Aussie Determination

This topic contains 14,766 replies, has 323 voices, and was last updated by  Countrygal1 2 years, 2 months ago.

Viewing 50 posts - 8,501 through 8,550 (of 14,786 total)

  • Welcome, DebCragan – well done for getting through the fasting and your medical procedure, hope all is well. Yes, 5:2 is very effective and adaptable and does work! There are lots of great recipes in the FD recipe book and there is even an Aussie Determination Recipe Thread on here where you will find lots of ideas for tasty filling meals that have been tried and tested by all these wonderful people. Best of luck!

    Welcome DebCragan, whom I will furthermore refer to as DC. Good to have you and your daughter on board. Love that you are doing this together.. I am not far in front of you as have been doing 5.2 for 6 or 7 weeks. Lost count of weeks but had lost 5 kg after 5 weeks. Did not weigh last week as I was away looking after family and no scales. I am back on track this week with fast day successfully completed will find this group very supportive. ther are a GREAT COLLECTION OF WONDERFUL SOULS??? and help you every step of the way. Good luck. Hope the procedure went well and now it is the beginning of a great way of life for you and your daughter. ????

    Good morning team, golly quite a few posts to read this morning, how lovely. Had an early night and daylight savings means others are still posting.
    Deb welcome to our diverse thread. We do have a lot of fun but never lose site of our focus. 5:2 has proven a wonderful way of life/eating for all of us here. It is very rewarding and oh so doable. Having your daughter doing it with you is a bonus as often we find it a struggle to go it alone. BUT you are NEVER ALONE with our AUSSIE DETERMINATION team. ? we are all here to support and encourage each other….everyday!
    All our team have some wonderful posts to read, they are all dedicated to helping each other as well as giving glimpses into their lives so you can see how 55:2 works into our daily living.
    I hope everyone who fasted yesterday did go well, some days are a bit tougher than others but it’s like exercise we don’t always like doing it but the next day, glad we did!
    Remember team, 5:2 is a personal cause, it’s for YOU, don’t gauge your loss by others, this is not a race, this is for YOUR body, mind and health, like all aspects in life, some achieve quicker than others, but remember the caterpillar who thought it was dying, only to wake as a butterfly! ?
    I would like to thank you all for your good wishes, both here and to my email, for my grand daughters operation. It really means so much to me and very heart warming. I know I have the inner strength to hold up and know full well, I can handle life issues/emergencies with a firm stance when needed then turn to cotton wool when I close the door and I’m on my own. So your words are absorbed and I’m grateful. I’m intending to fast today, I did well under my TDEE but certainly not a fast, and feeling better this morning so a fast should work well. We all have our own journey to travel, but having companions certainly makes it more pleasurable, thank you team.

    A stray cat arrived the other night, Maggie gave it what for, then the following night I saw it again in my garden, ( so many baby birds around here in my garden) I flung the window open and shewed it away, the boys raced out to give chance but couldn’t find it. Indy stuck his nose under the same track the rabbits use, expecting an empty gap, instead saw bright eyes looking back, then a possible hiss and grumble…..he arrived up on the deck in a single bound in terror, my hero! Cat..1! ?
    Have a happy day team, see the positives, life IS beautiful, so get out and live it ? xxx

    Mornin’ CG! Good to hear that you are keeping up the positivity and fighting spirit! I think I stayed well under TDEE myself today and am going to fast tomorrow (Tues) and hopefully, again on Thursday. Good luck with the fast, but don’t worry if you decide not to bother. My sister is plagued with stray cats due to irresponsible neighbours and they are often pitiful, mangy looking creatures. Luckily, I think my lab, Molly, is good for keeping them away from our property.

    Morning all.
    I continue to be amazed by this eating plan.
    Don’t you all wish you had discovered it 20 years ago ? I do.

    In my first week I peaked at 84.5kg. This morning I weighed 76.5kg (although admittedly yesterday was a fast day).

    Even so I think I can’t really afford to lose any more weight so I think I will move to 6:1 shortly and try and stay at my current weight. 76 to 78 range is fine for me or I will look too skinny haha.

    Fit, I have a neighbour on a farm a few properties away, she is supposed to be a cat lover, I often get my fresh eggs from her, it is a dairy farm, and is over run with cats, none you can get near, all Ferrell but what do we do. We all get the strays, who wonder miles, the poor darlings, I can’t tolerate cruelty with animals. Most stick around her farm, but then again…….. My boys do give chase as does Maggie, so I only get the occasional one who decides the calf shed is a cosy warm place, plenty of hay for bedding and mice a plenty ? but they soon move on…….. Sweat dreams dear girl, keep up your resolve, not long now and soooo looking forward to the wedding pics ? xxxxxxxxxxx

    Parley we all feel the same way, it’s just so doable. I guess at first it seems hard, FASTING in this day and age when food is a plenty, but look what it did to us! I’m so glad you have reached a comfortable weight and 6:1 will work perfectly for you, congratulations ? xxxxxxx

    Thank you Countrygal.

    Good luck to everyone with your weight and fitness goals.

    GG. What a real trial you are having with communicating. You are such a spontaneous person and it must be so frustrating that you not to be able to ” Fix This”. Where would we all be without the internet.. Hang in there!!
    So good to hear that your FD’s are going well. GO 5.2 And Aussie Determination. TOGETHER WE CAN ACHIEVE ANYTHING.???????

    Who is it that suggested a 5 Kg Challenge before Christmas.
    Whoever it is I’M IN!!
    Will be a great incentive to keep on track to lose the next 5kgs.. LOVE it!?????

    Morning all.
    Fast day done and dusted. I’m sure I was under as I had a boiled egg for lunch only and dinner was the teensiest eye fillet, (I’m sure my butcher is making them smaller lately!) and salad plus a few long blacks with a dash of skim at home.

    Welcome DC. We get to eat on this fast so it is definitely doable! Protein is the key for feeling full on 500 calories.

