August 2017 – 31 Day Challenge

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August 2017 – 31 Day Challenge

This topic contains 2,027 replies, has 142 voices, and was last updated by  Yondi 6 years, 8 months ago.

Viewing 50 posts - 1,851 through 1,900 (of 2,032 total)

  • Day 29, London, Uk, FD (1st of B2B)
    Day 28, NFD

    Completely forgot to post yesterday, so a lengthy catch-up on posts this morning!!! This slip-up was entirely due to the red wine, rum & coke, cheesecake, tangy wine gums, crisps, steak & chips and …………..bread consumed over the weekend!!!!! I had a great time……….. at the time…………… 4hrs later the leg cramps, bloating and general discomfort was NOT the reminder I needed of how NOT to eat!!!! I KNOW this, but it just seems to leak out of my brain somehow, my memory is pants!!!!

    I’m not beating myself up about it, I just have to plan, plan, plan for September, August has been a ‘seat of the pants month’……….. soooooo not me!!!! I live by lists and order and planning!!!!

    Good luck everyone for the remainder of August, we really have got this, we just need to actually implement the rules, lessons and systems that have already led us down the path to success, not the path to the bakery!!!!

    Day 29 Belfast NFD

    Thoughts and prayers to all those caught up in floods, both in Texas and here at home. The storms earlier this week here have left many people without homes too, particularly in the north west and in Co Donegal, although the damage is not nearly on the same scale as in Houston. For all of you folks out there with friends and family caught up, @jesseyoursize, @metatauta, @songbirdme and any one else I’ve not mentioned, hoping they come through this safe and sound.

    Off to see American Made with OH. This is a real event, because going to the movies is not usually on our radar. OH is not a big movie watcher. Our nights out usually involve eating and drinking, so I’m trying to break out of the mould!

    @daffodil – are you taking your new skinny bod somewhere nice for your holidays? OH went to Jerez last year with a friend, but I have to admit it doesn’t float my boat!
    @msraven – isn’t it funny how this WOL suddenly just slots into your own routine!
    @laurealice – happy anniversary!
    @berries63- well done on BMI reduction.
    @liathanail – your 17stone watershed is coming closer… you can do it!
    @bert – the diet industry is rather like the beauty industry; the answer to your weight/wrinkles, whatever your problem is in a jar, and millions are made on the back of that. Our WOL is free and healthy!
    @happymargo – you can’t beat a break the outdoor life in your RV and you couldn’t find anywhere more beautiful than the Rockies.
    No guilt @saffy420 – celebrations and food are a pair. Was it something special for you?
    @matron65 – no apologies necessary. Just climb back on that wagon, or dip in when you can. You are clearly still on track with your 1.5lbs loss.
    @basyjames – you’re right about feeling the pressure to be good!
    @lindasue we had a wasp’s nest in the eaves last year, just behind the vent in our bathroom. OH climbed up a ladder fully covered and sprayed a chemical to get rid of them. The amount of dead and dying wasps in our bathroom was quite scary. Your cabin sounds great.
    @okeydokey although the phrase ‘every cloud has a silver lining’ is a bit of a cliché, al least there is an optimistic outcome for your liquid predicament!
    @coda – your post touched a chord. Wise words, thank you!
    @snowflake56 – ouch! Wishing you speedy healing! Your commitment to your job is admirable.
    @mogaman – well done on reaching your goal.
    @quebecoise je suits très impressionnée par deux choses. Premièrement, 21 jours sans sucre est vraiment excellent. Aussi, votre tenacité à (?) ecriver en anglais est incroyable! Now I’m going to go back to English, because autocorrect is going crazy! Thank you for the anti sugar tips. It’s a bit like giving up smoking. (I did that once too). I can do quite well without sugar most of the time. I have made a few permanent changes to my diet. I no longer buy flavoured yoghurt. I make my own full fat, and just eat it naturally with fruit. (I bought a pot of mango and passion fruit as a treat last week and it tasted too sweet.) The biscuit cupboard is nearly empty and firmly closed, and I don’t buy desserts and other temptations. It’s just those moments of crazy cravings which catch you out, and once I get the taste, it’s hard to stop, just like your peanut butter! However, I’m closely following your example, and next month, I will aim to be totally sugar free for the month! Also, thank you for the link. I’ve bookmarked it. One tip from me; why not write your post in ‘notes’ on the iPad, then cut and paste it into the forum?
    @losing_it thank you for putting me on the list.
    Hang in there @Imrenfrey!
    @annemarilyn – I think I’ll try a b2b too to try and fix it. On a positive, my midriff measure for the month is down.
    @melf123 – an impressive loss.
    @maayyaa – thank you for the cottage cheese tip. I don’t eat it usually because I don’t like the texture, but I never thought about processing it.

