30 Day-November 2016-Challenge!

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30 Day-November 2016-Challenge!

This topic contains 3,401 replies, has 151 voices, and was last updated by  LindaSue 7 years, 3 months ago.

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  • HI from country West Australia.
    Day 1 NFD.
    It’s the Melbourne Cup today – the race that stops a nation and I am hosting a lunch BUT I will be mindful of what I eat and have first FD later in the working week.
    Starting weight 77.3 kgs so here goes!
    Good luck everyone.

    Day 0. E. Canada. FD, still October here.


    The Hallowe’en chocolate pursued me here, I swear.
    By dawn I hope those cocoa vampires are back in their coffins.

    Welcome to all, see you tomorrow for day 1.

    i am not weighing myself till late next week when i have being doing 5:2 for 4 weeks
    starting weigth was 62.8kg and looking to get to 57kg. i can cope with the FDs but by the time i get home from work on a monday 8pm i am starving so i have a shower, brush my teeth and go to bed to read. it hasn’t been as hard as i though it would be not sure because it just for a day. really looking forward to this challenge, i find it helpful to be able to talk with like minded people. i am a person who loves a challenge so as a runner i have sign up to a virtual run to raise money for indigenous runners i’ve signed up to run 100km in november… happy Melbourne cup day..hope anyone betting backs a winner 🙂

    Australia Day 1 NFD – Thanks for organising this challenge backtothefuture. It really is my last chance this year to get on top of things as once we hit December it all goes wonderfully mad. I won’t be able to weigh in until Saturday as I want to weigh at the gym – their scales are accurate. But I will take my measurements tonight and post those tomorrow. It is a big week for us – I managed a FD yesterday but today we have the Melbourne Cup lunch, and then birthday dinners/events on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday! Roll on Saturday! We have just got two puppies – a labradoodle and a miniature poodle. They are so cute but running me ragged. A great way to finish the year!

    Day 1, Sydney, NFD. Yesterday was my first FD & it was easier than I expected. I’m assuming it’s the excitement & have no delusions that every FD will be easy but it will serve as a reminder that I can do it!
    I went to bed dreaming of fried eggs on toast but woke up & didn’t feel very hungry and was satisfied with a small bowl of homemade raw muesli & Greek yoghurt. I followed that with an 8 km run. My goal this week is to drink 2 litres of water daily, stick to my TDEE on NFD & stick to 500 on FD. Hope everyone is doing well on their first day 👍🏼

    Nov 1st NFD St. Joseph, MO.
    Completed Day 1 of Couch to 5k.
    I am excited to get this challenge started. This week my FD are Tues and Thurs. I am curious to see what the month has in store for me.
    Good luck to all of us and happy fasting!

    Day minus1 here in the Pacific NW USA: Liquid only FD

    As this month’s organizer it would help me immensely if you all could start your daily posting with the actual day of the month when you are writing. Example: “Day 1” I have an alphabetized list of all 98 of your names and that will help me with checking you in!!! Also we have such a scattered geographic group please add your location and to help you stay accountable to yourself say whether it’s a FD or NFD for you.

    As all of you know the various time zones of our world-wide group means some of us are on different dates depending on where the sun is shining on the globe at any given moment (how cosmic!) so that’s another reason to let others know a little more about where you are!

    So glad to have heard from NorrieB, therealwil78, HsnnahWatto, and DebbieQ (previous leader) who will be continuing with us in November!

    And new members Gina, Ruby1986, CafeBB, Curiouser, Newforestmum, lilymartin, Ret.rn, onceagain, Ivee, healthandwellness, Katiely00, ILikeBigButts, Lucyf30, Dandylion, Chinka, Chamolly, Mumsy63, WELCOME!

    We have some experienced members continuing this month, we have some experts chiming in occasionally and we have all of your enthusiasm for improved health and weight loss so this is going to be the greatest month to really commit yourself to a consistent fasting plan. You may want to look at the month ahead and chart the days when you will be able to devote yourself to your fast days. You may want to check out a calorie counting web site (lots of them on the market, MyFitnessPal is one) to help keep you aware of your food intake compared to your TDEE.

    But most of all, congratulate yourself for taking this challenge, you will be a healthier person on November 30th!

    Hi! I’ve decided to try out this challenge! I’m from the US, so my first day will start tomorrow. I’m going to start with a FD to see how it plays out. I have never actually fasted before, so we will see!

