Aussie Determination

This topic contains 14,766 replies, has 323 voices, and was last updated by  Countrygal1 2 years, 2 months ago.

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  • Hi all

    Lotus that is so funny I can relate to most of these. Especially when my daughter offers me a biscuit on fast days then she apologises. Funny

    Tatania that’s so fantastic with your health reports. My goal is to have mine redone in a few weeks had them done 5 months ago and 17kg ago.

    I am trying to convince my hubby who isnt overweight but is on high blood pressure tablet cholesterol
    Tablets and diabetic medication might have to use you as a reference. He could do 6 1 I reckon. I think he is one of those skinny outside fat inside people


    Excellent results, Tatiana, with the weight losses and the health benefits. I think the doctors will be promoting 5:2 before long to all their needy patients.

    And Bali, take a bow!

    Welcome, newbies, and Pepper!

    I bet you are counting the hours, now, FB.

    Hi team, late for me today, nearly didn’t post…first time ever but life goes on. You are all such an inspiration to life in general. Every so often outside influences can disrail us but we are AUSSIE DETERMINATION and strong enough to tackle anything! Our 5:2 isn’t just a WOE or a WOL but I feel it gives us all the backbone to prove we can stand strong, especially knowing we have each other as support. Our “family” together offers understanding and as a team we are invincible.
    Doggy, so glad your little bundle is all you expected, hard to believe you can shower so much love onto one little fluff ball.
    I’m still doing 4:3, not with great success, oh I’m sticking with it but the scales have glue on the 80k pin so still no movement! I’m not worrying, even my chiro mentioned yesterday, golly you have lost so much weight, that’s fantastic! That lifted my day.
    Weighin tomorrow for most, chin up, feel confident, you have all done so well, get the tapemeasure out, that shows more than you expect. Above all, don’t give in, don’t give up, we are all here for YOU, WE ARE AUSSIE DETERMINATION, and WE CAN DO IT, it is not a race, it is individual goals, no matter how small, you are doing this for YOU, have a great evening team… CG 🙂 xxxx

    Darn it…..I didn’t realise that if you switched pages you lost your draft post!! Won’t do that again. I was going back to check on everyone’s stories. Sorry guys too far back so won’t add any comments.
    Today has been an emotional eating day for me. This morning my MIL passed away & I’ve reverted to my old habits. She was 93 and ready to go with poor QOL but you still need to grieve. Today was my fast day but that got changed pretty quick. So FD will be tomorrow and that’s my birthday! Not ideal but as we’re heading out to a winery lunch on Saturday I do need to have another fast day. I might even do another on Sunday as we’re be flying interstate for the funeral Monday & staying in hotels for 2 days & eating won’t be perfect. Will do my best……from time to time, no doubt.
    But I do have the incentive of having hit 75 something for the first time yesterday….75.9 but still 75!! Hope I can stay in the 75’s and I’ll be happy with that.
    Byee suejen and back on track tomorrow.

    Suejen so sorry …. no matter the age they leave a big gap. Sounds as though you are planning well for days ahead of you and great that you have hit 75 something. Hugs (especially for your birthday tomorrow). Blow a few cals on a really good cup of coffee at least.

    Tatania terrific news on the health front. I’m due to have bloods done too and am hoping stuff going in the wrong direction 12 months ago is now back on track too.

    So looking forward to tomorrow, today has seemed long for some reason but sure a bit of dinner will put me right.

    Hoping all in the cyclone’s path manage to stay safe as it seems to be covering quite a large area. xx YY

    Suejen, so sorry to hear about your MIL….don’t be too hard on yourself with the fasting, this is way of life and sometimes life events get in the way, take care and be kind to yourself in the next few days. The key to 5:2 is just that, 2 days of fasting and 2 days of eating normally with an occasional splurge to keep us sane! Hope you have a lovely birthday and birthday dinner.x

    Congrats on the 75 milestone 🙂

    Tatania….well done on your health results, you must feel so amazing!

    YES Chester’s MY DOG Home Recipe with Turkey smelt divine to BOTH hubby and me…..we reckon we’d any of his meals on fast days lol

    Not long to go now Westerners for your dinner, I’m just about to head down to kitchen and start ours.

