4 week challenge Phase 2 begins Friday 1st July

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4 week challenge Phase 2 begins Friday 1st July

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  • Day 2? 1? Los Angeles. I have no clue at this moment when this challenge started or stops best guess is tomorrow August 22?). SongBird and others in the 4 lb group, I think I might be on track but not sure — what date are we counting from? Regardless, and like everyone else in this committed group, we’ve stuck with it and I’m very pleased. NFD here today and tomorrow, then FD on Monday. Debbie, thanks for taking up the Cida hat, and count me in please.

    Hi Songbird – yes off course you can count that day. It would be very harsh of me not to.

    Micky42 Monday 22nd is day Zero and results can come in any time after Tuesday until Thursday – so if your fast day is a Tuesday wait until Wednesday – it is very flexible.

    Again apologies for making Phase 2 a little confusing – just wanted to extend it in small steps – in reality you all have been carefully keeping track for over 7 weeks. Well done everyone again for sticking with it. You totally deserve your medals.

    Day 1 Minnesota, USA NFD

    Planning a 36 hour liquid fast 7 p.m. tonight until Tuesday morning after weigh-in. My bone broth has been simmering for almost 46 hours so it’s about time to strain and cool it. I’m looking forward to using it for suppertime during my fast tomorrow.

    I am nearing my goal weight, or what I had thought was my goal weight when I first started 5:2 in April. Now I’m not so sure what that number should be. When I started I don’t think I truly believed I would get this close, and especially in a little over 4 months! So I have been wondering how everyone else has chosen the number to aim for? Do you go by a BMI number, or some particular formula ( like 100 pounds for 5 feet plus 5 pounds for each inch over that), or are you aiming for a number that you were at when you were younger? and/or when you felt best and happiest? I’d really love to hear how you all have decided your goal weight.

    I will miss you ETJ on this thread but, of course, I will check in and say hello on your personal stories page.

    My goal for next month is also to do 5 NFDs as successfully as my 2 FDs, and see what happens when doing it sustainably. Some FDs I may eat 1 evening meal at 25% TDEE, some days I may liquid fast. But I’d like to move toward maintenance a little more slowly, now, to learn to be consistent and mindful with my TDEE intake.

    Good luck on FDs and NFDs, everyone!

    Ireland day 1??? Nfd

    Ok following fd day in Friday I was up 1lb yesterday and following nfd yesterday I was down 2lb…my weight gain was caused mainly by medication and I’m finding it near on impossible to lose … I’ll take the overall 1lb weight loss for this challenge with a heart and a half…I know myself had I not started this when I was on vacation I would have come home 14lbs heavier…I came home 9lb lighter so this means 10lb since I started…my biggest issue is still my sweet tooth…I need to get a handle on my sugar intake and will definitely make that my priority in the next challenge…

    Day 1, Québec

    My second sister just came in from her trip with her husband and 18 year old son. So i’m not too much into compiling calories. And that’s OK.

    I might liquid fast tomorrow.

    Have a nice day !!!!

    US, Day 1?…fallen off the wagon. Will get back on when vacation ends

    Australia Day 0 FD – am on the 36 hour challenge. Of course it had to coincide with a tough day but we will always have those and we need to find another way to deal with our problems rather than confort eating, right 🙂 I was supposed to fly home today but my brother’s dr has asked me to stay at least one more day. My brother is unhappy that no one thinks he is ready to handle things on his own, my husband is fed up with the whole thing and work is just coping. Oh joy …

    Sunshine Coast Aus Day 0: Good morning/evening/ night time everyone; It’s very overcast here today. But the birds are singing and with a bit of luck we will get some rain and more water in the tanks. Just looking out the window and there are so many weeds in my excuse for a garden out the front, that I may well do some weed pulling today. Mother in law terribly confused, she doesn’t know where she is or what she is doing. So sad that she has that bit of insight as it makes her very unhappy. And it doesn’t matter what I say to try and help her as she can’t remember to even think it over. Dementia can be a huge tragedy. Some folk just have no insight and seem to be euphoric which is a better state than to be intelligent but with no memory and to mourn it.
    104.6kgs this morning. Had quite a blow out yesterday as I tried not to be obsessional. Nuts about 6 handfuls through the day, 2 Bailey’s Irish creams last night followed by 1 red wine. We had baked pork belly with veggies. I didn’t have the roast potato. That was my nod in the direction of restraint ha ha. 36 hour liquid fast today. One coffee with cream and green tea intense mint. Now for 400 mis water followed by another coffee. Happy fasting everyone and final way in for this challenge tomorrow morning for me. Will I get back to the 103.6 kgs? Who knows, but I have confidence that by the end of the next challenge, I may well have got to my next major goal of 99.9 kgs. Oh to see the magic of 3 figures rather than 4.😇😉🤔

