Aussie Determination

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  • Enjoy the sunny weekend Fit, it dies lift the spirits πŸΈπŸ˜‰β€οΈXx

    Had a lovely lunch out with my OH today….he didn’t need to visit his mum, which he usually does on Fridays, and I finished early with my sister, so we went for lunch in a new cafe nearby. It was really tasty and I had Belgian chocolate biscuit cake for dessert! Mmmmm, yummy! The sun has been shining for most of the day and, you’re right CG, it makes a huge difference to one’s mood! β˜€οΈπŸŒž

    Hi team, Fit I’m so pleased for you, it’s seems rare that you and o/h take time out to do something like that. Weather is certainly mood altering and the Winter blues effect so many of us, so I hope your Spring and Summer offers a lovely long warm season for you☺️Xxxx

    Here’s hoping CG! Yes, because OH works from home we spend 24/7 together but we often forget to actually go out and do something nice just for a change of scene! I hope your weather doesn’t turn out too bad.

    Hi Fit, it’s another beautiful autumn morning, it’s predicted to turn really bad as of tomorrow and for the rest of the week. It will do me good actually, having to rest, and I plan a few chores (more wardrobes) and I love the sound of rain☺️ I can understand you both forgetting to take time out, but new scenery equals new conversations and a clearer head, it would be nice if it were a regular plan….enjoy your weekend my dear friendβ€οΈπŸ˜‰Xxxx

    CG, enjoy listening to the rain, resting up and planning, but NOT doing, chores! πŸ˜‰πŸ˜ƒ

    I hear you Fit πŸ˜€ I have started watching Downton Abby on Netflix, so quite hooked already, into 2nd series, so will keep my chores to a small limit ☺️❀️Xxxx

    Raining on my tin roof here. Nice.

    Hi all , sounds like everyone is enjoying the weekend. And good to hear you are being good CG. I just loved Downton Abby And I’m not surprised you are enjoying it. That should keep you busy for a while. We are having beautiful weather here too so OH out in the garden πŸƒπŸŒΏπŸŒΉπŸŒΉ pruning the roses, and I have just washed my bedspread and blankets…that I have been meaning to do for ages. Whilst cleaning out my cupboard yesterday came across all of my mums old knitting and crochet about a walk down memory lane. πŸ’žπŸ’žπŸ’žI could see all of the things she knitted and crocheted throughout the years by the patterns. It was such a great time remembering all the love she gave through her work. Planning to knit some of them again for my Grandies…lucky they live in cold countries and not where we live.

    Gyps. I have just read the chapter introducing Hattie..I just love her..can’t wait to see what Tanouie gets up to in the penthouse!! You are so right about medications, I must check OHs as he is on statins..your son sounds like he was a wonderful thoughtful person. I can relate to his feelings about the news and the sensationalism that seems to be the norm these days. We only watch ABC and SBS and even they have gone down the road of All this live coverage…asking people how they feel.. What an uncaring world this has turned into..if they cared they would not expose people in terrible situations to the continued invasion of privacy…oh well time to get off my soap box..had my rant for the day.

    Jade , Gyps advice about looking after yourself is very true. I find when things get really tough I write a Letter to OH explaining how I feel and the effect that his comments have on me. It is all very well that they feel comfortable and able to be themselves…but that is not the person we married in the first place. I think they need to be reminded that we also have feelings that can be hurt, and how hard it is to keep ones lips zipped constantly.🀐🀐 I find a letter a non confronting way to get this message across as you can also tell them how much you love them and soften the blow. Works for us. πŸ’•πŸ’•πŸ’•πŸΎπŸΎ

    SJ. i imaging you are continuing to enjoy πŸ’•πŸ’•πŸ’•

    Fit. Have a lovely weekend!!Great you and OH had time to enjoy a lunch out.

    Bye for now πŸ’œπŸ’œπŸ’œπŸ’œπŸ’œ

    Hi team tis a sad sorry me posting. DIL decided on a girka day oit and took me to a ladies conference out of town. Coming down the stairs during one session in the semi dark I fell badly. Have a bruised/puffy cheekbone, a slightly twisted right ankle and a very swollen left knee!! The knee is the only part I’m concerned about that’s giving me grief. It’s iced and elevated and we’ll see how we wake up tomorrow. Can’t bend it much. So fun with the grandies is going to be no quite so easy! And I’m down to my 2yo’s pace with stairs ie 2 steps on each step…..a very slow process. Oh well at least I won’t be saying Come on Lucy now…we’ll be at the same speed!
    Hoping that tomorrow won’t mean a Dr’s visit as it will be expensive over here. Started anti-inflammatories as had a script with me.
    Anyway it’s certainly NOT what was on my plans and will slow us down for quite a while. Will have to read lots of books with the grandies and get into some games and puzzles. Hopefully I have some better news in a few days. Suejen xxxx
    Mother’s Day coming up and having lunch with my son then dinner with the whole family. OH is having lunch with him tomorrow. Byee

