31 days of July 2022 – One day at a time monthly challenge

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31 days of July 2022 – One day at a time monthly challenge

This topic contains 338 replies, has 26 voices, and was last updated by  stitchincarol 2 years, 7 months ago.

Viewing 50 posts - 201 through 250 (of 346 total)

  • Day 17 –FD–No. VA USA
    Joining the pocket list for fast day today. Did a modified fast yesterday, as it happened. So hoping PFD scales will reflect that!

    Pocket List Day 17
    the maybe @northgeorgia (No pressure there!)

    Day 17 – UK Cam – NFD
    Another hot day, panting dog on early walk (despite her ‘wet suit’ being drenched with water) but cooler now – 10pm. Just watered my tomatoes and potted stuff – neighbour offered to give me a quick sprinkle with his attachment … I declined, with much laughter. DH coughing a lot again – dust from combining, getting in an early harvest. Had a good day foodwise, too hot to cook so home-made muesli (with plums for a change) salad for lunch with some rather whiffy feta cheese I found at the back of the fridge and grilled chicken for supper. We did scoff down some icecream mid-afternoon and I keep nibbling at the berries as I pass by – must put them in the freezer!

    Enough drivel from me – off to find something to watch on TV for a bit. FD tomorrow so making a promise to stick with it – no icecreams whatever the temperature.

    Day 18, FD, Aus

    Another dry weekend. Phew. I need a new acronym for post-dry-weekend-smugness! Why did I choose a month with FIVE weekends in it to stay off the booze?? (The nice thing is that OH has complimented my discipline aka resolve a few times which has been a real boost.)

    I’m VERY impressed with the long list of Sunday fasters. There should be lots of PFDS to kick off the week today.

    Question to ponder for the week: what do you find the most frustrating thing about 5:2?

    For me, I’m a very impatient person, so I fully expect to see a drop of several kilos after one week of Dry July and 5:2. I KNOW that’s not realistic, but I still feel a huge sense of disappointment when the scales fail to show me the numbers I want. And this then drives in to a sense of ‘why bother, this isn’t working’. Because I know I am an unrealistic inpatient person I have to consciously focus on the longer term time horizon and trust that in, say, a month or 6 weeks, IF I stick to the plan, the weight loss I hope will miraculously occur over night, will happen.

    Frozen berries straight from the freezer on a hot day sounds even more tempting to me, @gardenlily! A little cool burst of delight!

    More than half way though the month everyone. Time to check in and recommit for the next two weeks!

    Day 18 pocket list:

    Day 18 – Monday – Gold Coast Queensland Australia – FUN DAY (FD)🥳🤡🥳🤡

    @penz …. love the questions…. really brings into focus the how, why, what, when and who we are and of our resolve for doing this….. deep…. deep… deep🙏🙏🙏

    QUESTION DU JOUR: what do you find the most frustrating thing about 5:2?
    hmmmmmm…. for me, 5:2 is not a problem …. it’s a plan and I can stick to a plan and luckily, because I work from home, temptations are manageable and I don’t even think about them. My modus operandi is “if it’s not there, I can’t eat it”…. serves me well…. Probably the most frustrating thing about FUN DAYS is, when after sticking to them, then finding the scales don’t budge ie the dreaded plateau. That happened to me several times in my personal odyssey of 19 weeks to 11kg loss. You can’t help but feel frustrated when you know you’ve made the effort but the scales just don’t budge for weeks. FRUSTRATING to the MAX!😣😫😣 And then one day, WHOOSH! – after being on the plateau for a while then suddenly WHOOSH the scales drop inexplicably. I.F. & 5:2 moves in mysterious ways and FRUSTRATING ways!👻👻👻 But it does work!

    More 🥦🥑🍄🌶🥬🍅🍆🥕🥕 with sardines😋😋 today… just love it!

    @penz thought of you yesterday when listened to a ABC Radio National piece about “PAST DRY JULY”….. You are doing so well on Dry July! It’s a real commitment and you are absolutely rocking it! 🔔🔔🔔🔔✅✅✅✅

    cheerie dearies

    It is not the strongest of the species that survive, nor the most intelligent, but the ones most responsive to change.” – Darwin 🤩🤗🤗🤩🤩

    Day 18 pocket list:

    Day 17 Ohio, US — NFD

    Just a quick check-in. Have been down since Friday with some sort of stomach bug. I don’t know if tomorrow will be a usual FD or not — will have to play it by ear as the day goes.

    Hope everyone has a good start to the week!

    Day 18 – Lake district UK – FD

    Good morning everyone

    Just realised, been AWOL this weekend! Normally a creature of habit, grab a morning drink then switch on computer and do the daily admin, but been rather warm, so been getting out early and jobs done etc!

    @funshipfreddie – Yes I saw on the village website Tom Cruise had been in the area, something to do with filming but also his love of flying, the Lake District is a low flying zone for RAF pilots and can be seen regularly in the skies around this area. However we don’t go into the central Lake District in summer, leave that to those who enjoy sitting in long streams of slow moving vehicles 😉

    On the subject of flying, I looked in on the Ospey cam this morning, just in time to see the third and last youngster leave the nest! Excellent result, they’ll stay pretty local for a while so I may call in later in the week as I’m passing.

    Take care all

    Mondays FD pocket list

    Day 18 , FD, Scotland

    Hey everyone, HOT HOT HOT today! I work from home so im looking forward to sitting out for half an hour on my lunchbreak. Ive got my vegan salad for lunch and then a new meal for dinner – Good and Balancd Spinach & Prawn Linguine, 291 cals. I hope it tastes OK. Ive got some left over mange tout from last night, so I will add that to it also. I forgot to pick up the almond milk, so i will just add a splash of semi skimmed to my first two cups and then have black coffee, although i dont foresee me wanting to drink much coffee today!

    Body attack after work, which will be HOT HOT HOT also! They are renovating the gym class room, so we are in the big sports hall, which doesnt have any air con!!!!!

