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This topic contains 1,170 replies, has 81 voices, and was last updated by  AnneMarilyn 6 years, 10 months ago.

Viewing 50 posts - 1,101 through 1,150 (of 1,171 total)

  • Day 29 USA (Illinois) NFD

    Vigilance in maintenance. That is my new mantra. Plus I keep extolling the praises of 5:2 and IF to anyone who is interested.

    @redrockgirl302 – hope your trip is wonderful. Time with family is always special too.

    It will be movie theater popcorn luncheon/supper today. Our Classics Cinema series is doing the early films of Steven Spielberg, and today it shows “E.T.” There is always interesting discussion about the making of, etc.

    Theater popcorn always takes me 2 days to eliminate the water weight I gain!

    Onward and downward.

    Day 29 – USA – NFD

    Great FD yesterday, 493 cals! Glad I was able to complete my 2 FDs a week, even though one of them was switched. @Strawberriesandcream, here, here! I second that emotion (from my Motown days)…ANY dry day is a good day!

    Day 29, moving around, NFD

    So far its been an ok day, but tomorrow I will consciously skip my FD in order to have my mum’s cooking. Which brings me to my April goal …. which I won’t reach.
    *Sigh* . Never mind, May here I come 🐢

    I hope everyone is having a great weekend 🤗

    So so tired, but keeping going with the exercise.

    Can almost do 4 mins non stop plank. Not achieved the golden 5 yet.

    Spent today (Sunday) in bed. Now bath and up and at it at 4 pm.

    Off to the gym.


    Thank you all for the congrats on the woosh, I had to share, everytime someone here has a good loss it’s as if it’s mine too. It is so encouraging to read about.

    I wasn’t trying to loose this month, just hold still and exercise on the plank challenge so it’s a bonus.

    My scales need a battery too.

    So how is every one doing on the plank Challenge?


    ccco USA Day 29 NFD

    I have been doing well on my NFDs. Tomorrow will be a FD. Exercise going well, as have my planks! I know I won’t meet my April challenge but I haven’t gained in the end either. In may my goal should be to stay off the roller coaster and move only downwards!

    Debster251: Thanks for your support! We are in the same boat rowing against the current but we can win! 🙂 I like your last remark. It helps to remember that this is a way of life and not just a diet with a beginning and an end, which allows for little wiggle room!

    Onlyhermes: A half pound or a whole pound! Doesn’t matter! It’s downward! Congrats! 🙂

    Rainbowsmile: Plank challenge is going well for me! Go planks!

    Have a great day everyone!

    Day 29 – SW WA USA – NFD

    Tried to be mindful in my eating on NFDs Fri & Sat but the scale is moving upward. Shucks. Another NFD today. Feeling a little discouraged. Will do one more FD tomorrow and get April weigh-in the next morning. April goal probably not being met. I am happy for those who have or are meeting their goal for the month.

    Thank you @shinything for hosting the month of April.

    ccco USA Day 29 NFD

    Okay! Just did the string test! LOL Need to lose 2 inches off my waistline!! Egads!! Well, I need to definitely get off that roller coaster !!

    NFD today. Weighed in and lost 7 ounces. 🙂 Total loss for the month of April 3.7 lbs. Met my goal for April. It was also nice to see my BMI go down. Can’t argue with that. Also had a nice walk this morning. Was able to go further.
    Keep on moving forward!!
    @shinything thanks for hosting the month of April.

    Day 29 UK NFD
    Day 28 UK CD

    Yesterday went out v early for a study day but found it really hot & overbright & tough to follow in general, even more bc i was coming down with a virus. Skipped some sessions & left early feeling awful, slept from 5pm-6am which helped a lot! Got through today’s commitments & now heading for a bath & another early night.

    Heavy week ahead and this is a nasty bug but hoping sleep will mend me. Prep & papers not yet done for meetings I’m leading this week, but will have to do my best from tomorrow and see how it goes. Lots hanging over me at the moment so important that I go gently.

