31 days of July 2022 – One day at a time monthly challenge

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31 days of July 2022 – One day at a time monthly challenge

This topic contains 338 replies, has 26 voices, and was last updated by  stitchincarol 2 years, 7 months ago.

Viewing 50 posts - 101 through 150 (of 346 total)

  • Day 7 – USA/GA – FD

    Weigh-in: 217 lbs. @penz Yes, definitely a conspiracy. What is going on with these wildly inflated weigh ins? Come on Goose-egg. You seem so far away again.

    Day 7 pocket list:

    Day 07 – Thursday – Gold Coast Queensland Australia – FUN DAY (FD) hooray!πŸ€£πŸ˜πŸ€£πŸ˜€

    @mariaelena – re “just aim for the right range”…. me too, after a while you do develop a good sense of the calories +/- in your foods, swings and roundabouts I think. πŸ˜‹πŸ˜‹πŸ˜‹
    @michelinme … πŸ₯‡πŸ† you rock! 5kg in 6 weeks… what a wonderful start to your trip!
    @penz this youtube below shows (potentially) what you can do with it and the one below that is the one I actually bought with the smaller barrel for curling, arrived in 2 days! It was 25% less on sale last week (EOFY). I’ll never be adept at this stuff but it does make styling/curling easier. If you have longer hair you need a bigger barrel one for straightening hair and/or waving.
    CHI Smart GEMZ Volumizing Heated Hair Brush on QVC

    BabylissPRO Ceramic Hot Air Brush 19mm (build volume or curls for short hair)

    Apologies was MIA yesterday…. had a very unwelcome and unexpected visitor which absolutely sidelined me for 24 hours. Very unsettling, nevertheless I’ve regained my equilibrium now and going out for lunch tomorrow with some galpals which will help as well. A bit of a laugh and giggle will pave over the interruption to my hard-fought eudaemonia over the past 6 months.

    Here’s a piece on resets. Throughout our lives we have lots of resets and thought it worth contemplating:

    1) What’s the biggest thing that isn’t working? (Am I eating out too much? Has the treadmill or bike become a drying rack for clothes? Are there too many wine bottles in the recycling bin? Am I going in the right direction with life, the universe and everything?)
    2) What would I like to get out of resetting this issue? (more energy, losing kilos, healthier physically, feeling at peace with myself?)
    3) What has helped me when resetting this before? Or what resources can I find that can help me? (Meal planning? Meal kits? Trying a new workout? Self-education ie Dr M’s book, documentary? Really learning about myself? Joining this forum?)
    4) What hasn’t worked?
    5) What can I do to maintain this reset and not need to constantly turn it off and back on again?
    Mmmmmmm… all worth thinking about.πŸ₯΄πŸ˜΅πŸ€ͺ😡πŸ₯΄

    Enough of the pensive reflection (!) … it’s late, 9.20pm, time for bed downunder!

    cheerie dearies

    Tomorrow is another dawn…..🌞🌞 another opportunity to succeed at life! 🌞🌞🌞

    Day 7 FD pocket list:

    Day 7 – 16:8 CD

    Off to dr in a few minutes to see if this is indeed an ear infection (yes, it is, but the Dr wants to diagnose herself, not just rely on my diagnosis). Yesterday’s FD went well, not an easy day, but not too difficult to stick to it.

    My scale seems to want in in the conspiracy, lol up a pound after sitting at the same maintenance weight for 3+ weeks, and I know that can’t be correct. One of those shrug your shoulders things that has to be some metabolic cause other than amount/what I ate recently. I suspect the inflammation from the ear infection or a positive muscle mass gain from weight training. Ok, I don’t really suspect the latter, but it would be nice πŸ˜‚

    Got to run, thinking good thoughts to pocketlist et al

    Day 7 – Rural Nebraska, USA – FD500

    Lunch with my friends yesterday was a great time of catch-up and laughter. We were there for well over two hours and the conversation never stopped. I didn’t eat badly, and had only a piece of Fresh Blueberry pie when I got home, and called the kitchen closed at that point, so the immediate damage to the scale isn’t too bad this morning.

    Wow. Just realized as I copied and pasted the pocket list that I haven’t replied to a single one of you. Sorry! I’m still sleepy, and just not ready to face the day, but must be out the door shortly, so I’ll have to wake up eventually, LOL! In the meantime, I read every post, dearly loved all the chatter, and will hopefully have plenty of chatter myself tomorrow.

    Day 7 pocket list:

    Day 7 – UK Cam – NFD
    Yesterday went well – coped with granny duty and only had v.small piece of rocky road that she had made that morning. Hoping she will come here at the weekend so temptation is missing. Still picking raspberries – giving away loads to neighbours and friends. Today is going well, keeping below the TDEE so far – berries and yoghurt for breakfast, tuna salad with 2 corn cakes (24 cal each) for lunch and planning spinach & new potato curry for supper. So, here’s the big question – new potatoes, just dug out the big pot on the patio. Could we eat them on a FD – unadorned (no butter etc) – I have a feeling they need to be kept for a NFD but it seems such a shame not to sling them into a salad or mix them with hardboiled egg and tomatoes. Weighing day tomorrow – fingers crossed.
    Should add that DH is back on sick list again – another chest infection so feeling very poorly. He would be the first to say what a hopeless nurse I am – very much of the ‘of course it hurts, you cut/banged/broke etc your whatever’ school. At least he is not eating much so I am planning my FD for tomorrow – suspect boiled eggs will feature (but no soldiers)!

