Aussie Determination

This topic contains 14,766 replies, has 323 voices, and was last updated by  Countrygal1 2 years, 2 months ago.

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  • Good morning in everyone

    CG is right everyone post something I love reading everyone’s stories.

    I have decided to stop my running program I started. I was feeling so tired all the time. Had a couple of days off, the energy has returned. Interesting the weight is started to drop off again, down 400 grams since Friday. I am still doing my three circuit gym classes. Weight drop off is my priority fitness will increase over time. But feeling fabulous is my goal.

    Have a great day

    Bali, I recently read an article about weight loss vs weight maintenance and it basically said that the people who had lost a lot of weight , the ones that were the most successful at maintaining that new weight, were the ones who lost weight on diet changes and maintained by adding exercise at goal weight. This has 2 reasons: 1. If you lose weight by food choices, you can start eating a bit more once you’re on maintenance (because you no longer need a deficit) and adding more exercise later on gave people even more leeway to eat yet stay healthy and slim. 2. When you reach maintenance, often people lose track because they don’t have any more goals to achieve, so they slip up again. When you replace weight loss goals with fitness goals, you have new things to work for and the motivation to stay healthy remains.

    Obviously we should all be active and put in exercise/movement that out bodies need ( as much as our individual bodies can take). But it is definitely okay to focus on getting your relationship with food in order first and then start focusing on being the fittest person you can be.

    If you’re not feeling it right now, you know you are still active throughout the week so it’s perfectly okay to let go of that for a while. I get in a lot of exercise from my daily life (even though it’s mainly moderate, like cycling for transportation) and I do the occasional HIIT on my bike (and my squats/tummy exercises during laundry folding) but in general, I could be fitter. I decided a few months ago I was going to not change too much in the exercise department and start doing that at maintenance. So I have something to work towards when I don’t get the thrill of losing kilos anymore.

    Haha CG, I thought you said you flower beds were in labour and I was wondering what that expression meant 😀
    I’m so jealous of your garden, I wish I had one like yours. But I live right next to a whole strip of allotments and I like going for a walk there, chat with the gardeners. My neighbour (who rents one of them) often gives us beautiful aubergines and other veggies. He also like to hand out pumpkins and I give him pumpkin pie in return. So I get to enjoy the view and fruits of other people’s garden labours without actually owning a garden. I guess that’s nice too 🙂

    Good Morning ladies,

    I hope you are all well.

    After a terrible food and alcohol weekend, I am doing a 4:3 this week. I dont know if I have put on weight but I certainly made a lot of bad choices at the weekend so back on the straight and narrow, fasted yesterday, fasting today and Thursday.

    Hope you all have a good day:)

    Hi Go Gal

    Do I live in Paradise? Well, perfect one day and rainy the next (at the moment)

    Good morning fellow Aussies

    Well my first day of 500 calories went great. I weighed myself this morning, just to see, and I lost a kilo. Could this be right? Maybe it was all fluid?
    I will see by the end of the week.


    DoitinParadise, well done! Pat yourself on the back, you’re getting there one FD at a time 😀

    Most of it will probably be water weight, but depending on how much you need to lose, a good chunk of it could definitely be fat. TBH weight fluctuations from day to day are pretty iffy to base yourself on. For instance, I had salmon, leek in a creamy sauce(with white wine!) and fries (with mayo!) for dinner and a piece of apple cake after on Sunday, yet I weighed 800g less on Monday morning than I did on Sunday morning. I think weighing in regularly is mainly important to figure out your weight loss trend, not the day to day changes, they don’t really say much.

    Hi girls, well I did it and loved it. Didn’t think anyone would remember me, nearlly a year since I went last but so many welcomed me back….missed my happy disposition and ocassional scarasm from the back stalls when then instructor introduced a new exercise, now I want you to….etc…from the back they would hear me say…Oh yeah?? And all laughed, thinking the same thing. Rejoined the gym, was going to wait for a while but just loved it so much and the friendly atmosphere, feel great now, tomorrow will tell, going back Friday, so twice a week now, yooohooo! Fasting today to make up for my short comings yesrterday, into the greenhouse now…so will chat later. Lovely to see so many positive posts, your AUSSIE DETERMINATION is working, enjoy…CG xxx 🙂 xxx

    Thanks Flemish Curves, exactly!

