42 day challenge beginning 1 May

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42 day challenge beginning 1 May

This topic contains 2,339 replies, has 109 voices, and was last updated by  back2thefuture 3 years, 8 months ago.

Viewing 50 posts - 1,651 through 1,700 (of 2,344 total)

  • Thanks Qsue – good info. Did you mean Dr Fung does have a forum? You said he “does not have a 5:2 official forum like this one” but people write freely? I will check out his web site and see if I can find it. With one month under my (smaller) belt I like the flexibility and so far for me almost painless weight loss of 5:2. I’m hoping to combine the wisdom of all the IF and HF/LC experts so I can continue to have lifelong healthy weight management and improve my odds of avoiding the Diabetes Type 2 and stroke that took my father and the hip replacement, immobility and obesity that have had a grip on my mother the last 15 years. I think I may have just barely made it into this “club” in the nick of time and I am so grateful!

    Australia – Day 32 – 10 days to go of challenge 🙂

    A fasting day today. Today hasn’t gone expected. It is one of those days where you are like “where did the day go!” On the phone to Mum this morning and we talked about 5:2 for over an hour! She is still stuck, but doesn’t want to do anything different. She is still surprised I am sticking with alternate fasting and just saying how well I am going. When I do a closet clean out when I finally get around to buying some clothes, I don’t think much is going to be kept. Everything is 2 sizes at least to big. Feeling very frumpy. Especially since I am growing my hair out at the same time. I suppose I have lost over 17 kilos since buying any clothes, so it was only a matter of time!

    Good luck everyone.

    UK day 32 morning all , I’m hoping June brings some good weather here, yesterday’s windy rainy and grey was not nice. Going for a b2b (well my version – I admire you water fasters but it’s not for me at the moment ,but who knows for the future ? ) I’m fine having water and the odd coffee through the day but it’s the thought of a nice meal at around 7 that keeps me going

    Australia Day 32. NFD today and husband’s birthday so out ti dinner tonight. Feeling confident I will make good food choices now the end of the challenge is in sight. Another FD tomorrow and weigh-in on Friday. For Aussies you might like the Women’s Weekly 5:2 cookbook. It has some yummy looking recipes. Bought it today but haven’t tried any yet.

    Surrey Day 32. It’s interesting how each morning the day is something to look forward to. When I tried other ‘diets’ waking up to another day of dieting was always a burden. This is not…I am really intrigued by this shift in thinking. I know nothing about Dr Fung and Michael Mosley, I see many references to them. Not sure that I want to go into the scientific side, but very grateful to them for the work they have done
    I am with my daughter in St Albans, need to weigh tomorrow and her scale doesn’t work!
    So I have to wait till Monday morning when I am back home. It will be interesting…


    NL day 32 NFD

    UK Day 32…having to do maths, now that we’re out of May and add the date to the 31 days we’ve already done! FD today – and really glad to be doing it as the last couple of days I’ve felt bloated and sluggish with starchy carbs.

    France Day 32 FD

    I am having problems with the tracker. I can only see a part of it, and it does not want to scoll back to the start. Is that normal? I am sure It moved freely before?

    I must be doing something right the weight went down another 300 grammes since yesterday.

    I understand what you mean back2thefurure. I have been having similar concerns, which is why I wrote in the first place. It seemed to me I was making myself eat on NFD just to stop being in the restricted calories position. I am curious at finding when the body hits ketosis, but buying the instrument can wait for now.

    I certainly intend to keep up this lifestyle once I have reached my intended weight. I used to be my current weight when I was a lecturer in London some twelve years ago. I was a smoker back then. I can put my weight gain down to eating more once I gave up smoking, and drinking too much white wine. I love wine, but have given it up since this dieting began, since its consumption is counter intuitive.

    My family are meeting up here in two weeks time, I haven’t seen my daughter for two years since she has been working in Colombia, and I haven’t seen enough of my son and grandson. I am quite sure the cocktails will flow then! The thing is I know I can easily regain my reduced weight status once they have gone.

    Thanks Merryme for your help.

