well at the mo and lost 3 stone at a group – actually forget which one, but group leader says something to anyone who has put on. She says, ‘don’t catastrophise, it’ll only change your life if you don’t put it behind you.’ I don’t mean to say that I think you are catastrophising which isn’t actually a word, but I think it is quite a good thought for when you are not in the zone as much as you want. My sister also has a visualisation thing which I think sounds good. She has two jars, one with stones which represent the pounds she needs to lose in one and then she transfers them as she loses them into the other jar. I thought that was a nice little visual trick.

    Vi, I think you describe a very common parent/child thing and I guess it is easy to say to make a joke that your dad can decide what you wear if you can exchange the favour, it is may be not easy to do in practice. I had a tense relationship with my parents sometimes and especially when they didn’t approve of me, which happened a lot when I was younger but I have lost both of them in the last couple of years and i would do literally anything for just a five minute chat with them. I am quite sure I irritate my children who are in their 30s. I try not to admit that too often!

    Symba thanks for the milk tip. I will give that a go. I was desperate last night but woke this morning not hungry and feeeling good. I must admit that at one point I was thinking if I don’t do it, I will have to tell the FBBs and it helped. I hope your Symba (cat?) is ok. My OH phoned me at work today to say that my little black cat Dora, very shy and sweet needs some teeth out next week and they have to run tests as she is losing weight. I do love both my cats, but Dora is so tentative I have a special place in my heart for her.

    Anyone fasting today hang on in there, you are nearly through the day. I think you feel more in the zone after one good FD! My second FD is tomorrow and I think for several others. I am going to enjoy my dinner tonight and as it won’t make itself, I am off to get started on that. Trying to recreate a restaurant meal involving smoked trout and haricot beans…

    Ps Audrey – you are fasting and on holiday. Respect!

    Thanks Sarah your post was just the encouragement I needed…I may try the jar idea.. I work well with visualisation. ..Thanks..

    Does anyone want a husband? because if mine carries on eating I am going to bar him from the caravan… hehe LOL

    Almost through the day now then tomorrow lunch out with goo friends then back here for the LEMON CAKE… ooh I can’t wait… it’s 7.30 do you think I should go to bed now haha

    Ginette how are you getting on? Stay strong we can do this.. 10 lbs we will soon lose that together… next week we get the Wii back out is it a deal? 😇

    Off now will be back tomorrow goodnight all and good luck



    Well done on the fasters today…nearly over.

    We have had a good day today …leading into our FD….we are both trying hard to have a good weigh in on Friday…Steve very much so.

    Symba hasn’t eaten since yesterday morning, so we are a bit concerned…we went out and bought her a cooked chicken piece and a pork pie, but she’s not interested. Thought she might of fancied a pork pie she ate 2 when she had her 5 teeth out…bless.

    Sarah..she is a 22 year old cat. Good luck on Dora next week. We are joining you tomorrow fasting.

    Audrey…..Ian is being rather naughty in front of you…have a lovely meal tomorrow and have a piece of the lemon cake for me..one of my favourites.

    Ginette ..lets get you back on board. Get the wifi out, it worked well last time.

    Sarah, Steve and me…any more fasting tomorrow.

    Jean x

    Near.y there. Just sat through a meeting next to a plate of biscuits. Can’t believe I didn’t weaken…was channelling the FBB (like the use of initials for you all – good idea, Sarah!)
    20 minutes and I’ll be safely in bed.

    Hi all

    Thanks for the welcome backs.


    I had omelette and bacon for dinner tonight and minestrone soup earlier. This is a new range from Asda, pasta was in a small bag, I didn’t cook it, 20g worth it would have added too many calories, 80 calories more over 3 bowls of soup. It was really nice, I added a small onion, garlic and some mushrooms. I only used half of the tomato instead of a whole tin as suggested.

    The day came in at over 500 but a good day in the end. I am hoping to decorate next week, I was going to be this but now I have a funeral and I was busy the early part of next week. Maybe the week after for the Wii.

    Hi Mino

    I hope your day went well, yes I agree, the forum keeps us trying to be good at least.

