31 Day March 2017 Challenge

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31 Day March 2017 Challenge

This topic contains 3,249 replies, has 179 voices, and was last updated by  therealwil78 7 years, 10 months ago.

Viewing 50 posts - 3,151 through 3,200 (of 3,256 total)

  • Day 31, London, UK, NFD

    Hoping for CD today so tomorrows final weigh-in is kind!! I’ll post the FINAL results tomorrow along with my ‘lessons’ learnt for March.

    Good luck on the final straight everybody!!!

    Day 31- Queensland, Australia – NFD.

    Starting weight: 51.5 kg
    Goal weight: 50 kg
    Today’s weight: 49.0 kg

    Very happy to remain at 49 kg. It gives me a little buffer.

    I’ve had a great month doing 5:2, and will continue doing 6:1 to maintain.

    I have benefited from being part of this community this month. Seeing how many other people are doing this inspired me to continue. Thank you all.

    Final day – and I weighed in at precisely 10 stones! (So I have lost 3.5lbs over the month). A little disappointed to not nudge under the 10stone barrier, but I’m beginning the April weight loss challenge tomorrow….but one week of that will be spent on holiday, and I’m not fasting during that!

    Day 31 Portugal FD
    Last day of the challenge.. so a fast day for me. Will be weighing tomorrow but I had a little peek yesterday – 61.1 kg. Loss of 1.3kg I think. Not into the 60s which was my goal but not far away. Today could make all the difference!! @at you did a fantastic job this month. Thanks. See you all over at the April challenge.


    Day 31 – NL – NFD
    Lost 3,6 kgs

    Day 31 Oxfordshire FD

    Reporting numbers tomorrow as then I will also have starting point for April. Many thanks AT.

    Day 31, London, UK, NFD

    Last day of March Challenge and I think it’s gone well. 7lbs weight loss, 2.5″ off my bust, 1.5″ off my waist and 1″ off my hips. I’m looking forward to the April Challenge.

    AT & GoPackGo – thanks for the advice re the no. of calories I can have on a FD. approx. 500-600 works well for me, so I’ll try to stick to that.

    Day 31 UK FD 🌈

    Loving the fact I live in the U.K.and am one of the last to check in as I get all your inspiring stories to see me through the last FD of this month.

    So FD for me, few more hours and it’s over for this month, results are in and we check in for a new month tomorrow. Will post final results tomorrow morning as my final weight will also be my start weight for the new challenge.

    Day of gym, hot water and lemon and reflection for me, what worked, what didn’t, what I’m going to change for April challenge, with Easter slap bang in the middle of it!

    Well done those who finished, whatever the scales say it’s about changing for the better, I’ve learnt such a lot about myself.

    @biddiev thanks for the insight into how you did it, and well done.

    @at thanks for hosting 🌺🌹🌷🌸❤️

    Day 31 UK NFD I know I’ll be up a couple of lbs but with the entertaining g I’ve been doing the last 2 weeks I’m ok with that , will be starting afresh in April AT thanks for hosting see many of you in the April challenge x

    Day 31 Belfast NFD
    Well my Fellow Fasters (I do love a bit of alliteration!)
    final weigh in 156, waist 35 which means a loss of 1.5 pounds and 1/2 ” from my waist
    So my BMI is 25.2 and my waist to height ratio is 0.53
    I can’t deny I’m a little disappointed but I have to admit I have lacked motivation this month. So being a cup half full gal, the stats are down (if a little).
    @erikaa7 I think it’s so good to treat ourselves sometimes and get rid of all the old clothes. How we feel about ourselves is so important. Well done you on your journey!
    @suse13 Snaccident is a wonderful word. We have to add that to our official vocabulary!
    @fatrabbit I look forward to reading your tales even though they are sometimes sad! Sorry to hear about your dentist woes. Does that mean you have to go back to get the tooth removed? I’m feeling for you.
    A BIG thank you to AT for a truly amazing job. Your little words of support to each and every one have been amazing, not to mention the masterpiece of a spreadsheet!
    A huge congratulations to everybody for their effort this month. If you are a big loser, well done to you all. If you just didn’t do so well, we can hold hands together for the next month. Together we can do this.