    US SE Day 32 FD. FD today. Going to try a 4:3 this week and next to make up for the holiday weekend and get myself back on track. Still love reading all your posts. So motivating.

    Day 32– Colorado, USA

    Sadly, failed at my fast day yesterday.

    Work was crazy busy as predicted, so managers bought everyone pizzas. They even got me a gluten-free one (I have Crohn’s & wheat/gluten really mess me up.) Felt “ungrateful” to turn down the specially-ordered pizza, so I ate it.

    Wasn’t particularly good because it sat out for 2 hours before I finished surgery & could eat it. Blech.

    Should’ve stuck to my Fast Day & not worry about hurting someone’s feelings.
    Live & learn. Fasting today.

    Day 32 NFD USA- Illinois
    Just checking in. All going well for me – congratulations on all of your successes and remember we can do this with fortitude and lots of everyone’s support!

    USA Day 32, NFD. Still here. 🙂

    Australia Day 33 NFD – I am actually posting a couple of hours early but need to be out very early tomorrow and did not want to miss a day. My FD today went by very smoothly. A liquid only day – tea, coffee and miso soup. Sat drinking my cup of sugarless, black tea while my husband tucked into pie, peas, cauliflower and gravy! One great aspect of FDs is that I don’t have to cook dinner or clean up! Yay!

    fast 32 – Brazil

    I am the 40 hours fasting, only had coffee, tea and yesterday before going to sleep I took a cup of soup bones, today I am less hungry yet, it seems that the longer without eating less hungry gives, and the best was that scale move, I was five weeks stop, I hope the weight go stay or decrease more.

    Next week I want to try fasting for 3 or 4 days, I read in Dr. Jason Fung site that is good for unlocking metabolism.

    Good fast to everyone !!

    Day 32, Gloucestershire, UK. Making this my 2nd fast-day of the week as I want to fit in one more on Friday. I keep busier, now I’m back at work, which helps pass the time. That’s the plan anyway, leaving the weekend free to eat (healthily).
    Meeryme, I feel there is something in what you say about avoiding starchy carbs and (certainly) refined sugar. Fructose is something out bodies aren’t well-adapted to cope with. I’ve read some books on the problems with refined sugar….makes a lot of sense. The trouble is I’m addicted to the stuff. If I could get off it completely, I’m certain my weight would drop. If…if…if..

    US/Day 32 ….FD yesterday went well (scale shows down but not an official way in day today) ….NFD today and working on trying to break the mental/physical cycle of “rewarding” myself for a successful fast day. I do not want to get into the same situation I’ve been on with other “diets” where I’m constantly battling up and down a few lbs ….that is where I give up. Lots to do today so hopefully will be a productive “non-food” rewarding day. Have a great day all.

    USA day 32: FD for me today and sticking to in this time! Next one will be on Friday.
    Feeling pretty good with tea this morning. Heading out to take the kids to the library and that’ll be a nice distraction. Need to clean my house too. Goals for today. Miso soup and hard boiled egg at around 1pm. Dinner will be a big salad and a tiny bit of pasta.

    Day 32. Wisconsin, USA.

    K-Lo…Fromagination would be the death of my good intentions also. Cheese is a problem for me.

    I see my weight is up a couple of pounds after the wild weekend. I’m back in the saddle now though, and look forward to being in better control.

    One thing I have noticed is that my body definitely has a delayed response to both fasting and to overeating. The results of either take days and even weeks to present themselves. This is why it does not pay for me to get caught up in daily fluctuations, and to just stick with a proven system.

    NFD today. No processed foods, no sugar, other than a tablespoon or so of honey in my Greek yogurt and coffee.

    Have a GREAT day!!

    Day 32, US, sunny breezy NYC…

    I too have a delayed response to FD, which was yesterday. Working on my last three pounds. Ribs hurt today. My workout should be fun tonight…not.

    Hi UK day…… 32 lol had to think there ha ha

    Meli_110216 – where are you – don’t leave us now at this late stage! You didn’t post yesterday but there is still today to catch up.

    Daisyandmillie – same for you missed you yesterday I believe – sorry if I have made an error.

