Will this begin again in September? I’m new and have just read ‘The Fast Diet’ book. WOW I learnt so much and this feels just right for me.
This topic contains 2,027 replies, has 142 voices, and was last updated by Yondi 6 years, 8 months ago.
Norway, Day 30, FD, last one in my very first B2B.
@annemarilyn Thank you, I do have some nice treats to look forward to at home, that I will enjoy tomorrow. After my last post last night I went to bed not too hungry (drank a big glass of sparkly water, that really helps!). It just feels good to have somewhere to “complain” and get support, because I don’t want to wear out my husband…
@sirisan that sounds promising, I am sure this is routine for the surgeons, and that they are very good at their job. Of course you are nervous, I am nervous with you! But I am sure it will be fine. Please let us know how it goes. (((hugs)))
@maayyaa it was kind of a paste, the one from Meny, and it tasted…not little at least, it was quite full of taste. Weird taste, a litle bit like rye bread, or rye crackers (rugsprø), but liquid. Not sure if I liked it, but it wasn’t too bad. I think. Had a buollion in the evening, that was NOT good. ugh, very salty and too much.
So my last day of the B2B today, I had a much better sleep this night, that is good for my motivation. I do not feel too hungry this morning. And my belly measurement was a new low today: 83.5 cm, down from 88 cm! The weight did not change too much from Monday, but I don’t stress that too much.
I do however feel a bit fragile, emotionally. Is that normal? I just saw a video of a boy who came back to Britains got talent after 2 years, and he sang “Halelujah” very beautifully and my tears started to run. What is up with that? Hahaha! Anyway, my meeting yesterday went well, and today I have a lot of things to do, and I have an errand in the lunch break, so it will be a busy day. Considering to break my water-fast with a 200 kcal dinner today, but we’ll see. Very much looking forward to breakfast tomorrow! 🙂
Have a great day, may the fast be with you everyone!
Day 30 UK FD 🌈
Yesterday’s FD was very good, had a couple of little “im starving and will faint if I can’t eat” 😱moments but actually they passed, 🙂usually with me having a cup of tea ☕️and then making myself busy, and at dinner time I wasn’t ravenous and nearly decided to pass on dinner, but as I was working late⏰ I knew I wouldn’t last so had dinner. (Restaurant no escape from food).
Did drink a lot yesterday 💦and was always thirsty! I definitely sometimes think it’s hunger when i really just need a drink.
Have a good day guys. I just realised I’m already 12 hours in” last meal was yesterday 5pm, it’s now 6.30am, I’m in the fat burning zone and I’ve just woken up! Positive thinking and all that. Keep on keeping on 👊🏻👊🏻👊🏻
Norway, Day 30, FD, last one in my very first B2B.
@annemarilyn Thank you, I do have some nice treats to look forward to at home, that I will enjoy tomorrow. After my last post last night I went to bed not too hungry (drank a big glass of sparkly water, that really helps!). It just feels good to have somewhere to “complain” and get support, because I don’t want to wear out my husband…
@sirisan that sounds promising, I am sure this is routine for the surgeons, and that they are very good at their job. Of course you are nervous, I am nervous with you! But I am sure it will be fine. Please let us know how it goes. (((hugs)))
@maayyaa it was kind of a paste, the one from Meny, and it tasted…not little at least, it was quite full of taste. Weird taste, a little bit like rye bread, or rye crackers (rugsprø), but liquid. Not sure if I liked it, but it wasn’t too bad. I think. Had a bouillon in the evening, that was NOT good. ugh, very salty and too much.
So my last day of the B2B today, I had a much better sleep this night, that is good for my motivation. I do not feel too hungry this morning. And my belly measurement was a new low today: 83.5 cm, down from 88 cm! The weight did not change too much from Monday, but I don’t stress that too much.
I do however feel a bit fragile, emotionally. Is that normal? I just saw a video of a boy who came back to Britain got talent after 2 years, and he sang “Hallelujah” very beautifully and my tears started to run. What is up with that? Hahaha! Anyway, my meeting yesterday went well, and today I have a lot of things to do, and I have an errand in the lunch break, so it will be a busy day. Considering to break my water-fast with a 200 kcal dinner today, but we’ll see. Very much looking forward to breakfast tomorrow! 🙂
Have a great day, may the fast be with you everyone!