    The flavour of the last days posts seem to point to the mental challenge. Let’s dig deep for those last three days.


    Day29 UK FD

    @flourbaby. I feel your pain. A weekend of too much food and drink with too little water meant last night I had stomach cramps, felt sick etc. Today is firmly resetting. Apple for lunch and smoked salmon salad for tea. I’ve cleared out my wardrobe of dresses and all 13 (yes 13),are on ebay. Some I’ve never worn and some I’ve worn once or twice. It’s so wasteful. @at @debster251 we celebrated our 30th anniversary in July so my brother and wife decided to surprise us at the weekend with the cake.
    Onwards fellow faster, there’s still.time this month to make a difference.

    Day 29 – UAE – FD (7th day of 9days b2bs fast)

    Thank you @at, yes, it is just 3 days to go and one in progress…

    Anyone here done water only fast for a 24 hours or more?

    Day 29 Akron OH 2nd B2B FD. My prayers and thoughts to those affected by Harvey.

    Day 29, Guildford UK, FD

    Feeling very tired and hungry. I have a disgusting taste in my mouth horribly metallic.

    I guess it’s still fear from the court case.

    There is still a lot to do and I am struggling not to eat, I feel both full and hungry at the same time. It’s so weird and throat is tight. Usually I would just eat and eat with comfort food and I dont want to eat in this way. I want it to be different.


    @taraga I have done three days water fast back to back on several occasions.

    First day is the worst.

    It’s easier if you have flavoured water and also don’t drink the water with ice. Fizzy helps. Add mint too to freshen breath and use fibre tablets on day 3.


    Day 29……Florida……FD

    I know another FD, last week, I did two semi fasts in a row then a NFD, it seemed to work out well. So, I’m gonna try it again this week. The only problem that I’m having is my consumption of water, it’s been very low. Yesterday, I only had about 16oz. So, Im gonna work hard at getting more in today.

    Last night, I got an invitation to attend a business venture meeting, This time from my Herbalife friend. I give her credit, she has lost tons of weight and now she is making enough money to her own boss. She’s actually supporting two beauties and a husband. I’m so happy for her but not happy enough to get involved….. Turned down number two in less than a week.

    I suppose as the new year gets closer and closer, these types of businesses and new ones are going to be more prevalent in my everyday life then I really want them to be.
    By the end of the year, I suppose I’ll be really proficient in saying. No, thank you I’m very happy with my current lifestyle.

    Okay, I’m just rambling a bit…..
    off to be the best I can be today!

    I was addicted to the hokey pokey then I turned myself around!

    Day 29– Colorado USA– FD

    Back to work after a long weekend of camping/ caravan in the woods. Actually looking forward to the apple & hard boiled egg packed in my lunch box for later.

    Just a few days left for August. Making them count by staying as Contolled as possible with my eating, while still walking/ jogging and knocking out my “100 Moves.”

    Good luck to everyone finishing out August strong!
    See you Fellow Fasters in September too! Thanks to @basyjames for taking up the reins.

    Day 29 Lancaster, PA, USA FD
    @taraga yes, I believe there are quite a few people in the group that have done water only fasts for 24 hours or more, I’m one of them.😊 Also I know @at, I believe @steve-toon-taxi-driver @dykask @rainbowsmile and my DH @fordprefect . I’m sure there are more. I found the first day is hard, the second day is easier, because of the fat burning and starting the immune system boosting by the 2nd and third day. I have found on the 2nd week of the 5th day there tends to a be a lull in the fat burning sometimes. (Although my immune system seems to get stronger as long as I have potassium capsules, some sodium and I take my multi vitamin. (With water😊) So I’ve gone to 3 to 4 day water fasts and then take 2-3 for NFD’s. When I first started fasting in March (@at was the group leader.) I did 5 days of B2B water only, I found it’s much easier if I could just drink water, because I go into ketosis and there aren’t the ups and downs of the insulin if I ate something.