    Day 8, NFD, Aus

    Fri-yay!! How was everyone’s Thursday FD? Global feelings of smugness this morning?

    Cross fingers that the blip ahead, @jaifam, is more like a huge bump – downwards! Enjoy that cruise.

    @funshipfreddie – you can actually find podcasts specifically designed to be monotonously boring, in the sort of flat dull tone that will send anyone off to dreamy-land. I had that problem too of going to sleep easily, then waking up at 2am. One trick that worked for me seems counter-intuitive: rather than trying to tell you brain to shut up and shut down, force it to work. Think of something (not related to whatever is otherwise keeping you awake like apartment sales and house moves) and then think that thing in great detail. For example, I thought about mushrooms, how many different types of mushrooms there are, how they differ in texture, colour, taste, then all the different ways you can cook or prepare them. I became tired and forced myself to continue to think about them, how I’d paint them, how they’re grown, etc and finally my brain said enough! and I fell back asleep. Hope something like that works for you. (Of course, you don’t have to use mushrooms – you could, for example, try to explain a cartoon character to an alien who had no experience of life on earth.)

    Lots of good reflective questions, @linda.b. I bet a lot of us can relate.

    That may well be the answer, @mariaelena – I hear that muscle weighs more than fat so I’m sure your weight training and return to the hula-hoop explains your slight increase. Hope you get something to clear up your ear infection pdq.

    You’re definitely excused for not commenting on others’ posts, @stitchincarol, you’re one of the most social people on the forum! Glad to read you had a lovely time with your friends.

    Can you ship those raspberries to Oz, @gardenlily?! I say, go for those new potatoes, even on a FD. After all, everything in moderation right?

    Have a great weekend everyone!

    Day 7 Ohio, US — MFD

    Fasting went off without a hitch.

    @gardenlily Hope your DH recovers quickly and completely!

    @linda.b Great reset questions! Perfect food for thought! (Even on a FD!)

    @funshipfreddie Being something of a social chameleon, I find that my “accent” definitely morphs to match that of the locale I’m living in. When I returned from living in Latin America, for the first six weeks back I spoke English with a Spanish accent, much to the amusement of my friends.

    @penz and @ funshipfreddie A technique I use when I wake up in the night is called “Differential Relaxation.” There is a specific process, but basically you go over each part of the body and relax it. Once the body is relaxed this way, the effect is more recuperative than ordinary sleep, whether you are awake or not. I deeply relax my whole body, and let my brain concern itself whether it needs to shut off or not. Usually it decides to shut off and go to sleep, but that’s less important than resting the body.

    Day 7 pocket list:

    Day 8 – UK Cam – FD
    Still hot and dry here – busy with early morning watering, just stopped to get breakfast coffee (can’t function without caffeine hit!). DH pottering about, rattling with all those tablets! Today I will be walking with a friend – can’t do overgrown tracks (long-haired dog) so picked estate track – pulled on a pair of shorts and, yay! they fit – weigh in this morning showed another pound off – very, very happy bunny. Given me extra resolve to keep on track. After walk, got a hair appointment and already have egg boiling for egg & feta cheese salad lunch later.
    @stitchincarol – I am afraid the green bean casserole didn’t translate intact across the Atlantic – I don’t do the cream sauce on the beans, substitute lowfat yoghurt or creme fraiche or even low fat philly cheese and mix the cheese topping in with the breadcrumbs. I guess the end result is similar but sooooo tasty. If anyone wants the ‘adapted’ recipe, ask – it is a staple in this household and great for veggie friends.
    @matpi – that relaxation methods usually works for me too but often have trouble persuading my brain to switch off! It is very good for midday naps (when you reach my advanced years, they become essential)
    @linda.b- loved your post about reset – definitely something to ponder.
    Off to finish that watering before ‘short’ walk (haha!) – hope there aren’t any long-stemmed nettles!!!

    Day 8 – Lake District UK – FD

    Good morning everyone

    Fridays weigh in day! Was expecting to be pushing the limit of my buffer zone after last week away on a mini break, eating and drinking far too much, plus yesterdays FD was busted by a BBQ πŸ˜‰ But no, only slightly up, just over one pound, so FD today to make up for yesterday, 5:2 is flexible if you fall off the wagon one day, just haul yourself aboard the next!

    Just looked in at the Ospreys, the chicks are starting to flex their wings on the edge of the nest already, won’t be long before they’re flying!

    @gardenlily – Freshly dug new potatoes, can’t beat them, as you say though no butter! Try a little light dressing, we occasionally use a tiny bit of balsamic vinegar instead of butter. They’re too good to not have them as fresh as you can! Hope DH gets clear quickly, weird how these things creep up on you in summer when you wouldn’t really expect them.