    Right then. Weigh in says that I’m 78.6kg on 31/3. I’ll take that. -3.3Kg since the start of Marchand It’s 0.3kg better than my target, but virtually the same as last week. I think 3 Spin classes and a swim each week must’ve built a bit of muscle up. I think I’m losing the fat. April/May will be a big months for me as it sees the Promised Land of target goal weight come into view.

    Day 31….. Florida……. FD

    I cant believe that it is the end of the month already! What a wild and crazy ride was that. I’ll weigh in tomorrow for the final stats.
    My prediction is that I did not reach my goal of 143, and I only end up losing 4 of the 5lbs, I wanted to lose 5 in total. Crazy thing is that I did reach the goal but after my vacation, I have fought to lose what I had gained. Overall, I’m still happy with the results.
    I guess, I’ll know tomorrow where I stand!

    Thanks for hosting AT, you are fabulous!

    Peace be with you!

    Day 31 Aus NFD

    Day 31 – Perth, W.Aust – FD

    Last FD of the month, will weigh in tomorrow to check final results. Feel pretty good, but now that I’m working I think I will need to change Friday FD to another night, could really go a wine or two right now 🙂

    Thank you @at for all your efforts to keep track of us. Whether goals have been met or not, we’ve supported each other, shared stories and held hands across the globe.

    Together we are strong, we are kind, we are fabulous!

    We just have to get through today and then We’ve made it!😊🥗I will weigh in tomorrow morning for the end of March and the beginning of our April Challenge.😊🌈🥗 @at You are so kind and gracious I’m so glad you and @coda will be at the April challenge. Your kindness, knowledge and experience will carry us towards our goals! A huge ✨✨🌈✨Thank-You!!!✨🌈✨✨ To you both for your warm, kind words and guidance!✨✨

    @dykask Wow, you’ve done so well you’ve updated and improved your goal all ready. 😊I’d say there isn’t any just normal FD’s. Please give yourself more credit and remember all the benefits we get from fasting. I admire you for being able to start in on new FD’s. It’s always harder for me to go from a NFD to a FD. The way that some people are able to handle easily is by staying in the fat burning cycle and not eating carbs, sugar on NFD’s. I’m not there yet. 😊
    @fatrabbit Congratulations✨🎉on your waist and body measurements going down 2″. I’m impressed by the height to weight ratio. I’m going to have to check out and figure out my height to weight ratio… I’m sure I have a ways to go.
    @luna09 Congratulations ✨🎉I am so impressed by your accomplishment of a whole month of intermittent fasting. A lot of control days, that takes some will power! ✨🎉
    Good Luck to you @sarah57
    @johnnyr ✨🎉Congratulations! Another 5/5. You have inspired me this month! Thanks for being in the group and sharing with the group. I’m looking forward to seeing you at the April Challenge.😊
    Here’s the link: https://thefastdiet.co.uk/forums/topic/30-day-april-2017-challenge/#post-199403
    @notmyrealname very glad to hear about your breakthrough. Since I started and 181 lbs. and am working towards 131 lbs. by June, I could use a lot of breakthroughs also!😊Your right ✨April watch out! We are coming✨✨Together We are Stronger!✨💪💪💪✨✨🥗🥗🥗

    Day 31|Toronto| Cd-NFD planned| 85.6
    Weight is basically the same as end of February.

    Day 31- NFD. Norfolk Virginia

    Last day of the month, my weight today is 173.5 lbs. I didn’t reach the 170 but I’m glad I didn’t gain.

    Happy end of the month friends!

    Day 31 Chicago, Illinois USA – FD

    Last day of the month, will weigh in tomorrow to get final March weight!

    TGIF, have a great day everyone!

    Day 31 Maine NFD

    Weight 183.6. – down 4.6 this month – had set goal of 3 lbs for the month & exceeded it! More importantly, for the very first time in my life, I lost weight on vacation… A month long vacation! I feel so empowered! Thanks to all for the support! A total of 15 pounds gone since I started 5/2 Jan 30th…one full size smaller!
    I’ll take my measurements tomorrow.

    Congratulations to all for making it til the end of the month – it is such a learning experience & unlike “diets” from the past, a totally doable WOL. Who would have thought the word “reset” could be so powerful?

    Again, thanks to all of you for sharing & @at for your commitment to all of us!

    Make it a great day & weekend everybody! Here’s to April & thanks already for your leadership, @okeydokey!

