Anyone fasting (no caloric intake) on alternate days wants a buddy?

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Anyone fasting (no caloric intake) on alternate days wants a buddy?

This topic contains 527 replies, has 15 voices, and was last updated by  165gw 4 years, 6 months ago.

Viewing 50 posts - 1 through 50 (of 536 total)

  • A friend of mine and I were doing 4:3 for a while, eating 500 calories on fasting days, and I lost some the weight and was happy about it. We were supporoting each other every day and it was great, to have this encouragement and support.

    Recently things have changed with my friend. I learned about the benefits of fasting (no calories) and I tried it out. I realized it was not harder than 500 calories and I got really excited. Since I put it into my head that fasting had all of those great benefits in addition to weight loss, I started to really enjoy my fasting days.

    In a way I find them easy and I look forward to them. But if you are fasting, and you are still new to it, you know how it is–it is easy, and it is not. I’ve been fasting every other day since January 4th, and some days are harder than others. Some evenings are harder than others (I do a 36 hour fast.)

    My friend can’t fast due to a medication that she is taking, and while at first she was supportive, now she is not. I don’t have a scale, so other than losing some inches, I dont’ know how much I lost. I have at least 40lb to lose, though. I know I’ve lost some inches, as my clothes fit better.

    Whenever I reach out to my friend (via text, as we used to) that I’m having a hard moment during a fast she now tells me that I’m starving myself and I should eat. She seems to be jealous of my alleged weight loss (alleged as I don’t even know how much I lost, but she just assumes that I lost more than her). I recently told her that I didn’t find any changes in how my jeans fit in the last week and was a bit discouraged, and she again said that I’m starving myself and am in the starvation mode.

    This is a bit discouraging. I also don’t want to discourage her from her 5:2 and her 500 days and I want to keep on supporting her and her progress. So right now talking to her about my fasting is counterproductive.

    All this said, anyone wants a fasting buddy for support on fasting days?

    I’m a stay at home mom, 43 years old, 6 feet tall with about 40lb to lose, have no scale, Canadian. My goal is to fast on alternate days for weight loss and health reasons until I reach 170lb (I will eventually get a scale! I might also have an option to weigh myself on Mondays, which would be great). At that point I would transition to 5:2 or 6:1 if I’m struggling with alternate days at that time. I hope to maintain the weight for several months and then do alternate days again until I reach my final weight goal of 165lb. I hope this makes sense.

    My somewhat possibly unrealistic goal is to go down one size and get new clothes for my birthday at the end of March! I have 8 weeks to go!

    I’m finishing my fasting day today. I had a cup of black tea around 3pm and I wans’t hungry all day. Not hungry now either, but I just cooked supper for my family and had some moments of feeling like I needed to snack on something or taste what I made for the kids, but it passed. Sipping miniral water now and getting ready for an early bedtime as I have to get up early tomorrow morning.

    Whenever I feel I’m tempted to eat something in the evening of the fast day and turn it into a 24 h fast instead of a 36, I remind myself how great I feel in the morning / afternoon after the fast.

    And a little reward today–my shirt fits a little bit better.

    Hi there

    I am in!

    No food on fasting days is best for me. I also think it does effect the autophagy benefits. I am working on not giving in to the less than 500 cal thing on my fast days. It can be hard to break this HABIT. I get it. I hope you don’t mind I join!


    Hi!! I’m so happy you are here! Thank you for joining. I thought I’d be talking to myself here for months haha

    I find that one some days it is really tempting to go back to thinking that “500 calories is good enough”–it is still a very low calory day and is still good. However, I also find that my goal is to fast and not to consume 500 calories, the moment I make this concession I’m very tempted to allow myself to just not have a fasting day.

    Which on some day is not the worst idea–I do love the flexibility and if a fasting day is REALLY not working out, hey there’s always tommorrow.

    We will make it, michellelemm2!

    But on the other hand, I feel so good about myself and so empowered emotionally after I accomplish a fast, and I feel so good physically, that I am learning not to give in. It is worth it for me.

    I used to think that 500 calories was impossible, never mind actual fasting. I first posted on this forum asking whether I could DRIVE on a 500 calories day. HA HA. I was that nervouos about eating less. I think I was conditioned that I would literally weaken and faint without regular food consumption.

