Calorie counting

This topic contains 5 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  symba7 10 years ago.

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  • Hi

    Please can someone kindly tell me if I am cheating on calorie counting or not?! e.g. 50g beef steak RAW is 126 calories. After grilling the steak and weighing it cooked it is now 38g which computes to 96 calories?! So which one should I count?

    By the way I have had fabulous results with this diet

    Many thanks

    Hi Keith,

    I calorie count, I would weigh it cooked, lots of fat etc will come out in the cooking.

    Hope I am right or we will both be cheating!!

    Good luck and well done on the weight loss, if it’s coming off the calorie count must be right.


    Many thanks Jean It is coming off the calorie count with raw meat so not sure if we are right!? I think your logic is correct that the beef would lose fat and water during cooking hence the reduction in weight but does it mean it has “lost” the calories too?


    Hi Keith,
    Interesting, found on Internet……. and gives room for thought…..

    Calorie Comparison
    To use the example of chicken — breast meat only, no skin — you can see the difference in caloric and nutritional values with different modes of cooking. According to the USDA nutrient database, 100 g of raw chicken contains 114 calories — in a single chicken breast with no skin or bones this equates to roughly 270 calories. When the same piece of chicken is fried, its caloric value increases to 187 calories per 100 g, or 322 calories per breast. If roasted, this chicken has 165 calories per 100 g; stewed, there are 151 calories in every 100 g.

    Cooking in Oil
    Cooking a food in oil, butter or another fat will add to the foods caloric content. This happens because you are adding calories to the food through the addition of fats, batter or breading. The concentration of calories in fats and oils is very high, so even a small weight amount of oil or fat used in cooking can have a significant impact on the caloric value of your food. Using the example of the chicken breast, frying the raw breast adds 73 calories per 100 g — a 64 percent increase.

    When food is grilled or broiled, fat and water from the food typically drip and drain away from the food so that they are not consumed in the cooked foodstuff. recommends baking, braising, grilling, broiling, poaching, roasting and steaming as healthy cooking methods which do not add calories through cooking fat. Returning to the chicken example, roasted chicken has 165 calories per 100 g; stewed chicken has 151 calories per cooked 100 g. This is a smaller caloric increase from the raw chicken than is seen with frying.

    Water Weight
    You might wonder why, even when foods are cooked without additional fat, their caloric values per 100 g nevertheless increase slightly. One answer to this question is that water present in the raw food is often lost during cooking, and this increases the density and therefore the caloric value of the cooked food. For example, 100 g of raw chicken contains 75.8 g of water and 21.2 g of protein. When this chicken meat is cooked through roasting, water is lost so that there is 65.3 g of water and 30 g of protein present in every 100 g of roasted meat.

    I would just continue as you are, and think about which way you cook….weigh food cooked ……but remember to add any fat added in cooking

    Thank you so much Jean That is a great help Greatly appreciated

    Here’s to both of us being slim and healthy! 🙂


    Yes it made me think a bit,

    you get your chicken cook it, weigh it ,eat it, sometimes not thinking about oil etc what you have added.

    So thanks to you Keith


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