30 Day-November 2016-Challenge!

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30 Day-November 2016-Challenge!

This topic contains 3,401 replies, has 151 voices, and was last updated by  LindaSue 7 years, 3 months ago.

Viewing 50 posts - 3,201 through 3,250 (of 3,410 total)

  • Day 24, Australia NFD

    I’m not planning any fd’s this week. Haven’t had any since I last posted. If I find I can I might, but I’ve decided to just give myself permission to enjoy the holidays with my family. I do find fasting much easier in my normal routine. I will get back into it in the new year probably after my holiday. In saying that though I love your rules Bert and I’m going to make some for myself, I’ll think about it but start with drinking lots of water. I have slipped back a bit with that.

    Merry Christmas everyone xx

    Day 24 / Melbourne Australia / NFD

    Eek! Had my first indulgence of most of piece of gluten free toast at cafe with friends who were all indulging. Anyway this ignited hunger dragon which I’ve had to quell with extra protein and a bit more fruit than I’d planned to eat. Hoping I fit into that dreass tomorrow!

    Back2thefuture, I feel that meeting the other 5:2-er from this forum was the best Christmas gift I will have received this holiday season.!

    Would be so fun to participate in a 5:2 convention or cruise, if I didn’t get seasick! Would be great to meet up with a bunch of you somewhere exotic!

    Day 24 – Cumbria UK – NFD

    I had a good 16:8 day yesterday – I managed to stay within my TDEE even with some lovely Viognier I had with my dinner last night!

    Was aiming for another 16:8 day today but the OH suggested we go out for a mooch around town and have a coffee out whilst the weather had improved from yesterday. Enjoyed a flat white with a small home made mince pie in a lovely local cafe!
    Will not eat again until tonight – OH requested one of my special fish/prawn curries for Xmas Eve (he does not eat meat/cheese but loves fish/seafood and vegetarian cooking)

    @back2thefuture – many thanks for keeping us all together on this forum – great job – I have thoroughly enjoyed “talking” and “meeting” so many of you.
    The support and camaraderie of this forum has seen me reach the year’s end at maintenance, having reached my goal weight in early December. Thank you to all the challengers over the 2 months for your company support and inspiration.

    A very Joyful and Peaceful Christmas to you all

    Day 24: Gloucestershire, UK: NFD.
    I don’t think I’ve had a successful fast day since day 12, have I? Noooo…
    Last day on the deliveries until Wednesday. Phew, what a relief.
    Everyone: Have a lovely Christmas…..let’s not worry about what we eat for a few days! We can re-group in the new year.

    Day 24 Surey UK…NFD Very quick check in, wishing everybody a very happy and peaceful festive season. Everyone on this forum is very much in mind! It has been almost impossible to fast without looking churlish, but there has been very mindful eating. BEST WISHES TO ALL, AND I WILL CHECK IN AGAIN WHEN POSSIBLE. bIG HUGS TO ALL!

    USA, Day 24…I’ve fallen and I can’t get up.

    Since Thanksgiving, I have regained three pounds. I can see it and feel it. I am miserably off plan. Tonight is the annual Hanukkah dinner at which I will eat potato latkes and sour cream, brisket, etc. Oy.

    Come January I will rededicate. This is not a “New Year’s Resolution” but a way of life that I can manage.

    Happy Hanukkah, Merry Christmas, Happy Kwanzaa, Happy New Year to all you wonderful people!

    K-Lo: I’m the same; No fasting since Day 12, repeatedly my good intentions have melted away at the first sign of hunger. Like you, I’ve gained and also feel miserable about it.
    We MUST all start afresh after the Christmas holidays. Hugs all round to all strugglers. xx

    Day 24 USA (Illinois)

    NFD but holding my own! Yesterday’s planned FD became a 1/2 TDEE day. Still at 159.3 this morning, so very happy with that. Doing treats for morning church – making some savory as well as sweet. Lollipops for the kiddos.

    Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah, Happy Kwanzaa to all who celebrate! Hugs and best wishes to everyone!

    Day 25 NFD country West Australia
    Been out to dinner at the neighbours’ which was wonderful.
    Just heard Santa coming down the chimney so I’m off to bed!! Merry Christmas all.
    I hope you all enjoy the day and celebrate the birth of Christ with family, friends and food – just not too much of the latter. !!

    Day 24 WA USA NFD

    Congratulations MerryMe on 21 kg down!

    Seeing lots of family today in southern BC. Excited to see a brother I haven’t seen in a long time. I’m so grateful that this is a time of reconciliation.

    Merry Christmas to all who celebrate!

    Day 24 UK FD

    I did it. Yesterday and today FDs. Started off FDs and finished FDs.

    Merry Christmas all. Xxx

    @backtothefuture Will gladly help out February to manage the group, sorry cannot do Jan as I am away.

    I hope we get a new leader as I like this group. Too much to ask people that have previously done it to do it again but I wish they would. Jan is gonna renewed energy but probably will entice more people so I dare say a bigger group to check in so even more work so whoever takes it on I wish them luck and thank them in advance.

    Thank you for the last two months and if we continue I will be happy to come back to this group at the end of Jan and take over in Feb if needed.


    Day 24: Pacific NW USA, NFD, Happy Christmas, Christmas Eve and beginning of Hanukkah wherever you are!

    ********** Hooray! LynzM will lead us in February 2017! Thank you in advance from all of us! Now, we just need someone to step up for January! I can tell you that I have gained immensely from the experience and thank you all for the thanks you have given me but really, it has been to my benefit! ***************

    Merryme! So glad to read your name and your holiday wishes! You are a beacon of maintenance!

    Bert – good quote, sounds like you!

    Lael – likewise, I think my forum friends have been the hallmark of 2016 for me. (Along with newest grandson who joins the 7 others, my beautiful children and ever loving OH and Mom at 94 still dispensing her love!)

    day 24 christmas eve UK

    Happy Christmas one and all, I hope you you have a wonderful Christmas with family and friends. Wishing you all a healthy and happy 2017!!

    We have everything ready, food preped for the big day!

    2 very excited 3 year olds have hung their stocking and mums are trying to get them to sleep!! I think it will be an early morning!! And a busy day!

    Did well today but probably justover tdee. Tomorrow however I will be, but I’m hopeing to keep portions under control!


    Australia Day 25 feat Day! Merry Christmas all! Xxx

    Hello day 24 low day UK

    been a busy day but just popped in to wish everyone a lovely Christmas.

    Ciren you were perhaps going to do January is that still on? I don’t mind stepping in, though I have been advised there will be changes to my job in the new year. Not sure what at the moment but reckon I could still keep track of everyone. Maybe not as well as B2TF lol but happy to do so unless there are other offers.

    Ciren and K-lo please don’t despair you will get back on track. You haven’t lost your way just ventured off the path a little. You are still here and still trying which is what counts. Remember Robert the Bruce and the spider. Enjoy Christmas and prepare to start fresh.πŸŽ„

    Day 25 Sunshine Coast Qld Australia: NFD: Definitely not sunny right now which is a good thing as it is lovely and cool. Since we are roasting a few joints, this makes it so much more pleasurable.