    2nd post – btw, Cliff walk was nice & clear – wonderful welcome home for my therapy walk. Heading out now – before the snowstorm hits tonight!

    Day 31 -NFD – Canada
    Thank you so much for hosting this month @at!
    I’ve really doubled down this week with 2 b2b fasts to kick through my March goal and I did it!
    That said, all four of those days were between 500-800 cals and two were pushing 800-850. And the NFD in the middle, a super stressful day, ended with some late night wine & tortilla chips… and still the weight came off. Using prepped frozen meals (adding greens) some of the time and never eating before noon and just being mindful of how much more energy I have when I am slimmer really helped. So I think there is ‘wiggle room’ when you are in a ‘good’ place. Not so much when you are not.
    So, I started March at 139 with a goal of 135. I had two weeks of plateau in the middle and I’ve ended up at 134.8! I am really happy with that 4.2 lb loss 🙂 I’ve been at this since Jan 4th when I started at 150 and I’m chugging on down to 130. I want to stay mindful and now have a steady 3 NFDs of eating sensibly at my TDEE.
    Very best to everyone – see you on the April Challenge!

    Day 31 – USA (Illinois) – NFD

    Yesterday’s FD was very good, and I am happy to be back under my maintenance at 159.3. So my goal for the month was attained, such as it has been. I would love to be able to just stay at 160, but I guess a little fluctuation is to be expected.

    For those of you who want to lose more than you did, remember our bodies plateau or “whoosh” as I have heard people say about several pounds coming off at once. Our WOL accommodates the life we live! Isn’t that great?

    @at – thank you so much for all your hard work, encouragement, and ability to keep track of so much ‘stuff’ we have handed you!

    Onward and downward!

    Hmm, posted and it didn’t show up. Let me see if I can paste it as I am about to head out the door for a day of food and frivolity !

    Day 31, USA, Missouri Ozarks, NFD

    Well, here we are, the end of the month.

    Today’s weight 140.4, below goal weight of 145.

    To sum up the month, my goal was to stay below 145, there was not one day that I didn’t achieve that goal. I think the reason why is accountability. I KNEW that I would be posting my weight each morning. Not that I was required to, not that anybody would think less of me if it were above my goal weight (quite the contrary, this is the most supportive group of people I have ever been around), just because I KNEW that I would be accountable. I think this board is my online Weight Watchers and it’s Free! yay….

    I have been amazed that my weight has stabilized. While it is true that I fasted on M, Tu, Wed (keeping calories to about 500 with a one hour window of eating say 7-8 p.m.) – I didn’t suffer a single day. On my NFDays I ate with friends at Wendy’s and enjoyed my chocolate Frostees,I went to a committee meeting at Pizza Hut and ate it all, salad-pasta-pizza-dessert, I ate out with my husband every week at our favorite Mexican restaurant and didn’t even give a thought to how many chips and salsa I ate or what entrée I would order, I celebrated (several times) my 68th birthday and the birth of a new great granddaughter. In other words, I watched what I ate on certain days, tried to eat well on others, had snacks now and then (plain shortbread cookies, Cheez-its, pretzels, chips, (try to avoid sweets due to inflammatory effects) and celebrated life every now and then. A rather normal way to live, I would think.

    I have also exercised faithfully, every day. Often two hours a day. I do love to exercise so it is a joy, not a chore, to have the time (and exercise room) to do so. I have actually acquired a flat tummy and abs (my husband even commented thusly). NO, I will not be modeling for Sports Illustrated any time soon, but I will feel more comfortable wearing my skinny jeans and waist length tops this summer. No need to cover up anything.

    Also keep up my water, green tea, etc., intake. At least a gallon day, probably more.

    So, to sum up. The twelve pounds or so that I have lost and kept off the past couple of months made such a difference. Probably because it was that last, stubborn bit of flab that is so hard for our body to release (a protective mode from long, long ago when needed in the event of famine, whatever…)

    Thanks to all for the support and a special thanks to AT for the hard work. I don’t even work that hard at the office. haha….

    My very best to all of you as we forge ahead into April. I plan to stay the course unless my weight drops into the 130’s which is too low. I love the idea of giving my body a few days a week without the constant digesting of food. I think the health benefits of fasting in different forms has been proven and I want to benefit from that research in any way I can.