    What to do about scales and annoying sloped floor? I honestly can’t remember where they were to begin with. Now,in Place 1) I’ve lost 5lbs this month, Place 2) it’s 2lbs. April’s had 7 successful FD <800 and other days at or under TDEE xc holiday days when I still lost weight & inches. up to 27 April my fat suit had shrunk by 4″ total (2 hips, 1 each waist & bust) I’ll have to make a decision which one to take forward to May Challenge!

    @redrockgirl1302 sounds like an epic trip – happy holidays!

    @bert1802 We hear you. Maybe worth looking back down the road, remembering where you started and how far you’ve come? I have a feeling you might be doing a bit better than you think, and this may be but a blip in the road xx

    ON the bright side, I went into the supermarket on my way home this afternoon to buy a treat. And came out with a cauliflower and bag of tangerines on special offer! Just been browsing bras ahead of next Saturday’s treat of a bra fitting in my favourite lingerie shop, Happy Me 🙂 Now off to bake a sweet potato for late supper & first vegetable du jour after lots of fruit today.

    Here’s the link to May Challenge – come on over 🙂

    Day 29 UK NFD
    Day 28 UK CD

    No post yesterday as out v early for a study day. Sadly found it really hot, bright, and tough to follow. Probably even harder as I was coming down with a virus. Skipped some sessions during the day & left early, slept from 5pm-6am which helped a lot! Got through today’s commitments & now heading for a bath & another early night.

    Heavy week ahead and this is a nasty bug but hoping sleep will mend me. Prep & papers not yet done for meetings I’m leading this week, but will have to do my best from tomorrow and see how it goes. Lots hanging over me at the moment so important that I go gently.

    What shall I do about my scales and annoying slopey floor?! In Place 1) I’ve lost 5lbs this month, Place 2) it’s 2lbs. I’ll have to make a decision which one to take forward to May Challenge! And I honestly can’t remember where they were to begin with and when they might have moved 🙁

    Looking back to April, I’ve had 7 FD <800 all other days at or under TDEE xc 2 holiday days when I went up from usual 1600 to 2000 but still lost weight & inches while swimming and no carb. Up to last Friday my fat suit had shrunk by 4″ total (2 hips, 1 each waist & bust).

    On the bright side, I went into the supermarket on my way home this afternoon to buy a treat – and came out with a cauliflower and bag of tangerines on special offer!! Just been browsing bras online ahead of next Saturday’s treat of a bra fitting & new bra from my favourite lingerie shop – Happy Happy Me 🙂 Now off to bake a sweet potato for late supper & first vegetable du jour after lots of fruit today.

    @redrockgirl1302 sounds like an epic trip – happy holidays!

    @bert1802 We hear you. Maybe worth looking back down the road, remembering where you started and how far you’ve come? I have a feeling you might be doing a bit better than you think, and this may be but a blip in the road xx

    Here’s the link to May Challenge – come on over 🙂

    Second post

    @flourbaby – I’ve decided that the 1st May is D Day – I’m going for broke (again😦) I’m cutting sugar, refined carbs and diet drinks. As tomorrow is a FD, what did I do? I went and bought a large bag of wine gums and a Snickers bar and ate the lot. Why do I do this to myself? I’m SO good at self sabotage.
    @Strawberriesandcream – 2 out of 5 days is a good achievement. Be positive about your success and aim to do better next time. My struggle with sugar is well catalogued, but I am getting better and next month, I fully intend to be brilliant!
    @rainbowsmile – 4 min plank? WOW! And WOW again! Well done you! I’ve been In the Doldrums this April in both diet and exercise. I’m starting May with a new gusto.
    Well done on reaching your goal @kaywesterman
    SO @ccco…… your post encouraged to go and find a piece of string! I did watch the programme on the BBC but didn’t bother with the string test, because I measured my waist the other morning at 33”. The BBC website says that a waist size of 31.5” or under is desirable. So I just did the string test and I have 4 yes FOUR inches to lose. I am aware that my waist size increases during the day but never measured. If that isn’t motivation, nothing is!
    Hope you feel better soon @michelinme

    So tomorrow is a new day….

