US Day 3- FD
Did good today. Recalculated my TDEE and kept to my quater (425 calories). My phone now has FD and NFD as perdictive text… I’m going to take this as a good sign to continue!
This topic contains 2,656 replies, has 76 voices, and was last updated by Onahealthyhigh 7 years, 5 months ago.
Day 3: Pacific NW USA, Liquid only FD, hello fellow fasters (Ciren, Coda, Kay, Northern, asweet et al), I’m now at 28 hours and going to bed to burn some stored fat while I sleep to complete the 36 hrs!
Coda, I know what you mean. After my 60 hour liquid only fast on Sun/Mon it makes this 36 hours seem like a piece of cake. (Where did that saying come from?) Still, I had to stop myself from unconsciously putting a luscious ripe fig in my mouth and checking whether the roasted veg for tomorrow lunch were al dente by taking a bite. Not such sins but it did remind me how easy it is to consume without thinking.
Patti – hope your gathering was/is fun!
And …exhale – I just think many of us were ready and prepared to up our game even if by just a small step. This is such a magically diverse yet homogeneous group! I don’t know if that’s true on other threads on this 5:2 site but I know this group is just what I need. I have a sense from some of you that the going might get tougher ahead and I know where to go for help!!
Thanks Fuvvie, Anna, Northern and others for your caring words. My aunt’s funeral was today., I picture her vixen smile, twinkly eyes and generosity. My Mom is not sure she wants to be the last one standing, she’s the oldest in her family but has seen many go before her including my Dad. Oh my, this wheel of life.
Coda – that was an eye-opening quote, thanks and also for reminding us not to judge our efforts by the numbers on the scale.
Yes, Neo, you broke below the 78-79’s!
Have a bright day tomorrow everyone!
Italy Day 2 – NFD
I haven’t had breakfast and might try to fit in a sneaky water Fast in an attempt to make my 6 lb but i think deep down i might have to ask Fuvvie if i can borrow a couple of hersβΊοΈ. It sounds like Rocy65 also has her 6lb pretty much covered, really hope i can make it. Yesterday i caught myself snacking, It’s like i go into compensation mode for not having eaten the day before but managed to stop myself before i did too much damage. I’ve never really liked crisps but since i had cravings for them while i was pregnant they have become my downfall.
DebbieQ please sign me up for the next challenge, i’m loving this group!!
Day 2 Sussex U.K.
Coda. I love your quote
Rocy65 congratulations, almost there.
Quebecoise. I, too, mirror your evening eating patterns sometimes and can’t understand why I do it. That was always when I would binge. One cracker with butter and cheese would turn into half a packet until I was so uncomfortable when I went to bed that I would have to sleep sitting up because of indigestion!
I never want to feel that way again. Soooo yesterday family had donuts whilst out and brought one back for me. I put it in the bin when they weren’t looking. Lol. Have never ever done that before. Can’t bear to throw food away but then donuts are not food are they.
Feast day today with extended family. Think the rain may hold off so the young ones can run around in garden which is large although the house is small.
Good luck today everyone.
Great quote, Coda. I love that book. It contains such a wealth of knowledge.
Please count me in for the next challenge, DebbieQ.
The afternoon tea was as laden with carbs and tasty stuff as predicted, but managed to refrain. Had 2 cups of tea. One of the girls tried to get me to just have a little bight of the cheese cake, but I explained that that would tip me back into swollen legs and I just can’t have that food. One of the others agreed that if you are committed to something, you have the right to stick to it. So that was that.
You are welcome, HollyLJ. What’s mine is yours, so to speak LOL.
Australia – Day 2
Our busy days have come to an end, thankfully! Tomorrow we are having a completely relaxing day hopefully! Everything went great, everyone had a great time. Considering the weather turned horribly and we had lots of hail! It felt so cold. My son had a great birthday which is the point. Everyone loved the chook shed and the fountain area. Dad brought me down some off cuts of daisy bushes and other things, so they got put in there too. Hubby’s BBQ was delicious, we are all full and sick of food tonight, lol.
Haven’t got time to respond to everyone, so a big hello π I need a big sleep I think π
Dorset UK Day 2
2 lbs down from post holiday weigh in on Thursday! I love the scales after a FD! I am now the lowest weight Ive been for a long time and since starting on the 5:2.