    So for me, personally, a fasting day is an amazing victory. This might souond cheesy, but I feel super human. And I like it.

    Today was a normal eating day for me. From noon today to 7pm, I had two coffees with cream and no sugar, a home-made burger without the bun with cheese, veggies and avocado, a large salad (cucumber, tomato, arugula, olive oil) and a large cup of raspberry kefir. Before fasting this would be half of what I would normally eat per day. Now? I feel so good and full! It was all healthy and tasty and I’m not tempted to overeat.

    Tomorrow is my fasting day. It will be a stressful day (not due to fasting!), and I need to get up earlier than normal. I hope it will be a good, reasonably easy fasting day for me.

    My small reward today? My jeans are fitting a little tiny bit better than last week. My small disappointment? I saw myself in the full length mirror in Walmart and darn it, I am not as slim as I imagine myself with all my clothes fitting better ha ha. Still a long way to go.

    We will continue and we will keep on feeling good about fasting and about ourselves, michelelemm1!

    Okay, so that’s me again, talking to myself. I’m fasting today (which included black tea, which suppoosedly helps with autophagy). I just finished cooking the yummiest stirfry for my kids and am feeling hungry. Sipping my tea and hoping the feeling will pass.

    Looking forward to tomorrow–from experience I know that I won’t be hungry until about noon, which will feel great. So basically I will enjoy my meal in about 19 hours!

    I find fasting both easy and difficult and at the moment it feels difficult.

    I’ back to supporting myself through my updates. I went for a 1h walk and felt great. Feeling a bit hungry now, but going to bed pretty soon and I sleep well on the empty stomach.

    Patting myself on my back for a good fasting day, despite of struggling a little mid-day.

    I have lots of veggies for a fresh salad tomorrow–really looking forward to my huge, HUGE, arugula, cucumber, red pepper, cherry tomatoes, and avocado salad.

    I feel I lost some inches on my thighs, but the belly area has remained about the same for a while (just based on my jeans). It is actually quite liberating not to have a scale!

    Feeling strong at the end of the day!

    @165gw I’m impressed that you are keeping up with a 36h water fast every other day!!! The starvation mode talk is basically non-sense. However doing what you are doing should result in fat loss, even if you overeat a bit on your eating days.

    I only fast 2 days a week now but typically I do 36h+ water fast. Normally it isn’t that hard but my wife doesn’t understand it. I’m not really trying to lose weight at this point and I’m mostly fasting for the health benefits. Also I enjoy eating a lot, maybe too much on my non-fast days.

    I find that my weakest point of a fast is about 20 hours in. I used to carefully monitor my blood sugar and would see a good drop around then that would last for about 90 minutes. I assume that is why that is my trouble spot.

    I once fasted for 7 days. After the 3rd day my blood sugar dropped much lower than even in the water fasting. In fact it was running about 60% of what is considered normal. However I felt fine. It basically stayed a those low levels until I broke my fast.

    I’m trying to build more body strength. In that regard I find the limited fasting, (two 36h water fasts a week) to be very helpful.

    @dykask Thank you for stopping in! I read your posts about fasting when I was reading the forums to keep myself motivated and to stay strong on fasting days. Your 7 days fast inspired me. I definitely want to try this in the summer. Again, it is one of those things that seem impossible, and yet, I used to think that a 24 and a 36 (today I ended a 40h!) fast were impossible.

    Tomorrow it will be a month since my alternate day fasting. I’m kinda impressed with myself! I’ll continue as long as it keeps feeling right, and I do hope it will continue feeling right until the end of March.

    I think two days a week is a really good alternative, when I’m closer to my weight goal. I don’t ever want to be tired of fasting. It does get hard when others don’t understand, especially if it is wife / husband, and if they get worried.

    I don’t monitor my blood sugar, but it seems my weakest is between lunch and dinner, and evenings are easier. So it does seem around 18h into the fast. Yesterday I went for a 1h walk with my kids and the sensation of hunger just disappeared and I felt great.

    7 more weeks until the end of March and I hope that I stay motivated and continue feeling great and empowered. At the end of March I will reevaluate how many days a week I will fast.