    Day 30 – Japan – FD 84.5kg

    My weight is really high right now, but yesterday was a bad eating day. Ended up having a hamburger and fries around 9pm at a Mos Burger. Long story and it is the first time I’ve had one in months. It tasted okay, but I wouldn’t say it was great. I’m hoping that has just caused me to retain a lot of water. 😉

    I toying with the idea of doing a harder workout today … Normally I avoid that while fasting but I have a little more freedom today and it is a holiday in Japan. This is golden week where there is something like 5 holidays within a week.

    Day 30 pocket list start: (Starting adding yourself and others)


    Day 30…NSW Australia…FD

    Hi everyone
    Just returned home after 9 days away – Fraser Island is just delightful. So much to see and do – would happily return. Had temps of 30′C – back home to 19′C tops!
    Back to reality!

    Alas, my weight increased, which for me is normal on an enjoyable holiday – so, bring on May and getting back into 5:2. So happy for the flexibility (I would have given up on a rigid diet months ago)!

    I’m looking forward to catching up and reading all your post in more detail. I hope you are all feeling well and enjoying life!
    Enjoy whatever you are getting up to and bye for now!

    Day 21- 30 UK (Still in Australia!) – NFD

    Since last post on Day 20 managed no FDs but some CDs and a couple of Feast Days of course! some amazing meals with lots of fresh fish and seafood but kept to 16:8 days throughout and lots and lots of walking…………Returned to Melbourne late yesterday evening – Weight this morning was 53.7kg – very happy with that 💃 just love this WOL!!!!!!!

    Been travelling a lot – firstly to Sydney for a few days – gaining an insight in its fascinating past as a British Colony. Explored The Rocks, the first convict settlement in Australia. Sydney Wharf Ferry across to Rose Bay and Watsons Bay with lunch at “Doyles” of course and exploring all that area. Walking through their Hyde Park, Royal Botanic Gardens and Mrs Macquarie’s Point. I have climbed the Sydney Harbour Bridge before so this time explored the area around Observatory Hill, Miller’s Point and climbed the Pylon for a great view of the surrounding Bay and area.
    We then flew over to Cairns staying in Port Douglas – fantastic time doing lots of sightseeing and visiting some amazing areas – The Daintree Rainforest was just a wonder, it is one of the few places where the rainforest meets the reef, but it is is its antiquity that really sets it apart. It is the oldest intact lowland tropical rainforest in the world! Thought to be around 180 million years old 😳 Managed the odd beach visits – Four Mile Beach, Palm Cove area ……….So many wonderful memories created and lots and lots of photos taken

    Thank you so much for hosting this month @shinything 🤗 even though I have not contributed I have been there with you all in spirit and hope to see a lot of you in the May Challenge – I leave Melbourne on Thursday arriving back to Cumbria on Friday late afternoon and will definitely be joining you @michelinme 🤗 Thank you for taking over the hosting duties from @shinything

    Day 30…NZ…FD

    Miserable weather, super busy and some kids broke into the house in the weekend. They didn’t take anything because the alarm is so noisy but they broke two windows. There was a party for a 15 year old next door and thanks to social media there were 200 plus milling around. The police turned up to sort them out according to our other neighbour.
    Hoping to keep it together so I can have a good final weight for April and not go up at the 11th hour!
    @dykask don’t you just hate it when you’ve been hanging out for something and it doesn’t taste that great when you actually get to eat it.
    @at Sounds like you’ve had a fantastic holiday.
    @shinything Hope your home cooked meal was delicious!
    One more weigh in then I’ll see you all in May.
    Cheers, everyone!


    Day 29…..Florida

    Today was a bit hectic, so I’m posting late.