    Parley, go you! Fabulous. I hope you still check in here occasionally and tell us how you find the 6/1. Also what a bout a pic? You must be happy enough to show your body and you can always chop off your head for privacy!

    GG, Thanks!

    I agree with CG that it isn’t a competition, it is our own journey although I am happy to have a bit of fun with Fit in a mini race! I’m sure the reality is that we are both going to continue as we are and not really race at all. I am also sure that neither of us are at all bothered by the result, we are all just happy to lose.

    As for setting the bar to high, not at all! This is working for all of us although we each have our own bodies to deal with and our own difficulties and mind sets. I am very good at hiding the bad bits and accentuating the good when dressing. I have had years of practise!!!!!

    I somehow missed the 5 kilo challenge and there is no way I could achieve that before xmas, if ever. My progress is very slow now that I am close and while sometimes it is frustrating, as I have said before it is because I am a bit complacent sometimes and also because we all know the last ones seem to be hardest to shift. I just need to shift my menopausal mid section now. There is a lot less of it but a bit to go.

    I understand that if you have a lot to lose it is daunting and you don’t imagine that you will ever get there but you all will. It is all about the Aussie Determination and look how far everybody has already come!

    You CAN do this, we ARE doing this and we will KEEP on doing this till we hit 6/1 and live happily ever after to the best of our abilities and a bit of luck thrown in!

    Wow, this thread is super active.

    Sunday fast was challenging, I didn’t get much study done. So I’m changing to two fast days during the uni week to make it (hopefully) easier.
    Today I’m fasting. I’ve had instant coffee with a splash of skim milk at lunchtime (the ONLY circumstances in which I’ll drink skim!) and that’s about 30 or so calories. Dinner I’m not sure about yet, I might boil some sweet potato or something. This might actually be my busiest week in terms of handing in assignments, so cooking is kind of going out the window.

    I’m hoping for a decent loss this week, weighing/measuring saturday morning. I call saturday my cake day, because I allow myself to eat whatever I feel like. It might seem counter-productive, but I’m a terrible dieter and I need psychologically to feel like I’m not restricted at least some of the time. Even if it means the weight loss is a little slower, I’m less likely to give it up, if you know what I mean.


    My second fast day yesterday didn’t go as planned, so I’ve started over today! Woke up feeling bloated for no reason this morning, which was discouraging as my tummy looked like a balloon. But hopefully I’ll see some smaller measurements by the end of the week. Have my last uni assignment of the term due tomorrow, so trying to concentrate on getting it finished today.

    Afternoon all….though only 10am here! Maratus I agree that you’ll find 2 FD’s during the week more manageable. We all look forward to our weekends where we can enjoy some things in moderation. then we hunker down for the serious 5:2 days during the week. Don’t worry about your cake that’s the absolute BEAUTY of 5:2. Yes you can have your cake or whatever else you feel like, but be mindful of moderation and PC portion control. Plan out your treats so you’re not treating yourself to a dozen things & blowing your TDEE (that is if you’re sticking to your TDEE)! Not counter productive but quite the opposite with 5:2. That’s the reason why we’ve all managed to stay the distance as compared to other strict-as diets that never give you a break.
    UT Fit Gyps and PH yes happy to join in on a 5kg challenge for Christmas. Not sure that I’ll make it but it will give me the motivation to get the loss happening again. Whatever it gets me I’ll be happy with so count me in! UT what a GREAT statement “WE CAN DO THIS WE ARE DOING THIS AND WE’LL KEEP ON DOING THIS TILL WE HIT 6:1. yeeeeesss We’ve had so many great mottoes from the team along the way.
    PC fabulous effort on your part & sounds like 6:1 is not far away for you. Yes so wish I’d found this plan 20 years ago too. But hey it didn’t exist. I thought of fasting back then as being really dangerous & ridiculous! Who would have thunk it.
    CG thanks for the positive uplifting message. So good to get us on our way for another day. thank you!! Hope your FD goes well. Are you feeling better today??
    Welcome DC look forward to seeing you around the forum. Stick around we’re a lot of fun. And ask any questions you want – we discuss anything!

    Well onto a PC day for me. And I’m gonna be real careful cos my scales are telling me that it might be my week to hit the 60’s (Oh so close). So I’m not going to jeopardise my chance of that. Woo hoo!! Wait for Friday everyone to hear the figure. Have a beautiful day all – it’s a gorgeous world out there. I have lots of new music to practice today & then will get outside for a walk. suejen XXXX

    Doggie where are you today? Hope you’re still feeling chipper?!

    Hi team, I’ve found my MOJO? so feelin’ good. Suejen this week WILL see the 60’s, be positive, we are right behind you, you have been promising your self, and your frame of mind is set…. So no reason not too.
    Maratus, instead of just grabbing a thing, especially when fasting, if you can get to a supermarket, get some LaZuppa packet soups, only 23 or so cals, have two if you want, and it’s just add water, they are surprisingly filling in different flavours, but easy for you in the difficult time….oh and if you go to the supermarket, ignore the chickens roasting! ?
    Sunny the same with you, and the bloating will pass, keep up with the water.
    Up another lovely post, thank you, you’re an inspiration and reinforcing the difference in everyone is great. We are all different shapes, we will lose weight as the body sees fit, we eat differently to each other on NFD’s some eat up to their TDEE, others go no where near it, but that alters the effect of your 500 cal fast, I think the trick IS to eat normally, that’s what makes the difference. PC is a must but you find your appetite lessens so that should be no problem either. We are all conscious of Summer coming and the clothes we want to wear, we have all got the bit in our teeth and running with it, the Winter slacking has ended but above all, please, remember 5:2 is PART of your life not ALL of it, it is a WAY of life and eating, not a diet, so be kind to yourself ?
    PH you are really going strong, you will be a different person by Xmas ? we’ll done, it’s 2:00 here and I still haven’t eaten and still not hungry, although busy which helps, so having a milky coffee now which I find filling enough. Another two hours or so will be the yard stick for testing me ? but I CAN DO THIS my AUSSIE DETERMINATION is up and running, my strength is back, so BRING IT ON …………xxxx

    sorry gang., in a rush. Just letting you know I have no chance to post or read yours at this point. Have Daughter and (adult) grandson overnighting it and much to catch up on. Stay upright all, xxx Gyps.