    Day 1 – US – NFD

    I was feeling a little too confident and overdid it a bit this weekend. Oh well, tomorrow’s a new FD. I am running 5 miles with a friend in the morning so I’ll eat my 500 calories sometime after.

    I already did my official weigh in, so I’ll report a 2 lb loss for this 2 week challenge. Please count me in for the next phase, Debbie.

    NorthernDawn – I chose my goal weight as a weight that I was comfortable with in the past. I have 10 lbs to go. But, like you, I’m wondering if I should go a little lower. When I did Weight Watchers they had a chart and I remember that my goal was a little higher than the chart said I should be. But didn’t think I could maintain at any lower. But with this WOF maybe I could?! I’ll decide when I get closer.

    Australia – Day 0

    Thank you for your responses. I had been thinking over it for a week and just decided I need a break from push push IYKWIM 🙂 I may start back up with you guys again in October once I sort myself back out again 🙂

    Still fasting 🙂 The back to back fasting is going good! I was like a sloth yesterday chilling out. Thankfully hubby is understanding and let me rest. Still feeling tired today. It is raining on and off and good weather to be inside. The kids have tennis on this afternoon unless it gets cancelled cause of the rain and that’s about the only thing I have to think about, lol.

    Backtothefuture – Are you fasting with me? I was wondering whether you had joined me on our back to back fast. Only eleventy billion hours to go, haha!!

    NorthernDawn – Congrats that you are nearing goal. It is such an achievement. When I started this I had a BMI of 38.2 and was close to 100kg! I was looking at the massive challenge ahead of me and looked at my healthy BMI which is 63kg and decided 60kg would be a good number as it gives a few kilo leeway. My BMI is now 28.5 and I have lost almost 25kg! Ultimately I will reassess once I get down to 60 and see what I want to do. I don’t think I truly believed that it was achievable to lose so much weight TBH. I had gotten to the point where I was just plodding along and didn’t really care IYKWIM. I used to think about what I was like when I was in the Air force and how active I used to be and I honestly felt like a different person. I can feel that person coming back now and the mindset I was in pre-December now feels like a different person, lol.

    Good luck today everyone. I am looking forward to measuring and weighing in tomorrow. What will be will be 🙂 Thank you to everyone. You are a wonderful group of women and one man 🙂 I will look forward to reading about all your successes 🙂

    California, USA day 1. Today is a NFD. Tomorrow will be a FD or Diet Day as people at work call it. They look at my bone broth and cucumber I am eating for lunch and state it must be a diet day. It’s generated a lot of questions but no one has started using the 5:2 way. Hope everyone had a great weekend!

    Extra post – I had one black tea and one black coffee this morning and am now having miso soup while beside me my brother is tucking into 3 x large, deep fried spring rolls, fried rice, sweet and sour chicken and black bean beef! I ask you … how much pressure are the Diet Gods putting on me today!!!!!!

    US Day 1- NFD

    Just checking in as I’m very tired today. Tomorrow is the last fast for the challenge and will weigh in on Tuesday!

    Night all!

    I have to say my mouth started watering just reading your post, HannahWatto. All credit to you from refraining from what the diet gods throw at you. I laughed out loud when I read that. It’s the story of our lives, though, at the moment. All those things that we have loved and indulged in the past got us to where we are. So now it’s time to develop new loves and let the old infatuations go.
    Must say I feel ravenous at the moment. Better go and have a big drink of water.