    SUEJEN- My sympathies to you and your family ESP hubby. My MIL passed 6mths ago…..she was 95yrs old. Gee they made them strong in 1918-21. My hubby was the light of her life and also her youngest . They had a amazing relationship.
    Have a very happy day for you birthday. G8T loss too! Love and hugs… Yours…..GO GAL

    PS- Well down TATINIA!
    UP-hope all is ok with you , thinking of you and others in QLD….. C U ALL tomorrow at our weigh in…

    Tatania Woohoo to you, well done girl
    Suejen sympathies at your loss, no matter the age, the gap in your life is enormous, as your OH, also the stories that generation could tell so often go with them, such a shame, I do hope she shared a lot of memories with you.
    Your birthday is YOUR day and you do as you wish, 5:2 is so adjustable and very forgiving, even if you don’t get on board again till Monday, your insignificant gain, if any will soon go with a fast or two. It’s an emotional times as well as one of celebration you are going through so go with the flow, we are all still here, next week will roll around… Regards CG xxx

    Tatania, amazing, amazing results – so happy for u. 🙂 I am on meds for cholesterol, as are all my siblings, (seems to be hereditary, not diet/weight related). Just wondering if this WOL can correct that type of cholesterol?
    Suejen, so sorry for your loss and to your hubby too. Always a big blow to lose a connection to that fantastic generation of people. My parents were of the same era and I felt so bereft and like a child again when they died. My MIL is 94, lives on her own and has all her wits, which is great. She even corrects my husband if he makes a mistake or writes a bad clue when setting crosswords (which is what he does for a living)! Please be extra kind to yourself on your birthday – there will be tough days ahead for you both and all of us on this thread will be wishing you well. Great news on reaching the 75’s.
    CG – keep on keeping on, you are our inspiration on this thread xx
    Lotus, thanks for the laugh. Humour keeps us all going.
    GG – appreciate your warning about the T word – not even going to write the word, never mind speak it again!! Ha, ha!
    Fasting today, going ok so far. Switched to jumbo oats for breakfast instead of normal oats and can’t believe how much more filling they are.
    Warm wishes to all and keep safe in bad weather areas xx

    Morning team, Gypsy, hopefully you’re on your holiday and well away from the cyclone which is only hours away. Uptight, stay safe our thoughts are with you and others in the area. My relatives are in Cleveland and feel quite safe but said the wind is getting really strong. What Worries me is that cyclones can change direction so quickly so one is never sure where they will touch down.
    I’ll do my third fast today from my 4:3 which I haven’t found too difficult yet, come evening it might be a different story as the novelty wears off but I’ll see. I hope the scales smile for you all team, and if not just be content to know you are eating and living a healthy life style, your weight will drop at it’s own pace and remember we are in this for the long haul and not looking for a quick fix. Your shape will be changing as the body readjusts so hang in there. I’m heading off to water aerobics soon, have a lovely day team, don’t sweat the small stuff, SEE the positive, on 5:2 your glass is always half full!….. 🙂 CG xxx

    Fittoretire, thank you for your kind words, I appreciate them..CG xxx

    Good Morning everyone, well its been 2 weeks since I have been on here, hope everyone is doing well. I am still doing 5:2 and loving it, got weighed at Curves this morning and down 6.5kg and 25cms in 5 weeks so I am chuffed. Off to a hens party in Adelaide this weekend so hopefully I dont do too much damage.

    Have a great day:)

    Good Morning AD’s
    Suejen, my sympathies are with your family. As everyone said, regardless of age, the gap is big. Stay strong..
    Don’t be too hard on yourself with the 5:2 also because its your birthday and you need to live life.
    Fit, are the jumbo oats same as steel cut oats? Funny, I am craving for oats now.
    I was fasting yesterday until dinner time, then friends turned up with some dumplings and fried rice. Had to give in, but still counted calories and came in under 1000 cals for the day, so will count yesterday as a normal day and will fast tomorrow (saturday) now.
    Weighed in yesterday and I am almost back at my weight after one fast. I gained 1.7 kilos from the weekend away in Adelaide and yesterday’s weight shows that 1.5 kilos is already gone. So current weight was 70.9 kgs. I am hoping to kick another 900 grams or a kilo to see that 6’s on the scales in a week’s time, this will mean an extra fast, will give it a shot as I fly next week Friday… So AD’s wish me luck to kick out another 1 kilo asap…LOL
    For those fasting today, drink lots of water. My personal experience is that it really helps to move the scales. Love…..FB