    PS SJ it was a 5 kg challenge to xmas, but that was a few weeks back and am not so cocky now. especially since my grandson demanded nana’s roast and potatoes. Since I cook spuds/lamb in butter (til black and tarry), it’s not a 5:2 recipe! Plus Daughter is a distiller, too, so have much technical tasting to compare brews. oh, well, the responsibilities of parenthood are onerous, indeed. Later,xx gyps

    Gyps, would love to be there for the mother & daughter technical tasting!! I’m guessing that it will be you finding it hard to stay upright. The things we do for our kids???what a responsibility.. LOVE IT??

    CG great that you have your MOJO back. Just in time for your challenging week. Stay positive and look after yourself. Assume you smashed the FD.

    SJ. I do hope you hit the 60’s., you must be just about reaching your desired weight if that is the case. Love the thought of you practicing music and then going for a walk, what a life!????????.
    This is what I feel like doing after so much travelling! ??????

    Maratus, Sunny & DC . It is good to make sure you have the 500 calories each FD. I find I boil 4 eggs at the beginning of the week and that they are really easy snacks for those days. Gives you protien. The soup suggested by CG is also great. Another trick is that I get some chicken breasts and bake them at the beginning of the week with slices of zuchini and a few tomatoes on top of them in the oven on a grill rack. The zuchini keeps them really moist. Then put about 100gram lots into a clip lock bag whilst still hot and pop them into the fridge…and you have another snack easy to grab and eat cold that has some substance. Not much preparation and filling. And only 130 cals for the chicken.You can have it for an easy dinner then with a bit of salad if you like. Hope this gives you some ideas..???

    UP. Just love your motivational final paragraph. You are correct. We can do this. We are doing this and we will Keep doing this. LOVE IT am going to put it on my fridge in large type!! ???got a long way till I get to 6.1 so ME..MYSELF ..and I are doing the 5 Kg before Christmas challenge. The three of us will keep each other motivated with the wonderful help from AUSSIE DETERMINATION… ?????

    Have had a good day today so can enjoy a red wine tonight with dinner and still stay within my TDEE.

    PH no red wine for me ? my fast has been super easy, no food all day, steak and veg for dinner, which has left me full and satisfied ? I hope everyone else fasting today found it easy. The weather is heating up for perfect salad meals so BRING IT ON xxxxxxxxxxx

    Hi all,

    Sorry I have been off line. Super busy with work, Sunday in the end didn’t t urn out well, and I resorted to a fast that started yesterday afternoon. The 2x 250 cal works okay for me. However I have caved in this after noon and gave in to chocolate at work that a team member provided. We are quite under the pump these next two weeks. Either way I will keep trying and after the two week will really concerntrate.

    Purple hats I like the idea of 5 kgs by the holidays, achievable goals. Yes I would love to see 30kgs but let’s take it a step at a time.

    I can’t stand the thought of weighing myself

    Uptightoutasight , thanks for sharing your photos. I am still trying to work out how to use then blogs, so have to ask how much and how long has this take? You look great and must be so pleased with the results.

    Well done and thanks


    Thanks for the soup tips ! I’ve just finished my first fast day of the week with an omelette: 1 and a half eggs (because my husband had the other half), chopped vegetables, a couple of thin slices of cheese, some sweet chilli sauce. Very nice…

    5kgs by christmas would be terrific, but I’ll be lucky to get 3-4kgs I think. I’m reasonably close to my goal weight (6kgs) so it’s going to take a long time to get there. I’ve never been under 60 kilos in my adult life so it is going to be magic when I get there.

    I went and picked up some of those La Zuppa cup a soups today – great to know about nice, low calorie ones, thanks for that, CG!

    I also picked up some flavoured rice cakes so I now, with my sugar free jelly, have sweet and savoury food options for fast days.

    I agree Maratus that 5kgs by Christmas would be fantastic. I’m hopeful I can manage it, as I have 23kgs to lose in total.

    Hi change, maratus and smiley..just a bit of background for your information..
    I started at 107kg and my goal weight is 87kg at this stage. Will re-evaluate it when I get there. So far have lost 5 kgs in 6 or so weeks, lost at 1 kg a week for the first five and have had interrupted lifestyle for the past 10 days. Back into it again and so think my challenge for the second 5 kgs before Christmas will motivate me to keep up the fast days and portion control. I find I need to set myself goals to keep on the straight and narrow. There will be weeks when no matter what I do the weight will not budge so by setting realistic goals I am hopefully not putting too much pressure on myself. I will not be devistated if I do not achieve this. Just need to keep focused and this is my way of doing it. I find the motivation from the Aussie Determination Thread invaluable.. Thanks Girls ????

    Finished with 250 cals to spare today with PC and very pleased with myself . Getting ready for fast day again tomorrow. So good luck to anyone else who is fasting tomorrow also. WE CAN AND WILL DO IT.???????????

    CG. My aim is to get to where I do exactly what you have done today. At the moment only getting to about 3pm. I am sure with practice I can extend that. Well done??? you are an inspiration.