    Fuvvie – I did the same thing, haha. That meal sounds delicious. I must say Chinese food is a major weakness of mine. I have put up with the family having McDonalds, KFC, Hungry Jacks, Pizza and probably much more over the time, lol. But I would refuse them eating Chinese in front of me, haha.

    Croatia, Day 0, NFD
    Weight: 78.9 Kg
    I need a fast day, lots of celebration, junk food, drinks. Tommorow is my birthday, i don’t know how i’ll survive the next few days. Then my Mia has a 6 birthday, lots of cakes, chocolates, candies.

    23.8.-29.8. junk-fast week!!

    Italy Day 0 – FD

    On my last liquid only Fast , will weigh in tomorrow. Feeling good but don’t think i’ve lost 6lbs.
    Happy birthday Neostaford and your little girl. Enjoy yourself!

    UK day 0 FD for me today , I now find the Monday fasting a habit and really think this is something I will do forever. I’ll weigh in tomorrow but I’m not optimistic but I’m fine with that I’ll be joining in on the September challenge but for me I’m taking it steady , I’d like to lose another 10lbs or so and I’m not bothered if it takes 6 months the real gift will be keeping it off and the health benefits ,I’m going to lighten up a bit and keep a long term perspective I enjoy the camaraderie of the post but dont think the competitive angle worked for me this time – but I can see it’s been great for some of you, that’s the beauty about this WOE we all just need to find what works for us X

    Day zero Cornwall UK.
    Here we are end of the bonus challenge , but not the end of our personnel journeys. ETJ BMI down over 10 points wow! So many inspirational people on this thread. The support help and advice for each other is very special.

    We all deserve Gold medals, resisting high calorie foods that we cook for our families, at social gatherings and family celebrations and being tempted by those who don’t understand our struggles with the eating trolls!!

    Last night I used the Konjac noodles for the fist time, what a revelation, they are lush, preferable to other noodles and only 8cals for portion! I’m definitly getting a stock in! They do a rice also so Chinese/ curry could be on the menu!!

    So a fast day today, at my daughter’s for lunch so taking miso soup. second half of my linguine for tonight. We have the grandchildren for a sleepover 4 & 6yrs. I dont mention fasting around them and make sure I eat when we all sit down for a meal with them. I did weigh this morning and I haven’t met my target but hope to lose a little more by final weigh in tomorrow!

    Neostaford, have a good brthday!

    Hope everyoe has a good day whether fasting or not! Good luck water fasters!

    BrightonBelle – I absolutely ditto your comments! We have the same amount to lose! Steady as we go, we’ll get there doesnt matter if it takes 6 months! I just know this WOE has made such a difference to my health this is for life!

    All the family know that Monday is a fast day and that doesn’t and wont change!

    Day 0 Sussex. U.K.
    Fasting until tomorrow 8.30a.m. After huge blow out feast yesterday.
    Excited to hear everyone’s results. I am sure that even if we don’t lose pounds, this has stabilised all of us.
    I know that before I started 5:2 I was feeling powerless at watching the slow and steady increase. Big difference in mood to see the same in reverse. X

    Feeling strong going into lunchtime preparations. Notoriously a bad moment for me, i have decided to prepare things my OH likes and i don’t so that way he gets a special treat and i don’t look at his plate dribbling!! No pizza for my little one on a WFD so i don’t fall foul of those stupid pizza crusts and she gets a rest from pizza! (She is a terrible eater)

    Patti67 how is your arm??

    US Day 0 – Recording a loss of 2.2 for last 14 days (2.8 if from end of previous) so not a great result but still down and I’m happy with that. Didn’t make the 4lbs initially hoped for but that’s okay.

    I’ll work on creating a new thread for our September group and will post it here. Let’s keep our successful daily login… country, day #. Here’s the list of people I have who have committed so far. Let me know if I left someone off.
    and Exhale
    Rocy 65
    Brighton Belle
    Holly LJ
    Ciren 2
    Cizzy 2
    Norrie B

    LS and Coda, I know you are both away for the start and Coda for sure, and possibly LS joining us when you get back.