    Uhh, my post keeps disappearing. Shall try one more time before we head out the door for a day of fun, frivolity, and food!

    Day 31, USA, Missouri Ozarks, NFD

    Well, here we are, the end of the month.

    Today’s weight 140.4, below goal weight of 145.

    To sum up the month, my goal was to stay below 145, there was not one day that I didn’t achieve that goal. I think the reason why is accountability. I KNEW that I would be posting my weight each morning. Not that I was required to, not that anybody would think less of me if it were above my goal weight (quite the contrary, this is the most supportive group of people I have ever been around), just because I KNEW that I would be accountable. I think this board is my online Weight Watchers and it’s Free! yay….

    I have been amazed that my weight has stabilized. While it is true that I fasted on M, Tu, Wed (keeping calories to about 500 with a one hour window of eating say 7-8 p.m.) – I didn’t suffer a single day. On my NFDays I ate with friends at Wendy’s and enjoyed my chocolate Frostees,I went to a committee meeting at Pizza Hut and ate it all, salad-pasta-pizza-dessert, I ate out with my husband every week at our favorite Mexican restaurant and didn’t even give a thought to how many chips and salsa I ate or what entrée I would order, I celebrated (several times) my 68th birthday and the birth of a new great granddaughter. In other words, I watched what I ate on certain days, tried to eat well on others, had snacks now and then (plain shortbread cookies, Cheez-its, pretzels, chips, (try to avoid sweets due to inflammatory effects) and celebrated life every now and then. A rather normal way to live, I would think.

    I have also exercised faithfully, every day. Often two hours a day. I do love to exercise so it is a joy, not a chore, to have the time (and exercise room) to do so. I have actually acquired a flat tummy and abs (my husband even commented thusly). NO, I will not be modeling for Sports Illustrated any time soon, but I will feel more comfortable wearing my skinny jeans and waist length tops this summer. No need to cover up anything.

    Also keep up my water, green tea, etc., intake. At least a gallon day, probably more.

    So, to sum up. The twelve pounds or so that I have lost and kept off the past couple of months made such a difference. Probably because it was that last, stubborn bit of flab that is so hard for our body to release (a protective mode from long, long ago when needed in the event of famine, whatever…)

    Thanks to all for the support and a special thanks to AT for the hard work. I don’t even work that hard at the office. haha….

    My very best to all of you as we forge ahead into April. I plan to stay the course unless my weight drops into the 130’s which is too low. I love the idea of giving my body a few days a week without the constant digesting of food. I think the health benefits of fasting in different forms has been proven and I want to benefit from that research in any way I can.

    Day 31 , USA-WA, FD
    Wow, the end of March! I’ve lost a total of 8 lbs. this month. That feels like about the right amount for my body. Bring on April!

    Day 31 – Cumbria UK – FD (2nd Post)

    A big THANK YOU to everyone for your very kind words regarding my hosting the 31 Day March 2017 Challenge – being the “host” or “cat herder” or helping everyone “Marching along” has been a challenge and a blast and I am so pleased that I agreed to take up this role when @coda suggested it in February. For anyone thinking of putting themselves forward for this role sometime in the future – Please do so as it will be a great experience!

    Well here we are on the last day of the 31 Day March 2017 Challenge – I loved getting to know you all, some shared a lot, others just posted in daily and some posted ad hoc but I believe that we all gained something no matter how much or how little we posted. No judgement given, just understanding, hugs, guidance and immense support for each other – our small global community could teach the world a thing or two!!!!! TOGETHER WE ARE DEFINITELY STRONGER

    To everyone whether you are on a FD, NFD or CD today – stay strong and positive.

    DAY 31 – POCKETEERS LIST of all those doing a FD – just copy and paste and add your name to the list – TOGETHER WE ARE STRONGER
    @triplet (I believe will be the first to finish Day 31….)
    @coda, @fatrabbit, @redrockgirl302 and @strawberriesandcream – 5th day of 800cal
    @bert1802 – 2nd of B2B FDs
    @annemarilyn 800cals
    @Chitown Gal
    @notmyrealname (hopefully)

    I will complete the spreadsheet with all results as they come in over the next couple of days and post it on this forum hopefully sometime on 2nd April with a summary of numbers for anyone interested.

    “Believe in yourself and all that you are. Know that there is something inside you that is greater than any obstacle.”


