6 months in and need a boost

This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  katser12 9 years, 6 months ago.

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  • Hi. I started the fast diet for several reasons. I really wanted to lose weight but had tried all types and found they didn’t work for me. I have Hashimotos and the effect on my thyroid and losing weight was incredible. Then in January I developed a gut issue. Constant diarrhoea. After many tests it seems I have another autoimmune thingy ! So I needed to look at my diet and what was causing issues. I have seen a nutritionist and started a gluten free, lactose free diet. At the same time I started the 5.2 with the nutritionists blessing. I’m pleased to say it’s working. I’ve lost 8 kg, the diarrhoea has stopped I feel great and my knees aren’t as sore.
    I’m 6 months in and still going but I need a boost. Perhaps just supportive people telling me to keep going. I feel I will never eat the same way again ( not that I was a bad eater. I had a fairly good diet, but ate too much I think) obviously the gluten and lactose free is helping me but I need some more support. I only see the nutrition is once a month now. Any hints or words of wisdom from others who started to slump around 6 months. Thanks so much.

    Hi, I have been on this 5:2 way of eating for 12 months. The first 6 months, I lost about 9 lbs then it all went down hill and gradually I reverted back to eating ‘normally’. The second time I started again, nothing seemed to shift. I have now started again with increased vigour and found re-reading the ‘fast diet’ book really helped. I had hyperinsulinaemia and an underactive thyroid about 2 yrs ago and this was helped with nutritionist advice and diet. Hope you keep going, I’m sure it will eventually pay off

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