    Heres to a good week everyone 🙂

    Day 18 – South Africa – 🇿🇦 Mandela Day – NFD

    @penz – initially I found counting calories the most frustrating thing about 5:2. But now I can wing it on FDs, because I generally eat the same things when calories are limited. Now I think the most frustrating thing is the attitude of disapproving people. E.g. the last time the subject came up I was informed by an overweight lady who was puffing away on a cigarette, ‘you know that’s not healthy?’ 🙄

    @penz – thanks for the link! 😂 I can fully relate. I’m delighted to say my boxes are labelled. Sort of. So far… 😳

    Monday’s FD pocket list 🍏

    Day 18 UK FD

    Morning , usual Monday fast today , plan on having a good few days then off to Paris Thursday morning for a long weekend to enjoy the finish of the Tour de France 🚴‍♀️

    Monday’s FD pocket list 🍏

    Day 18 UK FD

    Another fast day and not too soon! The warm weather started the beer worm wriggling in my stomach over the weekend and it had to be fed!!
    So today, an hour and a half on the paddle board and peckish on my return so I slice wholemeal toast and a thin slice of smoked ham. That should do till tea time when I have a small chicken fillet and some salad to look forward to.
    Hope everyone is fit and well.

    Day 18 – USA/GA – OMAD

    Weigh-in: 211 lbs. The month is almost over and no goose eggs! Well, I had no idea July would be such an insane month with luncheons, formal dinners, celebrations, egads. It’s getting to a point where I “have to fast” on certain days because the other weekdays are filled with this stuff. I used to think summer was easier to drop the weight. Nah, despite Christmas and Thanksgiving, it’s the winter. LOL

    Despite that, I did hit my lowest weight of the month last week, so I think I’m on the right track (hard to see through the flatness of a plateau).

    Day 18 – FD 800

    Accountability weight 127.9 so that is still on track and consistently within a couple of pounds since beginning of June.

    @penz my frustration isn’t with 5:2 but externals. Now thanks to 5:2 I’m at my healthy weight but I still dislike so much about my body and not sure how to mentally address that. Outsiders comments like ‘you’re so lucky’ and ‘you shouldn’t do IF’ are frustrating. Lack of IRL support for any IF approach to weight loss or maintenance is another. Perhaps the biggest one right now is the external ‘look at you, you don’t have to watch what you eat/your weight’ when someone sees me eating lighter or skipping desert (and they don’t seem to remember I most always HAVE skipped desert!) And my DH’s inability to remember M&W are my light eating days is frustrating.

    But these are irksome things, not challenges or problems. For me, 5:2, well, it is just the right fit, whereas strict calorie tracking was demotivating, difficult and left me hungry (but constantly thinking of food) all the time. I don’t have a lot of calories to play with – being short and an older female – so the weekly based approach that caches (as it were) calories for NFD is really the right approach for me.

    Today the temp is supposed to exceed 110° (43° C) here so I’m off to do what errands I need before the sweltering commences.

    And a quick note of gratitude to the board and pocketlist for helping my accountability. If I ever want to just chuck the FD efforts, it is my participation in this group that returns my mojo!

    Monday’s FD pocket list 🍏

    Day 18 – Rural Nebraska, USA – ??

    The weekend went well. I held to my promise to myself of what I’d eat on Saturday; on Sunday, I made no promise, but managed to eat reasonably on what I consider a day off. Today is still up in the air, as I have a dentist appointment in the afternoon and then a meeting tonight that I chair–followed by dessert. So I’m sorting through all my options, including all the leftovers from Friday’s and Saturday’s dinners.

    @gardenlily Ripe plums? Yum. For Saturday’s dessert, I made Marion Burros’s Plum Torte. The original recipe calls for Italian plums, which I never see, so I only use about 8 regular plums, but it’s truly as glorious a fruit dessert as you’ll ever enjoy. https://food52.com/recipes/24469-marian-burros-plum-torte And a dessert recipe on a 5:2 forum? Well, there are always the 5 days, right?? 🤷‍♀️😜😂

    @penz It was YOUR encouragement that set me on this path, so thank you so very much.

    @funshipfreddie Your comment to @i-hate-lettuce about Tom Cruise filming in the Lake District made me flash back to April 1982 when Star Wars: The Return of the Jedi was partially filmed in the redwood forest by my home town and the whole town was abuzz with who saw which star at which restaurant, LOL. Every time I see the speeder bike chase, I smile to see “my” redwoods.

    @penz and @funshipfreddie When I first moved house, back in 1986, I quickly realized the very best way to move was to first entirely tidy your house. A place for everything and everything in its place. I more or less achieved that in 2003 when we had three kids and a HUGE auction to get rid of the “junk” before we moved. But it doesn’t matter: regardless of how tidy your home starts out, moving is HARD. I’ve been thinking of you, @funshipfreddie, wondering how you are progressing.

    @brightonbelle DH wants to know if he can join you in Paris???

    @mariaelena I feel for you on your temps. We’re supposed to be in the 90s/30s all week, which is hot enough, but not as bad as your 110. You’re an inspiration to us all, and have made what we all know to be a huge challenge actually look easy…but we know it wasn’t. Congratulations on almost two months of maintenance!

    Day 18 USA (Illinois) FD

    Heat everywhere in the northern hemisphere it seems! Whew! But with the rains we have had lately, the farmers here are quite content. Vegetation is growing quite well. But so has the fruits that have left me making cobblers and crisps. Need to do a FD today!

    @stitchincarol – your day sounds like mine. Dentist this afternoon then I am filling in as director tonight for our Choral Society. I am glad to have found a director and pianist both for this summer so I get to sing. But the director is also involved in church youth activities, and he is off camping with them this week.

    Oh the discussions of moving. Ugh, I dread it whenever we give up this house. I keep telling hubby that we ought to fill up a dumpster every week, starting NOW. But it is so hard to give up on too many things.