Day 30 – Meath, Ireland – NFD
August goal: 149lbs
Current weight: 146.5lbs
These liquid only FD’s are an absolute bomb for me. My body seems to love it (apart from ketosis breath urgh 😖) and I have experienced the Whoosh Effect overnight again. I goggled and had to recheck twice when I saw 10 stone 6.5 pounds this morning!!!!!!
Smashed August goal. I am still in shock.
I plan to liquid only fast until 7pm tonight, making it 48 hours liquid only and 72 hours of B2B fasting…..that’s the best I can do as my holiday starts officially at 7pm tonight with low fat dinner choices but accompanied by WINE 🍷🍷👍
@debster251. We are heading overland to Spain, so as its Ireland we start from we are taking the overnight ferry both Thursday (to Liverpool) and Friday (to Santander) and then across country to Cambrils on the Costa Dorada. . Yay.
@jessyoursize. Thanks for the shout out, and you go girl on the liquid only fast. Once done once it gets easier. And results are great.
Day 30 – Woking, UK – FD
And there’s my 1.5lbs from the gym last night showing up, regular as clockwork. 🙂 Still with a good fast day today I should still be on target for tomorrow.
@basyjames please count me in for September. Is there a thread started yet, I couldn’t see one but I might have been looking in the wrong place? Thanks in advance for hosting.
Day 30 UK NFD yesterday went OK,controlled day today fast tomorrow and then aiming to start September on a positive note @coda – don’t be so hard on yourself, you’ll get back in the swing of it I’m sure 💪
Reading back I see @fatrabbit s not around ? hope everything’s OK ?
Day 30 North Wales NFD
@belmc well done for getting below your target weight 😀
Happy belated birthday @keetseel
@mjmj hope your plateau ends soon. Stay focussed I am sure your weight will go down soon.
@jessyoursize I am proud of you too. It feels brilliant when you realise you can go all day without food.
@mogaman don’t beat yourself up about going over your TDEE. Remember this is a way of life. Press the reset button tomorrow. I have discovered if I am too strict with myself I can’t maintain the focus so the occasional blip does me good.
@sirisan hope your brother’s surgery goes well. Sending hugs 🤗
Tomorrow is a FD for me and then I will weigh myself and record the weight on the spread sheet Friday. I have successfully completed two fast days a week this month. Clothes feel looser and I feel good 😊
Looking forward to the September Challenge. ONWARDS AND DOWNWARDS 💪💪💪💪💪💪💪💪💪
Day 30, London, UK, FD (2nd of B2B2B)
@sirisan, thinking of you and your brother today……… fingers crossed xxxxx
Change of plan, Thursdays office ‘do’ has been cancelled, so B2B2B FDs & yoga as usual for me tomorrow!!! I’ll probably make it an 800cal FD to make up for the disappointment of missing out on a fab Thai restaurant!!!!! Finishing August strong though!!!!!
Stay strong everyone & roll on “Controlled September”!!
Day 30 – UK – FD
Firstly, @sirisan – thinking you and your brother today, how stressful for you all.
Well I sort of tried the liquids only fast yesterday but gave in and had a mushroom omelette which is well under 500 cals so still very happy with that . I was not mentally prepared for it and I was scared I would have no energy for the 5km power walk that was planned with some friends this morning. I almost fainted when I did it for the first time last week. They are very fast, well I think so, or else it’s because I have short legs!! We did it in 50 minutes both times and I was absolutely fine this morning so don’t know what happened last week.
Scales still not at my target for the month but I am still very focused and enjoying the journey. May try again next week to do a liquid fast as the results from @daffodil2010 are very impressive, but no promises, quite happy on 500cals for the moment as at least I am on the right side of 70kgs/11stone/154lbs for the first time in ages and it feels good.