    Take care all

    Day 8 pocket list

    Second post

    @gardenlily and I must have been posting at the same time, she can obviously type faster than me πŸ˜‰

    Day 8 pocket list

    Day 8 – South Africa πŸ‡ΏπŸ‡¦ – NFD

    @penz – yes! Definitely smugness in Africa anyway πŸ™‚

    @penz & @matpi – thanks! Some good suggestions for getting more πŸ’€ after waking up too early.

    @matpi – my family & I emigrated to Canada when I was 8 years old; I was teased mercilessly for my ‘pommy accent’. Fast forward 18 months – we moved back to the UK & I had go through it all over again with my newly acquired Canadian accent. I was nicknamed ‘Pigeon’ from the Yankee Doodle Pigeon cartoon character.πŸ™„

    Happy Fri-yay y’all! 🍷πŸ₯‚

    Day 8 – USA/GA – NFD

    Weigh-in: 213 lbs. Dealing with holiday weekend fallout, apparently. Hopefully, I can get back on track before the month is over. Next FD will be Sunday.

    Day 8 UK NFD

    Lovely weather off for a walk along the seafront 🌊

    I’d like to be a bit more enthusiastic about the osprey’s @i-hate-lettuce but the family of seagulls over the road with 3 hungry chicks that start at around 4 every morning are putting me off birds at the mo 🐣

    Set myself some targets for the weekend , let’s see how that goes Have a good one allπŸ‘‹

    Day 8 – Rural Nebraska, USA – NFD

    I’m enjoying PFDS, and it’s even for a WF! I was halfway through my day yesterday when I realized that everything was aligning to make it an easy (relatively speaking, of course πŸ˜‚) WFD. So I went to get a much-needed pedicure both as a treat and to ensure I didn’t use the time to eat, and managed to get through the rest of the evening with just water.

    And I realized perhaps one reason I’ve been struggling to stay on course is because I haven’t been “thinking the correct things” on Tuesdays. Some of you may remember I’ve used driving time between lessons to do serious thinking that would motivate me for the week. I suddenly remembered I used to think about how much I enjoy not feeling full of food, how much I’m happy with eating little, how much I prefer PFDS to EFS. Instead, I’ve been planning out what I would eat when–what would be a FD500, what would be WF, what would be TRE, etc. All that’s good, but doesn’t work if I can’t be persuaded to follow through on those plans; the better approach–for me, at least–is to think about eating little, and to be happy and content with that. So I did that thinking yesterday as I was driving to lessons; we’ll see if continuing to do that is helpful.

    It’s all in the mind, after all!

    @penz Loved your explanation to @funshipfreddie of how to force your brain to work; very funny!

    @gardenlily Um, bread crumbs? Cheese topping? Nope, not the green bean casserole that’s traditional. On the other hand, I only make it once a year because I quit using Campbell’s Cream of XXX soups decades ago. Here’s the traditional recipe, complete with fried onions: https://www.campbells.com/recipes/green-bean-casserole/ DS25 (the chef in the family) has made his own onions from scratch in the past, and they’re really good. But the “real” stuff is so yummy, despite its hideous unhealthiness, LOL!

    We have a wedding tomorrow for DH’s cousin’s son, so a wedding rehearsal tonight. It’s being held at a small town B&B and looks to be a lovely venue; I’m intrigued to consider what the meals will be, tonight after the rehearsal and tomorrow after the ceremony. Because it’s all about the food, right???

    After several months of VERY dry weather, we had a huge rainstorm last night when it poured buckets, and three other significant rain falls in the past two weeks, getting us far closer to normal. It also has given me a break from daily watering, a treat I treasure! I enjoy being out in the garden, but the half hour it takes to water everything can chafe when I have a to-do list I want to start on. So I guess I’d best get up and start on today’s to-do list, right?

    Have a grand one, everyone!

    Day 8 – 2nd post
    Just a quick ‘after-thought’ – FD gone well, heat helped as no appetite when it is this hot. @stitchincarol – hope the wedding goes well, enjoy yourself. I agree the GBC that I make is now quite different from the original – but I guess that’s how new recipes evolve and at least mine can be adapted to be (fairly) low cal. Just been out into cool garden under half-moon in clear fading sky, waiting for first star to appear. Have a great weekend everyone.

    Day 9, NFD, Aus

    Just back from a huge long walk with the dogs – they’ll sleep now for the rest of the afternoon and I am very tempted to join them! When we set off, the sky was blue and, although it was only about 10 degrees, the sun felt warm. By the time we got home, the clouds had set in and the sun had disappeared. Blech.

    Enjoy the wedding, @stitchincarol!

    Did any of the group’s tips help, @funshipfreddie?

    Day 09 – Saturday afternoon – Gold Coast Queensland Australia – (NFD) 🌸🏡🌼🌻🌺☘

    The absolutely most beautiful, perfect winter’s day here today (and yesterday)! Blue cloudless sky, not a breath of breeze, chilly (it’s winter here) and last night the clearest and starriest sky I’ve seen in a very long time. So glad to be alive and happy!🀩😍

    Didn’t post yesterday (Friday) as went to lunch with some galpals to a renowned seafood restaurant in Coolangatta, overlooking the glorious beach. Didn’t get home till after 8.00 pm… it was a long lunch and stopped at each friends’ house on the way home. One is doing an amazing renovation on the house she bought in February and, of course, we had to all admire her reno’s.πŸ‘€πŸ‘€πŸ‘€ Another had some new decor that we needed to admire as well.πŸ‘€πŸ‘€πŸ‘€ Lunch was delectable… prawns, seared scallops, salmon, Moreton Bay bugs 🦞🦞🦞(bugs are not dissimilar to your lobster and a local delicacy) followed by Strawberry Romanoff.πŸ“πŸ“πŸ“πŸ˜‹πŸ˜‹πŸ˜‹ All ingredients super healthy, nothing fried or fatty, apart from the cream in the Strawberry dessert….. but hey…. worth the delicious break-out!