    Kitchen closed at 9 last night and reopened about 1, while I was at my best friends grandsons 8th birthday party at the beach today. A burger which I only ate about 3/4, I ended up sharing it with my best friends 1 yr old grandson, pasta and potato salad, 2 deviled eggs and chips…..Of let’s not forget 2 cupcakes……
    Then I got home and found my 22yr old and my MIL in my kitchen making sauce and zucchini muffins. Dinner was small, a little bit of pasta and sauce with half a piece of pork and two slices of bread…. then a piece of cream cake for desert….. kitchen closed at 9 again tonight.
    No water today but a nice burn on my shoulders from the sunshine!

    Did not particularly watch what I was eating but I did stay with in my eating window. So, I’m getting there!

    Tomorrow, I’m going to make it a fasting day!!!!!!!

    Wouldn’t it be great if the last day of the month, I can get the only FD of the month in….lol

    Day 30, Emden Germany, FD

    So many of you did so well this month and reached your goal for this month, way better then I did, well done!

    @redrockgirl302 enjoy your stay! @arelkade glad you survived Fraser Island!

    @metatauta I’m Dutch @debster251 Dutch sweets and food as those are my downfall at the moment, I eat until it’s all gone. I don’t eat German sweets or food, too salty, too fat, way too much meat, everything cooked until you can’t recognize what you eat. Never got used to it.

    Pocket list Day 30, if you want to join us, please add your name


    Have a good day everyone!

    2nd post @merryapple terrible experience, the mess you have from the glass. Just glad they didn’t come in the house.

    @rainbowsmile planks are going very well, 7 minutes first thing in the morning. The challenge kept me doing it, thanks!

    Day 30, Cornwall UK, FD

    Been snacking a bit too much on peanut butter toast and raisins! What a strange combination. Had a strange weekend as there was a lot of comings and goings in the house and driving people around. You can tell I have a teenager in the house! I didn’t get much done apart from submitting compulsory online accounts with just one day from the deadline. That was stressful, especially when I realised i had lost the login details. This year I pledge to submit them early so they don’t hang over me for months!

    I bought a small micro-green growing tray a couple of weeks ago and my rocket is doing really well. The coriander is much slower. We get through a lot of greens and our nearest supermarket is 10 miles away so I am determined to grow more this year, even if I have to share a little with the local wildlife.

    Thanks @shinything for hosting this month! See you all in next month’s challenge.

    Day 30 – Dubai – NFD

    Final day of April, 9 FDs under my belt and I’m thrilled to report that I’ve lost 6 pounds this month! I treated myself to a new sweater – jumper for the UK folks!

    Thanks to everybody for sharing your inspirational stories along with some of the pitfalls (they all help immensely) and especially to @shinything for the support and for being such a brilliant host this month. Looking forward to joining the May Challenge.

    “Three months from now, you’ll thank yourself.”

    2nd post – my weight has already dropped down to 81.4kg. That is 3.1kg down in just a few hours. My high weight this morning was just a fluke. Probably related to have pasta for lunch and then a cheese burger / fries at 9pm. Bad food, bad weight.

    Pocket list Day 30, if you want to join us, please add your name


    Day 30 – Ireland 🇮🇪 – FD

    It’s the final day of April and I plan a liquid only FD. Our trip to Manchester was great, the exhibition was very professional and very proud of my step-daughter. Food wise it was snacks and cupcakes and prosecco and then an outrageously expensive meal in a trendy hipster “Hamptons” styled restaurant frequented by footballers wives types 😀……..

    So April target will not be met and if I am not careful I could finish April heavier than I started 😁 But it does not matter, this is a lifestyle so a few pounds after a great weekend away does not a disaster make.

    The sun is brightly shining and I am looking forward to the week ahead.

    Have a great Monday everyone ☺️

    Day 30 UK FD

    Planning FD despite meeting friends for coffee this morning. Will ensure is only coffee! Final monthly weigh in tomorrow morning and then onwards to the May challenge. Congrats to all for a great month and thanks to @shinything for looking after all of us this month!