Happy fasting everyone 🤗
Day 26 NFD
Day 27 NFD
Day 28 FD
Day 29 NFD
Day 30 FD
Been busy, winning at not having sweet breakfast and reached goal for July/August. Happy dance all round. And removed sugary breakfast cereals from the kids too. Now to get my head around the next big goal, reach 60kg by end of year.
Congrats to every single person here, we have all managed to have a win in some way this month.
Day 30, Wales, NFD
@sirasan – hope your brothers op goes well.
@daffodil2010 – enjoy your hols and thanks for inspiring me with your recent success.
Tomorrow will be a FD so I will weigh myself Friday and review whether I need to do anything differently in September.
Good health everyone x
Day 30…..FD…….Florida
My FD fell to the side yesterday and turned into something other than an FD. So, I’m gonna try it again today. I did manage to get in oh I’d say about 8 more ounces of water than I did the days before.
@sirisan…… My prayers are with your brother today! May the surgery be a success and you and your family can get peace with in your hearts and souls while he recovers.
@mema02…… Welcome to the family! I think at some point there will be a link to the Sept. challenge. I know @basyjames is preparing the spreadsheet now. So once it it starts it will have all the info. Just keep up with Aug and it will appear!
@coda….. I’ve got my hand wrapped around yours. Together we are stronger, so together we will do this!
@ Brighton belle….. I wonder the same about @fatrabbit. I’m hoping to see her again in Sept.
Okay well….. I’m off
I was addicted to the hokey pokey then I turned myself around
Norway, Day 30, last B2B FD, second post
Today is actually going really well, I do not feel faint or weak or too hungry or anything. Yesterday I thought this B2B thing was not for me and something I wouldn’t want to do too often, but I actually find it pretty easy. Had an all liquid fast yesterday, and a little bit of solid food today, but I will manage very well on less than 500 kcal today, so that is pretty fantastic =D I am excited to see what tales the scale will tell tomorrow morning. I think tomorrow’s weigh in will be my result for August, and not Friday like several others have planned :-p
Onwards and downwards, may the fast be with you, we can do this, and all the other motivational words that rain upon me everyday in here. I love this group!
Day 30 – USA – WI – FD
I went back to work (teacher) a couple of weeks ago and all my routines went out the window, including posting. So – I need to recommit to regular posts. I will fast today and weigh tomorrow and add my info to the spread sheet. My fast days have been few and far between since going back to school, but as the beginning of the year settles down, I need to refocus on myself and my goals. I saw someone is doing a September challenge. Would someone let me know who to contact?
Day 30 NFD Melbourne, Australia
Whoops just getting in before the start of a new day! Had a reasonably controlled day but had potatoes (roasted yum!) with dinner and as my husband called to say he was going to be late as out for dinner, the kids and I divvied up his share, so I ate more than I needed. Just like that. How do I let that happen? Why do I sabotage myself on my NFD??
Last FD for the month tomorrow, hoping to have a good one.
Have a good day everyone!
Day 30 – USA (Illinois) – NFD
Good and controlled yesterday. I ate smartly and got in a power walk. Today is Silver Sneakers class then giving piano lessons.
This forum is oh so encouraging! Even if you’re not achieving your goal for August, don’t give up. This WOL works. Just keep at it. And for those of you who are, YEAH! So happy you’ve had success!
@sirisan – prayers for your brother’s surgery
@sydwil2 – @basyjames is doing the September challenge for us.
Onward and downward.
Hello day 30 FD Co Down NI
@sirisan – hope the surgery goes well for your brother ((hugs))
@debster251 – I buy the hot cross buns mainly for the boys lunches as they like them for their tea breaks and usually I can resist them as they are kept in the freezer but sometimes they call very loudly lol. Oh where did you get your golden hop from as I read they are a good plant for a pergola. Do they need pruned or can they be left to grow?
@mema02 & @sydwil2 – look out for the link @basyjames will put up and follow us to the September challenge.
@bert1802 – thanks – holding on to you and others ever so tightly. Dare I say it but so far so good and only water and one coffee consumed.
