Aussie Determination

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  • Oh, suejen, I was on Keflex for the flu….

    Nooooo! NSW are not winning 🙁 I made so many goodies – oh well! I’ve personally have been pretty good … Not really

    Oh my! Gypsy , you look fantastic 🙂 CG, we all want to hear about how you are healing, don’t feel bad for sharing; we are all learning from your experience and we will be able to help others on the future! It’s valuable, it is a shame that those side effects are not made known to all. Keep up the positive attitude and the meds. I’ll check in again tomorrow. Suejen get well soon xx
    I’ll touch base with everyone tomorrow 🙂 no more state of Origin! Now on to cycling.
    Good night 🙂

    Taco are you watching the Tour De France cycling do you mean? Anyone else a fan of the Tour? OH and I love it. We saw the finish in Paris in 2008. It was fabulous…so we’re hooked for life! Love the scenery as much as the race. sj xx
    Lots of late nights coming up!!

    Good moorning team and happy fast day to you who are doing it. Nothing is impossible so tackel your fast with determination knowing YOU CAN DO IT 🙂 We have so many quick fixes for hunger so there is no reason not to sail through this easily.
    I’d like to make this “positive thought day” how’s that sound? We have so much hardship in our lives, no matter the circumstances but as women, roll up the sleeves and get on with it, but thinking positive about our situation gives us ammo to confront it head on and survive. 🙂 As I’ve quoted before”
    “Two men looked out of prison bars
    One saw the mud
    The other the stars”
    So star gazers, lets get on with a great day, count our blessings, ignore the negatives
    and get into bed tonight feeling content xxxxxxx

    Where is everyone? My deoderant not working 🙂 ??

    Hi CG very late posting today. My tour de france watching has caught up with me & slept in this morning till 9.30am – could not believe it! Of course we’ve been watching till almost midnight for 4 nights now so not surprising. We talk each year about recording it & watching it the next day but it’s not the same.
    Thanks for your upbeat positive post CG I was about to not fast today, just winter blues I think plus not 100%. But I read your post & thought of course I can do it…I’ve done it 100’s of times (maybe slight exaggeration!). So I skipped breakfast & went for a walk instead. Thinking that maybe a longer fast might kick a bit more weight to the kerb, plus it gets the exercise in before I get an excuse to not go ie it starts raining or similar. So yes I’m looking at the stars & getting on with my day.
    Has your wonderful friend left yet CG…it was today wasn’t it? I bet she’s left everything all organised for you to look after yourself very easily & everything is within your reach. So take care girl & take it as easy as you can, & do everything they’ve told you to do/not do. Continue the Lady of Leisure theme (and the meds) & you’ll do great!

    OK gang where’s the rest of you? Busy at work some of you, others busy with life or social stuff. Anyway if you’re fasting have a great day and remember all the benefits that 5:2 is bringing you, not just the weight loss – we know there’s a myriad of other benefits too! So as you use your determination to stick to the plan remember the wonderful feeling of success that will come, and………you can eat tomorrow! I had to draw on my aussie determination this morning and it did work team. suejen XXXX

    Hi Suejen,

    Yes I love the tour and watch it every year : ) i feel it’s such a shame that Cadel Evans was cheated out of another victory because of Contador’s cheating .. oh and Armstrong! i think that when those two were stripped of their first place it should have been given to Cadel. A lot of our Aussie boys are doing so well, it is exciting : ) I can just imagine how wonderful it must be to watch the tour life, it must have been awesome : ) I also love the scenery, the chateauxs are great (not sure of the French spelling- perhaps i should have said ‘castles’ instead.

    Hi CG, how are you feeling today? I saw your post and it kept me going, I have someone in my immediate family very ill : ( I am not fasting today but I am watching what I eat for the day…I’m sure that I have not gone over 500 cals but I don’t have the heart to count today. your deodorant not working made me lol : )

    Ok, that’s it ! CG and Suejen, I’ve gotten strength from you both, I’m going to have tea for the rest of the day and check how much i’ve eaten so far! perhaps, I can turn today into a fast day 🙂
    To the rest of our wonderful gang, enjoy your day. To GoGal, Up , Fit you are in my thoughts too xxx
    FB… hello : ) hope you are ok.