    Yesterday I probably ate above my TDE. My temptationos is to eat a little bit of everything, as I’m unable to decide what to choose. I had fresh bagels and cream cheese in the house and wanted to eat a bagel while it was still bakery-fresh. I eat very little grains, but it is tempting to treat myself on feeding days. So in addition to the huge big salad that is all healthy and I love it, I ate the bagel, and a mini-cake with tea, and yougurt, and fruits. It was a huge meal. Most of it was healthy. I enjoyed all of it. I kept an eating window–I everythin between 1pm and 4pm. Wasn’t hungry at all after all of that! lol

    Fasting today. Feeling great. Making dinner for the kids now, so there is a bit of temptation, but I’m getting better and better at not wanting to eat at on Fasting days.

    Looking forward to my salad tomorrow.

    Almost bed time. I did it again! The kids are snacking on fresh croissants and fruits–and I’d love some of this, for sure. But I’m staying strong and waiting UTILL TOMORROW! For my own portion of fruits and by then not so fresh croissants haha

    Hi 165gw! Well done on supporting yourself, it can be hard enough making any lifestyle change without other people’s negative attitudes – I hope your friend comes around and starts supporting you more. I’m only just starting 5:2 with 500 cal days but happy to be supportive in any way I can 🙂

    Hi GracieMae!

    Congrats on starting! I did the 500 calorie days for over a year and lost a good amount of weight (sorry, I have no scale, so this sounds pretty lame! When I read OTHER people weight loss stories I love seeing the actual numbers, so I do realize I’m not being sufficiently motivating ha ha).

    It is an amazing approach to eating and there are many success stories.

    Today should be my “feeding” day but I’m experimenting whether I can actually fast for longer than 36ish hours. I woke up not feeling hungry and made my kids breakfast without feeling peckish.

    It is a stay-at-home day for us, so this simplifies things greatly. I’m on my second cup of tea and I will eat when I feel like it.

    Thanks, haha I have no scales either so I get it! Although I am aiming for weight loss I know my body well enough to recognise any changes so I’m sure I’ll realise if it’s working.

    Let me know how you get on with the increased fasting hours – I was reading some other posts about people doing 7 day fasts etc which seems further than I probably want to go but it certainly sounds like an interesting challenge…

    I’m sure it must be much harder when you have to prepare food for others so well done, I’m just avoiding temptation on fast days at the moment (e.g. making sure I don’t need to go to the supermarket or anything) until I get a bit more used to it.

    Grace x


    Yesterday my fast finishd at 40 hours. Even then I felt I could have gone longer, but all the wonderful food was staring at me. And since I didn’t have a goal of a longer fast, I ended the fast with fruits and salad.

    It is the second non-fasting day that I felt like eating a lot–the previous ones I noticed that I ate less than normal. However, I also didn’t feel like eating in the evening. I broke my fast at 4 pm with fruits and salada and then had a large meal at around 6pm and that was it. I was pleased about that– I didn’t have any cravings after.

    Today is my fasting day and It has been 21 hours. I’m on my second cup of black tea and I’m feeling great.

    I need to learn how to pace myself better tomorrow–I should NOT be sampling everything we have in the fridge, as that was my pitfall in the last two non-fasting days. I haven’t been coounting calories, but maybe tomorrow I should.

    I think if I plan my day with what I’m going to eat and pre-count caloories, I’m unlikely to go past my TDE. Enough of that “I can eat whatever I want attitude” at least until the end of March.

    I’m actually quite intrigued by a 7 day fast and I want to try it as a personal challenge in the summer. I will probably try a couple of 48 h fasts in the spring when we have warmer and brighter days, and when I’m comfortable with that, I’ll attempt an even longer fast.

    How are your 500 calorie days going?

    Just completed my first 46 hour fast! It felt great. Though I do admit–I am not sure I could have lasted to 48 hours. Well, maybe if I wasn’t home with all the temptations around me.

    I broke the fast with a salad (onion, small potato, 1/4 of chicken breast cucumber, Lots of greens, tomatoes, peppers, pickles, olive oil) and a fruit salad (mango, banana, apple, blueberries) and a handful of nuts. Darn! I just realized I forgot to add avocado to my salad.

    Drinking tea now and enjoying my fasting achievement!

