Can this really be an "eating plan"for life?

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Can this really be an "eating plan"for life?

This topic contains 3 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Gail B 9 years, 3 months ago.

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  • I have been doing this plan for a few weeks and lost a couple of pounds which is fine with me because I only want to lose about half a stone and mainly doing fasting for the health benefits (which according to some posts I have read are not actually “written in stone”as fasting for said benefits is still really in its infancy and yet to be strongly proven!)…My main concern is that the body will in time “get used”to fasting and therefore the benefits will not be so apparent;should we therefore “mix it up a bit”after all I doubt cavemen had such a regimented eating plan……(I am currently fasting everyday sometimes 18:6 and other times 21:3)……

    No opinions on this?……

    Hi Gail,

    I started 5:2 in Jan 14, mid 40s, 5ft 7, 159lbs, Reached goal (140lb) in April. Since early June I’ve been maintaining, with 132lb as my upper limit.

    I combined 5:2 with 16:8, and also no/low refined carb Monday to Friday.

    I very rarely do quarter TDEE days now as I lose 1lb each time I do, but still do 16:8, reduced refined carbs and ‘semi fast’ days.

    5:2 has retrained my eating habits, and a fast day acts as a reset on portion sizes and carb craving. For me, IF is sustainable. You eat too much one day, you eat less the next.

    I didn’t have any significant health issues when I started, but PMS and heavy periods are massively reduced by fasting (first period after starting 5:2 and before weight loss, so I know its not a by product of weight loss). Symptoms just keep improving with time.

    My eating isn’t ‘regimented’, it’s flexible depending on what I have eaten (or expect to be eating, if I know I’ll be eating out). I don’t eat the same thing day in day out, and my energy expenditure also varies day to day, so what would my body get used to?

    Fair point and you do seem to “mix it up”….I am 62 in a few days time and 5ft 6” weighing 9st 12 lbs so I only want to get down another couple of pounds because if I lose too much weight from my face I will end up looking gaunt so my main reason for this is for the health benefits,early days but will keep posting and thank you…..

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