    P.S I’ll try and come back later tonight, ps I had roasted beetroot,fetta and roasted pine nut salad- a couple of spoonfulls, one homemade flat bread and 1/2 a slice of cheese – I shared the other 1/2 with the 4 legged children – our fur-babies : )

    p.s .s. s . repeater! I think I’m the one without deodorant now : ) lol

    Ok, guys, I’ve just showered and sprayed a can of rexona under each arm, i have clean Omo smelling clothes and a couple of squirts of perfume! come out, it’s safe. lol, see you all later tonight!

    Hi All,
    Yes, it’s very quiet on the AD front…..are you all hibernating?
    CG – you are truly our fearless leader with your words of inspiration and positivity. My sisters and I are bringing my sister in law to lunch today – she and her OH are the ones most affected by our family troubles and she is feeling very down at the moment. I should be fasting, but some things are more important. I’ll make the best choice I can and just get on with it. Hope your nerve pain is starting to settle.
    Taco – I don’t follow the cycling but I agree with you about cheaters; it’s such a shame and deprives others of titles and medals which were rightfully theirs. Being sports men and women, they don’t want to be given a medal by default; so it’s not the same to be given one that has been stripped from someone else. Sorry to hear about the illness in the family – sending you hugs xx.
    SJ – the Tour is going through Normandy and my OH has already gone over there ahead of me. However, it is not going near where we are, so I don’t think he will get to see it. We did see it in Ireland years ago and it was thrilling. I am glued to Wimbledon at the moment and cheering on Andy Murray – very exciting!
    Sending love and best wishes to everyone who is going through tough times and hoping that life takes a better turn or if not, that you find the strength to face what’s ahead.
    Big wave to Gypsy, GG, Lotus, Milena, FB, YY, our newbies and anyone I’ve left out….’cos I have a terrible memory!

    Hey taco, phew! lay off the perfume, I can smell it from here! evening, CG, SJ, Good on you 3 for filling the gaps. I’m late posting because I finally have to get back to the house spring clean. Oh has it all upended installing a new dishwasher and more shelves in the kitchen. He was supposed to go fishing, but the weather fouled so got the handyman urge instead. He is trying to keep busy to avoid the pub pitfall, so deserves a tradies assistant! touch wood he still has no signs of progressive liver damage(Jaundice, nausea, pain etc).

    Plus we were also up late with the Footy state of origin, (Soooo sorry the blues lost, tacko, mate……… lol…Queeeenslander!!!) then the Cricket and tour DeFrance. (Cadel’s a favourite as OH knows his family). I’m a bit fickle with telly sport, it’s a mood thing. Rather be involved in my own projects than watching others have fun, but I love the patriotism of starts and finishes.

    I have found it hard to fast today, but have stuck to it. and am now feeling the benefits. lots of detoxing going on! It’s scary when the old bloats and heavy feeling starts to bog things up again. I breathed a sigh of relief when the gasses finally departed! after a night and most of the day fasting, I feel back on track. Interesting to see what the scales say tomorrow.

    Hope you had a better day CG, hang in there. Nite xxgyps

    Thanks Fit 🙂

    Gypsy- You are a Queenslansder! You guys trashed 🙂 I hope your OH continues to be on the mend. CG- hope all is ok – got to go. Hugs to all .

    Hi Fit, so glad I caught you. Our posts crossed, You are setting a good example of determination and positivity yourself. It sure takes time and effort to overcome the life’s heartaches, but one thing becomes clear in due course. Like food after fasting, we appreciate a happy day when we find one again. Take every chance there is. Your sisters sound like my mob, a clan to depend on for support when you need it. and laughter is the first sing of a healing heart. Enjoy your family lunch (or I hope you did, by now) Nite xxx gyps

    Maybe you have all gone to bed but I’m on sentry duty , so it’s the Footy show, the tour , the net, some reading and of course being a pain here 🙂

    Yep Taco sounds just like my night, so another late one coming up! So far have managed to stick to my plan but it’s such a cooold night. However I still have a Jarrah hot choc to come so I’ll wait till I’m really hankering for something & have that.
    You’re on holidays aren’t you or have I stuffed up that you’re a teacher? Quite likely.
    Were you watching when the big crash happened – a bit of a nightmare wasn’t it, esp for the mainly aussie team Orica Greenedge. They’re brave men those blokes! Have a good night Taco sj xx

    Hi all,
    I am a Melbourne girl this is my third week and I have lost 3.5 kg !! for breakie I have 2soft boiled eggs small 110 cal black coffee with sweetener also I have 2 glasses of lemon water before I eat .this fills me up till about 3pm then I have a small apple or pear plenty of water and black Rooibos tea in between dinner is 50gsmoked salmon cream cheese tiny layer, 1/2 mountain bread spinach and tomatoes
    I also discovered some low cal. Soups from Coles they are yummy and only about 180 cal per pack good for a winter dinner
    Happy loss journey to all