    Hi FB, steel cut oats are whole oats that have been cut into pieces, jumbo oats are whole oats that have been steamed and then rolled to flatten them so that they are easier to cook into porridge. I’ve no idea if there is any difference nutritionally. But I do love porridge for breakfast every day, especially in this miserable weather, either with mixed seeds or berries sprinkled on top – keeps me going for ages. Well done on your weight loss and I’m sure you will drop the next kilo, no problem. Totally agree with you about drinking lots of water – it definitely makes a big difference.
    Mgreally, what an amazing amount to have lost in five weeks. Well done you – enjoy the hen party, you deserve to.

    Good morning all! If you are in Yeppon or Rockahmapton or NT: praying for your safety.
    Suejen: Hugs, I feel your loss. and happy birthday. As others have said, let go of fasting this week and enjoy life. The “75” will show up – when its ready to 🙂
    FB: Here’s hoping to see in 6s soon. Best of Luck :). Steel cut oats are more recommended (at least by my trainer) as they are not cooked befor epacking, so more nutrients and fibre.
    Mgreally: Congratulations. that’s a huge loss!!
    Weighed in today – the scales moved – in an upward direction as I seem to have gained .5 kilos. I am not too worried, as I know I have not eaten badly and have exercised enough. So will wait it out, but being extra watchful next week. Note to self: Its a marathon, not a race.

    Good Morning everyone

    Very wet and windy here on the Gold Coast, I am looking out of my office window directly onto Surfers Paradise beach, which you can hardly see!
    Hoping all up higher stay safe and well.

    Well, FD yesterday and I am now down to 80.6. 3 weeks ago I was 83.9 so am very happy!!
    Hope you all went well this week and have a great weekend.


    Good morning everyone. All our friends up North stay safe and well.
    Well done on your losses everyone….mgreally & DP what a fabulous results, you must be feeling so much better. And FB, you will see that magic 6 soon, we are all behind you in shifting that kilo!

    Great attitude Lotus, the scales have stayed the same for me this week and am not worried either. I know I had a mid week celebration so will probably move after next fast.

    have a great fasting day today all that are doing it… too CG….hope you have fun in the pool this morning 🙂

    Good morning team. Firstly I would like reiterate what many other have said. Stay safe all those in the NT & Queensland. I experienced a cyclone once in Figi. It was very frightening.
    Well here I am feeling like the morning after the night before, and no booze to blame. My new little bundle of joy howled like a wolf when I put him to bed. He was in my bedroom but in his own pet bed and crate. He eventuly fell asleep form sheer exhaustion. It’s no doubt all very new and strange being parted from his mum and siblings. I just can’t afford to start with any bad habits. Some people like to have a dog sleeping on the bed with them. That’s fine but not for me.
    Suejen sorry for your loss. I had a horrible MOL so it’s good to hear that others had and have lovely ones.
    Congrats to those who’s health is improving and to those who have lost weight and inches. Don’t become despondent if you haven’t. Our WOE is working away behind the scenes at times. It is wonderful to be a part of a team who are all so supportive. My FD yesterday was a bit hit and miss. I’ll do better next time.
    Fittoretire wow – tell your hubby that I love crosswords. Especially cryptic ones. So good for the brain.

    Eek I forgot. Michael is on Foxtel channel 612 at 1254 talking about the 5:2. Diet. It may well be a repeat of the doco he did on the BBC. I’m going to record it and watch tonight.