    I will be joining FAST day today!

    Yesterdays fast started off great but a change in routine …..back to work …caused a detour on the journey.Not a problem as 5:2 is DOABLE. I am looking forward to the FAST today…I always feel so much better at the end of the day and have trouble convincing myself to eat again!

    Have a great day whatever you are doing!

    Hi All,
    It’s been a while since i checked in last. Been moving offices and taking on new responsibilities at work so busy busy busy – which is great as it helps on my fast days. Even though i’m not posting i’m still reading (eventually! takes time to catch up on all these posts/pages)
    This will be my 4th week – and i’ve changed to 4:3 instead of Alternate Days. Mainly because of the weekends. I don’t find that it’s difficult to fast on the weekend is more the upcoming catch ups with friends and family that make it a little difficult – not saying that i won’t be making the right choices though!
    It’s good to see everyone is back on the forum – it really is just not the same without all the lovely ladies positive input.
    I started to read ‘the book’ last night and had to force myself to put it down so that i would go to bed at a reasonable time.
    I read the post about maintenance and how a lot of people who reach their goal weight slip up due to not having goals – and it’s a great idea to set fitness goals as then you have something to work to! I had never thought about it like that and it’s so true. Not that i’m anywhere near my goal weight/size but future planning/proactivity!

    Hi ya all. Once again it has been interesting reading your posts. After my FD yesterday I was not as hungry as I have been in the past. My new electronic scales are on their way so I’m hoping to get a more accurate reading. Also thanks to those who mentioned the resources gismo. I’ve now done my BMI, BMR & TDEE so will be trying to stick to the calories.
    Country Gal I think it is you who mentions spinal pain quite a bit. Should you ever want to whinge or discuss it I’m here for you. Otherwise tell me to B off and I’ll mind my own business. I injured my back while nursing – lifting. I spent 18 years of my life suffering from chronic spinal pain. I was referred from pillar to post and had every procedure known to man. Epidurals did not help. I was suffering from secere clinical depression and living on strong analgesics. Eventually I decided to have a spinal fusion. Initially I thought that had not helped either but now ( please no gremlins listening ) I am pain free. I do still suffer from depression though and fall in a heap if I come off the antidepressants. This of course adds to the weight gain problems.
    I too love gardening but have had bilateral TKRs done so it’s not such fun anymore. I’m finding the 5:2. diet good and I feel very happy with life.
    Cheers all and have a good day.

    Good morning everyone, so nice as always to catch up on your posts over my breakfast, bit late this morning. Hubby and I broke our fast and some drinks with a friend who came over in the afternoon….we hadn’t had much all day so still stayed under 1000 cals each, so I’m not going to fast again today, he’s doing a semi-fast until lunch time…

    CG, so glad you enjoyed your water aerobics! You have really come a long way since you started 5:2 and with your weight loss… are a great lady anyway, but I can hear even more fun, joy and confidence in your words x

    Dogsable… have been through the mill, thank you for sharing, we never know what has brought each of us here, not only to 5:2, but also the people that we are and are yet to be….

    Flemmy…..loved your post about maintenance and exercise…..I love walking, and also swimming (pool) and am planning to do some more extended walks when I get a bit fitter and slimmer…..there is a track that runs from Perth to Albany….you can do it in sections, and some people walk the whole thing over a few months and camp along the way…..I am hoping to do a section of it soon….ideally I’d like to walk from Denmark (WA) to Albany…it’s my dream 🙂

    Have a great day everyone…..especially those fasting….vegie, CG, mgreally and any one else I missed.

    Your garden sounds amazing CG. I love looking but hate the doing so mine is very functional. Quite frankly, I don’t have much nous when it comes to gardening. I guess even though you have such back problems, pushing through to keep at it would help keep you more flexible. Don’t know just guessing here. You are almost convincing me to look out a water aerobic class again. Our council closed the pool at our Rec centre because it needed too much work and the next pool centre is a fair way away. Haven’t been to one for 8 years as I abandoned the class I went to so I could take swimming lessons at a swim school and when I finished they had closed our pool.