    Just joined the Group. I completed the BMI (etc) calculation resulting in 20.3. However, I am unable to establish on this site how that would relate to my goal weight loss?
    Thank you

    Day 30 Sunny Belfast FD

    Weight up from yesterday’s silly eating. May will start with a clean sheet and I shall give myself a good talking to.

    @at – it sounds like you’re having an amazing time. Enjoy every last moment and safe journey home.
    Enjoy your holiday @dykask. You will soon despatch those extra lbs in your usual meticulous way. Isn’t it always the way that anticipation is often better that the real thing?
    Glad you enjoyed your holiday @arelkade. We spent 9 weeks in Australia and NZ in 2016 but didn’t get to Fraser Island which was a regret. It is a beautiful country for sure.
    @merryapple I’m so sorry to hear about your break in. It’s not nice to know someone’s been in your home uninvited, especially if they do damage.
    @ Bert1802 – well done for staying in your eating window. Sounds like you’re doing a good job of getting back on track.
    @snowflake – an interesting perspective on German food! I’m working hard to change that ‘must finish’ mentality and must learn to flex my willpower muscle!
    Excellent achievement @stoic. Well done.

    A big thank you for hosting @shinything. You did an excellent job. Thank you also to @michelinme for taking over in May. See you all next month

    Pocket list Day 30, if you want to join us, please add your name

    Keep on keeping on

    Day 30 London FD

    Day 29 NFD

    It seems right and a positive way to end April with an FD so I will be adding myself to the P list today.

    April has been a bumpy month but I am pleased that overall it has been a controlled month and I’m hoping I have learnt now how to make this WOL work for me since breezing through my start in February, stalling and then disappearing in March. I haven’t stepped on the scales but am pleased that I managed to mindfully eat whilst away last week and that my clothes are feeling loose.
    Many thanks @shinything for hosting and guiding us through the April Challenge I am very appreciative to everyone who keep these challenges going – traditionally a solitary dieter it has been lovely to read and share the joys and bumps of this journey with this positive, caring, inspiring, fountain of all knowledge on many things and importantly funny international bunch.
    Positive vibes to you all today and going into May.

    Many thanks all. X


    PS – Just stepped on the scales and am down 2.4kg from end weight in March – hopefully with more focus in May and I will continue to smash this.

    Second post
    Congratulations @dingping
    How silly of me. I forgot to add my own name

    Pocket list Day 30, if you want to join us, please add your name
    @dingpi g

    Keep on keeping on

    Day 30 North Wales FD

    Pocket list Day 30, if you want to join us, please add your name

    Have a good day everyone.

    Day 30, London, UK, NFD

    Well yesterday turned out much better than Day 28, it really couldn’t have been much worse!!! Today I’m aiming for better choices too, mackerel pate for a late lunch then steak & masses of veg for dinner ………………. That’s it!!!!

    @debster251, my battle with food means there will always be some form of self-sabotage (did I really have to eat the ENTIRE pack of the cakes/ biscuits???) up until the day I can say NO to the destructive cycle, simple …………………..BECAUSE I’M WORTH IT!!!!!!! I too, share that ‘must finish’ mentality, maybe in May I’ll start by leaving a spoonful at each meal ……………… so wasteful!!!!

    @dykask, enjoy your abundance of holidays ……………….. are the cherry blossoms out???

    @michelinme, I hope you feel better soon, nothing better than a bit of rest & recuperation!!!

    Stay strong @bert1802 ………………………. baby steps!!!!

    @rainbowsmile, I know they say we’re good at multitasking, but unfortunately, this month it was all I could do to grab onto my mojo & stick to fasting!!!! No planking for me after about day 5, LOL!!!!

    Thanks for hosting this month @shinything, the plateau is finally behind me!!! I’ll post my April results tomorrow; hopefully I’ll squeeze a few extra oz. today!!! I’m looking forward to Mays’ challenge, which I’ll kick-off with my usual B2B2B.