    Onward and downward.

    2nd post –

    Musings –

    Today as I was about to heat up the chicken and bean soup I made this weekend for lunch, I had a thought. Why not keep the fat I was skimming off the top and toss it in Tupperware, add my frozen veggies and spices to it and shake (instead of spraying them with avocado oil) – Then roast the veggies as normal. Thrifty, delicious, nutritious and it made me quite happy.

    And then I thought how difficult 5:2 was the first time I tried it and why I just stopped (thereby gaining back the lion’s share of weight I had lost). Back then, I was strictly counting the calories on FD and usually tried to get by on prepackaged foods like soups and oatmeal.

    And I think that is the big difference. My FD now are full of calorie light, but nutrition dense food. Fiber and protein are prioritized. I no longer dread the coming of a FD because the food I do eat on FD is satisfying. Before I started preparing my meals myself, I had the strictly proper amount of calories, but I think I was lacking in a properly nutritional intake.

    Oh, I made some other mistakes, I think – I was still fat-phobic at the time, and my mindset was more of thinking of depriving myself on the FD not of how to game a delicious satisfying FD meal. So I’m sure that contributed to my stopping 5:2 and dreading the dawn of a FD and struggling through it.

    I don’t know, just thought my musings might be interesting or useful to someone.

    Day 18 – UK Cam -FD
    Yet another scorching hot day here in Cambridgeshire – probably the hottest place in the UK. FD has gone well, just too hot to eat much anyway. No breakfast as usual and berries and yoghurt lunch – that always seems to work for me, sharp berries and creamy Zero yoghurt. Managed to fill the water trough in the Orchard this morning so my volunteers could water the beds later in the week and filled a tub with weeds from the plot – all before 9 am. Spent the rest of the day indoors mostly sewing – yay – until sewing room got unbearable. Tuna salad for supper – fresh lettuce from greenhouse and found an enormous cucumber hiding at the back of the plant – great dipped in yoghurt and mustard dressing. Still abt 30C outside and not forecast to drop below 21 all night so not expecting to sleep much. Got to persuade the dog to stay in the cool kitchen – she does love a cuddle – a 25KG puppy!

    @MarieElena – hope you have survived the high temps – at least our heat wave is a short-lived affair and I think we are back to low 20s by the end of the week.

    @tomtit – oh, that beer worm! Sat in garden yesterday and enjoyed an ice-cold San Miguel – took me straight back to holiday in Portugal where it was as hot as here. Bliss.

    What do I dislike about FDs? I agree with @funshipfreddie, initially it was the calorie counting – trying to make sure I kept within the 500 limit and stressing about finding something in the cupboard/freezer that would work. Now I have been doing it a while, I find I can ‘wing’ it, provided I skip breakfast I don’t feel any pangs until lunchtime and there is a certain comfort in having a repertoire of safe meal options at my fingertips so I don’t have to think about food much.

    Day 19, NFD, Aus

    Thank you for your encouragement, @linda-b re my Dry July challenge. I’m almost surprised at how much your comments mean to me! *sniff*!

    Gee I was hangry yesterday. Normally FDs don’t worry me but for the last few, I’ve really been hangry. Not sure why. Any thoughts?

    I made your sundried tomato bread on the weekend, @IHL, and I must have done something wrong because it was really quite bland. Perfectly cooked – nice crust and soft insides, but just not much flavour. I noted afterward the recipe didn’t call for the usual tsp of salt, so maybe that was it? Or my sundried toms weren’t up to scratch!

    Hope you’re back up and about @matpi.

    Where do you get your meals from, @goal10kg? That spinach and prawn linguine one sounds nice.

    @funshipfreddie – I’ve avoided that frustration by not counting calories (tho maybe I should). Well done on the box labelling!

    Oh no! the beer worm sounds much worse than an inner warthog or dragon, @tomtit – the sort of creature that would be impervious to drowning!

    Of course you’re on the right track, @northgeorgia – can you see your way clear of luncheons, formal dinners, celebrations and other egad events for the rest of the month?

    @mariaelena – sounds like you and @funshipfreddie have similar frustrations. I’m going to re-package @linda.b’s words for you: You are doing so well on 5:2 – and have done so well!! It’s a real commitment and you are absolutely rocking it. The reason you are looking so good is not because you are lucky or have those ‘right’ genes – it’s because you care about you, you have taken control, and are doing what’s best for you and your life. Well done!!!

    Promises, promises, @stitchincarol! I reckon with all those commitments, yesterday (day 18) should have turned into a FD. Am I right? Wow – I’m never going to watch Return of the Jedi again without thinking of you!

    You make fruit crisps, @songbirdme?

    Wishing you all a cool change, @goal10kg, @songbirdme, @gardenlily,

    Day 17 Ohio, US — MFD

    Surprisingly enough the fasting has gone well today and it looks as though giving the digestion a little bit of a rest has helped the stomach to settle down. On the other hand, this evening I feel incredibly fatigued, so this will be a short post. The good news from the weekend was that the weekly weigh-in showed no change at all. While it’s not a loss, I was afraid that it would be a gain. Also, I’ve noticed that even though there’s been no change in the weight, some of my clothes are fitting a little looser, so it looks as though the body composition may be changing.

    Monday’s FD pocket list 🍏

    Day 19 – Tuesday – Gold Coast Queensland Australia – (NFD)

    @brightonbelle.. Paris… oh I’m so, so, so jealous! Being there for the end of the Tour de France 🚴‍♀️ will be just so much fun. I’ve been watching bits of it on TV every night.. quite addictive.

    To all our UK pals…. head for the air-con in cinemas and shopping centres and drink plenty of water! Good grief, they’re even talking about your incredibly hot weather on the news here…. over 40c is HOT! Even though I’m in the tropics, we don’t typically get that hot here (our thing is melting, sweaty humidity!) but strangely they do get those sort of temps further down south in Melbourne from time to time….. whodathunk? @penz can attest to that.