    MERRY CHRISTMAS to all this lovely world of 5:2ers and wishing you the HAPPY NEW YEAR of your very best dreams, that we all manage our weight reduction with this wol and in the best of company. πŸ˜˜πŸŽΌπŸŽ„

    Day 24 : Cheshire. UK : NFD

    Just checking in. Have a lovely Christmas everyone! πŸŽ„πŸŽ„πŸŽ„

    2nd Post: Have just read the previous page and have decided to give leading the forum another bash. I do get a lot out of it, although I have been stuck for months and actually climbing at present. But I get such bursts of enthusiasm from reading the post. At least when you are leading, you commit to reading every single post every day and it is lovely to be in touch with so many overseas and here at home in Aus.
    I’ll set up the spreadsheet in the next couple of days and start up the thread before the New Year. This is a truly delightful group. I’m thinking the theme can be something along the lines of suggestions on how to stick to New Year’s Resolutions and a quote a day from one of our Textbooks, The Fast Diet, The Obesity Code and The Complete Guide to Fasting. What do you think?
    Now, off to the kitchen. We are having mango and macadamia salad, beetroot salad, mini pikelets with cream cheese and smoked salmon, pomegranate and green leaf salad, glazed ham and roast lamb, and salads brought by other family members. Sago plum pudding for dessert, with chocolate fudge and rum balls which really do taste of rum. I am also making up a sangria. Nothing 5:2 about today, but it is one day in the year. So here we go. Kids straining at the bit waiting for breakfast to be over and present opening to be got on with, although they have had their Santa Christmas stockings which was enjoyed by all around 5am. It promises to be a long day. 12 adults now with son-in-law’s parents and his brother and sister-in-law. So glad 3 of my daughters are here to pitch in. 8 grandies going bananas will fill the day with laughter and the inevitable tears, but all grist to the mill. Just how Christmas should be. xxxx and hugs to all.

    Day 24 USA Hawaii NFD

    US SC Day 24… Never mind falling… I’m rolling down the hill like the proverbial snowball with no hope of stopping πŸ™‚ Thanks for stepping up for next month Fuvvie. I will be happy to take on another month too whenever we need someone. Coda, I hope all goes well with your job.. hopefully it will be all good. Merry Christmas all!

    Day 25 – Staffordshire UK – NFD

    DebbieQ – don’t worry you are not alone rolling down that hill, so we can catch each other at the bottom in the new year and help each other climb back up. X

    Currently waiting for the kids to come in. DH asked them to stay in bed till 7:30 so expect them in 3mins. They are good, love them to bits.

    Merry Christmas everyone xxx

    Day 25 / Melbourne Australia / NFD

    Yay! I did fit into my Christmas dress and with room to move! Skipped brekky then navigated my way through the labyrinth of Christmas lunch fare pretty well, though did feel cravings start a few hours after Christmas lunch and I opted for only benign vanilla ice cream rather than Pavlova, Christmas pud or pecan tart. Am now dining on a ‘Create your Taste’ Chicken salad at Maccas, the only place open Christmas night and we are on the road so to speak. The extra protein is helping! Merry Christmas everyone!

    Uk day 25 It’s Christmas! Fd (just joking ha ha nfd)
    Just having a cup of warm water and lemon before anyone else gets up. When the boys were small they were up at the crack of dawn, sometimes not long after Santa had been. Now it is hard to get them up and it’s me shouting- he’s been!

    Well done Lael on that dress you should be really proud of yourself!

    Fuvvie thanks for putting your hand up and taking us into the New Year, sounds a good plan. It sounds like a busy day for you but filled with much love. I guess Christmas must be coming to an end soon in your part of the world so hope all ‘down under’ had a lovely day.

    Day 25….. Florida….. NFD

    It’s 4 am, Santa is heading towards the coast of CA according to the Santa tracker. Santa finished putting all the presents under the tree a couple hours ago and I find myself wide awake and watching A Christmas Story.

    It’s been a week now since I’ve done a solid FD and here I am wide awake. I’m convinced that not doing FD has something to do with it. I plan on a FD, Monday!

    Fuvvie…… Thanks for leading the group in Jan. I really like the quote of the day idea. Sometimes it can be a simple sentence that can get us and/or keep us going when the going gets tough!

    I guess, I’m going to try and close my eyes for a couple more hours. Tons of fun and cooking to be had once the sun comes up!

    Merry Christmas!

    Day 25 UK NFD obviously πŸŽ…πŸ»πŸ˜€

    Merry Christmas all.