    Hi Vi

    Yes it is sad especially when so young. He lived in supported living as many of my students do.

    I quite like the mint cous cous with salad.

    H Sarah

    Nice to see you here. Yes I have done quite well and I think of that and how I don’t want it to slide and further. I don’t think I have updated my profile in a while. I got to just over 5 stone loss now I’m back to about four and a half…… So I need to get that recent gain sorted out.

    Hi Jean

    Good luck on your fast day tomorrow. I am going to decorate at some point next week, so maybe I’ll get the Wii back out afterwards.

    I shall weigh myself tomorrow to see what my home weight registers at. I’ll report the damage……

    Hi all,

    Quick check in….Ive not done too bad today…it was a NFD and I ate normally rather than feasted and managed a 5 mile walk. Tomorrow its a FD.

    Glad you’re back. Sorry to hear your news 🙁
    Hope you get back on track with the 5:2 now your trainer is back.

    I hope the positivity of the FBBs stopped you in your tracks if you went anywhere near the biscuit tin this evening.

    I hope Symba picks up tomorrow. I hate it when our pets are ill and we dont know whats wrong or cant help.

    Well done today. And enjoy the cake tomorrow. Is it lemon drizzle cake….mmmm….

    How was the trout? Sounds lovely.
    Hope Dora is ok.

    We can’t choose our families unfortunately and I think there are very few people who can honestly say that there is no dysfunction amongst their family somewhere in some way. Its normal!
    That said, I hope its not too stressful for you and I wouldnt worry about cramming another FD in this week. Remember this is a way of life and not about what happens in a 7 day period.

    Hows it going?

    So, Im with Sarah, Jean and Steve fasting tomorrow. Anyone else? Im going to have my cals in one meal early evening.

    Off to bed but catch you all tomorrow.


    Morning all

    It’s a beautiful morning here but there is a slight nip in the air Autumn is on its way..

    I have already walked the dogs and had a shower which was just about aired brrr… lunch out today with friends and lemon cake also. … will have to keep a close eye on those calories today…

    We are going home tomorrow as rain is forecast for us on Sat. .. good luck to all the fadters today. ..
    I have weighed in think i am slightly up a lb or so but until I get home will not know for sure..

    Will post later if I get chance to a busy day out for us…


    Just drawing my long FD to a close…not sure when. Plan A is still 4.30 macaroni cheese…but I may nibble something before then! Yesterday went really well, so pretty chuffed. There’s very little that is more satisfying than self-control (except a bacon roll!)

    Good luck to Kay, Jean, Steve and Sarah today…it feels a little like a relay race, handing on the fasting baton to the next runners!

    HOpe your visit with your parents has gone alright, VI – been thinking of you all.


    Morning All,

    A dry dull day.

    4 of us fasting today…any more?

    Hair colouring again this morning for the holiday make me presentable! Haven’t decided yet on any other things.

    Glad the FD went well and a plan is in place for next week…

    Enjoy your meal out today and also the lemon cake.

    Let’s do a good FD. We are both feeling quite positive here at the moment.

    Symba has nearly eaten a pouch of food over night which is good but she is drinking lots of water! Which is not good we never see her drinking so it’s not a good sign.

    Have a good camping trip this weekend.

    Let’s get another FD in, they seem to come around quick.

    I have started having a small hand full of almonds on an evening after dinner not every day ( not a FD) I have noticed it makes me feel full the next morning I have missed a few breakfasts. So cutting extra calories out.

    You missing out on biscuits?? You were very strong ..well done

    Hoping the weekend goes better than you think…deep breaths…..it’s only a weekend it will make your parents happy.

    Speak later ..All have a lovely day

    Jean x

    Kay and Sarah…

    We are all in control here, I have just had a oxo and Steve a cup of tea.

    Ham salad for tonight’s meal.

    How are you both doing?


    Arghhh…just caved in and had a choc biscuit with my coffee!!!!
    Saw my other half munching on one and tried to ignore the fact there were a couple left. Walked away from the kitchen once but didnt manage it the 2nd time!

    So thats 117cals off my day quota and a baddie food I dont usually allow myself on a FD.