    Hi Fit, thank you for your empathy. Am so sorry to hear of the rising sadness in Ireland. Perhaps their Universal psyche is more in tune with the Earth’s plight. We must give them a tale of hope to smile about! Bloody doomsday artists are so set on painting a picture of hopelessness and gloom! And media hype is definitely a powerful tool. But it is all about the user’s intent.(my boy taught me that, too) the power is in the hands of the people now. So best we cheer up in the using!

    The Irish are going down first because they are the light of the world! Mine anyway – He’s outside watering the plants in the rain -singing merrily in his cups after showing grave respect to yet another victim of time and cirrhosis- my king of the wake -God love him. On the dry, he sits around in his chair devouring world crisis’ in agro frustration and gloom. The only time he is truly happy is when a stranger dies!(closer ties are quite another matter)But it is a vicious cycle. The news gets him so riled up he is in danger of haunting the cemetery for signs of disturbance! – (or the backhoe warming up to dig!… ). For not even at the peril of his own health, can a soul be sent off without a Guinness salute! It is the lore! Garrk! for certain his happy moments are infectious. If only I could keep him pickled!

    And you can take the Irish out of Ireland, but you can’t take the magic out of them. The leprechaun is Irish as paddy’s pigs, despite having been birthed on Geordie soil. (His Mother was an O’Neil and he is a Kelly- tho his dad was raised a scot – a Geordie, Scot, Irish leprechaun, late of Oz conditioning – picture the imp! of my inspiration! (Will I save him?). He arrived home from the pub with my mother’s day pressie. The seafood tray, Fresh oysters, Barramundi fillets, king prawns and…. drool…a mud crab. Yum! Plus a bottle of champagne. How do you growl at him?

    So Fit, for certain the Irish/you are of the most intuitive race and the legends of the Celts and the ‘little people’ all originated from the magical, green Isle. If there ever was a ‘Garden of Eden’, then that is where it was. Trust me on that. The pen chose its Tanouie character well. Heh, heh, my pen never actually lies. Though it may invent an alternative reality and a brighter future. Ever hoping the blueprint will assist some inventor to make it manifest. And that is not even a conscious design on my part. It just seems that lately, the co-incidences of my ‘wishful thinking’ are a little more in line with the ‘power of attraction’ theory, to be dismissed. I don’t doubt they are all existing influences, floating around in the endless dimensions of time. The ‘Akaskic records’ do exist. It is especially depicted in the ‘Dreamtime’ stories of Australia’s Aboriginals. It is a wonderful, magical world we live in, (For there is certainly more to Heaven and earth than meets the eye! The germ theory proved that!) And laughter is the key to it. Mud crab is my favourite food. The lobster I paid 70 dollars for at our WTF luncheon, pales in comparison to fresh mud crab. Shane always provided one for me on Mother’s day.

    I hope you all have a great weekend and a HAPPY MOTHER’S DAY! for I certainly will. xxx gyps.

    What a bummer SJ. Keep on icing that knee and get those anti inflammatory tabs into you regularly. Hope you come up not too bad in the morning. The grandies will have fun waiting on you for a change. And of course lots and lots of stories to be read. I know what you mean about going up and down stairs as I do that all the time. Very slow going. {{{πŸ’šπŸ’™πŸ’œπŸ’›β€οΈπŸ’“πŸ’“}}} keep your spirit up there my friend.

    Gyps your description of the leprechaun watering the garden in the rain is priceless. And what a fantastic Mother’s Day present. I too love mud fact we are heading to our fav caravan park on Monday cause we have had the word that the crabs are on πŸ€—πŸ€—πŸ€— yeah! …so going to get a few or more!!