    Foxy you are talking about the Bibbulmun Track. I sometimes walk with a group (we are wusses in only doing the cooler months) and we did 25k. Just about killed me as it was very up and down and gravelly. However I admire anyone who do it. Go Foxy!

    Definitely not having to persuade myself to eat after FD. Not hungry first couple but now….watch out. Came to today thinking ‘if it stands still I’ll eat it’!!!!! My solution is to go out and concentrate on good stuff at normal meal times. Sounds pathetic written down 🙂

    Yum Yum….yes I am talking about Bibbulmun Track. Wow you have done 25k! I am impressed, it’s still a dream for me atm…..and yes I will probably wait until around April I think 🙂

    YumYum, I can thoroughly recommend the water aerobics, I still fell supple, planted some annuals in pots to brighten a few things up, also put some new verity of Hoya’s in pretty hanging baskets in the green house. I have to stop, my garden is so big but I keep adding, I have 6 huge garden beds plus a lot of Maples down in front, ever so pretty in Autumn with their coloured leaves, but my two green houses are full of so many orchids, heaps of Fuschias which I also have hanging on my back deck ( head bangers as my 6 ft son calls them) but it is my hobby, nothing is a chore when you love it and because everything in my garden was planted by me, a lot of cuttings, I get so much joy out of watching it all grow. Cuttings I got off clients are still “theirs” as in Mary’s geranium, or Fred’s twisted willow…you know what I mean, so I have so many memories with each plant and the person.( usually passed by now as I did a lot of palliative care) and bought a few laughs and joy to those people so it’s a memory to them.
    Didn’t mean to prattle, definitely try the aerobics YumYum, you’ll love it.
    , Dogsabbie, I’d never tell you to mind your own B business, I have 4 bulging discs as well as a crushed nerve, R..L4 that is my major pain concern, and the mandatory wear and tear (Arthritis) all work related too, lifting, hoisting, you know the drill, even sitting patients up in bed for breakfast took it’s toll, but just loved the whole “caring field” , put them first then went home to suffer in silence! Really paying the price now, early retirement forced, but not the fun I planned, YET but will be if this op ever comes off. Just to be able to walk any distance without pain or leg numbness and burning would be a joy….oh hum, all bloody age related I guess! I saw too many in their own homes in “Gods little waiting room” NOT ME…move it or lose it”, there is always something I can do……sorry to bore you all.
    Hi Foxy…..fasting today, soup for lunch if I get hungry, dinner a guess tonight!….CG xxx

    FAST DAY update-Just had a fresh fruit salad,melon,grapes,mango and pineapple for lunch.(89 calories) Not sure if the sugars are going to make me hungry later but there is something about fresh pineapple and mango and humid Perth weather that works for me!
    Fingers crossed that the water and Rooibos tea keep me going till dinnertime.
    I am a work in progress!

    Bibbumun track is on my wish list as well,though I want the one that comes with comfy accommodation at the end of a long walk.

    Countrygal, as I read your post I can feel your pain. I too had the bulging discs, stenosis of spinal column.
    Horrid sciaticia. Lots of do with ostioarthritis plus the work related thing. We used to have to lean over the operating table and with the use of a roller pull the patient towards us or visa versa if you were on the trolley side. Ergonomically a nightmare. The specialist at the pain management clinic I attended told me that I would have pain for the rest of my life. It was like a death sentence. I don’t know what happened but we moved to Tassie where I do a lot of walking, have lovely neighbours and friends and gradually they pain has gone. I don’t want to give you any false hope but it happped to me and I don’t believe in miracles. I so wish the same wonderful relief for you.
    Sorry to bore the rest of you but we all need some TLC at times.
    Love and hang in there. XX