I feel so frustrated at myself – I had been down to 158 lbs and then shot up so quickly and although coming down AGAIN it is painfully slow. How come you can go up 5 or 7 lbs at a time but coming down its 1 or 2 lbs (if you are lucky). Wishing I was where I was before I am where I am now lol. But I will get to where I want to be eventually.
The good news is when I put my trousers/pants on this morning they felt unusually long so I guess there is less of me to hold them up. I will have to take some measurements again.
I have just had it confirmed that I have been booked in for surgery 13 September on my foot. I had postponed it until after my holiday to the states. This will curtail the exercise a bit and I am so enjoying the games of squash with my OH. I will also have to watch even more carefully what I am eating especially if I am not moving much at all. I’ll remind you all closer to the time as I may not be posting for a few days.
Looks like I hit my goal but have plateaued on my weight. Two days of b2b fasting and the scale has not budged. I have another fast day today so with a final weigh in tomorrow morning that will be the end of the August challenge. Really pleased with this WOL. I don’t feel like I am on a perpetual diet. A plateau would always be so depressing because the diet sacrifices were never ending. This way I get a break and eat what I like, within reason, all the while practicing maintenance on not fast days. It really is a brilliant system.
Day 30 – USA – FD
@sirisan, hoping your brother recovers well from surgery; @bellyblast and @daffodil2010, congrats on your dispatch of pounds! @debster251, thanks again for your shepherding us through this month. @basyjames, looking forward to Sept. challenge and thanks for volunteering to host! Adding myself to the fast list today:
@steve Toon Taxi Driver
Is the hokey pokey similar to the hokey cokey here in the UK. Lol 🤣
I tried to go to inaccessable but the road was long and hard i never made it.
I’VE only done one water fast it was hard work once I got to tea / dinner time 6pm ish. I can do 14 hours easily water/coffee fasting, I do this daily and have done since January. Think it was the key to my success.
France – FD
With myself added:
@steve Toon Taxi Driver
@sirisan Sending you positive thoughts x
Heavy day at work, no time to read all posts
Day 30 – SW WA USA – FD
Making this a 3rd liquid FD in a row. Tomorrow I’m planning a FD also but with a small amount of food. Will weigh in Friday for the final results.
@mari84 – music always gets to me so I would have been tearing up with you whether a FD or not 🙂
@daffodil2010 – yay! you’re doing great! Enjoy your holiday to Spain. Need a translator?
@yolina – if you’re making good progress on 500 cal FDs, sounds like good sense to continue. Some on this forum, reached all the way to their final goal with that plan.
Have a great day! Yes, together we are stronger!
@debster251 – oh yes please. I will arrange for JJ to send you my email address. Thanks
Day 30 UK FD 1st day of B2B
Hi @taraga
I have done a 2 day water/ liquids only fast but only once. Definately felt hungry by day 3 but mainly felt fine. Might repeat again as showed good results on the scales.
Pushing on for a strong finish to the month… hopefully!
Fascinating video found on Eades Protein Power blog. Dispels the myth of 3500 calories equals one pound. Most important is that your calories needs lessen as you lose weight. We all know that but it is interesting to see how they came to that conclusion. You can see it here: https://youtu.be/hPi1LQHBWBk
Or go to https://www.supertracker.usda.gov/bwp/index.html to input your data.
For a full explanation go to Eades page and let him explain how to input your data. The researcher is no fan of low carb diets but his model clearly shows a significant drop in weight when we consume a lower carb diet.
Day 30, Emden Germany, NFD
@sirisan thinking of you and your brother, hope it works out as planned
@rainbowsmile try not to be to hard on yourself, you’ve gone through a lot and came so far,take care
@laurealice this is an interesting recipe, I would never combine garlic, olive oil and grapes. I’m going to try it when there are better grapes on the market, still sour now. I agree with @keetseel about the stuffed grape leaves, we used to make them at parties. Happy belated birthday!
@losing_it I’m not impressive at all, I just don’t have a choice, we have to go on. I’m really impressed by the ones doing liquid fasts, tried it once, it was terrible, hungry all day, no sleep, bad mood so I’m not doing that again inspite of the benefits this is said to have. I have to chew on something.