    I am at the end of a successful fast day…have done the Monday one today as we will be away catching feeling very proud of myself doing a weekend fast.
    My darling D coming over tomorrow for Mother’s Day and her present is herself for the day doing whatever I would like her too. I am thinking OH and her have cooked up a cunning plan to rearrange my breezeway…
    Which could do with a fresh int up. I pretend to be against it for a while, just to make things a challenge…naughty of me .. and then usually love what she comes up with so we then celebrate the new area. So looking forward to the day. First time I have had one of the children home for Mother’s Day for decades…

    Have a great Mother’s Day all if I don’t get to post before the fun. πŸ’œπŸ’œπŸ’œπŸ’œπŸ’œ

    Hi all!
    Oh, SJ, how unfortunate for you to have such a fall! πŸ™ I’m glad you didn’t break anything and hopefully the anti inflammatories will help your knee to recover as quickly as possible. So you’re right to make the most of your other options with the grandies….lots of cuddle time, stories and board games. Enjoy lunch with your son for Mothers’ dayπŸ’žπŸ’•
    PH, well done on fasting at the weekend! How amazing and wonderful to finally have one of your babies by your side for Mothers’ day…..your heart must be bursting! πŸ’žπŸ’žπŸ’ž
    Gyps, loving the latest chapters….there must be sparks coming out of your keyboard! Your leprechaun is certainly a one-off, watering in the rain! πŸ˜‚ There’s nothing the Irish like better than a good wake! I’ve been thinking of you a lot lately because there seem to be fairies following me everywhere. I went out for lunch with some friends lately and there were fairies dangling from the windows. Also at the gardens I went to visit two weeks ago, there was a sign on the wall saying ‘The fairies are coming’. There is definitely something afoot in universe! βœ¨πŸ’«πŸŒͺ🌟
    CG, I hope you haven’t gone square eyed watching Downton, it’s addictive! I absolutely love Maggie Smith and the way her character is always sparring with cousin Violet. She has some of the best one-liners ever! Anyway, enjoy the resting. πŸ‘πŸ’šπŸ˜ƒ
    So much for our heatwave….it’s been lashing rain here since about 6am and quite cool too, so I’m back in jeans, sweater and brogues! 😒

    Hi team, busy morning with my fuchsias, repotting and feeding, cutting back… and lovin’ it’ got some washing on the line and by 2:00 decided on lunch and a catch up on Downton! Oh I love Lady Sybil, such a modern thinker…..and poor old Mr. Bates, will there even be smooth sailing? (Rather fond of the real life actor tooπŸ˜‰) Series 2 now finished and even watched “The making of” so how desperate am I? And of course, what can one say about Maggie Smith, I still toss up between her and Judy Dench who I also adore…..I’d love to see her come in as a visitor to Downton, how good would that beπŸ˜€ OOOHHHH series 3 just started, yoohoo😊😊
    Suejen, what rotten luck for you, try to see a positive, as in rest up time, you did really push yourself before you headed off, and haven’t stopped since you arrivedπŸ˜‰ So as mentioned, good story reading time for the kids, and I’m sure they will love delivering meals on a tray for you.I hope the meds kick in for you, but if in doubt, see a doctor, at any price, it will be worth itπŸ˜πŸ’•
    Fit, your weather sounds like ours, you never quite know what to expect. Enjoy the weekend no matter, grab a book or start another cupboard? But above all, be kind to yourselfπŸ˜ŠπŸ’•
    PH well done on fasting, not always easy on a weekend…..with others around, but all prepared now for a good Mothers day with your daughter and Mondays crab hunt😊
    Steak chips and salad for dinner tonight, so I must get a fast in tomorrow, then again Monday. So a B2B coming up, or a semi on Monday, maybe a nice dinner.
    Have a lovely evening team ☺️❀️xxxxxx

    Mmmph…grrrrk…nnnggggghhh…AHHHHHH πŸ”† here I am, out of the swamp. Hadn’t thought about how much the 24/7 news hype affects us all, but indeed how could it not. God love Shane for turning his back on that soulless bunch. Gyps, what a shining memory of your brave young man.🌟Sometimes karma is just in the mind, but it finds its mark, of that I am sure. But hey ho on the optimistic side, there are way more good souls in the world; even the angry mob at Trump rallies here do actually know and like individual Muslims, gays, you name it. And the mob for all its yelling is a tiny % of my country.

    Whew SJ what a scary thing for you😨 Glad you didn’t break anything β€οΈπŸ’™ and I guess for the next few days you’re meant to rest and do the toddler impersonation πŸ‘ΆπŸ‘ I hope the aches subside and no doctor’s visit or X-rays are necessary. Cuddles on the floor with grandies stat!πŸ’•

    Fit, your day out with OH sounds lovely – you are indeed surrounded by good fairies ✨ as you are one of them – thank you for all your ideas and nudges for OH πŸ’ͺ😎 xx The countdown has me so excitedπŸ’š And PH thank you for the letter idea – brilliant, and a sure way not to toss a word bomb for the fleeting pleasure πŸ’£πŸ˜¬ (loved that image of you finding the old patterns too – and that you’ll keep making themπŸ’•). But trust me all, lately I’ve had my say, the lip has a slow zipper so a few choice words escape 😏 seems to have done some good. He is much like your leprechaun, Gyps, once strapped in for the ride he is the one “watering flowers in the rain” so to speak until the wee hoursπŸŒ™ He is a good soul, the biggest heart I know, but he feels a loss like none other – even if the loss isn’t his. Eh, I’ve always loved a good puzzle πŸ€”