    France – NFD

    @flourbaby Hahahaha (what more can I say). Bin there, dun it many a time 😉

    @debster I’ll join you for a sugar-free September. I agree that the less we have, the less we want. I’m afraid I’m not brave enough to try water only @taraga but I admire all those who can do it.

    This morning I broke my fast with a specialty from here in SW France, the ‘frotté à l’ail’. Rub some toasted bread with garlic (I like lots of garlic). Then top with grapes, a trickle of olive oil and a little sprinkling of salt. Delicious! My DH makes wine, right up my pocket wino street, and as it’s almost harvest time we have grapes galore. @bert, I do process all my fruit and veg but grapes are a bit of a problem. Apart from grape jelly, any ideas?

    Day 29, USA, FD

    Day 29 – USA (Illinois) – NFD

    Yesterday’s FD was just fine at 525 calories. I will have to be very careful today, though, because as many of us have seen the DAFD (day-after-FD) can be devastating.

    Cottage and ricotta cheese worked very well in the South Beach Diet. We whirred dry oatmeal in the blender, added an egg and cottage cheese, added vanilla, cinnamon, and nutmeg then cooked it as a pancake in a frying pan. Non-sugar syrup made a great breakfast. If anyone wants the specific amounts of everything, I will post it. The book says it is 288 calories not including syrup.

    We blended by hand ricotta with various seasonings for desserts. It makes a smoother cheesy “ice cream” substitute. I bought lots of cheese while on South Beach!

    @lindasue – thanks for the compliments on my singing. 😀 My OH says I am the best soprano in the county – it’s a small county! Ha ha!

    @bert1802 – more power to you for your backbone on Herbalife. It is so easy to give in for the sake of your friend or even family. Our WOL doesn’t cost a thing, really, so I am sure your salesmanship would be compromised knowing how well ours works!

    Onward and downward.

    There’s the recipe. I generally used whole eggs instead of egg whites.

    Hello day 29 FD Co Down NI

    So far 1 coffee, cup of chicken bovril and some water maybe going to try a liquid only day.

    @quebecoise – as others have said write your post in word or note and once finished copy/cut and paste to the thread.

    @maayyaa – personally I would avoid Red bull – there must be a healthier alternative that you could take. I would imagine a very high insulin spike after drinking that.

    Day 29 – UK – FD

    Thank you @losing_it for creating the pocket fasters list today. Really hope today works it’s magic for each and every one of us. Good luck everyone.

    Day 29 – Cumbria UK – NFD

    ❤️Special thoughts to those caught up in the floods in Texas and to their families ❤️

    Weight stable at 54.1kg/119lbs this morning 💃

    A good FD yesterday – water fast from 2100hrs Monday until 1930hrs Tuesday then ate a 380cal dinner; water only until 1130hrs today when I broke my fast with brunch out with a friend for a catch up, had a bacon sandwich and we shared a cafetière of Sumatra Mandheling coffee! not my usual fare but once in a blue moon…….

    @redrockgirl302 – jealous of your hikes – enjoy! Still waiting for my knee to be normal before I do anything more than 9.5km/6miles and with more than 500m height gained!
    @snowflake56 – hope the rib is healing and causing less pain now 🤗
    @quebecoise – Un grand effort de votre part pour écrire vos messages en anglais au lieu de votre langue maternelle. J’ai parlé français avec mes parents en grandissent mais a partir de l’âge de 13 ans, l’anglais a repris ma première langue. Je parle en français assez bien, mais je trouve que mes pensées sont plus en anglais sauf si je parle français avec ma soeur qui habite en Australie. Thank you for the link about the standing abdominal exercises. I would also be very interested to hear how far you have gone to remove sugar from your diet if you are happy to share and how it has affected what you eat/drink now??? If it is easier you can answer my questions in French ☺️
    @melf123 – great effort with 3.8kilos lost in a week and a half👍
    @lynzm – love what @steve-toon-taxi-driver started and your “redemption island” is a brilliant metaphor!
    @msraven – well done
    @saffy420 – what a lovely thought from your brother and wife
    @rainbowsmile – “I am capable. I am strong. If I believe in myself, I can turn my dreams into a plan, and my plan into my reality” ((((Hugs))))

    Well done to those making the lbs/kg disappear or successfully maintaining this month 😇

    To those who have struggled over the August Challenge – stay committed, strong and positive for the September Challenge with @basyjames – Remember it’s all about creating healthy habits, rather than restrictions!

