30 Days Junk Free Challenge

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30 Days Junk Free Challenge

This topic contains 38 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  HollyLJ 8 years, 1 month ago.

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  • Similar with my 30 Days Limited Carbs Challenge (Google Sheet embedded in blog post, updated in real time), I want to run a 30 Days Junk Free Challenge, maybe it will motivate me to eat less of it.

    Info about the challenge:
    – starts on Saturday, 15 October, when you need to post your Starting weight, in kg and what you categorize as junk. You alone choose your junk-definition. May include gluten or not. May include dairy or not. And so on.
    – ends on Tuesday, 15 November, when you need to post your Final weight, also kg.
    – the reporting system is kg only.
    – minimum number of participants: 3
    – intervals for junk monitoring and reporting:
    —– Junk Free = max 50 calories of junk
    —– Under 20% = max 20% of your TDEE
    —– Cheat meal = max 50% of your TDEE
    —– Cheat day = over 50% of your TDEE
    – the sheet makes totals for every junk interval.
    – starting Sunday, 16 October, daily, you need to post the junk interval (from the list above) for your previous (ended) day. Ex: on Sunday, 16 October, if on previous day (15 October) you had max 50 calories of junk, you need to post: Day 15 = junk free. On Monday, 17 October, if on previous day (16 October) you had junk over 50% of your TDEE, you need to post: Day 16 = cheat day. And so on.
    – for me to be easier to follow, Day Number will be the same as the calendar day which you report.
    – the daily reports will be posted on this thread on 5:2 Diet Forum. If you do not have a 5:2 Forum account, but you wish to participate, you can also post in the comments of that blog post.
    – at 3 consecutive or 4 non-consecutive missing reports the name is removed from the list.
    – the order in the list will be alphabetical (sort field “name”).

    If anyone wishes more details, I’m happy to respond.

    If anyone wishes to join, please tell me here on the comments so I can add your name to the list, and on Saturday, 15 October, you will update with the Starting-weight (kg) and your junk-definition.

    The statistics will be here: http://dailyfastingweightloss.blogspot.com/2016/10/junk-free-challenge-oct-2016.html

    Good Luck!

    Hi Adaline, I’d like to sign up please. I’m having trouble sabotaging my fast days late on in the day by eating rubbish. Hoping this may make me more aware of what I’m doing. Thanks

    Hi Adaline, count me in please and thank you for initiating this.

    Welcome Holly and Will, and good luck!

    I will post today my starting weight: 71.2 kg.

    My junk definition: any processed food, bread included.

    Update: if someone wants to quit alcohol / coffee / cigarettes.. any addiction (instead of junk), may also join this challenge. And instead of %TDEE, he alone sets junk intervals.

    If anyone is interested, I can make small changes to the file, to be easier to report for various addiction.

    My starting weight is 75.2kg
    Junk for me for this challenge is the following: crisps, biscuits, chocolate, and my daughters left over pizza crusts!

    Day 15 = junk free

    Day 15 = cheat day

    Starting weight 81 kilograms
    Junk for me are dessert foods with added sugars.

    Day 15 = cheat day

    Day 16 = 0

    Day 16= cheat day

    I am bowing out of this challenge as I am already in another one on this forum and a second between friends. Thanks and happy junk-free days to you!

    Thanks for notifying me, Will. Good luck with the other challenges!

    Normally I should stop the challenge, being less than 3 participants, but this time only I will let Holly choose if she wants to continue or stop. Either way I am commited to log my junk intake for the next 30 days, so no problem for me to log one more set of data.

    Day 17 = cheat meal.

    Day 17 = junk free
    Thanks Adaline, I really appreciate you letting me choose but I feel it’s only right you have the last say. After all, you put the all the effort in and it looks like you have plenty on your plate with all your challenges.
    The fact that I had signed up had already made me more aware of what I was eating, so even if you wrap up this challenge it has already worked for me. I stopped twice in my tracks yesterday on the way to the fridge and didn’t break my Fast thanks to you. So I’m already a winner, and understand 100% if we stop here.

    If you continue to post, I’ll be glad to log it. This challenge also motivates me. Instead of 2 full cheat days, like I craved to be the weekend, I had 2 junk-free days and only 1 cheat meal yesterday. So for me also it works!

    Excellent, I shall certainly keep posting. Thank you I truly appreciate it

    Day 18 – under 20%

    Day 18 = cheat meal
    Day 19 = under 20%

    Day 19 – under 20%

    Day 20 – cheat day.

    Next file update on Monday. Have a nice weekend, Holly!

    Day 20 – junk free
    You saved me from pizza crusts, thanks Adaline. Have a good weekend too!

    Day 21 was 20% and for this weekend I have cheat meals planned. I was craving pizza for weeks and decided to have it.


    Day 21= junk free

    Day 22 = cheat day 😥

    Day 22 = cheat day
    Day 23 = zero

    Holly, cheat days in weekends, and zero / under 20% in weekdays is super! I also want to reach this level. 🌷

    Day 23 = cheat meal

    Day 24 = under 20%

    Day 24 = cheat meal
    Day 25 = zero

    Day 25= zero

    Day 26 = cheat meal

    Day 25 was actually cheat meal. 26 also. 27 zero.

    And no “good” plans for weekend. Life.

    Day 27 = cheat meal
    I’m struggling Adaline hope I can get into some healthier choices on the second half of the challenge. I have realised that I lie to myself quite a lot about what I eat and seem to ‘forget’ about what passes my lips.

    Day 28 = cheat day😦

    Day 29 = cheat day

    Days 28, 29, 30 = cheat days.
    Hope to do better next week.

    Good luck Holly, for the next 2 weeks.


    Day 30 – cheat day

    Day 31 – cheat day.
    Day 1 – cheat meal planned.

    Days 1 and 2: cheat days.

    Holly, you did not posted for the last 3 days, so I will stop the challenge.
    Wish you good luck!

    Adaline , so sorry. I have no excuses.

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