    Lol CG doesn’t surprise me you’ve taken a liking to Lady Sybil! I enjoyed Downton and oh that MaggieπŸ˜‚ – I’m also a Judi Dench fan for sure. Glad you found something restful to do as you continue to recup from the incisions. Good thing all the cupboards were already in order? πŸ˜‚

    Right, 5:2? Sort of did it. Then bought new jeans that I LOVE, the stretchy mind. (Ha, NO NO spellcheck that’s stretchy “kind”!) But I think I’ll take that as good fairy advice – so, have a stretchy mind everyone! Enjoy the weekend, hug all your imperfect life companions (even those who pooped in the guest bedroom last night 🐢🐢) and may you get all the hugs back tenfold. πŸ”†πŸ˜ jade xxxxx

    Hi there CG! If that’s your version of taking it easy, I wouldn’t want to see you in action mode! πŸŒͺ⚑️πŸ’₯ Enjoy the next season of Downton…..lots of thrills and spills to come, maybe keep the tissues handy as well! 😒 I decided to get my hair done this morning to keep my spirits up. It’s so gloomy here and it’s still only mid afternoon. Never mind, the sun is forecast for tomorrow again…..we live in hope! πŸ€”πŸ˜ƒ

    Oh Jade! Poop first thing in the morning! I remember it well, one sure way not to eat breakfast! πŸ˜‰πŸ˜‚ I love your idea of the slow zipper….must remember that one! πŸ‘ I’ve no doubt you’ll solve that puzzle, especially with your stretchy mind! Enjoy the new jeans, it’s great feeling when you get just the right ones! πŸ‘–πŸ‘πŸ’šπŸ’žπŸ˜ƒ

    Retail therapy for us both, Fit! Hope the hair salon was the ticket for you πŸŽŸπŸ‘‘ – we have another grand day of sunshine here and darn if we aren’t just chirpychippy like baby ducks on a new pondπŸ•Š(what, no duck emoji? dove of peace it is, then). OH by my count had 5 good pints of ale last night, yet spry as an elf this morning. I would be digging my own tunnel under a bus! but I had just one red wine spritzer, thank you PH for that brainstorm 🌩. I’ll send the sun your way soon, Fit – thanks for letting us borrow it πŸ”†πŸ’•πŸ”†

    Sounds good, Jade! I’ll hang onto it until you arrive…just for safe keeping! πŸ˜‰πŸ˜ƒ

    Hold onto this for now πŸŒ™ nigh night and sweet dreams πŸ’€πŸŒˆ

    Hi team, Happy Mothers Day to all you MumsπŸ’• My daughter and grand daughter are doing the Mothers Day run for breast cancer this morning ☺️ She just sent me a message on the ipad with lots of pics of her and I as well as Glenn and I with a Mothers Day message, it’s very clever……..she then messaged to say they had just arrived and it’s pouring rain, …..but they will still have fun anyway, what a perfect attitude. It will be slow going because of Tegan and her back problem, but I’m so proud they are participating☺️
    Cool and just very light rain here, we get Melbourne weather as it passes over the state so heavier rain expected. Good cosy stay at home type day. Might even have an egg on toast as a treat for brekkie miso soup for lunch, then a healthy dinner, still low cal….better than what the last few days have been and it could well be a relaxing day in front of downton. You have me worried Fit now expecting tissues and tears😱
    Jade love the slow zip too, I usually have a foot in my mouth to shut me up! It is wonderful when you find THAT perfect pair of jeans ☺️ Well done, and wear them with pride.
    Have a relaxing day and evening team ❀️Xxxxxx

    Ooohhh Noooooo, (Downton Abby) just got the tissues out Fit, Sybil just died in child birth! I’m glad I didn’t watch this week to week, with netflix it’s ongoing…..πŸ˜ͺ😒😱xx

    I am being very Downton Abby today, feet up, made a pot of English tea, and enjoying the soothing sound of the rain ☺️ (Very English) and AussieπŸ˜‰ I hope everyone is enjoying Mothers Day xxxxx (oh my parcel from Leah…..A bottle of Baileys…..a box of Guylian chocolates AND a Terry’s orange yummmmmm) so much for 5:2! 😳Xxxxxx