    I just calculated my calories for the two salads and the nuts (AFTER I ate lol) and it is just under 2000, which is right at my TDEE. So I guess it is good that I didn’t add an avocado!

    I did really awesome, I guess–the longest fast ever yet, and kept it withint the TDEE.

    Tomorrow is my wild card day. I’m not planning anything other than to stay under my TDEE. It will be a busy day with lots of driving and many errands to run. With all the people that we will be visiting I might be fed ha ha. I’m open to this, but also open to a 21 hour mini-fast, which means I will keep my eating window closed until 3pm tomorrow.

    Yesterday was my eating day, and I stayed under my TDEE–a bowl of chilli, two cups of coffee with cream and cheese and fruits.

    Fasting today–I really don’t like Mondays as I have quite a lot of errands to do in the evenings, when it is dark and cold. When I’m cold I tend to want to eat comfort foods.

    I hope the evening passes quickly for me and it will be tomorrow morning before I know it.

    I fasted for 45 hours, ended the fast today. Had my usual large salad (maybe a little bit too large? I need to work on regulating my salads!)

    The fast went really well, I was also very active this time and didn’t feel weak or tired.

    A rewarding moment this morning–the zipper on my stretch jeans closed without me needing to pull it together at all. That’s good 7cm lost right there! And I there is space around the waist too! Huge progress. I’m very encouraged. Especially as I fit into them AFTER AN EATING DAY! Especially after eating quite late in the evening.

    So my next step…I unearthed a pair of my motivational jeans that I never wore, got them on a huge sale, but they’ve always been too small. I can put them on but can’t zip at all and way too tight in my thighs and hips.

    I would be very happy to fit into them in 50 days. Maybe it is possible if I continue with fasting? I hope so!

    I’m fasting today. Baked a all kind of cookies for the kids this morning…The smells are killing me lol

    From January 18 to February 13 (today)–7cm of belly fat burned!

    I need 7cm more GONE by April 13 (and I should be able to fit into my Motivational Jeans!)

    I’ll see if there is a change in how they fit next Friday, February 22.

    Today’s fast seems to be a little bit harder that the several recent ones. Maybe it is because the weather is so gloomy, or because I made my kids some of my favourite meals. Feeling a bit hungry. Luckily I’m by now accustomed to this to some extent, and even though I’m hungry I’m not tempted to just start grabbing at food. I already know that I’ll feel really good tomorrow morning.

    I do hope that the fasting days will start feeling easier, meaning I won’t have this low point of feeling hungry and kind of bleh. Maybe I need to find things to do break this pattern. But it is gloomy and dark and I don’t really feel like doing anything super active or involving.

    I find it a little bit hard that I can’t talk to anyone irl about my fasting, as I know my family and friends will think that this is unhealthy and dangerous.

    Hi 165gw

    I just wanted to send you some encouragement. You are doing great!! FDs do get easier but every now and then I still find one more difficult than usual. Yesterday I was feeling ‘meh’ about the whole thing but I just soldiered on and got through it. Today I feel great.

    I understand what you are saying about talking to people in real life about this WOE. I have had mixed reactions and have had to work hard not to let some people’s negative comments get me down. Information about fasting is becoming more readily available and the media is reporting on it more often nowadays. I hope you can bring this up with someone in RL and they will be supportive. Until then, we will be here!
    Maybe you could join one of the groups so you can have more like minded people to talk to about it. You could still continue this one too 🙂

    Good luck 🙂

    Thank you, Quacka. It helps to hear your experiences. I am also finding that today’s fast is easier again, so I’m encouraged. I didn’t even feel pecking until about 4pm, and at that time I made meals for the kids and it was still okay.

    My husband just “came out” as supportive and he wants to try too, so this is great! But he is not that great at support lol. I will be able to also weigh myself once a week starting March, so my updates will be more entertaining. (I love reading people’s progress with weight updates!)

    I will try to join the groups! And for now I will continue updating the Universe and whoever will listen ha ha.

    The weekend was odd. I felt a bit chaotic and had the munchies all the time, which hasn’t happened in a while. So I decided to just go with the flow. I was expecting an easy fasting day today, after all that eating ono Saturday and Sunday, and yet today was / is hard again.