    Supposed to do a fast yesterday instead of Monday – due to bank holiday but a lady who had to get her dog put to sleep made cakes to keep herself busy and I ended up eating some. So I said to myself fast tomorrow but today those cakes are still there and I ended up breaking my resolve – again 🙁 Will only have bone broth tonight so all is not lost but feel annoyed as to why I can’t ignore the cakes. Not very good at taking my own advice ha ha – I forgot my saying if it’s not thirst earn it first. should have ran up and down the stairs a few times and maybe that would have done the trick. Always after the horse has bolted (or I have bolted down some goodies) that I remember what I should have done. Note to ones self think before not after!!

    Day 32 California USA. Today is a NFD. I am enjoying the cool morning watching my cat do his HIT exercises. We are in the midst of a heat wave in the Central Valley. It is expected to be 100+ degrees for the next five days. I need to get my outdoor chores done early before the heat arrives. I am planning to eat light today and enjoy dinner and a show with my sister. We are going to see the stage production of “Mamma Mia” at our local Arts theater. It should be fun.

    The posts have been informative. I am concerned about how I am losing my weight. Am I fasting correctly? I do not want to drop my metabolic rate like the biggest losers. I have done that before when I participated in a weight loss competition at work. I lost a lot of weight. I came in second place. It was hard for this 50+ year old to compete with the 20+ year olds. But I gained all the weight back and more. Thanks to all for sharing your knowledge and experience. I think I will take another look at Dr. Fung, Dr Mosely and other authors that have been referenced in this thread.

    Wishing a great day to all!

    Switzerland – Day 32 – NFD
    Lovely to read the posts, and learn how different people are making this work for them. Spoke to an old friend today who is doing WW again and is hungry all the time. I remember that deprived feeling very well, and 5:2 suits me much better.
    Off to an outdoor festival tonight, but will take the car to give everyone a lift as that way I can’t drink (empty calories and all that!). Hope the big grey rain clouds on the horizon end up going the other way!!

    Thanks to everyone who recommended watching Dr Jason Fung on youtube. It was very interesting. It took an hour, but it explained a lot of the reasons why fasting works etc. My SIL follows a low glycemic diet, the CSIRO diet I think it is, and she lost 20 kilos many years ago, 3 kids later and still has kept it off. Gives me food for thought anyway 🙂

    midwest day 32 NFD – thanks everyone for posting about the pitfalls of extended low calorie eating.

    i guess i’m falling into that trap. Will reassess.

    still feeling strong about breaking my dependence on food to soothe me. Food is medicine. Food is energy. i don’t need it as my comforter / best friend.

    make it a strong day everyone: what helps me: drink tons, move around, meditate. Even meditating seems to move the toxins out of my body when i’m hungry

    UK day 32 I was planning to keep to 800 calories today but we have family visiting which makes it much tougher. Just eating sensibly instead and looking forward to a FD tomorrow

    Update from France.

    I don’t think the Australian Woman’s Weekly recipes are quite in the spirit of things!

    2 Jaffa cakes for a snack??

    I have been all about cutting carbs, doing a d-tour round vast swathes of the supermarket aisles, and eating things that are supposed to be good for me.

    I thought snacking was to be eschewed?

    A slice of white bread toasted for breakfast??? (oh for shame! The carbs!!!) Sprinkling half a teaspoon of cinnamon on it won’t kid the scales on weighing day!

    Find their 500 calorie menus on Google! Great photos.

    Talking of being naughty I bought half a bottle of nice wine today. The glass I had was lovely. What the heck is the use of one glass of wine though???

    Half way to Perigueux I remembered about someone on here having smelly urine! I forgot to advise to drink more water. Phew! Sorry about that.

    Settled down now after the excitement of making spiralized courgettes! Yeah low carb spaghetti. I had this with a tomato stuffed with aubergine and fennel. There were a couple of walnuts in there somewhere. The whole lot was divine, and I have no idea how many calories it came to.

    Onwards and downwards.

    Trot on gals! Finishing post in sight.