    Sorry I didn’t get to post in time for Mothers’ day, (got an unexpected invite to my sister’s for dinner), but I hope all you wonderful Aussie ladies had a terrific time and were spoiled rotten by your nearest and dearest πŸ’žπŸ’•
    CG, I did warn you about Downton and the tissues, sob! 😒 I’m glad Leah had the foresight to send you emergency consolation supplies to get you through! πŸ˜‰ What a wonderful thing she and Tegan did on such a special day….two beautiful girls! πŸ’•πŸ˜πŸ˜‡ I hope you enjoyed your very English day…..did you find a butler to wait on you as well? πŸ˜‰
    Yesterday was a total washout here and today doesn’t look much better so far. 😠 My sister was expecting friends for dinner last night who had to cancel quite late, so she invited myself, OH and my brother (we all live beside each other) over for dinner. So I had a big blow out with wine, dessert etc. Yummy! πŸ˜‹ Will try to eat light today and then proper fast on Monday and away we go again! πŸ‘πŸ’ͺ
    SJ, I hope you’re healing well and being looked after by your gorgeous grandies. Hopefully your plans haven’t been derailed any by your mishap. Take care πŸ’žπŸ’š
    UP and GG, I can’t remember how much longer you’ll be away but I hope you’re having a brilliant time too. We do miss you and can’t wait to hear all about your adventures! πŸ’šπŸ’žπŸ˜ƒ
    Jade, I don’t think I was in a fit(!) state to hang onto anything last night, except the pillow, while the room was spinning! πŸ˜œπŸ˜‰πŸ˜³ Oh well, I should be detoxed by the time you get here!! Not long now, yippee! πŸ‘πŸ’šπŸ˜ƒ

    Hi there GG! We crossed! Hope you and OH having a ball! Safe travels! πŸ’žπŸ˜ƒ

    Here with CG’s daughter Leah (far right) and granddaughter, Tegan (next to mum) IN THE PINK! having just completed the walk for breast cancer. Goog on them! Proud Granny! what a lovely pair!

     photo IMG_6424 JPG 2.jpeg

    Hope you all had a good day (sorry for poor suegen!hugs!) I had a lovely munch of my seafood delights and just finishing off the champers. It was a nice day. I even posted photos of the kids including Shane on Facebook. A First!finally letting the family off the hook re posting memorials . They all pussyfoot around my bloody mindedness on such maudlin practices. but it wasn’t fair to them to not share their memories. So they’ll be gobsmacked I expect. but that will just have to remain a mystery. I feel better and it is in no small way due to the support I get from you mob. So cheers! lettuce FAST forward!. ….. oh well, yes! there’s that rabbit hole….. hmm, so which bend did that pesky elf take?….xx gyps

    Hooray for Leah and Tegan, well done!! Lovely photo Gyps – ah too bad only one pink wig πŸ˜…

    Fit, we’re peas in a pod, I can’t pass up a good time eitherπŸŽ‰ But the friends’ loss was your gain! Oops, no double entendre intended 😳 but good memories hang around much longer.🍷🍰😍 I’ll be having brunch today so just aiming for self control again πŸ˜‚πŸŽ― darn creeper lbs, what will it take to get you to leaveπŸ’£

    Ah poor CG with the tissues 😩 …but we all knew that was coming, didn’t we! Money doesn’t buy happiness, right, lesson learned (sure comes in handy sometimes, though!).

    One more day in the countdown, and let me just say teleophobia, it’s a thing.πŸ’ͺπŸ‘Šβ˜˜πŸ’šjade xx

    Stay strong Jade, you will get here and OH will be caught up in the infectious spirit and atmosphere of the Emerald Isle…..we’re irresistible! πŸ’šβ˜˜πŸ’šβ˜˜
    Gyps, thanks for putting up CG’s photo of her beautiful girls and well done you for putting up the photos of Shane… proud and touched the rest of the family must be πŸ’žπŸ’•

    Hi guys,
    Just joined and looking for some Aussie assistance. I’ve moved OS with family and feeling a bit isolated and lacking motivation. Hoping to find like mind peeps to chat about 5:2.

    Hi Cookie,
    Welcome aboard! You’ve come to the right place for chat and encouragement. I’m Irish but this fab gang took me in and Jade is from the U.S. The rest of these amazing ladies are from all across Oz. Where are you from and where are you living now?