    Hi All!
    Very late posting today as I had a busy morning; great for keeping to my FD! Went to beauty salon and then shopping with OH for new shirt, tie and shoes for the wedding….very successful. It’s almost 4pm and I just had an apple and six almonds. Dinner will be chicken and lots of veg, so hoping to be under 500 for the day. Having a specific goal and deadline seems to work for me, so better come up with another one after the wedding!!
    CG – delighted you’ve got your mojo back…you’re just amazing; never down for long and full of encouragement for everyone else. XXXX Had a bit of a restless night thanks to bruised ribs – not sure how I managed to damage them but they’re bloody sore! Really looking forward to the wedding now and will send on photos for sure!
    PC – what great results; well done!! You’ll be at maintenance in no time 🙂
    PH – you have some great ideas for cooking in advance; which is excellent when one is feeling too tired or hungry to cook and so in danger of eating the wrong things. Brilliant advice for newbies and those with busy lives. Also, excellent PC day 🙂
    UP – yes, I’m enjoying our little challenge, but not taking it too seriously. You should be very scared because I got my legs waxed today and probably lost about a kilo in weight of hair alone!!!!! 😉 😆 I would be glad to lose about 3kg before Christmas, which would give me bit of wriggle room below my goal and I’ll definitely need that with all the Christmas treats coming up!
    Maratus – I’m with you in needing the promise of treats to keep going with 5:2, I go for coffee and cake at least twice a week, which is why I’m still doing 5:2 and will probably never get to 6:1! Who cares, as long as it works for you? This is why we all love this wol, because we can choose our own way to do it….fantastic!
    Sunny – you’ve got the right idea, if one day doesn’t work out, get back on the horse and just do the next day instead…..well done!
    SJ – how did the new system with the school buses work out? Hope it went ok. You will be seeing the 60s very soon; you have the discipline and determination to get there. What pieces of music are you learning, it is for a special event? It’s such a gift to be able to play an instrument 🙂
    Gypsy – have a wonderful time with the family; I’m sure the tasting will be a fun experience 😉 I’m not sure what kind of music there will be at the wedding; friends of the couple are doing it all – both for the church and the reception. At another nephew’s wedding last year, there was beautiful Irish music at the outdoor, lakeside ceremony and later, a display of Irish music and dancing and then the guests joined in…..brilliant craic!!
    Change – don’t be too hard on yourself, this wol will wait until you’re ready and you can adapt it to suit your lifestlye no problem. Hang in there and do what you can do xx
    Ok, better get going and do the chores I’ve been avoiding all day!! Don’t forget tomorrow is family history day…a chance to share some background and family memories if you feel like it…but not compulsory!! 🙂

    Happy hump day everyone. I can report a 1kg loss today after two weeks of nothing, I’m so super stoked….! Now… bacon, eggs, toast and coffee for breakfast..!

    Well done, Maratus…great loss and enjoy that breakfast!!! Hurray for 5:2! 🙂

    Good morning team, good morning Fit, golly you have such a busy interesting life and usually involving family, lucky girl. This wedding will be so full of gaiety, and with you saying the last one was all Irish music, makes me think of the selection the Aussie weddings have….usually pop songs you’d go a long way to hear a bush Ballard at a wedding, so you are lucky to have a heritage which goes back so far. A lot of us have Scotts heritage, so kilts are worn, and bagpipes played as the bride enters, but that’s where it usually ends. We ARE Australians, no matter where our families came from originally, but music has never had it’s own theme.
    Change, 5:2 is very versitil so go with what ever works for you.
    Maratus, my pleasure to pass on tips, re the soup, we ARE all here to help each other. The soup is a handy stand by, easy to carry with you, and satisfying. Your omelette is another go to meal I often have, so good thinking,
    And Sunny, the rice cakes to have with it make a good low cal meal, good thinking….it’s all trial and error, experiments, some work, some don’t, some you will get bored with, but ain’t that life in general?
    PH, you have a way to go, but we all did when we started, I for one was blind to how much weight I’d gained, over 30k, even blamed manufacturers for cutting their sizes…can you believe it? It took a photo, which was shown on here some time back, for my reality check! It was also at a time I was struggling badly with my back, and it was my wake up call when trying to lift a 20k bag of calf mix. I thought “this is what I carry around all day, every day” no wonder I’m in pain, so hang in there, your attitude is certainly working for you, and you will have weeks the weight will literally fall off, and others not so much, I found too, I had no goal, no time line, I was just in awe of how easily 5:2 became apart of my life, till one day I was asked, ” are you losing weight”, best day ever! ? Not eating till late in the day took me time to learn, cutting breakfast didn’t bother me so there was seven meals gone a week already, kirbing my evening biscuits, supper, was hardest, but just cut them down, not out to start with.
    Most of what I found was the way I ate was habit, not need, not hunger, so learning to listen to my body was a big lesson.
    Starting this forum has been my saviour, we all need someone to lean on, to NEVER feel alone on any mission, sure it’s a private one, but knowing others are doing the same journey does help. Sharing ideas is a blessing but above all….mind set, we can so easy get the “buggar it’s” but not on 5:2 when you have others to answer to on AUSSIE DETERMINATION, it does keep you honest, especially to yourself.
    Sorry team, didn’t mean to go on, verbal diharreah again.
    No real family history comes to mind this morning, apart from when I go to my cedar wood box to get linen, most hand done by my Mum and Nanna, Mum was always very clever with needle and thread, a beautiful dressmaker, but her cross stitch is beautifully done….and always with me ?…..Happy day team, don’t follow the path, get out and make your own tracks xxxxxxxxx

    Good morning. Having a couch day today as back really playing up. Does not like travelling and not looking after myself properly, which is what happens when I get all enthused about looking after someone else. Will I never learn that I can’t do what I used to do? Oh well I guess a couch day is not too bad. Might have to postpone my FD till tomorrow and go for another PC day. Willpower a bit down as well. Enough of the self pity. Get up and partake of the juicy big mango in the fridge that has ripened perfectly.

    CG – we believe there is some Scottish ancestry in my family too based on my father’s surname which was Murray. I love seeing men in kilts at weddings; they look very impressive and romantic. I have a kilt myself too which I bought years ago and still wear every winter, I love it. Don’t apologize for the long post, every word is a gem!
    PH – sorry to hear you’re not feeling so good, you’ll have to learn to pace yourself and remember how important it is to look after yourself too. A couch day sounds like just what the doctor ordered, so enjoy every minute! 🙂
    Family History: I’m the youngest of six children. My father was a teacher and my mother a home-maker and post mistress. There are four generations of my mother’s family buried in the local cemetery, about a km away from my house. My dad grew up just 4km away. We had a very free and carefree childhood, exploring the roads and fields around our locality. I went to boarding school from the age of 12 to 17 and it could be lonely at times, but the biggest problem was starvation! Those nuns sure knew how to ration food; there was no need for 5:2 in those days! 😉 My legs were so skinny that I was always banging my ankles off each other and had permanent cuts and grazes on them! Happy days 😆 😉

    Wow!!! That was absolutely the best Mango. A huge Kensington Pride. The label said it was a “cheeky mango”. Guess it comes from somewhere up near you gyps. Soooooo tasty because I controlled myself and let it get fully ripe. Yum. Yum. Yum. Perked my spirits up no end.