    Hi Suejen, you have not stuffed up , I am a teacher 🙂 the crash was absolutely awful 🙁 enjoy your chocolate, I’m going for a straight black – meaning Lipton tea 🙂 I plan to post my weight tomorrow morning, let’s hope I’ve managed to drop at least 100 grams, if not that’s ok, I’ll drops the following week 🙂

    Hello all! Sorry for the late post, had a busy (fast ) day…And came back to two pages of lots of info and cute pics. Gyp!! You look amazing, girl 🙂 when I grow up I want to be like you 🙂
    Fit – good hear you are coping … You are strong, positive and a light to your family…
    Taco – thanks to your lovely and lively posts – we need that so much!!
    Rosie – welcome and well done on the loss !! That’s just great 🙂 🙂
    G’night team, sleep tight (esp poor CG)

    Rosie Sullivan1 – stick to it and the weight does come off, try and have lots of fluids too 🙂 I think my weight loss is one of the lowest ever, but a loss is a loss and not a gain; so I am very happy 🙂
    Everyone on this site is helpful and knowledgeable , read through the thread – that helped me identify what to expect during this journey. I have not lost weight every week but I have lost centimetres or just a body shape change. However, I no longer feel tired regardless of where my life takes me 🙂

    Lotus 🙂

    L’EtapevAustralia is coming up in December – first time in Aus! Suejen, perhaps we can all watch it , if I could ride a bike .. I would , lol

    Goodnight 🙂 the tour is still on,my novels and short stories are on stand by 🙂 xxx

    Welcome Rosie talk about off to a great start! You’re doing brilliantly. Your FD sounds good too you’ve got it sorted. Your loss will slow down but you should mostly see a loss.
    Taco haven’t heard of that event…will have to look it up.
    Lotus good to see you around you busy girl you!
    Gyps good on ya for getting back into fasting so quickly & not surprising it was hard. Always is when we have a break.
    Night all back to the tour! Suejen xx
    CG hope your day went ok & a good first night on your own. X

    Good morning team, how did you go with fasting yesterday?Looks like we are in for a huge cold snap this coming week end so soup, stir fry’s , good healthy comfort food type weather. No need to restrict yourself on what you eat, just keep your eye on portion control. I haven’t weighed for approx two weeks, and doubt I will for some time to come. Some of the meds I’m on can cause weight gain, just what I need, but one issue at a time and I will not let it beat me. I had the best night last night, only woke once, at 2.00am, had panadine forte and straight back to unassisted sleep. This morning woke at 7.00am surprised how light the pain is 🙂 so the battle isn’t over but I’m hanging in there.
    Have a great day team, feel the positive vibes around you, remember…nothing is impossible, just keep trying, never say die, use your AUSSIE DETERMINATION and should you have a slip up, just move on, berating yourself sets you up to fail. Happy Friday team xxxxxx

    Good morning all 🙂 CG – I’m so glad to hear that you are on the mend and only woke up once last night 😉 , that is excellent . You are right , dont think about weight or weighing yourself at this stage, that will sort itself out once you heal and are off the meds. I imagine a lot will be water retention.

    Thank goodness the pain is better managed CG! What a great start to a day, to have good nights sleep 🙂
    I had a stable weight this week despite two really good FDs, putting it down stress related (nothing much – work stuff…). Also too many carbs, just needed the fuel I think. So, onwards and downwards it is from here!
    Have great day team!

    I just weighed myself and I am 86 kg. it means that I have put on weight. 300 grams heavier than last week. Oh well, at least it is not a lot, perhaps it’s water retention , or flat bread and Los of yummy dip retention 🙂 have a lovely day everyone. I’ll drop in later.

    Lotus- I hope you get some rest during the weekend. 🙂

    Thanks Taco!
    Team – I read this article on The Australian just now about our 5 :2. I am not sure I can fully fast (0 cal intake) on FDs, but maybe that would work to break the blasted plateau?

    Hello all beautiful people.
    Sorry I have been MIA. Too busy with work and other commitments. I spoke with GG, and she told me that some of you have been asking about me. Thank you so much for keeping me in your thoughts. Its very touching.