    Tis done now, so just to keep busy until dinner time….

    Oh Kay…..what you doing….do the best you can.


    I am doing fine at the mo but back unexpectedly early, usually better if I am really busy all day. I had a yogurt an hour ago and M&S stay fuller longer chicken chow mein and brocolli on the side for tonight. Nothing else!

    Kay you haven’t ruined it, claw it back! My real motivation for completing today is so I don’t have to do it tomorrow. Very wimpish about denial on Fridays! The trout was ok, it was with canellini beans not haricot as I said. Wasn’t to standard of the restaurant version but tastyish.

    Poor Symba (cat not 7). It doesn’t sound great I agree but we thought a friend’s elderly cat was on the way out earlier this year and she had another good six months. Fingers crossed. Dora is only 9 but she seems ok in herself. Only on sachets now because of teeth not a mixture of wet and dry as our other cat. Symba you and Steve sound like you are right on track! The oxo has made me think I might calculate a mug vegetable boillion powder…as I’m in.

    Would be good if everyone doing an FD today could complete it to calorie count even if the content not totally perfect.

    Minols I Sometimes inhabit the twilight world of face to face with a plate of biscuits at an evening meeting, you did well to resist. Personally jamie dodgers (only the ones with cream) are my personal meeting biscuit nemesis.

    Hang in there FD FBBs!

    Hey Guys,

    Just a quick post from birthday central. It’s a nice half-sunny day. We sat outside in the back-garden in the sun for a couple of hours. My nieces were here, Robin and Lente – Spring-, plus Diana my brother’s wife. My mother is having fun. We made scones (I read the recipe, very important task, not to be underestimated =P.
    Back at Hoogeveldt tomorrow
    Hope everyone is doing well on this massive FD


    Vi hope ur having a great birthday bash and enjoying catching up with everyone…

    We are back from lunch had a lovely steak and onion ciabatta with fries followed by lemon cake when we got home….

    Talk later good luck to all my fasting friends


    FD FBBs…have I missed something?

    The only problem with Symba we are away on holiday for 17 days from Tuesday 😁 We have a lady visiting her to check and feed her!! Too old for kennels.

    Calorie count on FDs, I will see what I can do…😀

    Sounds like a lovely lunch out…hope the lemon cake was worth the wait. Safe journey home tomorrow…hoping scales are kind..to us all…lol

    Good outside birthday bash…hoping the scones went down well…jam and cream? Yummy

    Are you holding out after your wobble…


    Sorry Symba – Fast Day Fat Busting Brits! Oh dear it is such a worry when animals are not well. I hope she comes round over the weekend so you feel a bit more comfortable about your holiday. Hopefully you can contact your cat feeder to see how she is. We don’t do kennels either. Think mostly they are happier at home. A cup of veg bollion at 12 cals filled a hungry moment.

    Vi, only an evening left, hope you do enjoy it. I hope seeing your nieces was good and I reckon you deserve a guilt free scone!

    Wishing the evening away so I can safely in bed and away from kitchen. Rock and roll eh?!

    My FD food today

    Tea in bed…15 cal
    Breakfast…..Strawberries, blueberries, half grapefruit, tea…94 cals
    Lunch…..Oxo…15 cal
    Dinner…2 slice cooked ham, lettuce, med tomato, Half small apple,1 tbl sp cold slaw, 1 tbl sp shreddied cheese, 1 tbl sp light mayo. Tea….198 cals

    Up to now 322 calories

    A whisky glass of 200 ml milk…100 cals later at 9pm

    422 calories on finish.

    Hope it helps
    Jean x

    Oh sorry to confuse, I didn’t really mean we should show our added cals! Although happy to. I just meant good if we could all get in at under our 500 for the day.

    Anyway 422 highly impressive. I get it down to single figure deficits only. Interested you allow 15 for the milk in tea. i have been trying to decide on that. At work I drink both coffee and tea black but not at home.

    Mine will be tea X2 =30, yogurt at lunch 98, veg boillion 12, dinner M&S chow mein 298, plus brocolli 40 total 478, which gives me enough for a final cup of tea 15 total 493.