    Day 32 in Los Angeles. NFD. I might’ve gone a bit over my TDEE yesterday (also NFD), but hopefully not by much. I got too close to a bag of chips. Today I’m determined to stay sane. FD tomorrow. Cheers to all!

    UK day 32 sorry for yesterday coda didnt manage to get on, had a lovely day out with my nephew and took remy swimming for the first time and he lived it! Im still in the game but have decide nit to weigh this week because i have had a few treats this week and dont wamt to see any gain that might weaken my resolve!!! Nonfd today 😀

    Hi Coda and everyone – Day 32 Scotland
    Sorry, seem to have been awol for some time, in fact just 2 weeks. Started out with good intentions on holiday to stick to my fast days. Well, managed one only, then visitors to us, us to family, everyone visiting, it has been one long food fest (and wine).
    I then decided, to hell with it, I am going to eat just what I fancy, and see what the results are after two weeks.
    So: Wine, G & T’s, Hot chocolates, Eccles Cakes, Bread, Ice cream, Puddings, Chocolate, crisps, Chips, teacakes, and everything else in between – this is the result!
    Feeling bloated all the time, constipated, Tired, Only two good nights sleep in two weeks. Tight clothes, sore back, aching varicose veins. Grey pallor, horrible big spot on my face, headaches, all in all feeling pretty awful. Plus – wait for it – a weight gain of 5 POUNDS!!!!! in just two weeks!. Yuk!
    Fast day tomorrow, and can’t wait to get back on track. After eating healthily for so long, I feel as if I’ve battered and bruised from the inside out.
    This has taught me a lesson – that no matter where I go, or what I eat, there are healthy choices available if you choose to have them. It is sooooo easy to slip back into the old way of eating, and for me, no way am I going back to that. I value my health too much. If this is the result after just two weeks, I imagine in two months I would be right back to where I started – NO THANKS! I shall be spending the last few days of our challenge unloading all this grotty stuff, and getting back on track. Good thing is, the fridge is bare, so starting from scratch with all the lovely summer fruit and vegetables available. We are having great weather up here in Scotland, and I want to be able to wear my shorts this summer, so once more, here we go.
    Great work everyone on sticking with this wonderful way of eating. Just imagine how well you will feel when you have cut out the crap and start eating delicious fresh foods, that are actually giving you good health, and a great way of life.
    I have been keeping up with all your posts, but find it difficult to comment when the thread is moving so fast. Our intrepid leader Coda has us all in control, so hang in there – YOU CAN DO THIS. TTL

    Pacific NW USA: Day 32 FD

    Well, found out the hard way that for me eating lunch on a FD is not the way to go yesterday. Tried taking my own advise and kept drinking water until late in the eve when OH asked, “Should I throw away this other half of chicken salad?” It was like I was struck by electrify I jumped up so fast and said I would eat it.. So, trying FD again today. Back to my norm of tea and water during day. I will experiment and see if I can have bone broth at dinner time and make it a Fung FD till breakfast.

    Cizzy2 and Strong3 – if I’ve gathered correctly from reading, listening and reading these posts our 5:2 cal restriction is different because we kick our body into a different “gear” by fasting and the theory is our bodies burn more fat instead of lowering our metabolism as in “biggest loser syndrome”. At least that’s what I’m counting on and why I’m curious to see what a glucose/ketone monitor would read while I’m putting my faith and my body through this WOL. ABC1 – I don’t find the Australian monitor bigbooty uses but they have less expensive ones in the pharmacies here so I think I’l give it a try, if I can stand the finger pricking.

    ETJ – just calculated your total weight loss into numbers I understand – that’s 37.4 lbs. wow, way to go! And
    I’m going to look up the CSIRO diet

    HappyMango – I’m also finding my resolve is much weaker in social settings. Last weekend I had an ice cream sundae with my daughter-in-law and I literally never eat ice cream. I took her to her favorite ice cream place, was offered the obligatory samples and again, instead of just leaving with her purchase I walked out with one of my own. It was coffee flavored ice cream so that was my excuse (none what so ever)!

    Hi cold pizza!