    Personally I see 5:2 as a permanent WOL and don’t think of it as a diet – I don’t have set days for fasting anymore and I do them when it suits my life!
    I always fast at least 1 day each week, even when travelling or on holidays and eat in a 6/8 window i.e. a 16:8 or 18:6 day.
    No breakfast ever, even when staying with friends or in a hotel – I enjoy a pot of tea whilst OH/friends have their breakfast.
    Fasting 2 days a week was a small price to pay for much improved health markers, lots of energy to enjoy life and be active; and the added benefit of the permanent disappearance of some 20+kg/44+lbs
    My motto since finding this WOL that keeps me on track is:- “If I quit now, I will soon be back to where I started. And when I started, I was desperately wishing to be where I am now”

    Day 29 – USA – NFD

    Still awaiting word from my OH’s cousin in Spring, TX, which has been hard hit…she said they lost power for a few hours, but that was before more rain came; the news showed people being evacuated in that city yesterday, so we are hoping that they evacuated safely. They are in their late 60s and the husband is recuperating from a heart attack. Got news that my niece, her husband and new baby are fine for now, thank God. I didn’t realize they recently moved from Humble, TX to Orange, TX, which is farther away from Houston. @saffy420, happy belated anniversary if I did not remember in July; @msraven, good for you meeting your interim goal; @snowflake56, hope your rib heals quickly and admire your dedication to your husband’s practice.

    @rainbowsmile hang in there you are not alone, this too shall pass
    @taraga I have done a B2B waterfast. first day was tough but it got easier by day 2, I plan to do more in the future.
    @ AT love your motto. I just shared it with a friend who is struggling with a slow journey 🙂

    Day 29, Rocky Mountains, US, CD

    Maintaining. Off for another hike! 😊😊😊

    Have a good day everyone!!! 🌻🌼🌺

    Day 29 California USA NFD

    My thoughts and prayers are with everyone in the flooded areas, both in Texas and in Donegal. It’s unbelievable how long this has gone on.

    My FD was successful but a tough one last night. I stuck to it, but barely. I don’t often have FD that are difficult, but last evening/night certainly was.

    @at – Thank you for your inspiring words. It’s always good to hear from someone who has made it over the finish line it is able to maintain. I’m impressed with your French! I’m a “fluent reader” but have great difficulty composing anything written. I need to spend a few weeks with some French speakers!

    @bert1802 – Good for you, resisting the Herbalife offers. There’s a reason those programs make so much money. Very few people are able to maintain weight loss on that type of program so they keep on coming back.

    @debster251 – Have fun watching that movie. This is the first I’ve heard of the American Made movie. I just watched the trailer and if that’s any indication, it looks like a good Tom Cruise swashbuckler!

    @laurelice – Your frotté à l’ail sounds delicious! I’ll have to try it. I love garlic and grapes, but never thought of eating them together.

    Day 29 – McMinnville Oregon USA – FD
    I had a great FD yesterday. Thank you @okeydokey for holding my hand!!
    I’m going to do a b2b today but I’m having lunch with a girlfriend so I will have my main meal at lunch and then miso for dinner.

    Day 29 USA. My FD yesterday was good, I do not have headaches anymore seems I am getting use to fast :O. I will fast today too. I enjoy all the comments and participation in this group, when I found myself a little down I go back to read post. It helps to go back on track =). Have a good day everybody!

    Norway, day 29, FD (B2B day 1)

    Very hungry and tired. Not looking forward to FD tomorrow as well, but I will try to hang in there.

    Thank you @at for your inspiring words!

    Day 29, USA, Missouri Ozarks, FD

    Hello all, yesterday’s fast day went great. I fought it in the afternoon a bit but managed fine by filling up with green tea. Had a very light dinner (less than 500 calories) and slept great. Got in LOTS of exercise and am doing the same today. I wonder why if (and most of us seem to agree) it feels so good to fast/eat right, exercise, stay hydrated, get enough sleep – why do we fall back so easily into sabotage mode?