    While normally I’m not even hungry until 4-5 pm on fasting days, today I felt hungryish by 10 am! That was unexpected and hard!

    I persevered! The day is not over yet, but I’m determined not to break the fast until tomorrow morning. I’m thinking of food more than usual–already planning my breakfast.

    Next Monday will be my first weigh-in. Since I didn’t know my pre-fasting weight, this is not too exciting, but it will be a good starting point for recording the progress. In terms of inches lost–no significant differences that I can notice from last week.

    I hope I’m continuing to lose weight! I haven’t observed anything drastic in how my clothes fit since last week.

    My goal right now is to make sure I don’t overeat on eating days–while at first I was eating actually less than “average” on eating days, the last week was challengin.

    The good news is today’s fast is going well and I haven’t felt peckish until after 3pm, despite of my son eating all kind of lovely smelling snacks in the car, like jerky and then oranges. Hopefully the day will continue going easy.

    Finishing another fast tonight, will break it at breakfast (36-40 hours.)

    Friday night is not easy as I do huge grocery shopping and now I have all kind of fruits on the counter and fish baking in the oven, and roasted potatoes.

    But overall I find it is teasier to fast when hungry than to eat sensibly when not fasting! This I didn’t expect!

    Yesterday was pretty bad–I felt I had to taste everything and eat a bit of everything, and the whole day was full of disorderly eating. At least I stopped at around 5pm…

    This is my plan for tomorrow–to have a lower calorie day, rather than a “normal eating day.” Then Sunday will be a normal eating day.

    Hi 165gw,

    I’d love to join your thread. I’ve been doing IF for almost a month now and really enjoying my results. I think I’ve lost about 8 lbs. so far. I had to add in high intensity intervals (doing Insanity Max 30 😳) to really see faster changes.

    I’m 46 and on a birth control that makes me slightly IR. So glad to have IF to counteract those 2 factors, lol.
    My version of IF I’m currently doing is pretty much the one-meal-a-day thing. Though, I’ve been considering changing it up and going to Mondays and Thursdays zero calories.
    Hope your weekend is going well!


    Hi Jamie! I’m happy you are here!Congrats on your results! I love HIIT and hope to be able to start it in some form in the next month or so.

    I now find the fasting day easier. I didn’t even post her yesterday, which means I felt I had enough of “internal support.” Though harder days might still happen.

    My issue now is to make sure I don’t overeat on my eating days!

    I ate my first meal of the day today (Breaking the 40 h fast) at noon. It was some left overs, 500 calories.

    My goal is not to count calories on non-fasting days, but in the last week I somehow got into the habit of overeating. I still think it wasn’t horrible, but ugh, not how I want to eat.

    Have you tried the zero calorie fast yesterday? How did it go?

    Hi again!
    Wasn’t sure I was going to do it or not, but yes! Still on my 1st long-ish zero-calorie fast. Last meal was Sunday evening about 8pm, I break my fast with dinner tonight about 7. I’m not even that hungry! Kinda shocked (and relieved!) really…
    I am getting ready to do another work out in about 30 mins. Hope it goes well, I’m surprisingly energetic today too!
    I know I sound crazy, but I think I’m already looking forward to my next zero calorie day, which I’m thinking will be Thursday.
    We’ll see how well I do with not overeating in between! 🙂

    That’s wonderful, Jamie!

    I was also shocked that the second day (well, at least the first half of it, as I haven’t pushed it further) is easier than the first. I grew to enjoy fasting days–it feels right, and I have great energy on most of them (though some were really bleh–low energy, low everything lol).

    I had an okay eating day–I stayed at my “normal” calories. I was hoping for a lower calorie day, but it didn’t happen. This might sound silly but I feel I need warmer weather for this! I’m such a wimp in the cold! I can either fast or eat, and not in between when it is gray and cold.

    But at least I didn’t overeat, so that’s decent.

    So at first I needed support on fasting days. Now I need support on my eating fats. Posting here and making it public does count as support. It helps.

    So far due to this being a hectic day, and me not being hungry, I am treating it as possibly as a lower calorie day. Then tomorrow will be an eating day. I had a cup of kefir in the morning and a coffee with cream (no sugar) for lunch.