    @gardenlily – I love new potatoes too. My neighbour grows them in pots but they don’t eat them and hand them over the fence! In summer I often make New potato salad with shallots, parsley and vinaigrette (served warm is yummm) Not as heavy in calories or in your stomach as traditional creamy potato salads! If there are leftovers they go nicely in a frittata the next day.

    @stitchincarol … a wedding? Everyone loves a wedding, hope the couple have a lovely day for it! Weddings are full of such promise and best wishes for the couple’s future. Can’t wait to hear all about it. πŸ’–πŸ’•

    @mariaelena – hope the ear infection is sorted now with the right meds. I’m sure that with all your exercise lately that the pesky upward swing is actually MUSCLE…. and that’s a good thing! βœ…βœ…βœ…

    @brightonbelle… I hear you about the seagulls! We were invaded by two seagulls last breeding season who conducted themselves for hours at a time & weeks without end on the patio outside the bedroom sliding doors! ….from 4.00 in the morning…. I have never heard anything like it! What a raucous cacophonyπŸ‘ΉπŸ‘ΏπŸ‘Ή Who knew seagulls could make those sort of sounds? (this is NOT the squeal that you hear at the beach) I’ve been here for more than 25 years and never seen a seagull here before. My ex wanted to ‘eliminate’ them with poison! I came up with a fix in the end though, I criss-crossed fishing line around the ballustrade posts from one side to the other to stop them landing on the patio. Worked, then they went next door! My neighbour used to chase them waving a fishing rod! Ahhhh nature? Love it!

    Have a lovely weekend everyone!

    cheerie dearies

    Interrupt the patterns of your life 🎈🎈🎈

    Day 9 – South Africa πŸ‡ΏπŸ‡¦ – NFD

    @penz – yes thanks! I do like your idea of intentionally thinking of something monotonous. Although last night I slept through from 11 pm – 6 am. I also saw a breathing technique on YouTube I could try; or alternate nostril breathing, a yogic practice which I do occasionally if I feel stressed out about something. Incidentally, did you know your mention of explaining a cartoon character to an alien occurred on the 75th anniversary of the alleged UFO crash in Roswell, New Mexico?!πŸ˜… The Truth Is Out There πŸ›Έ πŸ‘€

    @stitchincarol – enjoy the wedding!

    @linda.b & @brightonbelle – I like the sound of seagulls (although not at the crack of dawn?!) It reminds me of childhood holidays. Oddly enough, the seagulls we have here don’t make that racket. No idea why… πŸ€”

    Have a good weekend everyone 🌀 🌈

    Day 9 – 16:8 CD

    Dealing with some stuff- might not be around too much for a while.

    Thank you for the well wishes, my ear is much less painful now that I have started antibiotics. I’m sure it will clear up soon. I get ear infections like this every few years for reasons, and I’m pretty much used to it. Dr did comment on my weight and that felt good.

    @funshipfreddie – I too have used alternate nostril breathing- and thank you for reminder, must add that to a daily schedule right now to help.

    We have tons of yard work because we took last weekend off so I’ll be quite busy this weekend.

    Good wishes all.

    Day 9 – UK Cam NFD
    Definitely indulging in PFDS – went out for lunch and found myself picking at a plate of cold meats and salad, ignoring the baguettes, muffins and icky potato salad. Felt very noble (and quite satisfied, thank you, with my choices!)

    @linda.b – yes, I agree new potatoes are a treasure, they only last such a short while – I love to throw them into dish with green beans and top with boiled egg (crunchy bacon bits for DH) and a light dressing.

    @brightonbelle – don’t talk to me about birds and the ‘dawn chorus’ – we have a rookery just down the road by the church, they invade the gardens this time of year hoovering up all the bird feed, terrorising the small birds and congregate for an early morning natter (and I mean early – 4 am) on the roof of the garage & conservatory next door (by our bedroom window) – it’s deafening. The only thing that distracts them is (are) the red kites that live nearby on the nature reserve – they do lazy circles over the village, looking for tidbits & rook eggs (yes – go for it!).

    Went round the plot this morning at 7 am to harvest berries as busy later and now temp outside is in upper 20s and no wind – to hot to do anything. I’ll wait until dusk to walk the dog and do the watering – still no rain forecast – we had a teaspoonful in June and none so far in July. Might try a little sewing, if hands not too sticky – or then again, might take a cold drink and my book down to the summer house …

    Day 9 – USA/GA – NFD

    Weigh-in: 213 lbs. Tomorrow will be a FD. Next week looks chaotic, but I’ll pick another day for a FD in addition to Sunday. It’s all a bit up in the air now. Disappointed to be up a pound over last week, but that’s what a holiday weekend will do for you!