    Question for the universe, I suppose. I know I do so much better at work than I do at home. Back under goal weight today and have yet another fast day tomorrow so that will be a good lead in to my four days off.

    Wishing all well.

    Debster, glad your husband survived wasp-o-mania… It is amazing how many of those little suckers can cram into a small space. Talked to our handyman painter friend and he said he isn’t worried about wasps, just let him know when I am ready. I said, take a nap – a long nap – it might be a while !

    I wasn’t aware of flooding in your region, prayers for all. And, of course, continued prayers for Texas and Louisiana. Just heartbreaking to watch.

    SongBirdMe, sounds like you are married to a character like I am. I truly feel your pain. haha…

    Day 29 – ABQ – FD

    Today is my first ever liquid fast, its going okay – I am definitely hungry and my stomach is a grumbling, but I’ve got diet coke to give me caffeine and i’ve already gone through 45oz of water. I know its a mind over matter thing, so I’ll just keep myself busy with work! Depending on how it goes I may join @taraga and do a B2B water fast, but i’m not sure yet.

    Yesterday’s control day went really well! I ended up with 1335 cals since DH made tacos (and I couldn’t turn that down!) having only one (rather large) taco instead of my usual 3 😌

    @daffodil2010 – That is so awesome! Only .2 lbs to go! You got this 🙌
    @liathanail – 5 whole pounds!! 💪 WAY TO GO!! And congrats on not just meeting, but beating your goal!
    @mari84 – Good luck 🍀 you’re gonna rock that meeting!! You’ll be so busy you won’t even realize it’s lunch until its well past! And congrats on the new job!
    @msraven – A huge congratulations for getting to your lowest weight ⭐️ Keep up the awesome work!
    @metatauta – prayers and thoughts for your OH cousin & family in Spring. I know they got hit hard, but the rescue guys are doing a great job of getting everyone out. I know the phone lines are having issue getting calls through, and they are recommending texting for quick messages! I hope you get into contact with them soon! I know the wait is just awful!
    @flourbaby – I am just like you! A planner and a list maker! I’ve found adding my 5:2 weekly plan to my bujo has really helped me succeed so far! I also have lists of when I can eat next (on non-liquid FDs) or what types of foods to get for successful FD & CD around my house (and on my phone) also help! Keep it up though, we’ve still got Sept!

    Thank you to @losing_it for the pocket fasting list! And I’ll be adding myself to it 😄


    There are so many B2B fasters on today’s list – WOW! Good luck everybody 👏👏

    Day 29, Emden Germany, NFD

    @at, @okeydokey, @annemarilyn, @debster251 and @metatauta thanks for your lovely reactions. It’s heartwarming and makes me feel better. I didn’t know a broken rib is so painful but eventually it will heal. My husband thinks I should go on taking part of the challenges and as I’m always doing whatever he tells me (he would think I’m really boring when I did), I will go on, how could I ever leave such lovely people that cheer me up. So @basyjames please count me in for next month. Hugs to all of you!

    2nd post

    I’ve turned today into a fast day at 800 calories

    Tomorrow I’ll still fast. It will be the first time for me doing a B2B2B fast days.

    Have a great evening/ night everyone

    Day 30/NFD/Melbourne Australia

    My on going struggles with Google Sheets is over. It’s gone. Removed itself from my iPad. Perhaps it’s for the better since my CDs and FDs have turned into NFDs. Looking forward to September. Is there a link yet?

    Had a great little boost yesterday. Went shopping at a local warehouse sale. Reluctantly collected a range of garments in an Australian size 8 and they all fitted. My weight on the scales may be up a couple of kgs but my girth isn’t. I really should take my own advice and not be deterred by the numbers on the scale. Next month will be my 3rd anniversary since I started this way of life. I am eternally grateful.

    My thoughts are with those suffering from natural disasters.

    Loving the enthusiasm and the chatter about water fasting. I’ve never tried one. Perhaps next month.

    Have a great Wednesday everyone. I will, I have an impossible (edit: important not impossible. Why does auto correct do this!) meeting today followed by lunch at my favourite dumpling (Asian) restaurant.

    Day 29 – SW WA USA – FD

    Doing well on 2nd of 3 B2Bs. It’s a busy day with meetings etc in preparation for the new school year.