    “Never compare your journey with someone else’s. Your journey is your journey not a competition”

    Day 31 NFD USA, WI

    My March numbers: I started my journey on March 13, weighing 195.4. Today, after 18 days on the 5:2, I weigh 182.4. I’ve lost 13 pounds! (5.8kg) In addition, I’ve lost 10.25 inches (26 cm) – over 3 in my bust, over 2 in the waist AND tummy, and over an inch in the hips and thighs. BMI went from 32.5 to 30.4.

    I am thrilled with these results and really love this way of life. My goal for April will be a total loss of 8 pounds for the month. Being on these meds for the first 8 days kind of messes things up (having to eat with the meds, etc), but hey, you take what life throws at you and go with it. Work around it! If I did lose 8 pounds I’d be well into the 170s, a site I haven’t seen since last summer when I got to about 178.

    @biddiev – I loved how you outlined your process!
    @dykask – Thanks for the congrats! And I’m lucky in that I put on muscle pretty quicky, so we’ll have to see what that does for the numbers on the scale. I measure too, so I’ll know that even if the numbers on the scale don’t budge much, but the thigh went down another .25 inch, I’m doing it right. 🙂
    @fatrabbit – I’m sorry for the nightmare of battling your tooth. I think I winced reading that. I was knocked out when I had my molars pulled, but I woke during the dentist struggling to get the last molar out. AwFUL. And I’m sorry for the loss of your two bunny pals. It’s hard anytime we lose a furry friend. 🙁 And April will be your month to get in the 190s!!!
    @notmyrealname – Kudos on weight loss for the month, even with personal difficulties. Huge accomplishment right there. You’ll see the 7s in April!
    @and…exhale @suse13 @emme1956 @dutch @helenalee @debster251 @johnnyr @scs @blueninjamum …. Congrats to all of you on a loss for the month!!!!!!

    April is a new month, new chances, new strategies, more to lose! DOWN DOWN DOWN WE GO!!!!

    SO MUCH THANKS again, to @at, for hosting this month and being a fabulous introduction for the newbies (me) in March. You, and this forum, are a huge part of support and encouragement and the success for me of this month. April will ROCK!!!

    Hahaha … editing to add, tomorrow is April Fool’s Day, and I usually play a joke on my 3 sons, but they are with their grandma/grandpa and father tomorrow. So I messed with their lunches today. I put clear soda in their water bottles, chocolate carrots in their baby carrot packages, made them “sandwiches” out of pound cake, frosting, and jam, put a cat food bag of treats in there (haha), put Cheetos inside of their potato chip bags and sealed them shut, and put plastic bugs in their bags. HA! And when I made the sandwiches, I only had a bite of pound cake with a bit of sugar free jam on it, and it was delicious. A month ago, I would have had a slice or two, with strawberries and whipped cream. Little victories 🙂

    Late day post — I made it through another FD and now just sleep the rest of the way. What I like about the 36 hour fast is typically I’m sleeping for 14 to 16 of those hours. That makes the fast seem shorter. Plus when I get up in the morning I’m typically fine for a few hours. Still I’m glad tomorrow is a NFD.

    Most of you have longer to go now me. Still I know you can do it!
    @triplet (I believe will be the first to finish Day 31….)
    @coda, @fatrabbit, @redrockgirl302 and @strawberriesandcream – 5th day of 800cal
    @bert1802 – 2nd of B2B FDs
    @annemarilyn 800cals
    @Chitown Gal
    @notmyrealname (hopefully)

    Day 31, FD, USA
    I will post results tomorrow after I hop on the scale.
    Wow – tremendous efforts here. Well done to you all.
    okeydokey: you are shrinking before our eyes — I can feel the determination in your posts and your considerable weight loss in a short period of time is inspirational! I’m amazed you can stick with B2B fasting repeatedly. A great discovery that we are all finding out what works best for us. (to be it’s ADF and not restricting myself in any way on the other days, other than to remain mindful, so that I feel like I’m on a “diet” in any way.) Funny, lately I’m feeding myself what my body wants which has been healthy fruits, veggies and yummy fats (guac!!), whole grains and savoring every bite on the NFD. I had one glass of wine last night and sipped and savored the hec out of it — usually I drink it much too fast and start pouring another. Alas, I’m still a work in progress and look forward to resuming in April.