    Dogsabie, I’m now not using my walking stick or rushing for a trolly at the super market just to lean on, even if only buying a couple of things. My saving grace has been the nerve blocks, and my chiro who knows my spine better than his. I have scoliosis, to, but whose to say I wasn’t born with that, it’s just walking or leaning to alleviate pain in the strangest ways, plays havoc with it all. I’ve learned to live with it, never been happier with life, long out of an abusive marriage, so THIS TIME IS MINE and I am going to enjoy it the best I can, I just wish my name would come up on the waiting list for the op on the nerve, but am managing best I can, and never stop smiling, it’s personal pain, why share it with the outside world and make them miserable?It’s usually when others, people at our general store mention how I walking or grabbing things to manoeuvre my way to the back at the shop, I realise how bad it is, one gets used to living with pain. My time will come, but it’s why I had all the weight gain, lack of continual movement….Roll on cricket, good excuse to sit! Have a lovely day, listen to the birds…CG xxx

    Oh drat. I had started a happy note to all you lovely welcoming people, and my computer froze. Just wait til my techie gets home! Had to re-boot.

    I didn’t realize you were suffering from such a serious infliction, CG. Enjoy your water, and you will be buoyed not only by the H2O, but all the good wishes from your team. Wow, you did an amazing job with the landscaping, barrowing that water around that area! I hope you listened to your body when it was telling you to rest. Envy you the space to create on the land.

    It’s times like birthdays when you are excused from fasting, MissA. 5:2 is so forgiving, and easy, and satisfying. And post-menopause is a great time, freedom. Told by one of the bosses today that I was looking trim. Happy happy happy.

    cheers B

    Team, please forgive me, I didn’t need to sprout forth with personal complaints. I’m fine, happier than I have ever been, I have built my own haven in God’s backyard and adore it. I appreciate the good wishes, but I’m no different today than I was this time last week. Just spreading the news of water aerobics. Didn’t mean to bore you all with my bits and pieces. I’m so sorry. Your my 5:2 family and I’m so grateful we are doing this journey together, it makes life sweeter when journeys are shared…have a lovely evening team, don’t sweat the small stuff, remember, and have that glass of wine, and enjoy it…:) CG xxx

    One thing is for sure CG… never, ever bore us! I like reading about what others may have to cope with as it puts some perspective into my own stuff sometimes 🙂

    Oh your garden sounds lovely…..wish we could all see some photos of it. All your TLC has paid off and I love that you have memory plants. I have a couple of things from my mum’s garden and they are precious to me. As we have a gardening business we are always bringing home what other people ask us to pull out…..last winter it was (shame) mainly roses….some were in a sad and sorry state….we planted them in our gardens and have got such a kick seeing new growth on them and discovering what colour they were…Dan (hubby) and I feel that gardening never finishes always a work in progress, and work to be loved 🙂

    CG, you will never bore us. This is a thread of support and being able to talk about ailments and pains is a big part of that. Your positivity and help will always out-weigh the little complaints. Don’t be scared to have a whine, you deserve it, that’s why we’re here as well. It’s a 2-way street (in this case more a 30-way street, or a Gordian’s knot haha).

    Foxy, I would love to walk to Denmark too, but I don’t think I’d make it to Copenhagen very soon as it’s about 750 km in a straight line from where I live 🙂
    That trail sounds pretty amazing. I’ve secretly wanted to do a traditional pilgrimage and cycle to Santiago de Compostela, I’ve never been to Galicia and traveling through France like that sounds like a dream. But time, money and my natural hatred of cycling up giant hills keeps me from it. I think Denmark – Albany are a slightly more realistic goal, then 😀 I hope you get to do it one day.

    I really admire all u keen gardeners, CG,foxy & Dogasbie I am fairly useless!!! I do live roses though & frangipanis!!! My dad, at nearly 88 is a passionate gardener!! Thank u Barata for your kind words – certainly true, had quite a large dinner last night & was surprised to be 61.6 this am. Fasting today, trying to hang out till my nice dinner of Vietnamese chicken salad. I still have a few ks to go on the exercise bike.
    I too live in WA & always aspired to walk the bibbulmun track but I fear my knees will prevent that but who knows. My aim is to be able to walk 4 ks a day as well as half hour on stationary bike, also get back to some weights!!! Well happy fasting, & thanks for all the welcoming posts from u all, sorry I still have to get used to all the names. TC A

    Never a bore to share your problems, CG. That’s what we are here for, support and love. The wine is going down a treat after yesterday’s FD. I find that’s one thing that doesn’t seem to affect the benefits of fasting (haven’t talked to my liver about this, tho’)

    Love the gardening, but a little constrained in the current location. Dream to go farming, in fact, but unfortunately OH is a died-in-the-wool townie.