    Thanks Fuvvie for leading the group in Jan. Seems like I will have a lot to live up to in Feb. An inspirational quote each day seems fab, or in my case (in Feb when I offered to lead) maybe a reminder quote that I stole from your month πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚. I won’t be around in Jan however I wish u all the best and will catch up when back from hols 20th Jan.

    Last day for me to post will be the 27th. Xxx

    Enjoy and have fun all. I’m working (waitressing), hopefully reading some joy. Merry Christmas. Ho ho ho you have a wonderful day.

    day 25

    I fell off the wagon and started to regain. Somehow I just found myself ‘forgetting’ to come here and read posts and to post in turn. Truly, eating can be like binge drinking.

    A stressful and unexpected event happened in my life. So I bought a bag of chocolates and the entire bag was gone in 2 days.

    Bread was bought, in quantity for the first time in months, and I ate, and I ate. I was just so tense and frustrated. Even Christmas faded to black, along with my mood.

    I woke up this morning and thought, imagine that adrenal cortex, and imagine yourself soothing it. Slowly turn off the cortisol tap.

    I have to climb back in slowly, but for now I wish all of you well.

    2nd post

    Moth54, keep logging in and reading the posts. I promise u it helps even if u don’t feel like it, just do it.
    Just do it is gonna be my Ny motto. If you start reading the posts, you will see the successes and challenges of all of us. We are all the similar with the same focus, that’s why we are in the group. We will all do it together. Xxx

    Day 25 – Cumbria UK – NFD

    Merry Christmas to all – today is a day to relax and enjoy family/friends

    Thank you @back2thefuture for leading us over the past 2months and to @fuvvie for stepping up to take the lead in January – I would love to stay with this forum as I have found it so helpful even though I’m now at my ideal weight…….however I may have a couple of kg to lose after the festive season……

    I’m definitely doing a couple of FDs next week – if anyone is planning B2B FDs I’ll join them for support but cannot do Boxing Day as we are doing xmas with DD on that day.

    @moth54 you are not alone – we will all regroup and support each other in the new year – this forum is amazingly supportive – we will be there for you

    Merry Xmas to one and all

    Day 25 – USA (Illinois) NFD

    Merriest of Christmas, everyone! Up and att’em for church – still have a quick coffee cake to make and bake the egg strata I put together last night.

    back2thefuture – thank you so much for being a terrific leader and support this month! It looks like Fuvvie is taking over for January. Yeah! Our eating WOL has become an international friendship as well for me.

    Lael – congrats for getting into your Christmas dress! Yeah for you and everyone with our successes! It does make a difference coming here every day and posting how we are doing, bad with the good.

    Moth54 – hang in there. You have support here for even those blackest of days.

    Onward and downward!

    Day 25– Colorado, USA– NFD, of course!! πŸ™‚

    Merry Christmas all you lovely people.
    May you have a joyous & peaceful season.

    ((Hugs)) from your internet friend,

    Day 25: Gloucestershire, UK: Christmas Day…NOT fasting!
    Have a good day. Thanks Fuvvie…you know about spreadsheets, it would have been pen and paper if I did it and I’d most likely lose track big time!!

    Day 25, Gozo Malta, NFD

    Merry Christmas to everyone. Have a great evening/night.

    Thanks Fuvvie for doing the January challenge. I’ll be abroad from the 30 th December to 6 th January. I don’t think I’ll be able to post. So please I’ll join in on the 7 th January 2017.

    We had a lovely warm sunny day here in Malta. The Christmas lunch went well and the grandchildren loved the toys they got and the adults liked their gifts.

    This evening I only had some vegetables and roasted almonds as I’m not used to eating large lunches now. Happy Christmas holidays to all.

    Day 25 : Cheshire, UK : NFD

    My son and his fiancee cooked a wonderful Christmas dinner for 9…..it was delicious. I had more than enough food today but not as much as I usually do, so quite pleased with myself.