    Day 30, Amsterdam – FD

    Right so last push to the end of the month! I’m down but really nowhere near my goal of 62.5kg (looking at possibly finishing at 64.2kg if today goes well, but who knows…)

    @snowflake56 did you celebrate KingsDay yourself in Germany? It was a great day, really a lot of fun – AND I actually stayed away from those pesky tompuzen!

    Will be better in May! Hope everyone has a great day.

    Pocket list Day 30, if you want to join us, please add your name

    @flourbaby – Cherry blossoms are long gone, thankfully. I don’t do well with cherry tree pollen. The blossoms were early this year and started about the end of March.

    Day 30 Wales 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿 FD

    Thanks @shinything for hosting this month and congratulations to all here for still being here 😊

    Pocket list Day 30, if you want to join us, please add your name

    Have a great day everyone.

    Day 30, Newcastle UK, FD

    After serving a 4 course Sunday dinner in celebration of my Aunt & Uncle’s Golden Wedding (I was Bridesmaid at 8 years old), no surprise the scales show an increase this morning. .1lb under 10 stoneland. With a good FD today I am hoping that I may end our April challenge at the same weight I started. Whatever the scales show tomorrow, that will be my maintenance weight for May.

    Thank you @shinything for being a super host this month. I know my journey has been extremely erratic throughout April, but regular accountability on this forum has kept me at least 7lb lighter than when I started back in February 2017.

    Onwards & downwards into May with @michelinme 🙂

    Day 30 – UK – Reading FD

    Checking in with my tail between my legs. A very good weekend away has meant that I’ve put on weight, and am nowhere near my April goal. Somehow it all started to go wrong in the second half of April, not sure why …

    Anyways, pressing reset, and will try and do better in May.

    Thank you @shinything for keeping us all going.

    Day 30, USA, FD

    Good morning everyone! Thank you @shinything for your wonderful leadership and excellent hosting of this April Challenge. It has made all the difference for me starting on this program.

    @dykask, I ordered a FitBit! Thanks for the nudge! I can’t wait for it to get here. 🙂

    I’ve thankfully ended the weekend and three eating days in a row without gaining an ounce. I’ll weigh in tomorrow for April’s final weight. I turned down a glass of wine last night when we had pizza with friends, and one dear friend (thinking I’m sure, that I’d lost my mind) poured it anyway. I left it there without drinking it and felt sorry hoping it would not go to waste and that he wasn’t offended. However, my days of consuming whatever someone puts in front of me are over. I realized then how important my wellbeing actually is to me. Treating myself as if I matter is certainly a change in my world. 🙂

    Adding myself to the list:


    Day 30 UK FD

    Last day of the challenge and I am ending it 8 pounds lighter so I am one happy little bunny. 😁

    Thank you to everyone for your support and motivation and thank you @shinything for hosting the challenge.

    I shall be joining the May challenge.

    Sending you all positive vibes.

    Adding myself to todays pocket list:


    Day 30 London UK

    Trying to just eat bread at weekends. It’s my massive downfall. I love it.
    Hope everybody round the world has a good day. It’s cold and nasty here in London. Looking forward to the summer ( or spring, even). Adding myself to the pocket list.

    Pocket list Day 30.

    Good luck all. H

    Day 30 UK FD

    Feeling rough & slept late & still in bed at 1.30pm but gotta get going. Meeting starts in town in 3 hrs and i probably won’t be warm enough in PJs, either travelling or there. I’m staying on to hear my daughter in a one hour concert then trekking home. The chances of getting my paperwork done & out today for big Weds meeting has gone completely south – unless I either stay up v late or a miracle happens. Going to get going now and see how I go – it’s all I can do.

    At least I don’t have to think about food today, a FD makes that so much easier. Going to stick to liquids during the day and take an apple or two and some nuts with me just in case. Hopefully i can keep going until home and a bowl of soup if needed before bed. Last post to weigh in tomorrow then springing off into May 🙂

    Fasting Pocket list Day 30


    Day 30 North canton OH FD.