    Glorious full moon in a clear evening sky. And NZ 369 for 5 against Pakistan, who now need more than 10.8 rpo with 5 wickets down! Bring on the World Cup.


    Totally agree Foxy, it IS a labour of love and so very rewarding. I’ll email you some photos soon…all the best my friend..
    Just had a bit of leftover chicken breast from my roast, 120 grams and a full tin of Edgell mushrooms in butter sauce 45cal ONLY and so yum, plus a thickly sliced steamed
    zucchini, so my fasting day is almost over. Found it easy with being so busy today. Still enough cals left for a cappuccino made with my espresso machine, oh so yum and filling, 3/4 cup skinny milk for supper and a good nights sleep.
    You are such a lovely caring team, I’m so glad it took our 5:2 to get us to meet, common goal with so many common interest, like the tennis, and the cricket…Bring it on.,
    CG xx

    MissA, garden interests come with age I think, I’ve always loved a nice garden around my house for presentation, but now on 2 acres, it’s an’ll happen, give it time…CG xx

    CG prior to moving we did live on 5 acres& I did manage to look after 80+ roses!!!! But I have never caught the passion much to my dads disappointment, but I do like my house to be well presented so I persevere!!! I feel for u & Dogasbie with back problems, I have scoliosis but nothing like both of u, I hope u get your operation soon. Well off to ride that bike & wait out the last hour or so b4 dinner. Cheers ( or rather not cheers!!!!) Miss A

    MissA do you do half an hour on your exercise bike? Golly I think I’m wonderful if I do 7 minutes. Do you miss the country? My two acres sit on over a thousand acres of grazing land going down into a small valley then up to “my” glorious hill, usually dotted with cattle. At least I get the million $ view for free and love every bit of it….good luck seeing out your last hour, it will fly, then tucker….CG xxx
    Ps forgot to say, I also had a big bunch of silver beet leaves shredded, washed and 2-3 mins in the microwave, no water, perfect with dinner, very low cal and full of iron, went great with the mushies in sauce too….CG xxx

    Having my mushroom strog for dinner,,,very yummy! Happy with FAST day so far.
    The fruit earlier didnt make me more hungry,so happy to try something different.
    Storms starting again so bye from me

    Vegie, I eat a lot of fruit, and berries, never find it makes me hungry, if anything I find it filling, and so good for you…enjoy your storm…CG

    CG I try to do 150km a week – that is my aim but some weeks I don’t get there!!! I have had to make myself use the bike as my preferred exercise would be walking but after getting a knee replacement last June & now needing a clean out of my left that is not yet an option!!!!! I love being outside in the early morning, seeing the sunrise while walking. Soon, but not to the extent I used to!!! I grew up in country NSW, & am in a small WA Country town but we will be moving to near mandurah where we will, eventually build. What I really love there is we have a boatshed on the river & a beautiful walk along the river, where we see Dolphins. Where we were on 5 acres nearer to perth it was flat & very scrubby full of tea tree – l learnt to appreciate the good things there & made some wonderful friends but it did not have the village atmosphere that u describe of your town. My parents still live in the southern highlands, & that is very beautiful. Miss A . ps I have to watch TV recordings while on the bike as otherwise I couldn’t do three minutes !!!

    Hi all, sorry I’m late. Again! Really busy getting organized for the trip. My partner has all his checkups this week (we got him through early stage liver cancer 18 months ago) it means 2 full days ( from tomorrow )and an overnite stay in the city (120k’s away)then I only have 3 days before setting off on the first leg. Should be in Hobart by next Wednesday evening.