    @fuvvie thank you so much for taking the reins in January. I look forward to it.

    Hope everyone has had lovely day!

    Day 25 WA USA Christmas! Feasting right.

    Merry Christmas forum friends!

    Started the day with lighting the Christ candle & reading the final advent reading with my son. We’re enjoying church with my folks, conversation, food & games together. So blessed.

    On a further personal note – it’s been a special blessing to reconnect with my brother. He went through a season of homelessness in the past year, dropped out of our lives… We had an emotional, special reuniting yesterday.

    May you all have a special time with your loved ones!

    AnneMarilyn – so happy your have been able to connect with your brother. We are also going through some family re-connections, and it is very special indeed. I am so happy for you to experience this blessing. We do the Advent wreath readings and lightings too, but since I am often at the piano for church, I seldom have been able to read. Yeah for you and your son being able to favor your church with your readings and lighting.

    Day25 Hawaii NFD

    Day 26 16:8 FD – hopefully.
    Had a wonderful Christmas Day. Church then a looooooong lunch with family from 1.30 – 6pm!! which included gift giving and plenty of rest between courses.
    Way over my TDEE but due to this WOL I was at least able to be more restrained than usual.
    Enjoyed smoked salmon, avocado, cheese – feta and a sharp crumbly cheddar, chia crackers, tomato, olives , cucumber, yabbies ( kind of a fresh water prawn but bigger and sweeter);
    then white wine, traditional roast turkey, herbed turkey breast, orange and lime glazed ham, roast potatoes, sweet potato mash, garlic beans with almonds, carrots with dill, cauliflower cheese;
    followed by Christmas pudding, custard, cream, then pavlova with lashings of cream and covered in fresh fruit; then barista brewed ( son is a barista!) coffee with Ferrero Rocher chocolates, THEN Christmas fruit cake and the best almond biscotti ever ( made by a friend) !!
    Is it any wonder I need this forum!!!!
    This morning have had a small bowl of fruit salad , a nice cup of tea and … FD has just gone out the window as younger son had some biscotti – so I did too! Now off to my brother’s for a re-run of yesterday except that I DO plan to be mindful with eating as I feel so full.
    Just reading, having a cuppa and listening to the birds- vivid blue blue wrens which have a pretty trill, ’28’ parrots – green body, black head and a yellow neck collar, rosellas – bight red parrots. The sun is shining and it is a lovely relaxing day.
    Big shouts to b2tf for bringing us this far. Appreciation to Fuvvie for offering to keep us going. I really need this group of supporters to keep me on track and accountable.
    To all who are on/off/ clinging by their fingernails to the wagon – hang in there. It’s a bumpy ride for all of us but at least we are in it together! Love youse all!( an Aussie expression!)πŸ’πŸ·πŸ“πŸ§€
    Apologies for length of post but at last things not so hectic!

    Day 22 |Pune India| NFD
    Day 23 |Pune India| NFD
    Day 24 |Pune India| NFD
    Day 25 |Pune India| NFD

    Day 26 |Pune India| FD

    What can I say? It was a wonderful long weekend, my daughter was home from her Med school and it was fun time all around…

    Day 25: Pacific NW USA, A most obvious NFD!

    For those celebrating Christmas, I hope it was a merry one for you! Seems a wonder that we repeat this every year: stay up late and then get up early, have the intense present opening (for me any way), wrapping paper everywhere despite the discreetly placed garbage sacks, cooking, eating and washing dishes, every tradition observed, cranky grandchildren by the end of the day, and of course we can’t wait till next year! My son got a text from a friend, “365 days till Christmas and some people already have their decorations up!” LOL!

    *********** Yeah Fuvvie! You were such an inspiring leader before that I know we will be in secure hands with you at the helm in January! Thank you. Then when Lynz returns the end of January she will get us set up in a February! And thank you Coda for being ready to step up if needed. **************

    Sorry for your troubles Moth. I know if you can just read the posts on our forum and not worry about posting yourself but chime in whenever the mood strikes then you will be on the other side of this in no time!