    Will write more and catch up later…

    Day 10, NFD, Aus

    I uncharacteristically slept in and missed dog school this morning! It’s another beautiful Canberra winter’s day; still, blue sky and maybe we’ll hit 12 degrees! Another long walk is beckoning…

    Your long girly lunch sounds divine, @linda.b. During lockdown, some gal pals of mine got into a habit of a fortnightly zoom call. It’s been great but we are now long over due for a catch-up in person. We meet at a half way spot between our respective citiies. It’s a 90 min drive each way for each of us – which is more than doable for a lunch date, but it does mean we can’t share a bottle of wine!

    Ha ha, I had no idea it was the Boswell anniversary! Oh that coincidence made me chuckle, @funshipfreddie.

    Hope all is ok, @mariaelena. Even if you don’t drop in to post, know we are here and thinking of you. See you back when life settles.

    Speaking of birds @gardenlily, @brightonbelle, @linda.b and others – I do love the sound of the Australian birdlife morning chorus but last year we had a young bird (not quie sure what it was) that started at 2am! Not even the early worms are up at that time of day. Instead of thinking about mushrooms, I should have thought about all the vcarious ways to eliminate it (and chasing it with a fishing rod would not have been on the list)!

    I’m looking at the macro for you @northgeorgia and you are still trending downwards. Hang in there!

    Day 10 – Lake District UK – NFD

    Good morning everyone

    Fabulous settled weather, even left the sun sail up over the decking for the weekend, hardly a breeze, making the most of it all. Heading out after breakfast coffee for a MOAM walk to get going.

    There was a massive swarm of bees yesterday morning as the day started to warm up. That’s the second swarm I’ve come across this year, but this one was huge, excellent to see. Totally harmless, just looking for a new home. In fact a lot of years ago I was helping a pal to clear a bed of catmint in full flower (building project) and I ended up covered in bees, it was summer and hot so i was wearing shorts and a vest. The next thing I was covered in bees, it looked like I was wearing a jacket! Unsure of what to do, my friend just said to walk away a few yards into the breeze and shake like a dog, I did and they just went, not a single sting!
    In all my gardening years I’ve ever been stung by a bee, now wasps, they’re a totally different thing entirely!

    @penz – I’ve a mate who emigrated to Aus 3 years ago to be with family, the one thing he misses, UK birdsong. He find the birdlife there a bit too strident.

    Take care all

    Day 10 – Sunday afternoon – Gold Coast Queensland Australia – (NFD)..🏠work day

    Late Sunday afternoon here and I’ve stopped for a bit…. been doing a little housework and also washed and detailed the car. Enough for the day.

    I had actually planned to do some culling of my wardrobe over the weekend but the hours just seem to evaporate as I happily distracted myself with anything else I could find. In fact it may be a gigantic dose of procrastination as I’m not good at culling stuff. I’ve watched countless youtubes seeking advice on best way to go about it but still haven’t actually done it. I know I have a problem here. πŸ˜’πŸ˜¦πŸ˜–

    Nevertheless, as my wardrobe is jam-packed with several different sizes of clothing, I really must get some resolve from somewhere to sort out the stuff that no longer fits, too big, too old or just plain out-of-style for my age and 2022 or, as I’m contemplating retiring in 6-8 months, corporate clothing that I’ll no longer need. Even verbalising this fills me with anxiety! Obviously, having lost the weight (for the second time now) I guess my fear is about culling the larger sizes. Has anyone else been through this and have tips for this?

    @mariaelena.. hope you can deal with the issues at hand and drop by here as often as you can; as you’ve already succeeded at IF, your support is wonderful and so inspiring. πŸ’πŸ’πŸ’

    Anyway it’s evening now (6.40pm) and time to step away from the computer…

    cheerie dearies

    It is not the strongest of the species that survive, nor the most intelligent, but the ones most responsive to change.” – Darwin

    Day 10 – South Africa πŸ‡ΏπŸ‡¦ – FD

    @mariaelena – ditto what @linda.b said πŸ€—

    If you think seagulls are loud, you should hear our Hadedas 😳

    I had a marathon 9 hours’ sleep! Just what the doctor ordered. No breathing techniques necessary. I listened to some music before I went to sleep & I still had a song lodged in my brain as I drifted off. I also made a detailed ‘to do’ list & started packing. I have a tendency to catastrophize sometimes, especially if I wake up at night. I start imagining the worst-case scenarios that may occur when I move, eg, what if the car breaks down? what if the cat’s flight is cancelled/delayed? what if my removal guy doesn’t show up? I could quickly drive myself bonkers; but planning & making lists is definitely helping me to switch off.

    Happy S🌞nday!

    Pocket List – Day 10 πŸ“

    Day 10 – New Zealand. NFD
    A little late to this challenge but that’s ok! I’ve only managed to do 1 fast day per week and as a result gained 800grams over the last few weeks – not much of a gain but also I really need to be getting in 2 FD’s. So this week I’ll be doing tomorrow and Wednesday!