    Does anyone exercise while doing this diet? I usually run 3-5 days a week.. I’m wondering if it will affect me and make me sluggish/dizzy. Also – I LOVE coffee.. I drink at least 3 cups a morning, but without food it makes me jittery. I’m trying to figure out how to keep my caffeine on FDs.

    Thanks! Wishing everyone luck and determination! I’m excited 🙂

    P.S. Another tip: weigh yourself on a November 1 then compare to Nov 30. I’ll be adding up the combined sum total of our lost pounds/Kgs/stones on Dec1!

    Hi B2TF thanks for the reminders how you run your Forum. My start weight on Day1 today was 91.5kgs = 202lbs (don’t know stones, what are they???) See my earlier post while you were still asleep lol

    Hi Mflood – I’ve counted you in for the month, you’re number 99! Many do exercise on a FD. We’ve heard there’s benefits to be gained but as you are new to fasting take it slow and see how your body is reacting. (It also depends on your goals but we know you will lose more weight through fasting than by the calories burned while exercising.)

    Action Hero – thanks! The stone (st) is a unit of measure equal to 14 pounds (lb), or 6.3503 kilograms (kg).

    Nov1 England FD
    Weight 80.8 Kg. This is only my second week of 5:2 lifestyle and I seem to have lost 1.7 Kg since I started. I’m delighted!

    NZ NFD Day 1

    Not the greatest start to my November challenge, I’m up in weight from the start of October and quite confused as after two months on 5:2 I felt like I was doing things well and some of my clothes feel better.
    Onwards and Down!!! For November

    I’m not setting a weight goal just hoping to lose this month again like I did in September. Really must keep getting my NFDs right or all my FD vigilance is for nought

    Day 1, London, UK, NFD
    Greetings from the UK. Have been doing 5:2 successfully since July with slow and steady weightloss of just over 1lb a week, this WOL suits my lifestyle and I no longer feel the pressure of dieting and I am around 7lbs away from my target weight although I’m fairly happy with the place I’m in right now, first time in my life I’ve ever been able to say that. Over the last week I have been skipping breakfast as well as lunch on FDs saving calories for one evening meal instead. My FD saviours are black coffee, hot water, sparkling water and knorr stock pots. I’ve also started eating far more plant based ingredients and better quality calories nor just for FDS. This month I’ll also continue to have at least 3 days a week off the booze. Thank you for having me. Look forward to all your updates.

    Am totally confused by this thread. I joined and started FD yesterday but this thread seems to have too many people on it so I will still do the challenge but am leaving the thread. Sounds like most people are doing well and I wish you all the best.

    Day 1, FD, New Zealand, 69.9kg. I did 5:2 last year, and saw really good results but due to plain old laziness when it came to eating, I’m now at my heaviest. So, this challenge is really good for me. I’ve already been inspired by reading all your experiences and goals and challenges. Well done, everyone.

    I had forgotten how cold I get on FD, so will dress more warmly on my next FD – and put the heater on now! I’ve recently started walking home from work, so that is getting my daily average up over 10,000 steps. Feeling good about successfully managing to get through one whole FD. Bring on the rest of November!

    Day 1 / Tweed Coast Australia / NFD

    Weight today: 56.7 kg

    Yes, I did end up fasting yesterday, the last day of the October challenge! I reached a new low, even though I’m in maintenance. This was planned because I’m reducing my maintenance envelope to range to span from a low of 56.5 to a high of 57.5 kg. My goal is to remain in that envelope range the whole month.

    I’m sorry to see you go Curiouser! Since this is a ‘challenge’ thread, there are many who are eager to participate. Personally, I am not able to read each post and I’m grateful that this is not a requirement of participating in the challenge. Despite this, I received very worthy benefits from posting and participating in the September and October challenges. I reached my weight goal at the end of the September challenge and greatly credit my participation in the challenge thread for that success (and also credit the Hemispherites for all their support too). I do feel the group support terrific because we are all going in the same direction and in some ways participating is like stepping into a river with a flowing current, made the journey easier for me.

    D1 fast done! About to break fast now with my veggie soup – huge batch made that lasts a few days. I like it as not only does it taste delish, but can get a big belly full without worrying about exceeding the calorie count. Like hamsandwich, I like to have my daily quota of calories in one meal so I can eat well and I also like the idea of a full 24 water fast with nothing else.
    I’ll also have a tablespoon of organic apple cider vinegar (ACV). I’ve heard it’s good for weight loss and keeping blood sugar low. Does anyone have any experience with ACV in relation to weight loss?
    Thanks for organising this B2TF and good luck to you all.