    Now to the posts.
    Change. Seems like you and I have similar amounts to lose. WE. CAN. DO THIS..I just know we can because we have finally found the way to still have a life and lose weight at the same time. I know what you mean about not wanting to get on the scales but with 5.2 I actually look forward to getting on the scales once a week the morning after my second FD for the week. You will find what works for you and with the encouragement from AD thread WE CAN DO THIS and still have our treats sometimes. At the moment you are having a busy time at work which makes it had to also concentrate on anything else. Hang in there as best you can till this passes. Sending you {{{??}}}

    Maratus. Well done. 1kg.??????..the ?? breakfast sounds great.

    Fit. Like the apple and almonds at 4pm will try that tomorrow. Oh what a dashing couple you will make in your new outfits. Can’t wait to see photo.

    Thank you once again CG. You do just know what to say. I do not feel alone now that I have joined Aussie Determination. I too have to lose this weight if I am to have any hope of retaining mobility so there is quite a bit if extra incentive there. Thank you for sharing your strategies. I have found that I am not eating as a general rule until about 11am since starting then having an early lunch. Had not thought of it as cutting 7 meals a week though, which is what is really happening. And yes nibbles and supper are my hardest challenge. I have found I have some knitting sitting by my chair when I sit down to watch the news and that stops the nibbles most times. As you say, early days yet and the knowledge that so many of you have done this already give me great hope. As does the fact that you are all continuing to stick to 5.2 after you have lost so much. Really do believe I CAN DO IT TOO, with the help of this wonderful thread. ????

    Hello all. I was MIA yesterday, it was one of those days. I was always of the opinion that once I’d retired I’d have so much time on my hands. Wrong. I’m not even going to spend any time on my knee. There are so many people with far worse problems than mine. I heard yesterday that a friend from SA has the big C and her prognosis is very poor.
    CG I’m sure your GD is going to sail through the surgery and be bright eyed and bushy tailed in no time at all. Talking of tails, yes we too have a ferral cat problem. Why are people so irresponsible and don’t have their pets neutered? It really infuriates me. Talking of animals, I’ve I friend coming round this arvo with her pup. She and Pepper have enjoyed playing together since puppy school and they run each other ragged. I’ve not been able to take him for walks for the last few days so he’ll get his full whack of exercise today. She’s a lovely person too. One of those down to earth people, also a nurse so we always have 101 topics to cover.
    I’ve just put six containers of Miso soup in the freezer for my next few weeks FD. I don’t think I’ve lost any weight so far this week as my exercise regime is zilch. We’ll see on Friday.
    GG, thanks for the Nora Roberts tip. I’ll look out for her. I not a fan of love stories either. Anyone remember Barbara Cartland? I could never understand how grown so called intelligent women could read such rubbish. Maybe to escape the real world.
    XX Doggy
    Enjoy your day team.

    Morning all.

    Maratus, I think uni days are a good idea. It helps to be busy on the day, especially in the early stages because you don’t have time to think about food as much. I can even go to the supermarket now on a fast day, though I prefer not to! It does get easier!

    Sunshiney, rice cakes are good. Regulars on here know I have a thing for corn thins! I love them and happened to read that they keep you fuller than rice cakes for longer as they are lower GI, I think.

    CG, glad you are feeling good! PH and Sj, glad my thoughts helped. SJ, fingers crossed for the weigh in and the 60’s! I have forgotten, do you sing?
    PH, I like the sound of your chicken idea.

    Change, the original group on here started just over a year ago, I think. I have been doing this for around 11 months. I started at 76 kilos and have been pretty regular at losing 500 grams a week for a long time until recent months. I have lost about 11 and a half kilos but I would say most of that went in the first 9 or 10 months. I am still losing but it is more gradual. So last Friday I was 64.4.
    Factor in weeks xmas, easter etc. I also travelled a lot during that time and there was a 2 week holiday back in Feb where I didn’t fast at all and put on a couple of kilos. I found those were gone in only a few weeks though.

    I think half a kilo a week is quite common but certainly it is different for everybody and we all have our ups and downs. For me, the scales are a motivator but I get that they can equally be demoralising as fluctuations are depressing.

    Well, I am making the xmas pudding today and for the first time I am doing it with friends so I expect that the alcohol may be tasted. Just for quality control of course! The good news is that something has been cancelled and I will be able to fast tomorrow after all.

    Fit, you are hilarious! I must admit I tend to let the legs go over winter! The other thing is that my leg hair is blonde and my close vision not so hot so I often don’t realise how hairy they are until I really look. Have a great time at the wedding. I am so keen on Irish music.

    I hope to get to Ireland in 2017. We will be in London and my husband’s original family background is Irish. Fingers crossed! This is probably my only contribution to Wednesday’s history thread!