    Coda, thanks for being an inspiration on my journey. I shall wield your big stick wisely ☺ I began on the 5:2 alone on April 8 but joined up with all you wonderful people for the May 1 challenge. To date I have lost 36lbs. Some weeks were bigger losses than others but averages to just less than 2lbs a week over the whole time and I am more than thrilled with that. As I’ve said before, I still have a long way to go and if these groups are still going I hope to be a part of them for a long time yet. Good luck to you all with your challenge weigh in.

    US, Day 0….nfd….going home tomorrow. Tomorrow will be a FD.

    DebbieQ, please count me in for Sepember

    Day 0: Fasting Day, Gloucestershire, Cotswolds, UK:
    To all my 36-hour liquid fasting buddies, keep drinking the water! We CAN do it.
    Kay65, Patti67, HannahWatto, Fuvvie, NorthernDawn, HollyLJ and Coda. That makes 8 of us today…till breakfast tomorrow.
    Courage to us all.
    Good luck to all other fasters today as well, hang on in there. The big weigh-in is tomorrow.

    Day 0 – USA (traveling San Diego to NW Illinois)

    Leaving for plane shortly. Tried my best not to over eat or over drink at party last night. Today will be interesting, might be liquid only, might be just a normal 450 calorie FD.

    Will weigh in tomorrow. This has been quite a ride, all!!

    Just catching up on posts so I keep out of the kitchen.
    HollyLJ – thanks for asking. The medication was for a spinal problem that appeared overnight last Thursday.
    I kept going with analgesia and anti inflammatories because of commitments but have just returned from emergency appt. with osteopath and although sore, I know it will be better.
    Have kept to liquid but not just water this time.
    Keep strong out there. X

    Day 0 Los Angeles. FD for me, last one for this challenge. Someone clue me in — when I’m weighing in after this FD, what date did we officially start this challenge — I need to calculate my starting weight!
    Feel better, Patti67. And Coda, thank you a million times over for your leadership and generous gifts of time and caring over these past challenges.

    Day 0 Minnesota, USA FD
    Lisahawk and ETJ, thanks for the feedback on choosing a weight goal. I have less than 5 lbs to go to my original goal, but I may just keep doing 5:2 for awhile beyond goal to see how I feel. At my age, though, I may want to hold steady for awhile to see if the loose skin will snap back into place a little bit, LOL.

    ETJ, I can’t tell you enough how much I admire you for your commitment and also for your good humor throughout your journey! What an achievement, already! I think you are awesome!

    Happy birthday to you, Neostafford, and your daughter, Mia! Enjoy your celebrations.

    DebbieQ, you have done so well since only April 8! Very impressive and it shows what knowledgable and steady hands we are in for our next challenge.

    BrightonBelle, Rocy65, I agree and I think many of us are ready to relax a bit and just settle into a nice rhythm for awhile. Focusing on successful NFDs will help us train for the Christmas and New Year’s Season (that is only 4 months away). I’m a little worried about that time of year. I’ve always tended to gain during that time.

    Quote of the Day: “So now it’s time to develop new loves and let the old infatuations go” by Fuvvie.

    That is so insightful with regards to the foods I have used and abused in the past for comfort, special treats and events. I’m trying to discover and look forward to healthier food choices for “special” times. I already have found many, and will continue to focus on finding more to enjoy.

    Good luck!

    I’d like to join, it starts today?

    Day 0, Wisconsin, USA FD

    Is this a weekly or monthly challenge? I tried to figure out by reading some posts, but not sure. It looks like the new challenge starts today? Thanks!

    I’m in my late 30s and don’t have too much to lose (about 10 pounds). I have been very successful with 5:2 in the past. I like the weight loss aspect of it, but do the diet more for my digestive issues.

    Today’s a beautiful sunny day here, summer is winding down. I started up again last week and lost 2 pounds. I have a little less energy today, but I know the first few weeks are hard.

    Have a good one,

    Gozo, Malta

    Welcome Emilyashen.

    ETJ please come back as as you feel like it. Your weight loss is impressive and an inspiration. Just keep up the good work!

    Yesterday evening I had fruit and yougurt about 200 calories. Today was a successful nfd for me. Tomorrow I’ll weigh myself and hope that I’ve lost some weight since last week and that yesterday Chinese food doesn’t register much.