    Good morning all. Lets all pray for everyone in Queensland. Please keep safe!
    A BIG WELL DONE MG, FB,Paradise. on your loss this week.
    This morning I was not fazed by my weight…. up 800g…. to be expected . I guess it was more, 2 fasts some grams have gone. That will teach me not to be indulgent 3 days in a row. As long as I never see the 80’s again I will be happy.
    I must continually say to myself this is a WOL n what if the scales do not move each week….I have already won… feeling healthy, energetic and having a waist. I have lost cms from neck 39 now 36… waist 110 now 107… hips 112 now 110…that is if I measured correctly this morning … do so dislike the tape measure it always moves for me! LOL
    FOXY – You and I know…. WE CAN DO THIS! …..yes
    CG- Have a good fast day .. pull out your strength and AUSSIE DETERMINATION ..we are with you all the way …HUGS
    HAPPY BIRTHDAY SUEJEN…….(/*_*\) have a WONDERFUL DAY!!!!!!!xxxx
    Wishing you all a safe , happy healthy day………GO GALxxxxx

    Morning all, managed to go up by 200gs this week, although I have noticed that changes sometimes if I wait another 24hrs and weigh then. So slow but moving at least. Think yesterday was my hungriest FD so far but definitely didn’t go over 430 cals so had to get up around 12:30am and have a half glass of milk to comfort my hurting stomach and go to sleep.

    It helps to have such lovely company and to read the encouragement even from those in the same boat this week. Thankyou!

    Doggie your experience last night brings back memories. Guess you may have a few ahead of you too. Sloppy puppy kisses make up for it though 🙂

    Oh Doggie, I feel for you! You do need to be tough and start as you mean to go on, but they are so adorable they wear you down. I was strict with Chester from the start, he spent most of his time in the laundry when we were out and at night. He now has free roam of the house, but from being on his own for periods of time, he has no separation anxiety and will happily sleep in laundry if need be. I confess to having him sleep on/in the bed with me most nights though.

    Hi team, just back from aerobics, what great results you are all having, I do hope you are so proud of yourselves. As easy as our 5:2 is, you are still being mindful each time you eat, your conscience nags doesn’t it if you over indulge or have even the simplest of treats.
    My 4:3 hasn’t made any weight difference, back to 80k but I just used the tape-measure as so many people keep telling me how much weight I have lost so;
    STARTED. Bust. . Waist. . Hip. Neck. Weight
    Sept 14 120cm- 116cm -116cm- 39.9. 94.5k
    NOW. 101. 106. 93. 34. 80.0k
    Loss. 19. 10. 23. 5.9. 14
    I started counting calories June 1 2014 and weighed 99.5k so close on 20k down to date. My plateau will move, I’m positive of that, BUT as shown above, other things are moving.
    So total loss 57.9cm over all wooohooo!

    Please don’t be hard on yourself or give up just because of scales, our 5:2 IS WORKING you may not always see it, but your clothes will tell you, some days you may feel bloated, you could be carrying extra fluid, different foods like sugar can cause that, too many white carbs? Who knows but KEEP going, it is working. I do hope this gives you a bit of motivation in case you are feeling a bit down, even being on a plateau has a brighter side, your scales are only one aspect of our 5:2 journey and yes we all want really low numbers on the scales, but give it time, as said before, this is a marathon not a sprint, so enjoy the journey, there are so many other bonuses for you including healthier eating, new recipes to try, compliments you don’t expect, healthy reports from your Doctor, this is a complete way of life and oh so easy and very very forgiving because it’s only part of your life…not all of it! 🙂 have a positive day team…CG xxx

    Hi Team thanks for my birthday wishes and sympathies for my mum-in-law. So great to have your support, encouragement, and advice here. And yes I’ve decided that I can’t be too hard on myself on my birthday. So not fasting…started with a lovely, milky coffee at home and one of my Zucchini Muffins – Yum. So not going to fast but just going to keep my calories down with MFP but include a few of my favourite treats. That’s a better way to go. Hey I might just have a coffee & muffin for lunch…and a coffee & muffin for dinner, who knows! Weight was up this morning as I expected but as so many of you have been saying (and I know) it will come down again quickly. With 5:2 that’s doable…that’s its beauty.

    But you’ll be pleased to know that when I had my birthday trim & hairdo I DID manage to avoid the brownie that came with it. It looked ok but….bet it wasn’t!

    Have a great day all. CG thanks for sharing your measurements. That’s bloomin’ incredible!!! Now you know why you’re getting compliments all the time. We do fixate on the scales so much don’t we so good to hear your advice on the other benefits of our WOL inc the tape measure.
    GG healthy, energetic..and you have a waist. Woohoo!!