@coda I hoped nobody would ask this. It was rather silly. The rib broke when my colleque and I were filling up a bottle of ultasound gel and had a lot of fun. You have to press it out of a 5 liter plastic bag into a 500 ml bottle, it’s rather thick so you have to press hard and you have to press even harder the less there is left in the bag. I put my rib on my radius and then broke off 2 cm of the end of the 11th rib, we heard it crack. They made an X ray and my husband and the radiologist decided not to tape it but to bandage it, to make the loose part stay in place. Well, it didn’t, you can move it and it sticks out. We just wait and see how this is going on, if it doesn’t heal and the loose part bothers me, they will take it out. I really don’t want that. No exercise for the upcoming weeks so you can join me in being sedentary after your operation.
Day 30 – ABQ – NFD/CD
Well I kind broke at dinner time for my liquid fast yesterday, but I was doing great up to that point! My hubby started making dinner for himself and our daughter (a toddler) and the smells started getting my tummy a rumbling! I tried to just leave and go for a walk, but even on FD I don’t like to miss dinner with my daughter since I really only get to see her then on weekdays 😥 so I eventually just gave in and had some edamame and some mini cornbread muffins. My total dinner was 180 calories, so not what I was planning, but I’m looking at it as:
Today I made it to dinner which is a new goal for me, and next week I will try to make it further
And I will have to pre-plan this time so that i have something to distract me from the delicious food smell (oh the woes of having a great cook for a spouse 😂 ).
On a positive note, I couldn’t resist weighing myself this morning and I was exactly 163 lbs! Which puts me in the 1 lb/week grouping for this month! And what a month (well 2 weeks since I started) starting at 165, jumping up to 168 in the first few days, then dropping down to 164 at the end of week 1, and now I’m down to 163! So I guess I met my goal for the month (2-4 lbs weight loss) 🙌
I’m having a good NFD/CD – i’m not limiting myself as much as I did on Monday, but definitely have a goal to be at least 400 cals under my TDEE (1800 cals goal).
I am actually looking forward to my first B2B FDs tomorrow and Friday, but I am going to make them regular FD and not try to do another liquid FD until next week!
@sirisan sending positive thoughts and prayers for you brother!
2 Days left (well actually 1 for a good chunk of ya’ll)! Let’s finish strong!!!
Day 30 – McMinnville Oregon USA – NFD
It wasn’t a perfect FD yesterday but close to 800 calories. I ordered steamed clams for lunch and didn’t have the bread and left the fabulous wine/butter sauce in the bowl. Tacos for dinner, the extra cheese took me to the 800 limit. 🌮🧀
@sirisan – I’m sending you and your brother positive energy for a successful surgery. 💕
@daffodil2010 – Good going 🌻 Your holiday sounds wonderful.
Day 30—ABQ, NM—NFD
Yesterday’s FD ended up at 892. Oh well.
@sirisan—good luck to your brother. Medicine has come a long way, and I’m sure the laser knife is an excellent tool, but any kind of surgery is still scary. It’s against all of our instincts to let someone cut into us.
Steve toon taxi driver—Honestly, you’re in Corrigible!
Mari84—Haha! I get emotional during fasts too, although it can also take the form of sadness or grumpiness or major anxiety. Last night I woke up at 1 am, stressing about a variety of trivial “problems”. I don’t know if it will continue as we get used to fasting, or if it’s just particular to the individual. I think because I’m an emotional eater, I don’t have the added crutch of eating to distract from what’s worrying me.
Daffodil2010—Have a wonderful time in Spain! We are watching the Vuelta de Espana right now; OH for the bicycling, me for the scenery. It’s such a beautiful country.
Debster251—I was incredibly hungry last night too! Hope you woke up this morning with all your limbs intact! I saw a hops vine growing at the Arnold Arboretum in Boston and it was really beautiful. I’m not sure they will grow out here; we have very strong sun and hot summers.
@mogaman, I agree with MoliJ; forgive yourself and move on to today. Every day you are getting stronger!
ducks_d –Congrats on reaching your goal! Yahooooooo
Coda—Congrats on your expanding pants experience; that must have felt so victorious.