    Fit love your sense of humour, my legs never get a shave over winter, but with age they don’t grow as thick or fast, so somethings in ageing are worth while.
    Shock horror, my espresso machine had a hissy fit this morning, so just got back from out local town with a new one. Not those new pods things, I make real coffee with real freshly ground beans mmmmmmm so will pour a nice cold drink and try to read the ( destructions )instructions although shouldn’t be too hard.
    PH a day off does us all the world of good, I’ve done no aerobics this week, and with going to Melbourne tomorrow, don’t know when I’ll be back, and feel like a kid wagging school ? although I love it once there but chilly mornings don’t bring dreams of swimming!
    Up, we too are Scotts ancestry, we have our own kilt, which I love wearing, been altered so often for size, time to renew! A few of Dads brothers were pipers, so pipes were always at family celebrations. Our family is now so spread out, and with the older generation almost all gone, we rarely ever see each other, such a shame. It must be in our blood too because pipes always move my daughter to tears, especially at a funeral.
    Doggie, your right, our troubles are so small compared to others, but there will always be someone worse off, someone fatter, thiner, poorer, richer……we all need to take control of our own lives and if unwell, look after ourselves, it’s not selfish. I’m glad your illness seems to have passed, and having a friend call to see both you and Peppar
    will brighten your day no end ? so enjoy.
    Anyway, time to start packing too, get things watered, so will check in later, hooroo xxx

    Hi everyone. I lost 11.4kg doing this programme, at about half a kg per week; and then stopped and have put back on 8kg. This time, I’m going to use all the support systems including the forum to reach my goal of shedding 40Kg.
    I’m at day 3 (so on my second fasting day) and feel good, plus jogged for 2km.
    Love reading other people’s posts for inspiration.

    Have a great day.

    I’m not sure if it will last, but I saw reduced measurements this morning after yesterday’s fast. Down 1.1kg on the scale, down 1.5cm on my waist, 1cm down each on my bust, bottom and under bust :-).

    UT and Fit re my music. I do sing but voice not so good any more as have damaged vocal cords. Mainly play keyboard/piano these days. Rehearsal was for a combined churches music evening but was disappointed as 1/2 the good musos didn’t even turn up. Fit songs are all very upbeat rocky songs a bit of a challenge for me! But one is beautiful as it’s a modern Irish one called revival & the start is enough to give you goosebumps, very slow & lilty. Then it rocks up into a ballad.
    Doggy I hope you & Pepper & friends (dog & human!) have a great arvo together.
    So CG & PH don’t you have breakfast any day even on non FD’s? I know now that I manage just a coffee for brekky on a FD without any dramas but hadn’t thought of extending that to every day. It does as you say cut out 7 meals a week. Did you do it gradually or what? PH hope your back settles down quickly. Aren’t we all the worst at self care….I know I certainly am. So give yourself permission to rest & recover.
    Maratus well done on your 1kg loss and hope you enjoyed every mouthful of that brekky. Yummo!
    Fit school buses were shall we say were organised chaos. Could have been worse but has to be much better. Poor kids were all at sea! I needed to be in 3 places at once. Hope to iron out some of the kinks this afternoon so that noone misses again. Poor kid yesterday that missed got a right telling off from the DP. I felt sorry for him – not his fault that he got confused.
    SS you’re making a GREAT start. It really doesn’t matter how much you have to lose…we all just take it one step & 1kg or 500gr or 200gr loss at a time. We’re all different in that department. Just stay on track & fine tune your plan all the time.
    Gyps enjoy your family time…yumm black tarry spuds & lamb!!

    Family history: There were 4 kids in my family & we all learnt music from the one teacher in Warrnambool. She taught my older sister & I piano, my older brother piano accordion & my brother the banjo! She was amazing. Used to have a big concert every year with duets & solos & groups. My sister & I used to play duets for wedding receptions & the like – imagine that, wouldn’t happen in a pink fit these days! Them were the good old days eh. I have pics of us both in our little white socks & pretty dresses & ribbons in our hair.
    Well off to another PC day. Time for one of my oat/raisin/cornflake bickies I made yesterday. JUST ONE suejen remember that portion control. Did it yesterday so can do it today too! Enjoy the day all & always keep the big picture in mind. You’re doing this for your health, for your figure & for your self confidence. I want to feel comfortable in my own skin & I’m slowly getting there. suejen XXXX

    Well. Back on the couch after extending myself and going down to the coffee shop on the corner for coffee with a friend.. Life is tough..

    UP. I forgot to add that I usually sprinkle some paprika and or turmeric on the chicken before I layer the zuchini on top for flavour. Hope you have a great day cooking the Christmas puddings. Makes me think of my mother. She used to make a Christmas cake and pudding for her sister who had 12 children and, dads brothers who were not married, as well as those for us. It was always a big day for the baking, and then about 2 weeks before Christmas on a Saturday morning she and I would make the marzipan icing and decorate all the Christmas cakes. I just loved that day with her. Really felt like the start of Christmas. Something I never carried on as I do not like cooking much. She still made my puddings and Christmas cake until she needed to go to a high care facility at the age of 90 years. ????? really miss her…
    Lucky my SIL likes cooking and has taken over where mum left off bless her..

    Doggy, hope you and pepper enjoyed your visitors.. I still make your miso soup for my fast it.

    Welcome DRBlock. .. Good on you for starting again..if at first we don’t succeed… least you know that this does work and perhaps the first time you were not in the right headspace to think on it as a new way of life…not a diet. This forum is a fabulous forum for motivation???? some very wise wonderful ladies who also like a bit of fun… Good luck with this journey..????

    Congratulations SUNNY…WAY TO GO! ???✨? Keep it up!!????

    SJ, your life is so full I envy you being able to play the paino. I always wanted to learn but there was no one who could teach me in the small town I grew up in…an old lady at the church started to teach me to play the organ so that I would be able to play for mass however about a month after she started teaching me she died. We had the same four hymns at mass for a long time after that as I could not read music. Just learned by ear..I eventually learned a few more to the delight of the congregation..

    I do fast until about 11am most days as I do not really feel hungry in the morning since I started 5.2. Then at around 11 to 12 each day I start off with my green drink and an early lunch. That is when the hard boiled eggs, a bit of chicken and miso soup come into the picture. My youngest son tells me that it is advantageous to restrict eating to an 8 hour period each day, not sure why but he has been doing that and looks great, and just by chance have found myself doing it too. I have been able to fast till around 3 pm on FD. Would love to get to the stage where on FD I only needed to have one good meal at night and coffee and a piece of fruit during the afternoon.