    I am ending this month with a well needed FD. I am not back in my maintenance range like I planned and while I want to kick myself for not doing better; I prefer to reflect on the journey I have been on since I began this WOL.

    I believe I have gained some measure of self awareness and even though I have self-sabotaged quite a bit this month; I believe I am regaining my self control and getting back into the mindset I had last year.
    About this time last year, I was celebrating meeting my goal and this is a reminder that I have what it takes to shake off the 10 pounds I put on during the move; I have been gaining and losing the same 4-5 pounds the last two weeks because I keep taking unnecessary liberties with my diet and exercise routine. So Binary choice, take unnecessary liberties or reach my goal. I choose to reach my goal; for my health, my kids, the way I prefer to feel and look. I am looking forward to May, the warmer weather and the promise of a new day. April was fun but it’s time to move on.
    Thank you @shinything for hosting us this month; see you all on the other side 🙂

    Day 30 – USA – NFD

    Wow! April flew by! Ending the month exactly where I was in the beginning…(160). Bounced around a lot this month, kept to 2 FDs each week, and flubbed the 5/2 intent, down to 4/3 and made good on my commitment to begin exercising again. Steady as she goes! Hoping for a few lbs. in May closer to my goal. Depending on the wrinkles and wiggle room factor, I may opt to add/subtract a few lbs. It looks like this summer could be the beginning of maintenance, woo hoo!

    @merryapple, kids will be kids the world over! What a terrible experience to have your home violated like that. It makes no sense. @snowflake56, sorry I forgot you are Dutch living in Germany…you made that clear a long time ago!

    @shinything, thank you for hosting April seamlessly!

    FD update – Fast now is going easy, Yeah!

    I got a body fat measurement today which is basically down 1% to 2%. (~16%) This is consistent with the leaning out I’ve seen over the last couple months. However my issue is, I’ve don’t have much fat anywhere except my gut. I’m also concerned that I may have picked up some visceral fat while losing subcutaneous fat. That is because my skin folds are less but my belly measurement has moved from about 83cm to 88 cm. However my waist and butt are smaller. Argh! I guess the only option is to keep burning the fat off. I could just pretend it is muscle, but muscle develops very slowly.

    Good luck! Fasting Pocket list Day 30

    Day 30, moving around, NFD

    I can’t believe its the last day of April! Wow! How did this happen? 😂
    Its a NFD for me as I’m with my mum, so I can’t refuse her cooking 😀

    I haven’t been able to weigh myself, but my clothes feel exactely the same as when I was home last, which would mean the loss of 0.5kg for a month of April, will confirm tomorrow. Not reached my goal, but I’m heading in the right direction, so I’m not an unhappy tortoise 🐢

    @arelkade welcome back, glad to hear you enjoyed your trip 😀 , I’m sure you will get back into 5:2 routine in no time 🙂

    @at so great to hear you are maintaining your weight while on holiday, way to go 💃

    @merryapple sorry to hear about break in, that’s awful 🙁 . At least there is no loss of valuables etc. , but still, invasion of privacy is very stressful. *hugs*

    @stoic, losing 6 pounds is a great achievement for the month, well done 👏

    @daffodil2010 glad you enjoyed your step-daughter’s exhibition and had a nice dinner 🙂

    @usefulcook welcome to our friendly forum 🙂 . There is no firm formula to establish what your goal would be, we all judge it differently since we are all different. I personally put down as my overall goal the weight I was before I put on weight. Also, join us in our May monthly challenge: https://thefastdiet.co.uk/forums/topic/may-2018-monthly-challenge-2/ , hosted by michelinme , have a look at our OP there are some useful tips there, and then we can guide you further and help you if you need any help 🙂