Not eating till this afternoon and then Im having a relaxed food day with a low cal day tomorrow.
Then the last fluid fast day of this challenge, ahead of weigh in on Tuesday morning. Anyone going to join me?
Happy Saturday to all.
UK day 2 up early for a Zumba class then nice long walk on a very windy seafront , then back home for a lovely breakfast, good FD yesterday but no movement on the scales I seem to have spent all of this challenge losing the same 2 lbs ! So I’ll weigh in on Tuesday and then I’m going to try and lay off the scales, and just have 2 FDs ,enjoy the rest of the week and get in a good frame of mind for the September challenge Have a good weekend everyone x
Day 2: Gloucestershire, UK: Non-fast day.
Another successful 36-hour water-only fast…maybe, I’m getting the hang of this. All it is, after all, is adding the night before and the night after a fast-day. The nights are easy, of course…the day, well, quite tough? You have to stay busy,busy.
HannahWatto, Rocy65, NorthernDawn,Kay65, back2thefuture and Coda (the 60-hour queen!) and any others I’ve missed what a 36-hour team we ARE!
Another on Monday, right?
Kay65: count me in for that. Will you do 36 hours? Sunday evening to Tuesday breakfast?
Surrey UK Day 2
Had dinner with friends last night, and had some foods which I haven’t eaten for a while, i.e. potatoes, and also had too much wine, resulting in a very uncomfortable night! Couldn’t even enjoy my tea this morning. So definitely taking it easy today..watching the intake. I am glad I was feeling uncomfortable, because it shows that my body is adjusting to less food on the NFD’s
CODA much as I would have loved to meet up, we ARE going to go through to Church Stretton on Saturday, so it won’t be possible, but I am sure the time will come where somewhere along the line some of us will manage it! My daughter told me exactly where Amblecote is, she also mentioned that buses from Kingswinford to Stourbridge are really frequent and said there are some really lovely little coffee shops in the town. It would have been very nice to meet! Do enjoy the time away though.
I too am in for the long haul on this thread. It has been incredibly useful!
Gozo, Malta
Didn’t post yesterday as I did an upgrade on my iPad and it refused to connect to the Internet. My son did something on it late last night and hey this morning it contacted at last.
Love to read all the posts about you wonderful people. Ciren2 and Fuvvie and HannaWatto congratulations on your significant weight loss. Good for you and others who are doing so well.
Fuvvie my schoolfriend moved to Melbourne as she married a Gozitan who was born in Melbourne. I’ve never been to Australia though my husband and son would like to come there and my friend wants me to visit her. Currently I’m avoiding airplanes.
Coda I hope your dads ulcer gets better. But he has a very cheerful spirit, good for him and God bless him. I love your feast/fast quote. It’s so true. During lent I refrain from sweets except on Sundays as part of a fast and the first and last day of lent, i.e. Maudy Wednesday and Good Friday I fast on two meals and two coffees. Also it’s true that when clothes you wear start to be lose and you can fit into smaller sized clothes you are rewarded for all the effort you put in fasting not just the loss of weight on the scales.
Yesterday was successful fast day though I fast on 500 calories and today is a nfd for me. Tomorrow I hope to fast after lunch. We’re going out to lunch and my son prefers Chinese as I’ve just asked him. I’ll have to eat moderately.
It’s only two and a half days till Tuesday morning and then it’s the end of this challenge. Coda I hope you’ll remain in touch even though Debbie is taking over the September challenge. Debbie please count me in for September.
Have a great weekend everyone.
Day 2 Cornwall UK. Am I correct in thinking Monday will day zero this will be my fast day so I’ll weigh in Tuesday am.
We had a really great day with family yesterday 18 of us ranging from 2yrs to my dear step mother who is 96! She has dementia, today was a good day which was lovely for her, the grand children and great grandchildren!!
Thankyou coda for that quote!! I’ve measured today and since starting 5.2 have lost 5 inches from my waist!
Nfd today and just as well – I’m an emotional eater – but I’m really cross with myself when a person from the past can loom and cause me stress and I am so stupid as to eat flapjacks!! Why does this happen! I just hope I haven’t blown my 6lb target and let my buddies down. Really annoyed with myself!!!
Low calorie day tomorrow and fast day on Monday.
Not done well on reading posts, but everyone seems to be doing well which is great! Sorry a bit of a low day!
