Calorie Counter

This topic contains 4 replies, has 5 voices, and was last updated by  chrispy45 9 years, 11 months ago.

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  • Hi – just joined. Need to know how I count calories. Is there a site for that or a calculator?

    Hi, Christine.
    I found this great app called mynetdiary. I have been using this for the week I have been doing 5:2. You plug in what foods you eat for each meal- there are thousands in the database, and it figures out the calories and the nutritional info. At the end of the day it gives you an analysis. You can plug in exercise and vitamins, too. There are also food articles and a forum. It is really helping me!

    Most people on here use Myfitnesspal to track calories. I am not aware of any tracker that has a set up for intermittent fasting for free though

    What if someone doesn’t have a smartphone? I don’t want to spend $600 just to get a calorie counter! 🙂

    I am a bit disappointed that there does not seem to be calorie counter contained within the site or any recommended food lists.

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