    I’m back. I had no need to go out for a long brisk walk today. I’ve spent the day puppy proofing the house. We live in a double story and from the back deck onto concrete below is a long way down for a little dog. I was scared he’d climb out between the railings. He’s become very inquisitive. So after all that plus many trips up and down the stairs I’ve burned up a heaps of calories. My lovely neighbour has just come round with homegrown tomatoes, spuds & lettuce. So it’s a beautiful fresh salad for supper tonight. With a portion of protein.
    Weigh day tomorrow. If I haven lost anything. ( those scales that lie!) I won’t fret. I too am feeling so much more energetic and almost euphoric at times.
    Cheers for now. We will see what the night brings.

    Hi all

    I am having a love hate debate with my scales, I am not happy with the 400 grams gain. Ate under TDEE. I ate too many carbs simple. Damn that homemade bread rolls you will not be made again for a while.

    Anyway take care everyone.


    Hi all! Been a while. Weighed in at 62 this morning, bot surprising as I feel like I died nothing but attend parties and cake-laden events this week. Haven’t been to the toilet though.

    Hope everone’s good. On phone and rushinf so will check back in later.

    Bali- hubby came home from the Dr’s with a beautiful sultana Bakers delight roll … did I have any? NO…. just picked out those plump saltanas. LLLLOOOVVVEEE fresh baked rolls… You know it will be fine, Our 5:2 will get working next fast
    There seems to be a shortage of slendia noodles, neither Woolies or Coles had any. anyone else having the same problem?
    Doggy – hope you have a better night with Pepper…. have you tried the ticking clock in his bed? Oscar was sleeping on the floor beside our bed when he was a wee small white ball . When my Hubby was working away from home he made it in bed with me . Now totally ruined . He has become very close to Adrian since his diagnosis of Lymphoma….so the bed it is.
    Have a relaxed night all……GO GAL

    GG not sure where you live but here in the west I can buy slendia noodles from the IGA store. Any around your way? YY

    Hi all. Very wet up here! Cyclone will hit Brisbane around midnight.
    I have lost a bit this week but today on my official weigh in day I was up a little so I refuse to count it!
    Well done to Suejen on the weight loss. Fasting on your birthday is very disciplined!

    Dogsabie, my pup slept in a crate beside me on Day 1 and if he cried I put my hand down and he could feel me so calmed straight away. After that night he didn’t cry at all and I gradually moved the crate further away each night until he was out of the room altogether! Good luck.

    Hi GG, I noticed that today too at Safeway, none in sight, I ended up with KanTong thin rice noodles..150 cal per 100g serve but with veg’s tossed through them it’s still a low cal meal I guess….have a great evening..CG xx

    Uptight, stay safe and sheltered, they are saying to stay inside, but why would anyone go out in a storm like that anyway, we are thinking of you and others going through this frightening time…CG xx

    Thanks gals …. YY & CG don’t have either store in my area… Can you Fed EX me some ? W & C said they have not had them for some time …. could it be ,I brought it all.
    UP- batten down all furniture . My Friend lives in Currumbine and the wind sent her outside chair to somewhere , She had her stuff tied together . Keep safe . We have heavy rain at the moment in Forster 8hrs from you… it is also humid…. Keep safe….GO GALxx

    CG, your hips are smaller than mine, you are unstoppable 🙂

    Flemmy you brightened my day! I’m getting fed up with this plateau, I don’t seem to be doing anything wrong. Rarely have white carbs and never eat junk foods, if I restrict myself any further it WILL feel like a diet. I always eat under my TDEE by choice, and hardly get up to 500 on fast days but everything has stopped! It’s over two months since any loss. I’m still positive with our WOE but wish it would get a wriggle on. How did you manage your plateaus when they hit. I’ve done 4:3 this week and will for the next few weeks until something moves but golly it gets frustrating. Lovely to hear from you…CG xxx

    The same way you are doing, just sticking with the programme but being horribly frustrated in the proces. I wish I could give you more advice. Are you measuring your oil when you cook because I realised somewhere down the line I was using a lot more oil than I needed and I was adding so many calories to my non-FDs. I truly hope you manage to get rid of that horrid plateau, it’s such a dreadful phase to be in. Are you sure you aren’t just putting on muscle with the added exercise you’re getting?