    DAY 1 – WORCESTER,UK – FD – 166lb
    First fast day today and I’m determined to track it and stick to it! Having my morning coffee today, followed by lots of water then nothing until dinner time when I’ll have a chicken and chorizo omelette. I love the idea of this group, looks like it keeps everyone motivated and I’m looking forward to the month. Hoping to lose 2 stone in total but not all in November! My goals for this month are to drink at least 2 litres of water, attend at least 4 exercise classes and stick to my FDs and NFDs correctly! Good luck everyone!

    This is my first day. Thankfully I just found this site. I’ve tried many things, but I just can’t stay motivated. Pls add me to the November challenge. Hoping the accountability and post will keep me motivated and help get me to my goal. Good luck everyone. Thanks

    Melbourne, day 2, NFD. Went to a Melbourne Cup race day – not at Flemington, but a country meet in the Beautiful Yarra Valley! 3 course lunch and champagne. Not a huge lunch, though, and just a light breakfast and light salad for dinner, so hopefully not OTT for the day.

    Day 1 | Derbyshire UK | FD

    Day 1,London, NFD
    Weight this morning – 79.8kg (coming off a FD). First time under 80kg for a year.
    Just started the fast diet a few days ago, and plan to mix it up with hard exercise too, if I can.
    Still learning when it’s best for me to eat on a FD- Yesterday I saved half my calories for the evening and didn’t use them up. Going for a breakfast /evening meal combo tomorrow. Good luck everyone.

    Day1 – Staffordshire,UK – FD – 157.8lb

    Started 5:2 last week and weight stayed the same, which is ok as I usually put weight on when the kids are off school. Would like to lose 4lb by end of month.

    Day 1 NFD North Yorkshire U.K. My fast days are mon wed an fri.

    UK day 1 NFD I’ve been on this journey since the beginning of May and I think I’ve worked out what’s best for me so this month I’m going to concentrate on applying the theory – for me that’s 2 500 or less FDs on Monday & Wednesday ,keeping to around 1000 cals Tues,Thurs & Fri , no alcohol during the week ,relaxing at the weekend ( but not too much ) and keeping up my exercise routine – I reckon I could lose 4lbs in a month If all goes to plan ,looking forward to reading all the posts X

    Someone asked about exercise whilst fasting – I was dubious but I feel energised on fast days and exercise as normal and had no bad experiences

    Good luck all

    Day 1, NZ, FD
    Start weight – 64.2
    November goal – 2.2kg loss

    Starting off with fasting day – am going to try keeping my NFDs under better control this month!

    Wishing everyone a good start to the November challenge – thanks again back2thefuture!

    Take care all!

    Day 1 : UK : NFD

    Not a good start for me either as I’m up on my original weight for October. I’m still struggling a little but I’m hoping being accountable and reading everyone’s posts will inspire me not to give up. I’m thinking of watching Youtube videos of Dr Jason Fung and maybe get his book. I would like to lose what I lost in October and put back on!

    @back2thefuture : thank you for taking on this challenge. Wow we have a lot of participants, I really appreciate your time and effort. Also I think Action Hero was being funny….you will get to know him; he brings lots of wisdom and humour to the group 🙂

    @ActionHero : Welcome back my friend. I, too, restarted in the October challenge after life took over and my weight started to creep back on.

    I need to catch up on everyone’s posts again 🙂

    Good luck everyone! xoxo

    Day 1 – FD – UK

    Starting my 1st ever Fast Day today. Would like to lose 5lbs this month. Planning on normally fasting on a Monday and Wednesday. But didn’t fast yesterday so will do consecutive days and do tomorrow as well this week.

    Feeling motivated and positive!

    Good Luck to November Challengers 👍🏼

    Day 1 London UK. 178lb FD. This is actually my first day of this diet. I’ve never tried fasting before. I’m hoping that as I work 12 hour shifts and my job is very busy that not eating all shift will be relatively easy. I say this now, but let’s see what happens when hanger sets in later and how I deal with it. I have a holiday to the Caribbean booked for 3 December so it would be great to lose half a stone before then. Good luck today everyone 🙂

    Yesterday was my first FD – started at 162lb, aiming to get to 134lb, over a period of time, but certainly lose a stone before Christmas. Also aiming to get back to exercising 3 – 4 times a week

    Perth. Australia, Day 1, NFD

    Starting weight for this month 88.2kg 😕

    The race that stops a nation stopped my workplace today in order for us to partake in that great Australian past-time – the sausage sizzle. Coming off a fast day this was a welcome albeit unhealthy feast.
    Good luck everyone in achieving the goals you set to for this month. Welcome to all the newbies.