In fact, congrats to everyone who reached their goal this month! And as for the rest of us, we are still doing great by participating in this WOL. The more we practice, the better we will get at it.
Day 30, US, NFD
My FD yesterday was going so well until I got home and saw my OH enjoying a beer. I was feeling particularly pleased with myself as my jeans could slide off without me undoing the button so that was all the permission I needed to indulge. Absolutely NO self-control on my part. 🙁 AND we’re off to a champagne tasting event tonight (yeah, I know, my social life is hell, right!)
Tomorrow will be a FD and then I’m back on track.
Do we need to pull together a group of pocket-peanut butter lovers? I’m also one of those people that dips a spoon into the jar on occasion. Only one spoon, and it’s now only a teaspoon, not a dessert spoon, but boy, can I load that baby up!
Thinking of you and your brother, Sirisan.
Day 30. Québec. FD
Gosh, I don’t know if I will make it ! I came so close to my goal but the scale came up yesterday and today. I hope that my FD will help me with my August challenge.
Thank you to the nice persons how gave me the tip to write my post in Notes or in Word and then paste it here. I tried it a few times and fore some reason my Ipad doesn’t give me the option to paste my selection. Don’t know why but a bit frustrating.
Thank you all who said that my English is good. I appreciated those who made the effort of writing in French. It’s nice of you (virtual hug ).
As for the comments concerning sugar, I will write another post.
Bye bye everyone, going towards September all together xxx
PS. My toughts go out to the people having sad times in Texas and Lousiana.
Day 31 – Tokyo, Japan – NFD 82.0 kg
I think I over ate yesterday. We went to a breakfast buffet to celebrate a birthday and that seemed to throw me off all day. Weak will power and control. This morning I did HIIT on the stairs. Walk down but run up. It doesn’t sound as hard as it is.
My body fat is less in my arms and legs but it seems to be repacking it around my middle. That is just how my body works I guess. To totally get rid of fat at my gut I’m going to have to get my body fat a lot lower. It isn’t like I can’t afford to lose more since my BMI is ~26. A BMI of 24 would probably be a lot healthier.
There is a tendency to discount BMI because it doesn’t differentiate between fat and lean body mass. The thinking is that lean body mass is magically healthier. The problem though is many studies show more risk with higher BMI. It might not be that healthy to have enough muscle to push the BMI up over 25. However in my case I could still lose 10% of my weight in fat and still not be too low on body fat. So I don’t really have any excuse at all. There are probably some bodybuilders that have high BMI and very low body fat. That is probably a rare combination. Personally I’ve found it difficult to just keep my body fat under 20%.
Another odd thing about body fat is claims that men should be under 25% and women under 30%. That doesn’t many any sense at all. Women do need more fat but that is on the low end, not on the high end of the body fat scale. Personally I’m finding even at the 17% to 18% body fat range I have a lot fat and probably men and women both should strive to keep the body fat below 25%. Some women are lucky in that they pack fat in their bust and mostly that is attractive to men. Doesn’t work that way for men though! (Although some men do have some breast development, especially if they obese, it probably isn’t that attractive to women.) Personally I don’t think there is anything attractive about oversized booty in either men or women and I don’t understand the obsession with that. Maybe that is because living in Japan I’m used to not seeing much of it.
Sorry if I’m offensive. I’m mostly offended by my own middle section. Still, I’m slowly leaning more and more that having a lower BMI is really more important than how much body fat one has within a reasonable limit. There are some advantages about having too much lean body mass. For one thing that is much easier to lose than body fat. Another advantage is muscle feels better. I’m just not sure how healthy it is.
Day 30 Massachusetts USA FD @molij I DID reset myself today, even though we went out to dinner. It helped that my meal wasn’t any good so I ate very little if it. This is the second time this has happened to me on a FD. Divine Providence? Both looking forward to and trepidatious about the weigh in tomorrow. I swam laps today and have my 2nd yoga class of the week tomorrow so I’m keeping up that end of it. 💪
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6:07 am
30 Aug 17