Good luck every one.
Day 2 USA (San Diego, CA, traveling)
NFD today. Yesterday was good even though I had a croissant for breakfast, small flatbread pizza for lunch, and a couple grilled lamb chops out to dinner. Fabulous lentil soup with dinner too. Eating pretty healthy, but also adding wine for many calories!
Coda, shared your fast & feast quote with friends. Excellent. We all need balance in our lives. So good. Sorry for your frustration of all that fasting and no change on the scale. Bummer.
My bedtime snack is an issue for me too, and I am still trying to brush my teeth not long after supper so I won’t want to snack with food in my mouth. The toothpaste also gives me a mouth taste that doesn’t want to add anything on it.
Tomorrow will be my brother’s engagement party, and I will try not to feast TOO much! Next FD will be Monday as I travel on Day 0.
Looking forward to Debbie and our new September challenge.
Day 2 – USA – NFD
My official weigh in day is Saturday so my final weigh in for this mini challenge is 152.8. I’m not sure when we started, but for the last 3 weeks I lost 3.8. If it’s only the 14 days then I lost 2.0. Either way I’m very pleased!
Had my long run this morning – 8 miles. It went fine. Fasting and running seems ok so far! Someone told me that what I eat 2 days before the long run is more important than the day before. I’m thinking I’ll try fasting mon and wed so as not to effect my Saturday runs. Next week is 9 miles!
NorthernDawn – it’s funny to hear you dreading winter. Here in Florida we look forward to winter!!! It’s still dreadfully hot and humid and will be until November probably.
Good luck on all the fasts Monday. I’ll be joining you, but eating my 500 cal dinner.
Day 2: Pacific NW USA, NFD, planning to eat 2 meals today. OH and I are visiting with my brother and mother. My little bro is tall with a football player’s physique but we both inherited the fat storage survival gene which means we easily save excess calories for the advancing famine – but the famine never comes. (Ha!) He and my Mom can’t imagine a meal without carbs. When I said I didn’t need any bread, crackers, cous-cous or potatoes they wondered what I could possibly eat. it’s quite a paradigm shift for them. I’m trying to be like Fuvvie, I’m determined to stick to my commitments!
Coda – I often don’t see the results on the scale for a big effort until the next week. Are your clothes fitting better, are your organs operating more efficiently, is fasting becoming easier, have you shifted weight from fat to muscle, have you added years to your life? Wish we had a way to measure those benefits too!
Kay – I will stick to only broths and liquids on Sunday and Monday to try to meet my overall goal which encompasses the team 5 pound goal.
I’m not quite sure what the dates were for the team goals but my stretch goal was to lose 10lbs from July 29 to Aug 23rd. I had my step-son’s wedding on the 13th as the interim and the start of work and end of this challenge on Aug 23rd as the end. I think I’m close!
Rocy – I know all about stress/emotional eating too. While battling poor doctor’s advise and before I got to my present fantastic doctor/PT and this internet team I ate as revenge. Of course that revenge only hurt me, Now, if I can catch myself before spiraling down that path I remember a saying I saw on a post-it note once, “the best revenge is to get thin and wear silk”. (I wore silk at my step-son’s wedding, still working on the thin part!)
Sunshine Coast Aus Day 1: Dear Rocy65, There is no way you could let this buddy down, even if you put on 6lb. You have been so very supportive and an absolute inspiration to me. I’ve loved knowing you are there, along with HollyLJ, in our mini group in the overarching Coda led group. We each do what we can and some days were up and some we’re down. But the overall trend is down. I’ve never, in a lifetime of struggling with weight, had the support I get here. I’ve belonged to just about every weight loss organisation Australia has to offer, all happy to take your money but you really are just a number. Here I feel listened to and safe, encouraged and love to read everyone else’s stories, struggles and triumphs. Yay 4 week challengersππππ
Post script: B2tF, we must have been writing at much the same time. 10lb. What a goal. To quote my grandies, that’s awesome. commitment is what comes into play when motivation is AWOL. lol. Emotional eating has plagued me. I’m trying to get a handle on that. But I’m a bit fearful of eating in a feasting fashion now. Once I’ve reached my ultimate goal, I will try it on for size. Love the lose weight and wear silkπ.
I’m fasting Monday so up for the 36 hour liquid fast to finish this leg of the challenge. Still 103.6 kgs this morning. Happy 5:2ing everyone.