    So I may be off line for some time, not taking my laptop. Cost of baggage is through the roof! Ha! got cheap fares through Jetstar, but they keep sending me emails to remind me I have to pay extra for stuff one takes for granted is included. Like food, to watch a movie, baggage, even for seat selection! ah, well, nuts, I ordered the lot! Hang the expense, we are alive and well and going for a good time!

    I have gotten so much from reading all your posts. It feels good to share, CG, good on you! I so admire your attitude and your love of nature, animals and your garden. Many would sit on their thumbs and wail with your back problems. I got my surgery and can empathise with all the stages you are struggling through . You too dogsabie. The nursing profession took it’s toll on all of us. Fitting that we should now pool our experience and help each other. All credit to you for bringing us together CG. Your Aussie determination is the real McCoy! Flemmish I also like your post on exercise goals.

    Don’t forget me if I disappear for a few weeks. I may be able to check in some way, will try. and certainly going to try to have a few FD’s . Don’t want to lose the great feeling of beating the flab! Nite all, Take care of yourselves. xxx Gypsy

    You’d be hard to forget, Gypsy 😉

    Morning team, well said FC, how could we forget you Gypsy. We will miss you terribly. I’d also miss your sincerity and seeing life as you do but of course your light heartedness, it’s a joy to read. Thank you for your kind words too you say it as you see it, so very refreshing.
    Well team, PLANNING day today unless you are doing 4:3, Try something new for yourself, get rid of that safety net and be adventureous. Food is your friend, it’s what you do with it that can become the calory danger! There are so many recipes online, or use your imagination, calculate your cals with MFP and surprise yourself. Don’t get stale with your choices, spice it up with something new. I picked up 3 little books yesterday from our General Store for $2 each, great little recipes, Low Carb, Healthy Living and can’t think of the other one but you don’t need to spend big money. If you love spag bog, jusy do it without pasta and use zucchini sprials instead, experiment!
    So boil that egg tonight, have your nibbles at the ready YOU CAN DO IT we are AUSSIE DETERMINATION and we know how to tackle the tough times because WE ARE NOT ALONE, make it a special day team, have a laugh, don’t sweat the small stuff, and feel that sunshine from with in… 😆 CG xxx

    I just received an email from MFP which you should all get anyway, before deleting it, check out the three low cal, easy salad dressings, worth a try…CG xx

    Hi all love your stories CG I have a large home block its veg patch and chickens, which I love to watch they are very funny. My hubby he recently excavated the yard to make better access to shed so over winter the garden will be redone. It’s a mess at the moment but we will get there.

    Day off work today, mm don’t really get a day off washing machine is on and so is dishwasher. Floors will be done and so will bathrooms. In the middle canteen duty at college. Anyway busy.

    Had a laugh yesterday one of the girls at work whom we don’t get on that well was having miso soup for lunch. I asked to later when we we on our own is she doing 5 2 she shot look at me I said miso soup gave it away. She has been doing lite n easy forever and is sick of carbs and salt. I said I have been going for 4.5 months with 15kg drop. She was impressed, she wanted to loose a fair amount in 5 weeks before overseas trip. I said good on her, but this is not a quick fix this is a long term plan.

    Gypsy love your stories have a good trip.

    Everyone have a great day


    Morning AD’S
    Gypsy- have a great holiday…..YOU WILL BE SOOOOOO MISSED. How could we ever forget you! Your posts are full of humour. and sincerity hugsxxxxxx
    Flemmy – Thank you for the article on maintainence and exercise. Are you pleased to be a HONOARY AUSSIE?
    CG….WATER BABY…. Never say you are boring! We want you fit and well so during the post op and rehab phase after your surgery, it will be smooth sailing for you.
    The MUSHIE STROG seems to becoming a winner It is so yummy.
    Mum and I are having it for dinner tonight. We may have a new team member yet, She was so impressed with my body shape and weight loss. Mum is a DUKAN devotee… more so now after she has just returned after 2mths in Paris and its surrounds. Most Parisian women are on Dukan.