    And a good night or morning after or next of the eight days or whatever and wherever you are my friends!

    Day 26 UK. FD

    Well believe it or not yesterday was a FD, due to the fact I worked for 7 hours serving others Christmas dinner, came home and had my own and a small glass of wine, Ok may not have been a complete FD slightly over but not much. This was more through circumstances of working than choice this year. But silver lining and all.

    Gonna try my next one today. Then thats done and I’m on holiday.

    Stayed the same I think this month, I hope (final weigh in for me tomorrow) as earlier on in the month I indulged in sweet treats. Not bad result for December.

    Happy Boxing Day πŸ˜€

    Day 26 – Staffordshire UK- NFD

    Had a lovely day yesterday with family. Today will be a quieter one. Love a lazy Boxing Day after the craziness of Christmas Day. Xxx

    Day 26 / Melbourne Australia / NFD

    Total indulgence at a Boxing Day annual ladies soirΓ©e. Since the craving dragons have been ignited once again, i don’t see them abating until my next reset FD on Wednesday when I wake up at home in my own bed and have the whole day to rest and rejuvenate! I’m then planning for the following FD on Saturday, New Years Eve. Hoping I’m not feeling too ambitious and can pull these off.

    Day 26 Surrey UK NFD….it was going to be a FD but not now. Had a very lovely Christmas day, so blessed to have the whole family together. Went to Evensong at St Albans Cathedral, brilliant and soul restoring. Borrowed a computer for this post, so very quick…THANK YOU @B2tF, THANK YOU @fuvvie and THANK YOU LynzM, you are all absolute stars! The damage done over this period will be recorded later, and then we start again. Love you all!

    Day 26 Sunshine Coast Australia NFD: Another big family day with my son and his family joining us, so 4 out of my 5 children home with their families. Lovely evening spent on the verandah eating, drinking and enjoying music and reminiscing. Eldest daughter should be here tomorrow and 2 school friends also coming to visit and one will stay overnight. House full to overflowing. More cooking and planning how to feed the hoard. My imagination running out. Time now for sleep. Very envious of LynzM staying the same. Can’t say the same knowing I have gained several kilos. Big fight on my hands to get back on track. Still, where there’s a will, there’s a way they sayπŸ€”πŸ˜‰. Hope an alcohol free January will help. We have our 46th wedding anniversary on the 30th. Then DH leaves for work. Easier to stick to the straight and narrow when he’s away. Good night/day depending on where you are. Warm regards to all.

    2nd post

    Hi, thanks for the congratulations Fuvvie for staying the same this was more due to working most of Christmas and being ill for part of December but you gotta get some highlight out of it ha ha. πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚Damage would have been a lot worse if I had been left to my own devices.

    Off on hols tomorrow so Jan might be my December! But as leading in February gonna come back and make sure I set a good example. 😳As I’m sure u will too!


    Day 26 USA (Illinois)

    NFD – had to eat some of the leftover coffee cake for breakfast. I love it when there are some leftovers of my favorite apple kuchen, but I cannot love the calories. Yesterday’s ham dinner with friends was probably the first multi-course meal I have had in many months, well, except at Thanksgiving. I will get back to a real 6:1 maintenance in the next week.

    Hugs to you all —

    Day 26, Gozo Malta, NFD

    Ate mincepie, chocolate, one buiscuit and a piece of panettone. For lunch it’s a small piece of left over turkey roll with vegetables.

    I’m 63.3 kilos this morning down from 63.7 kilos yesterday. So I’m happy.

    Happy Boxing Day everyone. Enjoy this feastive season.