    You must be hoisting yourself in teeny trousers with those svelte hips 🙂

    Dogsabie, when I had new puppies who were sad at night, I filled a furry hot water bottle with warm water and put it in bed with them. This mimics the feeling of being snuggled in a litter, as the pup was probably used to, and this usually did the trick. I agree with you about crosswords keeping the brain sharp, as my MIL proves! Unfortunately, they are not my cup of tea. Hubby also sets quizzes and sudokus…..does my head in!!!
    CG – Your loss of cm and weight are amazing results and your whole attitude to this WOL proves that this is something worth persevering with. If anyone can ride out the plateau blues, it’s you! We all have complete faith in you xx.
    I really hope all of you in the path of the storms are staying safe and dry. I can’t even begin to imagine what you’re going through.
    Suejen, so glad to hear that you are going easy on yourself and treated yourself to nice hairdo…so important to look after yourself and then you’ll also be better able to support your hubby when he needs it.
    Anyone who has gone up a little this week, don’t be discouraged. We’ve all been there and we know we can get rid of it again…..we’re doing a marathon, not a sprint; as many others have said.
    Warm wishes to all 🙂

    Morning everyone

    Welcome to all the new people (this site helps). Week 7 and if I hadn’t committed to logging in each week would easily fall off the trip to a healthier me. Weigh in for me today with a loss of 0.5kg. Still have the struggle in the evenings when I tired (zombie mode) and hunt for the sweet high. But I try everyday to be good so something must be working for the weight to still come off.

    Hope everyone is safe during the wild weather, it’s one thing to watch on TV and to actually be there. My 21 year old son in on a 4 day cruise off Sydney this weekend with around 50 other people celebrating his friends 21st – big drinking weekend – interesting to see what the swell will be considering the large storm up north movng down? Question – what will make him green, the swell or the drink? (to be 21 again – nice thought).

    CG had your problem with consipation and felt so lumpy – had a herbal laxative and this seem to work for me – so thanks for all the posts on this subject.

    I’ve decided that when I lose a little bit of kg’s I’ll look at the imperial,

    0.5 kg = 1.1023113109 pounds (wow I lost over a pound – happy with that)
    1.0 kg = 2.2046226 pounds
    2.0 kg = 4.409245243 pounds
    5.0 kg = 11.023113109

    Not game to look at how many pounds are at my current weight (would have a fright).

    Ok putting on the joggers and out to freshen up the old grey matter. Good week to everyone.

    Good morning all

    Hope everyone hope is well and safe.

    I will not let sales get to me. I will not let scales get to me. GRRR

    I am going to hold onto to seeing someone this weeks I haven’t see in months and have her say oh my god you have lost a lot of weight you look great, you waist looks so thin. I was in gym gear, so tight clothes.

    I know a marathon not a sprint.

    Funny a few of us in the same boat this week.

    Will continue on with fewer carbs this week.

    Everyone have a lovely weekend.

    Good morning team, Flemmy thankyou for trying to help, I think plareaues are a problem which still don’t have a common answer but checking the oil is a great idea. It’s surprising how much is in a small slurp. Fittoretire, thank you too for the kind words. This WOL is so doable and I certainly will ge sticking with it, I’m bloody minded in my AUSSIE DETERMINATION and giving up is not an option. Just marking it down to experience but above all, I’m not gaining weight either so I honestly believe the plateau will pass and going by my measurements things are still happening in my body. My bum is so much smaller, and noticable as in my jeans, my waist is so much smaller than when I began, so yes, it’s happening. I’m going to stick with 4:3 for a few weeks and might even try the odd pigout on a Saturday night to confuse my system so it’s not lulled into thinking it’s living low cal all the time and storing fat. I have been reading so much on plateaus over this last week on this forum and no body seems to get away without going through a few before reaching their goal weight so I’ve altered my way of thinking that a plateau is better than gaining weight, a plateau is the body deciding how much fat it does need to store and once it realises fuel is still a constant, just less than it used to be, hope it realises that it does NOT need to store as much fat. ARE YOU CONFUSED? I’ll beat it…I CAN DO THIS, look how far I’ve come, 20k is a hell of a lot of weight to lose in 6 months, my AUSSIE DETERMINATION will beat this. Everyone seems to have suggestions from eating more, exercise more etc but it is still a personal problem with ones own body so finding what works for ME is my challenge. I have NOT come this far by being weak so will soldier on, this WOE is just so very doable, my appitite is so much smaller, I have a sence of pride in staying with it. The other change for me will be hiding my scales for a week or two as I have become so obsessed with daily weighing and find that adding to my frustration. I will still log on each day to MFP so keeping check of cals which to me is essential .
    So much for my rant, pls excuse typos, too far to go back now, but sharing my experience is added info to you who are also having the same problem or will have at future times
    Damage in QLD looks terrible, stay safe and dry if possible, what a frightening time you have had, our thoughts are with you.
    Have a positive day team, “you are what you think” and enjoy your life, don’t sweat the small stuff and I hope you find something today which makes you throw your head back and have a good belly laugh… 🙂 CG xxxx