    Have a nice rest of the day fellow 5.2 followers…Am having a very good PC day?????☕️☕️☕️??????so far…

    PH you sure do brighten up our forum! No chance of me doing that as always on the computer. My piano teacher after the one I mentioned was in the next little country town we went to. We had trouble finding a teacher until Mum heard of this old lady who was going blind mind you, but used to do piano lessons. Of course after having such a brilliant teacher and younger I thought this was the end of the earth! But I learned to love her. She only stopped when she was unable to get into town to teach me. Could still pick up everything I was doing wrong just by the sound – even my touch.
    I’ve found on FD’s that I’m heading for food later & later. Last time was after 4pm after just a coffee for brekky. Never thought I’d manage that. Maybe I should think about skipping breakfast altogether. It goes against the grain though! But I find that my tastes really are changing. Today I was thinking….mmm what sort of treat can I have today. And then I noticed the greek yoghurt in the fridge & 1/2 a banana & thought yes that would be nice for later!! So I’d have to say that the change to wanting healthier foods has perhaps taken me longer than others but it’s coming. Not that I’m a saint or anything I assure you. But good to see that my desire for the junk/unhealthy/not nutritious is slowly fading. suejen XXXX

    PH forgot to say I also played the organ. It was a pipe organ in a beautiful old church in our country town when I was about 13 or 14 maybe. I was married in that church & had to ask the old organist there if she could play for the wedding (no-one else to ask). I wanted to have the wedding processional from the Sound of Music – you can probably picture that scene. She said she would do her best. Well I’d have to say it was absolutely dreadful…she trashed it! So many mistakes you could hardly recognise it. Just as well everything else that day went well! You just gotta laugh sometimes. XX

    Hi team, suejen in answer to your question regarding breakfast, I rarely, if ever eat breakfast. A milky coffe seems to carry me through. It’s just habit, but hasn’t helped with weight loss as I’m still stablised. I just don’t get hungry in the morning! Today, not fasting, it’s 5:50pm and I just had some jelly and yoghurt, my first meal of the day! I’m not fasting, just been busy, getting things done before I go to Melbourne, and time means nothing to me. I don’t have a hubby, asking, when do we eat, so I just work through. I’m having kiev and salad later, around 7:30-8:00 as daylight savings buggers up my appitite and eating times, but then again, I don’t eat by the clock now, only when I’m hungry. Sure some days I can’t get away from the fridge, or bikkies, butter and cheese, I guess it depends on my day. Hope that helps you, you are doing so well and most days I have lunch and dinner, but I still think a lot of the time, it’s habit, now all the family has gone! ? xxxxxxxx

    Hi DRBROCK and welcome, stick with us and we’ll have you back on track. We are here to support each other and encouragement always. We often get off the subject but 5:2 is always our main focus. You know the drill, you know it works, so look to us for daily support and we’ll be there for you.
    Gyps, hope your having a lovely time, and tasting with your daughter. Sounds like a surprise visit, how lovely xxxxxxxx

    Suejen. I don’t believe it. I too was married in the church I played the organ in..if you could really call it playing, So no organist and I had taped music from the Sound of Music.??? I walked down the isle to ” How do you solve a problem like Maria”. And all the other music was also from the Sound of Music.. Same same….?????. What a coincidence…love it???

    Regarding the eating. It is just what suits you I guess. Nice to see that your tastes are changing, I have not gotten there yet. . I would never have believed I could skip breakfast. I always had a good breakfast before I went to work. I guess because I don’t have to go to work I can eat when I am hungry. Once I do have lunch I am continually grazing. Looking in the fridge for something to eat ect. Which is why I always have some hard boiled eggs, chicken, or rice cakes with Philly cheese and vegemite on hand to satisfy my hunger. Having a good day today though because I had a nana nap and slept through the munchies. Still have 800 cals to go before I reach target. Looks like a nice pre dinner scotch coming up.???

    CG thanks for that. Yes I reckon if OH wasn’t around I’d eat any old hour of the day too. So as I have quite a bit to lose yet I might try skipping breakfast a few other days too to see if it helps. Doesn’t matter seeing it doesn’t bother me any more! All the best with your preparations for Melbourne.
    PH can’t believe what you just told me – wow, we have so much in common! I had to laugh about your choice of music for the wedding – bit of a rascal were you?! I too should have had taped music!! Well I never…………! This could get creepy but…….what year were you married? Mine was 1972. You never know what else we may find. We’ve already got the community health stuff in common too.
    My tastes have taken a long time to change – almost 12 months I reckon and very slowly. I’m a slow learner!! Even after my tastes had changed I’d order a big meal of something & then feel really sick….and wonder why!? It got through the cranium eventually. XX