    Anaide – how interesting that you confirmed what others have said that you were less hungry the longer you fasted. Congrats on the 40 hour fast and the scales moving!

    Edzeko – I also have suspected a delayed body response at the weights and measures.

    USA 31 of 42
    Still here!

    Day 32 Cornwall UK. Fast day today, gone well, but feeling tired this evening after hours of gardening, I’m sure it’s doing me good!
    Lots of very interesting post, most I really don’t understand! I’m sticking to dr MM’s 5.2 as it is doable and working for me!! I don’t have the head space for Dr Fung at this time, though maybe in the future!Weigh day and measure tomorrow morning.
    dalhiafan – thanks a lovely spa day with my daughters, did me the world of good!!
    Well done all 40 who have stuck to the challenge I don’t think we’ll fall by the wayside now!
    Onwards and downwards!

    Aussie day 33 NFD today will do third FD tomorrow.

    Good morning from South Australia Day 33

    Day 33 of a 42 day challenge so only 9 days left.

    Sorry if I was not clear in my last post. Dr Fung does not have a forum like this one. The other diet forums I have been on have been censored so if you say something and the promoters don’t like your post it is edited, deleted and never discussed. On this forum people can talk,create individual threads, criticize and develop ideas whilst trying 5:2. You can say the diet doesn’t work, you can say the diet is brilliant, you can talk about other research, whatever you like. Also it is free and open to everyone, you don’t have to pay for a set diet plan to get access to the forum. For me this is very positive.

    Dr Fung invites individual comments on his blogs but that does not create the kind of easily accessible, free ranging talks we can have on this forum.

    Anyway yesterday night I came home late after a night out at the movies and my dear OH had left a packet of chocolate on the table and I ate it all. So much for my will power.

    All the best to everyone and Onwards and Downwards

    California, day #32.

    I’m now on some medication (that has weight gain as side effect) and I find it difficult to fast. I was supposed to fast yesterday and could not do it. I tried today and was hungry so no FD today.

    I decided to continue but I’ll eat less calories today and tomorrow, around 1400. I’ll be off medication on Friday so FD = that day.

    I hope to recover and continue to fast without difficulties next week.

    Hi all hard to believe we are just about into single figures for the days left of this challenge.

    Daisieandmillie – where are you? come back don’t give up now after sticking to the challenge for this long.

    Dollybird – where are you too? Come back it’s not too late to jump back in.

    TTL – Welcome back and it won’t take you long to get back into the swing of things and lose the 5lb.

    Why do we do it to ourselves? we know how it makes us feel, yet we eat it and to hell with the consequences. Is this an addictive tendency? Do we have to keep experiencing feeling bad to make us realise how good we can feel with proper nutrition? When do we ever stop giving in? I generally fast quite well during the working week, I drink coffee and water as a loo is close at hand. Yet since that very kind lady brought those cakes I have caved in twice. I am an all or nothing person. I could never eat half a bar of chocolate and keep the rest for another day. I eat it all, so that is is gone. At times there didn’t seem to be añ off switch. Up until this week I have been happy to do without but suddenly find my resolve crumbling when I should be racing to the finish line????? Is this my fat cells rebelling? Is my fridge bare and my body not wanting to use the stores in the freezer? Btw only those who watched the video will understand what I am talking about. Do I need to have a long fast to kick everything into gear again? Any ideas before I start going backwards?

    Australia, day 33, FD

    The sun is out again after several days of rain over here on the east coast of Australia, and it looks like a lovely crisp day without the wind. I have some FD soup portioned out in the freezer.

    Coda, I feel for you and there are lot’s of us here who understand. I’ve had several of those days where hunger just seems to grab hold and I can eat totally mindlessly, only 3 or 4 in a year and a half, but scary hungry. Now I think of them as teaching days, because they teach me something about myself- I’ve learnt:

    1. I think, not sure, but think, that these are days where my body is dragging the most energy from storage. Despite what I’ve eaten sometimes, the weight gain doesn’t seem quite as much as I’d expect. If I ate the same stuff on a day when not super hungry. e.g. when socializing where abundant food is on a table right next to me, the weight gain will be bigger.

