Day 2 not so good!

This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  wiltldnrUSA 11 years, 2 months ago.

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  • Well my first day on Monday went fab! Today however is a different story! Started off great, no food until 12.30. Then at 5 I had a bowl of soup but have just had a caramel bar! Wanted to have chicken and veg for dinner about 7. I am a bit annoyed at myself! I Need to get a grip!



    u may call me usa
    i know it has been more than 4 months
    this forum is growing super-fast

    ur going 2 be fine

    it is hard but u did start so congrats

    tell us what has been happening since

    just add a fast day

    mayb ur a grazer or a 2 mealer or 1 mealer

    click this link of this forum mayb it will help

    happy nonfastdays & fastdays or 4/2/1 or 3/3/1 or atf w/1 or 6/1 😀

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