    Day 31-Montreal-NFD

    I just weighed myself after my last FD of the month (yesterday) and am THRILLED to have seen a 7! 79.7 kilos and a total of 6.3 kilos lost since 31st January 17 when I started this WOL.
    I have a tricky 10 days ahead of me as my best friend is coming to visit with her family for a week. I will only be able to fast on Thursday when they go dog sledding so I aim to be mindful the rest of the time.
    Thanks AT for hosting and see you all in April!

    Australia Day 31 NFD thank you @at xx

    Day 31 – USA – NFD
    My next fast day is Saturday and weigh day is Sunday, so @at, is it okay if I post my final weight/measurements on Monday a.m. (4/3)?

    I have had such a glut of learning in the past 3 months that resulted in a total change in my way of thinking, eating, exercising and assessing success/failure, thanks to the insightful, humorous and heartfelt comments made by all of you on this site. I’m very grateful to have stumbled upon all of you, and plan to keep up the accountability in the April challenge. @at, thank you for all you’ve done to reign in all the stats, cheering us on and instructing us. And congratulations to all of you who have reached and are continuing to work at their goals.

    Day 31, UK-Hampshire

    Well done to everyone completing the March challenge!

    Thanks so much to @at for so many amazing words.
    The group is so big and @at has done a great job!

    I am on a FD day today (after 2 weeks of holiday/illness etc!) and finding it really easy which is a miracle!

    See you all next month…

    Day 31 – US – FD

    Well …I started heading for the chocolate today, during an uncomfortable exchange with my 15yr old son. Luckily I stopped my self and he is gracious enough to apologize for the mis understanding. So I made it so far without sugar✨🎉Sometimes that’s how it goes. We just have to remain calm and Keep on, Keepin’ on!

    To sum it up!
    I started March at 181 lbs which is 82.2 kgs and today I weigh 166.2 lbs. which is 75.3 kgs.✨
    That’s a loss of 15 lbs. 9kgs so 5 lbs. more than my goal! I’m happy with that!

    Thank- you so much for our wonderful March Group!
    ✨✨It’s not how good you are! It’s how good you want to be!✨✨
    ✨April here we come! ✨✨💪 💪 Together we are Stronger!✨✨💪💪🌈✨

    Day 31 Florida USA FD
    Congratulations @LindaSue- I think the 5/2 works because on NFD’s you can lead a “normal life.”
    Started today with egg whites hard boiled and toasted healthy muffin (made with sweet potato and banana), I keep them in the freezer for FD breakfasts. We’re going shopping soon for FD food for tonight’s dinner. I don’t intend to eat until then. Looking forward to continuing with April challenge. Best wishes to all around the world!

    Day 31 London – NFD – Final weight below goal at 50.2 kg

    Just wanted to say thankyou very much to each and every one of you on this month’s challenge – You have all made it so much easier,more interesting and 100% more doable! There have been so many inspiring stories and so much positive support.

    Thanks a million to @at for coordinating us all with your superior spread-sheeting skills! 1st week of April, you will be wondering what to do with yourself!!!

    I wanted to make a list of all the things I’ve learnt over the last month:

    1) Together we really are stronger
    2) Yes I can survive on 500 calories for 2-3 days a week, even on a weekend
    3) All foods taste much sweeter when you avoid refined sugars – especially carrots, sweetcorn, sweet potatoes, peas, even prawns and fish
    4) A single day of bad choices and overeating is not the end of the world and can be undone by a few b2b FDs
    5) I can have small portions of chips / milkshake / dessert without feeling guilty or putting on weight, as long as I follow with a FD
    6) Breakfast is not the most important meal of the day ( just a marketing idea promoted by the cereal industry)
    7) Low calorie meals can be transformed by fresh herbs, lemon juice, red wine vinegar, ginger, chillies, garlic and soy sauce
    8) Miso soup is only 40 calories, 50g of prawns is only 40 calories! (Crazy low in calories – I never knew this!)
    9) Yes it is possible to eat 4 nuts and then put the rest of the pack away!
    10) It is better to leave the treats in the shop rather than storing in your cupboard and expecting will power to kick in. (our closest shop is only 30 seconds away from my home but it turns out, laziness is usually enough to put me off bothering!)

    Looking forward to maintaining in April! Good luck to all on their final push fasting today! May the scales be kind to all those weighing in tomorrow morning.