    @penz …… I actually listened to that documentary Past Dry July because that is really where I am at ATM. I’ve had quite a few totally dry months now and am really re-considering my relationship with alcohol. I’m finding, now after so many months AF, that not having alcohol is not a problem at all (again whodathunk?). I think I will probably continue AF but factor it in for special occasions. We’ll see how I go. I had never intended to give it up totally but only for the sake of the 5:2 to keep the plan simple ie not having to trade off food for alcohol. So it has been a big surprise to me that I can actually function and live quite well AF. Who knew?😀😁😊😄

    Back to work… chill everyone up there!🧊🧊🧊🧊🧊🧊

    cheerie dearies

    Manana – don’t feel deprived on FD … there’s always tomorrow for that treat IF YOU REALLY, REALLY, TRULY, TRULY WANT IT

    Day 19 – South Africa 🇿🇦 – NFD

    @stitchincarol – moving with 3 kids + a spouse too?! Just thinking about that stresses me out 😱 So I guess I’ve got it easy. I finally got confirmation yesterday that Boo Boo will be flying on the 27th, two days before I move. So that’s a big relief. I’ll be staying in 4 different places in 4 nights during my weekend move, so taking the cat in the car isn’t really an option.

    @brightonbelle – enjoy your trip! 🇫🇷

    Stay chillaxed, fellow Brits! Looks like it’ll be getting cooler by tomorrow 🌤

    Day 19 – Lake District UK – NFD

    Good morning everyone

    Not going to be calling in for a few days, IT problems, monitor failed this morning, PC is ok, so ordering a replacement monitor.
    Meanwhile using ‘phone, which is not good, my old fishing pal referred to me as ‘gorilla mitts’ due to size and strength of hands, so ‘phone (when I get a signal) as you can imagine is not ideal 😉

    Be back soon

    Take care all.

    Day 19 – USA/GA – OMAD

    Weigh-in: 215 lbs. Yesterday was sabotaged. I started out with a heavier than normal lunch, then today’s planned evening dinner celebration was moved to last night. Yikes! Well, I should be able to OMAD today instead. Tomorrow is another double header: business lunch and old friends’ dinner. Then Thursday, I’ll fast. Next week doesn’t look too much better: At least two business late dinner meals. July has been cruel. I didn’t see it coming.

    I guess under the circumstances, a plateau has been a victory. I’ll just have to endure the rocky seas while slowly turning the boat in the right direction.

    Day 19, NFD, Scotland

    I managed my FD no problem yesterday, I think the heat actually helps! And hubby found me these little triangle ice lolly things that are FOUR calories, thats right, 4 mere calories each!!! And they are awesome. They are really icey so take a while to eat also and really helped cool me down.

    Just broke my fast with a lovely omelette for lunch. Not sure whats for dinner, but body attack after work again.

    See ya’ll tomorrow.

    Day 19 USA (Illinois) NFD

    I had a kind of scary dehydrated moment yesterday but got some good electrolytes and was fine. Just had a big salad for supper then went off to direct Choral Society. It was rather hot in the room, and I was sweating like crazy (not common for me). After just over an hour of directing, I got really faint and clammy. Another friend took over the rehearsal while I laid down, put cold cloth on my head, and another friend ran out for an electrolyte drink. “BodyArmour” worked very well, and I was able to walk out. Was glad DH was there to help and drive me home. That has happened to me a couple times in my life (heat and sweating) so be careful out there.

    Yes, that was after a 300 calorie salad supper and that was all. Lost 3.7 pounds in one day but was kind of scary.

    Hugs to you all —

    Onward and downward.

    Day 19 UK NFD

    Phew ! This is too hot for me 🥵Reached 40 this aft, hopefully (slightly) cooler tomorrow

    Day 19 – Rural Nebraska, USA – WFD

    @penz, you nailed it: yesterday turned into a FD. I ate lunch of leftovers, and then had a dessert after my meeting, and think I can safely assume I was no more than 800 calories; it’s possible I was far lower. I decided that a WF on Tuesdays is far tougher when I didn’t eat enough on Monday, so I let that dessert–and some nuts, also served–be the extra calories to get me more comfortably through today. And the scale this morning was 150.2, the same as a WF was required to accomplish last week, so I’m thinking I’m making progress on the downward slide. I wore a pair of pants yesterday that looked unpleasantly tight–they felt fine, but looked bad. In June, before I ate and gained 10 pounds, they looked fine. I’ve clearly added the size now, and not merely the weight. 😢 But, I’m on my way back down, and that smaller size will come again.

    @songbirdme Yeah, DH and I are also talking about sorting and discarding and thinning out. Our move is coming in two years when he retires…

    @mariaelena I have so much respect for how carefully you’ve constructed your meals to be as nutritious and satiating as possible. If I can ever persuade myself to get back to my former FD routine of a fish filet and steamed veggies, my weight loss will be more regular and consistent. So, huge kudos to you for what you’ve worked so hard to accomplish!

    @gardenlily I’m very envious of your garden! We have far too much shade in our yard, so although I have lots of plants and flowers, veggies have very few sunny spots where they can thrive. I’m looking forward to a real veggie garden when DH retires in two years!

    @penz Re: Hangry. Are you drinking enough water? Did you have too many carbs the day before? Are you getting enough bulk (steamed veggies) and protein on a FD? Those are my only thoughts, but I’m very impressed that you’ve stuck to your Dry July AND you’ve stuck to your FDs; well, well done!

    @funshipfreddie Yeah, we moved twice with the kids, both times about 500 miles. Truly, whether you’re moving with spouse and kids or all by yourself, the method is the same: Do the Next Thing. 🤷‍♀️

    @northgeorgia Yeah, it’s those unexpected social things that wreak havoc with 5:2 plans! DH and I are going to a Van Gogh thing tomorrow evening and then out to dinner with two other couples, and I’m realizing I need to study the menu today so I can choose a dinner and then stick to it. Life is fun, but not always 5:2 friendly, as I’m sure you’ll agree.