    I plan to have a bowl of lentil soup for supper and I should be good for the day.

    February 28 was a great day–I treated it as a 1/4 calories day and consumed just under 500 calories. It worked out really well and I felt energetic and not hungry. Yesterday was a normal eating day. I am not sure about the calories. I ate what I wanted but didn’t overeat and that was great. I think I might be over the over-eating on the eating days phase, at least I hope so. Throughing in a 1/4 calorie day seemed to help. Water fasting today.

    Wow, I’ve been supporting myself here for a month now. I’m really glad I started this thread, though! It made the tough moments easier.

    I’m finishig another successful fasting day, will break the fast tomorrow mid-morning.

    I still didn’t get myself to the scale and this Monday it is not going to work out either.

    My jeans are getting looser around the waist which is great.

    I’m dismayed with myself for getting to this stage, though. I should not have gained this weight in the first place.

    I have 4 weeks, well, actually, 5, to my next goal at around my birthday.

    I was able to zip up my “Motivational Jeans” but that was a struggle and I obviously can’t wear them with all my fat pushed up into the muffin top. The current pair fits very sleek and nice now and getting loose. But I tried them on to see how they fit so that I can continue estimating progress, and I know that 7 weeks ago when I started ADF I would not have been able to even pull them up.

    Anyway, things I’m happy and impressed with my will power. I CAN DO THIS!!!

    Motivational Jeans Update

    February 13–unable to zip up at all.
    March 1st–zipped up, but barely. Not wearable yet.
    March 13–?????

    Would I be able to wear them without an insane muffin top??? That’s the question. ha ha.

    Weigh-in update. I was able to step on the scale after a 36h fast.

    211 lb (95.6kg);
    Goal weight 165 lb, top range for my height: 176 lb.
    April 10 goal weight: 203lb

    Holy sh*t that was another wake up call. I thought by losing so much in the last two months I would be definitely in the 190 range. I am glad I am on the right track at least. I was hoping to be 185lb by April 10, but it is clearly not possible. I think that realistically 203lb is a good goal, but darn it, would be nice to be 199 lol.

    I do look much better already but this just shows me how far I still have to go, not even half way to my goal weight. The weight in today was a huge disappointment, but making it all public so that I can continue being accountable.

    This is another reason to be extremely mindful not to go over my TDEE on non fasting days.

    You are doing awesome. I am starting a 5 day fast tomorrow. Then back to ADF:)

    Wow, Michele, that’s exciting!! I hope it goes super well for you!

    I was just thinking about something for the next 10 days…Maybe really crazy, I don’t know, but I possibly don’t have much choice. I was thinking to alternate my fasting days with 800 calorie days for 10 days. The money that I was supposed to get yesterday didn’t materialize, and even though I have enough food for the kids (husband is away for 2 weeks), I might not have enough money (or will really need to stretch it) for myself until my husband gets back home.

    But!! A neighbour was moving out and she just gave me some meal replacements (355 calories per bottle), vanilla protein powder (160 calories per scoop) and green something something at 60 calories per scoop. So my plan was to have a really large smoothie out of this–with added water and ice and maybe a teaspoon of cocoa powder and instant coffee for taste. This would bring me to almost 600 calories. And then I could eat something that we already have in the pantry–like lentil or some beans etc. So aiming for 800 calories which would help me save on food in the next 2 weeks.

    Does this sound insane? I won’t be able to share this with anyone irl lol. It is even “worse” than a 5 day fast. I don’t want to sound like I’m starving myself.


    Well, I was visiting a friend and she fed me and since it was no my fasting day I just appreciated my good food and good company. So my plan of just drinking a smoothie on an eating day didn’t come to fruition. I had way more food than a smoothie!

    Fasting today and will break the fast tomorrow morning.

    I’m feeling hungry / peckish right now, especially as I’m cooking for the kids. But I’m already used to this feeling on fasting days, and I know it doens’t last. Nothing beats though waking up after a fasting day and feeling GREAT.

    Another change is that I’m waking up earlier in general and I do have more energy. Not sure whether this is because of fasting or because of the weight loss, but I’m enjoying it.

    I don’t now if I’m strong enough to just have smoothies, no matter how nutritious, on my eating days. I’m already thinking about the salad I can have tomorrow!