    Day 31, Rocky Mountains, US, FD 800 cals

    Hello friends,

    Last day of our March Challenge!
    Beginning weight: Mar 1: 132.7
    End weight: Mar 31: 128.9
    Weight loss: 3.8 pounds
    Goal was 129.

    Thank you so much @at for hosting this great March challenge. I really love being part of our global family and see all of you next month to continue our journey together!

    Have a wonderful day! 😊🌸🌺🌻🌼⚘😊

    Day 31 – Cumbria UK – FD – 3rd Post

    “Look for something positive in each day, even if some days you have to look a little harder. Let the challenge make you strong.”

    As @onahealthyhigh said “To all our Queensland and NSW friends, I hope Cyclone Debbie hasn’t been too unkind to you and yours”

    @gopackgo – amazing result from 17 days – hope you feel better soon and ready for the April Challenge
    and you are very welcomed – supporting and encouraging each other is what these challenges are all about x
    @ciren2 – looks like you have found your mojo again! See you in the next challenge – holding hands we will continue to achieve! 👍
    @sarah57 – great job in leaving yesterday behind and starting fresh today – that’s the beauty of this WOL!
    @erikaa67 – a nice blouse is so much better than rewarding ourselves with food/drink which is what most of us would have done in the past
    @fatrabbit – HUGS required I think and great job on that 8lbs and inches lost
    @biddiev – Thank you for sharing your journey – lots of what you said resonated with my own journey – I love this WOL as it allows me to enjoy all the things I love and not feel deprived BUT just not everyday and not in the same quantities I used to eat/drink a year or so ago.
    @lilymartin – good job – keep posting daily in April – it does help to stay focused!
    @dykask – you are right in that you need to look at the wider picture than just weight – I think you are doing all the right things and you will lose that abdominal fat you want to get rid sooner than later
    @notmyrealname – as you say Woohoo on that breakthrough – see you in the April Challenge
    @chris274 – that holiday to Australia in May will be your incentive for April – You have got this
    @and… exhale – great news all round – happy dance time 💃
    @suse13 and @emme1956 – you are stronger than you think – Make April your month!
    @micheleas – you must a slight person at that weight – like you I’m keeping on fasting for the long term health benefits and that great feeling I get on a FD and more especially when waking up the next day not feeling hungry – even if you don’t join the April challenge – pop in to say hello or just to read posts for inspiration – have you thought of joining another forum e.g the Maintenance one
    @helenalee @scs @blueninjamum @krisnia – March was a good month for you – well done – see you in the April Challenge
    @lynzm – thank you for the “flowers” x
    @debster251 – every pound counts – “Slow progress is better than no progress”
    @johnnyr – you know you can do this – we will all be there supporting and encouraging you over the next 2 months
    @bert1802 – I have loved your company over this past month – let us move into April with a positive mindset
    @august2024 – “Don’t let yesterday take up too much of today” Will Rogers
    @lindasue – you are an inspiration to all – such a steady maintainer – totally agree with you to carry on fasting for the health benefits – if you weight drops too low just make sure you eat a bit more on the NFDs…..
    @-Rachel- well done and stay mindful in your eating/drinking over the next 10 days
    @metatauta – no problems I will keep updating the spreadsheet with results as they come in over the first week of April
    @okeydokey – great job staying away from those naughty chocolates today!! amazing weight loss for the past month 😇 hosting the April Challenge will keep you focused and we will all be there supporting you
    @fayefaye – well done on getting below your goal weight and thank you for sharing the things you learnt over the last month with us – it resonates with a lot of us 👍
    @redrockgirl302 – another one who got below their goal weight – job well done – see you next month

    It has been amazing reading all your posts today so far – some great stories shared proving that definitely TOGETHER WE ARE STRONGER

    I will do another update later this evening, in the meantime remember that “What you do today can improve all your tomorrows”

    Day 31: Gloucestershire, UK: FD/CD
    Fasted for just over 22 hours until coming home from a hard day at work on a rural delivery at about 4pm…now a controlled eating day….one meal.


    Weight stuck at about 8 pounds over goal for this month…no losses to report, but then I haven’t exactly been a star pupil for the WOL, have I?!!! Thanks for the March challenge.

    See you all on the April Challenge next.