    2. I’m an emotional eater. I’ll eat because I’m happy (celebrating); bored ( something to do, keep my hands occupied) sad (commiserating/sympathy food), depressed (comfort ), stressed (comfort carbs and chocolate), very stressed (comfort comfort – loads of carbs and chocolate, half a pack of sweet biscuits/cookies in USA)). Then I’ll eat to keep someone company if they’re upset and eating more. Where it came from : I had a yuck childhood almost the only thing giving me emotional support /comfort was food.

    3. They are abnormal days , they don’t come frequently, so I need to be kind to myself – it doesn’t mean I’m a failure, bad, or need to stop my healthy food changes I’ve made. It’s just 1 day. Get back on the horse tomorrow.

    4. I need to keep as busy as possible. Because of my health/lack of energy situation I can’t always do that, so being away from food sources helps. Do something to keep my hands busy. Keep my mind as busy as possible. Youtube surfing music or watching TV online while doing something else helps distract me..

    5. Learning that it’s not just about me. There is a Dr Mosely documentary on sugar and fat quantities in food. The food production industry knows something we don’t. If fat and sugar are in equal quantities in food it makes the food addictive. We can’t stop eating so eat bigger portions, or eat with ourveyes. If we see it we want to eat it for no reason. Glazed donuts, cheesecake, some icecreams are big culprits. This is apart from the addictive quality of sugar. The processed food industry tries to get us to eat more of their product, and laces food with sugar, fat, salt, whatever they can to get us to eat more. They aren’t our health friends,

    6. I only have to get through this 1 day, then I’ll go back to normal eating. So- eat quantity of lower cal, lower GI stuff first. Only if it’s totally, ridiculously overwhelming do I buy a packet of biscuits(cookies) eat as much as I want and through the rest away. In a garbage bag, in the outside bin, so I won’t get it back out and eat the rest. What I’m craving those days invariably is starchy carbs, sugars, combined with fats.

    7. Forgive myself, get back on the 5:2 horse the next day. Don’t think I’m the weakest person in the world and give up. That’s just way out of proportion to the challenge.

    8. Use the word ‘challenge’ not ‘problem’. The word ‘chalkenge’ carries with it the idea of a solution. The word ‘problem’ does not, it carries with it the idea of goving up. Psychologically it’s better to see these bl….y aweful days as a challenge.

    Coda – just get through this day however you can. It’s not the end of the world. Tomorrow will ge better, and you’ll get back on the horse. Human beings aren’t perfect. It’s quite OK to have a totally yuck day. Be gentle with yourself.

    Sending you goid thoughts,

    Typo – Good thoughts🙂. And get back on the 🐴 tomorrow.

    Coda – i commiserate with you. I couldn’t even resist a second helping of chicken salad last night on a FD – you wouldn’t think that would be a challenge, much less cakes, cookies or chocolate. For me those lovely cakes would need to leave the house because I know if it’s in reach evolutionary cave women MUST EAT!! Even if I know I don’t want to eat simple carbs/sugar if I even taste a little (like last weekends sample of coffee ice cream) that old Dr Jeckle personality takes over and I end up eating it all (except I did share the whipped cream with my granddaughter).

    We all have momentary lapses but losing one small battle just makes you stronger to learn how to win the war against your impulse eating. If you feel the irresistible thing telling you “eat me” could you maybe eat another less high glycemic item, say with protein, maybe celery and peanut or almond butter.

    You are our inspiration for all that we are acheiving no matter what! We know you can get past this! 😘

    Need to get back to shorter posts.

    Ditto Merryme who said it all better!

    Québec, day 32

    I ate beef tonight for the first time in many months. Now I’ m OK with that. The thing that bothers me a bit is that I drank wine with my meal ( no big deal either ) the big problem is that I found dark chocolate and couldn’t stop ingesting piece after piece. And now I’m drowning my guilt with peanut butter, direct from the jar !
    Last night, after a great FD, I ate tons of peanut butter. I’m proud because I stopped eating chips but In fact I replaced them by peanut butter. Peanut butter is more healty than chips, for sure, but it’s full of calories, specialy when one eats to much ! It’s seems to be a new addiction. I don’t need that.