    Day 26: Boxing Day, Gloucestershire, UK: NFD.
    No fasting since day 12…..daren’t weigh myself. As it’s a crisp sunny day today, I did, at least, get back on my brisk 1-hour walks that I used to do when more conscientious. Saw the Boxing Day hunt off too, loads of people, quite a sight. Have a great day everyone out there. xx

    Day 26….. Florida…..FD

    Stepped on the scales this morning……. not bad….a gain of 2lbs. Oh man, can I feel it!
    The numbers on the scale wouldn’t be so bad, if I didn’t feel it…… But, I’m not stressing it at all. I know, I’ll get there, it’s just going to take a little more work, a little more fight and a little more use of the word NO!

    Last night before, I tuck into a night of slumber… I put my game plan on paper! I even wrote down a list of rewards to keep me motivated. Especially, moving these first few pounds and inches. With all the hub-bub of Christmas, I forgot to set up an appointment to get my haircut. I so desperately need one; however, I’m holding off until I lose 5lbs. So, everyday, I fight with my hair in the mirror, it will be a reminder to fight for this WOL.

    I thought I read that, we had a new member joining us on this wonderful ride. If so your going to love it here. We have such a lovely group of individuals, who come from all walks of life, all areas of the world. We share our ups and downs, laugh, encourage and empower each other everyday.

    Fuvvie….. Thanks for taking the reins on the wagon, I know the road is rough and sometimes you must drive us through the scary parts of the forest, but I’m happy that we have such a strong leader in you that we all will survive the ride…..
    OH and, Happy Anniversary, my husband and I will celebrate 20 fabulous years on the same day!

    Back2thefuture….. 365 days…… to prepare! That means I have 340 days to tell myself, I’m going to do everything earlier, 345 days to tell myself, I have a couple more weeks to go….360 days to realize I’ve got nothing done and 365 days to realize no matter how late I start, no matter what I didn’t do or get done….. The day is always perfect because I have the ones I love the most spending the day with me!


    Day 26 – Cumbria UK – NFD

    Hope all on this forum had a lovely Christmas doing whatever made them happy and grateful for this time of the year.

    I had a lovely xmas day with the OH – No breakfast as I did not feel hungry despite having got some smoked salmon in to have my favourite scrambled eggs and smoked salmon breakfast!!!!!!!!
    Rang family overseas and had a phone call from DD who was with her boyfriend for Christmas Day.
    Went on to do a 16:8 day as just did not feel hungry – OH and I went for a lovely walk then had my friends’s Christmas cake and a cup of tea on our return mid afternoon – no rain but was overcast and chilly, rain started once returned home – how lucky was that!
    Cooked Rick Stein’s Oven Baked Sea Bass with red peppers, tomatoes, anchovies, oregano, garlic, saffron and potatoes for our evening xmas meal – was scrumptious with a lovely Italian venetian white wine – no room for pudding!! (OH does not eat meat!)
    Went for a walk again this morning with OH – stopped for a coffee and a yummy slice of chocolate cake before heading back home (No breakfast or lunch though) no other food intake planned as doing a second xmas meal tonight when DD is home – Aged sirloin steak with wild mushroom sauce for her and I and a vegetarian dish for OH – might do that xmas pudding tonight?????

    Have eaten/drunk more than my TDEE for the past week but will be doing B2B FDs on Tuesday and Wednesday with probably another FD on Friday to get me back into the mode of things with a weigh in on Saturday 31st (New Year Eve’s party with a group of friends to see in 2017 planned) – hoping to start the new year still at my ideal weight – then will definitely be back to my 2 x FD per week WOL in the New Year. (doing this WOL for the long term health benefits)

    @lynzm – amazing that you are doing B2B FDs on 25th and 26th Dec – Respect to you and well done

    Quote to see us into the new year:-
    “Weight loss is like driving – If you ever veer off the road, just make a U-Turn and head back in the right direction” and this WOL certainly allows us to do this at any time.

    Happy Boxing Day to all and make the most of this time with family and/or special friends.

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