About to begin!

This topic contains 7 replies, has 6 voices, and was last updated by  stephanieefany 9 years, 11 months ago.

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  • Well I am kicking off my fasting next Tuesday (the 3rd).

    I have begun planning out my fast day meals so I don’t have to even think about what I am eating. I think I am going to start with a 7:30pm to 7:30pm fast, so I start having half of the fast overnight. I have decided one meal in the middle of the day will be the easiest and most convenient for me, then waiting til 7:30 for my dinner – but still having a lighter, vegetarian meal instead of a huge fast breaking meal.

    So, Tuesday will include a bowl of oats with skim milk and berries, a salad and a boiled egg! Followed by a lentil bolognaise for my fast breaking dinner.

    Wish me luck!

    Good Luck Steph

    You look very organised.

    Good luck! I’m planning on starting on Monday 🙂

    Good luck – I am starting tomorrow & think I’ve done the planning right. Viewing my first day as a day to be curious abou the process, just bothered about whether the fact It’ll be cold at work on a Monday will make it harder. Plan herbal teas & hot water & lemon to get me through!

    Good luck too 🙂
    Yes, I am planning water and fruit/ green tea

    Hello all. Day 1 today. I had 2 poached eggs and tea this morning. Just made up a raw veggie juice to sip on this afternoon. I’m planning a small feast of prawns for dinner. I hope that comes in around 500 cals. I need to lose at least 25kg. My goal is to lose 2kg per month – slow and steady. The weight took years to accumulate so I’m not expecting it to melt away overnight. (wouldn’t that be nice!) Good luck everyone.

    Hello everyone. I have just completed my first week and weighed this morning. Lost 4lb which I am really pleased with.
    Last week wasn’t too bad, only one difficult day – yesterday – a non fast day – when I felt hungry. This was because I was home all day, it was freezing and I felt fed up with winter!! However, I coped by eating three meals instead of two: a bowl of porridge for breakfast, branflakes and fresh fruit for lunch then chicken and veg with a jacket potato for supper. I felt as if I had eaten too much!

    Feel good about fasting today. Planning on low fat Waitrose Moroccan chicken soup for lunch; tuna steak with stir fry veg (from book 5:2 diet photos) for supper with clementines and copious cups of coffee and water! I put skimmed milk in the coffee so that increases my cal intake.

    I think it will be the non fast days that will be most dangerous for me. Solution – have very little food in the house other than ingredients for planned meals.

    Haven’t felt at all unwell/weak. Drinking tons of water helps. The big thing is to stay mindful of what you are eating I think.I am astonished how much bread, butter, cheese etc we were consuming without a second thought!

    Fingers crossed for a good second week. I am trying not to think how long this is going to take …. trying to take each day as a ‘success’.Once I have got into the habit of this, I must do more exercise.
    Best to all

    Well just finished my first day. Not too bad.

    Cirenvenus – I wouldn’t worry too much about your non fast days. This whole diet is about only worrying about food 2 days a week. I am becoming more convinced that demonising food is the real problem. I know that for myself once I swear off a certain food, it’s all I want. I am trying to get out of this mindset by not limiting the foods I eat on non-fast days. (and let’s face it, you could eat 500 calories of ice cream on your fast day and it would technically be ok!)

    I quite enjoyed not worrying about food today – knowing I wasn’t eating anything until midday meant I didn’t really think about it, until it was time to make my porridge. On non fast days I am focusing on eating really delicious, satisfying, home cooked food. Some of which will definitely be cake!

    Hope everyone elses’ first day went well!

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