    @goal10kg What a sweet hubby to have found you the icicles! They sound a treat right now…

    @songbirdme Wow. Yeah, getting overheated is not merely uncomfortable but can be dangerous; so glad you had friends to help, and recovered just fine.

    @brightonbelle Wow. 40C is 104F and is serious heat! I hope a break is close for you all in the UK suffering so much!

    @daffodil2010 and @flourbaby have been very silent, as have a number of others; hopefully they’re lying in a cool room with a fan on them, right?

    Have a grand one, everyone!

    Pocket list, Day 19 🥵
    @stitchincarol WF

    Day 19 – 16:8 CD

    Yesterday FD went well. The heat here is extreme. Today forecast is for 111° (44° C). My one tip for folks dealing with heat: buy some grapes, and freeze them (I usually put them on a quarter sheet tray and they freeze totally in under two hours. Then I put a small serving size in bags). Frozen grapes are a yummy snack and cool you down quickly. @goal10kg I need to see if I can find some lolly things like that they sound ideal!

    @songbirdme glad to know you recovered quickly. Be careful out there!

    @funshipfreddie – glad the Boo Boo plans are settled- one worry off your mind.

    @penz you are doing so well on the AF July, that is great! I admire that. And @linda.b AF for months!!! I’m sure you will figure out the right way/amount to reintroduce it to your life, your attitude is so sensible!

    @penz I have noted a few hangry days this summer, and I’m not sure but I think it got somewhat better when I started to pay particular attention to protein intake (getting enough). When I was actively losing, if I had repeated hangry days I would plan on one or two 800 days instead of 500 days and that seemed to sort things out for me. Have you changed anything diet wise in July besides AF?
    @ matpi – better fitting clothes is such a fantastic win! I noticed while actively losing weight my weight would be steady, but my measurements would shrink, then my measurements would stay steady and my weight would go down. I don’t know if anyone else is like that, but my body seemed to do one OR the other.

    @gardenlily Your foods yesterday sounded so appetizing to me. I think I may have to do some tuna salad and berries today. I have been getting in lots of yogurt to try to support my stomach while on antibiotics- I’m happy to have finished that course of them – but have lots more yogurt to finish! What is your current sewing project?

    @stitchincarol glad the weekend went well, and enjoy your leftovers! I especially enjoy easy to reheat leftovers in the summertime so I can minimize kitchen heat.

    Well, off to my trainer appointment- stay cool all!

    Day 20, NFD, Aus

    Anyone else had difficulty logging on to this site today? Maybe it melted in the UK heat…

    You post was remarkably readable, @IHL (aka gorilla mitts).

    Will this be BooBoo’s first flight, @funshipfreddie?

    I will join you on tomorrow’s FD @northgeorgia. No more sabotaging!

    Yay @stitchincarol – that sounds like resolve to me! You’re right, I had not been drinking enough water (and poor @songbirdme’s experience is a sound reminder to us all to stay hydrated) but I usually do a LFD so the need for protein isn’t the explanation. Too many carbs the day before, on the other hand…. [insert guilty expression]

    Thanks @mariaelena – maybe I need to introduce a little protein on my LFDs. It’s that or I had been wondering if lack of overall alcohol intake was contributing to my hangriness. And before anyone asks, no my LFDs did not involve alcoholic liquid, just water and coffee!!!

    Wishing a cool reprieve on all those experiencing abnormally high temps at the mo.

    Day 20 – Wednesday– Gold Coast Queensland Australia – (NFD)🌸🌼🌻🌺

    Hope the heat is now turning downwards for the northern hemispherites! Overheating can overwhelm you so very quickly… @songbirdme, hope you are fully recovered now.

    Nothing much to report from down here…. just continuing on… working… long days… daydreaming about retirement! Old retirement plans with ex now fully abandoned and must conjure up a new plan just for me. Exciting! What will I do, where will/can I travel? (Thinking COVID, Ukraine problems disruptors) So much to think about.

    I’m thinking about selling up and moving into one of these over 50’s active lifestyle resorts … think Florida, Versace on steroids…. OTT houses… You actually own the house but pay (exorbitant) site fees for the facilities…. think golf course, spas, gyms, tennis, pickleball (who knew that was a thing?) indoor pool, outdoor pools, lakes, gardens, running/walking tracks, cinema, Clubhouse (think Versace hotel) ….caravan and boat storage…. hmmm…. social needs met✅ activity needs met✅ Could be just the thing.🤔🤨🙂
    You wouldn’t buy into one unless you are active and social. So definitely not a ‘retirement village’concept ie god’s waiting room type of place.
    One of my galpals and her partner are looking, so she and I are going to check on a new one on Friday. Interesting. Food for thought.. better than eating it! (pardon the pun)🤣😂😁😀
    Do they have similar concepts in UK and USA?

    So take care everyone, wipe your brows and hopefully it is cooler temps on the way for you.

    cheerie dearies

    Interrupt the patterns of your life (how apt for me!🌞🌞🌞🌞🌞)

    Day 20 – Wednesday– Gold Coast Queensland Australia – (NFD) 2nd

    Glad you mentioned that @penz… I also had difficulties logging into the forum this morning …… gremlins! or aliens👽👽👽

    Day 20……really?

    Hi, hi, hi……I am about a month overdue a post, just caught up with June and on Day 3 of July, and saw @jaifaim‘s shout out to me so thought I would jump back.

    It’s been an incredibly busy family and work time. The past 4 weeks have been non-stop…great fun, great craic, lots and lots of love and hugs and kisses and joy…but very tiring too. All guests now gone since Monday so now regrouping and settling things in the house, while working super hard as work has gone busy too.