    Have a great day/evening everyone.

    Australia Final Day NFD and weigh in day. Well I completed my 36 hour liquid fast and had mt final weigh in for this challenge and …. I put ON 1.2 kgs over the last two weeks! I am not going to give up. I head home today and it is time to concentrate on me! Debbie I am so ready for the September challenge!

    Well another liquid only Fast failed. But this time a surprise visit from friends, i didn’t want to have to explain why i wasn’t eating or drinking so i did. It felt nìce knowing i hadn’t ruined anything, i’ll get another one in during the week. Emilyashen this challenge finished today, but Stick with us, we got a new one starting for September
    Buona notte

    Hi Emilyashen… welcome! You caught us at day 0, the end of our previous challenge. Most will be posting their losses tomorrow. After that we have a short break and then begin again September 1 for a month long challenge, supporting each other through our fast days and, this time concentrating on completing successful non-fast days. I’ll be happy to put you on the list for September 1, but feel free to keep up with this thread until the end of the month when we shift over to a new one. You will be joining a fantastic bunch of people who were brought together by our intrepid leader Coda back in May and we have continued to support each other through our ups and downs since then. I will be leading the September challenge and others will follow in the months afterwards. Onwards and downwards!

    UK day 0 (although planning a wee FD for tomorrow to get in under the wire!)
    DebbieQ can you count me in for September, too, please.

    K-lo, Minois and Emilyashen added for challenge.

    Extra post – riddle me this … Having weighed myself and found I had put on 1.2kgs over the last two weeks I went back to bed for 30 minutes, got up again for a shower, weighed myself afterwards and Lo and behold I lost 2.1 kgs in that half hour! Aren’t I a clever girl or perhaps it is a magic bed … Or perhaps the diet devil is quietly trying to send me mad! 🙂 I hope your weigh in days are less mystifying!

    HannahWatto…..LOL! I’m headed straight to bed for 30 minutes!!!

    Day 0 – USA – FD

    I’m finding my FD difficult today. I think running in the morning makes me hungry!! But I am managing and have some nice soup planned for tonight. I’m holding off as long as I can. I like to have a 24 hr fast before eating my 500 calories.

    Will we still post here until Sept 1? I’m afraid to take a break. You guys keep me accountable!

    Dorset UK Day 0

    Thats the water fast almost done! Just the last quarter which is overnight so I don’t notice that!!

    Good luck to everyone weighing in tomorrow!

    How do people keep track when you have succesfully stayed within your TDEE?
    I think I might have to go back to MFP a couple of times a week, to calorie count rather than just try and be good…lol

    Still cant decide if to sign up for September but not give myself a target. I’ll have a break this week Debbie and then let you know 😉

    UK Day 0 Monday 22.08.16

    Sorry late post – very busy day and at about 6pm decided to change from fast day to nfd as it was just a better decision. Haven’t had time to catch up on all posts but did read it was Neostaford’s birthday tomorrow. Have a lovely day and enjoy your daughter’s birthday too. Remember fast feast, feast fast.

    I’ll catch up with everyone tomorrow all being well.

    Sunshine Coast Aus weigh in day: Finished 36 hours so far. Probably won’t eat till lunch time. Weight on 30th July 107.5 down to 103.8 kgs this morning. That’s 3.7 kgs I don’t have to carry on my knees and hips and feet anymore. 2.2cm off waist and 3.3cm off bust. Gained 2.1 cm on hips. Too much sitting I suppose. Overall, thrilled. Thinking I may make this a back to back.lisahawk, I’ll still be posting.
    Just goes to show HannahWatto that scales can become an addiction and like all addictions, they mess with your head. But what a lovely outcome. Magic!
    Happy Birthday Neostaford. You share Buttonboots’ birthday. I hope everyone has a lovely day

    Micky42 – Phase 2 ran for 4 weeks then I added part A just to mix it up a little (seemed a good idea at the time) – most people just carried on when the first part ended. So if you took a weight loss at end of first part and now have another weight loss at the end of part A, feel free to post separate but maybe give a total weight loss for the whole of Phase 2? Does this make sense?

    Australia – weigh in day!!!!