    Hi All!
    Bright and sunny still here but a definite change in the temperature…quite chilly and even a little frost in the early morning but warms up later in the day…for mid-October we’re doing very well. Just hope it holds up for the wedding on Saturday. 🙂
    PH – love your memories of cake and pudding making with your mum, we did the same and vied with each other over licking the spoon and the bowl! My mother made cakes, fully iced and lots of puddings to give to less fortunate families, as well as some for presents…again, I’m awe-struck when I think of her doing all this while running the post-office, raising six kids and caring for an elderly bed-ridden aunt!! You are getting into the swing of 5:2 now and I’m sure you’ll find that you can stretch that first food of the day to later and later as you go on. 🙂 Nibbles and supper are my downfall too, so I’m telling myself that I’m fasting every day, even when I’m not, so that my mind tells my body that we’re not eating between meals!!!! I think I’m turning into Gypsy, with an alter ego who is more than a little mischievous!! 😉
    Doggy – so sorry to hear about your friend; we all need our lives put into perspective at times – so let’s all make the best of what we have and get out and enjoy life; we only have the one shot at it! Totally with you about Barbara Cartland; but what a colourful character she was and she certainly enjoyed life! Hope you enjoy the visit from your pal with the pup…it will do you and Pepper good xxx
    Up – weighed in this morning and I’m a kg down on last week…..see, I told you that hair was seriously heavy!! 😆 However, I don’t really believe in that reading though, because I fasted yesterday instead of Monday and so, I think it’s too soon to tell if that is a lasting loss. I don’t bother with my legs either in the winter, it’s only because of the wedding that they needed doing. Wow, how wonderful would it be if you came to Ireland….I’d be delighted to meet up and have the craic! What part of Ireland are your OH’s ancestors from? Even if you only make it to the UK, we could still meet up and have lots of fun. What an exciting prospect!!
    CG – I so agree with you and your daughter about the pipes…always very emotional to hear them on solemn occasions. My dad used to sing a beautiful ballad called ‘The Scottish Solider’ who dies on a foreign battle field and his dying wish is to see his native highlands once more and have a piper play a scottish lament….very moving and we always shed a quiet tear when he sang it. How beautiful to have that linen handed down from your nana and mum; real family treasure. Yes, there have been lots of family celebrations in the last couple of years, because all my nieces and nephews are mid 20s to 30s and are getting married and having children, exciting times!
    Welcome, DRBrock – this is the right place for encouragement and inspiration. You know how to do this, well done on your first success and you can do it again. The key is to see it as a way of life (wol), not a diet; as others have said. Best of luck!
    Sunny – congrats on the losses, especially in measurements; woohoo! 🙂
    SJ – not familiar with that Irish tune, so must look it up. How brilliant to be involved in all that music. I sing in my church choir, but it’s all pretty traditional. There are some lovely, fairly recent songs we do by an Irish priest, composer and singer. His name is Liam Lawton – maybe you could google him and see if you like any of his work. I bet we could have a great sing-song if we do meet up at a future reunion…I’m sure Gypsy’s concoctions would lubricate the vocal chords nicely!! 😉 My choir sang at a niece’s wedding two years ago and I did one solo song, but the nerves nearly killed me!! I’m sure you’ll have those buses running like clockwork soon – they should hand over the organisation to you, since you know better than anyone what will work and what won’t. Best of luck with PC day!
    Ok, going to do some ironing and prepare for my french class to keep me away from snacking and I’m hoping PC will be to the fore in my thoughts today.
    Hope all well with you Gypsy and GG xxxxx

    Hi all. Well finished the day with around 250 cals to go .. And had a nice scotch. So good PC day once again. Fasting tomorrow so will have to get that halo out again. ????

    Fit love your posts. Yes our mothers were amazing people.

    Suejen. You guessed it ..I was a bit if a rascal. My mum was horrified by my unusual choice of music, breaking from tradition, but I did have our lovely Irish priest on my side so all was good. He loved my choice..said it livened things up. ???

    Our wedding was on the 13th March 1971. So just a year away from yours. Yes it seems that we do seem to have a lot in common.

    CG. My thoughts and prayers are with you and yours for the next week. Remember positive thinking makes a world of difference… ???
    well off to the land of nod once again. Early morning dr. Appointment tomorrow followed by hydrotherapy pool. Then chores to do in town That should keep me busy..wonder how long I can go without eating tomorrow?

    Nite all?????

    I am so pleased that I have a window of opportunity to post. Its 11.15pm ESDT. Today had no mobile coverage at all…..its unbeleivable how cut off from the world one is without mobile phones and computers. OPTUS is TRYING very hard to have its network fixed!
    Anyway to more important matters…..
    WELCOME DRBROCK or DRB for short.
    SONNY-WOW !WOW !WOW ! on those measurements…. well done in the loss as well!
    PH-You have this WOL well mastered ….enjoy that scotch!
    FIT- love reading your family history and finding out your hidden talents.
    SJ- you are a talent as well.
    CG- love you lots and am thinking of T in my prayers. Drive safely tomorrow.
    I am doing a 4:3 this week and am very happy to report that this morning I weighed 74kgs…. yes I’ve lost 1 whole kg.Lets see what Friday brings.
    Have you all inlisted THE 4 P’s for your fast tomorrow….BRING IT ON….Cos…WE ARE AUSSIE DETERMINATION and WE CAN DO THIS….through thick and thin WE WILL ACHIEVE OUR GOAL……GO GAL XXXXXX

    GG – glad you got to post; it’s very frustrating to be cut off from the world when we have so accustomed to instant communication. Woohoo for you on your great loss…fantastic!! 🙂
    CG – best of luck to your GD for her operation and hope your daughter and family are not too stressed out by it all. Safe travels and hoping you manage to enjoy the time with your other family members despite the circumstances of your visit. (((( ))))

    Good morning team, big day ahead for me so up before the chooks, although the birds are up so damn early these mornings. Thank you all for your heart felt wishes. My faith in God and the doctors is holding and I refuse to believe in anything but success for Tegans operation. I’ll get my packing sorted shotly, then load the boys and Maggie in the car and try to get away before the heat hits. 34 today,
    GG lovely to see you back online and thank you for the phone call yesterday.
    I doubt I’ll be MIA as I’ll still have my ipad and mobile phone, so once I know more I’ll let you know. All I know at the moment is a 5 hr op expected, so going to be a long day, worse for my aughter and her husband. The anethiest phoned my daughter last night and told her to go out for lunch, do some shopping around the area, not to walk the floors at the hospital. How very human and caring of him.
    You are all doing so well team and having wonderful success, our 5:2 is working so well, and having the change in weather makes meals a bit more interestin. Fit I guess your meals will soon change too, but into winter foods.
    Have a lovely day team, thank you all again for your thoughts and prayers,
    I’ll check in later xxxxx

    Hi all.

    Fit, that weight is what you weigh! Accept it! I always weigh the day after a fast because that is what Friday is! Sure you may fluctuate but if you are a kilo down, you are a kilo down!

    When the time comes re Ireland, I will let you know, so far off and not at all planned yet but it would be fun to meet up to be sure, to be sure! I think Donegal is the area of my husband’s family but not sure at this minute.

    Thinking of you, CG.

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