    @ Liathanail – good for you to obliterate 5 lbs already this month!
    @mari84 – you’ve got it – youn ones, B2B & mtgs as Dr. Mari!
    @rainbowsmile – I’m glad you’re sharing your feelings with us. Maybe that will help you as you go this continuing tough stretch of your life. Naming one’s feelings is helpful I believe.
    So Ireland is going through flooding as well. It must be so difficult. I’m personally glad that my friends in flooding areas have communicated that they are safe. It’s also so good to see & hear how people are banding together to help each other.

    Okay off, to more meetings. Looking forward to catching up on rest of the posts later.

    Day 29 uk FD
    Managed to keep on track, ate slightly more to accommodate a run without passing out. Haven’t had usual evening dip…yeh😀

    Day 29 North Wales NFD.

    DAY 30 Queensland Australia NFD
    Yay…below my target weight for August!! Now just have to stay there and set my new goal for September.
    @quebecoise I never used to eat peanut butter but I find now that I enjoy a teaspoon as a treat instead of chocolate… and yes its hard to stop once started!! Thanks for the link to ab exercises…will have a look this afternoon.
    Nearly at the end of this challenge…thanks for the forum everyone…love to read the posts each day. So motivating and proof is in the results. I struggled for last couple of years trying to shift these kilos that crept up as my age crept up…and in a month my weight has gone down by over 2 kg and more importantly I fell so much healthier and energetic.

    Day 29–ABQ–FD

    Thanks, everyone, for the birthday cheer and of course the music!
    Rainbowsmile — I’m sorry you’re down right now, but you’ve really been through the wringer so it’s completely understandable. We’re all here for you.

    I hope everyone who has family in Texas has located them and they are okay.

    Yay, Snowflake56!

    Quebecoise—I’m going to try that trick for the brain—instead of “Okay, I’ll eat it just this once” I’ll tell the old bean: “hey, let’s NOT eat it just this once.” Brilliant! Hope it works but I have been an emotional eater for so long it might take a while to get there.

    Here ya go, Laurealice: Do you do anything with your grape leaves? I love stuffed grape leaves and you can put them in your pickles, too.

    Day 30(!!!!) Sydney FD

    @snowflake56 How painful! I hope you don’t get too tired dealing with everything on top of the rib! You are impressive!

    @mari84 Good luck to you 😊 you got this

    @onahealthyhigh I just recently got back into an Australian size 8 too! It’s so exciting! Congrats

    @debster251 I’m doing sugar free except for every second Tuesday lunch (I get a gourmet burger, chips and thick shake, otherwise I would probably give in to temptation a lot more). Does that count? I’d love to join you.

    @laurealice the toast, garlic, salt, olive oil and grapes combination sounds absolutely amazing, I cannot wait to try it tomorrow on my NFD 😁😁😁

    @rainbowsmile my thoughts are with you. Is there anything you can do to help release the stress? Maybe a long walk, video game, sport, time with friends? Hope you’re able to relax soon…

    Pocket list of fasters from the spreadsheet, but I know it’s not complete. If you’re fasting, add yourself to the list. It makes it so much harder to cave, knowing you’re fasting with so many other people.


    Good luck

    Day 29 Vancouver Island

    I’ve really hit a plateau on all levels..the scale and my measurements. Completely stalled out! I will implement some of the strategies other people have tried in September…more water, more exercise, fitness pal for TDEE calories and narrow my eating window to 16/8. If anyone else has any other ideas that worked for them I’d love to hear them.

    On a much more serious note the floods around the world are horrible to watch on TV. It must be so scary for folks who live there. Wishing safety and comfort to those affected.

    Second Post – Day 29 (still) – ABQ – FD

    OMG I can’t believe how much easier this is than I thought it would be!! Its almost time for me to head home from work, and I’ve made it the WHOLE DAY (so far) without anything but water and diet coke! I’ve barely thought about it and I feel like I can actually do this!!! So freaking proud of myself!!

    Yay Snowflake56 so glad you decided to continue!!

    2nd post grrr once again I did the hard yards and then the flood gates opened. Got home about 8pm and really wasn’t hungry but there were a few left over chicken wings – they are not bad? So had 3, then i had bought some lovely plums so had 2 as they are not bad either right? Then down hill from there, toast with peanut butter, remembered there were some pancakes and a hot cross buns. That devil on my shoulder drowned out the voice of reason and I ate all. But tomorrow is another day and hoping I can see it through this time.
    Good news @snowflake56 that you are continuing on. How did you hurt your rib? Not ballet?
    @rainbowsmile – you will come out of this a stronger person, take a day at a time x

    2 post….