    I think I had a good week. Fasted Monday, Wednesday, Friday, and had a low calorie day yesterday on Sunday–2 eggs, a slice of bacon in the morning and then 3 apples adn 4 oranges throughout the day.

    It was tempting to have an eating day today, as yesterday was almost like a fast. But this evening I will be able to check my weight on the scale, so I really want to do it like the last time, at the end of a fasting day. Last time it was at the end of a 36h fast, but tonight it will be at 24-ish, but a low calorie day yesterday must count as something. I’m also meeting up with a friend for a walk and a coffee tomorrow morning, so I don’t want tomorrow be my fasting day either.

    So here I’m fasting today, as per schedule, but yesterday’s almost-fast was accidental.

    On thing for sure–I do feel a tonne more energy since I started fasting. I’m not sure if this is because I lost some weight or the fasting itself, but I’m loving it.

    How was your 5 day fast, @michelemm1?

    Hi again, 165,
    I feel like I really left you hanging since my last post but it sounds like you’re doing awesome! I’d be proud of all those fasting days if I were you!
    I, on the other hand, didn’t fare so well over the last 10 days or so. Boyfriend and I went down to FL for 9 days (got back Sat night). It was a vacation with his family who I was meeting for the first time, so semi-stressful. I totally did not fast or work out the entire time! I also was eaten alive by some no-see-ums, which didn’t help matters.
    I wanted today to be a full fast day with no food until tomorrow evening, but boyfriend is asking for pizza for dinner from our favorite place and I’m not sure I can say no… so full fast may wait til tomorrow. Also hoping to get back to my hiit workouts then!
    Hope your weigh-in tonight goes well! I’m sure it will!

    Hi Jamie!

    No worries, it helps me a lot to just post here lol

    Souonds like it was a bit stressful for yoouo. I HATE no-see-ums! I don’t blame you for not fasting or working out. I hope meeting his family went okay.

    Those first days home can be stressful too, so just enjoy your favourite pizza and you can fast tomorrow!

    I’ve been also walking a lot more and using intervals to raise my heart rate.

    I will update on the weigh-in! I hope it won’t be too disappointing and discouraging…

    Disappointed!! And for good reason…though trying to rationalize myself out of this. It is just a number. I’ve lost weight and I will continue to lose weight. This is just a plateau. But how???

    March 5:
    211 lb (95.6kg);(in the morning after a 36h fast)
    Goal weight 165 lb, top range for my height: 176 lb.
    April 10 goal weight: 203lb

    March 11:
    211 lb (95.6kg)in the evening of the fasting day, so about 20 h of fasting.

    How is this even possible?? I really didnt expect this. Yes, the scale works, I had the kids step on it. I even did 2 hours more cardio than usual!

    So last weekend’s analysis:

    Tuesday, march 5th: eating day. Let’s say 2500 calories. I didnt count but I had a small slice of low sugar cake. Okay, let’s say 3000, as I don’t remember what I ate.

    Wednesday, March 6: 36 h hour water fast.

    Thursday, March 7: 1800-2000 calories and i remember what i ate. and a 1h fast walk that elevated my heart rate and felt like a work out.

    Friday, March 8: 36 h water fast.

    Saturday, March 9. I dont remember what i ate, but I know I ate sensibly. But let’s say 2500 calories? And a 1h exercise walk at fast speed.

    Sunday, March 10: under 800 calories. I remember what I ate so I am sure if the calories. More like 600 but let’s say 800.

    Monday: fasting.

    So let’s say I count the very possible maximums and up my calories and round it to 7000 in the 6 days. It is still low enough overall to lose like at least half a lb?? So what happened?

    I am actually going to count my eating calories this week and then see what the next Monday weigh-in will bring.

    My TDEE is from 2000 to 2300 depending on exercise.

    Even though I posted I had two days that I ate way past my TDEE, I did this to explain (to myself) no change in my weight. As I don’t know what could have happened otherwise.

    However I still think I stayed under 2000. I’ve counted calories in the past, so I can approximate and I ate sensibly. It is very hard for me to believe I ate over 2000 calories. It is all home made healthy food that I cook and I did not over eat.

    But is the only explanation that I must have 1000 calories per day not accounted for? I.e. I ate too much without realizing this?

