4+3 for 6 weeks, motivation needed!

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4+3 for 6 weeks, motivation needed!

This topic contains 4 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  milena 9 years ago.

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  • I am new to this forum but not new to intermittent fasting. I have slowly gained weight over the years up to a point where I felt uncomfortable in my 28 BMI. I finally decided enough is enough and decided to try low carb diet which had worked for me successfully in the past but I got pregnant during my diet and needless to say I am back where I started and then some. After having a baby I tried the low carb again but I felt so unhealthy and tired and a colleague of mine had lost loads of weight on 5+2 diet (and I’d heard other people mention it as well) so I thought I’d give it a go. I’ve managed to loose a total of 1 stone and 4 lbs but I had a plateau just before Christmas and since then I’ve been on and off on 5+2 not really loosing any weight or one week losing and the next week gaining what I’ve lost.

    I’ve now started 4+3 for a set 6 weeks and I’m finding it so hard! I lost 4 lb during the first week and have just started 2nd week. It feels so much harder than 5+2 but I’m determined to make it since I really want to loose final stone. Anybody else got experience on 4+3? Tips to make it easier? Success stories might give me a good boost as well 🙂

    Hi Cc, if you are thinking of a six week window, why nit join a group of us on fast beach diet, there is a thread for it, a couple of ladies started lsst week, three or cour yesterday. 4:3 is one of the suggestions Mimi put forward in the book we are following. Its a bit of a boot-camp, might be the boot you need, search for the thread on the forum.

    Great loss btw!!!!

    Thank you Milena! That sounds perfect, exactly what I need! I’ll find the thread and post there 🙂

    Hi Melina

    Would you mind if I joined you group?

    I’ve started 4:3 today and need some encouragement please

    Im on a few groups, treat them all as family, we are all on the same journey and everyone is most welcominge most welcoming. A lot of us cross threads, no one seems to mind. Active on mid fifties, fat busting brits and a couple of others. I lurk on a one or two and a few of us have joined ali and blackcat on the fast beach diet.

    Zillions spent of diets, all it seems to take are kind words sage advice, kindness and encouragenment. And friendship. Welcome

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