    Hello all! Lets get started! We can do this!

    @mflood023: I workout regularly and I haven’t noticed any sluggishness. I suffer with insomnia, and I sleep much better on my FD’s. Starting weight 193 lbs. Not sure if I will do 5:2 or 6:1 this month. I hit my goal weight but I’m looking to maybe go for 5 more lbs. We will see! Good luck everyone!

    Day 1 – Switzerland – NFD
    Yesterday was first FD in quite a while. Stayed under 500kcals but – like LEW – forgot how chilly I get on FDs so ended up in a hot bath (also helped keep me away from the fridge!).
    Good luck to everyone starting afresh today, and also to all the old-timers plugging on!

    Day 1 – Cumbria UK – NFD
    Successful FD yesterday and a great 1.5hr Yoga class yesterday evening with the most amazing teacher A very happy me this morning – 36th wedding anniversary and my partner surprised me with a lovely original pencil drawing – great motivation

    Day one, off to a bad start eating biscuits because they were there. I did do a 40 minute bike ride though and calories were down on TDEE, not on purpose they just were.
    Fast day tomorrow. I’m living with others at the moment, which I am not used to, and find fasting harder.

    Less worried about losing weight than eating better and exercising more, weight loss will be a bonus, but if I focus on the scales it is too easy to get disheartened.

    I have set my TDEE at an intermediate loss goal, small steps for me. I’m glad this group is here as a motivator for this my first full 5.2 month.

    I’m in New Zealand.

    Day 1 – NSW Australia- NFD

    My first Melbourne Cup in many years that I’ve only had one drink.
    Feeling like the day hasn’t done me any favours, so will try for an extra fast day tomorrow (was planning on 5:2, but don’t see that it would do any harm for an extra day)

    Tomorrows meals are planned, now I just have to stick to three squares and no snacks 🙂

    Day 1 Sunshine Coast Australia NFD: Thanks for being Leader of the Pack, B2tf. Weigh in at 106.4 kgs. Goal is still 103.2 kgs, with next major goal 99.9 kgs and ultimate goal 70 kgs. I think part of the reason I have been in maintenance for the past 2 months is because I stopped using the tracker. When I started and was so strict with myself for 4 months, I used it regularly. Now I’m allowing all sorts of treats to sneak in after completely eliminating sugar and carbs and I haven’t used the tracker since 19th October and the time before that was 8th September. I said last month I would get back to basics, but didn’t.
    Today was a feast day due to Melbourne cup, and last night we got a bit carried away with the Halloween sweets for the non-existent trick or treaters. So I hereby plan to put all that behind me and start with a clean slate. Lovely to see so many new names, and it will clearly take quite a commitment to read all the posts. Quite a few more Aussies on board. Being in America, you’ll be leading from behind, so to speak, with Kiwis heading the charge, Aussies next Then Europe and GB and then USA, Canada (I speak strictly about time frames, not in any other sense) . Huge mix and very interesting to hear from the World at large. Good luck everyone.

    This is really helpful, thank you.

    Just to add. Day 1 today, FD. London.
    Weight 58.6 (which is an all-time high for me, boohoo).
    Aim for 30 Nov – between 55.6 and 56.6 (i.e. 2kg down for a month is probably realistic, 3 maybe pushing it).
    I am new to fasting; not entirely sure how I’ll be able to stick with it.

    Day 1 Italy – NFD
    Starting weight 75.5kg
    No goals this month, apart from getting closer to my overall goal of 69 kg. Will try and imagine every day what Slim Christmas Holly would eat or not eat!!
    Good luck to everyone xx

    B2tF, could I join November Challenge please? Sorry I left it to the last minute! Thanks

    Day 1, Gozo, Malta, NFD

    I’m in maintenance mode and plan to do 6:1 this month. I hope to eat within my TDEE on nfds. I also would like to step up my exercise as the only exercise I do is run after my grandchildren.

    Have a great Tuesday everyone.