    But, still at exact same weight as when I last posted…despite the eating and drinking…so that’s not bad at all ( although I don’t want to be this weight).

    Have not had an FD in weeks…..will heed to get my resolve back….I will try to catch up on July soon, but I am back and delighted to see you all here 😍

    Day 20 – South Africa 🇿🇦 – NFD

    @penz – yes, Boo Boo’s first flight! And the last, I hope. I’m sure she’ll hate every minute of it. But an hour on a plane & then a 10 minute drive to the cattery has got to be better than 12 or 13 hours in a car.

    @songbirdme – hope you’re feeling 100%! 🤗

    @linda.b – I’m looking at moving to somewhere similar, but I want to rent first for a while before I commit to buying. They call it a retirement village, but I think it’s 55 minimum age, & I’m sure they don’t kick you out if you get a job 😅 It’s basically just a sectional title complex, but there are some medical facilities & a clubhouse, gym etc.

    @daffodil2010 – lovely to 👀 you back!

    From yesterday’s UK mail. So no more blaming that spare tyre on a sluggish metabolism. Not until you reach 90 anyway 😅 https://www.dailymail.co.uk/health/article-11026033/Why-blame-middle-aged-spread-slower-metabolism.html

    Happy Hump Day! 🐫

    Day 20, FD, Scotland

    Here we go again! Vegan salad for lunch and another new dinner – Good & Balanced Chicken Buddha Bowl, A colourful bowl of curly kale and red pepper, with a zesty infused fragrant black rice, topped with tender chicken – 279 cals!!! The prawn linguine was realllly good on Monday so I hope this one is equally good. These new meals are more expensive, but they are fresh (my piri piri chicken is frozen), and i think that makes all the difference, that freshness. And it just keeps things interesting, trying new things on FD’s. GRIT Strength class after work and ten guess what? Bath and early night 🙂

    Ive a little keeping cool tip, I was changing the bed yesterday morning, we have a very thin, low tog quilt all year round as im the sort of person who always gets too hot in bed. But i thought, im just going to put the duvet cover on the bed, without the quilt in it! And it really was brill, I would totally recommend it! Much cooler and lighter. Its cooled down here in Scotland right enough, a very pleasant 20 degrees C today.

    Day 20 UK NFD

    Morning Busy day today as have a very early start tomorrow for my Paris trip , definitely will not be fasting but will try not to go too mad , but it has been 3 years since our last visit 🥐will see you all next week for the last few days of this months challenge

    Day 20 UK FD again!

    I decided to try Monday and Tuesday as my FD’s for a change. Monday went fine. . .ish! I did my 500 for the day fasting all day then chicken, new pots and veg for 5pm. Then danger struck. . .a pal called in to discuss some work . . . and the beer worm heard him and started kicking off! So 3 tins of lager ensued. I’m not too bothered but when you starved all day and then mess it up 🙁
    So yesterday I try again. I did well with no fat yoghurt and a few blueberries at lunch time then fish, pots and veg for tea. .about 550 cals.
    I did my usual paddle board in the morning, then some paperwork and spent the rest of the day doing some work outside the house on the guttering.
    At 5pm my right foot big toe developed the first tinges of gout! and by the time I went to bed I was in serious pain and had to start with my emergency meds for this purpose. I woke a 5am in agony and took another tablet. The reason I mention this is my mum suffered with severe gout in all her later life and she used to say how painful it was. Now I know! But I’m not sure what causes it. The doctor said beer. . .but my mum never touched a drop in her life. . never any other alcohol either. I find if I am not fasting (naughty boy!) I don’t need to worry but if I go dry-ish for a few days and then just have a tin or two (ok 3 then!) It can flare up like crazy. I’m just waffling in case anyone else has any theories. I know it is linked to arthritis and I have this in my hip after playing 5-a-side until I should have been old enough to know better!
    So anyway, . I had a bit more time today so once again I’m on a FD and feeling miffed but being positive!
    So. . .do what you enjoy and enjoy what you do (my motto) x

    Day 20 – USA/GA – NFD

    Weigh-in: 212 lbs. OMAD lunch days are fun. They aren’t quite 500/800 kCal FDs, but you’d be hard pressed to get in the full day’s calories in one sitting, too. Had a successful one yesterday. I do have a business lunch and a social dinner today, but Thursday will be a WFD. Not expecting any record low weigh-ins this week (or month, for that matter), but I’m content in that the plateau should be nearing its end soon.

    Hey @tomtit thats cool you paddleboard so often, I have tried it but i was a wuss and didnt manage to stand up, i just stood on my knees! But it was fun, I love being on the water. Just wanted to say, you had planned FD’s Monday and Tuesday, im sure ive read that the FD’s are not to be consecutive?


    I didn’t know fast days couldn’t be consecutive! Thank you for that. Keep trying the paddleboarding. It’s good for body and mind!

    Day 20 – Rural Nebraska, USA – NFD

    Serious PFDS today. I actually had a tough day yesterday, but kept assuming it was from the heat and kept guzzling water–thought of you often, @songbirdme!, and by late afternoon finally felt fine, and then sailed through the rest of the water fast. And this morning I’m 147, the first time I’ve been there since early June when I was on my way up to the 150s. So who knows what my actual weight is, but I’m smiling from ear to ear to be where I am this morning.

    Tonight we’re going to this: https://vangoghomaha.com/ and then out to dinner. The thing I’m working through where dinner is concerned is whether I focus on low calories or focus on the lovely food at the restaurant. It’s well known in these parts and it seems a shame to go there and only worry about low calorie, you know?

    @penz I didn’t remember that your FDs are liquid: what if you include beef/bone broth? You’re in the middle of winter, so hot liquids will be welcome and while they don’t have a great deal of protein, they have some. Suppose that will help?

