3rd weigh in!

This topic contains 2 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  fitnfast 9 years, 7 months ago.

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  • I just finished my 3rd set of fasting days. It has been a little over 2 weeks.

    I was 176.6 at the start.

    I weighed 169.0 this morning! So very happy!

    A couple of things I changed: I added another near-fasting day, maybe around 800 calories. I started running, doing it in an hiit fashion (run as fast as I can for 30 seconds, walk 10, repeat).

    I increased my fish oil to 3000mgs a day, and dropped most fruits. Added more veggies. Cut back on bread and crackers (even whole wheat that I usually eat).

    I am doing this for LIFE!

    @fitnfast – I too have just added HIT cardio, sprint for 30 seconds and walk for 60 seconds, repeat for a total of 16 minutes. I hope I can have as great a success as you have had, amazing!

    HI, VibeRadiant! I am amazed at how well this is going! I have been doing one hour ass-kicking aerobic workouts for years, and of course, dieting. And nothing has ever literally melted the fat off like this!

    And I just KNEW there had to be an answer. It was crazy to think that modern medicine can do so much, yet here we all are, struggling with ou r weight. And all along, the answer was so simple…we are just eating WAY too much!

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