    @laurealice…… if you cut the grapes in half, then place them separately on a paper lined sheet pan, freeze each individually, once frozen. You can place them in a freezer bag or in a bowl. The key in freeze them individually is the won’t stick together and they retain their freshness. P.s make sure the skin is completely dry before freezing.
    Then you can grab however many you need for receipe throughout the year. I like to use them frozen in water, spritzer or a sweet wine, better than ice cubes. They’re great in salads and keep it cold if you can refrigerate it.

    Hope this helps!

    Day 30 – Tokyo, Japan – 81.3 kg

    Had a high food, low fruit breakfast today. We’ll see how that turns out.

    Day 29 Massachusetts USA NFD For the first time this month I went over my TDEE. Stared out well, shared a healthy lunch with my sister, intended not to have supper. Hubby made spaghetti and meatballs and it would’ve hurt his feelings to refuse. Then while watching a movie with the grandkids he brought me popcorn followed by ice cream! Hmm, is he tired of me saying no to so much? I’ve got 2 days to salvage the end of the month. Stay tuned!

    @basyjames Please add me to the September challenge, thank you.

    Day 29 NFD St. Louis USA
    Weight 130.6

    I found out last night my brother is going to have a laser knife surgery to remove the three tumors from his cerebellum. This will be done tomorrow and the surgery is only supposed to take about an hour and they expect no side effects. I think we’re all feeling positive but anxious. Thank you all for your support in the past. I love how people reach out and express their care and concern on the site.

    All my best to all of you and made the fast be with you.

    SongBirdMe I love those cottage cheese oatmeal pancakes.

    @sirisan – There will be prayers for your brother coming from California tomorrow. I’ve heard very good things about the laser knife surgery. Good news that it’s only about an hour for the surgery. Get that stuff outta there! Anyone would be anxious about a surgery like that, but they’re getting so good at these things. Big hugs to you. I’ll be thinking of you tomorrow.

    ~came here for strength not to eat a big bowl of ice cream before bed… all of you help even in the little ways, and certainly in the big ways.
    ….there. I am okay.

    Day 30, India, NFD

    Still day 29

    @mari84 – idea, rather than dreading the FD think of a low calorie drink or 2 you’d enjoy & look forward to. Also, if you’re needing to eat a little something prethink what you’d chose. I noticed someone had a boiled egg at the ready just in case. If you over do it, you’re more likely to give up. Just a thought.

    @sirisan – will also be praying for your brother as he has surgery tomorrow.

    Day 30, Norway NFD

    Did my first FD B2B yesterday, and with success, even though i fell off the RedBull-wagon early on yesterday. @coda, i totally agree, its not something i (anymore) let myself have very often, and the one yesterday was ..well i dont know what that was….just a black out i guess. As i said i had forgotten it was an FD in the morning, if i had remembered, i certanly wouldnt spend 100kcal on one can of RB… When it was time for lunch, i somehow had forgotten again that i was an FD…so i ate my 3 home made Spring Rolls, 100kcals in each…so all of the sudden i had spent 400kcal at lunchtime… Lucky for me it was a busy day/evening, not a coach-night… had to drive 1,5hours to small town (Risør) to buy a slush machine, and then 1,5hours back…on our way home my OH was so hungry that he wanted to go to McD drive through!!!…and I resisted!! That was a biggy for me….OMG i was so hungry, and it smelled so lovely…and i really wanted chicken nuggets at that point…but i just ordered what he was having…(i’ve checked the kcals in nuggets, and its not nice!) needless to say, a short tv-evening for me yesterday, was in bed by 10pm….and was asleep 10:15 🙂

    Long story short – i had a successful first B2B FD!. Today im going out with some colleagues, to an indian restaurant, so saving my kcals for tonight. Tomorrow is this months last FD for me.

    @mari84 – thanks, i will take a “trip” to CDON.COM now, and check out the Miso. I actually tried the Miso from Meny some years ago…i remember it as not very much taste….like veeery thin-made buillon…but i just spiced it up with lots of chili, i love chili. Hopefully more taste in the Miso paste.

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