    I am not able to do justice to posting here regularly as it is getting too difficult for me to catch up with all the posts and action.

    I will have to admit that there have been some posts just before i stopped posting, which actually made me question the validity of 5:2.

    I am very sorry, not pointing out fingers at anyone, however I think my little brain was getting negative signals for 5:2, so I thought its better to remain away for a while.

    Also, I gathered that we started to discuss everything else under the sun (its a positive) but 5:2 on this thread.

    I was disappointed in myself that I was not able to do justice to the thoughts and feelings of other posters as my thoughts were totally different.

    I have continued to be on journey of 5:2 and happy to report that I am down to 67.9 kgs as of today. So, 5 kgs away from my target now.

    What worked for me was something that has always worked for me and all of you here.

    All that I can say, plateaus are going to come and we are going to get disheartened when there is no loss or if there is a gain.
    However, we all believe in 5:2 and if we need to discuss other diets and methods, its best to do in forums that are meant for them

    I apologize again if I have hurt anyone, but had to come here and write the truth.

    I wish luck and all the best to all the posters here and please be assured that it’s my problem that I had such feeling and not anyone else’s fault.

    Thanks and love to all.

    Good to hear from you FB, glad that you are well! Congrats on the great weight loss 🙂

    FB – I’m glad that you are ok and I am happy to hear that you are very close to your goal. I feel you are a valued contributer to this thread and everyone genuinely missed you, but I understand and respect what you are saying.

    FB, totally understand what you are saying. I can’t imagine too many new people wanting to join in a conversation that seems to be about everything but 5/2 and not being in the loop at all. It is true that this group has evolved since it began, not that I was there at the start. For most people in it, is has become something else. People can take what they want from it and if it isn’t the right place for you now, that is fair enough. I can also understand that you would like it to be more to the point. Some days I don’t want to have to wade through the other stuff either. I guess it depends on where our own heads are at on any given day.

    I don’t think anyone would be too upset about what you have written because I think we all know exactly what you are saying. I am guilty of adding extra tweaks to classic 5/2 such as low carb on other days as well! I will never give up 5/2 though. It really has TRANSFORMED my life!

    I actually went out to a jazz venue opening last night. My husband arrived later and before he arrived I was asked to dance by a stranger and then after he arrived, I had 2 other “stranger ” dance partners and the original one returned. I felt great. None of this was in a hitting on kind of way, just a friendly thing. The men were all in a group of people of other people I know, if that makes sense. The thing is, although I am not an accomplished swing dancer by any means and they all are, I felt confident enough to get up and have a go and not think about what I looked like (well not too much!), a rarity. Actually, a cocktail or two may have helped! Not my usual style but it was the theme of the place.

    I also had lunch out yesterday, but skipped dinner. Saw the movie “Far From The Madding Crowd” and thought it was great. You have to be in a good frame of mind to deal with Thomas Hardy’s bleakness, so Fit and others struggling at the moment, give it a miss! Maybe you guys should go for “Magic Mike’ 😉

    Anyway, going out to dinner at the house of a friend who works with my husband and has noticed our weight loss. They are italian but tonight we are having steak and salad rather than pasta etc apparently. It is nice that people want to be supportive!

    I have the second 60th birthday party of the year to go to tomorrow night. It seems that this will be the theme of the next few years amongst my friendship group.

    As a result of all this I have only fasted once this week and it seems my gained kilo is still with me!

    BTW, in case my life sounds all too annoyingly interesting with travel and now outings, can I just say that as far as the social events go, it is a bit like buses. They never arrive and then they all come at once! I think we all have this happen to us sometimes. I am also catching up with people because we have been away!

    CG, so pleased about your improvement. Taco, so glad you and CG showered, everyone came back! Try and keep smiling through your hard times.

    Hope people got some good results on the scales today! 🙂

    Well Yahoo Yippeee Fantasmagorical etc I weighed this morning aaaand….drum roll…….I have hit the 69’s!!!!!! I was 69.7. Had to jump on the scales a 2nd time as 1st time around they said 69.8 69.7 and then 70 BUT I wasn’t having any of that. No sireee scales give me what I want! So hopped on again & settled on 69.7 (and no it doesn’t need a new battery!). Happy happy happy. Now I know that I’ll be back to 70 again (zigzags) but I’ll be doing my darndest to avoid it if I can.
    Yesterday things I did to try & improve my loss over winter: I went for a walk early in the morning so I didn’t have any excuse to skip it later in the day. I drank a lot more fluids than I have been with the cold weather lately. I kept my cals well under the 500 mark – well was in the high 300’s but then weakened after dinner & ended up at about 420 I think. That’s low for me. Also went without brekky and had my first food HB egg at 1pm so a longer fast. Will repeat these again for next week’s fast.
    Have had breakfast & forgot to measure so will do that tomorrow.