    Hi UK day 31 last day FD

    Still catching up on posts – don’t know about anyone else but I find it difficult to get back on the horse/wagon after a few days of indulgence. But hey ho still here still keeping on keeping on. I found last week my trial of 800 very good, this week I found it difficult to stick to any plan but the important bit is I am still trying.

    @at these are for you for being an excellent host – keeping tabs on us all and keeping the moral high thank you x

    Day 31 NFD St. Louis USA
    weight today 144 pounds down 4.8 from 148. My goal was to lose 5 pounds this month and I had been down to 143.6 after my second fast day. I am very pleased with this 144 and plan to continue for the April fast. My goal for April will be 5 pounds and will continue to fast on Mondays and Thursdays. My total goal is to get down to 136 lbs.

    Thank you to @at and all the rest of you. I feel like I have a whole new support system. @okeydokey Great job on avoiding the stress/conflict chocolate. And thank you as I think you are hosting the April challenge.

    Haven’t caught up reading all the posts yet as it’s been a busy week. Planning to do that soon though. Good luck to people who are fasting today or this weekend. I’ll be back with you on Monday. Wishing everyone a pleasant weekend.

    Here in the states we are not on the metric system, it’s kind of fun for me to convert people’s weight loss numbers. Also enjoying the different foods that are mentiomed.

    Day 31 / Sweden / NFD

    Goal weight reached for the month 87.9 kg. Down 2.5 kg. Still battling a cold and fever so I’ll celebrate by going to bed early.

    Take care

    Thank you @at for a great job

    Day 31, Germany, NFD

    Just got home after a five hour drive. Had two wonderful days in the Netherlands with my family, almost everyone was there, my mom, my brother and his wife, aunts, uncles and lots of cousins, it was great. Stayed in a beautiful hotel, an old castle, but no scales around. So I will weigh in tomorrow for my final weight. Too tired now to read, will catch up tomorrow after a good sleep.

    Morning everyone, was so excited to weigh myself this morning after my first month of fasting and am dismayed to find that I weigh pretty much exactly the same as I did 1 month ago! A bit disappointed and not really sure how to feel but I know my clothes fit better and I feel lighter. I prop should have taken my measurements at the start but didn’t. Anyway onward and upward, I won’t let this stop me and will head into the April challenge and go and reread the post about weight not changing measurements changing!

    Day 31 -Germany – NFD
    Still about 20 kg to loose … 🤐
    See you tomorrow!😚

    Day 31 – SW WA USA – FD 800

    Not quite caught up on all the posts but what amazing results recorded! Congratulations all the movement downward for fatrabbit, Dutch, helenalee, Krisnia, GoPackGo and more.

    At, LindaSue & SongBirdMe, and others,thank you for sharing your maintenance journey with us.

    I’m planning on weighing in the morning & measuring. Will let you know the final results AT.

    Day 30 – NFD
    Day 31 – FD

    Will have my final weigh in tomorrow – target was 66.5kg (2kg loss) but will be happy with a smaller loss.

    Thank you @at for hosting March, would never manage to stick to 5:2 without you and everyone else who joined the challenge. See you in April!

    NZ NFD
    Final weigh in 80kg. Had hoped to get below the 80 but am thrilled nevertheless. Many thanks AT for running this challenge. Now onto the April one.

    Thanks AT for the fantastic job you have done following everyone this month.
    It’s been a learning month for me.
    1. I had my first failed FD in the 7months I’ve been doing this.
    2. My confidence in this WOL wobbled (along with the rest of me).
    3. My ‘failed’ FD didn’t derail my ability to commit to another day and complete my next planned FD
    4. My clothes are feeling looser and my stomach has flattened out again
    5. I reaffirmed that I’m not a ‘weigher’. Even at my skinniest a few years ago I don’t actually know for sure what I weighed. I thought I was avoiding the scale to hide from reality until I remembered that I’ve only just purchased them this year. I’ve never owned scales previously, just jumped on maybe once or twice a year at the gym.
    The numbers just don’t mean anything to me and so I’ve returned to my old habit of asking myself ‘how do I feel in my skin?’ And ‘how comfortable am I in my clothes?’
    Today the answers are ‘more comfortable in my skin than I was at the start of March’ and ‘better in some clothes than the start of March.’
    So I’m treating this month as a success and looking forward to continuing with my progress and learning in April.

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