    @linda.b We do indeed have such places here in the US, although most of them are not nearly so fancy–just a large building with apartments and activities planned, but without the golf/pool/etc. I’m actually having my students’ piano recital at a Senior Living Facility at the end of August. DH and I are looking forward to an acreage when we retire so we can finally have the garden of our dreams (well, my dreams…) without being hampered by so much shade.

    @daffodil2010 Awww, SO good to see you! The last we heard from you, DH’s mom was coming for his birthday, and I was guessing it was lots of fun family stuff that was keeping you away. And you did all that for four weeks and didn’t gain a thing? Truly IMPRESSIVE.

    @funshipfreddie Great article, and the same thing Jason Fung says in The Obesity Code. This quote from the article particularly got my attention: So what is going on? The uncomfortable truth appears to be that we get fatter because we consume too many calories — but we often just don’t realise it. ‘People are really poor at estimating their food intake, so they probably felt their intake was unchanged,’ says Professor Speakman. ‘This myth built up that middle-age spread is due to declining metabolism — potentially contributed to by a reduction in physical activity and/or a change in resting metabolic rate,’ he explains. ‘But we now know that’s not true.’

    Here’s what I can say from when I was 48 and we were getting ready to move from Nebraska to St. Louis: all our friends kept coming up with “parties” because we were leaving. So instead of doing something social PERHAPS once a week–or less–we were doing social things 3 and 4 times a week. At that point I’d gained 4 pounds up to 136, and I remember saying to DH that all these parties were making it impossible to eat small amounts–not my actual words because I don’t remember them, but the idea.

    That says that the reason I stayed so thin back then was because I ate so little most of the time. And the reason I struggle now is because not only did I break the habit of eating little over the course of the summer before we moved, and never went back to that habit, but I’m also not now having to cook for fussy kids, but can indulge my love of exotic–at least from a teen’s perspective, LOL–recipes. So not only am I cooking “interesting food” far more often, but that food needs eating, so I’m eating far more than I did back in those days, just what the article says.

    Sad truth.

    @brightonbelle Have a great time!

    @tomtit and @goal10kg Back-to-back FDs aren’t considered wrong, they’re simply not necessarily the most effective. On the other hand, if that’s what works for your life, then do it. As to your gout, @tomtit, you have my deep sympathy but no words of wisdom or experience.

    Well, I should get to work on my day’s chores. No promises today because I simply don’t know what to promise…

    Day 20 – FD 800

    I was a tad indulgent yesterday, grocery stores are dangerous places! My weakness for the salty savory overwhelmed my better judgement and I brought home some flavored plantain crisps. I am happy, tho because I indulged, not overindulged.

    @tomtit IIRC Dr Mosley recommends FD not be consecutive but ultimately leaves that to the individual. Mentally my Tuesday between FD is a great way to keep up my mojo, but I can certainly understand different circumstances and personalities would do better with a consecutive one and done!

    @goal10kg I find my post strength training HOT baths so good at easing any aching muscles! It is a wonderful relaxing reward I give myself.

    @funshipfreddie as always, thank you for the link- I found the observation later on in the article about how much a difference they saw when just switching highly processed foods for unprocessed foods intriguing because that squares with my experience.

    @daffodil2010 great to see you here and not gaining weight when taking a break is truly a good thing!

    @stitchincarol re steamed veggies- I think that was a demotivator for me. I just never found a way to make steamed veg taste good or very satisfying. Now I play with moderate amounts of fat and roasting or frying my veg and I’m much happier. Fat is so caloric that I am very mindful of the amounts I use, but it makes the difference to me between a ‘I made it through the FD’ and the ‘I feel good’ FD. And the latter is very much what keeps my mojo high. Even generously spicing the steamed veg just left me feeling ‘meh’ about the dishes.

    Ok, appointments abound today, and in this heat, I need to get everything done before the later day sweltering session, so good wishes to all.

    Hump Day pocketlist 🫠


    Day 21, FD, Aus

    Welcome back @daffodil2010!

    Interesting article, thanks for posting, @funshipfreddie. Can I blame my 20 year old self for settling at a particular rate?!?

    I’m with you @goal10kg – in summer, we just use the top sheet only. And even that sometimes feels too warm.

    Bon voyage, @brightonbelle!

    Ouch @tomtit. I have no idea what might have triggered your gout, but hope you identify the pattern quickly to avoid a repeat. (And I also hope it was NOT the beer!) And re consecutive FDs – there are no rules. Some of the forum members have done what we call B2B (back to back) FDs with no ill effects. Some braver souls have even done B2B2B!

    Thanks @stitchincarol. Today I’ve brought in 30g of walnuts (protein hit if I start getting hangry) and a reminder that I have a stash of beef stock cubes in the cupboard that I used to turn to. But haven’t. Funny how little changes (ie not having my stock cube drink mid-afternoon) can have such a negative effect – butterfly wings and all that. You’d reckon I woulda learned by now not to mess with a system that works for me!!!