    Day 10-No. VA USA-FD
    I am adding myself to the pocket list. Weight is mostly unchanged from the first of the month; must be the dreaded NFD underestimate of intake. Or fluid retention. Never quite sure. I thought I was doing pretty well, actually. But I am committed to consistency this month!
    Pocket list:



    I’m with you Tomorrow and Wednesday for me also! . . after a weekend of food and booze πŸ™‚

    Day 10 – UK Cam – NFD
    Another scorcher here – vintage tractor rally through village this morning – local lad died from cancer so it was a memorial to him. Amazing watching the mix of ancient and modern machinery rattle by with a wave and much cheering. I couldn’t sleep so got up before 6am and took the dog out in the cool – we were out for 90 minutes! Afraid I indulged in a bagel breakfast but did work some of it off on the plot later, despite the temp soaring up to 29C plus.
    @linda.b – been there with the wardrobe so know what you mean. My only advice is fairly universal when culling, make 3 piles – keep, dump and ‘not sure’. Make sure you put dump stuff in bag out of the way then go back through ‘not sure’ pile and ask yourself why you haven’t been wearing it – was it an expensive impulse that just doesn’t suit/fit/hang right? Check if you can remake it and if not, add to dump bag. Then, most important, take the dump bag to the charity shop or wherever you prefer to go with old clothes straight away!
    @fastingnurse – which part of NZ are you in? I have family in South Island – can’t wait to get back out to visit. Keep with the diet/regime – it does seem to work with 2 x FD per week (for me at least).
    Next week may be a challenge to fit in 2 as got an extra ‘grannyday’ to squeeze in. At least the heat means I am too hot to cook anything much, but against that is the lure of cheese, biscuits, wine …. But, hey, its an NFD today – I can eat after all, just need to be sensible and not eat the whole brie!

    Day 10 – USA/GA – FD

    Weigh-in: 215 lbs. OK, same as last Sunday, but no Independence Day celebrations tomorrow! So hoping this will be my high weight. Next FD will be Wednesday or Thursday.

    Pocket list for Sunday!

    Day 11 – Monday afternoon – Gold Coast Queensland Australia – FUN DAY (FD) πŸ₯¦πŸ₯‘πŸ„πŸ…πŸ†πŸŒΆπŸ₯•

    Third FUN DAY (FD) of the month already. Time is fleeting. So I’m three weeks into maintenance and going well holding the scales at bay. Not ready to rock the applecart just yet so will continue with my FUN DAYS (FDs) and relax a little on the NFDs.

    @funshipfreddie – re the decluttering, I guess you are up to your neck in that with packing up your home. I don’t envy you at all. πŸ₯΄πŸ˜΅ I think the reason I haven’t moved in 25 years is that I couldn’t face moving and dealing with the stuff! It will be so exciting though, once you’ve made the move and find new surrounds to explore.

    @gardenlily – re the decluttering… thanks for the advice…. I’m kind of trying that approach but need to be MUCH tougher about it. Things go into the dispatch pile and then 30 minutes later mysteriouslyπŸ‘»πŸ‘»πŸ‘» move back into the keep pile! I wish I could just outsource this task….. but I’d probably have a meltdown handing over to someone else to decide.πŸ₯΄πŸ˜΅πŸ€ͺ I know when it’s accomplished I’ll have more positive feelings about it. … and then I can tackle the garageπŸ€£πŸ˜‚πŸ€£πŸ˜πŸ€£ that repository for all things useless!

    @fastingnurse, @excelsior12309, @tomtit…. yes, the 2 x FUN DAYS (FD) are absolutely key to consistent loss but the NFDs (NON FAST DAYS) are the saboteurs! Most of us can commit to the 2 x FDs (in one way or another) but our downfalls are usually around the other days. If you can get a handle on the 5 x NFDs and keep them within reason, you’ll surely succeed! 🀩🀩🀩🀩

    cheerie dearies

    Once you’ve taken back control in your relationship with food, everything else starts to fall into place.
    So invest in yourself, in changing the habits – because everything you are looking for lives on the other side. All change happens outside your current comfort zone.

    Pocket list for Monday!

    Day 11, FD, Aus

    Oh I am having one of those Mondays. I swear I had posted – I even saw it on the screen, and now it’s gone. Aarrrghh!!!! Sorry all – no time to repost.

    Pocket list for Monday!

    Day 11 – Lake district UK – FD

    Good morning everyone

    Feel the need a good Fasting Day today, had a brilliant weekend, bit like most weekdays really, joys of being retired, every days a ‘fun day’ πŸ˜‰ Just feel a bit bloated after a bit of a lazy weekend in the sun and need to get going.

    Planned a few jobs around house and garden this morning, a MOAM walk, then a BBQ this afternoon, yes a BBQ on a FD, surprising how many veggies you can put on a BBQ and little or no meat, so make the most of the hot weather πŸ™‚

    @funshipfreddie – Amazing how the brain can create mayhem and negative stuff causing unnecessary worry, fortunately and mostly due to having planned properly in the first place, all is good! Take care buddy, before you know it the biggest hassle will be unpacking your stuff at the other end, good luck.