    Have happy healthy day…….GO GAL

    Morning Bali, you’ll have it looking lovely, gardening becomes a real project of love. I use a lot of old fence posts from the farms around here for garden edging, looks lovely and rustic plus it saves the farmers trying to get rid of them, not safe to burn as they are treated pine. I can’t think of a better way to spend your day to get fresh air and exercise, I talk to my cows and the sheep who follow me up and down the fence line, they are all named of course, so just love the life style, and it’s a never ending project, always something to do but so so rewarding. Enjoy the house work, it is still burning plenty of cals, and cheaper than a gym….CG xx

    Haha GG, I can’t believe I forgot to mention that! I’m absolutely thrilled. Even though the thongs aren’t happening any time soon (even in the house it’s wintery woolly socks all the way), I’m definitely embracing the Aussie spirit and honoured I got promoted! I’m already a huge fan of Adam Hills, Round The Twist and Foreign Exchange (I don’t know if anyone has ever seen that Irish/Australian sitcom?) so I’m already half worked in 😀 When weather gets better I’m surely going to go out and take some pictures of my thonged feet at Belgian sites, and post them here to celebrate my honorary citizenship!

    As I’m quite an adventurous eater, I like going to international shops and picking out something I don’t know at all. This week I bought some banana blossoms in brine and made a curry with them. I’d never made a curry with coconut cream before because the boys in my family don’t like coconut but I was stubborn today and boy am I glad. I had an absolutely divine meal. Also bought a type of rice I’d never had: black sticky rice. Turns out it had like half the kcal of regular rice. 60 grams of dry rice (which resulted in 150g of cooked rice) was only 75 kcal, can you believe it? And it was delicious. So for anyone wanting to add some rice to their FDs, black sticky rice will give you almost double the amount compared to regular rice. My curry was only 320 kcal 🙂

    CG, when you talk about your garden, I always picture the girl in the garden with the big hat. It was very popular in the 70s. Was she called Holly Hobbie? My mum had an apron on it I was very fond of and you always remind me of that apron 🙂 I looked it up, here you go:

    Tomorrow’s another RD for me, and pastry day on top of that 🙂 I’ll try to check in a few times. Hope everyone is having a great day (especially when fasting).

    Are a lot of people doing 4:3? You’re all very brave, in my honest opinion 😉

    Good morning all.., little low today as have been binge eating this week..!! Monday was FD but went out for dinner for hubby’s bday so with cake and indian food ended up going over 500 cal..!! and the leftover cake in the fridge was so tempting that I cudn’t resist to it,, esp with the hunger pang that I had after returing from work yesterday..!!! And this morning was no different and had a big bread roll for brekky..!! And some team lunch today so.. woried that I migth eat too much …!!! Need some help and inspiration from you guys so I make better chioce at lunch today..!!! I need to know I can do it..!!!

    After a 10 day holiday of unrestricted eating and drinking- the damage wasn’t to bad! And even ‘unrestricted’ is less than it used to b…4kg down in 2 months- that glorious moment when a work colleague goes “you must have lost weight” – hope this gets me through todays fast as i find it nearly impossible to get below 600C

    hang in there all!


    Hi Guys, mind if I join you? 🙂
    I’m 2 weeks into the diet & am losing around 0.5kg a week. I have a question… I’ve been eating my TDEE (1800 cals) although not too strictly on non fast days, but I notice a lot of you eat less than that. Do you find it works better/ more weight loss? Starting to think I should be eatIng less

    Hi Pree we all go through it…Mind set is your key! Get some vegie soup on, add some chic peas or kidney beans for protein, bit of either curry powder or herbs, get the smell wafting through the house, you’ll be drooling, and it will be all your craving. Above all get rid of all that temptation out of the fridge as we all did after Xmas. Remember your AUSSIE DETERMINATION, WE ARE HERE FOR YOU, and YOU ARE NOT ALONE…what ever you do….don’t give up, our 5:2 is ever so forgiving, so back on the path, …..YOU CAN DO IT
    FC would you believe I was secretary to the State Sales Manager at Valentine Sands when the Holly Hobby promotion was on.Not sure if it was ours or Hallmarks, but everyone had a similar line. She is lovely and I have similar paintings country paintings, cute paintings around my home. By the way that rice sound yum, I adore rice, actually doing the caulie fried rice for tonight.
    Have a great day and Pree don’t beat yourself up, we all have times like that, none of us are wearing halo’s….CG xxxx