    I did it!!!! I got the 5 pound goal!!! No way did I think I was going to hit it. I have had to back to back fast, be careful what I ate on eating days and generally been strict as anything for the last 3 weeks, but I did it!

    Starting weight: 74.6 Current weight: 72.2 Total loss: 2.4kgs or 5.2 pounds!

    Starting neck – 33cm Current – 33cm
    Starting waist – 89cm – Current – 84cm – loss 5cm
    Starting Bust – 94cm – Current – 93cm – loss 1cm
    Starting Hips – 105cm – Current – 104cm – loss 1cm

    This has been since the final weigh in on the 29th of July? Is that right 🙂

    I’m going over to Canberra now, but will be back later to read everyone elses 🙂 Good job all!

    HannahWatto, I will say this: If I weigh myself at 5-6 a.m., (up for bathroom break), and then go back to bed until, let’s say, 7:30 a.m. or a bit later, with no additional water intake, I can lose a half to 1 pound in that amount of time.

    No kidding. It is the same almost every day (I weigh myself every day). I think it is a matter of kidney function, just laying there flat. Don’t really know. Maybe something to do with high cortisol levels around 3:30 a.m. and then lowering?

    I weigh myself every day because I realized that if I weighed myself once a week I might do it on a heavy day instead of a light day. My weight has gone up and down 5 pounds in one week! Use my fitbit app and it averages weekly weight loss. So helpful!

    Day 0: Pacific NW USA, FD

    ETJ – yesterday was the first day of my plan to have b2b FD’s with you. We were visiting with my Mom and all was OK since I just had the broth of the soup she made and that was going to be our “big” meal of the day. I was going to post and let you know how proudly I was doing when, surprise, my brother brought over fresh mussels, oysters, salmon and clam bisque. I chucked the FD quicker than you can say, “Where do I put these shells?” I went so far over TDEE I didn’t want to know by how much because it would have blown MFP’s little computer brain. Needless to say I don’t regret it but fasted today while we traveled home and will make tomorrow the 2nd FD. Your great weigh-in results will be my inspiration!

    Coda – I decided to take one more day before my weigh in since the seafood that sacrificed their lives in such a delicious fashion shouldn’t be regretted by what the scale may say tomorrow!

    Northern – I’m basing my long term goal on the half-way point in the range on the BMI scale for normal/healthy weight for my height, and OK, big reveal, it would be exactly a 100 pound weight loss. I like the symmetry of that goal (I fear it may horrify some of you to hear that I need to lose that much and I hate to have to admit how much weight I let myself gain). I’ve achieved a little more than half of that goal already and it may be easier than what the second half will be. My goal weight is a little lower than what I used to consider my ideal but I think I’ll just keep going down this path and see what I feels like as I get closer. Again, for me a stretch goal still gets me further than if I made a conservative goal. (You know it’s like when I tell myself I’m going to leave earlier than needed because then I’ll leave on time!)

    Hannah – sorry everyone needs you right now. Watch out for the Chinese food – it was my downfall last week! And LOL on the sleep secret to dieting (or was it the shower), you could have your own diet web site devoted to napping!

    Neo – enjoy some fun on the birthdays!

    Lisa – we’re in it to win it with you!

    Welcome, Emily! Some of us will still be on this thread reporting until Debbie gives us the new one for Sept.

    P.S. I was not a total slouch yesterday – OH and I had a 3 mile HIT hill walk

    Day 0, Quebec

    I am sick since 3 am last night. Gastroenteritis ? Yurk ! So today was an unexpected fast day.

    Had to lay down for most part of the day. My last weigh in might be only on Thursday morning.

    Bye bye and good luck everyone. ÃŽ’m going back to bed.

    US Day 0- FD

    Felt very sick/off today which actually helped me with fasting. Weigh in tomorrow morning!

    Second attempt at this post. First one, a longer one, is in the air, or ethernet, never to be seen. Oh, well. You are such a hero to me for your weight loss so far, as well as your attitude of commitment. Certainly more that I could ever muster! I know with absolute certainty that you will get down to your goal. I just wanted you to know how special I think you are, Lady! It’s been a privilege to share this journey with you!

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