    FB I have so missed you on here. I understand your comments but you were ALWAYS such an encouraging person and a shining light on the forum. We miss you. Well done on your continuing loss that’s fabulous. Yes you’re so right 5:2 does work & has done for all of us; and sometimes we do just have to hang in there like a drowning man or whatever, holding on by a slim thread through our plateaus…..reminding ourselves that it does work & that’s not going to change. In the end it WILL WORK.
    So hang on everyone & remember that for some of us like me, we have relaxed the bar a bit & can’t expect the same results that we got with lovely summer salads etc. So let’s try a few tweaks & see what we can come up with that works. More soups as CG says or comfort foods but…..much less of them. we can do it!!!!!
    Have a great Friday & weekend & work on those tweaks folks suejen XXX

    Lol 🙂 Up- you are right! Congratulations on being confident. I am still big and have only lost around 4-4.4 kilos but I have worked it out at around 480 or so grams per week and that is good for me. My belly is so much smaller now that I can actually tuck it in. I was always so embarrassed about my Homer Simpson belly. So I love 5 2. My goal now is hitting 85 kilos. Then 80, and so on. I’m thinking in lots of 5’s. I will never be over 90 again.

    Congratulations Suejen! Yay! The 60’s 🙂

    Up- I meant Lol to your simile re invitations/ parties/ social occasions bein like buses 🙂 I love it and will definitely quote you:)

    Thanks, Taco, I wish I could say I made that quote up but sadly, just borrowed it!

    SJ, Excellent. That is always so exciting when the big number drops! You will be extra motivated this week not to make a misstep so win/win!

    FB you are a legend with your loss. Your life is very busy , at work and at home and you are doing a fantastic job, I hope you don’t lose faith in us. We are ALL about 5:2 but it’s difficult to get a group of people, especially women together and not get off the subject. Life comes into the conversation when chatting and it seems we are off the theme, but we all know it is 5:2 as our glue and sticking with it. We all miss you little KK ( 🙂 ) and be proud of how far you have come. Nothing is changing on our thread. Friendships are getting very close, and I certainly don’t knock that, and most are looking for answers to plateaus. Why would anyone take offence at what you say? You have hurt no one. Every one has the right of an opinion. You are a team member and we all love your input. Winter eating surely alters our losses, but stabilising is still healthier than the weight any of us started at 🙂 I’m not sure what other. Diets are discussed, only other ways of eating on NFD’s whilst doing 5:2 in the hope of breaking a plateau 🙂
    Suejen, woohooo, how wonderful girl you are a champ. You have to be proud. Both you and FB in the 60’s after trying so hard.
    Taco your determination is working, up’s and downs are part of are plateaus, but don’t let them beat you 🙂
    Well, up 4.2k overall since not fasting, but will be starting again Monday. I have been watching portion control, which as we all know is so important, and have been very lean with alcohol, just not feeling like it so basically all I’ve missed are my fasts. Even with all my meds, fast are still a healthy way of eating with basic soups or any vegie based meal. I will not let this weight climb any further and hope it’s a lot of fluid so will be interested in my result next Friday 🙂
    Upt, great post again, love your contribution as always.
    Have a great evening team and look forward to a relaxing WARM week end 🙂 the cold blast is coming 🙂 xxxxxxx
    Back on my own as of tomorrow so will be more in tune with individual posts xxxxx