    Day 1……Florida………NFD
    Mflood…..I’m a coffee drinker too. Unfortunately, I don’t get jitter but it might be due to the fact. I only let myself have 2 cups each morning. If I didn’t do this I would end up drink a couple pots before the day even started. I think moderation is key, if you know three gives you the jitters try only two cups… I think fasting become easier if you find your groove with it….
    I also do cardio everyday but only after I’ve had my biggest meal. I find it easier but other can excerize on an empty stomach but again…. find your groove and anything is do able….
    I started back on 5:2 a week ago after stopping for months. It just happen my first weigh in is today the start of the challenge…… So, I can officially record my weight as 160.8. It gives me a loss of 3.8lbs in one week.
    I fasted yesterday…. no problems. Had an egg on toast, yogurt and fruit for my dinner… it was sooo good. I’m thinking it was because it was an FD day, I wasn’t really hungry but it was beautiful…..
    Today is a NFD, I don’t have any set calories in mind. I want to see after a week and knowing the difference between thirst and hunger by mind and body will keep me at a good calorie count. I’ll add the calories at 7 pm and see what the out come is.
    I normally fast from 7pm until 12:30 pm the next day with only some coffee at 6 am. Water the rest of the time.
    Lunch, I always make on a full belly the night before…. salad, dressing and cantaloupe. Dinner loose meat sandwiches, fries and veg.
    Dessert which, I only do on NFD, will be a snack size chocolate bar for 42 calories…. yum!
    I want to talk a sec about will power…… yesterday on my FD, my boss brought in cookies. She offered everyone some with the disclaimer that these are fantastic, best cookies, she ever had…… and so on. I actually think she was drooling as she talked about them……. lol. When she said to me try one…… I said No, not today, I’ll have one tomorrow….. Yep, folks…. will power at it finest! The great thing about the WOL, is that nothing is off limits, but timing is everything. Timing your guilty pleasures to a NFD, is the key because you in essence are never deprived of anything. Did I dream and think all day about the cookie…… No, I almost forgot but remember for you all as motivation. Will I have one today….. chances no but again who knows! But saying not today but tomorrow helped me avoid falling!
    Don’t ever say, I can’t have just say tomorrow I can!
    I hope everyone has a fantastic day!

    Hi there! I would love to join the 30 Day-November 2016-Challenge, if you’ll have me! I am a fast diet newbie, only day 2 for me, with yesterday being my first fast day. I am hoping to make this a new eating lifestyle as I feel I need something that will practically see me managing my weight and health into my later years! I really like the idea of this daily forum to share and hear the challenges we might face. I hope to shed between 2-3kg in November.

    Am I too late to join the challenge

    Day 1– Colorado, USA– FD

    Wow! 98 participants in the Challenge! This thread will move fast (& give me plenty to read while I recuperate from surgery.)

    Tried to get my starting weight, was difficult with plaster cast on right leg.
    Think my starting weight = 147.4 lbs. (67 kgs.)

    I’ll have to be careful to eat loads of highly nutritious food (greek yogurt, cottage cheese, dark leafy greens, varied veggies) for healing…. but have enough discipline to not snack on junk all day while stuck inside the house, recuperating.
    This Challenge will help keep me focused!

    Hi there backtothefuture and the gang. Would love to join the challenge if possible. New here – just registered today. My goals – to follow 4:3, hit the gym every two days on non fast days and lose 1-2 lbs per week over the next 8 weeks until Christmas. To post in each day do you create a reply via the profile page?

    Day 1 Cornwall UK NFD

    B2tf thanks for heading up this challenge, you’ve got your work cut with so many of us! My start weight is 64.7kg this morning.

    Bert1802 loved your will power and to remind us about timing our eating and that no foods are excluded!
    Though on a healthy note, I’ve excluded all processed foods, take-aways, sugar and unhealtby fats. The mediterranean diet is for me!

    I have struggled over the past 2 months but still lost a small amount. My main target this month is to try and deal with my anxieties, I’ve had a lot of very emotional upsets that sadly can’t be resloved. I want to try to mediate and deal with the constant chatter in my head. I worry about so many things, big and small, then I mindlessly eat!!

    At the beginning of October I decided to go back to 5.2 basics, read Dr Moseleys book again , get back to swimming and get to my target but I failed on all counts!!

    So a new month and a new challenge I will do my very best to rise out of my malaise and move on. I know I’m not the only with problems of differing degrees, but I know how much these challenges have helped, the support, care and motivation given to each other is wonderful. Without it I would have put back on the 2.5 stones I’ve lost!!

    Thankyou my 5.2 friends and all the very best of luck for this Novemberx

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