Rocy65 – i agree 100% with Fuvvie. You haven’t let anybody down. I’m just sorry about the reason why flapjack got the better of you. As we learn that we have power over food and not the other way round, i too hope that we can apply the same rules to other aspects of our lives. Don’t let these negative people have power over you…you decide who is worth a flapjack and Who is notπ
Buona notte
Extra post
Remember you once asked if we had secret goals ? Mine was to practice my English. I can say without any doubt that I reached that goal and I am very happy for that. Reading and writing some 10-15 minutes every day improved tremendously my English.
Thank you also for that great side benefit !
Day 2 Minnesota, USA NFD
Quick check-in. Ate up to TDEE today, and allowed myself some dark chocolate. Scale this am says down 4 lbs, so have made my goal of 3 pounds this challenge. As long as it doesn’t go back up. π
Congrats to you Lisahawk for making your goal! Yes, we northerners dream of Florida in the wintertime, and a good many of us come down to visit your balmy state.
Good luck to my other 3 pound team mates! Good luck to everyone!
Australia Day 1 NFD well where did that time go! I can’t believe we are at the end of the challenge already! Ciren yes I’ll do the Monday 36 hour liquid fast challenge with you all. My brother’s rugby get-together went really well. All the food came together at the right time and it was fun to teach Melburnians about rugby union when they believe AFL is the only sport in the world π Hey Anna we had pastizzi and they were delicious! π Hey ETJ – we also had bbq – Baltimore pit beef which was delicious and the leftovers are creating a wonderful fragrance in the fridge π DebbieQ please count me in for the next challenge too. Well done all!
Australia – Day 1
Starting my back to back fasting as of last night. I am sorry, but I have decided not to partake in the next challenge. I will still be updating my blog, but this last challenge and the push to lose has gotten me a bit too obsessive – not helped by the fact that I haven’t really budged in weight for the past couple of weeks. I need to just continue on with my alternate fasting, as it is such a long, hard slog to lose a lot of weight and I still have many months a head of me to get to goal.
I will still check up on you all and if you want to check up on me I’ll be in personal stories π But I’m not going anywhere yet, at least until our final weigh in on Tuesday π lol.
California, USA. day3/2. I guess I forgot to post yesterday. Just staying within my TDEE this weekend hoping to maintain.
DebbieQ – sign me up for the next challenge. I am leaving on vacation to Tennessee next week and will be home on 9/1. I will definetly need to get back on track. Thank you for stepping up to run the next challenge.
Stay strong everyone!
UK day 1 – FD today and while I haven’t lost anything when I weighed in this morning, it feels like there’s a pound just waiting to go!
I’ve scanned back through the last couple of pages, and I can’t find the details of the next challenge…just a reference to DebbieQ taking names for it – can you outline again the what’s and when’s for me, please?
US Day 1 NFD Hi Minois! The only thing I have right now is the dates… Sept 1 to 30. Reading through the posts lately, I thought that for this month it might be a good idea to focus on our NFD’s. I know for myself that I have mastered the FD’s and don’t have a problem sticking to my 1/4 cals but it seems that this past month I have struggled more with my NFD’s.
ETJ… I’m sorry you’re leaving us. I will miss your stories. I do know how you feel though when things become obsessive. I can get like that too. I had to quit wearing my fitbit for that reason βΊ. I too plan to go back to basics and do my two fast days a week as I also have a long road ahead. Slow and steady wins the race.. lol. I wish you much success.
Day1 Sussex U.K.
NFD for me.
I am going to fast for the 36 hours from 6pm this evening. However not sure it will be only water. Have one or two health niggles at present and need some tablets. Just for a few days. don’t want to take them with only water.
Despite entertaining, yesterday went well and I almost forgot to eat whilst sorting out everyone else. Lol.
Came in below daily TDEE.
Onwards and downwards everybody. Good luck. Nearly there. X
Gozo, Malta
HannahWatto so you tried the Maltese pastizzi, they are full of calories but they do taste so good that sometimes I eat them myself but only one or two. I’ve learned to mind what I’m eating since I started fasting and I’m enjoying food more.