    I was so resolved. What is happening ? Why is it so difficult ?

    I want to loose weight no just for the look. I want to loose weight because I have belly fat and I know very well that it is a sign of health problems to come. Health has always been a big issue for me. My father was diabetic and I DO NOT want to get to that point.

    Why am I losing ground ?

    Tonight I’l go to bed early to be ready for my FD tomorrow.

    Au secours ! ( help ! )

    PS. MAybee I shoud go and throw the peanut butter jar in the big garbage bin outside.

    Merryme, I read your post just after publisbing mine. Thank you for your good words. I take them personnaly although the were initialy for Coda.

    Please note that you do not need to make your posts shorter. Your message is instructive and a helping one. Please go on for as long as you wish.


    Quebecoise. – it’s OK, you’re not going nuts, pun intended🙂 What’s happening is this:

    Tiredness = Hunger


    tiredness = HUNGER!!!

    How do I know this? I went through what you are some time back and someone on the forum. showed me this equation. Passing it on……..

    Have a glass of water 1st, have a hot drink (low cal) then go far far away from the kitchen. Don’t take food with you; clean your teeth, then hop into bed with a good book.

    Yes, throw the peanut butter away. Weird, counter intuitive, cognitively dissonant, whatever, it’s just as wasted in you.

    Onwards and diwnwards,

    Thanks Quebecoise🙂

    If anyone is having a challenge with “resolve/ does 5:2 really work/ I feel crap/what the hell am I doing” feelings try reading one of the most absolutely absorbing and inspirational threads on the 5:2 forum.

    Buttonboots – it’s buttonboots’s personal diary over her journey with 5:2. Start at the beginning, and read a bit more every so often. Buttonboots has inspired many, many people on 5:2.

    Extra post – sensible last minute decision has paid off! I was up early this morning to go to a breakfast event. I ended up catching such an early bus I had 30 minutes to spare so having had a liquid only FD yesterday I chose to go to a cafe for breakfast instead of waiting to eat at the event. I wanted a frittata but they only had quiches so I ordered a black coffee and a quiche and then ate only the eggy inside, leaving the pastry. I then went to the event which was supposed to lay on breakfast and it was so badly organised I would not have been able to get anything to eat or drink so was so glad I had made the stop. Otherwise there would have been an explosion! 🙂


    Have to ask but why do you have foods that cause a chain reaction in the house? Get rid of them, its that simple. AA meetings are not held in bars and there is a very good reason for that. Why tempt fate? So why make it difficult for yourself by having trigger foods readily available? Listen to your own advice and throw the peanut jar in the bin.

    Hi Bigbooty, thank you very much for your advice. You are so right.

    In fact I didn’t take any chance and I put some dishwashing liquid soap in the jar just in case I changed my mind on my way to the garbage 🙂

    Would you believe I am a very professional woman managing big projects ? Ouf, sometimes ….. I just can’t understand all this.

    Thak you once again.

    Excerpt from Coda: 27 May 2016

    “For all of you who have been having a difficult time of late – stay the course, don’t give in – remember version 2,3,4,5, etc it doesn’t matter how many times you have to start again, the important bit is starting again. Remember to get back on the horse is what is important. Draw a line and start again. Make small changes – make sure you drink plenty of water first before giving into a binge – ok so you still want to binge and it isn’t thirst – well earn it first – do you have stairs in your house – go up and down 5 times – up quick, down slow – do you still want that binge? Can you run on the spot for 2 mins – do you still want that binge? Set out what you want then half it – tell someone this is what you are going to eat and give them the rest. Don’t eat in secret – ok so you still want to binge and eat something that will not particularly nourish your body – do you really want it? Then enjoy it – savour each mouthful, eat slowly and listen to your body and stop. You haven’t blown it, you have planned it and you will be back on track tomorrow because you are in control.

    Have a good weekend everyone – Plan Plan Plan.”

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