    Hi all, hope everyone had a great Mother’s Day! πŸ’žπŸ’πŸΎ. Mine was certainly busy , boy did my very practical daughter get through a lot of jobs that have been on the to do list for a long time. Starting with a complete clean out of my laundry, defrost of the freezer, pulled everything out, washed floor, tidy and clean of shelves and machine etc and a lot of reorganisation . Then we had a lovely morning tea, coffee and a special treat. Now it was time to completely reorganise the breezeway furniture, cleaning everything, relocating the cane couch to the front verandah to catch the winter sun, nothing is where it used to be but must admit it works much better than before and looks great. oH made us lovely BLAT’s ( bacon lettuce and tomato toasted rolls with avocado )πŸ”πŸ”β˜•οΈβ˜•οΈ for lunch with a nice cup of tea and then a short rest for the oldies while Daughter kept pottering(as she put it.) which means cleaning in all the spots I can’t get to love her. πŸ’•πŸ’•πŸ’™πŸ’š
    Then it was time to put together my new treadmill which was surprisingly easy…just 6 large screws. Then time for coffee and some lovely chocolates she got for me.πŸ«πŸ¬πŸ«β˜•οΈ Not everyone’s idea of a perfect day but it sure is mine. All those jobs done and a day spent with D. In amongst all of that was a lovely Skype with both of my sons and grandies. Heaven!! Tomorrow we are off to park the van by a beautiful river and try to catch some crabs, kick back and watch the world go by, my old boss and his wife are coming for drinkies and a BBQ with us tonight by the river…what more could any person want out of life. So blessed.

    The penny just dropped. Was wondering why there were no posts to read and just realised I have not refreshed!! Duh

    Now I see them!! What a lovely photo of your two girls CG. How proud you must be of them both, especially Tegan after all she has been through…as for Downton Abby there are so many more hours of great viewing in front of you..makes me almost want to watch it all again..just loved that show.

    FIT. So.lovely for you to get together with sister and family for just plain fun and laughter. Way to go..we need to take advantage of anything and everything that suddenly is on offer..πŸΉπŸΎπŸ»πŸ·πŸŽ‰. Hope you are fully recovered by now. πŸ’žπŸ’ž

    Gyps. So lovely to see all of those photos on Facebook. Funny how you just popped up In The people I might know and I got to friend you. SueJen did the same thing. Speaking of SJ. How are you dear one. Not in too much pain to enjoy Mother’s Day with your wonderful son and family I hope. πŸ’•πŸ’•πŸ’•

    Welcome Cookie. As you can see we chat about a lot more than 5.2 and so if that suits what you are looking for then this is the place for you. Please tell us a little bit about your journey so far, where you are living etc. πŸ€”πŸ€”πŸ˜€πŸ˜€

    Must try to get some more sleep. Almost 5am but too early to get up for this old girl! Hi to everyone else out there. Hope everything is going smoothly. Not sure if I have internet by the river so may be off line for a couple of days πŸ’œπŸ’œπŸ’œπŸ’œπŸ’•

    Hi there PH!
    Sounds like an absolutely perfect day for you…..who cares what anyone else thinks, it’s what matters to you that counts and your beautiful daughter made sure you got exactly that! How lovely to fit in the skyping too, the icing on the cake! πŸ’žπŸ˜ƒπŸŽ‚

    Hi Fittoretire,
    We’ve made camp in Sweden and have been here almost 7 months. Hubby got an offer to do some European time so we jumped at it. We are originally from Perth WA.
    We live right in the middle MalmΓΆ City so walking everywhere has been fantastic, but I’ve still managed to put on about 5 kilos on through eating norty stuff and getting used to different food etc. We were big turkey eaters but here that stuff is exspensive so it’s been mostly chicken, pork & fish.
    Been a bit lonely as the Swedes are a ultra quiet and polite lot but we are lucky to have a couple of other Aussie families from Adelaide with us.
    I’ve recently joined the gym in order to get back some fitness and have been doing 5:2 for about 3 months. I’m struggling with fasts over the last couple of weeks and getting a bit depressed with myself for stuffing up, but hey we are all human….
    So tomorrow I will take my measurements (which I haven’t done so far) and will be writing down a plan and doing food prep for the week.
    How is everyone else going on their journey?
    Cookie πŸ˜‰

    Hey Cookie,
    You’ve made a brave start, so give yourself a pat on the back for that. It’s not easy to up sticks and move so far from home. I believe the cost of living is very high in Sweden. You are on the right road by planning and preparing; we also add two other p’s…..patience and persistence. It gets hard at times and we’ve all stuffed up from time to time so just accept that and move on. The beauty of this way of life (wol), is that it IS a wol, not a diet. I hit a bad patch recently too but last week I decided to go back to basics with a good clean fast on Mondays and Thursdays. I’m eating just one meal of 500 calories in the evening, lots of water or tea throughout the day. I weigh on Fridays and post my result here. A lot of us do, but it’s not compulsory! Taking measurements is a great idea because sometimes you will see changes there that don’t show up on the scales. So, chin up. Plan your menus for the week ahead. Think how proud and satisfied you will feel by the end of the week having done two good fasts. Remember, this is a marathon, not a sprint! Keep asking questions and posting here… of luck! BTW, my husband’s nephew has just moved to Malmo! πŸ˜ƒ