    Hi everyone.
    I was wondering if it was okay for me to join the Aussie Determination Board?

    I’ve been reading through and am so inspired by everyone’s hard work and determination.

    I am starting 5:2 diet on Monday, am excited and nervous. I have a lot of weight to lose!
    I am 24 years old, 5’6″ and weigh 125kg!!

    My main goal is to be healthy, but also to be able to have children later on (I have PCOS)

    Thanks 🙂

    Good morning team. Hopefully none of you have woken up do damage to your homes etc. The aftermath of the cyclone looks dreadful on TV. I guess when you see what some people have to put up with it puts our weight loss journey into perspective. We can’t do anything about the weather, but we CAN do something about what we eat.
    Thanks everyone for your tips re puppies. Last night was even worse. After he eventually fell asleep all went well until I had to get up to go to the loo. If this carries on I’ll put him in the laundry. I can’t afford to get angry and loose my temper with such a small puppy. He is so cute though, especially when he is sleeping!
    My scales didn’t shift either this week but I have lost 2 cm from my waist. Countrygal you have such a positive attitude. You have lost so much weight already. I’m sure those deceitful scales will move for you eventually.
    JenMic it’s a great idea to switch to imperial measurements. 2 1/2 pounds sounds so much more impressive that 1 kilo. If you are feeling despondent ! Try carrying a 5 kilo bag of rice, sugar or whatever and then see
    How heavy it is and how much weight you have lost.
    Take care all and be to kind to yourself.

    MissYellow, you are more than welcome to join us. The thread is a bit slow on week ends as members are out and about with family etc so I’m sorry for the late reply, I have been mowing trying to beat the heat. If you go to the home page and click on HOW there you can work out your TDEE which is very important for non fast days and of course 500 cals on fast days If you download My Fitness Pal it makes counting cals very easy and it also acts as a diary…Good luck and welcome, you will do fine, especially in the beginning…have a lovely day…… CG xx

    Just lost my post grrr. Anyone seeing it send it home!!!

    CG be assured your occasional plateau rants help and inspire us to press on. Although we are on a similar pathway in FD’s, in the end, health issues and body shape etc. mean as individuals we have to each make our own way. Fortunately with the support and new tricks (especially for old dogs!) it is made easier along the way. Maybe as you say, put away your scales for a week or two because you know you are doing the right things. Take heart.

    Doggie I noticed that Fitto mentioned a hot water bottle. Have you tried this yet? It has always worked for me with little critters and just maybe the pup is exhausted enough to sleep now with this added comfort.

    Miss Yellow, welcome. Good idea to browse back through some of the posts for help and good ideas if you haven’t already done so. A biggy is plan and be prepared for fast days because it can be harder to do if you don’t. A couple of hard boiled eggs are always a good stanby. 🙂 YY

    Welcome Miss Yellow. Yes I think that we are very supportive of eachother on this thread. We are not judgemental. If we were perfect we wouldn’t be here. I am a relative newby and had so much good advice and tips from AD team members. If you have the time, navigate your way around the webpage and you’ll. Find all sorts of interesting stuff. Also as others have mentioned, the 5:2 Diet isn’t a race. It’s slow and steady and it does work. The first few fast days might be difficult and a steep learning curve but it gets easier all the time..
    Yum Yum I don’t have a hot water bottle – it’s too darn hot anyhow. And I live in Tassie would you believe. But I’ve moved Pepper’s bed right next to mine so that I can pat him and talk to him when he starts his yowling. I’m sure it is separation anxiety plus missing his mum and litter companions.
    Cheers all .