    Your salad sounds nice, shredded cheese, how tasty! Thank goodness it is Friday shortly!

    Ham salad very boring I don’t enjoy it really…but needs must..I do like half a peach sliced on top it tastes better but it’s late in the season now.

    Sometimes instead of ham, chicken breast, a pork chop or two lamb chops with salad…I am eating up all my bits and pieces up before holiday at the moment.

    I have my coffee in the day with milk..20 cal…instead of my tea.

    I feel today’s gone well for us both, always look forward to our weigh in tomorrow morning and Friday is our day off…a meal out , glass of wine or a treat..whatever takes our fancy!

    Have a good night and a good finish yourself.

    Jean x

    HI Jean, well at the moment your ham salad sounds absolutely wonderful! I am weighing tomorrow morning too. I do feel thinner and I definitely have a bit more energy. Really hope to have lost. You too have a good night. Nice holiday dreams xx

    Good luck Sarah x

    FD failed….ah well….away tomorrow camping til Monday and then back to it.

    Weigh in tomorrow and it will be up but it will come back down.

    Well done Sarah and Jean…..and good luck to you both (and Steve) for weigh in.

    Glad you are bearing up Vi….back home tomorrow.

    Sounds like you had a lovely day Audrey.

    Have a good weekend all. I think the internet is going to be hit and miss whilst Im away but I’ll check in when I can.

    Take care all.


    Evening all, well my son has completed his 2 FDs (Monday &a Wednesday). He said he didn’t feel hungry (1st day) as such but did feel weak/lethargic and had a headache. He hadn’t slept well either so that didn’t help. 2nd day was easier and actually ended up under 600 cals. He’s not doing anything special on non FDs but is conscious of portion size, like today he had 2 individual pizza slices where he’d normally have the whole large pizza 😏. Will be interesting to see if it’s working come weigh in.
    Thanks again for your advice 🤗.

    HI Shirty – I’m lethargic and weak at times on FD and don’t drink enough water so get a headache, too. Water, water, water seems to be the key. Glad it went well for him.

    Well, I managed yesterday to get to 2.30 when I decided I’d really like some yogurt and muesli, and then followed that up with Macaroni cheese, and chocolate! Essentially, from 2.30 onwards I probably ate a NFD worth of calories, but I’m not too dismayed. As an experiment, I never meant to do 2 FD back to back, for me it was about extending a single FD…stretching it to see how far I could. I seem to remember reading that one of the things about a FD was to try to give yourself long stretches without food to enable cell regeneration (or something) if at all possible rather than grazing on micro amounts…and if that is the case then I’ve had a good, long, luxurious stretch!

    We’ll see on Sunday if the experiment actually helps me to lose weight or not!

    Well done to yesterday’s fasters…anyone picking up the baton for today or is everyone resting!


    2lbs off this week. BMI just under 30 at 29.8. That is 5 off in total. 42 to go. Sigh. I don’t measure but I am going to start I think.

    I feel better than the 5lbs would indicate. I do feel thinner and have a bit more energy. Really have to get it into my head that this is a long slow process and then a way of eating for life. If I just eat what I want I will stay fat, get fatter, be unhealthy and hasten age related nasties.

    I just said 2lbs off to my OH and he looked at me blankly. I think he thought I had found a sale bargain online. Lol.

    Jean, hope the scales good for you and Steve. Minols, a very long and very successful fast day then. Vi you will be back in your own space today. Wine tonight for me!


    Morning All,

    Well what a good week, Audrey dance please and a drum roll…… 2lbs off each..😀

    I am 1 pound now below my goal…so pleased as you all know I am a pound a week girl.

    New goal set for me another 10 pounds off to 150 lbs, I will let my body tell me if I need to be that low I may stop before then.

    Well done to you, you can share Audrey’s dance!! 2 lbs off is good going, I hardly ever do that.

    I think we really put our minds to it and got focused.

    Hope your new plan works and some movement for you on Sunday.

    Safe journey home Audrey.

    Have a good day all, must dash…. off to Doctors taking Steve for some hand injections for….ouch!…I will possibly have to drive.

    Jean x

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