    Take care all

    Pocket list for Monday

    Day 11 UK FD

    Definitely need to detox today , most of my weekend goals were not achieved, but a few were so I’m concentrating on the positives πŸ’ͺ

    Pocket list for Monday

    Day 11 – South Africa πŸ‡ΏπŸ‡¦ – NFD

    @linda.b – re the decluttering, it really is mind-boggling, the stuff we hold onto. But as it’s my 4th move in 3 years most of the junk was dispatched/donated a while ago & I’m over the worst of it. I feel surprisingly organized, & I’m just getting a little done every day. Getting started is probably the worst part & it’s quite therapeutic once you do!

    @i-hate-lettuce – thank you πŸ™ That reminds me of the Mark Twain quote – “I’ve had a lot of worries in my life, most of which never happened”. Something like that anyway. I won’t really need to unpack until September at the earliest though. I’m going to stay in a guest house for at least a month; until I can find somewhere more permanent anyway. Boo Boo will be checking into Angel’s Cattery close by. She’ll never forgive me; but she’s getting her very own garden unit so she’ll just have to get over it πŸ˜…

    Sending RESOLVE & positive vibes to the Monday fasters 🎯

    Day 11 Liverpool UK FD

    I don’t know why but I changed my FD to Monday and Wednesday. Went for a couple of hours on the paddleboard this morning for distraction purposes which worked really well . . . until the drive home past Mcdonalds and kfc etc. It put my mind back on food but a black coffee and some weeding and I should hold out!
    Good luck and happy fasting to all x

    Day 11, FD, Scotland

    Here I am again. I had a bit of an excessive weekend, so im happy to have my fast days this week! Vegan salad for lunch and piri piri chicken for dinner. Body attack after work and then an early night.

    Day 11 – USA/GA – NFD

    Weigh-in: 211 lbs. Taking a day off work today. Tomorrow we have a work potluck, so I may make that an OMAD, then probably do a FD on Wednesday. Hoping to get on track again this month.

    USA. Day 11. FD

    Good morning, al!

    Pocket list for Monday

    Day 11 – FD 800

    Accountability weight 127.7

    Pocket list for Monday

    Day 11 – Rural Nebraska, USA – FD500

    The wedding was lovely; thanks, everyone, for the wishes for enjoying it. The ceremony and dinner and dancing were all in an old barn, which was nicely air conditioned–thankfully, since it was quite hot and muggy–and I had a lovely chatter with DH’s aunt. Then, driving home, I got a text that some dear friends were coming to church in the morning (instead of their own) so I invited them to brunch afterward. Our two sons were up, and our friends’ youngest son was with them (our eldest and their youngest were four months apart and grew up best friends until we moved away; they’re still dear friends), and it was a glorious day. Too much food/drink, but that’s life, and today I’m back on the wagon.

    @funshipfreddie I think that’s what makes everyone hate when they can’t sleep at night because EVERYTHING looks awful in the middle of the night. When I can’t shake off the awful feelings, I get up until I’m wide awake, because that’s the only way to persuade myself it’s not as bad as my 2am imagination is painting it to be. Then I go back to bed and read my Kindle until I can finally fall asleep, and then I sleep late, LOL!

    @linda.b As someone who’s gained and lost regularly over the past twenty years, I also have multiple wardrobes. Here’s one tip for you: if you can afford to buy more clothes, then ask yourself why on earth you would keep old clothes “just in case”? I finally got myself to dump a bunch of clothes recently by asking my daughter if the things I wanted were worth keeping; we were on a video call and I showed her all the things I was waffling about. “Ugh,” she said, “no, you don’t want those.” 🀣🀣🀣 Nothing like a daughter’s honesty, right? Now, my situation is a bit different because I’m keeping them in the expectation of eventually fitting into them. But are you really keeping yours in the expectation that you’ll eventually gain back your lost weight and need larger clothes? THAT’S an unfortunate mind set! How about if you set yourself the task of getting rid of ONE thing per week? That’s surely not enough to cause you anxiety, and after doing that for several weeks, perhaps it will become easier; if not, you’ll at least have removed several things from your closet.

    Today and tomorrow will be reasonable temps at 86/30, but then we’re moving back up into the high 90s/high 30s. DH and I want to get loads and loads of mulch and spread it out, but DS25 is borrowing our truck this week for his own landscaping needs, so it will have to wait. So perhaps I’ll simply go into my sewing room and play there… I must find something to keep me out of the kitchen today because all yesterday’s carbs will make today’s FD a bigger challenge than some.

    Have a grand one, everyone!

    Pocket list for Monday

    Day 11 – UK – FD
    Well, I guess a scorching hot day is actually a good one to choose for a FD – got very hot filling up water tank this morning, flopped on bed & had a snooze midday – almost forgot to eat any lunch but DH persuaded me to eat some berries (yes, more berries!!) and fat-free yoghurt so I could resist temptation when I was on granny duty this afternoon (pet animal rushed to vets – not good outcome – upset grand-daughter). Couldn’t face cooking anything (33C at 5 pm) so had egg & feta cheese salad which I couldn’t finish. Definitely in the 500 range today. Have drunk gallons of water all day – will probably be up all night … Still, I suppose it’s exercise of a sort!

    @stitchincarol – glad the wedding went so well, always good to catch up with friends. I have found hand sewing a binding on or sewing all those loose ends a good distraction, especially if you have a good book to listen to (I use Audible).