    Day 21 – Thursday– Gold Coast Queensland Australia – FUN DAY (FD)🥬🥦🥑🍄🌶🍅🍆🥕🥕🥦🥦🥦🥦

    @tomtit……. Oh dear, I hear you about the gout. I’ve sadly “been there, dun’that”. It was in my late 20’s and until mid 30’s. I was a jogger and bit obsessive with it ie ran every morning before work and every night after dinner (with my sidekick Alsatian to protect me … or lick to death anyone who approached!). I did not drink alcohol regularly then and I was quite slim. Now, remember I am in the tropics so running was always a very hot, humid, sweaty business…. and dehydrating. The first time it happened: One morning I woke up and fell flat on the floor when I tried to get out of bed. Turned out I had gout in both knees and spent the next 2 months on crutches and in serious PAIN. Couldn’t walk, couldn’t drive… serious stuff… loads of medications. The treating specialist explained that only people who are genetically missing a certain enzyme that leads to not being able to process URIC ACID effectively (nothing to do with urine) will get gout combined with several other factors. (Turned out my late father used to get gout… genetic? heredity?). Several other factors…. dehydration (the biggest). So when you have gout it is because Uric Acid has built up crystals in the joints… hence the intense arthritic PAIN and heat in the joint…. needing to wait until the crystals slowly dissipate. So several gout attacks over the next 6-7 years until I learnt the lesson. WATER WATER WATER. For me it was heavy exercise leading to chronic dehydration. For others it might be excessive alcohol leading to dehydration leading to the crystal build-up in joints ie gout. So since that time (and haven’t had gout since) I, EVERY SINGLE DAY WITHOUT EXCEPTION, count out my MINIMUM, 8 X 250ML glasses of water, making sure I have at least 4 before lunch. This is in excess of the 7-8 cups of tea I will drink during my long working day. Yes, I have many trips to the bathroom! But I’ve not had gout since and NEVER EVER want to have it again. That’s not just because of the horrendous PAIN but also it damages the affected joint leading to arthritis. Obviously if it is hot weather and/or I am doing serious exercise like hiking or cycling, I will up my water intake to 3-4 litres a day. Lucky I love water, hey! Now, I note, you do a lot of exercise, it is also very hot there, your mother had gout (heredity?)ie lack of of enzyme to deal with Uric Acid = gout? Just sayin’….

    @stitchincarol… 🥳🥳🥳🔔🔔🔔🥇🥇🥇🏆🏆… you’re on the downward slide… go girl!

    @penz…. protein? Yes, must have protein to stop the hanger. I always have fish on FDs … might be a small piece of salmon or, as today, tin of sardines😋😋 with my veg. Definitely keeps me satiated on a FD.

    cheerie dearies

    If the plan doesn’t work, change the plan, but never change the goal 🎯🎯🎯

    Pocket List – Thursday 21st July

    Day 21 – Ireland 🇮🇪 – NFD

    Feels good to get back to my early morning routine of logging in here before work. Like @penz noted, there are a few habits that helped me on this journey that I had stopped doing recently….and one is settling in on my couch, iPad in hand, feet on my grounding sheet, to have a catch up with you guys. It calms and inspires me for the day ahead. I had gotten to rushing out the door to start work early and got out of popping in here.

    Though still seeing the same numbers on the scales, I have not had a proper fast in ages, and I am going to spend the weekend thinking of a plan. Unlike a lot of you, I really do enjoy breakfast, oh I can do ZBC now since finding 5:2, but to be honest, I really do enjoy my morning brekkie.

    How to FD then with breakfast, lunch (need to have that during the work week) then evening meal for both me and DH. Hmmmm 🤔

    Maybe FD800. DH also keen to get onto the downward weight loss spiral….far too much celebrating going on recently with family, but super wonderful memories made for all.

    DH’s Mam was so happy to be here for his birthday….this was around the time when flights were being cancelled due to Covid etc, and she really thought her flight would be too…so she had planned, in that case, to leave the airport, hop into her car and drive to Holyhead for the 3am ferry to Dublin…NOTHING was going to stop her spending her first birthday with her oldest boy since the day he was born ☺️ She is a remarkable woman.

    Then the madness ensued with my sis and her kids arriving from the States, a huge family gathering in mine, everybody meeting each other, reunions, gaelic football matches, lots of eating out, lots of family games, travelling around to different homes……four weeks of craziness and fun 😀

    Right, off to work. Gonna make it a good CD at least. Xxx

    Day 21 – South Africa 🇿🇦 – FD

    @tomtit – that gout sounds nasty?! My dad used to get it, & he didn’t drink. And one of my neighbours was complaining of gout last week & he said he seldom drank. This mayoclinic.org article is very informative. There’s a whole list of possible causes though, but it describes your experience of waking up in pain. “An attack of gout can occur suddenly, often waking you up in the middle of the night with the sensation that your big toe is on fire”.

    as for b2b FDs, not for me either. I think part of the attraction of 5:2 is its simplicity & adaptability, & the thought that if you really want to scoff something you can have it ‘tomorrow’. Well, that doesn’t quite work with b2b FDs!

    @stitchincarol – interesting article re how weight loss changes our brains.

    @daffodil2010 – sounds like you’ve had a wonderful time! ✨

    @penz – um, not sure about that, ie blaming your 20 year old self? 🤔 But I’ll pop you on the list anyway 😅

    Pocket List – Thursday 21st July 🍏

    Day 21, NFD, Scotland

    Im officially under 15 stone yipppeeeeeeeeeeeee. I know BMI isnt a great way to look at things, but i punched my figures in this morning and my BMI is 27.8. Im very tall btw, incase anyone is wondering! Happy to see the numbers going in the right direction.

    Im going to pig out tonight, going out for a curry. But have a CD tommorow! One happy bunny right here !!!!

    Day 21 – USA/GA – FD

    Weigh-in: 216 lbs. Not surprised at the 4 lb uptick in a day. It wasn’t that I was too terrible caloric-wise yesterday, but the constant feeding took its toll. I forgot between the business lunch and the social supper, there was a mid-afternoon going away meal for an employee. So I ate at noon, 2 pm, and 4:30 pm. The small to moderate portions don’t matter when it is like a conveyor belt of food for hours on end. No wonder my poor body went into fat storage mode! Never have I been so ready for a WFD, and I have lots of stuff to take care of in the office, so it should be a good day for both.

    Pocket List – Thursday 21st July 🍏

    Day 21 – Via mobile – FD

    Good afternoon all

    Here to join the Thursday pocket list, it took ages to get signal then copy list etc to post today, replacement monitor for PC due soon. How people manage with just a mobile is beyond me 😉
    That’s if this post gets through !

    Take care all

    Pocket List – Thursday 21st July

    USA. Day 21. FD

    Ooops! I put 3 lbs.!! I am adding myself to the pocket list for immediate poundage removal!!

    Pocket List – Thursday 21st July

    Hope everyone is dealing well with this heat!! 🙁

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