    Hi team, Gyps thank you for posting the pic of my girls, yes I am very proud of them doing the full walk, especially Tegan after her operation. I don’t have facebook so unable to see the pics of Shane but pleased to hear you are at peace with your beautiful memories.
    Fit and Jade, nail biting time for you, that first cuddle is coming up and a large patch of virbal diarrhea πŸ’•πŸ˜Š
    PH you sound to have had a brilliant day, and a perfect one again today by the river. That is what retirement is supposed to be all about. I’m sure you will enjoy it all😊🍷
    Hi Cookie and welcome as part of our team. You will never be alone with us around 😊 We do embrace each others lives with interest so share and chat with us as often as you like. We have all dropped the ball with 5:2 then get cross at ourselves when we see the results on the scales. As easy as 5:2 is to incorporate into our lives, we seem to rebel, or life issues get in the way, but it IS forgiving so starting back, afresh, will see the results you are after. We have found posting here does keep us accountable, even to ourselves, but we share hints and plans and are very non judgemental πŸ˜‰
    I’m fasting today, as most of us are on a Monday, I feel so bloated, far too much bread and carbs over the last couple of days, so getting the mind set right and my AUSSIE DETERMINATION back at the helm should see me right☺️
    Have a lovely day team, plan your evening meal to be something you can really look forward to, log into MFP to stay on track and feel that pride when you get into bed knowing you have had another successπŸ˜‰
    Thoughts are with you sj and hope you are on the road to recovery. GG and Up I hope the holiday is all you were expectingπŸ˜€
    “I hate it when the voices inside my head go quiet, I never know what they’re planning😳”

    Mornin’ CG! Yes, indeed, the excitement is mounting for the mini WTF! So looking forward to it! I overdid it a bit this weekend too, so I’m actually looking forward to fasting tomorrow. It’s been a lovely weekend but it’s time to get back on the horse! πŸŽπŸ‘πŸ˜ƒ

    Fit we will be riding together 😊 sore bums for the next few days hay? Ipad needs a new charger, I left mine at Glenn’s, so almost flat now, heading into town later to get one….cuddles πŸ’•Xxxx

    You are definitely irresistible Fit! OH is currently nudging the plans this way and that, because why not pay airline change fees. But as long as he doesn’t nudge me out of Dublin, I have promised not to bean him over the head. I honestly don’t think we’ve ever planned a trip that he didn’t want to change before the ink was dry. Teleophobics unite…as one of our friends said, there is only one Mr.J and you have him. Yes I do. I will no doubt drive the school director insane before we leave. And it has been a short drive lately. 😐 CG always love your quotes, it is the voices inside HIS head that worry me!πŸ˜… PH I so wish I could stuff him in a van and join you by the riverside, sounds heavenlyπŸžπŸŒ πŸ’• as did your lovely day with D.😍 Pass the 🍷🍷🍷 please!!!

    Welcome, Cookie! Mmmm, cookies…made of ALL the things I’m trying not to think about.πŸ€” Totally with you on the stuffing up – but sometimes life is irresistible, which is the great thing about being on a non-diet. We are quite the versatile bunch!

    I had a fabulous lunch today with OH and D at a cozy new place, I got the “vegan potluck” – FULL of great veggies and lots of hot coffee on the side, WHAT could be better. I broke in my new brogues dodging the puddles, ready now for whatever Ireland throws at us.πŸ’šβ›ˆβ˜˜πŸΊπŸ„ ha let’s hope we don’t have to surf.

    Good luck this week everyone, I’ll jump on the fast train in 12 hours – always bringing up the rear over here 🐒😎 wouldn’t want to shrink out of those new jeans, now would we 😏xx
    ps: lol that poor horse, as soon as you’re done with him it’s my turn πŸ‡πŸ‡πŸ‡ giddy up!

    Ha, ha Jade….the only surfing you’d be doing here is if your plane takes a nosedive off the coast before landing at Shannon! Your OH is sure leading you a merry dance at the moment but I know you’re nimble enough to keep one step ahead of him! Your school director sounds a lot like me just before I decided to retire….. I got to the end of that short drive and decided enough was enough! πŸ˜œπŸ™„πŸ˜‘πŸ‘ΉπŸ’© Congrats on the healthy choice at your lunch date, sounds yummy too πŸ˜‹ I’ll try not to flog the horse too much so that there’s a bit of life left in him by the time he hits your neck of the woods! Yeeeha!