    @tomtit – hope you made it through the day – well done for resisting the fast food outlets – for me it’s the local curry house – the smell just gets to me and I start to drool.

    Off to bed now – debating whether to do another FD tomorrow, perhaps an 800? If it is as hot or hotter than today won’t feel like eating (nor exercising much). Will decide in the morning.

    Day 11, FD, Aus

    FD! Great way to kick off the week. I made bread yesterday (a buttermilk one coz we had some leftover, not the sundried tomato one, @IHL) and I ate far too much of it.

    I was listening to a radio show about the soothing sounds of bird calls and they were playing an English morning chorus. It did not appeal to me at all! The wrong sounds completely to what I was used to, so I can well understand your friend not adapting to the Australian songs, @IHL.

    Welcome @fastingnurse – join me (and many others) on the FD today.

    Well, it’s Monday and another busy day looms. I forgot to bring in something important for work, so will need to leave the office and bolt home to collect it. Fortunately I live fairly close by but it will still take almost an hour out of my day all up. Grumble!

    Day 12, NFD, PFDS, Aus

    Well well well, look what I found on my computer this morning – yesterday’s post!!

    How was everyone’s FD yesterday? Did black coffee and weeding work for you @tomtit?

    Day 12 – Tuesday – Gold Coast Queensland Australia – NFD 😎😎😎

    Lovely clear winter’s day here. All’s good with the world (here at least!😁).

    @i-hate-lettuce – love your style… we do veg on the BBQ too. Gives them a whole different flavour and taste just so good.πŸ˜‹ Toss on a couple of prawns and calamari with them and you have plate fit for the king and queen.

    @funshipfreddie – love the Mark Twain quote. Quite apt! You are on top of move dynamics and it should all go smoothly. You have a plan… that is the key πŸ˜‰πŸ˜ŠπŸ™‚

    @northgeorgia – 211? that’s downβ¬πŸ”½β¬βœ”…. hooray!πŸ˜πŸ˜€πŸ˜Š

    @stitchincarol – oh my, you understand perfectly… and also the unmerciful honesty of daughters! Yes, I really did think she might like that denim skirt ….. ha ha!πŸ€£πŸ˜‚πŸ₯° Whodathunk! I think you are right about breaking the job down into smaller more manageable chunks… perhaps will de-clutter one thing every day. I’m concentrating on the winter clothes first because the op shops are selling winter clothes right now. Breaking down into smaller chunks is what we do here with our monthly challenges so it is a good plan that saves us from being overwhelmed and we know it works. Glad you had a lovely time at the wedding…. weddings are so refreshing and full of hope for the future of the couple.. 🧑 Re your mulching, maybe its a blessing your son has the truck because it is really just too hot to be shovelling mulch!πŸ₯΄πŸ˜΅

    stay cool everyone up there

    cheerie dearies🦘🦘🦘

    If the plan doesn’t work, change the plan, but never change the goal

    Day 11 Ohio, US — MFD
    Days 8-10 — NFD

    I’ve still been down with an infection, so have had a low profile for the last few days. The weekly weigh-in showed a .5 lb (.23 kg) loss, so I’m hopeful that by the end of the month the weight will be down below 180 lb (81.6 kg).

    @stitchincarol Sounds as though the wedding and the family and friends brunch on Sunday were a great time!

    Pocket list for Monday (Day 11)

    Day 12 – Lake district UK – NFD

    Good morning everyone

    How things change, when I was working I hated the hot weather and loved the cold, nowadays it’s totally the opposite. Yesterday knocked off a painting job that I’ve been putting off for ages, got it done first thing, then enjoyed the warm sun and the garden for the rest of the day on the ‘Lugar del Sundecking’ in the garden πŸ˜‰
    Really love this place and the area, nowhere near as busy as the central lakes, sat out yesterday listening to the birdsong, very little traffic around, very nice indeed.

    Take care all

    Day 12 – South Africa πŸ‡ΏπŸ‡¦ – NFD

    My power finally came back on a couple of hours ago, after being off the entire day yesterday. So annoying. Not just mine, the entire area, I think. My ice cubes are ruined πŸ˜…

    @stitchincarol – that’s so true! Things really do always look better in the morning ⛅️

    It’s interesting, hearing how other people are tempted by fast food outlets. I NEVER buy takeaway food! Does that make me odd? I don’t know why; just the idea of it grosses me out. I always imagine the food will be cold & soggy by the time I get it home, & I just wouldn’t enjoy it. πŸ€” Although, I did have a couple of pizzas delivered about a year ago when a friend stayed over, & that was pretty good.

    Have a great day everyone

    Day 12 – Tuesday – Gold Coast Queensland Australia – NFD 😎😎😎 2nd post

    @i-hate-lettuce… just checked in on the kids…. they are becoming HUGE!πŸ¦…πŸ¦…πŸ¦…

    Day 217 – USA/GA – OMAD

    Weigh-in: 217 lbs. Yikes! Well, fresh corn on the cob from the garden is “almost” gone, and with my day off and milk that “needed” using, yes it was a bad day for carb overload. Still, this is a pound lower than last week’s high. Will do another FD on Wednesday, it appears. Today is also potluck day at work, so that should make for a nice OMAD and see me through Thursday. Slowly but surely, I’ll get there.

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