    @dingping down 2.4kg is a great achievement! Well done 💃

    @flourbaby glad to hear that the plateau is finally behind you! You are on your way now 💪

    @catch87 its not that big of a deal that you didn’t reach your goal as long as you are down, going in the right direction 🙂

    @Strawberriesandcream i’d take being 7lb lighter as a great success so far 😀

    @onlyhermes I’m glad to hear that being on this forum has helped, I hope its the case with other new starters as well, I know it really helped me too when I started 🙂 . You are doing really really well 🌷

    @sarahbob I’d be one happy bunny too if I was 8 pounds lighter, well done 🌷

    @basyjames very wise words there, its important to reflect on the whole journey and not just on a small window of few days 🙂 . You definitely have what it takes to continue and be successful.

    @metatauta you might be ending at exactly the same weight where you started the month, but its great that you made good on your commitment to begin exercising again, that counts for something 🙂

    Well I can honestly say that I feel proud and really happy that I was your host for the month, I enjoyed it thoroughly ❤ 🤗 🌻

    I hand the hosting torch now to @michelinme 🙂

    See you all in May 😍

    Day 30, Gozo Malta, nfd

    Thanks ShinyThing for hosting the April challenge. I gained a kilo and a half as per weight yesterday as I’m in Sicily today.

    Today is my husband s birthday 🎂 he is 63 years old. We’re enjoying the day together.

    “See” you all on the May challenge. Onwards and downwards

    Day 30, USA, FD

    Last FD of April. Looking forward to doing better in May.

    @shinything—thanks for hosting! April went by in a flash for me. Hoping for a calmer May.

    See y’all in May!

    Good luck! Fasting Pocket list Day 30

    April Challenge complete and I exceeded my goal! Total lost 11.8lbs and 4.75″!!! Cheers to everyone on their success!

    Day 30 Stevensville Maryland USA CFD

    Very busy at work no time to post but adding myself to the list.

    Good luck! Fasting Pocket list Day 30

    Yesterday is not ours to recovery, but tomorrow is ours to win or lose. Have a great Monday everyone. Lyndon B. Johnson

    Day 30 Oregon USA Should be FD may be CD…

    Well it’s FINALLY the end of April. I’ll step on the scale tomorrow to see the final damage, but the month has been a true “challenge”.

    Looking back I see that from spring break (last week of March) then long weekend trip to Spokane, then five day trip to Phoenix with long driving days my month has been really out of my “normal” zone. Problem is, I have that pesky conference coming in August where I don’t want to feel “frumpy” which is what I feel now.

    Plus, I’m just tired of feeling blahhhhh.

    My son started Keto diet back in February and has lost 40 pounds! Now mind you, he had it to lose, but clearly I need to take a good hard look at CARBS.
    So @debster251, I’ll hold your hand if you’ll hold mine and let’s just cut out all of those “empty” carbs. I’m going to aim for 40g of carbs or less every day and not focus to heavily on calories on NFD.

    And yes, it means saying farewell to my favorite IPA’s. Which sort of makes me start to cry inside, but in time I’m sure I’ll learn to appreciate tequila. (no carbs) 🙂

    @shinything–thank you for hosting this month. And @michelinme looking forward to tomorrow and the start of May!

    To all who have met their goals–keep going!
    To all who have missed their goals–keep going!

    Have a 🔥 in your soul and grace in your ❤️️.

    Day 30 – Atlanta, GA, USA – FD
    Day 29 – NFD
    Day 28 – NFD
    Day 27 – NFD

    Reached my goal weight for April, looking forward to Fast in May

    @shinything – Thank You for hosting April Challenge, i was very disciplined and motivated because of all the wonderful people on this forum.

    Adding myself to the Fasting Pocket list Day 30

    Day 30 – SW WA USA – FD

    Will make tomorrow’s weigh-in the final one for April.
    Congrats to all making their goal and more! @metatauta – holding steady is good too.

    Adding myself to the Fasting Pocket list Day 30

    Make the last day of April a good one!

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