    More likely, we might drive off one of your fine cliffs right into the Atlantic Ocean, Fit! Current plan is edging the rental car out of the picture though, which should be cause for celebration for all drivers.πŸŽ‰ OH got wind of Star Wars doings around the D Peninsula (the force is not with himπŸ––) and wants no part. I finally just said I don’t care where we go as long as we get to Dublin πŸ’šπŸ’š There. Done.
    All right, then – easy on the old nag over there, I need a 24-hour ride!!πŸ‡πŸ••πŸ’ͺπŸ’•

    Lol the poop emoji finally made an appearance πŸ˜–

    Hello everyone. I’ve been MIA again for a while. I’m still trying to psych myself up to start the 5:2 again. Welcome Cookie. My mother was born in MalmΓΆ and my sister and I went on a holiday there some years ago. I bought myself a ” lean to speak Swedish ” book only to discover that they all speak perfect English. I do hope you are able to make friends there soon. It’s not easy to move to another country. I should know as we emigrated here 35 yeas ago now. I was very homesick in the beginning. But once I started work I soon made friends.
    SJ sorry about your fall. What a bummer. I hope you come good soon. I’m another Downton Abbey fan. I recently watched series six plus the Finale. I was sorry to see it does to an end. Someone told me that a spin off about Cora was in the making. I don’t know how true it is.
    If anyone has Netlix it’s worth looking at a documentary called ” Food Matters. “. It’s all about you are what you eat. I found it quite an eye opener and the medical profession plus pharmaceuticl companies come in for a bit of a serve.
    I’m starting to put the weight back on again so must really make an effort and start fasting again.
    XX Doggy

    HI all, just another Monday FD, here, dullish, weatherwise. Tho The gloom man (OH) sez the news sez we are in for big rains, maybe late floods and… gasp….it is no time to be considering camping…Shades of empathy floating your way, Jade. I listen with one ear and try to leave the other one open so It can all flow through the ‘reality’ channel. Meanwhile, most of my brain is missing while I investigate the tunnels of the rabbit hole….but occasionally snippets of his ongoing disaster channel penetrate the veil… it is at this very moment.. is anybody watching the Canadian fire disaster?

    Bugga! I’m digesting the link. Suegen is in Canada! Canada is having a monumental firestorm! Gaark! Has anybody got a fix on her whereabouts in relation to the state of Alberta? I think the fire is somewhere in the middle and has wiped out a whole city so far, and escalating. It’s all forested country (shades of Tanouie and the bloody Hell break out!). There is only one way out, apparently, and the road is now a wall of flame. Thank goodness the airlines are letting people take their pets on board in the massive airlift evacuation going on. But the loss of wildlife is heartbreaking. I am seeing the ‘woods of desolation’ right here on Earth. In one of the most beautiful, majestic forests in the world.

    Shades of Disturbance! Shite! that’s all a bit close to the bone. Better feed my fasting wafties. How sad for Canada. Hope SJ is safe and sound. Her hubby’s tree painting is almost eerily predictive to me. Like my daughter’s painting -which is my mother’s day pressie, per phone – but is ‘not finished, yet’ apparently) bet he’s feeling the destruction of the forest. I know I am. xxx gyps

    PS. Hi Cookie, don’t be put off by my waffles on the Fast. Its really a very sane,sensible thread to be on. Especially when negative forces get you down. Share, swear and get a giggle, or a spot of empathy for whatever ails ya! Welcome aboard. xx gyps

    Dawg, you and me, both. I’ve fallen off the wagon and today is not looking good. Margaret river sav calls. Drink to the link and keep ours safe, I say. xx

    Gyps, I’m with you on the fires, how frightening, I gasped when I saw the news. I’m not really sure where sj is, and I don’t know the states or Canada but for anyone living in that part of the world, the terror would be night mareish. I’m looking out over lush green, wet paddocks, and just came in from feeding the cows, very cold winds and more heavy rain on the way, yet it was only weeks ago I was watching for fires too. Our weather is so fickle, mother nature is still in charge, but losing the fight in protecting our beautiful planet. Like you still fasting, although having my second latte for the day, it holds me over and a stirfry planned for dinner. The longer I go,the less I feel the hunger ☺️
    Stay safe dear friend, I don’t like the sound of the floods coming, I thought that threat had passedπŸ€” xxxxxx

    Jade, I’m hearing you too, it’s a difficult road you are on with o/h at the moment, and keeping the humour going isn’t always easy. He is very lucky to have you and I’m sure he will realise that in due course. Your life is full enough with the work you do and the students you have under your wings, and now your home life isn’t quite the refuge it should be. Please know we are all here for you πŸ’•Cuddles xxxx

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