Today we went to a new Chinese restaurant as the one we usually go to was closed. The food was good. I refrained from prawn crackers, starter and dessert though. This evening I’ll stay with just 200 calories or less to start fasting from now until Tuesday. Tuesday s weigh day and I do hope that I’ve lost another pound or 0.4 kilo to complete the 5 lbs loss for this challenge.
One and a half days to go before the 23 August. Keep strong! Have a great Sunday everyone.
Sunday Day 1 Dorset UK
Weight back up the 2lbs this morning, after hitting 10st 5.5 yesterday! But that was after a FD, so Im ok with that and I did have cake and cider yesterday π
Today was meant to be a low cal day, but Im just going to have a normal NFD and the final fast of this challenge starts this evening, after dinner, ending with a weigh in on Tuesday morning to report on the 2 week bonus challenge/phase.
So yes its fluid only for me too for 36 hours.
Im not sure about joining the September challenge at the moment as I might just have a normal 5:2 month and just see what I lose rather than setting myself a goal. Also Im away until 9th September. I’ll see how it goes.
Good luck everyone with the final push of the challenge π
Day 1: Pacific NW USA, FD
Debbie – I will be in for the September challenge and look forward to what lies ahead! I will be continuing in order to strengthen my chances of staying consistent with the 5:2 plan. Although it’s basically up to me to do it or not do it I have found an added strength in having a place to share my ups and downs, get feed back, learn from the efforts of others, try different things, and in general learn about what works for me. I’m still “playing around” with different combinations of fasting routines and it’s been so fun to live and learn with this group.
Since I am still in the early days of establishing 5:2 as a WOL for the rest of my life (I never want to go back to my pre-AprilI way of ill health) I know this group of like-minded individuals with some mutual goals gives me an advantage that is not readily available anywhere else. So thank you Debbie for taking over the helm from Captain Coda as we “boldly go where no man or woman has gone before” (at least to a way of life I haven’t gone before)!!
Day 1 Cornwall UK
Welling up reading your posts!
Back2the future – what a great quote! thankyoux. I’ve been thinking today that this person isn’t worth my putting weight back on – I am strong and can be slim and wear silk! My daughter’s wedding is next year so silk it will be!
I agree this WOL is what I want for the rest of my life – the changes I’ve felt and see since starting at the end of April have confirmed the health benefits.
Fuvvie and HollLJ what great buddies you are! Big thankyou hugsx for your post today and for all your support and encouragement!
Coda – Pillow punching sounds like a good plan! This morning I hit the static bike and had a really good HIT session, then an hour of Pilates to calm down and relax.
I hope your Dad is progressing well, and will be out on the Golf links soon!
I have loved having buddies for this challenge but I think I set my target to high maybe!
Debbie – thanks for taking over the reins for September. Good plan to focus on NFDays, lots of us seem to struggle with keeping under our TDEEs!
ETJ – we will miss you and your daily life stories! Please drop in and visit us and good luck.
Queb – your English is great!
So NFD today. I woke after a good night’s sleep and decided to be positive! HIT on bike went well.It was raining and windy so we didn’t think we’d get out on the bikes. But this afternoon, though still windy, we were able to. I find it really relaxing, we did about 8 miles and called into the supermarket for a few bits for supper. We’re having a seafood linguine, mine with Konjac noodles so no carbs! I will come in well under my TDEE. Tomorrow will be a fast day and weigh in on Tuesday morning. I will be pleased if I am still where I was on Friday but if not I know it will come off in the next week!
I have decided to treat myself to a new set of scales ready for the next challenge. I know the inches have gone down round my waist, so hoping that visceral fat has been reduced! They have a fancy scales in Boots so I’m going go have my fat measured. I did this in April, before starting 5.2 so will compare then and now!
Thank you again for all your support every one. Good luck to all and to you 36 hr water fasters! I’ll be doing mine on Wed eve thro to Fri AM.
Day 1 USA (San Diego -last day here)
NFD for me, brother’s engagement party this evening. I travel back to Illinois tomorrow so not sure if I will be able to post until late in the day or even on Tuesday. It’s a pretty long flight then land travel to home is over 2 hours. Day 0 will be my last FD. Can I count that one? I will! π
Got on future sister-in-law’s scale and am doing great! Down 3 lbs this challenge. I am sure the two 36-hour fasts really made a difference. So *4 pound sisters* how are we all doing? I hope to make it to 4 by the end of Monday!
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3:32 am
20 Aug 16