Hi! Another newbie here.
I’ve just entered week 3 of the 5:2 diet. Doing it to lose the last few kilos of “baby weight” (about time since my “baby” is almost 2.5!) but interested to see any other health benefits also.
I lost 2kg in the first two weeks then gained 1kg back, so mixed results but a general downward trend! I guess I just need to tweak my eating on the normal-eating days.
I’m finding it pretty easy to follow the 5:2 pattern and it’s nice to be free from the scrupulous calorie counting I’ve done on and off for years! I’m trying to be “calorie aware” on my non-fasting days but not counting every single thing, which is pretty liberating.
My issues with food have tended to be related to portion control more than anything else – I eat healthy food but too much of it. I also have a bit of a sweet tooth and sometimes go a bit nutso on the chocolate. I’m trying to keep both these faults under control somewhat, but it’s nice to know that my two days of fasting buys me a little grace to have a larger portion or a little choccie treat on the other days.
Looking forward to chatting to everyone as I continue the journey. 🙂
10:10 am
14 May 14