    MissM welcome, we basically eat what “fills” us. It’s the food choices that make the big difference. If you stick with soups, stir fry’s salads and alike, it’s hard to get huge amounts of cals up. Stay off bread, any sort and white carbs, all healthy choice meals, not the brand, and you find it sustains you with out going over. Still stay with 400-450-500 cals on fast day, what ever satiates you, your appetite drops too over time so it’s easy to do….again welcome to our team…CG

    Hi Miss M, my sedentary TDEE is pretty low (1626kcal) and I try to stick around that or under on weekdays so I can have a bit more on weekends. I think I’m actually lightly active but I choose the lower one to make sure I don’t sabotage myself. I’m not too obsessed with it though. I gained some weight last week (about 1.5 kg) so I’m logging all my kcal this week because I’m always less indulgent when I log but usually I don’t log and just use my instinct to know how much I’m eating. You should really do what is most comfortable for you. If you try very hard to eat less than your TDEE, you might get discouraged or frustrated and it might make this WOL less sustainable for you. You could try to drop 100 kcal next week and see if you feel equally full, satisfied, satiated and happy. Sometimes those 100 kcal make a huge difference in how you feel throughout the week. Try it out, see how you feel. It’s all about finding the way you feel you could keep this fasting thing up forever.

    CG, that’s such a coincidence! I was just reading up on it and Hallmark rejected Holly Hobbie apparently. The rice was so nice and creamy (and dark). I loved every morsel of it. Next time I’m adding a bit of jasmine aroma because this is the rice they make jasmine rice with, apparently. Sometimes it’s called black glutinous rice, I bought it at a thai grocer’s. I’m thinking about making cauliflower rice this Thursday for my next FD, that’s such a great idea.

    Hi FC, pretty limited in the country with fancy groceries, Aldis is about the fanciest! But doing my caulie rice exactly as I do my normal fried rice, which is always a family favourite. No recipe, just par cooked the caulie in the mircowave, drained it and on a tray in the fridge to dry it, will add egg, spring onion, peas corn and carrot, good shot of low salt soy….yum, also doing curried caulie salad for my fast tomorrow, another family favourite, house a hit smelly with all the caulie but door all open, will blow it through, hehehe…if we all think about it, we all know low cal recipes, it’s often just changing the rich sauce we use to a substitute, thank heavens for philly…or just lemon juice and a tad of olive oil a few herbs and your done….take care YOU CAN DO IT… Your only limited by your imagination…CG xx

    I’m definitely picking up a cauliflower at market tomorrow 🙂 This sounds lovely.

    G’Day Mates, Well I have now done 2FDs and found them o.k.BUT the nights have been uncomfortable with what I presume to be hunger cramps. the second FD night was worse. I had expected to be up more often due to my increased fluid,but that night I was up 8 times what with bathroom visits and by 1am I hadn’t slept so had 2 grapes, to put something in my tummy, slept for a short time but had to eat a ryvita at 3am as was so uncomfortable!! I reread the fast book and could only find advise that was applicable to the day…keeping busy etc…
    Even the next day…NFD, I still felt weak in the stomach all day, like my internal muscles had been over worked with the hunger cramps!!??? I did eat well during my FDs, and I’m not unwell in my general health.. Sorry to rave on but thought I should try to answer any queries you may have with a few facts… Looking forward to any advise from you helpful people out there.. 🙂 Cheers Nedb

    Hi nedb and welcome back, my advise is to keep 100 cals to use before bed with a hot milk coffee or choc ( low cal) …you should sleep like a baby with the warm milk, maybe a dash if brandy ir the like haha.xx insomnia is common but passes usually, I still have bad nights but get the ipad out or a book and read a while with a cup of camomile tea….good luckCG xx

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