    Hmmm. That IS kind of strange and frustrating, I’m sure!
    I just go back to the parts of the fasting books I’ve read that say you might plateau once in a while w/o any discernible reason, you just have to keep doing what you are doing.
    I would think with your water fasting days, your eating days shouldn’t matter too terribly much…especially if you think you’re close to TDEE. Are you using a calorie counting app to make sure the calorie count is accurate?

    Another thought…perhaps it’s because you weighed the 2nd time in the evening? Maybe next time try am weight?

    @Jamie–yes, I look up each caloric value for each food (when I count). Tuesday last week was the day I didn’t count and had a slice of cake. Yes, I treated myself, but I didn’t pig out, and I honestly thought that it wouldn’t matter as ther rest of the week went well. If anything, I thought that an occassional higher calorie intake *after* a fasting day is supposed to speed up one’s metabolism.

    The rest of the week was rather well accounted for with fasting and days close to the TDEE *and* exercise. Most days I have a general idea of my calories, even if I’m not trying to be very precise.

    I will mostly be doing weigh-ins in the evenings, on my fasting day, so we will see if next week is different.

    I have been fasting on alternate days for about 10 weeks now. Maybe it was the time for a plateau. This means next week I should shift and lose some weight? I hope so.

    Plus I’m going to count calories to keep myself accountable. I don’t want to do it regularly, but this week I feel I should.

    How are you doing?

    I think you’re doing fine. Maybe play with your calories a bit (I read somewhere on this site to not figure in exercise). I’m sure you’ll see a difference next weigh-in. I just feel like you’re on the right track!
    As for me, yes I had the pizza last night, lol. I’m okay with it. I forgot to mention that I’m also moving this weekend, so lots of packing/upheaval. Not sure I’ll get my full fasting days in until after the move. Still just doing one meal a day though. I weighed yesterday to see what damage the trip did…3lb gain, so not too terrible. We’ll see what happens after move week, lol.


    Thank you for your kind encouragement. I also do feel I’m on the right track. I’m sure I will see more results next Monday.

    I counted my calories for today, exagerraing them a little, and I’m definitely under my TDEE.

    I broke my fast at 2pm, after 40 hours.

    I had a 3 egg omelette with ham, tomato, onion, cooking oil and a small avocado on the side. And coffee with cream. That was roughly 900 calories, counting generously.

    For supper had an apple, an orange, coffee with cream, and chicken skins from baked chicken thighs (don’t ask lol The kids didn’t want the skins lol). The calculator says that baked chicken thigh with skin is 140 calories. So I am assuming the actual skin with no cooking oil added, just baked with spices, it less than that. So the supper should be around 200 for the fruits, 160 for coffee cream, 300 for chicken skins. Let’s say 700.

    My total should be not more than 1600. I kept my eating window from 2pm to 6pm. I’m feeling full / content and not hungry. Fasting tomorrow.

    Enough about me lol. I’m just trying to be very accountable about my calories.

    With you moving and out of routine with all the packing (I hate packing!) fasting might be challening. Good for you for taking it easy and not being harsh on yourself. This is what is so great about this life style / life eating–there is no failure. It is okay to be on a a break and restart. Eating once a day is helping a lot, I’m sure.

    Good luck with your move!

    Fasting today. I went for a 1.5 hour walk in the morning. Also walkd for 1.5h yesterday.

    I broke my fast at 40 hours.

    For lunch I made an omelete of 3 small potatoes, 3 eggs, 1/3 cup of cubed black forest ham and some spinach,half an onion and cooking oil. I ate 3/4 of this. The plan was to eat 1/2, but one of my kids really didn’t like it and opted for cereal. And I didn’t want the food to go waste, plus it was yummy.

    I had coffee with cream and a small slice of brie when I was at my friend’s. This is our usual, but I ate less brie than usual!

    For supper I had 1 tomato, half a cup of cubed avocado, 1.5 lentil burger patties that I made last week and a bowl of spcicy bean soup, also home made.

    I’m guessing 2500 calories total.

    I also walked for 1h and 20 minutes–pretty fast paced, especially the second half, when I realized I was late to pick up my kids from the art class! lol

    Fasting tomorrow!

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