    Hi Doggie, when my boys were puppies, I used to put soft toys in their bed for them They used to cuddle up to the Teddy and it usually became their best play mate. It’s just company and the cuddle effect they miss and because they sleep packed together,puppies, I used to pack soft toys around mine so they didn’t feel alone. I’m sure you’ll work it out good luck..CG xx
    Ps, by the way, toys are very cheap at the op shop, so if it gets torn with play it doesn’t matter…CG xx

    Hi Doggie, I’m sure you’re right about moving Pepper’s bed next to you. When I think about it that’s what my husband did with ours so he could just reach down and soothe. Ironically the only pet it didn’t work on was called Pepper! She had anxiety separation issues you wouldn’t believe. Have also used a warmed wheat bag sometimes and the heaviness leaning against them tricked em. For ‘hot’ water bottle I just meant warm, but I guess you knew that. 🙂

    Computer problems, so late posting. Thanks, OH, for your technical skills.

    CG, you are the inspiration. Whether it shows on the scales or the tape measure, 5:2 is just a wonderful WOL.

    Greetings, Jen and Yellow, and all others joining CG and the rest of us on this great journey.

    Great day for NZ cricket yesterday, sorry England!

    Hi Everyone No I didn’t fast yesterday on my birthday. I had about 1300 calories so kept it down pretty good. Wove a few treats into my day and enjoyed it – not a great day nutritionally but who cares! Today we had my lovely birthday lunch at a winery and I’m so stuffed I don’t want any dinner now so that’s good. I couldn’t even fit dessert in which was a shame. Tomorrow will be a fast day and maybe part of Monday until we board the plane to head over for the funeral. After that I’ll just make the best choices I can until we come home & I’ll do either B2B or a 4:3 week to catch up. All good.
    I’ve had a lovely weekend and….I have 5:2 to thank for it! I wouldn’t have done so on any other diet. Have a great weekend all. I probably will be MIA for a few days, so all be good and stick to it with your aussie determination.
    Especially you CG though I still reckon you should eat right up to your TDEE for a day or two to shock your system back into action. Plus I agree with Yum Yum put away your scales for a while and just do your thing! And rant all you like….we’ll have our turns too.
    Welcome Miss Yellow just read back lots of the posts and you’ll find the amazing amounts that others have lost, so don’t be nervous as it’s so doable!!
    Bali what a great thing to hear – Your waist looks so thin. How exciting and motivating!
    JenMic congrats on your loss. And try a herbal fruit tea for something sweet in the evening. I also use a herbal Cinnamon tea which has a slight sweet hit, made by Higher Living teas. Even add a bit of Stevia sweetener & you’d have the taste of sugar & cinnamon. Yumm.
    FTR yes I have gone easy on myself & got a nice, new hairdo. Does wonders for you I reckon. Been a bit of a week for us as we’ve also been supporting a very good friend who had her 17yo dog put down on Friday. OH did the digging and burying for her.

    suejen and I think “Don’t sweat the small stuff” should become the AD motto!!

    Hello ADs
    Late posting today, just busy with some last minute shopping before we leave for our vacation coming Friday.
    Suejen glad that you enjoyed ur b’day.
    Dogsabie, hope your little bundle of joys settles soon.
    CG, i am stuck between 70.7 n 71.2 since last one month too, damn those scales, but we know that they will move eventually.
    Went shopping for some jeans, hubby always buys this brand, but I used to look at girl’s denim and think “oh one day!!!” As they only make skinny and tapered fits that never suited or fitted me.
    Today, i went n picked up a size 32 tapered fit (on sale) . Same, i tried 2 months back and their biggest size 32 didnt fit me. So i thought maybe today I can fit into it now after 2 months. Well, toooooooo loose, i could pull it up without even unbuttoning the damn thing. Ended up buying size 29….. WHAT, HOW, WHOA…… Came home n i m still dancing.
    Hubby thinks that my legs look HOT in that style…….. WHAT???? First time ever that I have got a compliment about my pillar size legs……. Looks like 5:2 had helped me to tone down difficult areas as well, which have been hardest to reduce before.
    Had to celebrate with 2 beers , so will be fasting Sunday n Monday…..
    Nighty nite…….FB

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