    Hi All,
    Well, what a contrast! Hardly any posts then loads of them; maybe they’re like buses too, Up! 🙂
    FB – it’s wonderful to have you back! You have been missed and your contributions are always welcome. I totally agree with CG’s comments; we are all trying to find the way that 5:2 works for us; especially when we hit plateaus but in the end we all know that 5:2 is what has made the difference in our lives and above all, it is what will continue to work because it is adaptable and flexible. As for off-topic posts, I suppose various issues in our lives have been what derailed us from diets or healthy eating in the past, so sharing those here too in a supportive community helps to remember that we are part of this 5:2 group and there is no need to give up on this wol even when we hit bumpy patches in the road. My weight has stayed very steady for the last couple of months with two reasonably good FDs a week and that allows me to go for regular meals out and other treats. I don’t think I’m going to lose much any more unless I make an extra effort on non FDs but that’s ok. Meanwhile, I hope I’m gaining the other health benefits associated with fasting. Congrats on your brilliant weight loss – you’re a star!
    Gypsy – thanks for you kind words. I love your typo: “laughter is the first SING of a healing heart” – how appropriate because I love to sing and music is something I get great consolation from and I’m off with the sisters to see Bette Midler next week….can’t wait!
    Welcome, Rosie – going by your surname there must be some Irish blood there, I’m posting from Ireland (a bit of a cuckoo in the nest!). Well done on your loss so far, you’re doing brilliantly!
    Lotus, Taco – don’t get disheartened, you are both doing really well sticking to your guns and we all know the losses will come. Changing shape and feeling better are all part of the benefits and as we keep saying ‘slow and steady wins the race’!
    Up – glad to hear you had such a great time dancing and having fun in your ‘new’ skin at the jazz event – another bonus to this wol!
    CG – glad you are getting more sleep and hope that things keep improving for you. I have no doubt that when you decide to get back on the 5:2 horse, you will kick its a**!! Look after yourself now that your friend is gone and don’t try to do too much. Xx
    Have a great weekend, everyone!
    SJ – woohoo on getting into the 69s!!!! How wonderful! 🙂

    Hi Rosi, welcome aboard! sounds like you are off to a great start.

    Hi Gypsy – looks like we’re crossing again! How is your little leprechaun doing?

    Taco, Can I say that I love the fact that you use this thread as a muse that entertains us all. Don’t ever change! It’s the pure humanity of our communications which makes it more than a ‘diet forum’. It’s so open and sensitive to each other’s differences. We can have a bitch and get over it. that’s family. You would be a kitchen table expert in ‘olden times’. (and I bet you’re on hell of a teacher!) the human ones always are. Onya’ xxxgyps

    Lotus! old flower! Just don’t grow up and you will be my clone! I’m honoured you wannabe! Such fun to have a radiant young thing on my wavelength. Thrive on, I’m watching! xxx gyps

    Hi Rosie, welcome aboard, you are joining a very friendly caring group of 5:2ers. We have all had great success, I personally lost 26k and continue to zigzag up and down 3-4 k’s but rarely gain. The following fast always move the gain and it’s usually fluid. This way of life is not restrictive, just two days a week you stay around 500cals and the rest of the week watch your portion control. There is no restrictions on what you eat, just how much 🙂 Check out your TDEE in the How section at the top of the page so you know your limit in normal days. It is only a guide and not written in cement. Most find they don’t eat it all but when they do it is guilt free. We discuss all issues, nothing is forbidden, we all had lives before 5:2 which contributed to our gaining weight in the first place, and those lives continue 🙂 we have each other as shoulders to whinge, share good news, and the sad, but this is what makes us individuals and we do care non judgmentally for each other. Again welcome aboard, any questions, please ask and one of the team will reply. CG xxxxxx

    FB, matey, spades are spades! Good on you for speaking up. Dig! and you will always find a treasure for your efforts. Sometimes we tie things up in brown paper and string, just to avoid plain speaking and hurt feelings. You are a busy, courageous girl, with so much to distract your focus from the main goal.(for the purposes of this thread it is health and sustainable weight loss).

    whilst for some It has become just a way of life, with side tracks inclusive.

    You seek constants in a regime that you have proven. 5:2 – It works! (why mess with it?)

    Granted, loyalty to the original blueprint is all that’s required to succeed.

    But…. It is just human nature to question and wander from the set parameters (especially if you’re retired with nothing more diverting to do…) Diversity is the one thing we all have in common! I am certainly guilty of posting ‘anything but’ the true topic on occasions (like now), but this thread has gone way beyond a single focus for many of us. I’m sure we will be mindful of your needs now that we are aware of them. I always say (to my palm reading clients) “if you cannot change a situation, then it often helps to change your attitude towards it”. Forgive our transgressions. Don’t leave us, We value your dynamic input, pretty girl, and you need us to clap and be sooo proud of your success! That’s family.

    We are guilty of meandering down alternative tracks, because we are anchored to ‘home’. We are only seeking to progress and understand the WOL and the WOE – and nothing truly great is ever static, blinkered or restricted to dogma. All our meanderings either add to, or lead us back to home. It’s all good little friend. Much love to you. xxx Gyps

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